Sunday, July 25, 2010


Hot continued.  New thread.


NatureNut said...

WOW, Steve. Thank You! Hope all are in a cool place!
I'll holler at the others.

BEagle said...

Thanks for the brand new thread Steve.
Just in time for me to beautify and head out!

Keep the ice cube trays filled!

hedgie said...

Thanks for callover, Loretta.
Paula, I, too, am so happy for Ajay's great grade....and that she gets to take a little respite while she recovers.
Don't worry, Judie----I'm not going anywhere! I THOUGHT about going to Carolyn's to get in the pool, but it was only a fleeting thought----too hot to have my head out of water---and I don't swim!

Mema Jo said...

Good Sunny Sunday Late Morning...
Kids all up at the beach and surf/sand Mema is sitting here in the AC - Everyone is enjoying themselves - Kids will go home tomorrow & I'll miss them. My gs are 15 and 20. So I am just relaxing again today and loving it!
I may be able to go over on the last thread and read what's going on before I give up on this dial up.

hedgie said...

Hi Beach Mema!! Can't believe we ever survived on dial-up before!
I am saving some good PowerPoint forwards for you when you get home!!!

Mema Jo said...

A Whoppig Congratulations to AJ
She should be feeling very good about herself! Happy that she gets a break.

NiNi you are doing a great job!

Going to sign off and will try to be back this evening.

NatureNut said...

I thought about going to plant store, but NO. Have dental appt. on Mon., so can stop by then.Someday when it's not 100°, I have to trim poor rhododendron. It got the nasty weather fungus that curls & kills the leaves. Have to get rid of all that & spray w/fungicide! Yuck!

Great news for Ajay's class!
Mema Jo, the cold waves sound very inviting! But not the hot sand.

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Just sitting here in the air conditioning. I have been talking with Kathryn. Tommy and his friends went 4-wheelin' today. Kathryn stayed home. Believe it or not, she goes 4-wheelin' with Tommy sometimes. Even has her own 4-wheeler.

Today, she is nursing her injured shoulder. Will is using the 4-wheeler today. I think it is too danged hot for such things, but who am I anyway? Just an old grandma.

Jo, I am happy you are enjoying your time at the shore. Stay inside until the breezes arise at dusk, then go for a stroll. That sounds like a plan to me.

I do not think there is any danger of George going for a spin in the dryer. He's too big to miss in there, and I was only able to get him to stay there because I coaxed him with a few bits of food. I've never seen him go in there of his own volition. He wasn't unhappy, but jumped right out soon after the goodies were gone.

The thing we have to watch with George is that he doesn't sneak into the garage. He likes to sneak out there when he has a chance.

One hot summer day, I opened the garage and he came into the house panting. It can't be good when a cat pants. He cooled down okay, but he still tries to sneak out there. The most effective means I have for getting him out is to hit the panic button and make the car horn blow. That sends George rushing into the house.

Time for a BLT.

stronghunter said...

Happy to learn that Ajay's classes are going well. Agree that she needs a break now.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks Lowreeda for the call over!

Have a great day, BEagle.

Shirley, too funny about the panic button. Gotta go see George in the dryer.

paula eagleholic said...

So there isn't a pic of George in the dryer....

Andy, too funny about your cat in the dryer as well. Glad he was OK. Our cat used to like to sleep on the car engine! Had to check under the hood before you started the car!

paula eagleholic said...

OK, gotta go get some stuff done!

paula eagleholic said...

My CT is down, too

paula eagleholic said...

Hi Jo! Stay cool!

hedgie said...

Paula, George in the dryer is Shirley's avatar!

stronghunter said...

George in the dryer is my avatar, Paula.

paula eagleholic said...

I see him now!

stronghunter said...

99 degrees here now.

Need to go water plants.

stronghunter said...

George thought the dryer was interesting. He sniffed around, posed sweetly, then hopped out.

stronghunter said...

He trusts me because I am very gentle with him--except maybe when I hit the panic button and make him flee the garage, but that is for his own good. I don't know if he realizes I control the panic button.

Judie said...

Thank you, Steve. Could you keep the "hot" part to yourself, please?

Thanks Loweeda, for hollerin.

Seems like most everyone is being sensible about staying out of the heat. However, I suspect 00Jo is quietly plotting a way to sneak some sand between her footsies.


movin said...


on this Sunday

to you all.


