Wednesday, August 22, 2007


New thread.


paula eagleholic said...

Happy Hump Day!

Thanks for the new thread, Steve

floralgirl said...

Hello Paula:)

Mauley said...

Morning Paula and Megan. Come on Friday. Thanks for new Thread Steve and Paula for bringing us over. donna

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD MORNING PAULA! You are the number l gal today! I guess no one over there is paying attention.

Mauley said...

Hi Suzanne. Good news about Megans daughter schedule. Honors classes. You should be so proud of her. By the way, send all that rain to us. We'll take every drop you send. We are still in severe drought. We need rain. Pumpkins will probably be puny.

Mauley said...

Hi Candy.

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD MORNING MAULEY. Yes thanks Steve for the new thread and Paula for the heads up.

carolinabeachmom said...

SUZANNE I don't see Finney or youor Scuba divers anywhere. :)

wvgal_dana said...

Wow checked out other thread first. Candy sure was up early hope she got back to sleep. Terrible about the school break in.

Morning Candy, Wanda, Suzanne, Paula, Megan, Mauley and anyone I missed or that is lurking. Good Morning everyone !

Megan sounds like daughter will have a challegene that is good. She'll do well I'm sure.

Thank you Steven has always for the new thread.

Prayers for Bird Girl and many others.

carolinabeachmom said...

Here come your divers SUZANNE!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Is anyone out there?

Costume Lady said...

I think we all got cut off from the Blog by Google--or was I in the Twilight Zone? Hello, Hello---where did everybody go?

floralgirl said...

HA! let's try this again, google has been keeping us all out. Hello Sharon! Hi Mauley! Hello Dana!

Costume Lady said...

Where have you been? We have missed you!

Costume Lady said...

Wow, am I glad others have had the same problem as I. I don't always know if it is a Server problem or something dumb I did.

paula eagleholic said...

Thought I broke the whole thing, LOL. Did the first post and then couldn't get back in. Must've been in a different jail, didn't see any of ya'll there!

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Sharon!

Hello everyone! I missed you!

floralgirl said...

Hello JO!!

Mauley said...

The blog did me the same way yesterday. I bet I tried 100 times yesterday afternoon. Couldn't get in for love or money. Hope this one posts. Hi everyone who is trying to get on.

MITS said...


Costume Lady said...

I have been wondering about something you said a few days ago.
You mentioned feeding corn stalks to the deer and ELK. Do you have elk in Kentucky?


wvgal_dana said...

Well I FINALLLY made it back in. Through a back door...the old blog page then to the forum.

Don't know what jail I was a prisoner in cause I didn't see anyone I knew. Nor did I find out what language they were speaking.

Sorry others had problems too but glad to see you and hope others make it back here.

Mauley said...

Jo, you're here. Glad to see your message. Getting ready to read last night's blog and morning before Paula gave us the heads up.

Steve Chase said...

Hi folks,

does anyone know someone at the Bedington VFD? They had offered in the past to come out with their big ladder/bucket truck to help with the cam and we can't find the contact name. We have a call into them, but no word yet. Any ideas would be welcomed.

Costume Lady said...

The same to Paula, Megan, Dana.

wvgal_dana said...

Steven I make my call and see what I can find out. BRB

Mema Jo said...

DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY RESPONSE TO STEVE'S INQUIRY? ANY Fire Dept would do with the right kind of truck!

Let's get this cam up that tree

Mema Jo said...

Megan - enjoy your free day. Hope you get a good report when she gets home!
Getting ready to leave for my haircut.. BBL

Costume Lady said...

Does the name Phil Martin sound familiar to you? I am not sure, but I think he would be in charge.

floralgirl said...

Oh, how exciting, someone find Steve a ladder/bucket truck right away! Hi Wanda and Mits.

wvgal_dana said...

Steve already spoke to someone at Bedington VFD sending you an email

Mauley said...

Great news about cam fixings. Wanda, we have the largest elk herd in the east. In 1997 elk were introduced by the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation in 16 Kentucky counties. By 2002 the population was almost 5,000 and the release was halted. Our target for 2008 is 7,480 which is where we want to keep it. Hunting is done solely by lottery draws. They are so beautiful. We see them all the time. So good to hear from all of you this morning. Send the rain to us. We really need it. donna

wvgal_dana said...

