Hidey was at the 12 o'clock position. Moved to launch pad at 3 o'clock position and flew out of nest. Time was 7:29:48am.....might have flown up into tree but THAT IS A FLEDGE!
Brought this over from the other thread. Thanks for coming and getting me Wanda!
I reckon ya'll know Tom has Lyme's disease. We were back at the ER last night till after midnight. They gave him a shot of antibiotic and told him to rest as much as possible. He is feeling pretty miserable! Ya'll pray for him, would ya!
Thanks Lori...Hidey is making me a nervous wreck!! Yesterday someone posted the address where one may make donations for the webcam. If someone could provide me with the information. I sure would like to contribute. Sissy...hope your Tom recovers quickly.
LORI!!--What I find GREAT about this blog!!---NOTHING IS FOR SURE!!--I mean--some think she is female--some male--some think she fledged yesterday--some today--some call her HEIDY--some call her MIRACLE, etc.---SHE/HE is free to be FREE!!!! (my humble opinion)---ho!
Tammy said... Hidey just flew off the nest to the right.
Monday, June 01, 2009 5:46:00 AM
Tammy said... Hidey seemed antsy making short jumps and flights around the nest and then stood on the edge at the 3 o'clock position and flew off. It was not by accident. It was intentional.
I turned on and got an empty nest, and them both parents showed up looking for their baby. Kinda sad, but they did have a good breakfast. Hope Hidey is having a good time and comes back to see me soon. Gwen
I think Hidey is camera-sitting again. Mom and Dad were both in the nest when I heard a big thud and a bunch of jiggling. They both looked up above where the camera would be and then one parent (I can't tell them apart) flew off.
Love that musical, HAIR, Norma:) Hidey is flying in and out of the nest, and it's great to see:) and I have no worries, he will be just fine. Have a great day all:)
Great...the one morning I dont get on the site early and looks like our Hidey is airborne! Will check in as often as work permits today...but sure am disappointed I missed that first or second/third/whatever lift off! Our baby is 'free'...!
Sissy, hope Tom fels better soon- thinking of him, know several people who have lyme disease, and my poor little dog has it. Stupid ticks! This site has lots of info- Lyme disease association site
So sorry, Sissy...thought Tom wouldn't have any difficulties because his Lymes was caught early. I guess it is a antibiotic therapy-sort-0f-thing for now. It's gonna take time:(
GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES---WANDA---LORI--MEGAN--SHARON--DANA--KAREN--KIMM--TAMMY--SISSY--GWEN-SC--BOZZETT--& DEB!----She has flown off at least 3 times this am!!--DANA has the # & time!
Good Morning everyone! First, Sissy, my prayers are with you and Tom. Lyme disease is just awful. Second...so glad to see the Hidey still around! What a nice thing to see last night after returning from my maiden camping adventure!
Thanks for the address Deb...I would also like to make a donation...this has been such an amazing experience and one that has given me and my family so many wonderful hours of anticipation and awe! Our nation is in alot of trouble...and sometimes we, during the course of our daily struggles, forget how lucky we are indeed to live here...and watching the symbol of our freedom seems to have, for me, put some things into perspective that I have lost over the course of the past few years...that reason alone, is PRICELESS to me :) Off to work...but will check in later today.
If you are going to mail them, you might want to wait for Paula or Jo to make sure I have the right address. If you do it on line, I know that one is right.
Good morning everyone. Thought I would check in before work.
It sounds to me like Hidey is working on the camera! lol I wonder how interesting Hidey thinks it is that now since he is flying, mom and dad are IN the nest more often!! :)
Norma it was GREAT!! I had a blast! We went in a tent, took the dog, cooked over the campfire, had a little thunder and lightning Sat night (which was very unexpected as I checked the weather before we left and the forecast was so blah that I never even turned on the weather radio! THAT will learn me!) It was just enough to send to grown people to running around in their drawers throwing things we didn't want to get wet into the car!
I'm wondering how much it would cost to get a bigger (with a larger view) camera. Wouldn't it be wonderful to see more of the view around the nest, then we could see the eagles before they fly into the nest?!:)
Well, now, Sharon...if a cam was put in the SNAKE tree, then instead of seeing BORIS-SPIDEY, we would see a snake slithering across the lens:( EEEEWWWWW!
Has anyone talked with SUZANNE this am!---I can't get her---She will be delighted to hear about our MIRACLE'S fledglings--ho!--She named our BABY--MIRACLE!--
I wonder if Steve could look into the cost of a new cam for the tree. It would be interesting to know. I'm getting excited just thinking of the prospect of seeing our Flying Friends on the branches instead of just the nest:) OH, don't get me wrong, I love our cam, but I can dream. WAHOO!!
Wanda, we were in far Western Maryland in Savage National Forest, Big Run Park. It was beautiful up in the mountains as always! I've been to the park before but not camping til now. We saw 2 wild turkeys, deer, red squirrels, so many birds (guess what camping newbie forgot her bird book?!) and heard 2 Barred Owls talking to each other around 4am!!
Sharon the word for today is SUNSCREEN.....especially when you are on the water.......sorry Tom is feeling poorly, probably should have stayed home and rested this weekend
Good morning y'all! So Hidey has truly flown the coop! Yea! Wish I had seen it. My husband saw both parents in the nest earlier but not Hidey. Hopefully I'll get to see our baby in action during the day! I haven't met Tom but he is in my prayers too - hope he gets to feeling better soon. A new camera or more cameras would be so awesome - I'll also send in a donation. Have a blessed day all!
