Saturday, July 10, 2010


After almost three weeks, we finally got an inch of rain last night.

Weekend thread.


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Lolly said...

Yes, and I got lost for a minute!

BEagle said...

The other LOL chick just may take the dare to fly.

Mema Jo said...

Happy Birthday Donna Thompson - hope your day is very special

I will probably need to send that message to Donna on FB.

Mema Jo said...

I am getting started to head out to Market! DIL and gs coming with me. I
will be visiting with our Floralgirl!

BBL this afternoon.....

BEagle said...

The Swift eggs are predicted to begin hatching today.

Lolly said...

Enjoy market, Jo. Have fun visiting with Megan!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Lolly I will.

BEagle said...

The bluebirds have moved away from center to expose a lone unhatched egg.

I guess that's OK. The nest is super-crowded.

BEagle said...

Phoenix is hiding.

paula eagleholic said...

Attack of the Palmer!

I don't think Lib had a fish, but it looks like Belle brought one in!!!

Lolly said...

I am off now! Time to get ready for church. See ya later...Gators!

paula eagleholic said...

Belle just took off...Palmer is mantling and eating and peeping!!!

BEagle said...

How old is Palmer now?

paula eagleholic said...



paula eagleholic said...

Palmer is 16 weeks old today!

BEagle said...

Can't hear Palmer very well. With that hum.

paula eagleholic said...

Fish was consumed very quickly by Palmer! Looking for more.

paula eagleholic said...

Now screaming for more :)

BEagle said...

I heard that!

paula eagleholic said...

Off she went!

BEagle said...

There she goes.

NatureNut said...

Good Sunday Morning Everyone!
Oh, Boo! I just missed Palmer!

Having the TN relatives stop by this afternoon. Gotta straigten up house. Stepson,wife & 2 of their grandchildren (Fubby's great-grands) on way home from Carlyle, PA car show.
Later ☺

paula eagleholic said...

Heading to the DR, BBL

I got video of the last visit, will work on it when I get back...

BEagle said...

Later. More antibiotics means consume more yogurt (plain is better) or kefir (plain) or get some probiotics in tablet form.

hedgie said...

Ok---caught up since yesterday's thread started....
Andy, so glad that your hubby is doing better....what a scare.
Need to go back farther tp find out what's wrong with Paula, MEgan and Lynne!
Yippee----congrats to all fledglings, but especially to LOL!! Bet Isla is proud as punch!
Yes, saw the update on Doreen---so sad. She will be meeting Deb very soon...:(

Wanda, haven't checked your vidoe, but sure hope that the White House is more on the ball this year than last----they didn't send Mom's card until 6 MONTHS after the date. ARGH!

hedgie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

My delete-----double posted!

hedgie said...

Got good rain here Fri. night, but NONE yesterday......must have stayed on the east side of the mountains! Hoping that Megan got plenty!

hedgie said...

Happy Birthday to Donna Thompson----even tho' I'm not familiar with your name!!

hedgie said...

Donnie from Clear Spring, maybe??

hedgie said...

LOL....Wanda, it wasn't me who put the Journal comment--I couldn't get online, and I don't trust them to get it right from the phone!!!!

hedgie said...

Had 127 emails on Momster mail! Working through them slowly but surely. Had heard from Jo about the blogger problems! Wow....glad it got fixed!
Gotta finish getting ready to get out of here. Talk to my wonderful friends later this great day!! TTFN.

Judie said...

Yippee! Lynn has returned. So happy!

Important: Shirley is in and out of the closet and Jack moved Jo from their pond to a murky cow pasture down the road.

Phoenix is preparing to fledge. I will miss that one. Missed Palmer, of course.

BEagle said...

Paula, here's the video recap of #08 returning to the nest. It's almost to the end at the 1:45 mark.

Hope you didn't have to wait too long getting the ears checked.

BEagle said...

Paula, if you back track on the video to the :45 mark...this is where I believe 07 fledged.

BEagle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BEagle said...

The royal nest look shady and breezy.
A nice place for an hot eagle to refresh.


paula eagleholic said...

