Tuesday, August 28, 2007


New thread.


Mema Jo said...

Good Tuesday Morning Everyone
Just signing on for the day & must to my surprise I can start my day as #1

Costume Lady said...

You know you are always #1 with us!

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning NORMA.
What are you up to today?
Have you seen our favorite Eagle today,FINNY?

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steven, and the heads up, Jo! My, you're up early!!

Brought this over from other thread:
Morning, Wanda. Did you scan the results to your computer? Easy way to find something is go into Explore (Start, Explore), and sort by date, on the right, where your filenames are. Just hit the Modified bar, and watch the date. Look at the ones that are dated today.
Might help.
I'm going to have to start filling my suet blocks again. It was way too hot this past month, suet was melting, so I cleaned them all out and haven't filled them yet again. But since I did clean them out, my woodpeckers have been awol... Guess it's getting that time to fill them all up again! I don't have, and have never seen, a real live Pileated Woodpecker, but sure would like to!

Also, morning, Jo. And I see Wanda is still looking at the Finnish eagle... (LOL)
Morning, Normabryd. Love our Finny!

Robyn said...

Morning Jo :)

Wanda no organization, a friend of my ex and I has been doing this for years in his subdivision we have been going the past 11 years. He does it every halloween on halloween for the kids in the division.

Suzanne said...

Love it when he just glares at the cam!!!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Suzanne, Robyn, Wanda, Norma and earlier Candy popped in to say Hi!
Full moon tonight or was it last night? Did not see the eclipse but the moon was sooooooooo large before I went to bed.

Suzanne said...

Yes, Jo, it was beautiful when I came in this morning! Lost it before the eclipse, and couldn't see the eclipse from here...darn.

Mema Jo said...

Someone did sight Star yesterday at the nest and the pic is in the Kent Gallery.

Suzanne said...

Cooooollll! Glad to know she's still around!

Mema Jo said...

Jim mentioned yesterday about Lisa putting a Virtual Tour of BlackWater Refuge on the Osprey Nest Update page. It's pretty neat!

Suzanne said...


Suzanne said...

Didn't mean to repeat, Jo, haven't read yesterday's blogs.
Did you guys see Bai and Squiggles? She was rolling Squiggles around in her front paws, then hugger her and kissing her, then roll her around, then wash her. Too cute. Got some pics, but she was really moving that little cub around!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' JO!!! & THANKS STEVEN for the new thread!!---HELLO WANDA--SUZANNE & ROBYN---Was watching the "LITTLE PRINCE" roam around his estate!!!----LOVE EM TOO!!---

Robyn said...

BBL off to mow, finally

normabyrd said...

HEY ROBYN!---What have you & your ex been doing for 11 years at HALLOWEEN TIME?----

normabyrd said...


Suzanne said...


normabyrd said...

FINNY IS PERCHED IN HIS NEST looking all around---SURELY he isn't hungry again!!!--

normabyrd said...

THANKS SUZANNE!!---IF you haven't seen LISA'S MAP (with pics) of BLACKWATER REFUGE---WORTH A WATCH!!!---Would love to go there!!!

normabyrd said...

I haven't had woodpeckers for a while----I thought they were going to move me out & they were going to move into my house about a month ago!!----ho!----Seriously---they even attacked a redwood bench!!!---beautiful birds when pecking on the trees---

Costume Lady said...

Still working on the scan thing. I think I need to start all over. I don't believe my picts got scanned.

I got the "Light of Peace" Lighthouse. Do you have that one? So pretty.

paula eagleholic said...

MOrning, all!

I saw a gold finch in my yard just the other day...

Lots of work to do today...will be lurking!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Paula. I have gold finches all year, but don't have nearly as many this summer as I had in the winter! I have purple finches out the ying yang, but not as many gold.
Norma, that makes me feel better about your woodpeckers not being around. I've had a male and female downy, and they brought their one baby, but haven't seen them for a while. I took the suet feeders down and cleaned them (ugh, what a mess), when the suet started melting all over, and haven't seen the woodpeckers since. The male used to also eat seeds in a metal holder, and that I keep full, but guess they prefer suet. Since yours aren't around, maybe they'll be back.
I saw the map on the BW site! Kinda cool. Mentioned it earlier on the blog, and Jo told me Jim had already mentioned it yesterday, so I guess I just repeated his comment. But yeah, it is kinda cool. Beautiful place, if you get a chance, you should go.
Wanda, sorry that didn't help.
Bai awake, left nest, Squiggles all alone...