Lynne2, would that be on the Big Savage Mountain? I know that area, but have never spent any time there...just passed by often. We heard a pair of Barred owls calling to each other on a recent trip that we Momsters took to Patuxent River Park. It was AWESOME to hear!
can't get on to the balconies now....they are finally back to put all the sealant stuff on...3 day process, so if no rain, can get back out on Thursday
OH Wanda, I almost forgot! When we got there, we had to buy wood from the local supply store as you can't bring your own (Emerald Bores or something they are trying to control). They said, and Steve my hubby said BE CAREFUL OF SNAKES (had to go out to the woodpile and collect your own). THANK GOD A MILLION TIMES they reminded me, because although I KNOW that, I may have forgotten in my excitment. Sure enough as I carefully pulled pieces out, I found a copperhead!!!!
I am 99.9% sure it was, as it looked exactly like the pictures I have seen, and then looked up last night as well....however, I think there is another snake in Maryland that resembles a copperhead, but for the life of me I can't find it. I'm going to call the DNR later and find out.
Good Morning, everyone! Looks like our Hidey has OFFICIALLY fledged! Way to go, Hidey! There's no doubt now! I'm so proud of you! Hope you don't forget to come and visit now and then, though. We all miss you when you're out and about. Makes me wish you were wearing a 'critter cam'! (Wouldn't that be something!) You be careful, now!
Prayers for Tom! (Hope you feel much better, really soon.)
Mits, no cucumber smell but the smell of all the wood was so strong I don't know if I would have smelled it. He was little, about a foot and a half. I didn't get a good look at his eyes...they say poisonous snakes have eliptical pupils and non poisonous snakes have round pupis. I was so shocked to see him!
WHOA! LYNN2---I just put a MD SNAKE NOTICE (from Cumberland Times)---on the blog last week or so----***You can not kill a COPPERHEAD or RATTLESNAKE in the STATE OF MD without a permit!!--that's true!!---that's makes one sit up & whistle DIXIE! ho!
I know, Norma!! I think the only think that could possibly make me kill one would be if it got into the tent but even then I would try to just get it out first without harm. I don't like killing anything. This is why the tent stay CLOSED at all times except for coming and going!
It is going to be a long hot summer without being able to see the FINLAND SITES!!---Really upsets me!---but I guess the eggs will hatch, etc--life will go on without us watching---!!
MITS, my grand-daughters have both walked up on copperheads in their gargage. curled up in front of the house door. Then my son found what appeared to be their 'hole' under a wood pile in the back yard. scares me to death for them. He just last week had to 'reroute' a black snake from their front porch my Lea found.. I will pass along the 'maybe cumcumber' smell.They live in a very busy neighbor and they appear to be the only one bothered with snakes. he says that Lowes has something to put out to ward them off
MORNIN' MEMA JO!---Remember you MD folks are the ones with the 'COPPERHEAD COPPERS' ho!--- ENJOY your lunch!!---maybe our FAVORITE EAGLET might stop in!!--
Who-cooks-for-you? Who-cooks-for-you? As much of a bird lover I am, I was tired of hearing that at 130am the other night. It mus have been in our big oak tree. It awakened me and a neighbor, and sent the golden retriever out to bark it away--the barking didn't work. I have never seen a barred owl, but they are very vocal at night in this neighborhood.
Sissy, sure feeling bad for Tom...have a good friend who has suffered from lyme aftereffects for almost 15 yrs....it was NOT treated properly early, and she is disabled because of it. Stays on antibiotics all the time as the spirochetes just keep proliferating. So PLEASE make sure that Tom is seen by an infectious disease specialist. Lynne2.....sure hope that copperhead was scared enough to leave the woodpile and not bother you or anyone else!
WHOA FOLKS!---If you are close enough to smell a snake---YOU ARE TOO DARN CLOSE!!--ho!---I have heard that story too MITS!---Too much snake talk---afraid to go outside now!!
I agree with you, Norma....the only time I have ever smelled the smell is at nighttime....when they say that they will come in and lie next to house foundations for warmth....argh!!!! If I smell it when I can't see, I stay in!!!
Great, snake talk...just what I need. If there is a copperhead in my house, or Gh I ain't gonna apply for a permit, better send the ssssnake police, cause that snake would be history. Black snakes are territorial and I've been told they keep copperheads away from their area, so we try to never killl one. But...sometimes it happens...just sayin... Hey Sharon, I got 2 baby mourning doves out here under my holly tree. They have been hanging out there for 2 days. They don't fly away yet, just waddling around. Going back outssssssside! It's a very pretty day out there.
Prayers for Tom, Sissy.... hope he gets all the right treatments and enough rest, know that he has the BEST NURSE at home with him.
Dana has some nice pics on the new Momsters Photo album for June, from this morning. Thanks, Dana!
I have an email message to post from Loretta, will do that on next post. I haven't read all the posts since I sacked out this morning, see that Hidey has taken off, will be more polite later on. xo
Here is a message from our NatureNut Loretta Dear Margy, Cannot get on Comment page, but saw Live Cam!!!! Here's my Comment if you want to pass it along....... Good Morning America!☺ Was about 5:30 AM in US, East coast, when I saw Live cam. Hidey was busy eating breakfast w/tail pointing to 4:30 & there were 2 distinct round objects toward cener w/leaves on the left of them. Do we have turtle? Call Jo. After not getting on blog page, Hidey was sitting at edge near 10:00 & flew across nest to 4:00 launch pad. After a few flaps, Hidey flew the coop! Looks like possible shells might be in the blurry spot! That's all folks! until we see what communications are possible on Santorini. We leave in about an hour---2PM.
