Thursday, June 03, 2010


New thread.


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Mema Jo said...

Palmer is looking for his lunch!
Watch for a fly-in or shadow overhead.......

Mema Jo said...

Palmer up at noonish - watching for an incoming meal...... lol

hedgie said...

Saw that pic, Jim, but thanks for posting it---enlarged it looks like Hope is very thin......

Wanda, so glad that GG is doing better, but Doc is right: she needs to keep that leg elevated as much as possible! as that Dr. B? Didn't know his in-laws lived next to GG; thought those folks were younger than that!

Mema Jo said...

I think that Palmer just had a
"Hissy Fit"

movin said...

Did you see Palmer just now?



Mema Jo said...

I just passed the one hour mark on the live feed without any interruptions! Is this happening for everyone else ?

movin said...

Palmer was kind of flying all over the nest and nearly went over the side at one point.



Mema Jo said...

I think I should get my own lunch and not worry about Palmer getting hers'

Mema Jo said...

I was watching her feet during that fly around the nest, Jim!
I was just hoping she caught a hold of something and didn't go out of there.... Nerve racking!

hedgie said...

Protest at the Spelling Bee is ridiculous. However, the Bee itself is ridiculous. I am an excellent speller with a huge vocabulary; last year I had never heard of at least half of the words from the final bee. Words that are basically not ever used in normal speech are ridiculous words to use for a bee. JMHO. What ever happened to words like antidisestablishmentarianism and supercalifragilisticexpealidocious??

Mits said...

update BWO...

We've seen some activity behind the older chicks that seems to indicate the third chick is still hanging in there.

hedgie said...

Sure hope so, Mits!!!

Costume Lady said...

If you like political cartoons, I have posted one on my SMILES:):) BLOG....however, if you are fond of Barack Obama, maybe you shouldn't look at it. I'm just sayin.....

Mema Jo said...

1281 viewers hoping to see a Little Loon or 2 hatch! One of those viewers is ME !

movin said...

Both adults in Finney's nest now.



Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

My cam still running at 1:03:51, 52, 53, 54! :)

Mema Jo said...

Whoo Hoo! Sure hope the timer keeps going and going. Just hope it is intentional

Mine is 1:40:38

FuzzleMT said...

hedgie: real name Irene - I deleted the other Google name that snuck in sometimes because even I was getting confused - my old avatar was a "grizzly."
Ragdoll: I live in Salem MA - hail from quiet area of Western PA south of Pittsburgh - soon to move out "west" because I really miss the country and my vegetable garden - (sigh).

Mema Jo said...

There you go Hedgie/Lynn
Write that down now......
FuzzleMA is Irene....
Irene - how far out west will you go?

Mema Jo said...

Palmer is being very very patient!
Mom and Dad, I think, are preparing her with a reason for the first flight! FOOD !

Mema Jo said...

Palmer is whimpering - must be lonely for just one little eaglet all alone!
She and Hidey should get together.

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Thank you, Jim, for the picture of Hope.

Can't even get "as the circle turns" on live cam. Missing all the Palmer action. Just a pale square where once there was a Palmer.

Lynn, those "old fashioned" words have now been combined into antisuperdiscalifragilestabilistictarianism.

Okay, back to reading: female serial killers - fun.

hedgie said...

Thanks, Irene. I have it written down on my cheat sheet now!!
Are you going to western MA, or out west as in western part of the US??

Costume Lady said...

JO, I also, keep feeling sorry for Palmer, being an only child, but then, I remember that she was a miracle given to us to enjoy...we almost didn't get any in the nest this year!
By the way...Gene's fishing trip was cancelled...too late to change our nest visit plans now!

Costume Lady said...

Lynn...Charlie Hensell and wife Margy are GG's neighbors. I went to school with both of them. Margy and Dr. B wife are sisters.

Mema Jo said...

That is so funny (ironical) Wanda

Yard sale plans of Dana's changed
Capt Gene's fishing trip cancelled

Must be a reason.... Maybe Palmer
will NOT fledge until the 12th at Noon! lol

Mema Jo said...

