Saturday, July 10, 2010


After almost three weeks, we finally got an inch of rain last night.

Weekend thread.


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Mema Jo said...

Thank you so very much! Beautiful day out there without humidity. Have a great weekend!

Will call everyone over.

Mema Jo said...

I received my Birds & Blooms today.
Anxious to get it opened. I really do love the magazine.

Mema Jo said...

Megan Webber said on FB 2 hrs ago:

Think we got about a half an inch of rain early this am. to cut more flowers.

Mema Jo said...

Great decision Shirley on your vacation accommodations! Sounds like a very fun trip!

paula eagleholic said...

Wow an inch is great, we got 1/2 inch

paula eagleholic said...

07 finally chowing down at WE

Can only see 1 chick at LOL, other one may be on the left side of the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve and the call over, Jo.

paula eagleholic said...

I can only see 1 chick on the wide angle cam at LOL

paula eagleholic said...

OK, I can see 2 now on the wide angle...hard to see, but one was blocking the view of the other.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks for the call over Jo. Steve I'm happy to get a new thread thank you.

I can't help it...maybe I just needed it Lolly. Looked at pictures of Jack getting the turtle named Jo. My mind went to,
"Well Mema Jo you found such a nice place and now Lolly and Jack are kicking you out. lol"

NatureNut said...

Thx Steve for new wet thread & Jo for call over. It is raining here---don't know how much yet.And it's 75!!!!

Mits said...

thanks for the call over, Jo....

wvgal_dana said...

Still cracking up Mema Jo you are going from a nice clear fresh water to a YUCKY probably muddy cow pond. Is that anyway for you to be treated lmbo sorry

Mits said...

The delicate work of removing and replacing a cap over the gushing oil well on
the floor of the Gulf of Mexico has started.

wvgal_dana said...

Lolly please take a picture of Mema Jo being released.

Mema Jo said...

Let's pray it works Mits!

Costume Lady said...

PRAY that their attempt today, works! Baby needs a new pair of shoes;)

Mits said...

hope so, just feel so awful for the people and the animals suffering there....BTW the whale was 50 blocks south of me....more usual for them to beach during the winter than the summer,,,hoping this was not the one that visited a few weeks ago, but stuff happens

Mits said...

we have had a nice steady rain here for the last 2 hours....nice day to relax and read a book

Mits said...

the second clutch on the WW bluebird cam, which had 6 eggs this time, have started to hatch....looks like 4 so far....

Mits said...

Jo, did you ever get an answer about the still cam????

Mema Jo said...

No I'll resend email for Steve to see Monday am. With Palmer having fledged I'm not sure of what will be done. I assume the in house can is still running..
Question: Where does the Outdoor channel live feed pics come from?
(Excuse my grammar)

Mema Jo said...

I've finished lunch.. Thinking I will sit out on the deck in the cool breeze.
Rain hasn't arrived yet - I am thankful others are getting the showers

Dana, Check your email for me, please.

wvgal_dana said...

Does anyone have "beetles large" flying around from the rain?????????? Millions of them!!!

Mema Jo said...

I've had all sizes of beetles (like a June bug) most evenings. I also found a Japanese beetle eating some of my flower's leaves. Squashed him fast!

Mits said...

July 10, 2010 (11:51 AM CDT) We located Hope easily this morning after not seeing her yesterday. She is doing well and looks great! -- SM

wvgal_dana said...

Not Japanese beetle or a June bug. Looks sort of like Japanese beetle but greenish. Millions flying low to ground.

Mema Jo said...

Hope is soooooooo Spunky!

Mema Jo said...

None of those Dana. I will holler if I see one.

Mema Jo said...

putting my feet up in the breeze


Lolly said...

Back from the market. Got the jalapenos, tomatoes, and tamales that I wanted. Peaches were way to high and did not look all that great. Need to search at another market for them.

