LOL, thought I would be first today first time ever but Wanda beat me to it! I have not seen Hidey since Saturday but I know from the blog that she has been around. I did see our daring little nest thief afew minutes ago. Happy Monday everybody!
I'm happy you're there Wanda, keeping an eye on our favorite eagles. I wish it was as cool in Tallahassee as it is in WV!! We've had days of 100+ degree weather and no rain. We're hoping for some relief later this week.
Hope you don't mind my bringing this conversation over...
Good Monday Morning All :)
I've been wondering about something for a while now. (In my rookie year around here)
I know they say that Eagles mate for life. My question, When Belle and Liberty leave (for the season), do they leave together or do they part ways and then both individually return when it is time to mate again?
On a sidenote... Good Morning Hidey.. I hear you!
Monday, June 22, 2009 5:38:00 AM
Eagle-Eyed Sharon said... Good morning eagle land.
Tammy, to answer your question, Liberty and Belle do not leave. They stay in the area.
Monday, June 22, 2009 6:31:00 AM
Thank you Sharon.
Is that common for most pairs of eagles? They stay?
I was under the impression that a breeding pair of eagles will leave the nest location for a month or two and then return to start nestorations for the next brood.
Monday, June 22, 2009 6:47:00 AM
Eagle-Eyed Sharon said... Tammy, they visit the nest a lot less during that time but they stay in the area, as far as I know. Somebody else might know something I don't but I don't believe they go very far.
Monday, June 22, 2009 6:51:00 AM
Can anyone tell me what is the common behavior for a pair of eagles in the "off season"?
On another side not... I saw this yesterday and found it interesting..
Can You Read This?
Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.
i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
Today is my Andrew's 20th birthday. My, how time flies! I told Sissy last night - 20 years ago everybody was gone on vacation except for Donna and Thelma. Now, 20 years later, everybody has gone on vacation. Seems to be a pattern.
GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!---CONGRATS! TAMMY---You are our #1 EAGLE MOM!---today & every day!!---MORNIN'--TAMMY--BLUEFIELD SHARON--WANDA--& GABRIELA!!!---WHOA! TAMMY--I READ YOU--OVER!--(isn't that what I should say--OVER)! ho!
Andrew and Kelsey are coming here from Charleston and we are going to Kimono's (Japanese) for birthday lunch. Then they are heading to the beach too. I don't like them! :)
What a glorious JUNE 'SUMMER'-- SUNNY---BLUE SKIES---MORNING!--- Flowers are blooming--birds are singing--barefoot 'little ones' playing tag!--temp is a cool 68°---here in WILD & WONDERFUL WEST VIRGINIA----HOME of BELLE & LIBERTY---parents of the 'INFAMOUS' EAGLET--named HEIDY aka MIRACLE---who is loved by all folks--far & wide---NOTED for her BEAUTY & VOICE!---Isn't this a WONDERFUL WORLD----Let's all jump rope in the sunshine--catch lighting bugs at dusk & give thanks & REJOICE on this summer morning----LIFE IS GOOD!!---GIVE THANKS---& BE HAPPY!!!
Today Partly sunny. Highs in the lower 80s. North winds 10 to 15 mph. » ZIP Code Detail Tonight Partly cloudy. Lows in the upper 50s. North winds 5 to 10 mph. Tuesday Mostly sunny. Highs in the lower 80s. North winds 5 to 10 mph. » ZIP Code Detail Tuesday Night Mostly clear. Lows around 60. North winds 5 to 10 mph. Wednesday Mostly sunny. Highs in the mid 80s. Northwest winds 5 to 10 mph. » ZIP Code Detail Wednesday Night Partly cloudy. Lows in the lower 60s. Northwest winds around 5 mph. AMEN:)
Mits, they were. Mommy, Daddy and Becky got here from the Outer Banks about an hour after he was born and Beverly and Tom didn't get back from Myrtle Beach until I think Andrew was 3 days old.
YEAH!--MITS---Hasn't SHARON told you about how hard it was to tie the cord----when she was all alone---ho!------(LORDY--she is gonna put me on her--(do not like list)--ho!---ONLY KIDDIN' SHARIE!!!
MORNIN' DEB---Thanks -- I viewed almost all of your birds last night---Oh you have such a pic collection!---AWESOME!!---ducks of every shape & color----such beautiful scenery---Was the ORIOLES nest found in a wooded area?
An amazing amount of activity at the flamingo cam. I have always enjoyed that cam. First time I accessed it was at night, but you could see the flamingos moving around.
Thanks, Mits:) Deb, your bird pics are so great! I love the orioles nest. Never seen one. The baby mockingbirds are doing good, screeeching all day long, it is easy to keep track of them around the yard. They have worked their way back up to around the house. One was in the mkt. van on Saturday afternon. Kid says she hopes they move to the neighbor's yard:) they are very noisy. Need food supplies..gonaa head to the quiet walmart...shhh.....
Thanks, I was sold out of flowers by around 11:30 yesterday... the hummer gets upset when I cut his red bee balm, tho. Try not to take too much. He sits in it and scolds me.. BBL
SHIRLEY---I enjoy the FLAMINGOS too!----Last year--we watched their eggs hatch & there were at least 3 or 4 'little white' flamingos!!---Really awesome sight!!
