Tuesday, August 14, 2007


From Florida, it's a new thread.


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Jill said...

Megan, waterproof bandage, plastic bag and duct tape. That is what we did with Zach when he broke his arm. Seemed to do it every summer. 3 times. Find a heavy plastic bag that goes up her arm quite a ways, then duct tape it. She will at least be able to sit near the pool and walk around the shallow end.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' JIM & MEGAN!!---I was scanning yesterday's blog---So how are you adapting to RETIREMENT---or are you still a "SEMI"???--ho!--Will take a few days!!!----MEGAN--HAPPY FOR YOU!!!-----You not only got good news about your daughter's progress----YOU GOT RAIN!!!!!!!

normabyrd said...


floralgirl said...

Yeah, Jill that what we told her, she says "she'd rather stay out of the pool than be wrapped up like baked goods".

Suzanne said...

Jo, I think I see 4 swallows in there a lot of times, so I'm guessing mom is with the chicks. For example, I distinctly see 4 chicks in there now, or at least 4 birds, but I can't imagine mom trying to get up by the entrance hole...think she would just fly out!

Costume Lady said...

Sounds like a good idea for Megans daughter but if I were you, after Zach broke his arm 3 times, I would have put the plastic bag over his entire body and then duct taped it shut! lol

normabyrd said...

NO---JILL---Got WAX!----But she knows how to break all the rules---ho!----She will have MEGAN'S daughter in the pool yet!!---SOUNDS GOOD TO ME!!!

movin said...

I noticed that this morning, Suzanne. Maybe Mom is out of the rain.

She's the big one on top.


Costume Lady said...

I see 5 swallows--think mom and dad are both in there. Must be storming there.

Suzanne said...

Norma, you're funny! Yup, wet suit for Gypsy for Christmas. After which, she will KILL me.
Morning to you, Jim and morning, Candy.
Time for me to hit the road. Have not read the last comments, so if I haven't spoken, I'm not ignoring you, I apologize.
Running late, and someone said it's still really raining out there. Oh joy, get to drive home in the rain with all the DC nut drivers!
All have a great eagle day. Hope the SD panda cam comes back online!
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

movin said...

I'm really glad to hear your daughter is healing so well, Megan. It won't be long at that rate before she's back in the pool for real. Gripping a pencil sounds very encouraging.


Mema Jo said...

Plastic bag isn't that 'treny' for a young girl by the pool. I wouldn't want to look like a loaf of bread lol

floralgirl said...

For a week after surgery, when she showered we had to wrap her hand in plastic bags so it would not get wet. She tolerated it cause no one but us saw it. But the thought of having to wear it at a party is horrifying to her, you know how teenage girls can be. I told her she might start a whole new fashion statement, and she of course just rolled her eyes at me. Oh, well, we will figure it out. Off to play in the puddles, BBL

floralgirl said...

See, you understand, Jo. She said she felt like day old bread when we tried to use Saran Wrap. Jim, the smile that was on her face when she realized she could grip a pen and write slowly but legibly was priceless.

Mema Jo said...

Hello Jim - I see you made it before the noon hour - our time.
Lisa has a new link on her Osprey page - it's a diary of pics and comments.

Mema Jo said...

Taking a break .. BBL

carolinabeachmom said...


Just finished reading today's blog and thought I had better get on before Suzanne left. Son just left for the beach, so I am on again. :)

carolinabeachmom said...

Boy that article about Limuw was very interesting to see. That Limuw is really getting around. It didn't take him very long to branch out of there; little stinker.

carolinabeachmom said...

MEGAN, glad to hear that your daughter came out of her therapy smiling. That has got to be sooo tuff on her; she must be a trooper, or stubborn, whichever works for her. Tell her we are all thinking about her and hoping that she will soon be able to do whatever she wants with that hand.

movin said...

Morning, Mema Jo, Norma, Megan, Jill...

I was just going to mention the "diary" that Lisa has published on the BW Osprey site...when you open it, read from the earlier dates at the bottom...it's better that way.

Fishing isn't much at McNeil Falls, Panda cam is down, Kent has nothing but fog, all Channel Island cams are down at the moment.