Guess what!!! I saw my baby donkey! He is A-OK!!! Only had my phone to take a picture and it did not turn out. Need to go back with my camera. MY donkey is so cute! lol

Dana, Jack released "Jo" and I did not go along, therefore no picture.

Mema Jo said...

p.s. - just saw on FB Gianni who got her ears pierced today! She is so
adorable, Paula!


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Mighty glad to be back here after a long absence~!

Think that Hubby may have most of you beat for feeling "dorggy"! On Thursday night he went to bed early as usual, and when he woke up at about 10:30 to make a trip to the bathroom, he felt pretty dizzy. Almost fell down, but caught himself by grabbing the bedroom door jamb--giant clunk!!
Almost scared me to death--I was still in the living rm. watching a TV show. He had EXTREME vertigo!
Had to help him to the bathroom, then back to bed. Moving his head even 1/4 inch made him VERY nauseated! Knew he needed to see a Dr. ASAP, but he was so bad, we knew that 1) It would be almost impossible to get him into our car, and 2) a car trip would make him REALLY sick to his stomach! He had this before about a year ago, but this time, it was twice as bad as the last! Long story short, finally decided to call 9-1-1, and he went by ambulance to the E.R.. They gave him all kinds of tests, including a CT scan of his head, to rule out stroke and heart attack. Finally gave him a shot in the I.V. for nausea, and a pill for the vertigo. Couple hours later, he was able to walk (only a bit unsteadily) out to our car to go home! I got him into bed, then spent quite a while calling & texting family to let them know he was OK. Then had to call his boss & one of his fellow workers to excuse him from work on Fri....

Mema Jo said...

I HEAR PEEP PEEP PEEP>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Mits said...


Mema Jo said...

Whoo Hoo There is our Palmer!!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Well for heaven's sake! Only stayed a few minutes...... POOF!

stronghunter said...

Hi Andy,

Keep us posted. Hope your hubby completely recovers quickly.

That was a quick visit from Palmer. I missed the take-off because I was saving a picture.

Mema Jo said...

Did you get the pic Shirley.... Too quick for me!

Mema Jo said...

Shirley went back to the closets!

Andy - You had a very eventful night.
Hope hubby is doing ok now and that you have gotten some rest.

Mema Jo said...

Had a phone call - now my feet are going back up!


stronghunter said...

Got it, Jo. I will post it later.

Ms Bookworm said...

...after that, had to call at 7 am to primary care Dr's office to get him an appt. on Fri. for followup. Meanwhile, every time he needed to go to the bathroom, I needed to hold him up so he wouldn't fall on his face. Thank God, someone cancelled an appt., and we were able to get him in to see the Dr. at 1:20 pm! We both go to the same Dr. now, and she has had vertigo before, so she understands what it's like. He is doing MUCH better now, and can walk on his own. I am feeling rather SLUGGISH, though, after pulling an all-nighter on Thurs. night! Finally did get a panda nap late Friday afternoon, and slept like a ROCK last night! Sorry I didn't get here before now to bring you guys up to date, but boy, it's really been crazy! Hubby feels MUCH, much better now.
This vertigo thing takes a while to go away, but the caplets they gave him for it really help once they take hold. He's out of work until Tuesday. I'm relieved that I don't have to hold him up to walk while holding a plastic tub handy for him to hurl into! (Sorry--that's not a pleasant picture!) The Dr. said that this was a complication of the upper respiratory infection he had that started 3 weeks ago. Somehow his inner ear was affected, which messes up your balance. It's like having sea-sickness x10!

I'm glad Palmer has been back to the nest, but sorry I missed her!

Hope Lynne and Paula are feeling much better, and Megan too! Still praying for Karen & Kailey.

Well, gotta do some cleaning up and get to Wal-Mart for the weekly shop. Will be back later to chat more. Have a great Saturday! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

Mits, your diagnosis is RIGHT ON!
You get an A+! That's exactly what the Drs. called it. By any name, it really SUCKS! Not fun at all! Hubby is MUCH, MUCH better now. Last time he had this, it took a full week for him to start improving, so this should go away sooner. Thank GOD! Gotta run now...BBL! :o]

BEagle said...