Back from the Dr...2 prescriptions at $213 later, with insurance! Sure hope they work. Still have a low grade fever, have sinus infection too. When it rains it pours. But hopefully will feel better soon!

Not going to get all I want to get done today, but tomorrow is another day!

paula eagleholic said...

MY LOL is still on! 4 hrs and 13 minutes later...thought it would have cut off a long time ago.

Going to try and get some laundry done, then work on the Palmer video.

paula eagleholic said...

BEagle, I did see that return to the nest by 07, not sure what you saw at the :45 or 45:00 mark....if you start watching at the 54:00 mark, you can see an adult eagle on the far left pinnacle being harassed by a raven :)

paula eagleholic said...

One chick laying in nest at LOL, not sure where the other one is.

paula eagleholic said...

Checked cam 2 at LOL, adult and other chick perched at the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

I think the second chick just fledged at LOL, looks like parent on the branch...OK wasn't the second chick, but chicklet just took off, flew around and landed. Looks like gonna go again...

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Birthday
Donna Thompson!!

paula eagleholic said...

Whee, there he goes again at LOL!

paula eagleholic said...

Whee....can see him flying around on cam 2...the one with the red squirrel picture.

BEagle said...

I have no idea about the :45 mark Paula.

It must have been on the previous tape.

Tomorrow is another day? Isn't that what Scarlet said right after Rhett walked out on her?

It's always bad getting get well bills. They want people to have relapses so they can keep you longer.

I always wait till I get to the car.....then I throw up in the garbage bag. Then I drive home yelling at everyone with my windows up of course.

It is just not good. But we always make it through, don't we?

paula eagleholic said...

zoom zoom back and forth he goes!

BEagle said...

Gotta go check out cam 2.

paula eagleholic said...

Back safely with a pretty good landing!

Palmer in the tree!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Scream and a clunk, LOL

stronghunter said...

Paula, thanks for saying that Cam#2 at LOL has the red squirrel picture. I had given up on finding it.

movin said...



ALL ...


I "see" that the older chicks at BWO are suddenly looking fairly grown up and are perching on the boards at the side today, and even the little one is up and gawking about at the surroundings.

I "hear" that Palmer is near the mic and calling for food.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

movin said...







paula eagleholic said...

I am going outside to sit in the sun while the video uploads...

paula eagleholic said...

Hope Lynne is feeling OK, haven't seen her on here since yesterday morning.

paula eagleholic said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BEagle said...

Guess who is back on the nest?

BEagle said...

She's covering something that was dropped on the nest.

Lynne went fishing this weekend.

paula eagleholic said...

Lots o screams...must be parent with food nearby, or maybe just parent, LOL

BEagle said...

Crunching and eating.

paula eagleholic said...

OH my Palmer in the nest, everything slow when uploading.

BEagle said...

It's a fair sized fish.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh lordy look at the nice fishy

paula eagleholic said...

boy is she chowing down!

paula eagleholic said...

I think Lynne was just going fishing for a couple of hours...

paula eagleholic said...

The upload will have to wait, would rather watch Palmer :)

paula eagleholic said...

Do yo see the upside down shell? at 6ish up from the tree trun

BEagle said...

The turtle shell is more obvious this evening.

Palmer is getting caught up in the sticks.

BEagle said...

I didn't realize Lynne said a couple hours.

I thought she said she wouldn't be posting much this weekend for some reason. ??

paula eagleholic said...

Shirely - you're welcome on the LOL info. I never would have found it if I hadn't read their blog when Isla was ill.

paula eagleholic said...

I think there's 2 there BEagle.

paula eagleholic said...

2nd one is smaller and closer to the edge, looks like it's right at the edge of the trunk

I think the fish is a goner!

paula eagleholic said...

Ah she just knocked the big one around while cleaning her beak

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne was going to go to MIL house in WV, but they didn't.

paula eagleholic said...

Well, I guess that satisfied her hunger, for now LOL. Quiet Palmer!

paula eagleholic said...

Hi PaLMer!

paula eagleholic said...

There she goes...

BEagle said...

She is gone again.

Judie said...

Wasn't Lynne going camping/fishing with hubby?

