Friday, June 26, 2009


New thread.


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magpie said...

Thank you, Steve and Happy Friday to you and all the NCTC Staff....☺

magpie said...

I hear Hidey too....and also, remember the Still Cam is not current....

Mits said...

thanks for the call over Margy, and Steve for the normal early morning thread:)

stronghunter said...

Good morning. I hear Hidey squeals.

magpie said...

Hope to see the Bird that goes with the Squealing...

You're welcome, Mits...
Thanks for the Nest Weather Report.

magpie said...

Maybe I will send an email to Steve about the Still cam....has anyone else done that? Hate to bombard him if he already knows.

magpie said...

Don't know where Paula is going for her week-end fun, but if it's anywhere around here, the weather looks great!

Mits said...

go ahead and send it Margy, he may not be aware of it

magpie said...

Okay, is done and sent, Mits

Mits said...

okie dokie Margy

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning my eagle buddies!

magpie said...

How're ya' doin' there Double E-S

Maybe your presence will call in Hidey ☺

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNIN'-AGAIN-EAGLE BUDDIES!-----MY 'LONG' boring welcome is on the other blog---That brings STEVE'S new thread every am--ho!--THANKS STEVE for the new GREY thread!!---Thanks---beautiful MAGPIE for the call over!!!

stronghunter said...

For Hedgie. . . on the windshield. It depends on your policy. If you have 100% comprehensive coverage, you shouldn't have to pay anyhting to get the windshield repaired. Regardless, I would not expect it would cost $1,000. It depends on the car.

I have 100% comprehensive and was able to get a windshield replaced just because it was badly pitted. My son-in-law relaces windshields, and, yes, he goes to people's houses or places of business to replace windshields. He did the work on mine, but the insurance company paid for everything.

I once had someone come to the parking lot at the school to replace a windshield.

stronghunter said...

Mits. . . I did not think you were at the zoo yesterday, but my daughter and grandson were there. They said they saw the person running the panda cam . . .

stronghunter said...

I think HIdey is getting closer. I am going to move to another room before Hidey wakes my grandson. He's sound asleep on the sofa. Worn out after a day at King's Dominion and a day at the zoo. I want him to sleep as long as he can.

Mits said...

no Shirley, I'm still at the beach condo, don't have zoo duty til the 8th of July

stronghunter said...

I told Suzi that I thought you were still at the beach. Grandson wanted to see every single animal there, and it sounds like they did, unless it was not out--chinchillas were not out, but Suzi has two of her own, so he could admire hers.

They even saw a wild deer over by the eagle exhibit that responded to their calls. Suzi said it was a tame city deer.

stronghunter said...

They got to see all three pandas.

magpie said...

Nothing quite so precious as a sleeping child sometimes.
I think I have to move into another room so my grandson's grandmother can get some sleep now.

Best wishes for a great day, and please wear a little Red for the Military if you can.

See you in many hours from now.
I guess I'll read all about it if you see the Baby.

xo ☺ ♥

Mits said...

well they are the star attractions at the zoo....:)

Mits said...

and the Asian Trail is my place of work, plus the cams.

stronghunter said...

That they are. Suzi said she did not think she had seen them all three at the same time before.

Mits said...

well I do believe I heard Hidey take off from the tree, could hear his little whine in the distance.

stronghunter said...

That is what I had told Suzi.

Mits said...

our little Tai Shan will turn 4 on July 9th, probably will be going home to China soon

stronghunter said...

It seems to have gotten quieter for sure. I grabbed the laptop and set up in the bedroom.

stronghunter said...

We will miss Tai Shan. I guess you think we're not going to be able to convince the Chinese to let him stay.

normabyrd said...

I just read yesterday's blog---SORRY HEDGIE!---I always hate those NUNISANCES---even if it is paid for---Just heard they will have to pay back about $84,000,000 in ticket money---My youngest loved him!---Jr High!--'THRILLER' was the album---

normabyrd said...

MITS--What happened to one of the MM girls?---

stronghunter said...