Live feed running smoothly

2:11:00 Wowsie!

I pray it is intentional!

Mema Jo said...

Missing Paula and some others!

Ragdoll said...

WOW!! the different live feed is great. Just like the energizer bunny. Goes on and on and on!!

hedgie said...

Judie, you have such a way with words!!!! I have a book for you to read, is very old----50's. Found it among some of my Dad's old books. As soon as I finish it, I'll drop it in the mail. It's interesting reading: 15 historical notorious criminals.

Mema Jo said...

Deb I sure it stays this way so that we just don't miss that first
flight of Palmer's

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Just getting here now because of some unscheduled drama with my modem. Long story, but it's resolved now. I'll spare you the gory details.

Jim, thanks for the picture of little Hope--praying that she keeps coming back to the food and keeps her strength up.

Hope that Annie the cat is feeling better today. Think it would be a good idea to give the vet an update though--can't hurt, and it might help.

Wanda, checked out your Smiles Blog :):)--very funny!--and SO true.

Well, need to give my homework some attention. Will check back in a bit. Have a super day! :o]

Mema Jo said...

You tell them Palmer!

Love to hear her 'eaglet talk'

hedgie said...

Well, after all of the plan changes, Palmer better change any notion she has of flying the coop before next week, too!

Wanda, gotcha! I misinterpreted---thought the neighbors were his parents-in-law!!!

Ragdoll said...

Jim, Thank you for the picture of Hope. I could get that one at work. Glad she was eating.

Mema Jo said...

I am hesitant to take a nap this afternoon even if just an hour...
I could miss a loon egg hatching or and eaglet flying......

But I am in control - off to put the feetsies up! lol

Ragdoll said...

Mema Jo, I don't wamt to miss that firt fledge either. I miss it last year with Hidey.

End of day wrap up. BBL ^..^

Ragdoll said...

Want, I meant want. Good thing I'm not in the Spelling Bee.

T-Bird said...

Will someone please tell Palmer it would be a good idea to fledge tomorrow in honor of my birthday.
: )

Judie said...

Don't know what's wrong. Still can't get the live cam to open. Pale square, no circle, and clicking Play does nothing. Grrrr.

Checked CA eaglets and Jim is correct -- it won't be long.

Also checked on Phoenix. Looks like rain there and hiding under adult. Big stick hiding egg.

Lynn, would love to read your Dad's book. Thank you. Dontcha jest luv vocabulariums?

Hot, really unpleasantly hot here.

Sorry about the canceled fishing trip and yard sale. Back up plans?

Glad Shirley's soiree went well.

Hope Margy is getting some good sleep.

Treat tonight. Headed for Kennedy Center to see Lawrence Fisbburne in one-man play Thurgood. He did this on Broadway several years ago and it has gotten very good reviews here. Looking forward to this one.

Back to reading -- maybe a nap. AC and ceiling fans are not helping much today.

hedgie said...

Gosh, it's awful outside. Was feeling guilty that I wasn't out there doing stuff, but there is an air quality alert for people w/ respiratory problems, so that lets me off the hook!!

movin said...

Did Palmer get fed yet?? She seems a bit quieter now.



hedgie said...

Severe thunderstorm watch issued until 10pm for all surrounding counties/states. Hang on, Palmer!! Can see her feathers blowing a bit.

movin said...

From the blog at Atlanta, it appears Lun Lun might be getting ready to mate....



movin said...

Looking over at the San Diego cam, I think Bai Yun just returned from a trek around the compound, and then she tried to start some play fighting with Diego....



hedgie said...

Raining here now, but not storming.

hedgie said...

So Atlanta doesn't do artificial insemination, Jim?

Mema Jo said...

T-Bird I love you but I'm not telling her that! She can wait until she sees you!

Mema Jo said...

Enjoy your evening's entertainment Judie! Let us hear all about it!

hedgie said...

And just like that the sun is back out and rain stopped!

hedgie said...

Oh, Judie, I'm envious! I bet the show will be great! Enjoy!