Megan got it covered

Mauley said...

Morning Mits, and you dear ones, Dana did you know we almost put Pink Kitty and Sandy's chanticleer up for bail in case some of the Momsters kidnapped the new baby panda?

Costume Lady said...

I will be sure to tell the Capt. about the Elk. He didn't know of Elk being in your part of the country. Interesting.

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Mauley I did and I was willing to lend her out to get the gals out of jail. hee hee

glo said...

Atmosphere here seems bright and happy, about to get someone Up a Tree with a cam, and of course we all will remember our cam fellow with the lymes disease, as we anticipate a New Season and our new cam and continue to close some of what wasn't so happy in the last season,

If any of you would care to participate, there has been a Candle Light Memorial started for Limuw A63 Young Eagle at.

Light a candle in Memory of Limuw

I hope you will stop by to read some of the tributes and then click on an unlit wick and leave a Tribute of your own.

wvgal_dana said...

Ok I am getting confused I need help

Carolinabeachmom is who with what email address

also then my last message email shows calicosmom email is Candy

MITS said...

Yes, Dana you are correct..

wvgal_dana said...

Mits what is Carolinabeachmom's name??

MITS said...

Her name is Candy:).

Jill said...

shhh, I snuck by the blogger cop and he doesn't know I am here. LOL

MITS said...

We won't tell, Jill

glo said...

I don't think he knows I am here either..

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne still can't get in I even sent a link darn cop

So there are (2)ladies with the name Candy?

Jill said...

Candy, that is awful. They usually wait til school is almost out for that. Although 2 years ago they broke into the elementary school behind my house just as school was starting. They didn't think anybody would be suspicious if they were seen pushing a large tv/vcr on a cart down the middle of the street. My youngest was at the playground when it happened. He came running home and told me and then i'd the guys when they were found. They did some damage in the school too. But the former students pitched in and helped get it ready again.

Costume Lady said...

Carolinabeach mom & calicosmom are one and the same person.

Jill said...

Candy=carolinabeachmom=calicosmom all one person. Screen name and email are different. Right?

I got right in this time with your link Dana. I had tried it before and it didn't work. Tell her to keep trying. I am afraid to go out and try to come in again.

wvgal_dana said...

Ok ladies I've got it now you set me straight.

No Jill don't go back out you may never get back in.

Suzanne is probably saying Eyes to the Sky see the Raptors Fly

Jill said...

I came in from a different link and all is fine. I didn't clear my cache or temp files so it must have been something at google. Some computers may need to have temp files deleted tho.

Jill said...

Anybody seen Norma today?

Jill said...

Or Jo?

wvgal_dana said...

Frieda laying on eggs

Finland looks beautiful with the sun rays shining through check it out and of course he has a fish. lol

wvgal_dana said...

Checked back on earlier blog no Jo and no Norma. Maybe they can't get in. Usually they would email though. hummmmm

Jill said...

I skimmed back through and didn't see them either.

MITS said...

Jill, Jo is out getting her hair cut. Norma probably can't get in?

MITS said...

Jo posted today at 11:23a.m.

MITS said...

Ther are 3 post from Jo this a.m.

Jill said...

Thanks Mits. Dana and I both missed Jo's post.


MITS said...

Just sent Norma an e-mail to see if she is OK. Let you know if I hear from her.

wvgal_dana said...

Well yep I certainly missed Jo's post. Thanks Mits for checking it out.

wvgal_dana said...

You still need to check out Finland Osprey site look at the sun.

wvgal_dana said...

Not hard picking out squiggles anymore that black band shows her off.

movin said...


I actually have been up for a long time, but I got sidetracked. For example, while drinking my coffee and eating my apple-cinnamon oatmeal, I noted a pair of large black birds on the BW Osprey nest. I suspected they were fish crows, but I decided to look up crows and blackbirds in Wikipedia................ That consumed an hour, I bet.