Hi Norma--My two oldest were in middle school when MJ was in his glory. The youngest were in elementary school, and they remember him very well also. Even my grandson knows about him, of course.

Mits said...

I don't think so Shirley, he has already been allowed to stay 2 extra years, but you just never know with the Chinese government?

stronghunter said...

Maybe Obama can use his diplomatic skills. . .

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' SHIRLEY---I think SUZI is right---if the 'wild' deer comes when called---'AIN'T WILD' ho!

Mits said...

Norma, our little Maggie seriously burned 2 of her fingers last Sunday, everyone is assuring me that she is doing fine, they are hoping the blisters heal themselves, she has been on some kind of cream and a mit that her Mom made for her, but she is her happy go lucky self, and I talked to her on the phone last night and she told me she loved me, don't know if she even realized who she was talking to.

stronghunter said...

But I think Obama has his hands pretty full with more pressing issues right now.

Mits said... one has pull over the Chinese, Shirley, but money does talk.

normabyrd said...

SHIRLEY---I think we will all go into a deep depression--if & when the Chinese take TAI back!---I have told you all before---I have his pic on my fridge--(& i talk to him frequently)---ho!---He is TRULY #1 in my book!!

Mits said...

I posted this last week on the blog....

Hi everyone,

It is deer birthing season. We have lots of wild whitetail deer in the park, and lots of babies being "parked". Since the fawns are "hiders" rather than "followers", this "parking away from mom" is normal deer behavior -- the fawns are not "orphans".

1) Our visitors should know that we know about these animals, if they ask or are concerned. The deer are wild, we are trying to leave them that way, and people should not approach or touch fawns. We all need to remember that some of the deer mothers are so tame that they nurse their fawns right in front of crowds of visitors -- this does not make them so tame that anyone should approach them closer, because they may try to defend their young.

2) If you see a deer fawn "parked" in a road or path, feel free to call Animal Care or the Police so it does not get hit or injured. If it is just off the road or path in a highly public area, you might mention it to a local keeper so we continue to keep track of its location as we have done in previous years. If it is elsewhere in the Park, it is wild and we just leave it where it lays.

Remember, we are working in an urban natural park filled with beautiful local wildlife -- bugs, snakes and other reptiles, migratory birds and resident birds, and mammals of many types. We try to let the wildlife stay wild by leaving it alone whenever we can.

Thanks very much for your help in educating our visitors and seasonal staff about this

Mits said...

but, you have to be happy for him ,to go to his true home, and this is what all the fuss about a new panda is about, saving the species, is much more important....JMHO

normabyrd said...

aaah! MITS---I am so sorry----sending many XXXXXXXXXXX to her!--She sounds like a little trooper--an ADORABLE one! ho!

Mits said...


6/25/2009 :: Fledgling Update
The four surviving fledglings are doing well. They have been seen taking flight from the nest ledge to their seemingly favorite food drop perches. The new Harrisburg University for Science and Technology has been a favorite haunt for the fledges. The building has many wide ledges at different levels providing easy access for the birds and great viewing for University staffers. As we move through June and into July there will be less happening at the nest ledge. For the falcon watchers on the street the action has just begun. The birds are getting flight and hunting lessons from both of the adults. Soon they will take their show on the road and fly with the fledges up and down the Susquehanna River Corridor. These corridors are not only watercourses to the Sea but also bird migration pathways and will forever signal prime feeding and breeding habitat to the Peregrine Falcon.

Mits said...

thanks, Norma

normabyrd said...

SHIRLEY---You should have seen TAI when he was small!---He has certainly entertained us!!!---he was always into something!---One night--we was stuck up high in the tree & couldn't get down!!!--Will never forget that night!!

Mits said...

the male of the group was euthanized after he was found with severely injured legs about a week ago:(

stronghunter said...

I'll send your deer info to Suzi, Mits. She will appreciate it. She's very much our animal lover. She said Hunter (my grandson) made some kind of deer-sounding noise and the deer stopped and seemed interested. I don't think they saw a fawn there, but they did somewhere else.

They also rode the Red Line. She said it was very crowded when they came home.