Kinda July gloomy around here this A.M., but it should brighten up to near 80° in the afternoon.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

stronghunter said...

Near 8o would be nice.

movin said...

Wow, S.H., I just read 99° ... you better water yourself too!

Get some ice tea w/lemon in front of you and start sipping.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

WInd is blowing, leaves are inverting.....severe storm alert for county next to me....please send some of it here!!
Dana2 was stuck sitting in a parking lot in a downpour----not sure if she's in M'town area, or more down south at her in-laws.

stronghunter said...


hedgie said...

Wind.......very dark....don't hear thunder or smell rain....

hedgie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wvgal_dana said...

So glad to hear of Carolyn's new job. Yes Yes Yes (:

Glad Ajay is doing well and can wait awhile to take up again - nice grade.

Lynn I too would love to get out of this house. Wished I had the start button that I could press from inside house. Cool off car to be already for me would be nice.

Loved pictures Paula left comment.

Well Lynn tried the Hy cream you spoke of. Had some here dr. had given me for something. Holy Moses when I put it on-----started burning like someone set my skin on fire!!!! I got that stuff off me as fast as I could. I don't think like I was saying on one of the threads this is "heat rash". I do think the heat makes it worse and makes it itch more. I think the dr. needs to do a bacteria scraping.

Late 70's through 80's I always even riding in car with a/c on. Had to wear a long sleeve light white shirt. Due to the burning of fire feeling in my arms. Even covered my legs so sun
wouldn't come in due to caused same effect. They thought I had Lupus but I have never come up positive for it.
I am back to wear a lot the white light long sleeve shirt.

Well need to take diab. meds and eat just a little light something.

Mema Jo keep cool gal!!!!

hedgie said...

Dangerous storm warning now for all surrounding areas here. Temp down to 89°---can actually breathe outside! Shutting down---ready to head for basement if necessary. BBL.

paula eagleholic said...

Whoa! One heck of a line of thunderstorms marching this way...wind blowing like crazy here!!

paula eagleholic said...

Got some rain here, looks like more coming, thank goodness. Raining at the nest.

BEagle said...

It is coming down here!
Feels so good to get caught in it.
Love playing in the rain.


hedgie said...

Good downpour here. Wind stopped when rain started. Temp down to 77°.
Tornado touchdown on the mountain on east side of Shenandoah River outside CharlesTown.

THINK I heard Margy on scanner---meaning she must've gotten called in.... :(

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

Thanks, Steve and Loretta.

Back here--was watching the movie 'Juno' on TV. Love that movie!

Glad you guys back east are finally getting some rain! Sounds like just the thing!

Nice out here in SoCal--expecting a high of 79 today. I'll take it, thank you!

Talked to daughter, Jen--they went and picked peaches and blueberries yesterday! Jen got a peach the size of a softball--WOW! Guess both taste absolutely wonderful. There's a lot to be said for letting them ripen BEFORE picking!

Saw our Eurasian Collared Dove again this morning. Beautiful coloring!

Dana, sure hope the Dr. can check out your rash on Tuesday--sounds like you need a diagnosis right away! Praying for some relief for you! (((HUGS)))!

Congratulations to Ajay for the excellent grade! Glad she has a bit of a break--she can really use one at the moment!

Shirley, that's a great idea to use the panic button and get George back in the house! Hope he never figures out that you are the cause of it!

Mema Jo, glad you're having such a good time! That's fantastic! I totally understand the frustration with dial-up--it's no fun at all!
Worth it to be able to hear from you, though. Miss you!

Lolly, hope you have a fantastic trip! Can't wait to see pictures and hear about it! Travel safely!
Prayers for Divine protection. (Is there any better kind?) Hope Annie enjoys her visit to "camp"!

BEagle, have fun playing in the rain!

I'm going to try to find a website online--Jen told us about some cherry preserves they got at the berry patch yesterday, and want to see if I can find a way to order it.
I'll share the info if I find it!

Ms Bookworm said...

Whoa, Lynn!
Glad you got some temperature relief! 77 sounds like a winner!

stronghunter said...


103 degrees right now here. It looks like we might get the tail end of the storms.

stronghunter said...

I guess I didn't water enough yesterday. Looks like I might lose one of the porch plants.

stronghunter said...

I see more storms out to the west that could come here. We are under a severe thunderstorm watch.

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like the rain is over here...

Lolly said...