Not much cam action today...at least you can see the whole family of Swallows.


movin said...

I forgot, they do have some great updates on the Island site.

All the eaglets are exploring...you should read them.


carolinabeachmom said...

JILL Got a kick out of your son skateboarding. My son a zillion years ago was heavy into that. Matter of fact, he started the skateboarding club up at the North Carolina School of Math and Science in Durham, where he went for his 11 and 12th grades. What a racket when he first started out under the house. CLUMP, BANG, CLUMP, BANG. Then they were trying to get permission to go down Jockey's Ridge sand dune on old skate boards. I tried to stand up on it once, and forget it. No go :) It is really something when they start doing all the tricks,etc.

carolinabeachmom said...

Oh well, there goes my blogging. My friend just called and wants to go to the pool. Soooooooo, I don't want to let her down either. BBL

carolinabeachmom said...

SUZANNE you have a safe trip home on the slick roads. Hugs for Gypsy.

movin said...

"Retirement", Norma, Mema Jo,

I am collecting Unemployment, so I'm "semi" for sure...spent most of yesterday afternoon on-line with Unemployment filling out forms and writing a resume to post.

I am adapting too well...I have to remind myself about a dozen times to get out of bed and get busy ... I did get up earlier today though...still have more forms and phone work, plus straightening things up around here.

I think it will work out fine before long. Thanks for asking.


carolinabeachmom said...

Panda Cam is having problems due to a power failure at the zoo. They are trying to restore it as soon as they can.

Anne-Marie said...

good morning all. I havent read the blog yet but I will in pieces. I cant even see my desk this morning. Yuck. I need a vacation. THREE WEEKS AWAY. I have butterflies. Hope this day brings smiles and happiness to all.

wvgal_dana said...

Jill that is what we did when daughter broke her arm and she was able to even go swimming in deep area of pool. Cast stayed dry.

Mauley said...

It is so good to see that pink kitty. I love it Dana.

Anne-Marie said...

Dana, why is the kitty pink?

Mauley said...

Heidigirl, I think it is a famous painting by someone, but I could be wrong. I been wrong a few times (today) mauley

Anne-Marie said...

some day I have got to learn how to post a picture. I think maybe one of my Heidi , Not today. :)

normabyrd said...

HELLO EAGLE BUDDIES!!!---I went to the WELLNESS CENTER to be evaluated!!----One thing for sure----It will be easy for me to show improvement!!---ho!---I think it will really be fun---I start in Sept.--- ANNE-MARIE---I want to hear about your white suit!!!---DON'T FORGET!!

normabyrd said...

MAULEY---Don't be too hard on yourself!!!---It seems I am always wrong---At least you called it a Pink CAT---I always refer to it as a Pink DOG!!!---But DANA understands!!!

normabyrd said...

WHOA JIM!!!---When you RETIRE---you don't have to get out of bed unless you wish to----That the 1ST STEP!!!---SOUNDS LIKE YOU MIGHT ENJOY BEING RETIRED!!!

Anne-Marie said...

Norma I sent you an email about my white suit at your home email. Didnt you get it?

normabyrd said...

The "LITTLE PRINCE" was enjoying the some kind of food---Couldn't eat it fast enough---to the delight of his audience------MEAN WHILE down in ATLANTA the "LITTLE BEAUTY" is still asleep atop the wooden tripod---LUN LUN pacing!!

normabyrd said...

IT IS NOW DARK IN FINLAND!!!---Hope the SUN rises before SUZANNE gets here tomorrow!!!---EVEN the CT NEST is MT----

normabyrd said...

ANNE-MARIE----I am WAY--WAY BEHIND ON MY EMAIL!!---Will check now--Thanks!!

Jill said...

SD Back. Bai is sleeping.

Jill said...


Squiggles is waving to us. LOL

Mema Jo said...

Catch that last email I just sent
to you, please

movin said...

Hi, everybody,
Not a lot of nest activity today, is there?

I did buy a new hummingbird feeder ... a large glass Perky Pet, and I replaced the other one on the patio today. The couple of birds I saw using it so far appear pretty perky about it.