Paula, sure hope the meds work but wish they weren't so expensive.

Missed the LOL fledges but was able to see Palmer just now eating an early dinner. Truly is amazing to think of all the development in just four months.

paula eagleholic said...

No they were just going for a couple of hours...checked her post yesterday morning around 9am

paula eagleholic said...

Going back out to sit, don't feel dizzy doing that, LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Night time at LOL

Eaglet at TH


paula eagleholic said...

PH MT as well

paula eagleholic said...

This morning's video is posted :)

Lolly said...

Great video, Paula. I have no fear that Palmer will not do okay in this world. That bird can take care of herself!

hedgie said...

Hello all---back again in the same day. Good meeting, and yummy Applebee's dinner. Now for more catching up!!! It's going to take forever!!
Paula, hope the meds kick in fast---so sorry you feel so puny.

Lolly said...

Really pretty!

Mema Jo said...

I had sent Donna a birthday ecard and got this response....
Jo, thank you very much for the wonderful card. I really enjoyed it.

Mema Jo said...

Paula your video of Palmer is really good - shows that she knows what it is all about! Would love to see her come in with her own catch!

hedgie said...

Great video, Paula! Thanks.

Lolly said...

Hope Update

magpie said...

Welcome Home Hedgie...we have really missed you

magpie said...

there have been some powerful ailments going on here these last few days.......
hope all treatments keep working...
had that vertigo once
my sister walked me through a lie- down, roll sideways, raise the arm routine and so on like actually worked...but that dizziness is something else !

Mema Jo said...

Lynne had said they weren't planning to go up to mil - change of plans...
Hopefully she will chime in here soon or they changed their minds and did go.

Megan said hello to all and I told her hello from all. That chalk board on the side of her Market Truck is with a spray... remarkable! Looked great. I got her last 2 beautiful bouquets. She looked well - said that she and hubby have been watering day and night! Exhausting!

magpie said...

Wild cardinal wildflower not out yet but Joe Pye Weed is about to break blossoms...also lots of nice pink and lavender colored Wild Sweet William

also saw one new bird today, a Louisiana Water Thrush

Hope everyone has a good evening
Got the live feed on hoping to see an Eagle or two or three

You might already know this: Loch Garten is NOT going to be tagging the chicks this year.....slim window of opportunity, the wind has been too strong, safety concerns, and other things didn't line up quite right, the report is on their blog, one of the links

ttfn xo

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for Lily/Hope update Lolly.
Good Evening Margy!

magpie said...

Oh, thanks to everyone for all the nest reports and wildlife news

paula eagleholic said...

Lots of calling on TH for quite awhile finally paid of em got dinner.

Out on the deck to drink my yogurt smoothie...

Mema Jo said...

It is a good evening to sit on the deck - weather is great now but it was
sure hot early afternoon.

Mema Jo said...


magpie said...

and Good Evening to you Jo !

Thanks for the Megan Report !

magpie said...

Ha Ha Paula....I am chilling some Smoothie ingredients now....blueberries, bananas and such like that
it's coming up soon !

okay bye

Costume Lady said...

It is so good to have HEDGIE Lynn back:) We really did miss you, Lady!

Jo was speaking of a visit with Megan a while back and I had just posted a photo of a Butterfly Plant of GG's which came from Megan. She is so pleased with it because it is new to her and it does draw butterflies:)
I also posted a photo of a Blackberry Lily which came from some seeds that I gathered last Open House visit. I got some Milkweed seed pods and saw these black, round seeds and brought them home and planted them in the house...transplanted them in the Spring...and now they are blooming. They are sooo pretty. Another photo is of a Hummingbird Moth which I spotted today, while watering plants on my deck. There were 3 of them in my Mimosa tree. Very hard to photograph because they are high up in the tree top and a tad bit smaller than a Hummingbird. First time of have seen one here. Habby, Habby!

Costume Lady said...

Sympathies go out to you DIZZY DAMES;) I get a similar condition from time to time (have had it a little today...must be going around). If I'm up, it doesn't bother me unless I move my head, but when I lie down, the room spins. If I roll over on my other side, the spinning stops. If it's a really bad case, I get very nauseated:(

Costume Lady said...

