Thursday, July 08, 2010


Still hot.

Fresh thread.


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Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

Tee Hee!

Costume Lady said...

Please tell me if any of you find this Blogg DORGGY today??

Costume Lady said...

Going into GG's now...will see if her 'puter is acting silly, like mine!!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the new THREAD, Steve and yes it is still so very Hot!
I think that all the bloggers are out chasing the butterflies and bees as that is about all that is moving in this heat. OR they could be out hunting down the squirrels and raccoons! lol

Hope you find GG well and waiting for lunch, Wanda.

Mits said...

blog is fine, Wanda

Mema Jo said...

I am headed for my street clothes & some lunch.


Mits said...

tell GG hello:)

Mema Jo said...

Hi Mits! Are you going on the beach today - any breeze down your way?

Mits said...

probably will head to the pool or beach, not sure tough decisions, warm breeze....yesterday only 85 on the island...much warmer inland

stronghunter said...

Good morning, Wanda. Thanks for the call-over.

Thanks for the new thread, Steve.

It is actually getting cloudy here.

I will see if there is any dorginess on the blog from this computer. Not having any trouble typing now that I have gotten the fuzzy one off the keyboard.

stronghunter said...

Doesn't look like there will be any rain from those clouds, unfortunately.

stronghunter said...

Lunchtime here. Then back to closet-cleaning. How did I acquire so much stuff?

stronghunter said...

Getting some nice blooms on my crepe myrtle at last.

Now to find food.

Mema Jo said...

I'll probably head down your way around the 23rd.. You headed up this way for zoo any time soon?

Hi Shirley... Blog is up/running real well

Mits said...

I will be up for the zoo, next week, then back down again....have company from the 21st till the 25th

Mema Jo said...

Summer is getting away from us faster than we think!

Didn't find any lunch yet.... best do it now ...


stronghunter said...

Yes, Jo, I hate to see the summer pass. Mine ends the middle of August.

Mits said...

National Zoo’s Red Panda Cub Dies

An animal keeper at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo discovered a recently born red panda cub lifeless yesterday during evening animal rounds. The 21-day-old cub was immediately transported to the veterinary hospital where a veterinary team confirmed his death. Born June 16, this male was the first cub for parents Shama and Tate and the first cub born at the Zoo in 15 years.

Zoo keepers had closely observed the cub since his birth. First-time mother Shama had moved the cub around the outdoor exhibit instead of keeping the cub in a nest box, as would be expected. As a result of Shama’s behavior, the exhibit was roped off to the public in order to provide her with peace and quiet. Animal care staff weighed the cub regularly, observed and reviewed the behavior of the cub and parents at least twice daily and volunteers monitored the behavior in-person and via camera several hours each day.

Due to the recent extreme heat, keepers were extra vigilant maintaining the animals’ cooling centers (chilled spaces within the exhibit). Nonetheless, there is a 50 percent mortality rate for red panda cubs born in captivity. Pathologists performed the necropsy last evening but the definite cause of death was not evident. Additional testing, including histopathology, is underway and should provide additional information.

The National Zoo has been breeding red pandas successfully for 48 years. Since 1962, 184 cubs have been born at both the Zoo and the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute in Front Royal, Va., with a mortality rate of about 40 percent, below the national average. Currently there is one cub at the Front Royal facility.

“This is an enigmatic and important species,” said Dennis Kelly, director of the National Zoological Park. “We’re deeply disappointed to lose this cub but there are inherent risks in the conservation of rare species. Our cumulative breeding and research success has positioned the Smithsonian’s National Zoo as one of the leaders in the field of red panda conservation. We’ll stay the course until this animal is no longer listed as vulnerable.”

Red pandas breed once a year and animal care staff anticipate that they will breed again next year.


Mema Jo said...

That is so sad, Mits. Better luck with the next little one!

Off to pay bills..... BBL

stronghunter said...

Very sad, Mits.

stronghunter said...

Nest is empty. Sun and shadows playing across it, but no eagles.

movin said...






........very late. Hahaha.



paula eagleholic said...

Raining here in Eburg...hooray!

paula eagleholic said...

RIP little cub :(

Mema Jo said...

:<( If Eburg it usually doesn't come down in the valley at Mtown!

How many drops did you get, Paula!

Mema Jo said...

Paid the bills - now I'm counting any left overs! lol

Mema Jo said...

Jim no panda nap for you today!

Mema Jo said...

Megan Webber Please send me an email so I'll have your address, cause I lost all my info when my computer crashed...

NatureNut said...

