Friday, June 18, 2010


TGIF thread.


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floralgirl said...

I heard beach

Mema Jo said...

Palmer did it again! I see her in amongst the shadows - she blends right in. I really do enjoy all her different sounds - maybe our others were as noisy but we just didn't have the best mic at that time.


S P L I T time

Mema Jo said...

Megan - You also Split!

How's it going?

stronghunter said...

Have grades ready to report, but when I went into the system, it made me change my password and wait ten minutes for it to be active. Dear me.

ceil said...

Good afternoon all. Lynn HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUR MOM.
Having a hard time keeping up with the blog but love all the comments.
Shirley know what you mean. Not getting answers about my sons October wedding in Oregon.
Have a great day everyone.

stronghunter said...

I think Hidey was noisier.

Mema Jo said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Ceil, where have you been?

Megan, you did hear beach. She is trying to get Skype loaded so she can show me the beach.

I won't be going to Bluefield until tomorrow.

kickngbird said...

She certainly has a lot to talk about doesn't she?

kickngbird said...

She's on her feet now

hedgie said...

Giving up on the pruner thing. Took forever to get that stupid plastic packaging off, and now can't get the stupid bolt loose to insert sawblade. ARGH!!!!!! Can you tell I'm frustrated????

kickngbird said...

Hedgie, I believe Palmer is doing an interpretive call for you now.

Judie said...

I would like to see Margy in a bib overall dress!

Been very busy.

Was able to get the live cam this a.m. and did see Palmer take off and Lib show up. Now can't get the cam AGAIN! Interesting, I can get all the other Outdoor TV stuff like education, etc. but not the nest.

Have decided to lob the ball into the Dept. Chairman's academic court. Big decision which may end up being a deal-breaker. Have to compose my email very carefully.

Hoping everyone is having a good day, well, I know Lynn is frustrated and Shirley is contemplating opening a laundry this summer.

Okay, will try the cam again. BB sometme

glo said...

Oh hedgie Yes I hear your frustration for sure. I get there sometimes. Its childproof packaging or is that steal proof. Maybe its just dust proof. Either way by the time you get it all out and try to put it together there is little emotional energy left for the job you have set out to do. I walk away for hours or even days sometimes. Its usually there waiting for my return though.

stronghunter said...

Hi Judie,

Trying to submit my grades to the college for my dual enrollment students. I am supposed to fax a signed copy after I do the electronic thing. Not sure I can get the fax thingy to work on my computer at home. Might end up finding another means to do that part.

hedgie said...

Judie, did I miss something? What ball are you going to throw at your boss????????

Thanks for all b-day wishes for my Mom!!

Judie, I have a denim bib-ish jumper----does that count?? Of course, mine would swallow Margy!

Costume Lady said...

♫♪♫♪Ther's no place like home♫♪♫♪!
Palmer looks so peaceful (for the moment).

Work ALL DONE at GG's!! Getting ready to go back in for Family Fun:)

Have a good evening♥

Costume Lady said...

♫♪♫♪Ther's no place like home♫♪♫♪!
Palmer looks so peaceful (for the moment).

Work ALL DONE at GG's!! Getting ready to go back in for Family Fun:)

Have a good evening♥

Costume Lady said...


paula eagleholic said...

What is the little rascal chirping at now?

kickngbird said...

The weather - the leaves - the sunshine - price of tea in China -

paula eagleholic said...

I take it you want to see if Bossie can hit a home run, eh Judie?

paula eagleholic said...

Or maybe she heard us talking about the beach :)

PammySue said...

I can't believe Palmer is still in the nest!!

Lynne2 said...

well I see our baby is back!

No, we are leaving tomorrow AM for camping. Can't wait! The weather looks beautiful!

I've been planting, finally, my Megan plants and the one Steve got me and my GG morning glories!

First, I had to move some of my neighbors junk outa the way where I wanted to put the Cardinal Vines. Well the box had YELLOW JACKETS in it. So I blasted it with hornet spray and some died and some just got mad. Finally, carefully, moved box. Then more yellow jacket came to where box used to be looking for it. So, I just moved slowly, spray and flyswatter close at hand, and got the plants in.