P.S. One of the blackish w/grey birds we've seen is the hooded crow. Also lots of swallows, sparrows, & of course gulls. Later, Love to all, Loretta & Family
...end of posted message from Loretta
Best wishes for a Great Day for all, prayers that Wellness Swells and Comfort Abides.
06/01/09: June 1 and 2 are the prime hatching times for our first egg. If the egg is fertile, we would hope to see some action on these days. FROM LISA;)
yes Lynn, but they keep saying weather prevented them from doing it earlier.....started this project the week before Memorial day....hmmmm maybe fishing gets in the way too, no worries, it will look nice when it it done.
So, our Hidey fledged early this morning and Loreeda witnessed it across the pond. How cool is that!
Nice to hear Hidey close by. Yes, would it not be absolutely fantastic to have cams like OK. One up close and one on the whole tree. Woo weee...that would be fun.
To all heading out for lunches and sightseeing...have a good day. I have a conference call w/ GM at 2, so better get cracking on chores...pretty day...temp still only 62... Having all kinds of problem w/ internet...argh!!! See you all later today.
Tammy - I might have to answer your question a little better later. I think when Jo reads your question that will help, or another seasoned Veteran... I believe you might need to be a member of the Eaglet Momster group....
I have to run out to take care of something....so will check back in a little bit to see about all this.
Lynn: Good Luck with the GM things....sorry it has come to all this after so many years. xo
Well, gang, I might not be Grandmommy again but guess what! I am going to be a Great Annt again! My brother called yesterday, and Brett, his middle son, is expecting! They have one daughter who will be 10 this month and now a new baby expected. So happy for them!
Hi, everyone, I've been watching for a few minutes, and keep hearing Hidey, though I don't see her/him. Must be branching near the nest. The wind's getting stronger, so maybe Hidey will get some good practice soaring today. Hidey, just don't forget how to land! Gotta run-- have a bunch of errands to do this morning. Will BBL. Have a great day! :o]
Jim... Forgot to say it is very nice to meet you too... :)
Sorry, new at this.
I meant to say rewind, not remind.
Also, if someone can rewind to early this morning, I posted (rather excitedly and frantically) this morning when Hidey first flew the coop.
Also, I see that Loretta witnessed what I did this morning. I am so happy someone else saw it! I was afraid I was the only one!! Her time frame was alittle different from mine, but based on what she described, I am sure we both were watching the same thing.
Welcome Aboard Tammy! We are honored to have you. So glad you got to witness our Eaglet's flight from the nest this morning, and I think you are right, Loretta seems to have seen the same thing from overseas.
Seems you got the assistance you needed and should be able to access so many things from the home page now, or soon. Lots and lots of pictures of people and our NCTC Eagle family from over the last few years ☺ ☺ ☺
Keep asking questions, there are NO DUMB QUESTIONS on here !
Good afternoon, lunch time here, caught up on blog and e-mail, ate lunch and have a few minutes to spare. I was hoping to see an eagle over lunch, maybe I will yet.
Hey to everyone today! I see that our little feathered friend has been out and about today. Wonder if she/he knows that this many people are stalking her??? I love this site and I intend on making a donation too. I wrote the address down. Beautiful day here in southern West Virginia. Doing a few household chores-yuck! Will keep checking back in.
Oh, I am so happy for Hidey! Liberty and Belle must be very proud! I will still be watching for any of the family to return home. This is the best site ever.
Sharon and Norma, a non-breeding loon with have the brownish colors, too. Only breeding loons have the black and white coloring! Immature and non-breeding adult are very similar. A loon is considered juvenile from Aug-Feb, then moves to adult status.
Sorry, I wanted to post that earlier, but didn't have time.
Another Kestrel has figured out how to get up to the nest box opening! It will be hard to tell the others apart, looks like one male, 4 females, but it could be that all the coloring hasn't changed yet.
Hi, Tammy. Welcome to our humble, but fun and informative, blog.
Getting "captures" or even copies from streaming video is tricky for most of us.
To get video copies, you've got to have software dedicated to that purpose.
For stills on the "Still Camera" you just "right click" and pick "save as" from the menu, put your file name or number in and handle it like another file.
For this streaming video camera, there is a way to capture frames by pressing "ctrl+print screen", opening "paint" and pressing "ctrl+v". But what you do with it after that is hazy to me yet.
I'm not sure this info is on the Momsters site, which Paula signed you up for, yet, but the good news is she an expert on videos, etc. She'll probably help you ... then you can tell me. Hahaha.
It was so good to see the family there a little while ago. Hidey sure is having herself some fun today. Had my eyes on this cam for a while. Got country music on the tv. Need to fix some supper for us. BBL
Did she fly off again?
Thanks, Steve- morning all:) Hidey just soared off the nest, what a beautiful sight!
Good Morning Steve - thanks for keeping everyone in touch.
Good morning Wanda!
OFF the nest or up to a branch?
Well, she woke me up with the noise. I watched her and had to go to the bathroom, came back and she is gone. Daggone it. Was she at the launch pad?
Hidey was at the 12 o'clock position. Moved to launch pad at 3 o'clock position and flew out of nest. Time was 7:29:48am.....might have flown up into tree but THAT IS A FLEDGE!