So jealous of the rain but also very glad you are getting it plus a temp break! It is 93 here and there are pop up showers. I am watering spots that get dry easily, we will water pots this evening and move some, and the sprinkler system is set to water tonight. I just expect to loose some lawn this week unless it rains.

Love those peaches! We bought some more today. Just told Jack we should take a peach break. lol

Paula, it does look like you had a great time with the boys. So glad Ajay did well with her course and that they are giving her time to restart.

paula eagleholic said...

77° here too...nice!

hedgie said...

Figured the rain would bring Myrtle out of hiding....and sure enough, she appeared. In the less than a minute it took me to grab tomato pieces and get downstairs she was GONE.....put it under edge of pallet, and there she came out to get it!

paula eagleholic said...

Humid out there!

stronghunter said...

Wonder where Hugo is, Lynn?

hedgie said...

OMG----completely forgot:


hedgie said...

No sign of Hugo, SHirley....maybe he's lurking!

stronghunter said...

Clouds have rolled in here. There is a little storm at the tail end of the one that hit you all in WV and MD. It is here. No rain yet, but lots of wind.

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Pammie!

Judie said...

Here to visit.

Heavy thunder storm for about 15 minutes. Shut down just in case. Probably not much in the way of helpful rain but temp is down from 101 to 76 steamy degrees. Wishing more rain for everyone and everything that needs water.

Forgot earlier, love the picture of George, Shirley.

No need for dinner inspiration tonight. Darth has a park thing and he says he's going to have cereal -- too hot for real food. I agree.

Dana, sorry the rash is no better. Hope the dr. can find a fix. Ask about reaction of sun exposure to any of your meds.

Hi BEagle, Lolly, and Andy.

Judie said...

Oh, Lynn. Glad Myrtle made an appearance. Can Hugo be far away? Has Hugo found a new Myrtle? Will the real Myrtle be jealous? Will Hugo realize how good he has it with Myrtle at Lynn's Pallet Royale?

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Birthday Pam!!

stronghunter said...

Don't think we are going to get the rain here. Passing to the north. The temp has dropped to 102.

Anonymous said...

Hey Paula By looking at Facebook you was at Thurmont carival. We were there to. Went to see what Sticktime was like. First time we ever was at Thurmont carival. We went for something to do.

Anonymous said...


stronghunter said...

Hi Crunch! How are you today?

Judie said...

Hi Crunch Bob. Hope you enjoyed the carnival.

Shirley, sorry no rain for you.

Diego is snoozing in the shade and looks like a light breeze.

paula eagleholic said...

Whoa, Bob, how about that! I like that band, I've heard them before.

paula eagleholic said...

The crowd was really down due to the heat...that place is usually packed on the last night.

stronghunter said...

I am going to make a store run to pick up some cold slaw makings. BBL.

Anonymous said...

Hi all we went to Red Run Park today to see Bob Plunkert, got to see the first show and then the wind and rain came,and that took care of that.

hedgie said...

Hi to those coming in. I don't know what happened....I kept refreshing and no one was here. Finally closed out, came back and there you all were!

Have a dilemma.....Hugo showed up. He is doing something to another, smaller turtle in the leaves. It is closed up tight an d he keeps rolling it over...and I swear it looks and sounds---from a distance---like he;s biting the edge of the shell. Should I go out and seperate them????? HELP!
Myrtle no where to be seen.

hedgie said... pictures is Myrtle being the aggressor!!!

hedgie said...

So......another female invading her territory??

Judie said...

Not much knowledge about turtles but I think I would get the little one as far away as I could.

Judie said...


hedgie said...

It's not little like a baby, but significantly smaller.....okay, I'll go scold Myrtle and move the invader.

hedgie said...

Okay, one would not stick it's head out far enough to see eye color. Left it with some tomato on other side of "yard". Kept Myrtle distracted with more tomato. So guess now I have three turtles.....hmm, name for new "it"---Cousin ITT???

hedgie said...

Will work on posting pics later tonight or tomorrow.

paula eagleholic said...

Glad Myrtle enjoyed her maters, Lynn.

Went out to tend to friends kitty. Just as I got into my car, saw my hummer feeding on the petunias out front...about a 5 minute workover! They are dark and light purple.

hedgie said...

Myrtle is still chowing. ITT is nowhere to be seen and did not eat. Probably said "let me get the h--- out of here!" and scooted into the leaves.

paula eagleholic said...

ruh roh, invader turtle!

paula eagleholic said...