Planted butterfly weed and cathedral bells....made a little display that resulted in my having to drive the truck into the woods to get some tree stumps. And I needed another rock for my rock garden so I figured I'd get that, too.

Found an old tomato cage and thought it would be perfect to put around the shepherd hook with the bird feeders and then plant GG's morning glory plants. Well, I could not find wire cutters big enough to cut it so I could open and put around and close back then I had to take the feeders off, pull up the hook, put the cage in, an then replace everything.

Thought it might be prudent to do some watering since it's never going to rain here again. We've had no rain beyond a few sprinkles in about a month. Our grass is now turning brown.....Well, there is no hose here....correction, ther is no outside water spigot. Had to fill up watering cans, 2 of them, 3 gallons each, 10 times to get everything watered. That took over an hour. I'd let one slowly fill as I took the other to use and back again.

Too hot to wear my knee brace. That was a mistake. Duh. Especially when, at one point, I tried to get up from my little garden stool and my knee locked up. That took about 5 long painful minutes to loosen up. But a hummer came and checked me out!

All told, it was a 2 hour job that took 4. Meanwhile, the living room rug hasn't been steamed clean yet, the kitchen floor isn't mopped yet, the laundry isn't finished yet, I have not put the camp grill together yet, the floors are not vacuumed and I still have to clean the bathroom. yard is looking good!!!

Looks like the bluebirds have stopped at 4 eggs this time. No new egg laid this morning.

stronghunter said...

Judie, I hope you get things worked out to your satisfaction. It will be their loss if you cannot. That's my opinion for what it is worth.

I had a student who told me that she wants to major in your specialty when she goes to college. She just finished her junior year in high school and has some growing up to do. I think she is getting her ideas from reading James Patterson, but she is a nice kid. Maybe you will meet her someday. I would like to think so.

stronghunter said...

Lynne, now let me get this straight. You are incapacitated to the point you are supposed to be wearing a leg brace and you are messing with yellow jackets? I thought you were a smart lady. Now, I am wondering. Yellow jackets are just plain mean. They will sting you simply because they are in a bad mood. Be careful, for heaven's sake!

stronghunter said...

Once my husband disturbed a nest of yellow jackets in our front yard. One came into the house with him or on him and stung my daughter simply because she was there.

Another time, one stung our dog Snoopy. The vet figured it was because the weather was dry and the yellow jacket was angry because it was thirsty.

stronghunter said...

So if the weather is dry, you have even more reason to look out for yellow jackets.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne - the housework can wait! You may need the grill, tho! Good idea about the tomato cage!

magpie said...

Plaintive...that's the word comes to mind when I listen to Palmer right now....she has not moved too much from that spot for awhile

maybe that is a hungry squeal

Good Afternoon Eagle Pals
or maybe still Morning in some Eagle Corners

kickngbird said...

Somebody took off or landed - another branch bounce noise in the tree

kickngbird said...

Up and stretching

paula eagleholic said...

And an idea on the knee brace, try using an old tshirt on the inside, around your knee, to soak up extra perspiration.

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer is up from her rest.

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Margy, how are ya? I keep missing you when you are on here.

paula eagleholic said...

Big wing stretch, just like an adult

magpie said...

Whirling Dervish...Lynn would use those words to describe you today Lynne - - and it seems to apply to her today also...
putting things together, not my strong suit

ok good more movement in the nest by Palmer

magpie said...

doin' okay Paula thanks
computer a little uncooperative but slowly but surely I am seeing some of the nest action and getting to the cool videos like yours and things
live feed still slows things waaaay down here

stronghunter said...

Plaintive is a good word for the cries we are hearing, Margy. I am sure it sounds that way to her parents, too! That is what babies are supposed to sound like! They have to touch our hearts so we take care of them.

stronghunter said...

Yay! Got grades into the computer. Now, I need to mail the signed copies. I think I have only one stamp, though, and I need to mail copies to two places. Guess I gotta get some stamps.

magpie said...

pileated just called out...well by the time this posts, a couple of minutes ago :(

stronghunter said...

I like your avatar, Margy.

Lynne2 said...