Thelma, your birthday present MUST be late---I have told Palmer she has to wait and make her debut flight just for you when you are there to witness it!

movin said...

Hedgie, I think I got the idea from an earlier blog that, while Atlanta has been doing artificial insemination, they would be willing to give the pair a chance at the natural program if they show an interest.

I think Bai Yun at San Diego was artificially inseminated on her first pregnancy, but she and Gao Gao have produced them all since by natural means.



Mema Jo said...

Live feed went to 60:00:00
then it started over and is now 1:04:56

movin said...

Well, my puter is showing some signs of hanging up. Think I'll shut some stuff down for now.

Talk more later.



FuzzleMT said...

hedgie and Mema Jo: from your 1:00 ish comment: I visited Spokane WA, Coeur d'Alene ID and Missoula MT a while back and absolutely fell in love with Montana. It is BEAUTIFUL country with a lot of trees, wide open blue sky that you can actually see and crisp clean air. Pretty evident this country gal has been too long in the city!!

hedgie said...

Oh-oh. Thundering now. Time to shut down. BBL.

hedgie said...

Irene, my sis and BIL hope to one day settle in Montana! Big sky country. Bye!

Mema Jo said...

I thought I heard those wings a flappin'

Mema Jo said...

Too Much Too Much
Thelma I thought she was a gonner.

Mema Jo said...

Anyone else with me on the live feed ????

kickngbird said...

Teenage angst...

Mema Jo said...


kickngbird said...

Think the thunder will keep her in the nest. I think hunger is the main reason for her calls, but the approaching storm just adds to her anxiety.

kickngbird said...

Heard that whimper again - pathetic, isn't it?

Mema Jo said...

Hi KB I really don't know that she has been brought any food today.

FuzzzleMA - Go for it!

Not sure but maybe storm around the nest - or could just be the wind blowing.....

kickngbird said...

All the new sticks that have arrived haven't been arranged very nicely - my guess is that the grumpy teenager has chased off Mom or Dad as soon as sticks get delivered! So no nice "bowl" to hunker down into.

Mema Jo said...

Yepper - Big Boomers.....

Can we hear raindrops? (I am half deaf - just wondering)

Mema Jo said...

Some of the sticks could be from the sides of the nest... not sure since I didn't see them come in.

kickngbird said...

Yes it's raining there - not hard, though

kickngbird said...

Good point about the sticks - Palmer may have grabbed them from the sides and pulled them around, "messing up" her room!

kickngbird said...

Rain coming down a little harder now, doubt any adult is doing any fishing or hunting, so no meal is likely to come in any time soon.

Ragdoll said...

OH POOP. Left school came home and now I can't get back on the live feed. I lost my place. Now I have to go back to the end of the line.

kickngbird said...

Well, this is what those 7,000 beautiful feathers on an eagle are for! I wouldn't want to be out in that rain, but Palmer will be fine. Hungry, but fine!

Got to run -

Mema Jo said...

Deb - hope you get on
Keep trying....... I have it up on IE and it hasn't quit on me yet!

Ragdoll said...

I am missing all the action. BOO! HISS!

Just had a first. When I signed in I had to do a verification word. I have be asked to put my password in twice, but never verification word. Hummmm!!

Mema Jo said...

Oh Boy! This is almost too much to watch........

Ragdoll said...

Thank you Mema Jo. I now have the live feed. I was standing in line on Firefox.

Ragdoll said...

I hear parent from above.

Mema Jo said...

could be a parent near the mic.....

Ragdoll said...

Oh! Palmer is hungry and wet.

Mema Jo said...

I couldn't get back into the Loon Cam

Ragdoll said...

Looks like the sun is back out.

Mema Jo said...

Is our gal preening those downy feathers or just having a wing to cover her head from the rain? lol

Ragdoll said...

Well, she has calmed down.
I have tried the loon cam on IE and FF. Won't work for me either. Darn

hedgie said...

Well, storm was a complete fizzle here, but apparently quite bad in town. May be more to come...

Ragdoll said...

I can't wait to get the detailed report on Hope this evening. I would also like to hear more on Lily.