Thank you Dana for the details.
So do we expect Hidey home for dinner?
Never ever know when to expect them back.
Dana, I love how you called it, saying:
Dadgummit...looked away for 10 secs and Hidey is gone. Good grief. I can't believe I missed the actual fledge.
Great morning to you Sharon.
Don't feel bad Karen - it's the second time THIS MORNING SHE'S DONE IT TO ME. Ugh!
Parent flys into nest and you can hear Hidey up in tree.
Hidey drops down from branches.
Hidey is back!!!!! Again..Yahoo
That was a lovely flop back down into the nest!
Thanks DANA--for the info---now we KNOW!!!---I didn't see her when I just signed in----LIFE IS GOOD!!---YOU GO GIRL!---SOAR HIGH!---
And PLOP goes Hidey - back into the nest - landing squarely on breakfast.
I meant---'WHEN EVER YOU ARE READY'!!----ho!
Dana... So is that two times she has fledged this morning or one?
How do you know the difference between fledging and branching?
Their landings can be quite entertaining.
Brought this over from the other thread. Thanks for coming and getting me Wanda!
I reckon ya'll know Tom has Lyme's disease. We were back at the ER last night till after midnight. They gave him a shot of antibiotic and told him to rest as much as possible. He is feeling pretty miserable! Ya'll pray for him, would ya!
Good Morning All....
Good morning Tammy! ☺
Well, my chest was just itching a little bit and I scratched it. Tad bit painful as I got a nice little sunburn on the boat yesterday.
So do we call her/him
Flying HI-dey?
Sooo happy she came back quickly.
HEY WANDA---Why didn't you clean off that 'SMUDGE' on the lens while you were at NCTC???---ho!
Or Flydey! Just flew off again and I saw it that time! YEAH!! Did the head bobble thing at the launch pad and off she went!
Thanks Lori...Hidey is making me a nervous wreck!!
Yesterday someone posted the address where one may make donations for the webcam. If someone could provide me with the information. I sure would like to contribute.
Sissy...hope your Tom recovers quickly.
but Flying HI-Dey is a good one for sure. ! Not sure how high she is flying though.
Wow... did you just see that? Could see Hidey flying in the distance at about 1 o'clock.
Left to right.
Ya know what? I missed it again!!!
This working and trying to watch Hidey can be difficult. :)
Wow. Hidey's not branch-sitting this time. She has official left the building! Go, Hidey, GO!
Parent flys in again. Boy Hidey is getting pratice launching from launch pad 2nd flight today. Now Hidey flys greatly in.
Both parents, come on down Hidey!!
Mom and Dad are in the nest now. Cleaning up breakfast?
The kid is gone. LET'S PARTY!
LORI!!--What I find GREAT about this blog!!---NOTHING IS FOR SURE!!--I mean--some think she is female--some male--some think she fledged yesterday--some today--some call her HEIDY--some call her MIRACLE, etc.---SHE/HE is free to be FREE!!!! (my humble opinion)---ho!
WHOA MEGAN!!---NPR is playing the song from 'HAIR' up for an award this weekend!!---this sounds like a HEIDY aka MIRACLE SONG!! ho!
Dana... if my count is right, this would be the third flight today. I posted about the first one at about 5:47 this morning.
Sounds like Hidey just landed on the Camera
My 7:56 comment should have been 2nd parent follows 1st parent in. No Hidey.
Tammy at 5:47 where did he fly out of nest from? What area? Thank you
Tammy said...
Hidey just flew off the nest to the right.
Monday, June 01, 2009 5:46:00 AM
Tammy said...
Hidey seemed antsy making short jumps and flights around the nest and then stood on the edge at the 3 o'clock position and flew off. It was not by accident. It was intentional.
Time was 5:47am.
Monday, June 01, 2009 5:48:00 AM
COOL KIMM!---She DEFINITELY has left the BUILDING----AGAIN!! ho!
Thanks Tammy ( :
I turned on and got an empty nest, and them both parents showed up looking for their baby. Kinda sad, but they did have a good breakfast. Hope Hidey is having a good time and comes back to see me soon. Gwen
Please, don't ask me any questions, because I HAVEN'T SEEN ANY OF IT! LOL :)
I think Hidey is camera-sitting again. Mom and Dad were both in the nest when I heard a big thud and a bunch of jiggling. They both looked up above where the camera would be and then one parent (I can't tell them apart) flew off.
Love that musical, HAIR, Norma:)
Hidey is flying in and out of the nest, and it's great to see:) and I have no worries, he will be just fine.
Have a great day all:)
Great...the one morning I dont get on the site early and looks like our Hidey is airborne! Will check in as often as work permits today...but sure am disappointed I missed that first or second/third/whatever lift off! Our baby is 'free'...!
MEGAN---I agree---She seems to be having the time of her life!!--LITTLE IMP!!
I see only one adult on the nest and read Megan's note that Hidey flew off!
SISSY--I am so sorry!--I have had you folks in my thoughts & prayers--SHARON told us yesterday---Will keep you in my prayers---
Sissy, sure hope Tom starts feeling better soon!
Sissy, hope Tom fels better soon- thinking of him, know several people who have lyme disease, and my poor little dog has it. Stupid ticks!
This site has lots of info-
Lyme disease association site
Hope Tom feels better too Sissy. Prayers are with him.