Not totally incapacitated Shirley, just partially...physically and mentally it seems! I know how aggressive YJs are. And they can sting more than once. I was very careful to move very slow and not swat at them. I had one land on my glove in it flew away on it's own. But you are right, could have gone badly. SSHHHHH, please don't tell my husband!

And I usually try to just keep going whether I hurt or not, as long as I can. I hate giving into my pain. But some times I have to. And I will hike this weekend. I will just go much more slowly than usual, wear my brace (PAULA, great idea about the tee shirt!!!) and ice and elevate when we get back to camp. I am determined to find bears!

Lynn, Happy Birthday wishes to your mom!!! And you are not alone in the whole plastic packaging frustration. Why in world they need to package that way is beyond me.

So glad to see Palmer in the nest again. I hope she is still coming back to the nest when we get back from camping Monday evening. I vividly remember the feeling when Hidey was at this stage, never knowing which time would be the last that you see her before she is gone for good :(

magpie said...

thx Shirley
yes...those cries between the parents and the baby...soulful

Wow, I have so many stamps wish I could get some to you! There is a series of State stamps, have two sets of them

hope the dry cleaning washing detail turns out okay....I have ruined a couple of favorite things and now have a box of things to take to dry of these days

Good Luck Judie with your academic pitch
glad you get to see the live feed once in awhile

Lynne2 said...

Whirling Dervish...I like that! But more like Fred Sanford would say....YOU A BIG DUMMY!

I did see something very disturbing. A pair of crows fly over, one with a rather significantly sized object handing from it's beak, and in hot, loud pursuit were a pair of mockingbirds. Thinking there was a nest raid :(

wvgal_dana said...

KB love your comment at 4:14pm cracked me up!!

Good Afternoon Ceil nice to see you.
How are things going at the aquarium?

Lynne2 said...

Hope Glo and Dex are OK. Looks like they are really under the gun weather wise today...

Mema Jo said...

I'm back 40 comments later...

See Palmer still in the nest.. I think she is playing hookey from fishing school........

Almost dinner time

magpie said...

trying to watch live feed and blog is like trucking through quick sand

would like to be more polite and say more things about the posts but guess I'll just watch live feed for a bit and say
I Care about what everyone has going on ... and hope that it's a good evening

Best wishes to Megan on the Wedding flower detail, I know her work will be spectacular !

Safe Travel Prayers for everyone
ttfn xo

wvgal_dana said...

Yes it is Mema Jo some little dog has been giving me the eye for his dinner.

wvgal_dana said...

Going to drive down to get mail. When I get back I'll feed doggie.

Keep comments going on what Palmer is doing so I'll know.

stronghunter said...

I remember that I nearly injured myself trying to get to my new electric toothbrush.

That packaging is challenging.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the kind thoughts regarding stamps, Margy. I might even find some more around here.

Lynne2 said...

she's got company!

stronghunter said...

Is that what you would call a "hissy fit"?

Lynne2 said...

oh, not true....thought I saw an adult. Lots of fussing from our baby!

hedgie said...

Really bad outcome from tornadoes in MN yesterday. :( Hope they don't happen in Glo's area.

Oh-oh....under the gun here....just got a call from former neighbor who lives in SC now. THey have been in PA visiting daughter and are coming thru' tomorrow....stopping in for a visit. At least the INSIDE is cleaned! But sure wish I had more done outside. Will do best I can in the morning....hope mower is charged up and will start!

Yes, Palmer, we hear you!

stronghunter said...

I had offered to take Hunter to baseball practice this afternoon, but his dad got off work and is taking him. I can be lazy for awhile longer. Good that son and dad can be together.

wvgal_dana said...

Back from getting mail all "junk".

Fed dog boy he was hungry. Gobbled it right up. Outside to enjoy a walk in the back for now.

Me I'm filled watering can. Plants in baskets off railing need water.

Mits said...

Shirley...advice to the mother of the groom.....shut up and wear beige...someone told me that when my son got engaged, and believe me it helped alot....;)

stronghunter said...

Well, I am going to need to know where to show up, Helen. And when.

Mits said...

just go with the flow and enjoy...wherever it is, was one of the best times of my life....the anticipation and the time leading up to it....great memories....:)

stronghunter said...

I have two daughters. I've been the mother of the bride once and hope to do that again!

stronghunter said...