The other one, which is only a few months old, also a Perky Pet feeder, has an acrylic bottle, which developed a small crack...now a large crack which gushes. It is located in the threaded area at the top.

I first noticed it when I was pouring the nectar into it, and it started started dripping into the sink.

Then when I turned it over, the partial vacuum, which is usually formed in the bottle was filled with leaking air, and most of the nectar would run out onto the ground!

I'm tempted to try to repair the acrylic and use it for a water source (if they want it) or for a backup feeder. Maybe some super glue....


Mema Jo said...

Good Evening & Good Night Everyone

Peace to you and yours
Prayers for all your needs being said

Hello Early Birds -
It is Friday already!

movin said...




Suzanne said...

Good Friday morning, eagle world! We finally made it! Nice out, but sprinkling from Leesburg on down. No rain at my house, but did get rain yesterday, thankfully! Wasn't doing to much when I left yesterday either, so that's a good thing...no problems going home. It was 74 at home, got up to 78 enroute, but it's 73 here...probably because of the rain.
WE HAVE A PANDA CAM!!! Adorable, Bai was hugging Squiggles, but now Squiggles is laying on Bai's left are, she's using her paw as a pillow, and Squiggles head is laying in Bai's elbow! Too cute. And wow, that black gets blacker every day...she's starting to look like a tiny panda now! Looks like she's settled down and is sleeping, legs are finally still.
Finny is in nest, so all is right with the world!
Spoke too soon, there goes squiggles squiggling... Not bothering Bai though, she's snoozing!
Well Finny just left, poof, gone.
Will try to go back and see what I missed yesterday.
All have a great eagle and panda day!
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Awwww, Squiggles is sound asleep. Adorable!
Lisa has an update on the Osprey page, interesting, about the Rutland, England Ospreys. Interesting reading and cool pics.
2nd Fin cam still down, both osprey and cormorants. Water has lots of debris, but it looks like sun is out at the marina.
Something in Swallow nest, but way too dark to see anything, and owl is in the hotel.
Finny still out and about, and Bai and Squiggles still sleeping.

Suzanne said...

Oh man, Moose on the loose on Fin cam! How cool was that! Well, he must have been on a mission, cause hekept right on walking on then off cam.
Finny saw him and came back to protect his nest. Yeah, like that big ol' moose is gonna fly right up there!
And Bai just woke up and is now feeding Squiggles!

Jill said...

Hey Suzanne. Not often I get to see you this early. I am going back to bed now. Catch up with you later.

Suzanne said...

Not sure what Finny is doing...he spreads his wings one sec, back to just standing next sec. Then he moves around the nest and does it again. He's not looking up though, so don't think a threat is flying by. Maybe just exercises.
Wow, feeding time is over, Bai is snoozing. She just sorta falls over and goes to sleep.

Suzanne said...

Bai Yun just came out of the birthing den, and was walking around, then they switched cams to her daughter Su Lin! Darn. But it was nice to see Bai in the light, but that means we can't see Squiggles, who is now ALONE!! Darn. Of course it is 2:20 in the AM there, and dark, so Su Lin, whereever she may be is not visible.
And I'm still watching for that moose to come back in Finland! too funny...

Suzanne said...

Finny is back...

Suzanne said...

Bai and Squiggles in birthing den are back on cam. Finny still in nest.

Suzanne said...

Wow, Finny has head looking way up! Something must have been flying overhead.
Bai and Squiggles are sleeping, so think we missed a feeding.

Suzanne said...

Finny is hunkered down in his home, and Bai is sound asleep. Falcon on bar in PA, Swallows in nest, BW MT, and owl still in hotel.

Suzanne said...

Theymoved the cam,. and squiggles is sound asleep in the crook of Bai's arm. So cute. Finny is back, and just standing around.

Suzanne said...

Oh, forgot, Osprey in BW.

Suzanne said...

Awww, big stretch by Squiggles...Mom didn't move.

Suzanne said...

Bai rolled over, and Squiggles rolled off her onto the straw. Bai left, and Squiggles is alone, cam is zoomed in!

Suzanne said...