So sorry, Sissy...thought Tom wouldn't have any difficulties because his Lymes was caught early. I guess it is a antibiotic therapy-sort-0f-thing for now. It's gonna take time:(
GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES---WANDA---LORI--MEGAN--SHARON--DANA--KAREN--KIMM--TAMMY--SISSY--GWEN-SC--BOZZETT--& DEB!----She has flown off at least 3 times this am!!--DANA has the # & time!
DEB--have you tried the KERSTELS!-
I can't get in---broken?
Karen, I think this is the address you use:
The Friends of NCTC
P.O. Box 1452
Shepherdstown, WV 25443
Then you have to say you want the money to go to the Eagle Cam.
Or you can go here and do it on line:
Good Morning everyone! First, Sissy, my prayers are with you and Tom. Lyme disease is just awful.
Second...so glad to see the Hidey still around! What a nice thing to see last night after returning from my maiden camping adventure!
Deb...thanks bunches. Watching this family has been amazing. I would certainly hope to watch next year. I hope I can help to make it so. Thanks again.
I can't get in either, Norma. Hope they fix it fast.
I hope that is the right address, does anyone know if I picked the right one.
Thanks for the address Deb...I would also like to make a donation...this has been such an amazing experience and one that has given me and my family so many wonderful hours of anticipation and awe! Our nation is in alot of trouble...and sometimes we, during the course of our daily struggles, forget how lucky we are indeed to live here...and watching the symbol of our freedom seems to have, for me, put some things into perspective that I have lost over the course of the past few years...that reason alone, is PRICELESS to me :) Off to work...but will check in later today.
I have juvie mourning doves this morning. I love baby season!
Belle is just sitting so quietly in the nest. Beautiful!
KAREN, how sweet of you to want to contribute to our camera fund! THANK YOU:)
If you are going to mail them, you might want to wait for Paula or Jo to make sure I have the right address. If you do it on line, I know that one is right.
I think Belle has a little nastiness on her beak from breakfast.
LYNN2--How was your 'maiden' camping adventure?---Was it all that you thought it would be---
And thanks to you too, Miss Cross Junction-Bozzett:)
Good morning everyone. Thought I would check in before work.
It sounds to me like Hidey is working on the camera! lol I wonder how interesting Hidey thinks it is that now since he is flying, mom and dad are IN the nest more often!! :)
Costume Lady...it will be my pleasure.
Deb...thanks again.
Norma it was GREAT!! I had a blast! We went in a tent, took the dog, cooked over the campfire, had a little thunder and lightning Sat night (which was very unexpected as I checked the weather before we left and the forecast was so blah that I never even turned on the weather radio! THAT will learn me!) It was just enough to send to grown people to running around in their drawers throwing things we didn't want to get wet into the car!
I'm wondering how much it would cost to get a bigger (with a larger view) camera. Wouldn't it be wonderful to see more of the view around the nest, then we could see the eagles before they fly into the nest?!:)
Good morning all. So Hidey is at it again, I see!!! What a bird!
Karen, here's the info again:
hedgie said...
For all newbies...if you are interested in helping to support our cam, donations can be made to:
Friends of NCTC
698 Conservation Way
Shepherdstown,WV 25443-9713
Mark your check "for eagle cam support".
DEB--You seem to have the correct address---PAULA takes care of the donation & also folks can order EAGLE gifts on the same page--
Wanda, I LOVE that idea! Or two cameras, wide area view and nest close up view!!
Thaanks, Lynn, thought that was the right address!
MORNIN' HEDGIE---I noticed this am your remark about GM---Didn't know you were employed there---GM is our largest car place here in Romney!---
Belle just fledged! :)
The NORFOLK 'rebels' are still snoozing in their nest!!---Their nest sways with the wind!---One of my favorites---
Lynne2...my husband (Capt. Eagle) just said the same thing. Keep the old cam and try for a newer, more modern one! Great minds think alike;)
WHOA!---BLUEFIELD SHARON!--You must have gotten' a wee bit too much sun yesterday!--ho!
A cam at the top of the snake tree would be good. They talked about putting a camera there a couple of years ago but it never came to pass.
Or came to be?
Lynne2...where did you go camping and what interesting wildlife did you see?
Eagle Friends I have to leave. Have put pictures of this morning in eaglet_momster album.
Before I go
Well, now, Sharon...if a cam was put in the SNAKE tree, then instead of seeing BORIS-SPIDEY, we would see a snake slithering across the lens:( EEEEWWWWW!
Have a great day Dana - thanks for putting the BOB link in.
So great photo's there, but of course voting for Bob's picture, which is also gorgeous.
Has anyone talked with SUZANNE this am!---I can't get her---She will be delighted to hear about our MIRACLE'S fledglings--ho!--She named our BABY--MIRACLE!--
I wonder if Steve could look into the cost of a new cam for the tree. It would be interesting to know. I'm getting excited just thinking of the prospect of seeing our Flying Friends on the branches instead of just the nest:) OH, don't get me wrong, I love our cam, but I can dream. WAHOO!!
Wanda, we were in far Western Maryland in Savage National Forest, Big Run Park. It was beautiful up in the mountains as always! I've been to the park before but not camping til now.
We saw 2 wild turkeys, deer, red squirrels, so many birds (guess what camping newbie forgot her bird book?!) and heard 2 Barred Owls talking to each other around 4am!!
Top O the morn', Mits!