Ragdoll said...

Hedgie. Glad the storm is over for you. At lease for now.

hedgie said...

My oh my, what a mess that nest is!
Just like a kid......Clean your room, Palmer!
I can't get the Loon cam up, either.

Mema Jo said...

I really have to take a short break. Seems like Palmer has calmed down. No storm here yet from over the mountain.


Ragdoll said...

Your right Hedgie. What a mess. Do you think she has been knocking the rails down when she is flap dancing.

Ragdoll said...

Just check out Hornby. Pheonix is growing. When is Parents going to let go of that egg.

hedgie said...

Palmer doesn't seem to be moving a muscle!

hedgie said...

Yep, Deb, I bet she has knocked them down from around the rim.
I find it very strange that Hornby eagles haven't gotten that dud egg out of there, too.

Judie said...

Finally, got a live picture of Palmer just hangin out. As you all have seen, the nest is just a mess. Wonder what happened?

Irene, I asked about the Hornby egg yesterday -- first time I had seen it. Jo said is was not viable but Phoenix wants it to stay put. He/she seems to like to cover it up.

No storm here, yet. May come along in a little while.

Very positive news about Hope. Just pray she will continue to take advantage of the food provided and not get scared off.

BBL with a Thurgood report.

Ragdoll said...

Maine BRI eaglets are grow fast.

Loon cam is up. It's really windy and rocky. Lots of different noises.

Ragdoll said...

You can see both loons. One on nest. One close by in the water.

Ragdoll said...

Loons just made a nest switch. I saw both eggs.

hedgie said...

New Hope report is Hopeful!!!


hedgie said...

Got loon back up. Look at that nest arockin'! Look at the blue sky at the horizon!

Ragdoll said...

Thank you Hedgie for the new hopeful update. Now if she will just stay where she is and continue to eat. Then maybe they can put a little collar so she can be tracked. (((HUGS for little Hope)))

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!
Lynn, thanks for the news of Hope! Sounds like the little cutie is doing OK! What a relief!
Sure hope she's going to be all right.

Just got in from filling bird feeders and watering my patio plants. The male Bullock's Oriole was back, followed shortly by the juvie male and both females! They are still going to just the hummer feeder, but have taken all of the blueberries I've put on the oriole feeder. Had an oriole AND a Rufous hummer on the hummer feeder at the same time yesterday! They were too fast for me to get a picture of them, though. Will keep trying.

Whew! Although the thermometer says it's only in the low 70s, it feels warmer than that--I think it feels like the low 80s. Guess I'd better go get a shower. Maybe that will help. Hubby should be home from work soon, so better get movin'. Will be back later, after dinner.

Judie, enjoy your show tonight! Can't wait for your report!:o]

Oh, before I forget--regarding the branches in the nest, I've heard that as it gets closer to fledge time, the adult eagles tend to put branches in the nest to make it less comfortable for the
eaglet(s), and encouraging them to leave the nest. Could that be what's going on? Ok, gotta run--will BBL. :o]

hedgie said...

I worry that with her big feet, Palmer could trip over all that mess and fall right over the edge!!

hedgie said...

Gee, Andy, that's interesting. Hadn't heard that! Guess mom and pop know best.
Hope you get some pics of those birds!

Mema Jo said...

I had never heard that about messy nests - I had always seen and heard that the juvie is the one with all their jumping that makes the mess.
Only thing I know about making them feel uncomfortable is the feeding.
However - I remember them feeding Hidey
up to the last minute......
You know - it's feed - poop shoot -
and off you go from the side of the nest!

Mema Jo said...

Sounds like another storm coming through

Mits said...

radar shows a storm west of the nest heading out of Martinsburg, looks fairly strong

Mema Jo said...

I've reviewed the blog for today and nowhere do I see that Palmer
has eaten. I really don't like those tactics!

Mema Jo said...

Sounds strong!

How is your weather.....?

Mema Jo said...

Have not heard from Megan recently.