Flowers and Hummingbird Moth are on WILD AND WONDERFUL.

Lolly said...

Nutritional dnner tonight...stuffed jalepenos wrapped in bacon and tamales. Oh, only live once!

Costume Lady said...

Lolly! My mouth is on fire and my eyes are watering. LOL

Costume Lady said...

Love Tamales...not much on any hot peppers, although, one year we grew a pepper that had just a touch of heat and it was very good stuffed.

Lolly said...

Jack boils the peppers a little and that takes some of the fire out. They are oh, so, good.


Costume Lady said...

This is very interesting (to Margy, especially). Did you know that in addition to the Bald Eagle being endangered in Wv, so is the
flat-spired three-toothed snail!
So, the next time you see a slug/snail drowning in a saucer of beer, check it out, open it's mouth and if it has three teeth, try to revive it!!

Costume Lady said...

Margy...can you see, in my Hummingbird Moth photo a V? That is pointing to the Moth. It is brownish in color.

Mema Jo said...

Good pics Wanda and I can see the moth. Took me awhile but finally found him.

Lolly said...

We have hummingbird moths. I think they are very interesting!

Oh, Jack's jalepenos were hot tonight. lol However, I just made some brownies and while munching on the pecans the fire went away! Whew!!!!

hedgie said...

Well, I've gotten through all of Fri. 7/2 blog! Thanks for all links----good stuff....what a wonderful story about the dog rescue, Lynne.

magpie said...

Yes Wanda I do see it!
When you said double click, that's what you meant! I only single-clicked it the first time...
Thank You !
I evicted another slug last night, but if I see another, I will check for those teeth !

magpie said...

I'm finally getting some new little tomatoes on the vine...
still waiting for the first BIG one to ripen, and when it does, it will feed your whole family Wanda !

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone! HELLO, Lynn! Are you suing Frontier yet?
Our company left before dinner. Nice visit. The GGD just turned 13 & is almost as tall as I am!
Nice videos---love it that Paula got the morning munch out! And hope everyone will be feeling better.
Wanda, never have seen a brown hummingbird moth--reminds me a little of a small sphinx. The two we have around here are clearwings.
Aren't mimosa's great? We used to have one at Park, but gone.
Speaking of which, after my Dr. appt. in AM, gotta fly to Park to help with butterfly count. They have to have 4 people to enter count with NABA & they only had 3. Duh! And I thought I wouldn't have to go~~~got jeans in washer now--gotta put in dryer & wash UV protection shirt.

Judie said...

Paula, thank you so much for the video of Palmer. It is really nice to be able to see her. I really appreciate your efforts, especially since you aren't feeling 100%.

Lolly, also thanks for the Hope update. I haven't checked on her since early morning.

Think I finally figured out what is making me feel less than terrific -- ate some almonds today and result was upset stomach. Same thing I did last week. Not allergic to nuts (except students nuts) but apparently need to limit the quantity.

Dinner tonight was not as exciting as stuffed jalepenos. Salmon croquettes and cucumber salad. Need to try to jalepenos.

Off to watch some t.v. Going to watch a program at 10 that involves the case of a friend of mine who worked for the FBI and husband, FBI, tried twice to kill her after she asked for a divorce. High profile case in this area. Involved novelist Patricia Cornwell. It will be interesting to find out if the story reflects her version of events to me.

BBL to say goodnight.

hedgie said...

On the 4th now! So many chuckles over so many of the comments!!! LOL! Sometimes they're funnier in retrospect than when first posted!!!

Lynne2 said...

Good evening all!

LYNN!!!! So glad you are back!!!

HUMMINGBIRD MOTHS!!!! they are so cool!
Did someone mention WILD SWEET WILLIAM???

Busy yesterday to catch specimens for pond exhibit at Irvine....OMG what a hoot in the rain! Steve caught us 2 bluegills and amazingly enough, 2 baby yellow perch as well! He IS THE FISHERMAN! And it only took 2 hours....too funny to throw the ones back that were too BIG!!!

That lead to taking them to Irvine, remodeling the pond display, helping Tracey get some things done. Steve did a great job!