So anyway, it's a beautiful day in So Cal so far, and it's supposed to get up to 80° or so. How's it where you are? How you all doing this fine mor...early afternoon??


Mema Jo said...

You missed me You missed me lol
Hi Jill

Norma always has study group & lunch on Wed... She'll be in later.

MITS said...

They have beautiful sunsets and sunrises over there, Dana Already here at the beach the sun is setting at 7:45p.m....summer is coming to a close, but so excited that in a few short months the eagles will start to clean up their nests to get ready for a new season, lots to look forward to, not to mention those of us that are going to be Grandmoms

Mema Jo said...

Glo Love your A63 eagle pic with the candle. That site was awesome. I guess we could use it for almost anyone's special needs.

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Mema Jo I used that site for 3 years now. I was surprised when I seen it was the same has what Glo had setup.

Mauley said...

Hi Jim, I do the same thing. I look up something and there you go, two hours gone by like 2 minutes. LOL donna

Mauley said...

We need rain.

glo said...

Hi MeMa Jo Are you beautifull now? or is that MORE beautiful now?

I had never seen that site before. I did not set up the Candle Light Tribute it was sent to me, I just helped to get the word out for others.

YES I am sure it would be a great site to use for all kinds of needs in the future.

paula eagleholic said...

I found that site by accident yesterday, and set up a candle also...

paula eagleholic said...

Jim - Sounds like you are starting to enjoy the retirement thingy :)

MITS said...

Have you all noticed how short the panda cub's tail is getting along with the increased black markings....GOOD NEWS about Tai Shan, after very patient training by Nicole and Dr. Sanchez, they drew blood from Tai yesterday, this is a very big accoplisment for Tai.

Mema Jo said...

I fell much better with the haircut - I think that is all that matters. I look like I look! lol (like a mema)

Carol_in_WV said...

Hi, everyone. Thought I'd check-in, since I haven't been on here for a long time. I was so sorry to hear about Limuw. What a sad ending for such a wonderful creature. Glo - your tribute made me cry. Donna - I didn'r know that there are elk in KY. A couple of years I received and completed a questionnaire from the WV Division of Natural Resourses asking about the possible introduction of elk in this part of WV. My only hesitation was the possibility of hitting one while I was driving. I know what damages hitting a deer can cause - I wouldn't want to hit an elk! Has that been a problem in KY? In the past 2 weeks I have taken in 2 tiny, tiny kittens which were left along the road (in 2 different places). Why do people do that!?! Each one was probably only 4 weeks old. They have a good home now!

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Carol great to hear from you. I'm certain those kittens have a good home with you.

Mema Jo said...

Time for my Panda Nap... BBL

Glo, will try my Avatar as soon as I return.... Thanks!

glo said...

Carol actually the Tribute still makes me cry is the reality that is so very sad. I guess though I beleive that those little holes in our eyes are there because our Creator knew long before medecine figured it out that salt water is a helaing kind of thing

Tears express what we sometimes just can not find words for no matter how hard we try.

Mauley said...

I'm back, No the elk population hasn't been a threat to drivers, or vice versa. One was killed about two miles from our house on the highway last Septmember. Highway dept, set up Elk Crossing signs. Makes people more aware of where they cross to get to the Cumberland river for water. Ahhh, Carol, kitties, there is a balm in Gilead for me. That would be a kitten. Even though, never in my life did I have a pet I got just because it was young or beautiful or sweet or whatever. Everything I have has been thrown away or found me. I have two shelter cats, and two who found me. Whether they were set out on me or God showed them where I go, I don't know, but they are a loan from Him to me. Somebody asked my husband a few weeks ago how many cats I owned, and he quickly replied, "Donna doesn't own any cats, but four own her." I love them so much (and remember I have 8 grandkids I love, too). My pet live long lives. This is a relatively young bunch I have now. I lost 4 old cats one by one. In 2002, I lost my Mother and my 19 year old cat. the next year I lost his litter mate (age 20) and in 2004 I lost the last of the litter at age 21. It was a rite of passage losing my precious Precious. She and her litter mates had been through my children's elementary, junior high, high school, college, marriages and grandchildren. Precious was with me through my Mom and Dad's death, and the accidental death of my only brother. She was a part of me, just like my husband and my children. Surely we will all be reunited in Heaven.