I sometimes have hummingbirds visit my hanging flowerpots on the front porch, but they haven't been bold enough to scold us. We usually hide and watch them, so we won't scare them away.
I was wondering if they were white when they hatched. Is it true that they become pink from the food they eat? I think I once read that about scarlet ibises.
I have to jump in to respond to Tammy -- must be the psyc. professor in me. I use this same type of example in my introductory psychology courses to demonstrate the concept of how sensation and perception work together to make sense of our world. It is a concept from Gestalt psychology. With experience, the brain forms expectations for how to organize sensory information and so, when presented with an example such as Tammy's, the brain effortlessly organizes the sensory informaton based on expectations of how letters should be sequenced to form meaningful words. Yes, Costume Lady is correct -- the brain misses typos/spelling errors because it has learned what it should expect to "see."
Must be time to visit the University rather than wait for the Fall semester.
Hope everyone has a lovely day and Hidey makes an appearance when we are all tuned in.
Megan, your flowers were beautiful. I see why you sold out early. Wish I lived closer to be a customer.
We have a lot of the ruby throats around here. My neighbor found a dead male near her feeder last week. They really fight for feeding rights. I keep telling them that there is plenty for all, but they don't understand English.
Please send us a pic of your HUMMERS!!----You always have so many----Would enjoy hearing from you---even if you don't have any feeders this year---MISS YOU!!!!
As to Tammy's other question about the eagles. A lot of it depends on the food source, if there is food available, the eagles do not have to leave the area. They will take a break from nest building, but can stay if they want to. We get a lot of eagles here in the winter because the river below the dam doesn't freeze up very often.
I have found that hummers are really pretty tame. I can stand at the front door, about 6 feet from one of my feeders, and they will fly up to the door, look at me as if to say hello, then go to the feeder. They sound a little like house sparrows, sort of a soft chipp.
SHIRLEY---Those big mud 'mounds' you see the FLAMINGOS sitting on --are nests!!---There is an EGG under the mud & should hatch about 30 days!!----Believe after hatching--babies usually join a group of the little ones--Did you see them not long ago carrying mud to cover the eggs!---GOOGLE--they have all the details!!
We once visited a restaurant in Colorado. I think it was in the Estes Park area. They had hummingbird feeders all around the outside and there was a multitude of hummingbirds there. That was in the 1970s, I think. I wonder if it is still there.
Watching a flock of flamingos: There are about 60 birds in the National Zoo's flamingo flock, some of which have been living at the Zoo since 1965! They turn pink as a result of brine-shrimp in their diet, and young birds develop pink feathers between one and two years of age.
Thanks, Norma. I did not see them carrying the mud, but I had figured that the mounds were nests. I'll Google them.
At first, I had problems finding the site because I thought "NZ" was New Zealand. I went looking for flamingo nests there, but a Google search sent me to the National Zoo. I knew about the flamingos there.
You said that they put mud over the eggs, but sometimes, like right now, I see an egg on top of the mud. Maybe that means it's about to hatch?
Good AM Everyone!! See Hidey in the nest now eating breakfast. Been looking at Paula & Wanda's great pics of nest visit everyone had May 23. I was in a Big bird that day! Bad timihg again.
Lotta stuff I gotta do today before going to work on TU AM. While outside planting flowers yesterday, I saw a flicker on our 10' tall dead tree trunk. She was near the top pecking. I wasn't sure if she was getting insects or making a nest hole. She's back again today, pecking. Fubby delayed cutting the grass because she was there.Will be watching her! I've never seen one in our yard before.
Eggciting news. Just saw the flicker go in the hole in the tree and then I heard the babies! That was so cool. Don't know how many but pretty sure theres is more than 1.
Watching the Duke Farms nest Branching big time - one flew across the nest but landed on the other one. I forgot how crowded a nest is when there are 3 trying to share the space!
Like your avatar Sharon - Tell Andrew Happy Birthday! it significant ( and of what) if one can read it w/o any difficulty?? I think Tammy said only 55 out of 100 could. I have no problem at all with those things; I can also read upside down! And I'm left-handed, which has its own ramifications!!! LOL!
Megan, flowers are just gorgeous! I'll give that hummingbird a piece of my mind for scolding an artisit like you! Is the quiet WalMart the one at S.M.'s?? Sh-h-h-h!
Sen. Byrd update for you, Norma and other 'eer Dems: doing well, full-recovery expected. Inside scoop from one of his Capitol Hill aides (son of a former co-worker and friends of sis--she visited with them yesterday and son was there).
Well, I am off to the Japanese restaurant. Hope I can find something I like. Weird eater ya know! I will tell Andrew about your birthday wishes to him. I will be back.
Watched an interesting pileated display...two birds on a tree trunk, at same level. Both going around in a circle as if chasing one was mantling in the process. Identical coloring---not sure if there is a diff between sexes...???...mating ritual maybe, or a territorial claim? Cool to watch, whatever it was! No pecking, so don't think food was involved.