Definitely hear the Palmster.

Mits said...

lol...Andrea it is because I have had it before...not a pleasant experience...was by myself at the beach...had to have my friend drive me home to DC.

BEagle said...

Golly Book Wrm. I am glad hubby is ok.
I had a similar situation but my doctor explained to me what my BP medicine does.

But I have always had that weird problem even as a child but not as dramatic till the BP meds.

BEagle said...

I think we are going to get some action on the nest.

Lolly said...

Andy, so sorry for the problems of your hubby. Glad he is on the mend. That was frightening!

Exciting things going on at Hawkwood. Was talking on the phone and watching birds at the feeder when I saw a red bellied wookpecker feeding young in the redbellied wookpecker house that Jack built. Never had birds there! Whoopee!!

BEagle said...

Palmer must have flown off.

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, Andy, glad you called 911. Happy to hear he is doing much better. Scary night for sure.

Totally missed Palmer...glad she stopped in!

Have pic of Gianni on Paula's Prints!

Lolly said...

Just heard Palmer.

BEagle said...

The baby bluebirds are rioting on their nest.

I would like to see an adult feed a slug to them. lol.

They have calmed a little now.

BEagle said...

The chimney swift is moving around on the nest, yet the nest doesn't budge. Must be very sturdy.

Something to read up on.

BEagle said...

A woodpecker house? You must be tickled.

Now just get a cam and put it on the web so we can watch too!

BEagle said...

I checked the barn owls a couple of times. Can't tolerate watching since seeing a video on You Tube of an adult killing the chicks.

Just can't do it yet.

stronghunter said...


I posted the picture of Palmer on my, then I got kicked off, and had a lot of trouble getting back on. I had to re-boot the computer before I could get back on here.

stronghunter said...

on my blog, that is

stronghunter said...

That is a bluebird riot, BEagle.

stronghunter said...

Heading to the closet, now.

BEagle said...

The picture of Palmer is very nice.

The picture of the big keyboard dust bunny is adorable.

BEagle said...

The swifts glue their nest sticks with sticky saliva. Wow. Talk about some hearty spit.

Ms Bookworm said...

Am back from the shower and some hair & makeup damage control, and looking much better. Don't think I'll frighten any small children now.

Mits, that must have been really scary to have that hit you while away from home! Our Dr. told us she actually came to work with the same condition once, but had to go home when she actually fell down while at the office. Had to hold onto walls to even stand up. She's a hoot--said it's like being drunk, but without the buzz! Well, gotta get to Wal-Mart--BBL.

Mema Jo said...

Now my feet are back on the floor. Need to get ready for Mass this evening.
I guess that Lynn didn't get over to Christy's to get on her laptop. :<((

Lolly the bird house inhabitants got passed you! Glad you spotted them.

Paula - I was admiring your gd over on FB. You're right Mits - she sure looks great in teal!

Lolly said...

Just heard Palmer for sure. Thought she might be coming to the nest, but no!

Lolly said...

There goes the Palmer alarm. She is in the tree, whining away!!!

stronghunter said...

Hear our favorite eaglet yelling away.

Mema Jo said...

Hear our Palmer - not in the nest but above it

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, the Palmerlarm is sounding!

Mema Jo said...

See you all later - off to Mass

Lots of Luck getting that Palmer down into the nest....


paula eagleholic said...

Heading to GF house...catch ya'll later!

movin said...


GooD PosT MeridiaN

oN a SaTurdAY tO

YoU aLL...


Both of my cam feeds are down. How about yours??

I visited Doreen's site today...she's the lady in Sioux Falls, SD, who has been fighting the good fight against canser (her spelling). And now would be a good time to enter your good wishes or prayers for her if you want to.

Doreen's blog

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

movin said...

OK. I've got the live feed now.