Don't know how noisey Squiggles is, but she's trying to scoot, and her mouth is wide open!

Suzanne said...

Here comes mom. Oh, she's covering Squiggles with straw! Well, now she's picked Squiggles up and guess it's time to nurse now, Bai covered Squiggles, then picked her up, now she's nursing. What was that all about????

Suzanne said...

Mits, is that the Panda version of hide and seek?

Suzanne said...

Finny still in nest, he's trying to nap standing up. Sometimes he sits, sometimes he stands.
Bai and Squiggles sleeping, and Bai has a thing for the straw this morning. She keeps moving it every time she moves. I mean moving it with her paw, picking it up and rearranging it, then she goes back to sleep.
BW osprey still in nest, owl in hotel, dark on the swallows, but they're there.
Squiggles moving, trying to get up over Bai's shoulder. Bai just looked at her and is holding her a little tighter now. No, we're moving...Ok, she has put squiggles back in the crook of her arm.

Suzanne said...

Well that didn't work. Bai moved squiggles upside down in her arm. Now she's giving her a bath. Swear, it looks like she bites Squiggles! Still bathing...
Now Bai has stopped, let's see if Squiggles stays still or not.

Suzanne said...

Finny is resting in the nest. He's been there a long time, now.
Guess the last bath worked for Squiggles, they are both sleeping now.

Jill said...

Thanks for the pictures Suzanne. I am going back to sleep now. It has been a long night.

Costume Lady said...

I know what you mean about Bai looking as if she is making a meal out of squiggles. The first time I saw her do that I nearly had a heart attack! I thought she got tired of taking care of a baby and that was a way of getting rid of it.
We had a cat that really did that one time. She was cleaning the baby and suddenly ate it. Gross!
I think she was retarded or something.

Costume Lady said...

The Capt. got really excited seeing the Moose. He has wanted to see a Moose for many years---thought we would see one when we went to Yellowstone and then again when we went to Maine, but never did see one.

Costume Lady said...

I guess we will have to plan a trip to Finland.

Jill said...

Wanda, I am pretty sure that the moose signs in Maine are fake. They really don't have them. Spent 4 days in Maine and didn't see a single Moose. NOT ONE. LOL

Suzanne said...

Morning, Jill and Wanda. Not sure about the moose in Maine, but they DO have them in Finland, and they are huge! They are docile if you leave them alone, but don't get too near and make them nervous. And they do have Moose Crossing signs in Finland. Kinda neat the first time you see them!
Glad you liked the pics, guys. That Finland cam is showing us all kinds of new animals and birds. Cool! Glad the Cpt liked the moose.
Finny still in nest, he has been there for hours! Don't know why he's been there so long today.
Bai is nursing, she just started. I've ben on other computer, and haven't been watching cams.

Suzanne said...

Oh that jay is in Kent! Beautiful bird!

Suzanne said...

He's still there. Forget the name, begins with an 's'. Can see, well darn, never mind. Was going to say you could see his colors really well on cam 3, but he was gone next refresh. Stellers Jay, I think.

Suzanne said...

Too cute, Bai has her head down and all you can see is Squiggles hind legs and part of his black saddle. Nursing up a storm!

Suzanne said...

Oh, tail moved... guess Squiggles wanted to get more comfy!

Suzanne said...

Bai moved her head and you could see Squiggles, but I wasn't quick enough for a pic.

Suzanne said...

Bai is back down for the count, back to sleep.

Suzanne said...

Zoomed in on Squiggles, back to nursing.

Suzanne said...

NL cam went down at 0633 our time this morning, still down. It's not quite daylight at that time...

normabyrd said...

MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!!---GORGEOUS DAY in WV---temp. 68°--SUN is shining & SUZ--TGIF!!---LIFE IS GOOD!!!!---HELLO JIM--SUZANNE---JILL----WANDA!!!---(& JIM'S other unnamed participants)--HE must have been referring to the FIN-MOOSE!!!---HEY!---Is MITS still celebrating her ANNIVERSARY!!!!---CONGRATS!!!

Suzanne said...