Have a nice lunch, Sharon. Just get stir-fry or steak on the hibachi---you'll like that if nothing else appeals! Sis is gone for day, visitng friend in VA. Mom is working crosswords, and I'm getting ready to do some laundry. Deb, are you on an 11-7 shift? Messes up the whole day, doesn't it? Oh, BTW...river rescue last night was of a dozen people---ten of them children! Apparently all ok....very lucky, I would say. BBL!
I want to stay on the blog--but I have so much to do!!----MORNIN' HEDGIE!--I have never had any problem reading those papers either---I thought it was a game!!---But lots of buzz about SEN BYRD----I know his office is saying he is recovering--& will be back soon---Lots of rumors around WV--saying he isn't doing that well---LOTS OF FOLKS--would love to be appt. or file for his office----pray your info is true & he is coming home soon! people are so cruel---
ENJOY your lunch SHARON!---I like JAPANESE food---We like to take grand-kids there---They make a big show & prepare your meal at your table!!---Guess ANDREW doesn't need to watch the preparation of his meal!---HE IS 20!!!---ho!---have FUN!!!
Yes, Hedgie, that is the 'quiet' walmart:) we had it all to ouselves, very few people there this morning. Hummingbirds make lots of squeaks and 'pips'. This hummer seems to have claimed one of the beds of red bee balm and had a fit because I was in it, and he wanted it all to himself. We have baby birds everywhere, cardinals, carolina wrens, downy woodpecker, and yesterday we saw what we thought was a young hummer, very small. It's a very noisy yard.
Well, I am back from the birthday lunch. The steak was really good. I am picky so I didn't eat the rice or vegetables. They cook the food for you right there. They played "Happy Birthday" over the loudspeaker. It was great. Now, Andrew and Kelsey are on their way to the beach. I don't like them.
Likely the only real sigificance involves localization of function (called brain lateralization). The left hemisphere contains a structure called Wernicke's area which is critical for understanding both spoken and written language for both right-and left-handed. Individuals with more reading experience would likely have significantly less difficulty as the brain would be better trained to identify "expected" sequences of letters that form specific words. With experience, the brain just tells us what the word "should" be. The right hemisphere would be involved in the identfication of the spatial relationships among the letters that form words.
Given your abilities, I think we all must consider you to be an exceptional person.
Oh, I forgot! Had to go out this morning and haven't seen Hidey. Thanks to everyone who discussed the OK nest which I visited yesterday and this morning and found amazing. The Duke nest is also fun. Thanks to everyone!
one of the Dukes is going from the edge of nest to the limb and back, he sure looks to me like he's doing it with his wings, would that be considered a fledge? One of the adults came with food, ate most of it and even snatched bits back from the beaks of the eaglets and pushed them away when they tried to eat
JUDIE, the ability to read a scrambled sentence or paragraph does seem amazing. The first time I read something similar to the above, I thought I was pretty darn smart, until my 88 year old Mother read it also, with absolutely no trouble at all! By the way, Hedgie is a left-handed nurse and that makes her pretty darn smart even if she couldn't read the scrambler;) We love your input, JUDIE!
Well, Hedgie has my heartfelt gratitude for her work. I have severe peripheral artery disease in both legs which required 6 surgical procedures in the past 15 months so I have gained huge insight into the skill and dedication of nurses. Although I am still able to teach, I am considered disabled.
Cheers for you mother -- I bet she was reader. Don't we all feel like we are so smart -- until we find out our parents always know more. So important to start the young ones reading early. My incoming freshmen hate to study the brain. They don't realize how we can't function without one and how important it is to behavior. Alternatively, students in my criminal behavior class are fascinated to learn the influence of the brain on certain types of violent offenders -- they love serial killers.
Okay, I've talked enough for awhile. I don't want to be boring or intrusive.
Judie, I don't think you are boring at all, and I think it is interesting how students realize the importance of studying a subject when they are able to apply it to something that is meaningful to them.
I think food was just delivered at Duke Farms. There was a big mass of feathers and then an adult flew out. Maybe making up for eating everything earlier.
I appreciate the humor of students needing a brain so will tell a quick story. Student registered two weeks late for an introductory course so by the time she arrived in class I was already covering the brain. During break, she approached with arms crossed and "in your face" attitude. She said she thought she was taking a psychology course so why was I talking about the brain and what does that have to do with psychology. I looked at her for a moment and responded "without a brain you wouldn't be able to stand here and challenge me." She sat down a never said another word the entire semester. Ah, someday I will write a book!
must of been a false alarm, it shows which floor triggered it, but they couldn't find anything, darn there it goes again, Im not leaving this time unless I smell smoke in my hallway.
Awww...thanks, Wanda! You are sweet! Judie, rememeber Wernicke's stuff---barely! I am definitely a reader! Can certainly sympathize about your neuropathy. I had it really badly during chemo, but thank goodness it has left only very mild numbness and not much tingling...NO pain! Bet you take Neurontin (gabapentin), right? Robert, hope the alarm was just a falsie! Gewgaws don't come out of the garden! LOL. I put the definition on yesterdays' blog: baubles and trinkets.
Our eagles are not banded or fitted with a transmitter because there is really no scarcity of eagles in mid-Atlantic region. They usually do that for tracking purposes when the population is low or in peril.