Mauley said...

Carol, losing Limuw has made me very weepy today. Forgive me for ranting on and lack of manners. It is good to hear from you. Your kittens are blessed. God led them to you or you to them. I know that. We are supposed to be good stewards of all God's creations. I don't know why people do what they do. The dog fighting, the cock fighting, I don't know anything but Satan and his forces who walk about like roaring lions seeking whom they may devour. But Satan is a defeated foe and he will be eternally defeated in the end, when all evil is wiped off the face of the earth. I believe that. How wonderful of youto minister to those creations of God by taking them in,.

MITS said...

Well said, Donna, but if I get into heaven and my dog Buddy is not there, I'm not staying:).

glo said...

Ahhh Buddy will be there and I bet I can name a couple of his friends.

Mema Jo said...

Panda naps are good for healing

Hello my friends. Everytime I think of Limuw is of Steff's picture looking up at him soaring the sky - Rejoice and be glad for what we had!

Mema Jo said...

Carol - do yo have Oct 20 Open House on your calendar? I remember your being there last year and we must do it again.........

Mema Jo said...

Brisbane cam is distorted or something.. Hope daybreak soon comes.

Looking at all the other panda - I am the 1st one finished my nap! lol

MITS said...

I hope so Glo, he has been gone for 12 years and I still miss him

MITS said...

Looks like 2 sunny-side up eggs on Frodocam....yikes, hope not, when I tried to click on anything on their page besides the 10-sec cam, nothing would come up

Mema Jo said...

Same here, Mits. I do think it is the eggs. I was hoping there would be 3 today.

paula eagleholic said...

I thought maybe it was the Glow from those gorgeous pink eggs :)

Mema Jo said...

Thinking: If the ladder/bucket truck wasn't for free, at least we Momsters know that we have given $$$ that could be used for it. We would at least know we had helped!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Paula...... your hump day amost at an end!
I bet Megan is getting an earful about the 1st day of school. I hope all went extremely well. I had read where some classes would be all boys or all girls. Oh my, that tender age!

Jill said...

Donna, every time you post you sound more and more like my cousin. You two would get along great. She had 4 cats, not sure they are all still with her tho. I only saw two last time but you know how cats are. Plus 2 dogs, some fish and her kids and grandkids and anything else that gets dropped off at her door. LOL

Jill said...

Squiggle is alone now. Bai went to eat I guess.

Jill said...

Starting to look more like a panda. Little bugger is getting big. and fur is coming in. Close up showed it really good.

paula eagleholic said...

Frieda back in color - maybe rain drops on the cam...

paula eagleholic said...

Clear pic now on Frieda...

paula eagleholic said...

Bai is snoozing with chublet under her chin....

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Sharon , was good to see you on here earlier today.

Robyn , so glad to hear that Tori is improving!!

paula eagleholic said...

WAX !!

It's mine fair and square :)

Mema Jo said...

Making a big pot of chili - not the 'kick your butt kind' - just a mild one. I have been hungry for it for quite awhile.

Mema Jo said...

You got it!

Jill said...

We will let you keep it, Paula. LOL

Still no Norma, I see.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Gals!

Mmmmm, chili!!

CU LAter, heading home...

Mema Jo said...

Jill, sunshine should be on its way by tomorrow. Your weekend fund raiser should go well weather wise.

Mema Jo said...

Time for chili eating! BBL

Jill said...

One of the adults at DC looks like a kid on the first day of school. Arms and head on the table. So cute. LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Good Evening all Momsters/Dadsters and Lurkers. (:

Trying to set up the ladder/bucket truck from Bedington Fire Department. Should know something by about 7:30pm tonight!!! Exciting. Happy Happy

Talk to Steven he didn't give me a special phone number for tonight so they could speak to him. So I'll just have to give them the one at NCTC.

wvgal_dana said...

Ok Steven Chase has been sent an email with his contact for the Bedington VFD. Everyone say a prayer

Costume Lady said...