I thought blogger was being Dorggy when I saw only 29 posts since 11:30ish, but see it's OK.
Just talked to Lynn/Hedgie & she seemed cheerful even tho there is no internet.She said they told her Friday that everything would be in place by TU. DUH!!!!Frontier IS taking over parts of Verizon, but maybe they bit off more than they can chew.
Looks like MT nest except for one turtle shell reserved for Jo. Hope we get a few more visits before Baby goes on her way.She sings so well!! ☺

Mema Jo said...

Hi Loretta - I had talked with Lynn also this morning...... Sure do miss her on here.

I haven't seen Palmer for a couple days.. I think she has been here but I am not online when she visits. I know
she wasn't here yet today. My speaker is turn on high!

NatureNut said...

OMG, so sad about baby red panda;>(
We saw them at Front Royal years ago when Park Staff had a trip there.

Rain at Paula's?????? I'll have to run up w/some jugs!!!

Mema Jo said...

Loretta - put bird seed out on the deck railing with some peanuts for Scampy. I looked out and he is laying sprawled out on his belly with back feet out & eating away on the sunflower seeds.

NatureNut said...

Hi, Jo. Doesn't that shell have your name on it?

Mema Jo said...

Taking a break........ going to look for rain clouds!

movin said...

Have a great day, aLL.

You might check San Diego. New blog and fun shots of Diego and Lun Lun.



Mema Jo said...

Thunder boomers starting - headed to us from Eburg! I sure hope they go over the mountain to Megan's gardens.

Mema Jo said...

That shell sure does, Loretta.
Still can't figure out how to get it in my hands! lol

Mema Jo said...

Dinner time here........


Ms Bookworm said...

Had a comment earlier this morning that didn't get posted:

I'm b-a-a-ck! Have spent the last I-don't-know-HOW-long on the phone with Earthlink, trying to cancel PCFineTune service. They talked me into a 30-day free trial. When I tried to cancel it on my MyAccount page, it said I had to call them. I did, and spent forever on hold. Then, they said I owe them $4.95, since they started counting the 30 days before I ever received the disc (to install the program) in the mail!
I installed it the very day I received the disc, 6/10, and today is only 7/8. They billed me for it on 7/3! Grrrrrrr! They finally said they will credit me for the charges. Thanks for letting me vent! Customer service? Yeah, right! :o[

Wanda, do you have a kitty on your keyboard? Is George there for a visit?...Do you have a can of compressed air? That always seems to work for me. Got it at Office Depot. Blows all kinds of crumbs and stuff out of my keyboard.

Well, NOW I'm heading to the kitchen for some breakfast and coffee. Will be back in a while.

I'm still drinking coffee, trying to stay alert, because I have a class tonight. Hubby should be home from work soon, too, and don't want to appear too SLUGgish. He'll think I haven't been busy at all today! LOL

Thursday, July 08, 2010 5:19:00 PM

Ms Bookworm said...

Mits, so very, very sorry to hear of the loss of the red panda cub!
Such a little cutie. Hope they have a more successful time of it next year.

Jim, can't blame you for sleeping in today--this "June Gloom in July" is what I call hibernation weather! Wish I had napped instead of guzzling coffee today!

Lynne2 said...

hi all....just got home, looked at radar and I see a popcorn storm has popped near Frederick....nothing here though...going to read back

Lynne2 said...

OK, so no Palmer today :(

SO sad about the red panda cub, too.

stronghunter said...

Wow! Windy at the nest.

Lynne2 said...

my goodness, it's blowing like crazy at the nest

Lynne2 said...

getting ready to storm...

stronghunter said...

See some Spidey webs blowing. Would be nice if they all blew away along with Spidey.

Lolly said...

Hi all!

Mits, so sorry about the Red Panda cub. Apparently they are hard to raise. Curious.

Well, we were supposed to get rain yesterday, nada, then bigger chance today, so far two tenths and that is it. Going to have to do betteer that this! However, only 81 right now. I am wishing Megan rain!!!!

Mema Jo said...

That was a steady downpour - just now stoped - I pray it is headed to

Lynne2 said...

it's heading south southeast Jo. Backwards from the direction most storms come.

Lolly said...

Have finished the burp cloths! They turned out really cute and have taken them into town to be embroidered. Wish I had the machine and the know how!!

Mema Jo said...

Oh no! I had put the live feed down when the storm hit and now I can't get it back up. I'll keep trying!

Funny that now the live cam site does say it is 95°

Lynne2 said...

Looks like they have upped our chances for t'storms to 60% Friday PM and Saturday. It usually rains so fast and hard during storms that with the ground so hard and dry, it'll most likely run off before doing too much good. I'm giving up on my gardens. They look terrible despite my best efforts.

Lolly said...

Have we lost the live feed? I can not get it!!Grrrrr!

Lynne2 said...

UHG, live feed seems to be down.

Lolly said...