How does that go? It is better to not speak and have people THINK you are stupid, than to speak and let them KNOW you are stupid;) I think a lot of Freshmen don't get brains until they are SENIORS...I know, I used to be one. LOL
I smell no smoke and the firestairs are right accross from my Apt door, so if need be I'm gone. Firetrucks just left and the alarm is ringing again, some fool might be setting it off, thinking it funny.
Hedgie, the neuropathy is extensive with multiple blockages in both legs. Five angiogram/angiopasties/stents/cleaned out left carotid (99% blocked) No medication other than bloodpressure and cholesterol. Pletal induced tackycardia. Next plan is for bypass(es) but veins are diseased so would have to be plastic. I've had enough for awhile and have chosen to live with the pain although I am not able to walk more than half city block without stopping to wait for pain to stop. I hope all is well with you now. I, of course, didn't know about your chemo.
I think it is better when they think before they speak -- cuts down on the "stupid." Being quiet just leaves everyone to wonder if you are smarter (or not).
Feeding time at Duke Farms. Sure wish Hidey would show up! No picture at NBG all day. No eaglet seen at OK.
Cheers, Judie
Robert - please do not try to imitate some of my students!
LOL, thought I would be first today first time ever but Wanda beat me to it! I have not seen Hidey since Saturday but I know from the blog that she has been around. I did see our daring little nest thief afew minutes ago. Happy Monday everybody!
Sorry, Gabriela...if I had known, I would have waited on you:)
How's Florida, this morning?
It is a pretty morning here in Martinsburg/Shepherdstown...the sun is shining, very little wind and it is 67°.
I'm happy you're there Wanda, keeping an eye on our favorite eagles. I wish it was as cool in Tallahassee as it is in WV!! We've had days of 100+ degree weather and no rain. We're hoping for some relief later this week.
Our hot weather will be here soon enough. Hot here is 90° weather. A perfect day for me would be 75°. Love it!
BWO chick is being fed a nice big fish whick is on the end of Parent's foot:)
Good Morning Everyone! (again) :)
Hope you don't mind my bringing this conversation over...
Good Monday Morning All :)
I've been wondering about something for a while now. (In my rookie year around here)
I know they say that Eagles mate for life. My question, When Belle and Liberty leave (for the season), do they leave together or do they part ways and then both individually return when it is time to mate again?
On a sidenote... Good Morning Hidey.. I hear you!
Monday, June 22, 2009 5:38:00 AM
Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...
Good morning eagle land.
Tammy, to answer your question, Liberty and Belle do not leave. They stay in the area.
Monday, June 22, 2009 6:31:00 AM
Thank you Sharon.
Is that common for most pairs of eagles? They stay?
I was under the impression that a breeding pair of eagles will leave the nest location for a month or two and then return to start nestorations for the next brood.
Monday, June 22, 2009 6:47:00 AM
Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...
Tammy, they visit the nest a lot less during that time but they stay in the area, as far as I know. Somebody else might know something I don't but I don't believe they go very far.
Monday, June 22, 2009 6:51:00 AM
Can anyone tell me what is the common behavior for a pair of eagles in the "off season"?
On another side not... I saw this yesterday and found it interesting..
Can You Read This?
Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.
i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor
of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in
waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat
ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit
a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod
as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
Tammy, it is from the same principle that causes us not to see mistakes that we make in spelling on here.
Good morning everybody again.
Today is my Andrew's 20th birthday. My, how time flies! I told Sissy last night - 20 years ago everybody was gone on vacation except for Donna and Thelma. Now, 20 years later, everybody has gone on vacation. Seems to be a pattern.
I have posted a few photos of the BWO chick being fed. He is big enough now to be seen a little easier. He's a cutie!
Sorry....that would be on my blog
SHARON...your gonna have to do something about that!
Your in a 20 year rut!
GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!---CONGRATS! TAMMY---You are our #1 EAGLE MOM!---today & every day!!---MORNIN'--TAMMY--BLUEFIELD SHARON--WANDA--& GABRIELA!!!---WHOA! TAMMY--I READ YOU--OVER!--(isn't that what I should say--OVER)! ho!
I need to wake up Mr. Wild and Wonderful and get some coffee. BBL
SHARON!---can i be nice to the vacationing folks today?---ho!--
Andrew and Kelsey are coming here from Charleston and we are going to Kimono's (Japanese) for birthday lunch. Then they are heading to the beach too. I don't like them! :)
Good morning, Sharon, Wanda, Tammy, GA, Norma, and everyone else out there. It is beautiful in Virginia.
We could send GA some rain.
Please do! And some lower temperatures too!
Thanks :-)
What a glorious JUNE 'SUMMER'-- SUNNY---BLUE SKIES---MORNING!--- Flowers are blooming--birds are singing--barefoot 'little ones' playing tag!--temp is a cool 68°---here in WILD & WONDERFUL WEST VIRGINIA----HOME of BELLE & LIBERTY---parents of the 'INFAMOUS' EAGLET--named HEIDY aka MIRACLE---who is loved by all folks--far & wide---NOTED for her BEAUTY & VOICE!---Isn't this a WONDERFUL WORLD----Let's all jump rope in the sunshine--catch lighting bugs at dusk & give thanks & REJOICE on this summer morning----LIFE IS GOOD!!---GIVE THANKS---& BE HAPPY!!!