Jill, I just went back and looked at the blogs, Norma (BTW, good morning, Norma!), said good morning to Jim, and I didn't see him on this morning, so I thought I missed him. Didn't miss him, but did miss you this morning! Sorry, I don't usually expect someone on that early, and never look. Wow, you have had a long night if you were still up or getting up at that hour! Hope you can get some rest today! Do you have to work this weekend?
Norma, TGIF, my ALMOST favorite day of the week!!
Squiggles still nursing, Finny still in nest.

Suzanne said...

Hey, just realized...Squiggles is two weeks old today! Happy Birthday, little guy!!!!

normabyrd said...

SUZ!--JIM checked in at 12:19 this a.m. & SAID HELLO TO YOU & "UNNAMED PARTICIPANTS!"---I assumed he was referring to the MOOSE!!!---ho!---

The "LITTLE PRINCE" is roaming around in his ESTATE!!---Probably yelling---MINE! MINE!---if he has been listening to FINNY!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all. Just popped in to say TGIF!!

Don't even have time to lurk today or read the blogs, I'll have to catch up on things later.

Have a great day and good weekend!

normabyrd said...

CT NEST----ADULT OSPREY preening & OSPREY CHICK watching!!---It's wonderful to see birds still in the nest!!!!

normabyrd said...

WHOA!!!!!!---FINNY IS BACK IN TOWN!!---Probably resting up after his big night out!!---It's GREAT TO SEE HIM!!!!

normabyrd said...

CNN--UTAH MINE---3 Rescue Workers killed---6 hurt!---Rescue work has stopped!!!---prayers---prayers--

Jill said...

Hey Suzanne, not had much sleep. Work til tomorrow at midnight off for 24 and back on for 72. And somebody has let all the Froot Loops out of the box againg.

Norma, saw that early this morning so sad. One guy who was killed was trying to rescue his cousin who is trapped. Family has asked for all efforts to stop and close the mine. SAD. Gues we don't have seismic bumps in our mines. Never heard of that before.

normabyrd said...

MEI LAN (ATLANTA BEAUTY) playing all around---pulling herself up & standing on those "little black legs" is just the cutest thing in the world----LUN LUN pacing---climbed in hammock & MEI LAN is asleep atop of the tripod!!!

Jill said...

Quick Norma Buta Buta is up and moving around.

Jill said...

Tai eating as snack. I think its Tai. Somebody is eating a snack.

Mema Jo said...

I think Steve has migrated out of the country! lol
Good Morning all! Thanks Suzanne for Squiggles pics - getting the markings really well.
UT mine - Prayers for sure.

Want to see if I can get to ButaButa!

Mema Jo said...

Well, Jill, I guess her am activity is over. Pandas do like to sleep.

Suzanne said...

Wow, Jill, I don't envy you your job!
Squiggles is squigglind up by Bai's chin and paws...such a cutie!

Suzanne said...

Look at her trying to move those little legs to get mobile! Adorable!

Suzanne said...

Oops, sorry, morning, MemaJo! You're up early! How you feeling today? Hope you improve and feel better every day.

Squiggles is trying really hard with those little legs to get someplace, and Bai hasn't moved a hair!

normabyrd said...

JILL----I read you were having a RALLY FOR A SKATE BOARD PARK at the "Poor House Farm"---HOPE YOU HAVE A BIG CROWD!!!----GOOD LUCK!!

Mema Jo said...

Great pic of Bai and Squiggles.

Mema Jo said...

Time for me to get Brunch... BBL

Mema Jo said...

Get some WAX first

Suzanne said...

Finny is back...again. Spending more time in the nest today than out. That's ok, glad to see him! Squiggles and Bai are both asleep, too cute.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' JO!!----BUTA BUTA was a real TRIP this a.m.----She needs more things or toys to play with---Yea!--I went to be evaluated at the WELLNESS CENTER yesterday---I won't need to do much to improve!!----I am a little sore this a.m.--ho!---SOON---I'll be 'MEAN & LEAN"----(in my dreams)!----WISHING YOU WELL SOON!!!

Suzanne said...