Sometimes I have to disable "Ad block" and let the site run a commercial before it will show the live feed. Now I can probably enable it again and it will be fine.



BEagle said...

Hi Jim. Any news on WE #08?

movin said...

Hi, Beagle. I'm not sure which one of the WE eaglets you are referring to, but the younger one apparently has not fledged yet. He's standing tall in the nest now.



movin said...

Both of the TH fledglings have returned to their nests at the moment. Probably waiting for dinner.



BEagle said...

Paula, you may have already seen this video when #08 went off the nest. You can see him attempt to get back on the nest but about the 25 min. mark, he disappears altogether.

BEagle said...

Oh hi Jim. Apparently the older eaglet did not fledge but attempted a new perch on that stick to the right of the nest. He just couldn't make it back on the nest.

BEagle said...

Eaglet #08 will have to fledge from where he is or make his way back to the nest. They were around the time of fledging anyway.

It would be nice if someone would go out there and plop him back on the nest but I doubt they would do that.

BEagle said...

One of the TH eaglets looks like the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

The younger eagle was just nest flying. Hope he learns from #08 mistake.

movin said...

Are you sure about #08??

If she's flying on her own, regardless of how she got started, she's fledged.

Has anyone gone out to see if she is flying about or not?



movin said...

You're right about the little (ha, ha) male. He's getting some quality wing activity going as he faces into the wind.



BEagle said...

I think it's Dr. Sharpe? He or someone went out looking for #08 they couldn't get close enough to the nest but he/she is equipped with an antenna and they have been picking up on strong vocalization.

To say fledge seems to mean they left the nest. Does that mean intentionally or not?

The adults have been feeding the fledged and the other puts up a fuss about it according to the people on the chat.

movin said...

If she's flying, #08 has fledged. And I think she is easily old enough to be flying....

Eagles often fledge accidentally, when they are blown out of the nest during test flights... still fledging.



BEagle said...

Uh-oh. I think I just saw #07 fledge.
He was winging it just beyond the rock. I could only see his head...then saw the wings and he is now gone. He may be hunkered down on the other side of the rock but I believe he has fledged.

movin said...

Yes, I think you did see it, AND now he just flew back in from the near side and is calling for food.



BEagle said...

Wait...who is on the nest????
What did I just see???

I need to see the tag on this bird.

movin said...

He only took a short flight, but a flight it was. You saw the take off and I saw him come in for a fairly good landing.



BEagle said...

That is #08 on the WE nest as far as I can gather. He had to figure out how to fly.

He looks pretty pooped.

NatureNut said...

Just opened the cam & hear some squealing in the distance. Come on down!!!

BEagle said...

I posted before I read your post.

I got up for ONE measly second and he comes in for a landing. Are you sure it's 07? Maybe 08 has returned.

I saw an eagle flying in the distance.
Maybe a parent, maybe an eaglet.

BEagle said...

Well, I have just witnessed my first fledge. Yay.

BEagle said...

Hi N. Nut. Palmer has been heard all day. Came on the nest for a split second (did not see that). Other than that, Palmer noise may be the most we hear of her.

BEagle said...

The eagle on the nest is 08 which is the one that slid ungraciously out of the nest. He's back and I am glad.

Looks like he needs some rest!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Back from the Saturday shopping trip. Hubby went along, and did very well! He's really sleepy from the vertigo caplets, though. If he sits down for longer than a couple of minutes, he falls asleep.
Not supposed to drive while taking that stuff, either. It's double the usual dose.

Don't know whether it was #07 or #08 that just fledged, but whichever one it was, congratulations to them!

Gosh, we have baby herons all over the darn place around here! Just about anywhere you look, somebody's looking back! LOL

BEagle said...

So Jim. I saw 07 fledge and you saw 08 return.

Good sites.

NatureNut said...

Thx Beagle. I had been away from 'puter most of day.Guess we probably won't see any sleepovers.

movin said...