Mits said...

mine is super-doper:), Jo

Mits said...

now on radar looks like the worst of the storm might pass by NW of the nest....I'm on weather underground radar.....

Mema Jo said...

I wish Palmer would just lie down in that old egg cup!

Mema Jo said...

I wish I had a harness on her

Ragdoll said...

Did anybody see what I just saw? Palmer when right up in the air and for a second you couldn't see her.

Mema Jo said...

Mits - can you get either of the cams (Stil or Live)

Ragdoll said...

It's raining on Palmer.

Mema Jo said...

She is looking up Not at me cause I hope either her mom or dad is up on their limb.

Ragdoll said...

Thunderstorm. Don't fledge now Palmer your all wet.

Mits said...

yes,Jo I can get both, still do not like what it does to my computer when I put it up.

Mema Jo said...

I'm glad you're watching Deb

hedgie said...

Hear thunder again, but sun is out.....

Ragdoll said...

Palmer is sitting on the branch by the trunk of the tree. Looking around.

Mema Jo said...

If I start going down for more than a week at a time - I'm getting DSL.... Can't stand my dial up down there.

Mema Jo said...

Did you get any rain from this second storm, Lynn?

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie thanks for posting HOPE

I had eaten dinner and spoted it right here on the blog...

Ragdoll said...

Parents need to bring that girl something to eat soon. When I saw her go so high she was out of site she was going out at about 2:00.... Heart Attack Plus!

Mema Jo said...

Blue Jay is stealing all the peanuts that I had left out for squirrels.......

Mema Jo said...

Deb - that 2:00 spot looks like it is her favorite for her High Jumps.

Mema Jo said...

Sounds a bit more quiet
Helen what does the weather map say

Oh well forget that....Boom Boom Man just went off!

Ragdoll said...

BBL...need to eat, have a glass or two of wine. Need to calm my nerves down. Did anyone else see that????
Later Gator.

Mits said...

storm looks like it is weakening some, the closer it gets to the nest

Mema Jo said...

I hope also that Lib or Belle feeds Palmer this evening...If they don't she'll be a goner tomorrow. I hope it is a juicy FISH and not turtle or squirrel!

hedgie said...

No, Jo, didn't get anything this time around, either.

hedgie said...

There went a feather floating over the edge!

stronghunter said...


Blogger cop can't count today! I had some trouble finding you all.

Also had some cam problems. I finally got to see Palmer after three tries. Like Judie, I was getting a pale screen.

Okay, do lemonade and Oreos increase brain power?

I gave Oreos to my block 3 class, and they really surprised me on the exam. Not all grades were passing, but the ones that weren't were better than I expected them to be. One boy who had been bugging me to death, and who did not have many points to spare, made an A-, the highest grade in the class.

I tried to enter the grades into the computer, but the program will not accept exam grades yet. I sent off an e-mail to the tech person. I want to put them in and see what turns up.

hedgie said...

One of my favorite shows that had disappeared is back this evening with new episode: Flashpoint; Miami Medical is new, too, even tho' it's not that great a show and won't be around next season.
Think I will take a nap......I can tape Jeopardy and spelling bee, and then watch shows.

hedgie said...

Wow, Shirley....that sounds suspicious!!!! Hopefully, he just decided to apply himself! Oreos and lemonade? Sounds like a terrible combo!!! Bye.

Mits said...

yes, Lynn, saw that, love that show, and I also started to enjoy Miami Medical.

Mits said...

Lynn, great minds, I thought the same thing;)

Mits said...

new pic on BWO site....

In this afternoon photo it appears our youngest chick is still active. We hope it can keep up with its bigger siblings.

Mema Jo said...

Miama Medical isn't toooooo bad - we have started to watch it.

Mema Jo said...

Almost time for someone to go and throw a salmon or a flounder up into the nest!
Hope all is okay with Lib & Belle..

Mema Jo said...

A big yawn from Palmer.......

Ragdoll said...

Palmer looks sad. Must think Mom and Dad have forgotten about her. Okay, So I'm the one that's thinking that way.

Mema Jo said...