Mits said...

juvie at BWE

Mits said...

from what I'm reading RED LINE is back to normal, on Wednesday over 800,000 people rode it.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

My Daddy has been gone 7 years today. NRA just called to speak to him. :(

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

This picture was taken at a family reunion a few years ago. They were posing for the picture and Daddy patted her butt. One of the best pictures ever taken of them.

Mits said...

are you serious, Sharon? They actually called...?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

The beach scutters are on their way home.

Mits said...

that is a great pic, Sharon:)

Mits said...

ha, those little varmints are headed home, good for them and you.

normabyrd said...

MT NEST at NORFOLK 'REBEL' site!!---I understand they are still reporting back to the nest for R&R!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am thinking I might keep Ellie Mae. Possession is 99% of the law. :)

normabyrd said...


The local r/e folks are still sending mail to my husband--has been gone 20+ yrs---& they live in the same town---

normabyrd said...

SHARON---never lose your sense of humor!!---ho!---sometimes we get too--too serious!----

ps--please let me know when i can be nice to them???

normabyrd said...

LIFE IS GOOD!!----Check FINLAND site!----Bright SUNSHINE--both OSPREYS in nest---MOM feeding & those little CHICKS aren't fuzz balls anymore---WOW!---BEAUTIFUL!!
(a wee bit more green on trees)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It would probably be okay to be nice starting tomorrow. :)

normabyrd said...

DANA!!---pray that ED is doing much better each day!!----Checked the PACE of DONKEYS this am!---I see at least one dark one!!---ho!

stronghunter said...

Norma, thanks for the heads-up on the Finland site. Those little guys have really been growing.

normabyrd said...

Thank You---O'QUEEN of BLUEFIELD!!
don't gush at first-- ho!

normabyrd said...

OH YES! SHIRLEY--they are growing over night!---Easy to see why we all love that site----

ceil said...

Morning all. Norma I was with Maggie when she burned her hand. They have a grill that you can put a pot on the side and underneath it is very hot almost like a hot plate. I am telling everyone this because it is a hazard. I have to go to Home Depot today and I am going to get the name and write the company. Don't want anyone else to get hurt. She is a trooper. She would hold her hand up and say hurt. When I called on Monday she answered and Kevin told her who it was and she yelled. Hi Aunt Ceil. It was so fast but that is how accident happen. But I feel terrible. Have a great day.

ceil said...

I love Tai Shan and will miss him but he needs to be bred. That is why we are saving them.

normabyrd said...

LISA has posted a pic of the 'GLOWING BLOG' that appeared on the OSPREY lens at BWO!---EERIE!

stronghunter said...

How do I find Lisa's blog?

Mits said...

I know you feel bad, Ceil:(

Mits said...


Mits said...


Nest Update

For a while, we've noticed a smudge on the camera lens, although we're not sure what it is. We've been hoping for a driving rain to remove it.

Thursday night, it became a glowing blob on our infrared. Unfortunately we can't go up and clean it ourselves with the chick this small.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' CEIL!!---Will be interested in what the folks at the store tell you!---That possibly has happened before---LUCKY AUNTIE CEIL!---you have two LOVELY little nieces!!!!

ceil said...

One more thing before I go. Michael Jackson was an excellent entertainer when he was young but he went bad. We took Helen's Kevin to see him in DC. Great show.
Many years ago.

ceil said...

Norma just don't want it to happen again. It has warnings underneath but Maggie can't read yet. Have a good day all.

Mits said...

believe it was 1984 or 5, Ceil, went to his concert at RFK stadium, Kevin did not like when the seats stated to bounce.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

He really was an excellent entertainer. I remember when Becky was little she had to have a jacket like his and would dance his dances. I hate that his life took the turn it did. What a shame.

ceil said...

That was me that didn't like when the seats started to bounce.LOL

ceil said...

Looked at the BWO cam and can hardly see a smudge. I do see some new sticks or should I say trees.

Mits said...

lol.....right, it was rocking that night...

Mits said...

yes they have some HUGE sticks at BWO

stronghunter said...