You go girl!! Did a good job. You were right on the ball.

Mema Jo said...

New format on this site makes it easier then ever to donate........

Give For Free

MITS said...

WOW, like Staples, its like the Easy Button, thanks, Jo

Bob Quinn said...

Anybody still awake?

Took a while to process photos from Sunday and Monday. I took over 800 and culled it down to 37. The last one is new for me. Lisa thinks it's a Caspian Tern. Blackwater is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get... and that's all I have to say about that. :-)

Latest Photos


Anne-Marie said...

Hi family, I'm finally here. Boy is it hot. The State Fair is just blocks away and its going on now. This is typical weather for this time of year. If I go I go early before it gets too hot. Every night at 10:00 they shoot off fireworks and Heidi runs for my bed and crawls under it. She is very glad when the fair is over. It stops the day after Labor Day.

movin said...

How's everybody doing tonight? Looks like we're going to have some new audio-video equipment soon.

I hope Steve and the climbers clear away that extra Sycamore foliage from in front of the cam while they are there.

Don't think Frieda has laid a 3rd egg, but I think she usually has at least 2 days between the 2nd and the 3rd. Has anyone seen Frodo yet??

I'm going to have to do some laundry and more forms this evening, so I will sign off early.



Costume Lady said...

Bob's photos are so beautiful. I feel like I'm opening a present when he sends them.

I am turning in now---had a busy day. JO--Please listen to your body and go to bed when it tells you to.
Good Night Mits, Annemarie, Jim and Bob.

Anne-Marie said...

Bob you are th best. Do you use a tri pod.?

Anne-Marie said...

Good Night Wanda. Hugs.

Mema Jo said...

Bob, your photos keep getting better and better and better! Such a variety of our feathered friends down there at BW. The Blue Herons are exquisite! You got some really excellent shots! Thank you so much!

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - I had a great day today. Relaxing and healing - I could feel it! Tell the Cpt good night and I will hit the hay shortly!

Anne-Marie said...

Have a good rest Jo. I am going to do some laundry before it gets too late. At least I get to say good night. Hugs.

Mema Jo said...

I have not seen Frodo once so far this season. With the eggs being laid - I sure he must have been there earlier............ lol

Mema Jo said...

Anne, I'm really not ready for bed yet ... Trying to see under Frieda.

Bob Quinn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anne-Marie said...

Sounds kind of personal to me. Are you sure its proper?

Anne-Marie said...

I just bought a new dig. camera that is stabilized. My 35mm really needed to be on a tri pod. I am going to Alaska in 16 days and counting the hours. I guess I will learn how to use the camera on the run.

Mema Jo said...

I'm laughing at Mauley saying we were going to have puny pumpkins this year due to lack of rain! lol I like big fat dark orange pumpkins! And it is getting close to Oct.....
Mits - take notice on your way home as to seeing the pumpkins along the roadside markets.......

Mema Jo said...

Time to close down....
Good Night Everyone
Peace to you and yours
Prayers for all needs being said

Good Thursday morning all you Early Birds

MITS said...

I will Jo, already saw some mums at the Wal-Mart today, and I'm seeing firewood for sale signs...where did the summer of "07" go? Going over to see Bob's pics.

MITS said...

OUTSTANDING BOB!!!!! You really do capture the beauty that is Blackwater Refuge. Loved the reflective pics of birds in the water.... GOOD NIGHT AND PRAYERS GOING OUT TO ALL.

MITS said...

The cam is practically sitting on top of the lovely Friedas' back. She was a little jumpy today.

Suzanne said...

Good morning, eagle world. Not so bad this morning, warmer than it's been all week! 67 when I left, 69 here...finally. Is spritzing rain, though, but not much.
Finally got back in. Will have to go back and see what happened yesterday.
Finny isn't home, and Bai is sleeping, looks like she fell over again while nursing. Frieda is on eggs, has her wings spread out, and looks like rain drops on the cam lens. Web site said still 2 eggs, so I guess she didn't have a third yet.
All have a great eagle/panda day.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Oh, my Finny baby just arrived!

Suzanne said...