Whoops! I see where you can not get it either, Jo. Suppose it is the weather?

Lolly said...

Have a meeting at church tonight.
Won't be on til after that..late.

Lynne2 said...

looks like S'town ended up on the very edge of the storm cell, but so windy, it must have knocked the camera out.

stronghunter said...

Live feed gone here, too.

stronghunter said...


Mema Jo said...

It's a shame that our Still cam hasn't been working for a few days!

wvgal_dana said...

News is saying storm is headed for Harpers Ferry but think it will fizzle out.

Sad about the red panda cub.

Mits have you heard anymore about a webcam on Tia?

wvgal_dana said...


Lynne2 said...

on radar Dana, the brunt of the storm is east of Harper's Ferry. But still looks to get some rain there.

Mema Jo said...

Going to watch the news.....

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Harpers Ferry is going to get rain. I mean't then they are saying it is going to fizzle out.

I feel so badly for Megan. I remember her talking about having water hauled in before. So since no rain. I am sure she is having to have water hauled in. So their well doesn't go dry. That cost!!!

paula eagleholic said...

NOt much rain live feed is down, too :(

BEagle said...

A dorggy hello to you all.

Ouddoor will not let me view the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

I have picked up some sort of summertime flu bug..sore throat, headache, hot and cold all day, feels like my body's been run over by a truck. Been in bed all day. I guess my system was susceptible. Finally got some scrambled eggs and cheese...good comfort food.

Eaglet at PH laying in the nest.

BEagle said...

The still feed still (redundancy rules)
is on nighttime about four nights ago.

I tried the live feed on IE and FF.

BEagle said...

The flu won't quit. Drink lotsa berr oops I mean water.

Make sure it's nice and cool and crisp.

Enjoy the eggs with cheese. I'm going for a BLT with really cold tomatos and cold lettuce.

BEagle said...

That is horrible about the panda.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, I meant to mention yesterday that I heard some young turkey vultures at work yesterday....their cry is very similar to a young eagle's call. I hadn't ever heard them before.

BEagle said...

How do you know they were vultures Paula?

Could they have been eaglets?

paula eagleholic said...

Love BLT's...

BEagle said...

What are the symptoms of the M.T.Nest Syndrome?


BEagle said...

There really isn't an MT nest. I SEE NO NEST!

Whatsa matter for them?

paula eagleholic said...

Headed back to bed with my hot tea...later

BEagle said...

I think a BLT is absolutely one of the best sandwiches on this earth.

Of course, I saw a recipe for an eggplant panini that I haven't tried yet.

paula eagleholic said...

No they are vultures.

BEagle said...

Rest well Eagleholic.

BEagle said...

If they don't get that live feed up soon, I am going to scream so loud that even Palmer will perk up in question.


BEagle said...

That worked.....the live feed is now up.

Lynne2 said...

Feel better Paula! I've been feeling crappy too but I think it's the heat.

My landlord is going to have to haul some water in to water all the Christmas trees here. Hundreds of them.

Lolly said...

Well, now we know....all we need is BEagle to threaten to scream!

Thanks BEagle!☺

mmmmmm smell Jack cooking sausage, think I am going to have a good breakfast in the morning!

Paula, I am so sorry you are down and out. You have certainly had your share of health problems recently. Really, really sorry!

Ok, I am out of here. Time to head into town and to church. See you guys later!

wvgal_dana said...

BEagle thanks for the scream. Since I don't know who you are. I think you are the person who actually controls the live feed. lol

Paula hoping you soon feel much much better.

I'm out of her for awhile. Little Man is going through a very lonely feeling. Needs some Mommy lovie dovie.

Mema Jo said...

Dana - I think Megan always gets a supply of water from an outside source.
I could be wrong but that is what I remember.

Mema Jo said...

Paula I sure hope you shake that as fast as what you got it. I wish our blog nurse, Lynn were here to hear of your ailment!

BEagle said...

Spidey's web is coming out already.
At least he is still on the nest.

If spider's had noses, this one would split fast from a heated eagles nest!

Mits said...

Dana, have not heard anything about the a cam for Tai Shan....that news will probably come from the organization Pandas International or from China news services.

Lynne2 said...

In addition to my struggling gardens over all....Bad news on the Morning Glory front...this morning, my MGs that were planted all around the feeder pole and finally starting to climb the upside down tomato cage....were all eaten by something. The few that I had planted in a pot, like I do every year, are growing but not blooming at all. I give up, really.

Mema Jo said...

Link to Cornell's nest cams

Chimney Swift always amazes me
There are bluebirds, barn owls, sea birds (noisy) and wrens..

Mema Jo said...

Heading in for a Mystery Theater at 9:00

I shall return!

NatureNut said...