Then off to walk the dogs who really need a LONG walk and it was so COOL yesterday for a change!

Back home and tired, crashed early. Steve got up this AM and drove to store....saved box turtle, a young one. Hit by car and badly cracked shell. SOOOO, back to Irvine for Tracey to fix up. Turtle has bandage on shell and I'm happy to report is feisty! Will take to rehabber tomorrow. Stayed to remove one of the bluegills who appears to have a tiny bit of fungus on his side. Had to set up quarantine tank to put meds in water. Catching him took about a half little sucker! Had to undo decorations in tank then REdo them all over again.

Went to lunch with Tracey, came home, ran errands, stopped at garden center to pick up a plant, came home, Steve weed eated and I weeded the gardens in back ( nice to see the weeds doing just fine )

Whew....just put hose away and finished cleaning up outside, checked here but not much time to read back thoroughly at the moment. Will catch up more in the morning.

Feeling better...dizziness not as bad but now ear hurts. It's like a ENT epidemic on here! Paula, so sorry you've taken a turn for the worse :(

Going to eat, shower and get in my bed and call it a day! May check back in a while, but maybe not til the morning so Prayers for all and good night!

Judie said...

Lynn, maybe the chuckles will help to offset the aggravation of conversion to Frontier. Just so happy to have you back with us. Laugh as much and as often as you please.

hedgie said...

JUDIE------are you still here??? What channel is that show on?????

hedgie said...

I have not even looked at FB yet.....don't think I'll get to it today! Haven't even read one of my newspapers either.

Mema Jo said...

Wow Spidey has a great web tonight!

I'm in front of the tv - be back when show is over......

Mema Jo said...

Margy - I ate my first rippened tomato from my Totem bush plant from Megan.
Yummy! Great taste.

hedgie said...

Paula, Judie, Lynne----sure hoping and praying that you gals feel tip-top really soon!!

hedgie said...

Wow........can't believe NO emails from Suz.......has anyone heard from her??? Hope she's okay.

paula eagleholic said...

I found $15 in the dryer! So that's where all my money went...into my shorts pockets, LOL

BEagle said...

The blog is abuzz!

Paula, the video is an excellent finale to the sweet and gentle
Miss Palmer.
What a beautiful bird.

But since her nest season has come to a close I recommend that a cam site be constructed on Margy's slugs, esp. if they have three teeth.

Off to see if there are fledged eagles strutting their stuff because they have found their wings.

hedgie said...

Time for a dish of ice cream here....anybody else??

BEagle said...

Lynne, your days are a storybook.

BEagle said...

I am having a frosty but thank you.

BEagle said...

Paula, so your net cost for the day was $198.

BEagle said...

: D

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, I seriously thought about ice cream, but found a can of bean soup in the basement. Ready to dig into it now...

paula eagleholic said...

WE - 07 and 08 both flying in and out today. 07 on the nest now.

TH - PEEP PEEP PEEP all afternoon long, LOL

paula eagleholic said...


Costume Lady said...

Speaking of dryers and Paula recovering $15, I took out a load of underwear and jamies last night and had lipstick all over EVERYTING! It seems a tube of lipstick got in the dryer and, of course, melted. Even the BLACK undies shows the lipstick stain...all ruined! $$$$ :(

magpie said...

bummer Wanda !

Video is Great, Paula

Smoothies here, have plenty of ingredients....some on over !

hedgie said...

Just saw where some of you heard the horse noises that I mentioned Palmer making a couple of weeks ago.....funny, isn't it????

Lolly said...

Hmmmm???? Let me cream or bean soup???? And, you chose bean soup????? LOL Ice cream cures all ailments!!

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda, try rewashing them.

BEagle said...

Will someone dare to say what ROLF means?

Lolly said...

Not sure what ROLF means, but ROFL means "Rolling on floor laughing."

magpie said...

ISS made a nice flyover about half an hour ago...too bad it wasn't a wee bit darker out yet.

Shirley Venus and Regulus were cozied up together these last few days...shows how fast Regulus has changed positions from when it was so close to Mars a few weeks back

Lynn don't stay up too late catching up!
Lynne you had a really busy week-end!