Kathryn took Tom's mother up on her offer to make the wedding dress. She was thrilled. Her first son eloped and she still had not gotten over it.

stronghunter said...

It was a beautiful dress and she made a little doll for her with the same dress.

hedgie said...

Mother of bride twice......and I'm glad I don't have any more kids!!! It was not only a lot of work, but it was stressful!!

Mema Jo said...

My daughter's first daughter eloped to HI and the second daughter's wedding was really enjoyed by her.. Lots of organizing by Fun!

Mema Jo said...

by is to be But Fun!

Mema Jo said...

by is to be But Fun!

Mema Jo said...

You understand what I'm saying?


Mema Jo said...

She sure is a talker - Just wonder what makes her talk......

hedgie said...

Gotcha', Jo!!!! I enjoyed Christie's alot more than Carolyns---was going through divorce at that time. Had some humor with Christie's; Carolyn went into labor while serving the cake; ex got drunk at reception and made a pass at a bridesmaid; grooms' stepdad and two of my friends had him in the bathroom trying to sober him up; Bill was going to take Carolyn home cause she had ridden with her dad.............yeah, funny (?) memories!!

Mits said...

oh dear, Lynn...yes, memories for sure...

Mits said...

off to fix dinner...bbl

Mema Jo said...

Going to watch news.... BRB

magpie said...

treasured nephew sent me a book:
by Terrence Ingram
unbelievable photography and text to match
eagles from all over the planet

learned that eagles do not have vocal cords but have something called a syrinx
a bony chamber located where the trachea(windpipe) divides and goes to the lungs
you all probably already knew that

magpie said...

well at least, for the bald eagle, have not read about all the other eagles yet

hedgie said...

I bet that IS a neat book, Margy!! I think we talked about that syrinx last year. Fascinating!

hedgie said...

Good that you aren't working, Margy!
Still carrying the pager? :(

magpie said...

The wedding tales are nice to read about, except about the misbehaving individuals

like the story about Kathryn's wedding dress Shirley

checking out to take care of some "homework" here


magpie said...

I go in at midnight for 6 hours Lynn, covering for someone's vacation, have the pager for all week-end

Palmer getting a little friskier now

BEagle said...

Hello everyone.

Happy Birthday to the birthday Mom.

I was trying to find a third turtle shell and I think I see it halfway between Palmer's tail and the two other shells..but just off to the right a little. One of this sticks is over it. I had to make the screen big to find it.

Of course Palmer has moved is now flapping like crazy.

BEagle said...

I am enjoying the Alaska loon cam you posted last night. Thanks Paula.

There's a video clip on the web of the loon moving off the chick into the water. I thought the chick would roll right off the nest.

Now the chick is sort of on the loons back and keeps poking it's head out from under her wing.

BEagle said...

I read how busy Palmer was this morning. Leaving and coming back a few times.

Good posts to catch up on.

Going to fix dinner.

Mits said...

Lily the Black Bear Due to power outage there will be no regular update tonight. I may do a brief one after the evening Hope feeding. -- SM

hedgie said...

Due to power outage there will be no regular update tonight. I may do a brief one after the evening Hope feeding. -- SM

kickngbird said...

Palmer commenting. On just about everything.

kickngbird said...

Sitting looking out between 1 & 2 o'clock, calling it like she sees it.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Did you know about the Hope updates? LOL!

stronghunter said...

I think I found the Alaska loon you are talking about--Cornell. I see one baby right now. It was sticking its head out from under parent's wing. Now it is alone in the nest. Oh my, airplane! Saw the reflection in the water.

Mema Jo said...