Nursing time in SD.
Finny still in nest, grooming, and Frieda still on eggs, wings out.
NL is dark, and 2nd Fin nest MT.
Owl in hotel. Dark elsewhere.

Suzanne said...

finny came back a few minutes ago, and now something is giving him fits! He's going all around the nest squaking, and now he's started mantling. Didn't see him bring any food in, and don't see any leftovers in the nest, but he's trying to scare something away. Or maybe, parent is flying around with food, and he's saying hurry up!

Suzanne said...

Must be raining hard in Australia, lots of rain drops on cam, Frieda is very fuzzy, now.
Finny still squaking, and Bai still sleeping.

Suzanne said...

I didn't see the fish come in, but Finny has one, and it's about the size of a small whale! Geesh, they have big fish over there!

Suzanne said...

Finny still eating his mini whale, and Bai is nursing. Cam is still out of focus, but you can see her ok, just can't see Squiggles. You can see Frieda through the drops, only cause you know what she looks like.

Costume Lady said...

I have been watcing Finny and it has been 20 min. since he was given that fish and he hasn't taken a bite yet. Wonder what he is waiting for?

Costume Lady said...

I guess maybe he is eating it and I just don't see him when he takes a bite.

Costume Lady said...

It is still dark out and it's almost 6oclock. I don't like it when this time of year rolls around. It gets dark earlier too.

Costume Lady said...

Check out Bob's photos from 10:12 last night. SUPER...

Suzanne said...

Awww, Squiggles is getting hugged and washed by Bai. Oh, cam just went away! Ok, back again, and Bai still hugging and washing squiggles. Can see Squiggles, but cam is really out of focus.
Finny still devouring that whale.

Suzanne said...

Hi Wanda, guess my alert on the blog to tell me when someone arrives isn't working! Didn't see you come in. Finny is scarfing down that huge fish. Glad you're watching him, he's so pretty. Wish they'd focus the cam in SD better, though.
Thank, I'll check out Bob's photos. He is so good, I know they're gonna be excellent pics!

Suzanne said...

Oh look, Finny is leaving, fish in talons! That was cool...

Costume Lady said...

Glad you told me the SD cam is out of focus; I thought it was me. Maybe we both need a hot cup of COFFEE to see straight. I have been awake since 4o'clock, but haven't had my coffee yet. If I brew it too early, it is stale when the Capt. gets up.

Sharon and Carol checked in with us sometime yesterday, just to let us know they are ok. It's been a while.
Dana has been in touch with the fire dept. about getting their ladder truck to help install the new camera. Hope we hear more from Steve today.

COFFEE is done. BBL

Suzanne said...

Enjoy the coffee, Wanda. I also have to have caffine to get the ol' brain moving in the morning! Can't drink coffee coming down here though, but do get caffine and juice in my go-juice. Sure helps!
I'm glad Sharon and Carol checked in, yes, it has been a while. Glad they're ok. Saw where Dana contacted the fire dept on Momster email. Way to go, Dana. I'll be glad when our cam gets back up and rolling!
Bai is back to sleep, Frieda is fuzzy too, haven't seen any falcons on the ledge in PA, but you sure can see the fog! It's been really foggy for the last 3 days, coming down here.
Nobody on 2nd Fin nest, and owl still in hotel. Big sailboat at the Fin marina, but dark elsewhere.

Suzanne said...

Oh wow, different view on NL wind surf cam! Looks out to the ocean now, very cool!!! You can see the curve of the earth, how neat!!

Suzanne said...

Well, Finny is either back with another fish, or the fish he took off with had a nice ride in the air.
Bai sleeping, has her foot up in the air.
Frieda almost invisible, lots of rain there, I guess.
Falcon ledge MT, not so foggy.
Owl still in hotel, nice waves coming in at the wind surf bar...

movin said...


I'm up and temporarily, I hope, awake...thought I would look in and see how you are doing.


Suzanne said...

Good morning, Jim! Doing fine at this end.
Finny just left, and Bai is back to sleep after feeding Squiggles.
check out the new cam view on the undersea cam in the NL. Cool view.