Norma, hope you improve whatever it is that you went to the Wellness Center for yesterday. Not sure what that is, but I presume is has something to do with health, and we want you healthy.

normabyrd said...

FINNY seems to be enjoying his R&R-----Never noticed seeing the mountain top before---THAT MT. IS STRAIGHT UP!!!

Costume Lady said...

Norma, you may need your cane while attending your Wellness Classes. I think Jo will be well enough soon to let you have it back.
Did you notice the Fin Cam has been moved again (I think). You can see the Horizon now. Don't think we could see it before.

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---The bottom line at the WELLNESS CENTER to keep you healthy---You folks have them & most people refer to them as Work-Out Center----All sorts of exercise equip--pool, etc.---Romney is a very small town & 800 have enrolled the first 2 wks.--Associated W/WINCHESTER MED. CENTER--

Mema Jo said...

Suzanne - did you watch Meerket Manor last Friday? Where do you think Sophia took the babies?

Suzanne said...

Oh, gotcha, Norma! Then that's understandable why I don't know what it is...I haven't done PT or ANY exercise since I got out of the Army about a hundred years ago. You had to do it there, I do NOT have to do it now! So exercise to me is walking outside to pollute my lungs here, or going from the living room to the kitchen and back again, all in one trip. So you enjoy for both of us.
Wanda, don't think the Fin cam has been moved again, last time they moved it very close to the nest.
I hope Finny is alright, he has been in the nest most of the day today, and I have not seen him eat, or even squaking for food. He must have had a very hard night!
Bai has her paw over squiggles now, keeping her warm. She is such a good mother, and these guys are a joy to watch!

Suzanne said...

Oh, Jo, no, is Meerkat Manor back on? I'll have to watch it tonight!!! Love that show. This is the new season, I'll have to check this weekend, they usually have rebroadcasts on Comcast on demand! Thanks for telling me!!

Suzanne said...

Awww, did you see that? Bai woke up, sorta turned over, got back in position, and picked up Squiggles and hugged her, now going back to sleep. That was too cute. Squiggles was visible for a sec there....

normabyrd said...

HI WANDA!----NO!!--The CANE is filled with the EAGLE SPIRIT!!----It is to be with JO---to help her get better-----The WELLNESS & FITNESS CENTER---Work out under supervision of trainer--I am not ill----Thanks for asking!!----WHEN is your all's next trip?---

Suzanne said...

Oh, I have to say before I forget, and I won't be here Sunday, so here goes. Plug your ears, guys.


And many more, gal! I know it's early, but I'm not gonna be here on your special birthday day, which is Sunday, and didn't want to miss wishing you a Happy Birthday. So have a good one, and do everything ya can, cause school starts on Monday for you.

Capt. Eagle said...

Good Morning Ladies,
Suz, I think FINNY is looking for moose steak. Just can't find a way to get it to the nest.

MITS said...

GOOD LATE FRIDAY MORNING EVERYONE Friend left late yesterday afternoon, finally caught up on mail and blog, going to putz around the condo today, and hopefully catch up on some cams:).

MITS said...

Good Morning Capt.

Jill said...

Hey Norma, yes we are having a bike run to raise money. Then in the spring a car cruise in and music fest.

800 signed up but how many will still be using it in 2 months?

JO-glad to see you up and around today, take it easy, don't over do it. We need you here.

Capt. Eagle said...

Morning Mits, Cup of cheer to you.

Jill said...

Maybe Tai and the gang from DC could send some of there toys to BUTA BUTA. They have them everywhere.

normabyrd said...

I think the MAMA BEAR doesn't eat during the early days after giving birth!!---Reason she has no energy to do anything else but sleep????
ADORABLE when you can see those little feet movin'!----No wonder it's almost impossible to handle twins in the wild!!!

normabyrd said...

JO---I think I read that STEVEN moved out of the country!!!--ho!----BECAUSE HE WOULD NEVER FORGET US!!!!-----would he????

Suzanne said...

Bai is pulling the straw up by her face again. She's been playing with it on and off today.

normabyrd said...

I BET CANDY is enjoying her last days of "loafing"---ho!---With son home & with a house guest!!---RIGHT!!!!!----------ENJOY THESE FEW DAYS!!