I think I can read #07 on the wing bling, but I'm not sure.

Eaglet is too small to be the female though......



movin said...

Well, it seems that both WE eaglets are males, so disregard what I said about the size.

I "think" this one is the same one that just took off, but I'm going to take a look at their blog....



movin said...

They seem to be confused too...

I'll check back later.



BEagle said... has been a while.

I am glad your hubby is doing better.
Good to take it easy.

movin said...

I heard wings at WE, and when I looked, I can see some feathers of the second eaglet in the lower L/H corner, so all are accounted for.

Now, they're both calling for food.



BEagle said...

OK Jim.

I am going to check a video recap too.
The eaglet turned a few minutes ago and the 08 was clear to me.

08 hasn't been on the nest for a couple of days.

BEagle said...

At any rate, both WE chicks have fledged. And that is a good thing.

movin said...

According to their blog, 07 might have just hovered a bit and then settled back down on the ledge...

There's no question that 08 "flew" back into the nest. I saw him land.



BEagle said...

Once fledged they need a reward.
Two big fish are in order.

movin said...

Still at least one on the TH nest. It just called for food and it sounds closer to an adult eagle's call than what we are used to.



BEagle said...

Well, shucks. And I thought I saw a fledge at the WE nest.

BEagle said...

Nice poop shoot from the eaglet at TH.
Not as diligent as Palmer though.

movin said...

Looks like it rained at BWO. Even the lens is clouded.

I've got to go take care of business. Talk more later.



PA Nana said...

HELP!! Where is the WE site? Trying to catch up.

stronghunter said...

Palmer is calling!!

Mema Jo said...

Hello! Home from Mass and Dinner at the Out Back - very good piece of steak.

I hear Palmer & up on the cam I see a shadow...

Hubby and I are watching 8-10 a TV show. BBL

stronghunter said...

West End

stronghunter said...

Diann, do you have the link to Beakspeak?

Judie said...

Hello everyone.

I see Shirley continues to go into and out of the closet. Split personality?

Paula, hope you have a nice time tonight.

Jo, please remember to wear goggles and a snorkel while in the murky pond.

Lynne, glad you saw a doctor and got some relief. Not fun.

Andy, also very glad hubby was given the correct diagnosis and the medication needed to stop the vertigo and nausea. Could not have been fun and maybe a bit scary. You need to get some rest, also.

Grocery shopping done.

Dinner over and going to watch First 48.

Missed Palmer every time I checked today.

Jim, will send a prayer for your friend Doreen.

Also sending prayers for Karen and Kailey.


PA Nana said...

Sorry. Hello everyone. Have been away for a while trying to keep cool and going to PT several times a week. Ugh! But it seems to be finally making a bit of difference. Of course, my script is about to end. Ahhhh, the luck of the Irish.
See the doctor the 19th so he'll probably order some more sessions if it's helping. I'd really like to do the aquatic therapy, but he feels we weren't meant to be in water so must learn to be on land. Isn't he funny???

Had Jim cut my Stargazer lillies that were knocked down. Boy, did they suffer in this drought. They don't smell as strong either. Boo hoo. But they are beautiful.

Hope Megan's flowers are doing better than mine. After all she went through this past winter she should be given special rainfall.

Saw Lolly's garden pics. My dream gardens. Your hard work looks really nice.

Also looked at Wanda's video of GG's presidential b-day card. I hope someday to get one too. Way to go GG!!

Hope all are well or on the road to recovery. I remember reading some were "under the weather" and hope the sun shines soon for them.

Well enough for now.

BEagle said...

Sorry Dana. I just went and bought a peanut butter cup.

Here's the site. I am sure you know to copy and paste into the upper browser bar.

PA Nana said...

Andy, thank you. I didn't have the sites on this computer but I do now. Thanks

BEagle said...

Oh shucks. It was Nana. Please forgive me PA Nana.

PA Nana said...

Sorry,I mean Shirley!

BEagle said...