Time for the pillows here,
hope everyone keeps feeling better with each new day
Prayers for many needs, and thanks for gifts given including precious friendship here on this Blog

God Bless Us, Every One xo ♥

Lolly said...

Nite Margy! Sweet dreams! And, when you check the teeth of a slug, I want a picture! ☺

BEagle said...

Thanks Lolly.

Margy, sure like it when you post the IIS

BEagle said...

Which one is Regulus. Is that in the lion?

BEagle said...

Helllllooooooo Margy. Are you there?

BEagle said...

Okay. Night Magpie.

BEagle said...

The Swift is jerking like something is tickling her belly. I wonder.....

magpie said...

Yep - still here... BEagle...
uh, I am not very good at the constellations like that...
Big Dipper I know, and Draco and some things like that, but I have never been good at Leo, Aries, and those things....
though I have many books and can find out! Maybe Monday I can come up with a better answer ☺ but someone will probably beat me to it

NOW, all things ready to shut down, lights, camera, action....
'Night Now...Sweet Dreams to all you folks too !

Lolly said...

Okay, can you see a green glow coming from TX? I am so green with envy it is pathetic. Someone asked our pastor today where they are going on vacation. Laura, yes, or pastor is a she, the northwoods of Minn. I said, you are kidding! She said they are going to Ely! OMG So, today I sent her the web address for the bear center. Well, she went on, saw they have a photographers special where you can go with them to get up close pictures of the bears. She is going to try to see if she can get on to do that. OMG!!! I want to do that!

BEagle said...

Yes it is. Regulus is the heart of the lion.

hedgie said...

Just looked at Bob's fireworks photos--WOW---I am speechless. Wish I had his camera.....and his talent!!

BEagle said...

The scriptures report that the Messiah would come from the house of Judah represented by Leo.

Regulus is the heart and the brightest star in the constellation.

The constellations surrounding Leo are significant too.

I need a telescope.

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, there is a short video/slideshow of GG's 4th picnic on Just for Fun blog. Check it out:)

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Lolly, maybe the Pastor will take you with her! Lucky gal!

Margy - hope your smoothie was as good as mine was. I hate yogurt, so decided to put it in a fruit smoothie...plain yogurt, banana, strawberries, OJ and ice. Pretty good!

Lolly - you know you're not feeling good pick bean soup over ice cream! I was trying to find something nutritional that I didn't have to chew! My ear is clogged up and it's driving me crazy when I chew, I hate that sound!

Lynn - those pics were pretty weren't they!

Lynne2 said...

bean soup over ICE CREAM????

Lipstick on underwear?

Snails with teeth???

Boy, you can't miss a MOMENT on here!

Lolly, OMG!!! Now there is a GREEN GLOW over my house too!!!

Lynne2 said...

wow BEagle you sure know a lot about constellations!

Oh BTW, when I was putting the hose away, a Green Tree Frog practically jumped into my hand! I couldn't believe it....he'll be going to Irvine as well. They have a big beautiful display for tree frogs but only have one lonely Gray Tree Frog. How lucky am I?

BEagle said...

Sounds like a delicious smoothie Paula.
Watch out for the green glow.
It will attack many homes this evening.

Lynne2 said...

wow, a 60% chance of showers and thunder showers Monday night through Tuesday night. Hope they've got it right this time.

BEagle said...

It's late and a lot past my bedtime.
Now for some pounding exercise by hitting the sack!

Have a very restful and peaceful sleep. Goodnight.

God loves you.

Lolly said...

Lynne, you had me giggling!

You are such the perfect person for this volunteer job. They are missing out if they do not hire you. I am afraid that if a tree frog had jumped at me...I would have screamed. Have this thing about frogs. lol

I will have to tell Pastor Laura to be on the look out for...dead appliances...silver tinsel...what else? ☺

Lynne2 said...

it's all about the Non-Profit budget limitations Lolly. Tracey is going to look into getting me a position there it at all possible and I can only say, as always, God has a plan. I hope this is His for me! But if not....