Good morning, Gabriela. If only I could.
Good Monday a.m. everyone...have a good one:)
Partly sunny. Highs in the lower 80s. North winds 10 to 15 mph.
» ZIP Code Detail
Partly cloudy. Lows in the upper 50s. North winds 5 to 10 mph.
Mostly sunny. Highs in the lower 80s. North winds 5 to 10 mph.
» ZIP Code Detail
Tuesday Night
Mostly clear. Lows around 60. North winds 5 to 10 mph.
Mostly sunny. Highs in the mid 80s. Northwest winds 5 to 10 mph.
» ZIP Code Detail
Wednesday Night
Partly cloudy. Lows in the lower 60s. Northwest winds around 5 mph.
Good morning Mits.
Normabyrd, I want to be like you when I grow up.
WOW!---WANDA!---I didn't know the WV GOV' (Mr. WILD & WONDERFUL) was staying with you all!!! ---ho!---
Good morning all. Beautiful day here Sun is shining.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ANDREW. Going to get a cup of tea.
MORNIN' --SHIRLEY--MITS & GA- GIRL!-----wish we could mail you some rain---some counties in WV have been flooded!!!---pray you get some RAIN soon!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ANDREW:).....Sharon where was everyone 20 years ago, when you were expecting a baby....on vacation?????
Mits, they were. Mommy, Daddy and Becky got here from the Outer Banks about an hour after he was born and Beverly and Tom didn't get back from Myrtle Beach until I think Andrew was 3 days old.
I hear Hidey this morning.
YEAH!--MITS---Hasn't SHARON told you about how hard it was to tie the cord----when she was all alone---ho!------(LORDY--she is gonna put me on her--(do not like list)--ho!---ONLY KIDDIN' SHARIE!!!
Good morning, everyone. It is going to be hot and humid here today, 98 for a high.
MORNIN' CEIL!!---YEAH--remember--what is so rare as a day in June!------JULY is another story--usually!
Morning all:) it is a beautiful morning here.
Posted pics of yesterday's mkt. flowers on my blog.
wow, Megan, they are just gorgeous.
looks very busy on Flamingo cam at NZ....maybe some hatching underway.
MORNIN' DEB---Thanks -- I viewed almost all of your birds last night---Oh you have such a pic collection!---AWESOME!!---ducks of every shape & color----such beautiful scenery---Was the ORIOLES nest found in a wooded area?
Yes, it was wooded, Norma, but hanging right above the stream we were in.
MORNIN' MEGAN---I am anxious to see your flowers---Hope you had a good day yesterday!---It was cool here---
An amazing amount of activity at the flamingo cam. I have always enjoyed that cam. First time I accessed it was at night, but you could see the flamingos moving around.
Lisa has one of Bob's pictures on the Osprey page at BWO, a beautiful Osprey family picture.
I saw that Deb, keep forgetting there are other osprey nests there, besides the one we see on the cam.
Thanks, Mits:)
Deb, your bird pics are so great! I love the orioles nest. Never seen one.
The baby mockingbirds are doing good, screeeching all day long, it is easy to keep track of them around the yard. They have worked their way back up to around the house. One was in the mkt. van on Saturday afternon. Kid says she hopes they move to the neighbor's yard:) they are very noisy.
Need food supplies..gonaa head to the quiet walmart...shhh.....
Megan, your flowers are so pretty! The Market shoppers are very lucky to get to buy your bouquets.
Thanks, I was sold out of flowers by around 11:30 yesterday... the hummer gets upset when I cut his red bee balm, tho. Try not to take too much. He sits in it and scolds me.. BBL
Megan,I guess you have really been told a thing or two when you've been scolded by a hummingbird. I don't think I have ever heard one make a sound.
MEGAN---HAPPY DAY!!--It would be a hard to decide which flowers to buy!!---
yes Megan, get that on audio next time you get scolded:)
That would be fun to have a Hummer in the backyard. We don't have many in our area.
SHIRLEY---I enjoy the FLAMINGOS too!----Last year--we watched their eggs hatch & there were at least 3 or 4 'little white' flamingos!!---Really awesome sight!!
I sometimes have hummingbirds visit my hanging flowerpots on the front porch, but they haven't been bold enough to scold us. We usually hide and watch them, so we won't scare them away.
I was wondering if they were white when they hatched. Is it true that they become pink from the food they eat? I think I once read that about scarlet ibises.
Good morning, everyone!
I have to jump in to respond to Tammy -- must be the psyc. professor in me. I use this same type of example in my introductory psychology courses to demonstrate the concept of how sensation and perception work together to make sense of our world. It is a concept from Gestalt psychology. With experience, the brain forms expectations for how to organize sensory information and so, when presented with an example such as Tammy's, the brain effortlessly organizes the sensory informaton based on expectations of how letters should be sequenced to form meaningful words. Yes, Costume Lady is correct -- the brain misses typos/spelling errors because it has learned what it should expect to "see."
Must be time to visit the University rather than wait for the Fall semester.
Hope everyone has a lovely day and Hidey makes an appearance when we are all tuned in.