07 still hanging around at WE nest, not sure what is wrong with him. Just started taking short flights up to cam perch. Wing doesn't appear to be broken, but he might have strained it somehow.

hedgie said...

ITT's shell looked okay around the edges, so no harm done. Of course, it protected it's own soft parts just fine.

hedgie said...

Judie, trees down at Annandale Rd. and Beechtree.....everything okay in your neighborhood? Gaithersburg is a mess, too. No word about Bethesda, Jay home?

hedgie said...

Oops, now Bethesda---also hit hard.

hedgie said...

Someone killed when a tree came down on a car in College Park, MD.

paula eagleholic said...

The winds were fierce

paula eagleholic said...

01 delivered a nice fish to 07, he is enjoying it now

paula eagleholic said...

parent feeding chicks at BWO

BEagle said...

Paula, maybe you know, would they rescue #07 if his wing (I think it's the left one) doesn't improve?

paula eagleholic said...

Almost forgot...Rob Bierregard of UNC is going to be putting a transmitter on the osprey chick at the Cape Henlopen state park osprey cam tomorrow morning...

Judie said...

Lynn, everything is fine in our neighborhood. Wind was very strong and rain was heavy. We have lots of very tall and old trees so strong winds always make me a little nervous but all is fine. Don't know Beachtree so must not be on a regular route for me. Maybe closer to Graham Rd area.

So happy ITT was not injured. Maybe need to send Myrtle to sharing school.

Hoping #07 will be okay. Just hate when the critters need help.

paula eagleholic said...

Several people have asked Dr Sharpe that question...he is saying no, because the eaglet has already fledged, and they aren't allowed to interfere at this point...and if it was broken, he might end up being a captive bird. Also, he doesn't think it's broken because the eaglet flew back into the nest. He has been asked if it's not broken and it's some other issue, would they go get him and check him out, but he hasn't answered that question yet.

paula eagleholic said...

Also, he says the parents are still tending to the eaglet, which they are, so they don't want to interfere.

paula eagleholic said...

Haven't heard any updated news on 08.

BEagle said...

That makes sense of it all.
Haven't seen anything about #08 either.

Seems like both eaglets were traumatized by something. Crows?

paula eagleholic said...

Ravens, BEagle.

magpie said...

speaking of turtles and winds and storms, the Royal Turtle Shells held their ground!

Shirley, do you like BLT's? LOL
I just inhaled two....
got the L to go with the B and the T

Good Evening Eagle Pals

Sounds like fun at the carnival Paula, and cute pictures also

Turtle drama at Hedgies's Lair...
and yep, I got called in...
was at GG's with the Captain, First Mate and Dustin...delivering THE tomato and just schmoozing for awhile

magpie said...

Berkeley County had it easy compared to surrounding counties and states.

Called Wanda when I got out of work and said "Clarke County got hit pretty hard" but on the phone she said it sounded like "my car got hit pretty hard."

They got home just before the rain starting falling

BEagle said...

Did you get a spell check on schmoozing?

I was trying to think of that word the other day!

The difference between a raven and a crow. Something to look up. : )

Are ravens meaner?

magpie said...

you are so much more than "an old grandma" !!!

Dana sure hope you get the relief for the itchies and scratchies !

magpie said...

NINI - cute moniker Paula....

and great news about Ajay's Geology is an interesting subject to study !

BEagle said...

If I may interject even further.....

Some were really into watching the turtle shells NOT move.

magpie said...

Haven't been able to check those ISW California sites much so sure appreciate all the information several of you are posting even though some of the news is worrisome

hedgie said...

LOL, BEagle.......that wouldn't be 00Jo you are referring to, would it??

Mits MAY go to Henlopen in the morning!

magpie said...

Wow, that would be neat, hope she does, Lynn

you have good ears....picked me out of that radio crowd did you?

Hope to see the nearly full
Full Corn Moon or Summer Moon tonight....

hedgie said...

I think it's supposed to be quite early. Don't see anything on their website about it.....

hedgie said...

Hi, Margy. Glad the THE tomato finally got delivered!!! Hope you found everyone okay on Lupton!

magpie said...

I think Ravens and Crows have their own degree of aggressiveness BEagle, not sure if one would be considered meaner than than the other....
each has done some dark deeds at various nests that we have heard about this year....
but I guess they are just being, crows and ravens

magpie said...