Oh Lynne, I'm so sorry for you and your plants! And aren't you on former nursery property????Boo
I have many plants in pots on deck, but some in-ground beds are weird. I have a lot of butterfly weed in rows next to garage & they act like they're finished blooming! I think it's too early. Maybe they need a shot of Miracle Gro.
Need to send my Good Wishes for Paula to feel better soon.♥
Beagle, thx for starting the cam!! Maybe we can find a way to bring in Palmer!!!!

BEagle said...

Lynne, there's hardly anything worse than seeing your plants eaten away.

I kept looking at those upside down tomato plants. I thought those might be nicer to keep the deer out of them.

But my tomato bush has tons of blooms after I put the cage around it. I will have some tomatoes I hope. I feed it well when I water and it's growing now beyond the cage.

I was thinking empty soda cans around it may help.

I think she is gone. :(......

BEagle said...

I think Jo should try to get a turtle shell.

Palmer would see it and come in screaming and mantle it. :)

BEagle said...

I see what you mean about the Chimney Swift. That nest looks like it would fall off at the slightest provocation.

The little b. birds are too cute.

Thanks for the link Jo.

BEagle said...

One smallest eagle flew on to the TH nest.

The other flew in and the smaller flew right off. I think they are playing tag.

Their feathers are so ruffled from flying in the salty air. They are pretty.

Lynne2 said...

heading to bed....tomorrow will be a better day, although I am REALLY starting to feel pretty bad. I guess when you babysit little kids, well....hopefully a good night's sleep will shake it off. Has to ...we are taking some of the Irvine critters to the vet tomorrow!

Prayers for you all and have a good, cool night!

Judie said...

Good evening, everyone.

Did some speed-reading but need to have time to really catch up.

So saddened by the loss of the red panda cub. Regardless of cause, it is sad to me.

I will not bore you all with the details of my adventures today. Short version: my photo shoot involved recreating a 7ft basketball player's picture of preparing for a free throw. The player is a former student that I really like. It was hilarious, lots of fun, a privilege to promote the team, and the only thing lacking was the papparazzi when I left the building. I guess I just don't rank up there with the sextartlets.

Finished dinner, cleaned up, and am tired. So am going to put my feetsies up. Hope to get back later.

stronghunter said...


Back from the grocery store.

Also went to Petco. Got a new scratcher and catnip for George. He's now lying in a catnip-induced drunken stupor on top of the scratcher.

BEagle, BLT is my favorite sandwich, too. And, I think that one thing that attracts spidey to the nest is all of the insects drawn there by the stinking mess.

Okay, Lebron James is going to Miami. We can all think about something else now.

Paula, I hope you feel better very soon. Take good care of yourself.

Jo, I think the chimney swifts are amazing.

Lynne, sorry about your plant problems. I bought a tomato plant with two green tomatoes, but one is on a broken stem. They aren't growing.

stronghunter said...

Judie, glad you enjoyed your basketball adventure!

Lynne, take it easy. Feel better.

Mits, I am sure you will be the first to know when there's a Tai Shan cam.

magpie said...

Good Evening Eagle Pals

sure hope the "bug" takes a hike pronto, Paula

just missed Lynne...I suspect Slugs!
Something was eating my pansy blossoms, once I ejected five slugs, flowers started to recover

magpie said...

friend of mine says it is too hot for tomato plants to set fruit - I believe it !!! new ones for quite some time

very sorry to hear of the loss of the red panda cub....

magpie said...

hoping that everyone on here with the Yuckies will be feeling better soon

Lolly, will you be posting pix of the diaper/burp cloths? they sound so very cute

stronghunter said...

I am wondering if I should move the tomato plant so that it is not is the broiling sun for as many hours as it is now.

magpie said...

your stories are never boring Judie...liked the short version

magpie said...

work was very busy today...
officers are working the interstate on a grant for aggressive drivers...they made plenty of traffic stops!

magpie said...

might be a good idea Shirley...
I cannot move my trees!
tomato trees that is...think I should have topped them before they got so tall !
I am waiting for Wanda's First Tomato to ripen!

magpie said...

ISS here tonight flies over at 11:06 pm or so...should be fairly high and fairly bright...
I would rather it would be cloudy and rainy though to be honest with you

stronghunter said...

I am all for stopping aggressive driving, Margy.

stronghunter said...

Mine is in a pot on the front porch, but it's on the end where it gets both morning and afternoon sun. It does not look particularly happy.

magpie said...

same here Shirley...I agree

we get quite a lot of calls about them
had a very small brush fire in the median of the interstate, we must have gotten 50 calls about it!
everyone with a cell phone...

stronghunter said...