I have 2 hummer feeders -- hanging in the same place as last year--(lots of hummers)---This year--so far--I haven't had as many!!
There look like there are so many flamingos there. Do the newly hatched ones stay at the zoo?
Megan, your flowers were beautiful. I see why you sold out early. Wish I lived closer to be a customer.
We have a lot of the ruby throats around here. My neighbor found a dead male near her feeder last week. They really fight for feeding rights. I keep telling them that there is plenty for all, but they don't understand English.
Please send us a pic of your HUMMERS!!----You always have so many----Would enjoy hearing from you---even if you don't have any feeders this year---MISS YOU!!!!
Thanks, JMP, for the insight.
As to Tammy's other question about the eagles. A lot of it depends on the food source, if there is food available, the eagles do not have to leave the area. They will take a break from nest building, but can stay if they want to. We get a lot of eagles here in the winter because the river below the dam doesn't freeze up very often.
I have found that hummers are really pretty tame. I can stand at the front door, about 6 feet from one of my feeders, and they will fly up to the door, look at me as if to say hello, then go to the feeder. They sound a little like house sparrows, sort of a soft chipp.
SHIRLEY---Those big mud 'mounds' you see the FLAMINGOS sitting on --are nests!!---There is an EGG under the mud & should hatch about 30 days!!----Believe after hatching--babies usually join a group of the little ones--Did you see them not long ago carrying mud to cover the eggs!---GOOGLE--they have all the details!!
We once visited a restaurant in Colorado. I think it was in the Estes Park area. They had hummingbird feeders all around the outside and there was a multitude of hummingbirds there. That was in the 1970s, I think. I wonder if it is still there.
Watching a flock of flamingos: There are about 60 birds in the National Zoo's flamingo flock, some of which have been living at the Zoo since 1965! They turn pink as a result of brine-shrimp in their diet, and young birds develop pink feathers between one and two years of age.
Yes SHIRLEY---They are white when they are born!!
I have little baby squirrels out here this morning. So cute.
Thanks, Norma. I did not see them carrying the mud, but I had figured that the mounds were nests. I'll Google them.
At first, I had problems finding the site because I thought "NZ" was New Zealand. I went looking for flamingo nests there, but a Google search sent me to the National Zoo. I knew about the flamingos there.
You said that they put mud over the eggs, but sometimes, like right now, I see an egg on top of the mud. Maybe that means it's about to hatch?
Would love to stay and chat and watch cams, but the day is calling me. Everyone have a GREAT day.
I remember reading that it was shrimp that makes the scarlet ibis red as well.
** GooD MoRNING **
** EVERYoNE **
We have eagles!
Loud Hidey has arrived, right behind the food!
We had eagles, Hidey quickly sent Lib flying away.
Mits, I remember reading that some have been at the zoo since 1965. They have a long life span for birds, then?
Ha, ha, Hidey just knocked her parent right out of the nest. Pushy teenager!
Thanks. I missed the action because I needed to refresh. I see Hidey eating something.
SHIRLEY---Look below FLAMINGO SITE & see a 'FACT SHEET'---answers most of your questions---
SHIRLEY--THE MOUND is made out of the MUD---egg on top & FLAMINGO sits on the EGG!---about 30 days, etc.--
SHIRLEY---I am sorry---I was talking when I was typing!---forgive me---
Thanks for the information, Norma. I did check out the reading on the flamingo.
NORFORLK 'REBELS'---All 3 in the nest or on the limbs of nest tree!---looks a bit 'windy' today!!
Good AM Everyone!!
See Hidey in the nest now eating breakfast.
Been looking at Paula & Wanda's great pics of nest visit everyone had May 23. I was in a Big bird that day! Bad timihg again.
Lotta stuff I gotta do today before going to work on TU AM.
While outside planting flowers yesterday, I saw a flicker on our 10' tall dead tree trunk. She was near the top pecking. I wasn't sure if she was getting insects or making a nest hole. She's back again today, pecking. Fubby delayed cutting the grass because she was there.Will be watching her!
I've never seen one in our yard before.
Good Morning Everyone - Great to come in this morning just after catching a glimpse of Hidey!
I want to check out those Flamingos
Blue bird has 5 eggs on the Wild Watch
Eggciting news. Just saw the flicker go in the hole in the tree and then I heard the babies! That was so cool. Don't know how many but pretty sure theres is more than 1.
Watching the Duke Farms nest
Branching big time - one flew across the nest but landed on the other one.
I forgot how crowded a nest is when there are 3 trying to share the space!
Like your avatar Sharon - Tell Andrew
Happy Birthday!
WOW, Sharon!!! Maybe I have something great to look forward to!
Frank cut grass, and Ms. Flicker is back working on that hole. I wonder where Mr. is.
I like your new avatar, Sharon.
I have a baby cowbird out here who thinks he is a sparrow. It looks like he has been taken care of by them. Parasite! :)
Happy Birthday to Andrew...well done, Sharon;)
Good morning! How is everyone today?
Poor Sharon....sorry you are lonely! Wanna come up here??? it significant ( and of what) if one can read it w/o any difficulty?? I think Tammy said only 55 out of 100 could. I have no problem at all with those things; I can also read upside down! And I'm left-handed, which has its own ramifications!!! LOL!