Yes I did Lynn...Dustin had just gone dipping in the Tuscarora Creek nearby...

and GG was in good spirits too

and you know how the Captain and First Mate always are...☺

need to disappear for a few....
clean up after the BLT fest here


BEagle said...

Are you taking good notes? Schmooz
Did I hear that a lot in NY?

Lynn, We know that 00Jo has to be carefully watched with the tt shells.

magpie said...

PS Lynn...
thanks for the Herald Mail link about Mason and the Fundraiser...
nice report

realized my sound is gone as I watched the family play the violins

guess I have to do some kind of restore....


BEagle said...

Sorry to intrude.

It would be educational to watch a raven's nest or a crow's nest to see what makes them so ornery.

It's nature.

magpie said...

BEagle...sorry, not intruding here, now sure if I said something kooky or not ..sure didn't mean to....

I just started yacking right in the middle of your and Paula's eaglet talk, that was kinda rude of me :(

magpie said...

I wish I had realized in high school that I might have liked to study ornithology or just about anything regarding nature and science and all that....
a little too late now but I am encouraging my grandson to think about it !

magpie said...

okay so long...need to finish some reading that I fell asleep last night trying to do

xoxoxo Best wishes for all good things for all of us here

Alt 1 - smiley face

BEagle said...

The Channel Island nests have a great deal of coverage. The eaglets are tagged and they wear antennas.

You wouldn't think the chicks would run into much problems, but they do!

BEagle said...

Oh no, Magpie. I was rude in your efforts to catch up.

You are a bird watcher and know birds by sight and sound.

I am not sure we are ever too old to learn a new profession.

Nursing continues to run through my mind. Now I want to work at a raptor center. ☺

stronghunter said...

Lots of messages since I went to the store.

I see that Lynn has had a turtle invasion.

stronghunter said...

Blogger cop ate my previous message. Good it was short.

magpie said...

Nice thing about this blog here BE, is we can learn a whole lot of things without sitting in a classroom...or spending a whole lot of money on textbooks.
I tried to be a nursing school student once...
but I failed...couldn't get past the pharmacology...three names for each medicine was a little much for me...generic, trade, and..uh, what WAS the third one !! And the care plans...forget it !

okay going to do a restore try to get sound back while I'm reading

It's all good, BEagle...
thanks xoxox ♥

paula eagleholic said...

pretty light on the nest at cape henlopen

paula eagleholic said...

Been out trimming until the trimmer string ran out...not too bad out there..going to mow some parts of the lawn tomorrow, can't stand the way it looks!

hedgie said...

BEagle.....are you a nurse???
I was, and so was Anne Marie and Glo!

hedgie said...

Can't get the cam to play, Paula.
Need to make sure I have Quicktime on this puter.......

hedgie said...

Yep, I do..........drat.

BEagle said...

Oh no. Ladies I am not a nurse.
I always wanted to be a nurse since junior high school. (I am way past that!)

Often, it still intrigues me to be a nurse but I don't think it's like it used to be. It seems like drill work nowadays. I have several friends who are nurses or work in and about health institutions.

BEagle said...

cape henlopen???

paula eagleholic said...

BEagle, see my post at 7:18 for the cut and paste link

paula eagleholic said...

I was going to pursue nursing when I got out of high school, tried finding entry level jobs, no luck at discouraged, ended up staying with my full time job, had kids, blah blah, lost interest...pursued the accounting and business instead.

paula eagleholic said...

Might check for an update for your quicktime, Lynn.

hedgie said...

You're right, BEagle, nursing is not what it used to be..........

paula eagleholic said...

Margy, sorry you got called in...but glad you enjoyed your BLT fest!

BEagle said...

Yes it's either nursing or calculating.
I may go to school and just try nursing. What would it take? Two years?

The osprey on the DE nest is very talented. I believe he is playing
Mozart maybe?

BEagle said...

Nice moonrise on the BWO.

Our moon was very beautiful last evening.

BEagle said...

That IS the moon at BWO isn't it?

Maybe it's a street light☺

BEagle said...

I missed Palmer so much that I just had to go to the Momster site and watch that last video.

Which reminds me of hay bales and hitting them.

You are in my prayers♥

hedgie said...

Goodnight, BEagle. I don't see moon at BWO.....infrared and car headlights.

Installed Quicktime updates and rebooted....still no Henlopen cam. Just get the QT symbol with a question mark in the middle.

paula eagleholic said...

going to go watch Mad Men...

hedgie said...