Yepper! We do it to ourselves! lol

Mema Jo said...

It isn't going to hurt Palmer in any physical way if she doesn't eat for a day. It only hurts in my heart for her.

Mema Jo said...

My live feed has been running
5 hrs 25 min 6 secs.... Whoppee

Mits said...

its not the best medical show I have seen Jo, but I was starting to like some of the charecters:(

Mema Jo said...

Drinking a half cup coffee since it is getting late.


stronghunter said...

"Who the hell steals a birdhouse??"
I'm quoting Will here.

When I got home this afternoon, the birdhouse had disappeared, pole and all. Will went back behind the trees and found it planted there, but the base of the pole was missing. We took the base from the feeder and moved the birdhouse closer to our house.

I hope the parents will find it. There were little chirps from way down in the grasses. I opened the house up and looked, but I could not see anything because there is so much nesting material in there. We will have to watch and see if the parents show up. I thought some birds might have been fussing at us while we were moving the house. I hope so. The birdhouse is closer to our house and much higher because Will used some of the pole sections from the feeder.

Also found half of a blue egg in the middle of the yard--not near the birdhouse.

Will has been saying that he thinks cardinals are in the birdhouse.

stronghunter said...

We have been seeing lots of kids cutting through our yard. I do not want to be un-neighborly, but I wish I had a fence.

BEagle said...

Hello to everyone. Tried to catch up on some of Palmer's actions. Looks like I missed some heart throbbing action by Palmer today.

Isn't she just the prettiest eagletess you ever saw?

Lolly said...

Hi all! Took the boys swimming, now I feel all relaxed. Gotta start supper soon.

Have seen the latest on Hope. Sounds good but still fearful for a little cub.

Have news about Annie. Jack took her back to the vet. The doctor had to search but found a badly infected pad on her right front paw. He lanced and drained it. Jack said it was amazing the gunk that came out. Hope that is not TMI. Anyway, she is now on two antibiotics, pain meds, and a med to soak her paw once a day. More fun! Anyway, she is already acting much better, more like Annie. When Jack took her she was in the back corner of my closet. Not Annie like. Now she is in on Joseph's bed. I think she may be a little "happy" from the pain meds. LOL That is okay. She is out, not hiding, and is talking and wanting attention. Yes! This is my Annie.

Ragdoll said...

Shirley, I agree with Will. Who in hell would steal a birdhouse??? What a rotten thing to do. I hope you catch the *&#$#&* !!

Palmer is so hungry she is eating sticks. :(

BEagle said...

L.I.B. (Well, I'll be)
It is something what kids will do when you aren't watching.

That's like the people that let their doggies doo doo in my yard and don't clean up. I will catch them one of these days.

I trust the birds will be A OK.

Mema Jo said...

Hurray for Annie's keepers to love her soooooo much to take the extra time and return her to the vet!
That is great Lolly and Jack!
I can cross Annie off of the
"Worry List" WHoo HOo!

BEagle said...

I believe Annie will be just fine because she is loved.

Ragdoll said...

OH LOLLY, I so happy you found out what is wrong with Annie. I have been so worried for you and Annie.

Enjoy your dinner ((hug-smile))

BEagle said...

OK. Palmer, it's time to do some wing things. Show us your talents.

BEagle said...

I noticed that the loon lost one of her eggs into the water and Larry quickly retrieved it and set it back.

stronghunter said...

So happy you found out what's ailing Annie.

Watching the National Spelling Bee.

One of my students, who is all of 16 or 17 said, "My son will never be in the National Spelling Bee. I want him to have a life." He went on to say that if he has a daughter, it's okay if she wants to be in the spelling bee. Lord, does that kid have a few things to learn. (No, he does not have children yet. At least, I would be very surprised if he did.)

Mema Jo said...

Question is whether or not it is
still a "Good Egg"

BEagle said...

Time will tell. But Larry said he didn't know what happened. Would the loons ditch it if it were not good?

Mema Jo said...

I really wish real hard that I could hear the wings of an incoming parent to the nest!

Mema Jo said...