Megan, flowers are just gorgeous! I'll give that hummingbird a piece of my mind for scolding an artisit like you!
Is the quiet WalMart the one at S.M.'s?? Sh-h-h-h!
I didn't have any trouble reading it either, Lynn. I am off to work, I am not going to like this shift at all, good thing it only lasts 2 weeks.
Sen. Byrd update for you, Norma and other 'eer Dems: doing well, full-recovery expected. Inside scoop from one of his Capitol Hill aides (son of a former co-worker and friends of sis--she visited with them yesterday and son was there).
Well, I am off to the Japanese restaurant. Hope I can find something I like. Weird eater ya know! I will tell Andrew about your birthday wishes to him. I will be back.
Watched an interesting pileated display...two birds on a tree trunk, at same level. Both going around in a circle as if chasing one was mantling in the process. Identical coloring---not sure if there is a diff between sexes...???...mating ritual maybe, or a territorial claim? Cool to watch, whatever it was! No pecking, so don't think food was involved.
I see that the OK eaglet is sitting on the bar.
Have a nice lunch, Sharon. Just get stir-fry or steak on the hibachi---you'll like that if nothing else appeals!
Sis is gone for day, visitng friend in VA. Mom is working crosswords, and I'm getting ready to do some laundry.
Deb, are you on an 11-7 shift? Messes up the whole day, doesn't it?
Oh, BTW...river rescue last night was of a dozen people---ten of them children! Apparently all ok....very lucky, I would say. BBL!
I want to stay on the blog--but I have so much to do!!----MORNIN' HEDGIE!--I have never had any problem reading those papers either---I thought it was a game!!---But lots of buzz about SEN BYRD----I know his office is saying he is recovering--& will be back soon---Lots of rumors around WV--saying he isn't doing that well---LOTS OF FOLKS--would love to be appt. or file for his office----pray your info is true & he is coming home soon! people are so cruel---
Hi All;
This is the link to watch the banding of the harrisburg falcons, about 5 min of speeches to get thru first.
ENJOY your lunch SHARON!---I like JAPANESE food---We like to take grand-kids there---They make a big show & prepare your meal at your table!!---Guess ANDREW doesn't need to watch the preparation of his meal!---HE IS 20!!!---ho!---have FUN!!!
Thanks ROBERT---That is one of my FAVORITE sites-!!--I watched the banding last year--but missed it this year!!
I love watching a PILEATED WOODPECKER---I think they are such cool birds---I have them down at the bottom of the property---
ROBERT---Did you know that the NCTC EAGLES are not banded!!
a lot of us watch it live every year, Robert:)
Yes, Hedgie, that is the 'quiet' walmart:) we had it all to ouselves, very few people there this morning.
Hummingbirds make lots of squeaks and 'pips'. This hummer seems to have claimed one of the beds of red bee balm and had a fit because I was in it, and he wanted it all to himself. We have baby birds everywhere, cardinals, carolina wrens, downy woodpecker, and yesterday we saw what we thought was a young hummer, very small. It's a very noisy yard.
Megan, I think your hummer that wants the bee balm all to himself, must be related to Hidey:)
Good Morning, Everyone!
Sharon, love your avatar!
Looks like the wind is picking up at the nest.
Hope you all have a great Monday!
I need to go get some coffee to wash down my breakfast.
Well, I am back from the birthday lunch. The steak was really good. I am picky so I didn't eat the rice or vegetables. They cook the food for you right there. They played "Happy Birthday" over the loudspeaker. It was great. Now, Andrew and Kelsey are on their way to the beach. I don't like them.
My baby downy woodpecker is on the suet feeder now. I love it. It is definitely baby time in the bird world.
Afternoon, all!
Eaglet at BWE
Hi Hedgie,
Here goes the professor again!
Likely the only real sigificance involves localization of function (called brain lateralization). The left hemisphere contains a structure called Wernicke's area which is critical for understanding both spoken and written language for both right-and left-handed. Individuals with more reading experience would likely have significantly less difficulty as the brain would be better trained to identify "expected" sequences of letters that form specific words. With experience, the brain just tells us what the word "should" be. The right hemisphere would be involved in the identfication of the spatial relationships among the letters that form words.
Given your abilities, I think we all must consider you to be an exceptional person.
JMP - Judie
Oh, I forgot! Had to go out this morning and haven't seen Hidey. Thanks to everyone who discussed the OK nest which I visited yesterday and this morning and found amazing. The Duke nest is also fun. Thanks to everyone!
JMP- Judie
normabyrd, Had to run out, just got back.
I recently found out NCTC EAGLES not banded, anybody know why?
There's a video of 2009 Harrisburg banding if you want to watch this years.
one of the Dukes is going from the edge of nest to the limb and back, he sure looks to me like he's doing it with his wings, would that be considered a fledge?
One of the adults came with food, ate most of it and even snatched bits back from the beaks of the eaglets and pushed them away when they tried to eat
Fire alarm in my building, hear firetrucks coming, got to go.