Thank you Shirley for helping PA Nana with the WE link.

The address I posted gives you all three cam sites on the Channel Islands if you are interested in that.

PA Nana said...

BE no problem. As you can see I get mixed up on the names too.

They tell me it's my age. You know, those tarnished golden years.

BEagle said...

Thanks for the Beaks Speak link

BEagle said...

Nana, like a good wine, we get better with age. : D

We can make all kind of mistakes and people say "she's just getting old."

He he he he.

BEagle said...

Blog acting up?

stronghunter said...

Ready to head upstairs and read for awhile.

Good night. See you tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

Judie, sometimes I think my personality is not just split. It's splintered. You just never know what I might do next!

BEagle said...

One eaglet on the TH nest.

No eaglet on the WE nest. I do see an eagle on the far most rock out at the sea. Don't know who that is. Just flew off.

The royal nest is unoccupied. Spidey is occupying the lens.

Judie said...

Hi Diann, happy that PT seems to be helping. Hope you'll be able to continue with it if you want to. Remind your doctor that aquatic therapy is really good for those with with arthritis, etc.

It's okay, Shirley. Maybe we could just call you Eve. Trip sounds like it will be fun.

Did I miss Margy today?

I think it is time for me to begin searching for the sandperson. So will be turning my light off soon. Will leave the night light on for others heading back the hallway, up the stairs, to the tub, to the shower, coming in late, trying to get into or out of the closet, or just plain stumbling around in the dark.

Heartfelt prayers for Karen and Kailey and Jim's friend, Doreen.

Mema Jo said...

Judie - you forgot to mention that I needed 'frog feet' lol

PA Nana said...

Goodnight Shirley and Judie and any others headed to their pillows.
Restful sleep to all.

I'll be surfing a while and will check back later.

Mema Jo said...

Finished watching TV - not yet ready for bed.
Diann - hope the PT can be extended since you are realizing that it is helping you feel better. Hope Michael is doing well.

Had to go back to see Jim's remark about Doreen. I think the Caring Bridge is a remarkable site. These people are so courageous.

Prayers for Our Momster Karen and for Doreen in their battles against Cancer.

Mema Jo said...

Sadden to see that Lynn didn't get a chance to get online with us today.
Too late to be calling - I'll try to touch base with her tomorrow.

I also want to go to Farmer's Market tomorrow so I am hoping the temps don't go too high too fast in the morning.

PA Nana said...

Jo, Mike is in Chesapeake,VA with his sister and her family. He loves it down there and tries to fish as often as he can. I hope he finds a job down there soon. His unemployment isn't going to last forever even with some savings when he sold his house. But you can't put an old head young shoulders my mother used to day. I don't really want another one to come home for any lenght of time. So looking forward to an empty nest.

Geez, I'm getting sleepy already. Meds are working faster tonight. So I better get myself situation on the recliner try to watch the end of one of the movies - Buddy HOlly Story or Footloose - I like the music.
So goodnight dear friends catch you all tomorrow.
God bless

Mema Jo said...

Time to head back the hallway
Take care all - Smile {:<)

Good Night Everyone
Prayers for many loved ones
Hugs to all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Costume Lady said...

Reading the Martinsburg Journal, I came across a Journal Junction comment from a Hedgesville caller, giving the devil to Verizon and Frontier...Now who do you think that was? LOL
I keep thinking it is my turn next...can't handle losing the Internet...that is my pacifier!


Lolly said...

Hope Update

Got late on me!
Heading to bed.

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

paula eagleholic said...

BEagle - thanks so much for the link for the Justin TV archive!

It was definitely K08 that returned!

And K07 flew up to the cam pole...don't know it that is still where he is or not.

K08 took off again later from the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

Diann, glad the therapy is helping, hope the Dr extends it for you!

Had a great nite with GF and hubby, shrimp on the bbq, steaks, zucchini, pasta salad, etc...and some refreshments :)

paula eagleholic said...