Steve is going to volunteer too! Well, he already has unofficially. He's going to hopefully build an outdoor box turtle habit for Bruiser, the very large and aggressive male that can't be placed in the current habitat with the others because he has social issues! I got a good picture of him today and some others I'll get posted hopefully tomorrow.

Lolly said...

Lynne, did you see the picture of the turtle we rescued from our pond yesterday? Was not a water turtle and he could not get out.

stronghunter said...

Sopping by to say good night. It has been a lively blog today. I have been reading over the comments from time to time.

I saw a butterfly moth today, too. It was on my petunias. Not a brown one.

Lynne2 said...

I did Lolly, do you know what kind of turtle he was? I can't tell from the pictures and I'm sure you all oops I mean Y'all have different turtles that we have.

Heading to bed now, see you good friends in the morning!

Judie said...

Oh good grief. Venus and Regulus are trying for HP, pastor Laura is decked out in silver tinsel and seeking dead appliances, bean soup is now the new ice cream, hitting the sack is the new aerobics, and frogs are headed to Irvine. Never a dull moment here.

Lynn, sorry I didn't respond in time. Program was on my channel 285 -- On The Case With Paula Zahn. The program was much as Margo described events to me. Only thing she didn't say was what she used to tell my students: I will only feel safe when I see his dead body. She lives in fear for her life when her husband is released from prison. She used to do guest lectures for me on stalking and domestic violence. I miss her.

Lolly, I think you should be concerned about frogs, etc. after Jack took Jo to a cow pasture pond. Critters talk, ya know.

Wanda, please wear some lipsticked panties to Open House. What a sight that would be.

Well, time for me to say goodnight. Turning my light off but leaving the night light on for others coming in or heading to night time destinations. Pleasant dreams.

hedgie said...

Hot weather bugs (locusts? cicadas?) are sure making a lot of noise tonight. Harbinger of more high temps tomorrow, I guess. After suffering with the stupid stinkbugs, I am doubly glad that this isn't a pestilence year for locusts or cicadas!!

Judie said...

Oh good grief, again. Shirley has been into the Chasteberries as she was sopping by a few minutes ago. Shirley, get thee to the recliner.

hedgie said...

I'm on Weds. was not Indiana Dave who flew for the eagle was the guy in MO with the four little ones---Jamie?
I think the nest that BEagle was talking about in WV was the one on the New River, which we learned about this spring.

hedgie said...

Judie----thanks---I had found it----assumed it was the right one....thanks for verifying. Recorded and will watch it tomorrow!

Wanda---rewash with a healthy does of Clorox II! Can't hurt, might work!

Bean soup is good......and understand with your poor ears, Paula. But bet the smoothie tasted even better!

hedgie said...

Green glow here for sure!!!

Speaking of posts so far as I've gotten......has she been on FB?

hedgie said...

OK....see where BEagle got the New River Gorge eagles nest info on.
But I know that Jamie (if I have the name right) was in MO, not MN----because I asked him where in MO he was----and was quite a long ways from St. Louis which is near where Mom lives.

Lolly said...

Yes, Glo has been on fb. She posted tonight. She put on a really good picture of herself.

hedgie said...

Also think that Dave had said the nest near him wouldn't be visible once the leaves came out. Wonder where he's been? Last time I checked his blog, there weren't any new pics up..but it's been a while, so...

hedgie said...

Well, eyes have had it.........will have to finish catching up tomorrow. SO glad to be back with you all. It was awful being out of touch like that. Hope it never happens to the rest of you. Don't know how Norma stands it.
Goodnight my dear, fine, fowl friends. Sleep well. Prayers for all. Love each and every one.

Mema Jo said...

I remember he said he wanted to travel like to Alaska or somewhere up north.

Mema Jo said...

An aggressive turtle - There was a video of a turtle going after a cat. I had sent it to Lynn thinking it could be Myrtle... Now I know it was Bruiser
in that video. I'll try to find it.

OK I got stuck with TV show and then the news and then back the hallway. So
I am now out here and going to close it down.

Mema Jo said...

Good Night All
Prayers for Karen & Kailey and for
all others who have needs & wants.
Hugs to All ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Lolly said...