JUDIE, the ability to read a scrambled sentence or paragraph does seem amazing. The first time I read something similar to the above, I thought I was pretty darn smart, until my 88 year old Mother read it also, with absolutely no trouble at all!
By the way, Hedgie is a left-handed nurse and that makes her pretty darn smart even if she couldn't read the scrambler;)
We love your input, JUDIE!
Wow! Bad Mommy and Dad at Duke! Must be the DUKES OF HAZARD;)
I was out in the garden picking beans and peas...had to come in to cool off. I'm going back out now to pick some gewgaws. BBL
Robert, please let us know what is going on when you can. We want to hear that you are okay.
So do you have a recipe for gewgaws, Wanda?
Costume Lady,
Well, Hedgie has my heartfelt gratitude for her work. I have severe peripheral artery disease in both legs which required 6 surgical procedures in the past 15 months so I have gained huge insight into the skill and dedication of nurses. Although I am still able to teach, I am considered disabled.
Cheers for you mother -- I bet she was reader. Don't we all feel like we are so smart -- until we find out our parents always know more. So important to start the young ones reading early. My incoming freshmen hate to study the brain. They don't realize how we can't function without one and how important it is to behavior. Alternatively, students in my criminal behavior class are fascinated to learn the influence of the brain on certain types of violent offenders -- they love serial killers.
Okay, I've talked enough for awhile. I don't want to be boring or intrusive.
Judie, I don't think you are boring at all, and I think it is interesting how students realize the importance of studying a subject when they are able to apply it to something that is meaningful to them.
Of course, the students have to have the basis to build their understanding upon--thus the freshman study of the brain.
I think food was just delivered at Duke Farms. There was a big mass of feathers and then an adult flew out. Maybe making up for eating everything earlier.
Hi Stronghunter,
I appreciate the humor of students needing a brain so will tell a quick story. Student registered two weeks late for an introductory course so by the time she arrived in class I was already covering the brain. During break, she approached with arms crossed and "in your face" attitude. She said she thought she was taking a psychology course so why was I talking about the brain and what does that have to do with psychology. I looked at her for a moment and responded "without a brain you wouldn't be able to stand here and challenge me." She sat down a never said another word the entire semester. Ah, someday I will write a book!
Amazing. And this girl got into college? Good that she said nothing more. She needed to do a lot of listening.
must of been a false alarm, it shows which floor triggered it, but they couldn't find anything, darn there it goes again, Im not leaving this time unless I smell smoke in my hallway.
Good to hear that you are okay Robert. Do plan a quick exit in case it is really necessary.
Good to hear that you are okay Robert. Do plan a quick exit in case it is really necessary.
Sorry I said that one twice. Guess I really mean it Robert.
Awww...thanks, Wanda! You are sweet!
Judie, rememeber Wernicke's stuff---barely! I am definitely a reader!
Can certainly sympathize about your neuropathy. I had it really badly during chemo, but thank goodness it has left only very mild numbness and not much tingling...NO pain! Bet you take Neurontin (gabapentin), right?
Robert, hope the alarm was just a falsie!
Gewgaws don't come out of the garden! LOL. I put the definition on yesterdays' blog: baubles and trinkets.
Our eagles are not banded or fitted with a transmitter because there is really no scarcity of eagles in mid-Atlantic region. They usually do that for tracking purposes when the population is low or in peril.
How does that go? It is better to not speak and have people THINK you are stupid, than to speak and let them KNOW you are stupid;)
I think a lot of Freshmen don't get brains until they are SENIORS...I know, I used to be one. LOL
Must be one of those STOOPID FRESHMEN, without a brain, setting off the alarm:)
Shirley, you are a teacher, also, aren't you?
Yes, I am a teacher. I get them before they go to college, though. I taught high school juniors and seniors this past year.
Have had some experience teaching college classes as an adjunct.
I have often thought I could write a book, too, but I have usually been too tired by the end of the day.
Hedgie, I enjoyed your gewgaw. I think it is a perfectly good word. Don't know what all the fuss is about.
I mean your gewgaw definition.
I smell no smoke and the firestairs are right accross from my Apt door, so if need be I'm gone. Firetrucks just left and the alarm is ringing again, some fool might be setting it off, thinking it funny.
I got to spend some time studying the brain in a linguistics class. It is a challenging thing to study.
I love it at my job when they work on the alarm and tell us to ignore it. Not something I can ignore.
Strong earthquake in Alaska.
Hello again, everyone.
Hedgie, the neuropathy is extensive with multiple blockages in both legs. Five angiogram/angiopasties/stents/cleaned out left carotid (99% blocked) No medication other than bloodpressure and cholesterol. Pletal induced tackycardia. Next plan is for bypass(es) but veins are diseased so would have to be plastic. I've had enough for awhile and have chosen to live with the pain although I am not able to walk more than half city block without stopping to wait for pain to stop. I hope all is well with you now. I, of course, didn't know about your chemo.
I think it is better when they think before they speak -- cuts down on the "stupid." Being quiet just leaves everyone to wonder if you are smarter (or not).
Feeding time at Duke Farms. Sure wish Hidey would show up! No picture at NBG all day. No eaglet seen at OK.
Robert - please do not try to imitate some of my students!
I hear our little baby eaglet!
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