Mits, thanks for the link to the strange glowing thing. It made me think of how spiders and insects look so spooky when they are near the Hidey-cam, except it is much brighter. Guess it is reflecting light in some strange way.

deb said...

Morning, everyone.

stronghunter said...

Norma, I still don't see much green ot those trees . . . I guess a little bit. Those trees have to endure a lot, I am sure.

deb said...

I wonder if the trees at Finny have been through a fire. They remind me of trees a few years after a fire has been through an area.

Mits said...

hard to say, Deb, don't think they have ever been lush, can't remember the year that Finney was there....and the year after THAT there were no osprey, or the eggs didn't hatch....that is why we had such high hopes to watch the FINLAND NEST

Ms Bookworm said...

Good morning, everyone!

TGIF!!!! I've been up for quite a while. All the laundry is done and put away, and I'm putting the final touches on the shopping list for Wal-Mart for later this morning.

Mits, so sorry about little Maggie!
Prayers being said for her swift healing. She sounds like a really sweet, brave little soldier. Bless her heart! Sorry, too, about the falcon fledgling. What a crying shame! :o{ Glad the rest are O.K.!

Have lots of studying to do today, and a bunch of Keyboard practice units to do. Can't print them until I find some printer ink, though. Will have to get to Wal-Mart early!

Sounds like nobody's seen our Hidey yet today, though he's been heard. Sure hope he makes at least a short appearance! I'm beginning to miss all 3 of our eagles.

Well, think I'll get going and journey to Wal-Mart so I can do my Keyboarding homework. (Must be able to print where I send resumes, too, for the EDD.)

Hope everyone has a great day today-- happy Friday! BBL :o]

Mits said...

have a good one, Andrea

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' DEB!---Last night I was watching PBS---Re:--story of the kid who went to ALASKA & was going to live off the land, etc.---Next thing I noticed--CARTHAGE, SD!--(then I sat up straight)--ho!---I had seen the movie--S-PENN earlier!---But I wondered if you had seen this!!----(this isn't the movie)--it's a documentary made much later & trying to figure how long he survived, etc---HAVE YOU SEE IT?

normabyrd said...

DEB!---The trees did go through some sort of STORM, ETC--because remembering reading that we would not to see the NEST this year!!--That was when I still had contact with SUZANNE---we talked about it!!---

deb said...

Norma, they filmed part of the movie here in SD, Carthage, Winner and somewhere in the Black Hills. He worked during the harvest season here.

I was in Winner when they were filming, but we didn't see any of the actors, just crew members. The big rumor was that Jennifer Anniston had come to visit Vince Vaughn, but it was just a rumor.

jmp said...

Happy Friday everyone!

Neither sight nor sound of Hidey yesterday or this morning -- sigh. Plan to finish staining the coat tree today and maybe get some laundry done. Not nearly as fun and interesting as what you all are doing. I am NOT at the beach.

Hope each of you have a wonderful day and weekend.


normabyrd said...

MORNIN' JMP---If you are not at the beach--SHARON will like you! ho!---

floralgirl said...

Howdy all:)
I just saw a beautiful Baltimore oriole, but I still wish I was at the beach.....
Yesterday evening we were sitting under the arbor and hubby spotted a tiny male hummer acting odd...he was barely moving and as we watched he started to fall over and I caught him in my hand. It seemed like he may have been hit by another male, he had some blood on him, and couldn't fly and was lethargic until we got some food in him. He flew around some but couldn't stay balanced. I got him to eat some, but he didn't make it thru the night:(

Mits said...

now see that is what happens to me, Megan, when I don't have my carbs:(

normabyrd said...

DEB--Are you still on the late schedule at work?---

Costume Lady said...

Me, too, Helen;)
Sorry that had to happen to you, Megan;(


normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MEGAN!---Interesting hummer story---how did you feed him?--so fragile--sorry!---Have you ever found an ORIOLE nest??--I saw DEB'S---unbelievable that they spend so much time building it--NATURE---wow---

floralgirl said...