Suzanne said...

Can't get a good look at Squiggles, she's hiding behind the numbers on the left of the cam!
Finny still hanging out in nest.

MITS said...

GOOD A.M. EVERYONE, BEAUTIFUL DAY AT THE BEACH. Darn, forgot about the eclipse...WANDA, so glad you saw Finny the Eagle:):):):)! JO, YOU ARE #1

Suzanne said...

LOL, good morning, Mits!

Suzanne said...

Bai back!

movin said...


Looks like the beautiful Finnish chick has returned to the nest.

I have an early morning Dr.'s appointment ... checkup and "who knows what" before the Blue Cross runs out.

I'll probably talk to you later.


normabyrd said...

LUN LUN is roaming around & around----but the "ATLANTA BEAUTY" has not made her debut this a.m.---Bet she is sleeping inside!!

normabyrd said...

GOOD LUCK JIM!!----Be sure to say AWW!!!!!----FINNY is such a "HANDSOME" CHICK!!!----

movin said...

Have a great day.

Hummingbirds: I replaced my cracked (gotten worse than I thought) acrylic feeder with a new GLASS Perky Pet with the smaller flatter yellow flowers, and it does not leak or spill nectar upon the ground. And the birds have begun to slurp considerably more nectar. (Why???)

In So Cal a lot of the hummers will migrate to the deserts in Winter, but many will stay if they find steady food -- like in a feeder. Our winters are warm enough along the coast for them.


normabyrd said...

WOW!!---Watching ATLANTA CAM---showing LUN LUN alone on logs outside of window---Z000000M!!---Inside pic shows LUN sitting in the corner of the day room & the "LITTLE BEAUTY" asleep atop the tripod!!----THAT'S MAGIC!!! ho!

MITS said...


normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---SAFE TRIP HOME & LOVE & KISSES TO "G"!!!----Tax time in WV--must go to courthouse & find a place in line!!!!----W/do lunch if I can afford it!!--KIDDIN'---LATER!!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Jim. I think our hummers have started going to warmer climes now. Our winters are way too cold for them! I'll start feeding mine again when they start coming back next year.
Have a good Dr's appt, hope they don't find anything wrong, and you get a clean bill of health!

Mema Jo said...

I was just locked out in Cyberspace - my internet connection went down for awhile. Went ahead & ran Spybot and cleaned it up!
My little hummer just gave me a fright as he came up to the sliding glass door and peered right in at me - like when Finny stares you down!
Mits - it's a beautiful day up here!

Suzanne said...

See ya later, Norma. Would say have a good day, but you just said you're going to pay taxes, so it's not gonna be a good day. Enjoy your lunch, after!!

movin said...

A lot of people think they have to empty or remove Hummer feeders by OCT 1 back East, but according to The Audubon Soc., they will migrate instinctively when the time comes.

AND sometimes people back there will see stragglers on their feeders in the middle of Winter. A few stragglers from Western states that should have headed south instead of east have been seen (and photographed) in Winter in Eastern States.


Suzanne said...

LOL, Jo is he trying to tell you he needs the feeder filled up? For being such tiny birds, they sure aren't afraid of humans!
Bai playing with Squiggles. REAL closeup of her face.

Mema Jo said...

Norma 8 days and counting to ButaButa's First Birthday!

movin said...

Later... definitely..........


MITS said...

One of the sites Nilla gave to us the other day www.oceanpresence.com was at the U of MD site at Hornpoint in Cambridge, Maryland and 2 of its buildings burned down yesterday, destroyed its IT Dept.

Suzanne said...

Oh did Bai take Squiggles out of the den??????

Suzanne said...

Ok, everybody, Bai has been playing with Squiggles, Bai got up and just walked out of the den, and I can't see Squiggles anywhere! Can anybody????

MITS said...

She probably took Squiggles for a walk.

Mema Jo said...

Suzanne - not seeing anythng
I'll keep watching........

Mema Jo said...

Still watching........ where is

MITS said...

Don't worry, she'll bring it back:), or they will have to move the cam to where she is, she's an old pro at this mothering thing.

Mema Jo said...

All pandas accounted for at the DC Zoo!
and the Atlanta Zoo, too!

Suzanne said...

I'm not worrying about her bringing Squiggles back, but I think it's so cool that she thinks Squiggles is "big" enough to go explore the outside world with mom!!! Mits, yes, I agree, she is an awesome mother. Did you see her this morning rolling Squiggles around like a football in her paws? Way too cute!

MITS said...

Mei Xiang and Tian are resting together this a.m.