Suzanne said...

LOL, good morning, Capt Eagle! Good morning, Mits.
Bath time again for the little one!

MITS said...

Jill, just about all of the enrichment toys at the National Zoo are donated by the people of Panda Unlimited.

Suzanne said...

Oh, Norma, that's right. I forgot she had company. Bet she is busy, and school starts again Monday. Good luck to her, what is this, year 24 I think for Kindergarten? Wow, she's got more stamina than I do!
Bai on the move with Squiggles in her arm...

Mema Jo said...

Norma, I just checked for a new thread - you know how they can sneak up on you - I hope he didn't get lost in the everglades!
Norma, hubby is over at Center Avenue visiting. Next time, if I feel well enough, maybe I can come along & stop in to see you!

Mema Jo said...

Is that Tai on Cam 2 looking like a statue?

Mema Jo said...

lol I guess if it says HOLD it means the pic is frozen!

MITS said...

That is Tai on cam 2 sleeping in his favorite spot in his den....the momma and baby sloth are on one of their cams.

Mema Jo said...

Candy's birthday is on Saturday August 18th So she can party and then rest up on Sunday before she starts school on Monday!

normabyrd said...

IF you haven't read the story of LIMAW or #63----That EAGLET---who couldn't catch a fish or cut it up-----Is now traveling all the way through NEVADA when I read it yesterday-----Remember he had to come home for food!!!----Everyone is worried about this little "CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS"---& they would love to see him fly into the his nest!!----The little faker--They think he is flying with a friend----HOPE GOD IS WITH YOU #63!!!

MITS said...

Its early a.m. tomorrow in Brisbane, but it looks like Frieda might be on an egg:).

Mema Jo said...

Going to check it out.

Mema Jo said...

Let's say "she is in the pebbles"
It is late for the egg this season compared to last year. I hope it's an egg - little more daylight & we may be able to tell better.
Good Eye - MITS

movin said...




Suzanne said...

Wow, thanks for the heads up, Mits! First time I've seen her all year!
Thanks, Jo, I have it on my calendar for the 18th, but was thinking that was Sunday for some reason. I'm not as early then, that's better!
Bai still nursing, but can't see Squiggles. Our Finny is out and about. I'm glad of that, I was getting worried...laying in the nest all day.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Jim! Have a great day!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MITS & CAPT.EAGLE!------JO---When you come to ROMNEY---We will work something out---That would be so COOL!!!-----HELEN---How do you like your new bracelet???---Your husband has such good taste!!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Frieda is up and about & can't see anything in the pebbles - can anyone else?

How are the Hummers, Jim?

normabyrd said...

WOW! HELEN---Do you think that is an egg?----Last year it was in that beautiful pink color---I can still see her beautiful eyes!!!

movin said...

Wanda, I missed the moose this morning, but my second trip to Yellowstone...year after the big fire..I saw enough to make a small herd (if they formed herds of moose).

In fact, I saw some of everything they had at that time, EXCEPT Grizzlies.


Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suzanne said...

She's on the ledge, and I don't see an egg, Jo. Maybe she's getting ready.
Jim, didn't I send you the moose pic this morning? If not, can someone send those pics to Jim? I have closed my mail.
Time for me to hit the road. All have a great weekend.
Squiggles is doing what she does best, she was squiggling, now Bai has her on the straw getting ready to nurse, I guess. Yup, she just picked her up, little cutie. And Finny is off, hope he feels better.
Ok, outta here.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors flly!

normabyrd said...


movin said...

Did see the tail of Frieda, didn't see an egg. Why has she abandoned the area with the wonderful weeds of last year?

I recall them saying that the pair (and other birds in the area) was somewhat early last year, so it might be normal time now.


Mema Jo said...

See you Monday, Suzanne! Safe journey

movin said...

There must have been rain, and the river has risen at McNeil. There's much more action fishing wise.


normabyrd said...

"POOR FINNY"---All alone in the nest---I think he is waiting for MS FIN & FOOD!!!----He might be here a few more days!!!

MITS said...