DANA--Have you in my thoughts today!---thanks for the VOTE FOR BOB'S PIC!!---
Sharon the word for today is SUNSCREEN.....especially when you are on the water.......sorry Tom is feeling poorly, probably should have stayed home and rested this weekend
are you still "downey oshin hon" as they say here in Baltimore?
thanks, Tammy for the early a.m. report:)
still downey ocean, hon;)
WOW! LYNN2---You were certainly in the WILD COUNTRY!!----BEAUTIFUL UP THERE!!
Good morning y'all!
So Hidey has truly flown the coop! Yea! Wish I had seen it. My husband saw both parents in the nest earlier but not Hidey. Hopefully I'll get to see our baby in action during the day!
I haven't met Tom but he is in my prayers too - hope he gets to feeling better soon.
A new camera or more cameras would be so awesome - I'll also send in a donation.
Have a blessed day all!
Lynne2, would that be on the Big Savage Mountain? I know that area, but have never spent any time there...just passed by often.
We heard a pair of Barred owls calling to each other on a recent trip that we Momsters took to Patuxent River Park. It was AWESOME to hear!
can't get on to the balconies now....they are finally back to put all the sealant stuff on...3 day process, so if no rain, can get back out on Thursday
OH Wanda, I almost forgot! When we got there, we had to buy wood from the local supply store as you can't bring your own (Emerald Bores or something they are trying to control). They said, and Steve my hubby said BE CAREFUL OF SNAKES (had to go out to the woodpile and collect your own). THANK GOD A MILLION TIMES they reminded me, because although I KNOW that, I may have forgotten in my excitment. Sure enough as I carefully pulled pieces out, I found a copperhead!!!!
I am 99.9% sure it was, as it looked exactly like the pictures I have seen, and then looked up last night as well....however, I think there is another snake in Maryland that resembles a copperhead, but for the life of me I can't find it. I'm going to call the DNR later and find out.
Norma, I sent Suz an email...haven't heard back yet.
from what little I know about snakes, have heard that copperheads smell like cucumbers...so if you smell the smell run;)
MORNIN' MITTS & BECKY!---Beautiful day here in WILD & WONDERFUL WV!!
ENJOY your day!!
we might need a new cam if eagle doesn't stop picking on it
Yes Wanda, near the Big Savage Mountain!
I heard from Suzanne this morning!
Good Morning, everyone! Looks like our Hidey has OFFICIALLY fledged! Way to go, Hidey! There's no doubt now! I'm so proud of you! Hope you don't forget to come and visit now and then, though. We all miss you when you're out and about. Makes me wish you were wearing a 'critter cam'! (Wouldn't that be something!) You be careful, now!
Prayers for Tom! (Hope you feel much better, really soon.)
keep an osprey eye towards BWO starting today....could have some good news, I hope, that nest sure needs it.
Mits, no cucumber smell but the smell of all the wood was so strong I don't know if I would have smelled it. He was little, about a foot and a half. I didn't get a good look at his eyes...they say poisonous snakes have eliptical pupils and non poisonous snakes have round pupis. I was so shocked to see him!
my prayers out to ED. a co-worker has this last year and suffered greatly. I was shocked at what this will do to a healty person.
GOOD MORNING ALL. I caught up on the blog yesterday.. saw that Hidey has flown the coop
parents were very restless yesterday, kept seeing them turning the eggs
WHOA! LYNN2---I just put a MD SNAKE NOTICE (from Cumberland Times)---on the blog last week or so----***You can not kill a COPPERHEAD or RATTLESNAKE in the STATE OF MD without a permit!!--that's true!!---that's makes one sit up & whistle DIXIE! ho!
The Wrights are hungry...BBL
I know, Norma!! I think the only think that could possibly make me kill one would be if it got into the tent but even then I would try to just get it out first without harm. I don't like killing anything. This is why the tent stay CLOSED at all times except for coming and going!
lol...what are they going to do, send out the snake police?
It is going to be a long hot summer without being able to see the FINLAND SITES!!---Really upsets me!---but I guess the eggs will hatch, etc--life will go on without us watching---!!
I have an early lunch date---need to get dressed!!---(takes a long time to make me beautiful) ho!
I need to get ready for work, bbl.
SISSY OR SHARON!!----Let me know if you can identify any of the LOONS you folks saw on the lake!---We have LOONS in WV!
LOL Mits...the Copperhead Coppers!!
My avatar is a picture of one like the bird we saw. Immature common loon.
Good Morning All!
Who's that I hear? Couldn't be a branching eaglet now could it?
Had to read both morning threads to be sure Hidey was up there!
"Copperhead Coppers" I love it!
Have a good day DEB!
SHARON---That couldn't be the COMMON LOON---Remember they are black!!---
MITS, my grand-daughters have both walked up on copperheads in their gargage. curled up in front of the house door. Then my son found what appeared to be their 'hole' under a wood pile in the back yard. scares me to death for them. He just last week had to 'reroute' a black snake from their front porch my Lea found.. I will pass along the 'maybe cumcumber' smell.They live in a very busy neighbor and they appear to be the only one bothered with snakes. he says that Lowes has something to put out to ward them off
All, now that Hidey has fledged (which I did not see) will she continue to return to the nest? Will the parents continue to use the nest?
yes hidey will return, this has been the parents nest for a long time.....they are not going anywhere:)
the cucumber thing I heard from a man many years ago, he was a hunter...former bil
MORNIN' MEMA JO!---Remember you MD folks are the ones with the 'COPPERHEAD COPPERS' ho!---
ENJOY your lunch!!---maybe our FAVORITE EAGLET might stop in!!--
Morning, all!