Just one of those things. The male hummers get pretty aggressive out there, thinking he got slammed into by a bigger male, he was small. He was in a very popular area, with a feeder and lots of red flowers, and there are constant fights there.

floralgirl said...

Hey Norma, fed him sugar water with an eye dropper. I have never seen an oriole nest here, we see the birds in the yard, but not consistently. I bet they are down nearer the creek, which is not far from our yard.
Back to work, got to make bouquets....

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' LOVELY WANDA---Read your husband---is all well!---Bet he feels MUCH--MUCH better!!---& his temperament is MUCH better?????

deb said...

Yes, Norma, one more week of the late shift.

Costume Lady said...

Norma, he does feel much better, but he is always of good temperament. That is why we have been together for 50 years.

hedgie said...

Morning, Eagle buds! Caught up on comments, and am taking my sweet time with reading papers.
All of the talk we've had about lightening bugs has been interewsting...and in todays' paper, our local Bug lady has an article about them! Numbers are down because of destruction of habitat, plus too much artificial light makes it hard for them to find each other, so mating is down. There are five common genera of fireflies in the eastern US, w/ several species w/in each genus. Males are the ones flying around...females stay in place waiting for them! Hmmmm...sounds like humans!! In some species even the eggs glow.
I will check the papers' website---if the article is there, I'll post a link!

Costume Lady said...

Do you have to work tomorrow, Deb? Sunday?

deb said...

That is too bad, Megan, about the little hummer. I am glad you tried, though.

hedgie said...

Windshield update: insurance glass coverage only requires $250 deductible. Insurance co. said police would laugh at me if I filed a report. If glass co. can get the glass and it doesn't rain, they'll be here this afternoon....otherwise it will be Monday. Realized that I will have to go get another inspection to get a new sticker!

deb said...

I work tomorrow, on Saturday, but not on Sunday.

hedgie said...

Here's link:

Lightening Bugs

deb said...

If you replace a windshield here, you just have to bring in the part of the sticker that has the ID number on it and get it replaced. You could try that, Lynn.

Mits said...

3 little heads and feeding at at FINNEY'S NEST:)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have Justin with me again today. The scutters are 4 hours from home. Thelma is coming up today. I go from nobody to everybody at one time.

Andrew has spent his whole life wearing a shirt when out in the sun, swimming, etc. This year he has decided it is okay to go shirtless but now he has a bad sunburn on his belly. That thing has not seen sun since he was probably 4 or 5.

Mits said...

how come Justin did not go?

Mits said...

good story, friend from AZ said there were so many in back yard last week in Bethesda, it looked like Christmas.

hedgie said...

Megan, you tried with the little hummer---that's all we can do, and nature will always take its course. Too bad.
Just saw a young squirrel do a firemans pole shimmy down the leg of the corn feeder--not intentional--looked like he was hanging on for dear life! Single young turkey strutting around out there, too.

stronghunter said...

Lightning bugs. . . my adult children took me to one of their favorite places late one evening. It was next to the water.

Lightning bugs were hanging all over the bushes. Others were flying over the water, and some were floating in the water.

Kids said that they would fly over from the other shore. They would get very tired; some would not make it and would end up in the water. As soon as they reached the shore, they would rest on the bushes.

The place was aglow with lightning bugs. That was several years ago. I have not been back, but it was fascinating.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, you've got mail.

deb said...

i e-mailed Suzanne about the trees at Finny. She said she hadn't even noticed that they didn't leaf out yet and doesn't know what happened to them.

stronghunter said...

Two adults at Finneys.

normabyrd said...

Thanks HEDGIE--Going to save that for my grand-kids!--They don't have them in FL!!---They loved catching them -- when they lived in WV--

stronghunter said...

My adventure with the squirrels and birdfeeder continues. I suspended two blocks of food from a cord stretched between my porch and a crepe myrtle tree / bush.

So far, squirrels do not seem to have conquered it, but birds aren't visiting, either. Will watch and wait.

normabyrd said...