MITS said...

I missed it, Suzanne, I was on the beach in Bonnaire:).

Suzanne said...

Ah huh! I'll send ya some pics, but not the same as watching her!

Suzanne said...

Finny's also eating again! Didn't see a food drop, was watching Squiggles!

MITS said...

I'm thinking of our good friend, Sharon as the 11 o'clock hour approaches and she has to bury her beloved Mommy.:(:(:(

Suzanne said...

Man, I wish they would change the cam. Love to see what Bai is showing her baby!!!

Mema Jo said...

My thoughts and prayers are also with Sharon...... Peace be with her & her family.

Mema Jo said...

Need to break away for a few......

Come on home Squiggles!

Suzanne said...

Here they come! Bai had Squiggles in her mouth! How cute was that!!! Uh oh, mom getting comfy, must be time to eat. Baby must be hungry after all that excitement.

MITS said...

UH-OH, Tian-Tian just woke Mei Xianf up, she is not going to be a happy panda.

Suzanne said...

Mits, look at the water on the 2nd Fin cam...smooth as glass.

Suzanne said...

Almost looks like sleeping Frieda is laying in the sun, but it's 1 in the morning, there.

MITS said...

Not a ripple, Suzanne, but look at the big clouds at the marina.

MITS said...

Now that is cool, you can actually see the rain coming down from that one cloud

Suzanne said...

OH wow, that's really dark! Cool, yes you can see the rain coming down, how cool is that!

Suzanne said...

Bath time for Squiggles...

Suzanne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

I remember when LunLun took ButaButa out for the first time - Glad Mits was there to reassure us it was an ok thing!

Mema Jo said...

Suzanne I guess you are about ready to hit the road & Norma is not here to bid you farewell...... so say HI
to Gypsy for all of us and safe journey home!

Mema Jo said...

Time for me to get out of the PJ Club ... Are you going on the beach, Mits?

I'll return later (after the panda nap) lol

Suzanne said...

LOL, thanks, Jo, I'll pet Gypsy for ya. And yup, time for me to hit the road. Bai is now using Squiggles as a pillow for her jaw. Too cute. Yes, Jo, I wasn't worried about Bai bringing Squiggles back, but it was a bit of a surprise for her to roll the cub like a football, then pick her up and just walk out with her. But I'm glad Squiggls had a little adventure this morning. Seems it wore both of them out, they're totally zonked out.
All have a great eagle/panda day. Blog at everybody tomorrow.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

MITS said...

Yeppers,Jo, I usually go down around 2, so as not to get to much sun, and still putting my SPF's on, most of that stuff works too good, its hard to get a deep tan, which I know I'm not supposed to, but I like not having to put makeup on all summer:).

Bob Quinn said...

Hey all! Has anyone else had problems loading the Virtual Tour on the Blackwater site? I get a blank box.

wvgal_dana said...

No problem I just checked it out Bob. Working great....Sorry your having problems.

wvgal_dana said...


Bob try typing this in all on one line

Bob Quinn said...

Thanks! I couldn't get it to work using Internet Explorer 6 so I tried another browser (Firefox) and it worked OK with that. I figured I'd ask so I could tell Lisa if was a problem.

wvgal_dana said...

I got Internet Explorer 6 or 7 it got it. Glad you have it truly neat.

Jill said...

Seneca Cam has a new picture. Not sure if it is updating but at least we have todays picture.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Bob - I love and only use my Firefox! The virtual tour was unique that Lisa put up.
Hubby going to Cambridge tomorrow but for funeral of family - I can't travel 2 hrs straight in car yet or I would be going with a stop by the refuge! Incidentally - your last set of pics were superb! Going to do some more? Soon? lol

Bob Quinn said...

Yes Jo, I've got a set on the computer I'm working on. Not as many as last time but a good one of a heron who tried to catch a fish and ended up with it stuck on his lower beak. The BW Visitor Center (Maggie) invited me to sell photos at their Open House in October. I'm looking forward to that. Hope you are feeling better every day!

Mema Jo said...

Buta Buta is sprawled out in the center of the hammock just like her mom does at times.........

Mema Jo said...

Fruit cycle time at DC zoo - everyone has one!

Mema Jo said...

Slothbear - good view on DC zoo 2A cam I like the way he walks... lol
First I have even seen him on cam

Mema Jo said...

One lonely osprey in Dennis Puleston nest
One feeding chick in CT nest
No one home at Kent or puget Sound
Ms Owl happy at the Owl Motel

Dinner time for me.......
BBL this evening..........