ON FB - Have you all read this...I
knew of no problems. Glad I didn't see any. I don't really want to publish the whole article but I realize some of you don't go over onto FB so here it is...
Topic: Regarding Recent Turmoil - Lily the Black Bear --
Lily the Black Bear I think everyone has one thing in common. We love the bears and we appreciate what Lynn, Sue and everyone else involved have given us, an opportunity to learn and experience the wonder of nature.
What we are seeing lately, unfortunately is a bit of ugliness.
Imagine how much it pains Lynn and Sue to see this turmoil as well as chasing away any new followers who find this page as well as some long time followers who finally have had enough.
We would like to ask a few things of everyone here:
Think twice before you post. If it is going to rile up emotions and start trouble, please take a deep breath and step away for a moment.
Let's keep our chatter peaceful. Especially on the wall, this is the area new fans land when approaching for the first time. Discussions tend to be a little looser, topics are not always about bears. That is ok. If a topic is undesirable, we will delete it.
Entering the discussion topic and/or wall post and commenting to intentionally stir up trouble is not acceptable. Deleting it after the trouble is stirred confuses matters and is a bit juvenile.
Let's all be adults here.
Let's also remember we are NOT all adults here. We do have children visiting. This page is not designated to be an over 18 page, why should it be?
As admin, we will step in and delete posts/comments and topics from time to time as we see fit, but we really don't want to have to. Please, lets keep things peaceful.
Lily's Page Administration

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

That is my delete...It posted twice

Noiser and Noiser..... Wonder it
any bedtime snack will come in...

Mema Jo said...

Looks as though Palmer found some

BEagle said...

Yes, it's the Cornell. The 1st chick hatch is on video. I don't want to start clicking yet because when you leave the live cam, it won't kick back in for a while.

But the other egg is gone so there must be two chicks hatched.

I hear the ice cream truck.

BEagle said...

Adult back on our nest.

Mema Jo said...

What is it? I'll take anything
you bring me!

BEagle said...

Adult flew off again. Palmer claimed THAT catch.

glo said...

Geeesh its downright dangerous to approach that young un when she thinks she is hungry. i think they should just fly over and drop something on the nest LOL

stronghunter said...

It seems that two eggs have hatched and there were two baby loons, but one has not been seen for awhile, according to their blog.

stronghunter said...

They have links to lots of cams.

Okay, Will is taking another shower and is going out. Interesting.

BEagle said...

That's a thought Glo.

stronghunter said...

Did not know there was controversy on the Lilly page, but don't check out FB that often.

Mema Jo said...

She could poke her eye out!

I just saw the Little Loony paddling alongside the adult passing the nest. Love It.
So glad Paula found it since the
MN loons' eggs didn't hatch..

stronghunter said...

The loon cam blog says the loons sometimes have trouble with eagles. I am sure that would be a problem. Did you all see the picture of the float they are on? It is covered.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - I don't either. I mainly just read the Den Updates..

BEagle said...

I think she wants to rearrange the sticks.

Mema Jo said...

I have yet to explore the Loon Page by Cornell.... Sounds interesting..

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - some of us watched the wood ducks and the barn swallows on that site....

Mema Jo said...

Either that was NOT much of a dinner or she just woofed it down
pretty darn fast..

Maybe she'll fly out and stay up in the tree for the night with Mom and Dad.

BEagle said...

The next time I go to the Loon Cam I will hit the pop-up cam first. Once it comes up then I can explore the web.

hedgie said...

Mits, you and I are right in sync!!
Jo, I don't pay much attention to that Lily FB sight, either.....but read the message. There sure are alot of ignorant people in the world. Don't know what kind of things have been said, but point that children may be on there was well made.

stronghunter said...

Yeah, I am having trouble getting back into the loon cam now. I will try the pop-up next.

hedgie said...

Sure don't know where the 3rd turtle shell went---maybe tucked under one of the others. Sure wish we could see what size they are!! Hey, Myrtle----don't stray too far!!

stronghunter said...

I was in a discussion today about whether or not to put children on harnesses and it is truly amazing how some people can be ugly.

hedgie said...

Mom happy with all of her birthday gifts, and thanks you all for greetings! A year ago today I had a houseful of company for her 90th party---remember?

stronghunter said...

Good to know that your mother is so happy, Lynn.

stronghunter said...

A year ago, I was just getting to know you all.

Mema Jo said...

The Loon AK had 2 eggs but so far
everyone has only seen 1 chick..
Their platform is great! Have to mention that to Larry in MN.

That airplane I just heard go over
I think it was on my loon site
I have our live cam up & the loon
What do you think......

Mema Jo said...

Little loon is peeking out under right side of mom/dad.