Well, well. Looks like Hidey just came home for a much deserved meal and a rest. He is out of here this morning, bright and early.
Can't wait to see him come back!
Norma, I retired from GM after 28 yrs. as "the plant nurse".
I emailed Suz last night with all of the weekend angst info...and she is responding.
Norma & Mits - you 2 enjoy your lunches
Google - Moth balls Snakes
I have often heard that the smell of moth balls will deter snakes but I have never had to use them - thank goodness.
I think I hear Hidey every now and then so she might be on the branch nearby the camera. Can't wait to see her again.......
Who-cooks-for-you? Who-cooks-for-you? As much of a bird lover I am, I was tired of hearing that at 130am the other night. It mus have been in our big oak tree. It awakened me and a neighbor, and sent the golden retriever out to bark it away--the barking didn't work. I have never seen a barred owl, but they are very vocal at night in this neighborhood.
Morning everyone! Normabyrd, this is an immature loon.
Hedgie - I agree it is a very sad day for all of America with GM filing for
Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.
So the 3:00 is the launch pad for this season! Good to know and glad you were watching Dana!
Sissy, sure feeling bad for Tom...have a good friend who has suffered from lyme aftereffects for almost 15 yrs....it was NOT treated properly early, and she is disabled because of it. Stays on antibiotics all the time as the spirochetes just keep proliferating. So PLEASE make sure that Tom is seen by an infectious disease specialist.
Lynne2.....sure hope that copperhead was scared enough to leave the woodpile and not bother you or anyone else!
WHOA FOLKS!---If you are close enough to smell a snake---YOU ARE TOO DARN CLOSE!!--ho!---I have heard that story too MITS!---Too much snake talk---afraid to go outside now!!
well plans have changed...heading up to Lewes for lunch and shopping....later gators, as Candy would say
This reminds me of the old Cab Calloway song lyrics..."Hidee hidee hidee ho, Hodee hodee hodee oh"...I have been humming it for weeks..lol
Mits, awful that you can't use balcony for three dqays...real bummer!!! Wonder why they didn't get that stuff done before "the season" started!?
ROFL...I would have to agree with that, Norma!
I agree with you, Norma....the only time I have ever smelled the smell is at nighttime....when they say that they will come in and lie next to house foundations for warmth....argh!!!! If I smell it when I can't see, I stay in!!!
LOL Me too Karen! Just seemed an appropriate song!
I am out of here
Great, snake talk...just what I need. If there is a copperhead in my house, or Gh I ain't gonna apply for a permit, better send the ssssnake police, cause that snake would be history. Black snakes are territorial and I've been told they keep copperheads away from their area, so we try to never killl one. But...sometimes it happens...just sayin...
Hey Sharon, I got 2 baby mourning doves out here under my holly tree. They have been hanging out there for 2 days. They don't fly away yet, just waddling around.
Going back outssssssside! It's a very pretty day out there.
And now that's it's stuck in my head...let me share it...http://tinyurl.com/7wz6zf
Floralgirl!!! Too funny...I love it! Wish I had that of that. Got me laughing now.
Gotta run, have a great day!
Good Morning Eagle Friends ☼
Prayers for Tom, Sissy.... hope he gets all the right treatments and enough rest, know that he has the BEST NURSE at home with him.
Dana has some nice pics on the new Momsters Photo album for June, from this morning. Thanks, Dana!
I have an email message to post from Loretta, will do that on next post. I haven't read all the posts since I sacked out this morning, see that Hidey has taken off, will be more polite later on.
That was good Megan, thanks! :)
Here is a message from our NatureNut Loretta Dear Margy, Cannot get on Comment page, but saw Live Cam!!!! Here's my Comment if you want to pass it along.......
Good Morning America!☺
Was about 5:30 AM in US, East coast, when I saw Live cam. Hidey was busy eating breakfast w/tail pointing to 4:30 & there were 2 distinct round objects toward cener w/leaves on the left of them. Do we have turtle? Call Jo. After not getting on blog page, Hidey was sitting at edge near 10:00 & flew across nest to 4:00 launch pad. After a few flaps, Hidey flew the coop! Looks like possible shells might be in the blurry spot!
That's all folks! until we see what communications are possible on Santorini. We leave in about an hour---2PM.
P.S. One of the blackish w/grey birds we've seen is the hooded crow. Also lots of swallows, sparrows, & of course gulls.
Later, Love to all, Loretta & Family
...end of posted message from Loretta
Best wishes for a Great Day for all, prayers that Wellness Swells and Comfort Abides.
TTFN xoxo ♥
Nest Update
June 1 and 2 are the prime hatching times for our first egg. If the egg is fertile, we would hope to see some action on these days.
that's BWO report...nice to hear form Loretta
Hi All..
Magpie... is it possible for new viewers to see the Momsters Photo Album with pictures from this morning?
yes Lynn, but they keep saying weather prevented them from doing it earlier.....started this project the week before Memorial day....hmmmm maybe fishing gets in the way too, no worries, it will look nice when it it done.
hidey ho you all:)
♫♫♫ Hidey Hidey Hidey Ho!!!♫♫♫
So, our Hidey fledged early this morning and Loreeda witnessed it across the pond. How cool is that!
Nice to hear Hidey close by. Yes, would it not be absolutely fantastic to have cams like OK. One up close and one on the whole tree. Woo weee...that would be fun.