Well, I am headed toward the bed myself!

Lynn, it really is great to have you back. I am impressed with you going back and reading the blog. I think it was funny reading the statements we made when the blog had gone dorggy.

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

PA Nana said...

Well, I'm very late but wish everyone a restful sleep and a safe and wonderful Monday.

Blessings for all wants/needs and appreciation for those given.

God Bless!

Costume Lady said...

Waaay past bedtime!


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!
Sorry to be getting here so late!
Have been very busy today trying to keep Hubby from doing too much, and getting some homework done.

WELCOME BACK, LYNN! You have really been missed!


Sorry that Paula and Judie and Lynne are feeling less than 100%! Hope things improve rapidly--prayers being said for you!

Well, think I'll say goodnight and try to go catch the TV show that Judie mentioned--sounds really good! Leaving the night light on, and the porch light, also. The eye scanner security is enabled. Prayers said for everyone. Sleep well, and will talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

Mits said...

Good MONDAY morning everyone...July 12th, 2010, have a good one:)

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle ♀'s and ♂'s

empty Royal Nest right now

by the way, Loch Garten, oldest chick fledged.....just see two there now, link on their site describes the action....
had Loch of the Lowe's up, saw just two, think adult and starting panning the countryside and now it went down for me

Best wishes for a Good Monday


Mits said...

from LOL...

July 12th, 2010 by E Rawling, Perthshire Ranger SWT
Our first born osprey chick has been pretty busy since fledging for the first time yesterday- no less than six flights from the nest and a few practise landings ( some better than others which can be comical!). This morning it has been away for quite some time- but don’t worry we’ve just found it perched high above the loch on the far side of the bay, getting used the new view.

With wing muscles only just getting used to all this work, chicks will often perch up somewhere nearby to rest and get the energy up to fly back to nest. Never fear though, as soon as there is even a hint of food arriving at the nest , the chick will appear as if from nowhere- sound familiar to anyone with teenage children?

The second, slightly younger chick seems to be getting ready to follow suit this morning- after an attempt this morning at about half past six. Stay Tuned!

Emma Rawling

Perthshire Ranger

magpie said...

a 3rd bird just returned to Loch Garten...maybe the parent...

Good Morning Mits ☼

Lynne2 said...

Good Morning!

UGH, the LOL cam is down for me too. Rats.

Mits said...

P.S. at 9.10 am a spectacular aerial dog fight between the osprey parents and a heron who dared to come too close the nest, just shows the instinct to protect is still strong despite the chicsk being big enough to defend themselves now!

Update: at 9.40 this morning the second chick took its maiden flight- a text book one at that!

magpie said...

computer here pokey pokey pokey this morning

What I saw yesterday, either Wild Sweet William, Smooth Phlox, or Garden Phlox.....or maybe I saw all of them, will get pictures up later.....guess I will have to go see if the stems are fuzzy or smooth

magpie said...

Here's a quick Pick Lynne....
the Peterson Guide book describes the differences and similarities...
have to study it up close some more

time to water the plants

We're getting ready to SPLIT or maybe we already did

ttfn xoxo

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning Eagle buds!! Hope everyone is having a rainy Monday morning! We are grateful for it!

magpie said...

Hi Sissy... sure hope it moves North !

message from Steve regarding the Still Cam:

"They are doing maintenance in the Production building and that is impacting the still feed. They are trying to get things done ASAP. "

thanks Steve for the info...

stronghunter said...

Sopping by to say good morning!

No rain here, at least not now.

Will be right back. Need coffee.

magpie said...

Great views of one upside down turtle shell and one right side up turtle shell at NCTC

Hi Shirley !
Very excited for you on your upcoming Road Trip !

stronghunter said...

We're taking the bassets with us. The lady said that if we go out for the day, she will walk the dogs and give them treats.

stronghunter said...

Did everyone get lost on the other side of the split?

«Oldest ‹Older   201 – 400 of 487   Newer› Newest»

6/12/24 1

 She doesexist! LOL. What a nice surprise to see Bella on the lop morning when I awoke. And got a few minutes of her in the nest m Boys he l...