Crickets, tree frogs, cicadas and locusts are all much happier tonight! What a cacophony!

hedgie said...

Army Wives.....BBL.

Costume Lady said...

Speaking of the moon...GG fell asleep on her porch again last night, and said the moon shining on her face woke her up. She knew where she was this time and didn't wander off into the yard. I told her if she DID keep wandering into the yard as she did a few nights ago, we'd have to put a gate up to keep her safe:)
I like to think the Lord is watching over her and hope that he doesn't let me down!

We had a fun visit with Margy. She speaks in tones that GG can hear and she loves to be included in the conversation.
I kid you not...that tomato is as big or bigger than a grapefruit. One slice will hang over the sides of a slice of bread! I'll let you know how it tastes:)
Yep, she got a call while we were visiting and I thought if the oncoming storm was fierce enough for them to call her, then we needed to go home just as the rain started here.

hedgie said...

Oh, Wanda, I would be so worried about GG being out at night like that.............

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

Getting here to say a quick hello, and set the security systems before I fall asleep in front of the TV!

Lynn, had no idea that turtles could be so territorial! Didn't realize that you had that many of them! How interesting!

Wanda, glad you guys and GG had a nice visit with Margy. What fun!
Those tomatoes sound heavenly!

Sure do miss seeing our Palmer! Hope she's doing OK in this heat.

Well, have a TV show I'd like to watch, so will leave the night light and the porch light on for those coming in. The eye scanner security is enabled, and so is Dana's thumbprint scanner security. Prayers said for everyone. Sleep well, and have sweet dreams, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight!
Love all of you! :o]

hedgie said...

Goodnight to all my dear friends.
Prayers for all needs.

Please send up a few extras for Karen. She is not doing well.

Lolly, have a good vacation. Be safe.


Costume Lady said...

Well, it looks like most of us have turned in for the night, think I'll do the same.



paula eagleholic said...

Nite friends.

Hugs to all ♥

Lolly said...

I imagine everyone has gone to bed. Would you believe that Laurel took over my computer tonight?!!!! No respect! lol Anyway, we are loaded, heading out in the morning.

I will be on when I can, but it will not be much. Looking forward to a week of doing nothing but digging in the SAND not...dirt!

Have not even had time to read the blog so I hope there is nothing I have to know. Have a great week, stay well and safe. Love to all and (((hugs))). Sure hope to get on occasionally!

Nite all! God bless and sweet dreams!♥

Lolly said...

Thanks, Lynn! Did see your wishes to me for the week! I am sure we will have a great week. ♥ U

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Didn't get back on to say good night last night.

Lynn, it is obvious that Myrtle figures she has found a good thing and does not want to share it. She's got you and her new(?) boyfriend.

Sounds like there was plenty of storm damage in the DC area yesterday. Some schools are closed.

stronghunter said...

I keep thinking about whoever it was who mentioned their kitty in the dryer. Lynne? I have heard stories about cats in the washer or dryer. Yikes! I hate to think about that.

hedgie said...

Shirley, it was Andy!

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Captured by the sandperson last night.

Lolly, you may already be on your way, or about to be, so a last minute wish for a very, very nice week. Enjoy!

stronghunter said...

Power out and water use restricted in Montgomery County and areas around DC. Nothing at all here. No rain, no storms . . .

Judie said...

Good morning, again.

Off for coffee and newspaper. Heat or not, I have to do laundry today. Hoping most can be done on the speed cycle.


Costume Lady said...

It is a beautiful 72° (alt 248:)
here in Nestville, going up to 89°. I just came in from the garden and it seems it was a good garden rain. Hooray, no watering for a few days. Hope Megan got as much or more!

I had a friend who's son put their cat in the microwave. Can't remember if he turned it on or not!

stronghunter said...

Hi Lynn,

I am glad I haven't seen George show any desire to get into the dryer.

Yesterday, I bought George one of those balls you fill with treats. He thinks it's interesting.

stronghunter said...

Not going to put George in the microwave even for a picture!

stronghunter said...

Speed cycle, Judie? Is that a special new feature on your special new dryer?

Costume Lady said...

LOLLY...have a fun, stormless, safe vaction with your sweet little family and don't forget to take plenty of photos:)

Costume Lady said...

SPEED CYCLE is for when you put your cat in there;)

stronghunter said...