DEB!---FUNNY!!!!---That shows how much SUZ remembers "our" conversations!!---ho!---I "REMEMBER" how DELIGHTED I was when they said we would be able to watch the FINLAND site!!---

stronghunter said...

Squirrel is lying on the step resting and plotting its next move. Funny.

stronghunter said...

Is Suzanne connected to the Finney nest?

hedgie said...

Deb, obit in our paper today where it mentioned a surviving bro living in Yankton...thought 'hey, I know where that is!'

deb said...

No, she just watches it a lot and I thought she might know about the trees.

hedgie said...

No, Shirley...Suz just really loves the Finland sites, as many of us do. Her office got clamped down on by the government bosses about internet use, so she can't blog with us any more, but she is able to view some cams early in her shift (which starts around 4am). She doesn't have a home computer now.

hedgie said...

Speaking of 4am---where's LoriEaglelicious been this week? Have I just missed her or is she MIA???

movin said...

** Good Morning **

** EverYboDy **

Have a great FriSatSun



stronghunter said...

Thanks for the information.

deb said...

Just 25 miles down the road from me, Lynn!

movin said...

Deb, on my PC I see many of the trees at Finney's are "leafing out", but I think there was a fire in that area a few years ago, because there is a high percentage of dead trees standing among the others.

Also, most of the living trees are about the same size...notice that?



Mits said...

Norma, we can't see the FINLAND NEST, it broke in a storm on the 23rd of May...hopint to have it fixed by late June or July

Mits said...

Sharon got your email, one on the way back.

hedgie said...

Thanks, Deb, for insp. sticker info...will pursue that if necessary...daughter says when SIL had his windshield replaced a few years ago they steamed off the sticker and reapplied we shall see.

stronghunter said...

My experience with inspection sticker is that they carefully removed it and then put it back on.

deb said...


Mits said...

osprey chick alone at BWO.....BBL

Mits said...

momma back at BWO.

Mema Jo said...

Good almost "not morning" To All!
I'm in slow mode today! Germany Gang has headed down to the beach house for the weekend. They took Grandpa Michael with them. He'll have a Blast!

Mema Jo said...

I see the OK eaglet up on the bar at the nest. He seems to be getting around very well.
The Duke Farm's oldest made his first flight yesterday - hasn't returned yet.

Megan - sorry little Hummer didn't make it but you all sure gave it a good try!

hedgie said...

Thanks for that info, Jim. Did you email Suzanne??

Mema Jo said...

Going to find some lunch......


stronghunter said...

I do not see any sign of the OK eaglet. Did it just fly?

Costume Lady said...

I certainly hope that LORI EAGLICIOUS isn't at the beach;)

normabyrd said...

phone calls---I know MITS--we have this discussion all the time!--I refer to the nest with the 3 OSPREY CHICKS---as my 'FINLAND NEST'---& the one that is down now as of 5/23 as my FINNY WATER NEST!---started that the 1st yr we watched----

Costume Lady said...

Also MIA are Bibee, Bozzett, Susan. Hope they aren't at the beach either;)
A lot of others, that weren't as regular as the 4 that have been mentioned, haven't been on in a while. Working in their yards, perhaps and on vacation:)

Costume Lady said...

Jo, did you do the cooking for your family? Hope you had a lot of help. Meatballs for Alexis? She's adorable!

Mits said...

no we didn't NORMA. FINNEY NEST HAS ALWAYS BEEN the land nest named after Finney, the rest of us have referred to the water nest as FINLAND NEST...I'm, just trying to be HELPFUL to people so they are not confused!

Mits said...


normabyrd said...

MITS--I said "I" have always referred to MY FINLAND........ho!

hedgie said...

I was confused about the difference in what you all called them for a long time! No biggie...I just now say either Finland land or Finland water....and I just keep wishing and hoping that the water nest truly does come back online this season!!!

hedgie said...

Heading to the sofa for a panda first one in many, many days! Y-a-w-n!!! TTFN.

Mits said...

I was just trying to help the confused people, Lynn, but guess that is my bad:)

Donka Maria said...