BEagle - I really think that it rolled off on its own or when one of them got off the nest. When the nesting loon would roll those eggs so close to the edge - we all held
our breath more than once.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - sometimes you wonder if a young kid really has thought out certain situations before he speaks to them.

Ragdoll said...

I second that Mema Jo. I hope the parents are okay. At 4:13 I heard them (one) near the mic. during the storm.

hedgie said...

So much for a nap.
Telemarketing calls. 4-wheelers and motorbikes roaring outside. ARGH.
IWS on FB:
The blood results are back for the first four eagle chicks banded this season. A-67 (Trap Canyon) on Santa Rosa is a male, K-05 (Seal Rocks) on Catalina is a female, and at Two Harbors K-04 is a female and K-06 is a male.

Mema Jo said...

Oh my - Spidey is starting his web and the darkness is coming so you really can't make out anything in the nest.
Soon we will need to pray Palmer gets some breakfast because it doesn't look like a snack is coming before bedtime........

Ragdoll said...

Spidey is already at work. ugh!!

Mema Jo said...

So far, Lynn the count for male and female is even steven

Mema Jo said...

Well Deb - when I can't see inside that nest anymore - I'm saying a
prayer and taking a break!

hedgie said...

Lolly, I suspected as much about Annie when you said she was limping. So glad that Jack took her in today!

I thought the egg rolled into the water when the loons were frightened by the swans. Did I misread??

Shirley, you need a cam on your birdhouse to catch a thief!!!! What a rotten thing to do.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Does anyone else's live feed picture look bigger?

Looks like they updated the feed player!

hedgie said...

Time to turn off cam....Boris is ruining perfect viewing.

Ragdoll said...

I was thinking the same thing Mema Jo. I just keep watching with hope that they will bring something any minute.

paula eagleholic said...

Ah, think they banded both TH chicks as females!

Mema Jo said...

Larry saw ...3 huge white pelicans swimming near the nest and I look up at the tv just after the loon has gotten off the nest and SEE ONLY ONE EGG!!!

BEagle said...

I thought there was some improvement in the cam scene. Must have upgraded. The live feed hasn't shown me "Are You Watching" and it's at 2:02 right now.

Mema Jo said...

Palmer is at 2:00 on the edge looking outward. Spending a lot of
time preening those downy white feathers.

BEagle said...

Looking now to see if Palmer will practice flapping.

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer calling out!

Mema Jo said...

Beagle - the cam was down this morning hours - then when I brought it up I noticed the timer was different. As of now the live feed has been running for
6 hrs 33 minutes and 37 seconds

I love it and as I have said
I sure hope it is intentional......

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, glad you found out what was wrong with Annie!

Mema Jo said...

Palmer is standing down in the nest at the 2:00 position.....

paula eagleholic said...

Man, what a wing spread on Palmer.

Mema Jo said...

That sure wasn't for long

She is Flapping all around again..

BEagle said...

Be-e-e-utiful! What a spread and aren't those winds pretty!

Mema Jo said...

I sure hope that Spidey's web catches her and keeps her from going over the edge!

BEagle said...

Oops. The WINGS are pretty.

paula eagleholic said...

Thought for sure an adult was coming in...must not have had any food!

BEagle said...

Go Palmer Go. Flap.

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
paula eagleholic said...

Outdoor did tell me awhile back that they had an improved player in the works....glad they got it up and running...looks great.

paula eagleholic said...

Someone stole Shirley's birdhouse? What a shame.

Mema Jo said...

Six more comments and we will
SPLIT at 400 count.....

Mema Jo said...

I am trying to say that it would be great to have a
Late Evening Thread

paula eagleholic said...

We got 2 small showers here tonight, one before I got home, and one while I was at Lowes.

stronghunter said...

To answer your question, Paula. My live feed picture is bigger.

hedgie said...

Others have said that, Paula. Mine is not any bigger, but the border around the bottom control panel is gone, so maybe that makes it look bigger?!?
The best part is that the cam is running comtinuously. No refresh needed; no pausing, etc. Hour after hour after hour!!

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...