I need to go get my car inspection done today. I opted to do it on a weekday in mid month. Mid-month is gone, but it is a weekday.

I will be back at school before I know it. The summer is coming to an end.

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

Yes, Summer will be Fall before you know it. I was just thinking this opens Oct. 1, and that is only 2 months away. Need to get new costumes steamed, hung up and priced, soon! Cleaning and dusting needs to be done too.

Don't think we will be able to have a vacation this year. GG doesn't feel like leaving her home. I can understand that, but wish she would consider 2 or 3 days SOMEWHERE. I think it would really do her good to get out of the house.

stronghunter said...

Would be good for you, too, Wanda. But I understand the problem.

stronghunter said...

It is good to have GG doing so much better these days. I hope she won't keep falling asleep on the porch, though. At first, I was not sure if you were serious about that.

stronghunter said...

Need to go out and water some plants.

hedgie said...

Another cool experience here in the woods. I was standing on the deck on this lovely morning, wearing a royal blue tee. A hummingbird must have thought I was a flower....flew right up and touched my sleeve!!!

stronghunter said...

How nice, Lynn. I have not had much luck with hummingbirds this summer. At least, I haven't seen any. Maybe I should try moving the feeder again.

stronghunter said...

I'm not in the woods at all here. The hot sun beats down on my house every day. I miss the trees. Need to keep planting them. I'm nursing a baby tree in the backyard, but it will be years before it is very big.

hedgie said... aunt told a story about 25 yrs. ago about a neighbor who put her wet cat in the microwave to dry it........I won;t go into detail but the cat did not survive. This was in Bethesda---wonder if Mits ever heard about it.

hedgie said...

July 26, 2010 (7:21 AM CDT) Lily and Hope are dripping wet after swimming a channel to access another part of Lily's territory. They are over 3 miles from where June is foraging in an old clearcut. -- SM

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Nice summer morning...enjoy!

Lynne2 said...

Good morning all! Beautiful morning here...was 65 when I took the dogs out at 7.

Had a nice COOL Saturday in Terra Alta. My sister in law (with now recently RE-diagnosed with Devic's) from FLA is now there. She has no place to live in FLA since she can't work, get her disability yet and can't pay rent.

Funny how weather is so relative....Steve and I, having arrived from the "Maryzon" thought the 85 degree, no humidity, windy day was perfect. MIL said she couldn't deal with the heat, and Wendy (SIL) said it was way to chilly for her liking! Something like Goldilocks and the 3 bears with the porridge situation!

Saturday night we sat out on the porch and to the northwest, way off in the distance, we could see lightning in the clouds from far away storms, while enjoying the full moon and stars. Sunday AM was just beautiful, too, but by 12:30 a nasty storm rolled through....which I see by posts was pretty bad in some other places as well as it headed east. We were behind it the whole way home, so except for ugly traffic on 70,the weather was just fine.

Glad to be home though. Going to Dr for my poison ivy. It's STILL spreading and it hurts. I bet it's turned into leprosy by now. LOL!

Put pics on my blog from last night's caterpillar photo shoot....I cannot believe how much they grew in just about 2 days!

Wanda, keep working on GG...I sure hope you can get her to want to go somewhere.

YAY! George has a treat ball!!

Lynn that's really cool about the humming bird! Ours here, and there are suddenly many, come flying right up to me when I take and bring the feeder. I just know I could get them to sip nectar from my hand before too long!

floralgirl said...

NEW THREAD- be there or be square.

Lynne2 said...

eeewww, I know what happens to cats in the microwave....

Shirley, maybe you could invest in a Tulip Poplar tree that's already about 5 feet tall. They grow fairly quickly and are a beautiful broadleaf tree that get pretty greenish/orangish/yellowish tulip like flowers in spring.

Also, for a fast growing evergreen type... <a href="> Green Giant Arborvitae</a>
I have 2 of them so the birds can have some cover in summer and winter as well. Similar to Leyland cypress but much more resistant to disease. Can be kept smaller with trimming to any shape!

paula eagleholic said...

Trying to bring up Cape Henlopen cam...looks like it's down and they are working on it.

Lynn, did you try to bring that up in IE or FF?

Lynne2 said...

Green Giant


hedgie said...

Two minor earthquakes in Gassaway, WV on Sat. 2.4 and 2.2. Interesting.

hedgie said...

IE, Paula. Haven't put FF on laptop. Should I?

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...