Hello All. I've been trying to catch up on your blogs of the last week. I have been watching, hoping for a glimpse of Belle, Lib and Hidey, but haven't seen any of our eagles for over a week. (I haven't spent a lot of time on the NCTC site in the past 2-3 weeks.)

My Little Miss Roxie had surgery on June 8th and it's been a long few weeks. She got her stitches out Wednesday the 17th, and she's now on the mend. Her biopsy results came back as stage II cancer. It's some type of soft tissue cancer. We're praying that the doctor got it all. She's in good spirits considering everything she's been through.

I hope all is well with everyone. Thanks again for all your prayers and words of support.

Boy I miss seeing Hidey!!

Donka Maria said...

Oh, and by the way . . . I'm not at the beach.

wvgal_dana said...

Afternoon All in Eagleland and Watchers. Been awhile...seems like forever.

See some are taking panda naps.

Wishing all are well.

jmp said...

Afternoon, everyone.

Finished second coat of stain, some laundry/ironing. Mits: Not your bad. I appreciate the information as I didn't understand all the Finny-Finland stuff.

No one home at the OK nest but two at home at Dukes Farm. Alas, no Hidey, Belle or Lib.

Don't know Little Miss Roxie but she has a prayer from me -- as do all who need one. Let's pray she is as lucky as the cancer survivor eagle watchers. Last semester I had a female student about age 22 who has survived childhood brain cancer. Really makes everyday problems so insignificant.


Lynne2 said...

Hey all! Just a a quick check in, been so busy today and going camping in the AM. No Hidey or adults :(

Lynn, cool artical about the Lightning bugs! That explains some, but now why WE have so few cause we are in the DARK back here at night and there is NO construction going on.

Sharon, you should keep Ellie Mae!

Megan, sorry about the little hummer. We have lots of hummer fights around our feeders here as well. They see to get worse later in the summer it gets.

Donka Maria, SO glad Roxie is OK and I'm so hopeful the vet got it all.

Many of us are under a severe thunderstorm watch including the nest, so you all be careful!

Lynne2 said...

oh yeah, Margy, I'm hoping that there will still be some good meteor viewing on Sat night because we have a great place to go watch at the campground!

hedgie said...

New windshield is in...but guy had to go back to shop...they gave him wrong mirror bracket...he better hurry---if the storms come, I'm puttin' it back in the garage!!
Glad to hear that Roxie is recovering, and pray that vet truly did get it all. I lost all three of my Shar Pei to different cancers. So sad...still miss them very much.
Another camping trip, Lynne2! You are becoming a pro! snakes this time!

hedgie said...

What's the latest, Dana?? How is Ed feeling? Did you see that Red was on a few days ago? He is doing much better--guess they finally got the right meds or dosages. Do you have a biopsy date yet?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

The stinking beach bums are back home now. Ellie Mae dropped me like a hot potato.

stronghunter said...

Have been checking in from time to time in between visiting with grandson Hunter. We're mostly taking it easy today.

No squirrels nor birds at my feeder. Maybe it is just too hot. A tufted titmouse did visit briefly.

wvgal_dana said...

Company in the nest

stronghunter said...

Here is our drama queen.

wvgal_dana said...

Parent just flew out

stronghunter said...

Didn't see parent. Must have left food.

magpie said...

Okay Lynne2 - hope the skies are clear. the "peak" is supposed to be during the night and early morning Friday into Saturday, but some the nights before and after, is pretty typical.
Oh, We have company at the nest !

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry you got dropped Sharon...just goes to show. You take care of them; feed them but she cuddled to the beach bum. lol

Hedgie-Lynn Monday June 29th yep this Monday morning he has to be at Winchester Outpatient at 8AM. He'll be about 6 hours they said. He won't be admitted unless something happens like lung problems.

magpie said...

must be a little morsel...

funny I had sound on the live cam but no movement, had to refresh to get the movement.

Hi Dana! and Donka Maria - whom we have not "seen" for awhile. Prayers for Ed, and Roxie...

Hello to everyone else too ! ☺

stronghunter said...