Megan...that is going to be going through my mind all day. LOL Don't know if I should thank you or not. :)
To all heading out for lunches and sightseeing...have a good day.
I have a conference call w/ GM at 2, so better get cracking on chores...pretty day...temp still only 62...
Having all kinds of problem w/ internet...argh!!!
See you all later today.
Tammy - I might have to answer your question a little better later. I think when Jo reads your question that will help, or another seasoned Veteran... I believe you might need to be a member of the Eaglet Momster group....
I have to run out to take care of something....so will check back in a little bit to see about all this.
Lynn: Good Luck with the GM things....sorry it has come to all this after so many years. xo
Tammy, here is the link to join our yahoo group.
There is also a link on the front page of this blog.
Eaglet Momsters Yahoo group
Well, gang, I might not be Grandmommy again but guess what! I am going to be a Great Annt again! My brother called yesterday, and Brett, his middle son, is expecting! They have one daughter who will be 10 this month and now a new baby expected. So happy for them!
make that Great Aunt!
Well, I am off to eat breakfast and do my walking.
Have a great day everyone! It is June!! Love this month!
Yeah Lolly. Congratulations.
I keep hearing noise near the camera.
** GooD MoRNING **
** EVERYoNE **
So, Hidey has fledged for sure today, it sound like..
Anyone get any stills or videos??
Hi Jim.. Happy Belated Birthday..
I would have gladly tried to capture Hidey's first flight this morning at about 5:46/7 but I didn't know how to do it.
They say that the video is recording 24/7, correct? If so, maybe somebady can remind ;) and get a clip of Hidey taking flight at 5:47.
For future reference, how do we do stills or video's?
Hi, everyone, I've been watching for a few minutes, and keep hearing Hidey, though I don't see her/him. Must be branching near the nest. The wind's getting stronger, so maybe Hidey will get some good practice soaring today.
Hidey, just don't forget how to land! Gotta run-- have a bunch of errands to do this morning. Will BBL. Have a great day! :o]
Jim... Forgot to say it is very nice to meet you too... :)
Sorry, new at this.
I meant to say rewind, not remind.
Also, if someone can rewind to early this morning, I posted (rather excitedly and frantically) this morning when Hidey first flew the coop.
Also, I see that Loretta witnessed what I did this morning. I am so happy someone else saw it! I was afraid I was the only one!! Her time frame was alittle different from mine, but based on what she described, I am sure we both were watching the same thing.
Tammy, you are good to go on our yahoo group. Welcome!
Thank you Paula..
I feel honored to join you all..
Welcome Aboard Tammy! We are honored to have you. So glad you got to witness our Eaglet's flight from the nest this morning, and I think you are right, Loretta seems to have seen the same thing from overseas.
Seems you got the assistance you needed and should be able to access so many things from the home page now, or soon. Lots and lots of pictures of people and our NCTC Eagle family from over the last few years ☺ ☺ ☺
Keep asking questions, there are NO DUMB QUESTIONS on here !
xoxo Nap time for me....☺
Good afternoon, lunch time here, caught up on blog and e-mail, ate lunch and have a few minutes to spare. I was hoping to see an eagle over lunch, maybe I will yet.
I hear Hidey!
Hey to everyone today! I see that our little feathered friend has been out and about today. Wonder if she/he knows that this many people are stalking her??? I love this site and I intend on making a donation too. I wrote the address down. Beautiful day here in southern West Virginia. Doing a few household chores-yuck! Will keep checking back in.
It is nice that we have a vocal eaglet this year. We know she is close!
Oh, I am so happy for Hidey! Liberty and Belle must be very proud! I will still be watching for any of the family to return home. This is the best site ever.
It is great, isn't it, Bibee!
The Kestrel cam is back open.
Sharon and Norma, a non-breeding loon with have the brownish colors, too. Only breeding loons have the black and white coloring! Immature and non-breeding adult are very similar. A loon is considered juvenile from Aug-Feb, then moves to adult status.
Sorry, I wanted to post that earlier, but didn't have time.
You could have a first year loon, that is not breeding this year, Sharon, or even an older loon that doesn't have a partner.
Another Kestrel has figured out how to get up to the nest box opening! It will be hard to tell the others apart, looks like one male, 4 females, but it could be that all the coloring hasn't changed yet.
I have to go back to work, BBL
Hi, Tammy. Welcome to our humble, but fun and informative, blog.
Getting "captures" or even copies from streaming video is tricky for most of us.
To get video copies, you've got to have software dedicated to that purpose.
For stills on the "Still Camera" you just "right click" and pick "save as" from the menu, put your file name or number in and handle it like another file.
For this streaming video camera, there is a way to capture frames by pressing "ctrl+print screen", opening "paint" and pressing "ctrl+v". But what you do with it after that is hazy to me yet.
I'm not sure this info is on the Momsters site, which Paula signed you up for, yet, but the good news is she an expert on videos, etc. She'll probably help you ... then you can tell me. Hahaha.
Back on the nest with an afternoon snack!
our little one's back in the nest, ya'll. and there are pix up in a new post/thread.
Our whole lovely family was just in the nest. Now down to just Hidey.
YAY! I finally got to see a take off!
Ahhh..I missed the take off AGAIN....just looked away for a few minutes...I'm not getting a thing done at work!!!! LOL
It was so good to see the family there a little while ago. Hidey sure is having herself some fun today. Had my eyes on this cam for a while. Got country music on the tv. Need to fix some supper for us. BBL
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