Maybe I can make it out to see the ISS tonight.

magpie said...

a few here mentioned having some rain...
I might have to google that for a definition
I kinda forget what it means

better see what needs to be done here before ISS

back in a little while

Lolly said...

Very interesting update on Hope tonight and early, too!

Hope Update

BEagle said...

Hi Shirley

Golly, someone has a case of the slugs.
Slugs are very dorggy and slurp up everything.

I haven't seen many around me lately.

I put that slug bait out a couple years ago, possibly more than that. It didn't seem to do anything.
But I don't see any slugs now.

I had tried using beer. So many people told me the slugs like it and drown in it.

Never saw a slug in my pan of beer. I don't think it works.

Paula said the birds eat them.

I always think it's better to go natural as much as possible but if your plants are gone...what's it worth?

Lolly said...

Hello, I am home from church.

Margy, I do not get the burp cloths back until next Wed. but I would be happy to post a picture. I think they turned out really cute. I used material I already had, plus some new ribbon and lace.

The story on Hope is really interesting. Lily and Hope are very close and they are hoping they reunite. Sure would like to be a witness to that.

Lolly said...

Oh, and did I every have a great experience on the way home!!! I pass a pasture with some donkeys. As I drove by I thought I saw something strange but could not stop. Drove a ways and turned around. Sure enough, a donkey was giving birth!!!!! The little one was half out, head and front legs dangling. There were two other donkeys with it and they were trotting, baby was bouncing! Could not stop, went down the road, turned around again but this time they had moved off into the trees. I will be looking for that baby tomorrow and every time I drive by. Now, how cool is that?!! Sure hope it is okay!

BEagle said...

Lolly you are full of good news tonight.

How exciting to see the little donkeys.

And thanks for the update on Hope. Looks like there is hope for a mother daughter reunion.

I wouldn't worry about the trotting donkey. Maybe it's a natural thing for them to do.

Lolly said...

That's what Jack said. Also, it's head was out and the front legs, the rest should come out okay and yes, possibly the bouncing was helping. Had to call a friend and Laurel to tell them. Years ago, Mary saw a calf being born when she had a car load of children. She said she drove by and saw a two headed cow. LOL So, I called her and said I saw a two headed donkey. She laughed and knew what I was talking about.

Lolly said...

Oh, and when Mary saw the calf being born, she said the children were very unimpressed and she was so excited.

BEagle said...

The kids were unimpressed but if the subject had been discussed at school they would be happy to share what they saw.

Children. They can only be impressed when the time is right.

stronghunter said...

Lolly, thanks for the Lily link. It was certainly most interesting. I would have circled back, too, if I had seen a donkey being born. How exciting.

stronghunter said...

Were they country children or city children, Lolly?

stronghunter said...

I remember taking a group of Brownie Scouts to a farm, and it was obvious they knew almost nothing about farm animals.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly I am so glad something told you to 'turn around' and you saw the donkey. That little one should be out and about tomorrow! You'll never drive past there I bet without remembering! Fantastic!

I mentioned a day ago that I picked a very ripe red tomato from the plant I bought from Megan! Tomorrow it is going to go into a salad! The plant is only the deck and is peppered with green tomatoes... we water it once or twice every day. Daughter says you can't water them too much. I'll let you know how it tastes!

Mema Jo said...

Megan Webber said on FB:
Please send me (Megan) an email so I'll have your address, cause I lost all my info when my computer crashed...

BEagle said...

Nest update.

The TH twins are both on the nest. At first they appeared to be romping.
They frequent the nest. I wish Palmer would do the same.

The PH twins. One has been wingersizing a lot.

Don't see anything at the PH nest.

Going back to the TH nest. It appears that the bigger is eating.
The smaller was doing his best to shove the bigger off the food.

Lolly said...

The children were 3 and 4 years of age, town kids. Too young to really understand. She was bringing them home from their Museum School. We have a fantastic children's museum in Ft. Worth. We all took our children when they were 3 yrs. old to once a week museum school.

Lolly said...

Lots and lots of Hope and Lily pictures on fb tonight. Have been going through them.

BEagle said...

The chatters at iws seem to be concerned about #08 at the WE nest.

They cannot see the young eagle but it is probably just out of site.

I thought #08 was on the nest but it appears what I thought was an eaglet is a fuzzy rock.

Mits said...

Shirley, the only way I will know if there is a Tai cam is if Panda International sends out emails about it...or on their site on FB......BTW since they are 12 hours ahead in China...HAPPY 5TH BIRTHDAY TAI SHAN:)

magpie said...