Dana, hope all goes well at the hospital. You have my prayers.

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Shirley. I know everyone in the Momster/Dadster group that know are sending up prayers. It is all in HIS HANDS.

They are not putting him under. They are going to use a local. After they get the biopsy. All the time will be for watching and x-raying and re-xraying the lung. They have to keep him to make sure the lung doesn't leak. Plus they have to keep him so long to make sure the lung doesn't collapse.

Just praying that they can get the biospy this way.

wvgal_dana said...

Screaming eagles.....goodness she/he will chase Mom & Dad to the south end of the

stronghunter said...

Hidey has lots to say to his parents this afternoon.

stronghunter said...

. . . has quite a vocabulary.

stronghunter said...

Biopsies are not much fun, but it will be good to have it over with.

wvgal_dana said...

Back in comments I see where Mits did her "fly over the ocean". Sure sounds like she had fun. I like the comment "checked off another thing on my bucket list"..I love that movie.

wvgal_dana said...

I'm enjoying the "flicker stories" from Sharon and Loretta. Bet that is something to watch..all that sawdust flying out.

Did Hidey/Miracle stop making noise or is it my sound..might need to refresh.

wvgal_dana said...

Typed that and just heard him/her.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I keep seeing the baby flicker beak sticking out the side of the tree. Both parents were in the tree earlier today and were on red alert for something.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I see our little precious is eating.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think I just had a juvenile cedar waxwing out here. It was gorgeous! Didn't stay long though.

wvgal_dana said...

Hope Hedgies-Lynn's guy gets back and finishes that windshield. Long ago we had one replaced in our driveway.

magpie said...

Nice of Hidey to stick around so some can get their Fix for the Day....

Paula : Hope you have a Fun Week-end !

Work night for me, time to start packing things up.

Best Wishes for a Great Evening and Stellar Week-end for all.

Prayers for Wellness, amongst all People and Pets !

xo ☺ ♥

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It wasn't a juvenile. It was an adult. Beautiful. Wish it would come back.

deb said...

Home for lunch, caught up on blog. I ran a few errands before I came home so I don't have much time left.

I sure hope Miss Roxie is on the mend.

Dana, prayers for good results all the way around on Monday,

Sharon, darn traitor, take such good care of the dog and gone just like that! :(

Lynn, did they salvage your sticker?

Mema Jo said...

WHoo HOo! I am going to get to see Hidey! I have been lazy all day & just really got my afternoon cup of coffee!

Dana - Tell Ed the biopsy is a piece of cake! Our prayers will carry him through for the best results possible.
You always have prayed for the Skilled Hands of the professionals & that is one of the prayers being said! We know whose Hands in which it rests! Bless you both! The one waiting sometimes is the most nervous about the procedure (that's what my hubby said)

Mema Jo said...

We had a very short storm.. Hidey doesn't look very wet....

Mema Jo said...

lol Almost thought I heard a Car Horn

It was Hidey Beeping!

deb said...

Just when Hidey gets vocal, I have to head back to work. Only 4 more 10-8's to go after today!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

My birds out there are hearing Hidey. They stop eating and look up. Probably sounds a little intimidating to them! :)

Mema Jo said...

Deb - You can do it! I wish we could record all his vocal songs....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

There must be a parent nearby.

Mema Jo said...

Maybe another storm is going by the nest - wind really getting up

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It looks like the sun is shining off and on.

ltl said...

hey, Hidey! hey all

wvgal_dana said...

Parent in nest with Hidey/Miracle

ltl said...

so loud, kid!

the lungs are fine, i see.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

She is so loud! Parent just came and went. Don't see any food though.

magpie said...

Wow that was something! Quick in and out by one of the parents.

Hidey's music reminds me of the recorders (little flutes) that the kids get in grade school....♪ ♫

Hey itl Lisa! Was hoping you would jump back on !!

Well, off to the 911 races here.

TTFN xoxox ☺

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3/6/25 PM

 the wind is ferocious almost tipping our Eagle over and out of the nest at times sometimes you're made to do a egg roll when you're...