Breakfast at LOL already

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne, hope you are feeling better. Did you catch any fish?

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Dropping in to say goodnight. Think I'll go watch some TV. We have a lot recorded that I need to see.

Diann, that's great that the PT is making a difference, and you're feeling better!

Haven't been able to catch up completely on the blog, and don't know how long it will take. Just saying prayers for everyone, and letting God sort it out. He knows all our needs, even when I don't.

Leaving the night light on, and the porch light, too. The eye scanner security is enabled. Hope we all have sweet dreams tonight, and an uninterrupted sleep. Will talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all you guys!

BEagle said...

There are some night owls on tonight.

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Eyes still blurry so need some coffee.

In my best four-year-old voice: Oh, Mema Jo, you know turtles don't have frog feets.

Paula, glad you are feeling better and had a good time last night.

Not much going on for me today. Think I may just chill with some reading.

Wishing all a nice morning.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Our nest us empty.

The LOL nest is peaceful with the whole family there.

stronghunter said...

Hi, Judie.

stronghunter said...

Windy at LOL, Dad took off. One youngster keeps stretching a wing and poking Mom in the face. She's eating.

stronghunter said...

I hear Palmer.

Almost said Hidey.

paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning Judie and Shirley!

I hear the hummmmmm....

I'm not complaining, mind you, just sayin'

BEagle said...

Good morning Strong
Good morning Judie.

BEagle said...

Good morning Paula.

BEagle said...

Anyone know what the mass is in the middle of the nest?

stronghunter said...

Hi Paula and BEagle.

stronghunter said...

I hate to think what the mass in the middle of the nest might be. Probably something smelly.

BEagle said...

TH-is empty
PH-is empty
WE-is empty

Royal nest-is empty.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, BEagle. I think it's just sticks and shadows.

Mits said...

Good SUNDAY MORNING, July 11th.....

from LOL...

July 11th, 2010 by fiona, osprey HQ
Hi folks,

If you were watching you will have seen chick no.1 spread its wings, hover above the nest and then fly free at 9:09am this morning! I will update you all more in a bit when I get everything else here sorted. Anyone else feeling emotional?!

Well what a morning! When I got here at 8:40am, I just knew the conditions were right for a first flight, and both chicks were enjoying the fresh breeze, feeling the ‘wind beneath their wings’! I had sat by the video recorder for about 15mins and decided to get some work done and just as I sat down to count the money, the chick vanished from the screen! You’ll notice it took a while to find where it fly off too as mum had flown back onto her perch, just to confuse me! This was probably to be a landing beacon to the chick. It made a few attempts to land on various trees but the wind proved to strong and blew it over the top off them. An initial attempt was made to land on the nest, which it overshot by a long way, and I admit to having a giggle at that. But after another flight round about the loch, it came in for another attempt and made an almost perfect landing! Lady looked like a proud mum watching their child take it’s first steps while chick no.2 cowered in the nest looking slightly petrified! We just have to hope it plucks up the courage to follow suit, and today would be the perfect day to do so.

There was a lot of confusion as to whether one chick had flown last night, but I have had a look back at the footage and they did spend a lot of time on the edge of the nest just out of camera range of cam1. This is our night vision camera which gets switched on when we leave at night. Unfortunately it appears to have been blown to the right which we won’t be able to correct until the winter when we get up the tree to do some maintenance, so apologies for the poor picture your getting at night.

Keep your eyes peeled for flight number 2!

BEagle said...

The way the light shines on the assorted nesting materials. Okay.

hedgie said...

Ta-Da!!!!! I'm back!!! Good morning to all. Woke up this AM to find that internet service is finally restored! Hmpfff---sure took long enough. Will I ever get caught up?? It'll take me awhile for sure. Trying to get through emails is like slogging through snow!! Hope all of you are well. Will pop on occassionally as I get caught up, but do have an Animal Advocates meeting this afternoon, and going out for an early dinner I'll be in and out, on and off!!!