Ha Ha - I think to be on the safe side I will snail mail Megan my information....don't want her computer to crash again!
That's a big WOOF - computer problems...

wonder, if Megan will have Market this Sunday?? Would like to think I will be off and can go...

have new neighbors...think it's two families in two apartments, and a construction crew in another....they are out NOW, little toddler making some noise...guess they will see me checking out ISS....
I did tell them when they moved in that I am out skywatching at odd hours....

back in a few, almost time to check the skies, just dumped 20 gallon milk jugs one watering canfull at a time on my plants...

magpie said...

cute little donkey baby story, if baby donkeys are as cute as baby horses, it should be a real treat !

ttfn back after some skywatching

stronghunter said...

Went out, saw some stars, but not the ISS, but I think I was a little late. There are quite a few clouds out there tonight. Would love to wake up to a rainy morning.

stronghunter said...

Well, maybe I wasn't late. I guess my clock is a tad fast.

magpie said...

big surprise...clouds...and some lightning to the west...
Shirley, ISS flyover for you shows same time as mine...11:06 to 11:08 should have starting coasting by....

guess it's time to batten down the hatches...
Prayers for all our friends and families with health problems...
Hope sleep is good for all here
God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

stronghunter said...

Lolly, your donkey story reminds me of a pair of miniature horses we saw when we took Kathryn's dogs to a dog park. There was an awful lot of HP going on. After awhile the female had enough and kicked the male good and hard.

Kathryn didn't want to explain things to Hunter. She kept trying to distract him.

After he got chased away by his companion, the male decided to play with Flash. They were on opposite sides of a fence, but they had a wonderful time running and playing.

The dog park was on a farm out in the country.

magpie said...

ha ha neighbors are all setting up lawn chairs in the parking lot next door...maybe they are hoping for a rain party
Me Too !


stronghunter said...

Margy, I thought I saw some lightning, too. It was hard to tell, very faint, obviously far away if it was really lightning.

Mema Jo said...

Happy Birthday Tai ♪♪♪♫♫♪

Love you and miss you

Mits Thank you so much for the reminder!

stronghunter said...

Good night, Margy.

I am ready to head upstairs. Going to have to clean off my bed. Have been going through things to donate and discard. Working on the closet!! I could cut down on the time required to get things ready to go to work each morning if I get that closet organized. Maybe I will check out some of those closet organizers once I make room for it.

Mits said...

Jo it is a big one for him too, still miss him, especially when I am at the zoo, am so used to talking about 3 Giant Pandas

Mema Jo said...

I was over on FB - they have posted so many good pictures of Hope, Lily and the Bear Center.
I would hope that if Lily and Hope meet again that L♥ve would be there for them.

stronghunter said...

It looks like Martinsburg and Shepherdstown are about to get some rain. There is a very small bit of precipitation west of here, but not much.

Lolly said...

Saw some of the Natl zoo animals on the news last night. Showing ways they were keeping the animals cool.

stronghunter said...

I saw the pandas eating their frozen treats at the zoo, Lolly. (On the news.)

Mema Jo said...

Lily the Black Bear July 8, 2010 (10:07 PM CDT)
About 4:45 PM Lily left her bed site. She headed east and then south -- away from Hope. From the GPS readings it appears that Lily may have had another run-in with her mother June in June's territory. Their signals came together and then Lily's moved away quickly. Today I noticed pin cherries ripening in that same area. -- SM

Lolly said...

About time to head to the shower. Probably will dream about a two headed donkey. ☺

Another fb bear report. Looks like Hope and Lily will not be getting together.

Lily the Black Bear July 8, 2010 (10:07 PM CDT) About 4:45 PM Lily left her bed site. She headed east and then south -- away from Hope. From the GPS readings it appears that Lily may have had another run-in with her mother June in June's territory. Their signals came together and then Lily's moved away quickly. Today I noticed pin cherries ripening in that same area. -- SM

stronghunter said...

Well, now the storm west of Martinsburg has disappeared. Odd.

Lolly said...

Whoops! You beat me 00J0!

stronghunter said...

Good night.

Prayers for rain.

Lolly said...

Okay, really calling it quits for tonight.

Sweeet dreams!

Mits said...

ISS was only a minute in duration tonight but it was right on time:)

Mema Jo said...

That's ok Lolly - it is worth repeating!

I am also going to call it a day
Praying for some more downpours through the night especially over Sharpsburg way.........

Good night everyone
Prayers for Karen and Kailey and all those with wants/needs
Hugs to all of you ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Mema Jo said...

Wanda Hope all is well with you and with GG. Good Night.

Costume Lady said...

No rain here. Don;t know about Megan. I would think that she would be on here, dancing and singing in the rain.