Mits said...

lol...Lynn....I posted it because I thought you were watching Jeopardy.....yes I do remember the visit from last year, and all the hard work you did to get ready for it.

stronghunter said...

Some have seen two babies loons, I believe, Jo. One seems to have disappeared.

Lots of airplanes there. Must be near an airport.

stronghunter said...

I am having a very hard time bringing that loon cam back up.

stronghunter said...

baby loons

Mits said...

Lynn was it you that was talking about the hard to open packages???....several years ago...don't remember where I got it, but, got something like a box cutter, called is a life saver for those pesky one for my son too, because of all those toys packages...might have gotten it from QVC.

Mema Jo said...

I remember also Hedgie. You did so much to prepare for them.... Also
remember your sister......

Mema Jo said...

Palmer is at 1:00 looking in at the nest.

Mits said...

yeah, Jo, I remember that too:(

stronghunter said...

I will have to check that out, Mits. I hate to open those packages.

Mema Jo said...


Mits said...

I just goggled and found it....I will email it to you....I would be lost without it

hedgie said...

Trail cam shows Hope came to feeding station at 5:37pm. I'm hoping she will return while I am here. -- SM

Mits, Jeopardy out of DC is at 7:30.

Yep, I'm sure you do remember my sis last year! Argh!!! Sure had me riled up, didn't she??? Relationship is still strained.

paula eagleholic said...

I see our Palmer is still in the awesome is that!

paula eagleholic said...

Had to go get some pantyhose...then had to wander over to the Carter's store....found a few cute outfits for Gianni!

hedgie said...

I'll have to look for that gadget, Mits! I thought they were supposed to find alternative packaging because of so many complaints and injuries...........I put on gardening gloves, but should have had Kevlar!! One little nick thru' gloves.

Lynne2 said...

LOL....Steve is trying to put together the grill. There are about a gazillion screws, bolts, etc and not only that, they are all separated....ensconced in PLASTIC FROM HELL!!!!!

Wonder what happened on Lily's page? I don't read it too much, usually only read the updates. Must have been nasty.

So glad to see our baby still here!!! I'm going to miss her this weekend :( oh, yeah, you guys too!

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - did you see 2 little loons

stronghunter said...

I saw one, but I read their blog. Someone has seen two, but not recently.

hedgie said...

Speaking of airports and planes: NORAD has announced multiple training flights around entire metro area and up this way next week--days to be announced. WIll probably hear them on cam (and some of us for real!) Of course, used to plane noise; basically in flight path of Dulles ins and outs
as well as C-5's from our Air National Guard.

paula eagleholic said...

I got the loon cam back up, pop up works good

Mema Jo said...

Yeah Gal Just like you'll miss the mosquito bites!

Are both dogs going camping?

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer just laid down at the top of the nest...she reallly no longer fits in the egg cup!

glad she's in for the night :)

Mema Jo said...

There she is - Lying down at the egg cup! She just fits!..

stronghunter said...

Yeah, I got the pop-up, too. Hearing airplanes.

Mits said...

I sent you and Shirley the info on it, Lynn.

Mema Jo said...

Well Ok - so she fills it up and then some....... lol

She had her snack Paula
I think she'll stay there tonight

She doesn't seem to be a wanderer..

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Mits. I also need a good jar opener of some kind. I have a devil of a time opening some jars.

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Birthday to your Mom, Lynn!

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, must be near an airport...the loon cam that is

paula eagleholic said...

She's not as pretty as the MN loon, but their calls are still pretty.

stronghunter said...

Constant sounds of airplanes there.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, JO

paula eagleholic said...

I read some of the stuff on the Lily FB page, but since I found out how to just do their updates, I don't really read it much anymore.

Mits said...

Flashpoint comes on at 9....going to watch the ballgame till then, young pitcher is pitching for the Nats

hedgie said...

Thanks, Paula!

Shirley, best thing--if you have the counterspace--is the Black&Decker Lids Off. Mom had one and I really liked it last time I was there. Christie and Shannon gave me one for Christmas two years ago. It's a dream for all jars!!

Mema Jo said...

Loon cam - Yes, Shirley 2 little loons have been seen at the same time.. Took the viewers couple of hours seeing one and then later another but finally saw them both at once. Whoo HOo!