Yep, Frieda is on the ledge, can't tell if an egg is there or not with all the pebbles....LOL, Norma, hubby has not seen the braclet yet, but I like it.

MITS said...

Nap time at thae National Zoo.

MITS said...

Beautiful sunset in Finland, shining on Finny

Mema Jo said...

I'm trying to help Anne get onto the blog -- Cyber cop has her...... Hopefully she'll be here soon cause she is 'spitting nails'.

MITS said...

lol....told her to try beakspeak. She is not a happy camper. The IT better watch out!

Mema Jo said...

Beakspeak has not been coming up throughout the day... I get it up in the early evening.... Others have also been having trouble with it.

MITS said...

That's right read that, thought it was ok, but guess not.

Mema Jo said...

Anne's handing out paychecks - thinks she got in - we'll know soon.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi everyone (smile) I can't get beakspeak either.

Hi Candy in case I'm in outerspace on your birthday. Happy Birthday!!

Don't forget Pete's Pond is back up good viewing 4-8pm EST 12-4EST

normabyrd said...


movin said...

Perhaps Mother Nature requires that the momma Panda only sleeps, holds the bare, undeveloped baby between her paws and breathes on it in the early days.

Pandas don't have an abundance of energy in the wild, because the bamboo they specialize in doesn't provide it, and Pandas will spend nearly all their waking hours eating. So, the only way she can spend extra time with a newborn baby is to sleep through most of the period.

In a zoo they may be given extra nutrients, but they have had the sleep behavior for many millenia....

Anyway, it is sure to form a good bond with the baby, and it keeps them in one place, making it easier for the camera to keep track of them.

Guess I'd better get back to my forms, phone calls and appointments. Talk to you later.


Mema Jo said...

Hi Dana Frieda has been back - Mits spotted her this morning.
Squiggles is getting the dark apron look........

Mema Jo said...


wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Jo I seen the dark on squiggles (love the name). I've been looking for Frieda but haven't found her there yet.

wvgal_dana said...

I just love how they have been moving the cam in closer...awwwwww

Mema Jo said...

Sent you all a postcard of the cub

wvgal_dana said...

I'll go check brb

Mema Jo said...

Slideshow of Frieda from Glo

Try this link

wvgal_dana said...

Anne still can't get on the blog....let's see what does everyone do when that happens????

Jo thank you for Squiggles Postcard so cute.

Mema Jo said...

Well, I think it is time for me to take an hour's rest. You know - a Panda Nap! I've been going strong for about 5 hrs - I will be back later in the day....

wvgal_dana said...

Wow that is a pretty pic of Frieda

wvgal_dana said...

Take care Jo have a nice peaceful rest may ^l^ ^l^ angels watch over you.

Jill said...

Tell Anne to clear out all the temporary internet files, shut down the puter and start over.

MITS said...

Jim, you are correct pandas breathe on the young cub to give it warmth, beacuse it is born with no hair. Pandas also eat from 12 to 14 hours a day and sleep the other half. Pandas in captivity are giving leaf-eater biscuits which supplies its protein and vitamins, plus they get a diet of fruit and veggies.

movin said...

Hi, Beakspeak.com has been down a lot lately, you probably know.
Here's a direct link to the blog I got last year... I sent it to Ann-Marie already.



glo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
glo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
paula eagleholic said...

I sent Heidigirl the direct link, but it may be that her IT department blocked the site. Remember that happened to our Steven, also. In that case, she's scr**ed!

Mema Jo said...

Anne may have too many different sign on's from what she said on Momsters

Mema Jo said...

Puleston cam has 2 of the osprey in the nest.

Puleston Cam

Mema Jo said...

CT cam also has osprey in nest

CT Osprey Cam

Mema Jo said...

No eggs yet on Frieda's ledge in Brisbane!

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy, Jo!

Either that or the blogger cop got her!

paula eagleholic said...

First time I have seen Freida in the pebbles, last time she was on the ledge.

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, she just hopped onto the ledge.

movin said...




Mema Jo said...



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3/6/25 PM

 the wind is ferocious almost tipping our Eagle over and out of the nest at times sometimes you're made to do a egg roll when you're...