Jo, I did have a good day with GG. She ate a baked potato with broccoli and cheese sauce and mixed fruit. She picked another bouquet of all over. Gene says it looks like a funeral is taking place;)
She did a lot of giggling which means she is really feeling ALIVE!
SHE is having withdrawl pains from not being able to go to the grocery store. I think she is going to let me get her some kind of a device to help her get around in the store...maybe one of those pushy things with wheels and a little basket on it and a small seat when you want to set down:) Will look at them when she gets her Prosthesis and new bras (same store).
She got her BIRTHDAY CARD today from President and Mrs. Obama. She could not understand how they knew her birthday was near:) That is another story:)LOL
I made a video of her while she was opening the card and I haven't seen it yet. Too sleepy tonight...will check it out tomorrow.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

I'm home from school. Got all my homework for my Practice class turned in.

Gosh, earlier tonight we had FIVE baby herons walking on the ground in the front yard, and an adult on the ground across the street! It really HAS turned into a Pterodactyl convention! LOL

Sorry I wasn't able to get a picture--they were too far apart, and it was nearly dark. Will keep trying!

Paula and Lynne, I'm sorry to hear that you are both feeling dorggy!
Prayers that a good night's sleep will fix you right up!

Shirley, you've inspired me to try to clean one of our closets tomorrow! Thanks for helping me to get the lead out! Sounds like George has been having fun. :o]

Checked out LOL, and Isla's "twins" look like they've grown. Guess they've gotten some altitude in their wingercizes, but haven't actually fledged yet. Isla's looking well. Their cam #1 got moved a bit by the wind, according to Emma's latest update, so cam #2 comes in handy to get the full picture.

Think I'm going to go watch some TV. Prayers said for everyone, especially for healing. The night light is on, the porch light is automatic, and the eye scanner security is enabled(Russian spies beware!). Sleep well, everyone, and have sweet dreams. I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love you guys! :o]

Costume Lady said...

ANDREA...thanks for telling me about canned air to clean my keyboard....didn't know there was such a thing! Will try that tomorrow. I guess Office Max will have it.
When are you having a break from school. I would be going stark raving mad by now:)
I surely do admire your perseverance and super grades. I couldn't begin to do what you do and we are near the same age:)

Costume Lady said...

Lots to do tomorrow, so bed is the only way for me to go:)


Mema Jo said...

please let us know the date of GG's b-day Night

BEagle said...

Good morning.

Checking for Palmer.
MT nest.

magpie said...

Best wishes for a good day Eagle ♀'s and ♂'s

Red Friday

time for work
hope the ailments disappeared overnight for those "under the weather "

Lynne2 said...

Good Morning everyone!

Nest sadly quiet and empty again this morning...

Well, depending on who you believe, we may or may not get any or lots of rain in the next 2 days.

Heading out to Irvine, we are taking a few of the critters to the vet this morning. Think it's going to be an early day for me. Not really feeling up to par this morning.

Hope everyone is well and I will BBL

Lynne2 said...

Happy Birthday Tai!

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Fell asleep last night and still need more sleep this morning. I'll be back later on. Happy Friday morning to all.

Mits said...

Good FRIDAY morning everyone...have a good one:)

Mits said...

once again before you day is done....Happy 5th Birthday, Tai Shan.

Lynne2 said...

OK, after struggling through my usual morning routine, I've decide a trip to the Dr is in order. Going in an hour. I'm just going to tell her I feel DORGGY and she has to fix it because really, I don't have time for this.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all.

Feeling better today, but going to the urgent care facility to make sure I don't have strep.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne, glad you are going to the Dr too.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh shoot, missed putting out the recycle bin. Oh well.

Lynne2 said...

Glad you are too Paula....and poor Megan is suffering a 5th sinus infection for this year. UGH. Judie seems to have Sleeping Sickness. What a DORGGY bunch we are this week!

Hope you don't have strep.....we'll compare notes later!

Lynne2 said...

I forgot mine too! Must be part of the Dorggy.

stronghunter said...

Good morning.

Having a cup of coffee and trying the get rid of the morning dorggies.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning everyone! Just read about the red panda cub! So sad!! I hate to hear about that!!!

Hope everyone is having a great Friday!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

It is supposed to be a bit cooler for the next few days, maybe the grass will start growing again!!!

Costume Lady said...

I see there hasn't been any comments for over an hour...hope our blog isn't feeling DORGGY AGAIN!

I have posted a video of GG reading her 90th Birthday greeting from the Obamas. She can't figure out how they know her birthday is this month (30th) Posted on my Wanda's Wishes. I was so happy I just happened to be there when she opened it up...had the camera charged up and ready to roll:)

Costume Lady said...

What a tragic loss for the Red Pandas and the zoo. It was a beautiful little baby. I thought there were 2 of them? Guess not:(

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning everyone - going for a haircut today. Love the video of GG
and her special b-day card. So I think we all need to send her a card for the 30th - 90 years is very special!