BEagle said...


What time was that for us?

paula eagleholic said...

BEagle - thanks again for the info on the justin tv archives...passed it along on the IWS/CHIL forum...some knew about it, but most didn't. Thanks so much!

paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...

BEagle, that would have been around 4:09 this morning!

Hooray for LOL chick!

hedgie said... password still worked and everything! You all have NO idea how very much I have missed you, and how many tears I have shed in the past week+....

Lolly said...

Yea, Lynn!!!! Welcome back! You were missed. (((HUGS)))

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Mits for the LOL blog post.

If you don't go to the blog page, you may not see the most recent post. I always head there first, then on to the cam. The blog post on the cam page is still showing July 8th post

Lolly said...

Good morning all! So, how is everyone this fine morning?

Paula, sounds like you are feeling much better.

paula eagleholic said...

Think I am going to finish my 3 cups of coffee and head back to urgent I have a stoopid ear infection! Falling apart here, must be getting old :)

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Lynn, you must have felt so frustrated and helpless! Had that experience initially trying to get DSL...took forever, no answers, blah blah blah

Mema Jo said...

HELLO MY FRIEND ! Lynn I am so happy to see your comment.

BEagle said...

Gee Paula. You just got a serious infection. Bless your heart.

paula eagleholic said...

The chick at LOL just took off like a PRO

paula eagleholic said...

OOps I guess that was a parent

paula eagleholic said...

aww they are snugged up side by side

Lolly said...

Sorry....infections have nothing to do with getting old.

Lolly said...

When you have been sitting for a while and you get up and you are stiff.....that is old.☺

BEagle said...

As far as the IWS nest updates go...I was checking the chat and happened to notice some discussion about #08.

When one of the posters mentioned they had a video..I remembered that Justin posts video footage. There's a lot of footage and had to view two videos before finding it.

Lolly said...

Or, you sit on the floor to play a game with your grandsons and your leg goes to sleep....that is old.

Lolly said...

It is hard to tell MUM from the chicks at LOL. Maybe she is a little darker?

BEagle said...

I was thinking that the LOL cam would be nice on Belle and Lib's nest.

The LOL cam moves all over and around the nest area or zooms in on the nest activity.

But then it is manned.

But wouldn't it be nice to see Palmer or future eaglets all over the place?

BEagle said...

Hi Hedgie. Glad you are back!!!

Mits said...

Hi Lynn, welcome back...I tried to remember not to send you regular emails, so you would not be overwhelmed when you got back on:)

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly - Mom has the more solid feather colors. Chicks are more speckled looking.

BEagle said...

Hi Lolly!

paula eagleholic said...

My LOL is down..anyone else?

paula eagleholic said...


Lolly said...

Yes, it would be nice to have that cam...and manned. Then when the Momsters have a nest visit the cam could zoom in on the Momsters. lol

paula eagleholic said...

Eaglet at TH

LOL getting some air!!!

BEagle said...

Hi Jo.

Mits said...

yes, Paula, I always head to LOL's blog page 1st, before going to the cam page, but Ceil, alerted me to the news by email...

BEagle said...

How was the Birds & Bloom?

stronghunter said...

Welcome back, Lynn.

hedgie said...

Thanks, Paula!! SO glad to be back....hate to think of all that I've missed.
Thanks for phone calls from so many of you---that helped a lot!

BEagle said...

My LOL went down as I was posting about how nice it would be to have that cam!!

paula eagleholic said...

CT osprey cam all covered up again!

Mits said...

Lynn, you really have not missed much, animal wise:)

Lolly said... of the LOL chicks just did a neck maneuver like an owl. Really cute!

BEagle said...

I don't see a TH eaglet. Must have been a quick visit.

BEagle said...

That split just fell in there.

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3/6/25 PM

 the wind is ferocious almost tipping our Eagle over and out of the nest at times sometimes you're made to do a egg roll when you're...