Can't wait to view them both (at the same time of course)

hedgie said...

Shirley, you have mail!

Mema Jo said...

Palmer is not in the egg cup any longer. Standing around 1:00 looking outward.....
Spidey has started...

hedgie said...

Palmer back up there at 1 position. Hope she's not planning on taking off.

paula eagleholic said...

Missed Momma loon leaving...don't see any egg in the nest

paula eagleholic said...

OK, just saw Jo's post.

hedgie said...

Sneeze or snort?

magpie said...

will she go or will she stay?
reminds me of a song

stuff in nest looks like little macaronis or pillow stuffings

Mema Jo said...

Link to New Baby Loon peeks out

hedgie said...

Flashpoint on. BBL.

magpie said...

Paula and I saw two large airliners on the nest visit June 6 - they were not commercial, no discernible markings

magpie said...

and one C-5 if I remember right
some of us saw a C5 back in Feb 09 at a nest visit also

Judie said...

Lynn, forgive me. Happy Birthday to your Mom. She must have been a very special lady to have raised you so nicely. Your bibbish jumper will be just fine. Have a nice visit tomorrow. They won't notice anything except your fantastic company.

The ball being lobbed is to request release from the Introductory Psyc course which is 100 incoming freshmen and retain the crime course. If he agrees, fine. If not, the deal-breaker is that I will likely end my teaching career. I need a break and 200 students in the Fall are just too many right now. We'll see if he hits a home run but I'm thinking more likely a foul ball.

Lynne, what an ordeal! Two steps forward and three steps back. I would like to think after all that effort the flowers will be spectacular -- especially given they came from GG and Megan.

Ah, Shirley. Glad you got the electronic thing to work. GW has an entire staff to support those of us who are technology challenged. They are my work BFF.

FINALLY, I go the live cam. So excited. Palmer sounding for all the world like a poor waif left to make its lonely way in the world. Big sneeze, Bless you, Palmer.

Margy, hope that phone stays quiet this weekend.

Hello and and happy greetings to everyone I missed along the way trying to catch up.

Off to try to take a look at Palmer if Boris hasn't covered everything up with his art work.


paula eagleholic said...

Peeping and eating at PH

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer still at the 1

magpie said...

people sounds?

Mema Jo said...

Judie Pray the ball bounces into your court..... one way or another!

magpie said...

well feetsie sounds at least

Judie, no, no bib dresses, but one pair of bib shorts acquired recently at favorite Goodwill store...

Hope it's a home run for you...

Mema Jo said...

Loon cam discussion - one little loony has not been seen for some time.
Now maybe he is out with Dad swimming all around town. They are concerned - in fact very concerned. Hope he returns soon from wherever!

paula eagleholic said...

PH really loud!

paula eagleholic said...

Wow Judie, that's a lot of students! How do you ever learn all their names, even in a class of 100? Is that the usual size that you teach?

magpie said...

Yes indeedy, Lynn... we are sure happy your Mom was born 91 years ago...
you tell her, how crazy we are about you!

going to try to close the eyelids for a little while, first attempt failed
we were really busy the whole 12 hours last night, maybe for 6 hours, only half as busy

Good Night folks...
catch you on Saturday sometime
xoxo ♥

hedgie said...

Bye, Margy. Hope you aren't twice as busy in half the time!!! LOL!

Judie, my mom is a great lady.....thanks, but I'm just me, nothing special!
She has been laughing her head off today. One of the gifts I got her came from Cracker Barrell---it's a stuffed dog that rolls around on the floor and laughs hysterically! Think it is doing her a world of good already. I told her to turn it on everyday. Might work better than anti-depressants!

paula eagleholic said...

There was Dad loon, but I didn't see a chick on his back

Mema Jo said...

I missed seeing him...... You know I remember reading about large fish grabbing the little loons as they swim.

paula eagleholic said...

There was Dad again....saw one chick peek out awhile ago.

paula eagleholic said...

Aw, he just brought back something and fed the chick

paula eagleholic said...

there's spidey

paula eagleholic said...

I believe there is a spidey web on the loon cam, too

paula eagleholic said...

Daddy loon brought back another morsel for baby loony

stronghunter said...