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - I think everyone either went to work, to the doctors or back to bed.
Oh Yes, Shirley is still in the closet.

I hope Panda Int'l sends us a video of
Tai's b-day!

Mema Jo said...

The picture Daniel' multiple panda cam has of Tai makes you want to cry for missing him so much... He was so little (30 lbs) in that small black tub. :<)

NatureNut said...

Quick Good Morning Everyone! MT nest, BOO. Gotta get to work and hope all those ailing~~Paula, Lynne, & Megan get much better. ☺
Did see a story on Harpy eagles on AOL this AM, but you can Google & find them. They are the largest in the Americas--15 to 20 pounds, nest in tall trees in Venezuela & Brazil, attack monkeys, sloths, etc. There was a video of a female slamming BBC TV crew who were trying to put cam near nest! Think they were in the wrong place!

movin said...


GooD MorniNG

EveryboDY !!


Cloudy morning, sunny P.M. again today in So Cal.



Mema Jo said...

Morning Loretta - I'll need to check that one out!

Morning Jim - Hope you enjoy today -
since you are up so early you may even consider a panda nap later!

movin said...

Looking at Ch. Isl. nests.

PH: beautiful zoomed-out picture of the nest tree. No eaglets in sight, but I "think" you can hear one.

TH: No eaglets visible.

WE: Kinda foggy again. One eaglet "might" have fledged; I can only see one standing in the nest now.

Must be some Island Reports to read, but I haven't got there yet.



wvgal_dana said...

Good Friday Morning In Eagle Land to ALL that visit here.

Prayers for those having the
"Droggies" Megan, Paula, Lynne2 (maybe you should see the vet)...If they can fix an animal and people talk to drs. and don't get well. Maybe you should take the Vet's care since your taking in the animals.

Yes almost each year Megan has water hauled in Jo.

Wanda you'll have to remind us when it gets closer to end of month. About GG's birthday.

Yes I too hope we get to see something on our boys birthday....HAPPY BIRTHAY TAI!!!

Prayer for Karen...I keep thinking of her so much.

movin said...

Look at Xi Lan crashed out at Atlanta.



Mema Jo said...

I remember, Jim, when that little panda couldn't even get up in the hammock!

Lolly said...

Good morning!

Wanda, loved the video of GG. The walker you described is like the one we got Mother. It could make a seat so that she could sit down when she needed to sit. I need to post the picture of our family on Mother's 90th. She knew we were having a reception/party for her, but she had no idea of who was coming and how many. She was amazed. She had family and friends from out of state and from across the state. It was wonderful! But, the best was when we were in her apartment and there was a knock on the door. I told her I had someone for her to meet. Michael walked in and handed her 2 1/2 month old Zach. We all cried! Mother held out her arms (she was sitting down) and said "I won't drop him." Have it on video.

Mema Jo said...

Getting ready to head out for hair cut.

BEWARE the split is coming!


Lynne2 said...

I was just reading back and I see that Palmer has not made an appearance yet. Haven't seen any reports of adults, either. Is this the time when it's possible that we will not see her again??

I also see we still have no Lynn, and no Norma.

I sure hope Paula made out OK at the Dr.

JO, either I forgot a haircut reminder for you or you forgot to tell me!

back from the DR......well, I don't have the Dengue Fever! Seems I have a problem with my allergies (the one's I pretend I don't have, like to cats, and birds, and grass) which has caused a disturbance somehow in my inner right ear, and I have fluid in there. THANK YOU GOD that I don't have a tumor!! I was getting so dizzy so often I was really getting worried! I mean, beyond my normal dizzy self....SO, I have to take my Clariton EVERY day (not when I THINK I need it) and use my nasal spray 2x per day (not when I THINK I need it which in my opinion is never) and blah blah blah take my medicine (which I will, even though I THINK I don't need to) and by Wednesday I should be feeling better.
I wonder, perhaps, if there is something in the way of "anti stubbornness" medication I should be taking.

Lynne2 said...

woo hoo....a disturbance of storms on the Eastern shore moving our way from one directions and a line of storms developing in Western Md heading our way too!! Let's hope the "evaporation zone" doesn't kick in....

movin said...

Lynne2, I don't think it is "that time" yet, but they often return less to the nest as the time since fledging increases.

Probably off learning to do aerobatics or hunting/fishing or something new and interesting like that.



movin said...

Shutting down for a while. Have a great day.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

:<( I thought I made a point of telling you but you forgot me and I
looked and looked for my reminder!
Now hear this - August 11 1:00

Mema Jo said...

I thought you all would have split by the time I returned...

Link to the PA falcon news release

Mema Jo said...


Lynne2 said...

I'm on it JO!!!!

thanks Jim...I know it's coming, but hope to see her a few more times.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...