Suzanne said...

Dad just brought a fish to Finny!

Suzanne said...

Dad's still holding the fish, Finny squaking, guess he wants it! Dad's not letting go, yet, so more squaks from Finny!

Suzanne said...

Wow, they were both squaking at something, then Finny started squaking at dad again. Dad is not letting him have that fish, too funny!

Suzanne said...

You know, Jim, you may be right...Finny may be a girl! She's not as long as dad, but she sure is wider. Good pics you can compare their size now.

Suzanne said...

OMG, unheard is gonna eat that fish!

Suzanne said...

Whatever is flying around, they are moving their head in unison! too cool. Oops, dad taking another bite, Finny giving him a dirty look!

Suzanne said...

Dad just left, Finny still squaking and looking around, but dad left the fish. Finny hasn't seen it yet. Oh no he didn't, he took the fish with him!!! Oh my!!

movin said...

Well, I lost a long comment in cyberspace, and then I lost the blog, and then I lost; so I am back by another route.

Sent everybody a shot of the Finnish chick and Papa (?).


movin said...

Wanda, in the lost comment, I suggested you do as I did when I worked nights...

Make a pot of fresh coffee, turn the heat off and cover it, then microwave it a cup at a time. Stays fresh all night that way.


Suzanne said...

Got your pic, Jim, and sent mine out also. Yup, think that's Dad, no band on leg.

Suzanne said...

LOL, all his whining paid off, Dad just dropped off a fish for him.!!!

movin said...

Guess I'd better try to sleep again, Suz.

I think it's Dad in Finland too. Mom probably migrated already, and Dad's waiting around to make sure the chick gets fed and headed south.

Then he'll migrate also...


Suzanne said...

Sleep tight, Jim. Finny's whining paid off, Dad just did a food drop, and Finny went into immediate mantle mode. Sent pics around.

Suzanne said...

Finny left, don't know if he finished that fish already, or took it with him, wasn't watching.
Bai is nursing, just started. Can hardly see Frieda. Nobody up in NL yet but the fish, and another boat has arrived in the marina on Fin 2nd osprey cam. That cam is also down again, no pic at all, and owl in hotel grooming.

Suzanne said...

Bai just toppled over, Squiggles still nursing, but Bai's gonna go to sleep.

Suzanne said...

Frieda is almost totally invisible on cam now, nothing but rain drops. They must be getting a heck of a storm there!

Suzanne said...

My Fin baby is back, fish in talons.

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Suzanne

CT osprey has a fish he/she is eating.

Frieda when I checked earlier I could see her. Now they must really be getting the rain. Hang in there Frieda !

Suzanne I got Ed a stopper for the bottle.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Dana. Yupper, Frieda is invisible now! LOL, glad you got Ed a stopper!
Finny just started eating, too. He came in a while ago with the fish, but he's been looking around and just now started eating.
Check out the new view at the windsurf bar, cool!

Suzanne said...

People at the beach...

Suzanne said...

Good grief,, look at the size of the bites Finny is taking! You'd think he hadn't eaten in a year! They're huge!

wvgal_dana said...

Wouldn't it be really neat if they had sound there. oh my

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne have you checked out the 8 cams on Peggy's Cove site. Down on the right says "More Cams" click on the one for Halifax Nova Scotia. Wow beautiful!!!!

Suzanne said...

No, didn't, Dana. In fact, didn't even open Peggy's Cove this morning, but I'll go check out the cams now. Thanks for the tip.

wvgal_dana said...

There is a BIG tourist ship in the 2nd cam. neat

Bob Quinn said...

New thread!

floralgirl said...

Oh boy, wouldn't I trade this chair for one of those beach chairs, or windsufing boards.

wvgal_dana said...

ooppss 3rd cam

wvgal_dana said...

Bob says NEW THREAD IS UP come on over

Suzanne said...

Cool, Dana! Look at Bonaire now, cam32...they're getting one heck of a rainstorm!

paula eagleholic said...

Bob-beautiful photos, love them all. Cool kingfisher, and yes that last bird is cool looking too. Kinda surprised to see the osprey with those big sticks.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...