On the page I read, there was something about a spider web on their cam. Thing is, they can get to the cam more easily than anybody can get to our cam, so I suppose they could clean off the web from time to time.

stronghunter said...

I think I am hearing people voices near our nest again. Yes, Judie, I am hearing voices. But they are not telling me to do anything. They are talking to each other.

Judie said...

Back to say my goodnights.

Yes, Paula, 200 is about average, 100 per course, and then add the police officers. I just need a break after 15 years. Used to teach 7 classes each semester, including summer. Tired now.

Lynn, may I join your Mom and the Cracker Barrel dog? I think it would do me some good, also. And, she is a special lady because she raised you to be you and not someone else.

Haven't been following the loon cams but sure would like all the hatched babies to be healthy and safe.

Margy, bib shorts are fine but I still want to see you in a bib dress.

Don't use FB so am not aware of what has happened regarding Lily and bear research. From what you all have said, I do wish people would realize that children, especially, are watching animal sites.

Shirley, about the wedding -- MTBR lol. Did the jacket survive?

Wanda, it sounds like everything at GG's was taken care of? Hope so. How's she doing tonight?

Okay, going to try to watch some news before I do a face splat on the keyboard.

Goodnight everyone. Turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others coming in and for those who do not want to stumble going back the hall, to the shower or tub, up the stairs, waking up, or coming in from school.

Goodnight Palmer.

stronghunter said...

Just had a nice long conversation with Susan. Asked where the crab feast is to be, and she said, "Your house." That is what I figured, and it is fine. Just thought I might need to know before they all show up. We do not know if Rus and Rebecca will come. Susan has mentioned it to Rus, but the thing about Rus is that one mention is not enough. She might want to communicate with Rebecca.

Judie, I can understand why you do not want to teach those giant classes of intro psych. I hope you get what you want. I am sure that is the source of your frustration.

Judie said...

Um, Shirley, the voices you hear talking to each other -- condition is known as multiple personalities who are mutually cognizant -- so how many voices do you hear? Seems this affliction began just since your school year ended. Hmmmm -- Dr. Freud recommends time with George and lots of fresh air. Goodnight.

stronghunter said...

Well, one voice sounded male. Who knows, maybe it was Steve, but then I think he is on a trip somewhere.

Perhaps I am slipping into my summer-grandma personality.

stronghunter said...

Susan will come down tomorrow, and she and I will go to Hunter's ball game. I know how to find the ball field. Since they are playing the #1 ranked team, it might not be pretty.

stronghunter said...

Anyway, I should get plenty of fresh air at the ball game. As for George, he just barfed all over an L.L. Bean catalog. I think I will leave him be for awhile.

stronghunter said...

Susan just got nice compliments from her creative writing professor. That makes me feel good.

stronghunter said...

I kind of think Palmer is still in the nest. I think I hear her.

stronghunter said...

The jacket seems to be fine.

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Everybody. I see Palmer came back for food!!!That works every time! Guess she's spending the night again?

Happy Birthday to Lynn's Mom!!!☺ ♥

Was outside alot before dark. Been trying for days to get pics of another parent/baby bird duo. Got some thru the window! Put more "home birds" & some marsh plants on blog.

Lynne, hope you didn't beat yourself up too much before your trip. (& don't worry about the house--you won't be there!☺)

Jo, LUV the loon video---most adorable baby in the world! They are beautiful birds!
Gotta go shampoo hair for work in AM~~~boo

Lolly said...

Hi guys! I mean, Hi y'all! Have NOT read the blog. What do I need to know. Left yesterday and Palmer was still in the nest. And, was she there til this morning? Then what?????☺

I am at Laurel's. She made over $900. in her yard sale today and we have tomorrow yet to go. Oh, how we hate this, but she did not need her baby stuff and she can use the money Anyway, we were up at 5 this morning and the temp went to 101 today. We were so exhausted and hot Took the boys swimming next door to cool off. Up again early in the morn. Ohhh!

stronghunter said...

Wow! That is a good amount of money, Lolly. People were willing to come out in the heat to buy.

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6 1 other nest/in nest nightly

 I spent the night in the nest naturally here's them flying in Here's the latest of the Little Hawk named Chance this was today'...