MITS said...


movin said...

Good P.M., friends of eagles...

Noticed a new white object in the Kent nest...first sign of eagles being there in quite a while.

How's the day been going?

Bob, Mema Jo, I tried Firefox, because some of my relatives have been using it, but I didn't find a "full screen" feature (which a guy from Firefox later told me it is there if you look in a particular spot) and one or two other things. It is somewhat faster navigating though. Anyway, I deleted it and went back to Explorer 7.

But I might give Firefox another try, now that I have more free time. I can afford the time to try it more extensively now.


Mema Jo said...

Looks as though I missed Mits & Jim!
Watching some TV with hubby & son.

I hope that Steve gives us a current update on our cam installation soon

MITS said...

Hi, Jo, magnificent moonrise tonight

Mema Jo said...

Hello there! Moonrise over the water - bet it was breathtaking!

Mema Jo said...

I am going to try to hit the Mega Million tonight! $250 million...

MITS said...

It was spectacular tonight.

Mema Jo said...

I am assuming that I am looking at the star studded sky on the Seneca Rock cam this evening. It has the correct date and current time!

Mema Jo said...

Frieda is certainly nesting on those eggs....I have not seen her off of them at all today. Of course, I could have missed it. Don't know if Frodo is feeding her or not.

Jill said...

JO-A much as we would all like to think those are stars at Seneca it is dust. The camera is stationary and if those were stars they would be in front of the rocks. Guy that owns the cam says it is not stars but road dust on the lense. Cam sits about 15 ft off the road and 35 ft in the air.

Mema Jo said...

I just knew you were going to tell me it was Dust Bunnies!!!!!

Robyn said...

Evening all, been an eventful day here. Poor Tori took a wrong turn in her new school and eneded up in the wrong wing got stressed and had an attack this upset because she has been feeling better but she is still 504'd so she is exempt from gym. Amazing what stress can do to the body :(.

Norman to answer your question the ex and I have been divorced 4 yrs he has been living in Orgeon for 3 years :) so we don't run into one another.

I saw a female hummer this afternoon at my bird feeder. My cousin in Mississippi doesn't use the nectar, she boils water puts sugar in it then lets it cool, once cooled she adds it to the feeders, says it brings more hummers to feed.

Robyn said...

OH BTW, I sent an email a few weeks go to the Netherlnds concerning the two owls who neglected the babies and eggs and got a reply today of course the transator isn't the best, here was his reply...

Dear Robyn, Unfortunately the brood has failed this year. We suspect that this 2e the brood of the church owl has been. A kilometre further of this nest cupboard a cross-belt has brooded, where gives birth its uitgevlogen. This brood was also quite late in the year. What with 3 the boy has happened not yet knows we, aatal weeks concern and clean we the cupboard and know we more. Groeten, peter of effraction bird guard Uden

Here is the originl in Danish if someone has a better translator

Beste Robyn,
Helaas is het broedsel dit jaar mislukt. We vermoeden dat dit het 2e broedsel van de kerkuil is geweest. Een kilometer verder van deze nestkast heeft een koppel gebroed, waarbij jongen zijn uitgevlogen. Dit broedsel was ook wel erg laat in het jaar. Wat er met de 3 jongen is gebeurd weten we nog niet, over een aatal weken gaan we de kast schoonmaken en weten we meer.

Groeten, Peter van de Braak Vogelwacht Uden

Robyn said...

Norman? sorry Norma fingers decided to add an extra letter

Costume Lady said...

Too sleepy to chat.
GOOD NIGHT Mits, Jill, Robyn,Jo--and all of you.

JO--Not too late now. Sleep well.

Mema Jo said...

I hope Tori will be ok tomorrow!
It is frightening to someone her age.. hopefully mom will get her to maybe smile if not laugh about it in a day or two.
Good to hear from you - loved your letter!

Mema Jo said...

Good night, Wanda - I am headed in shortly. Long day for some reason - probably because I didn't do anything!

Costume Lady said...

Hope you have a peaceful sleep tonight. Our thoughts and prayers are still with you.

Robyn said...

She is fine now Jo, took her to see her friend today after school and they did HW together.

She met a girl in her class who invited her over one day this weekend but guess what, she owns 5 not 2 but 5 cockatiels poor Tori, she told the girl she was allergic to tiels :(, told her when we get the house ready she can have sleepovers here any weekend :)

Jill said...

Robyn, sorry for poor Tori. Tell her not to stress over it, they all do it a some time or another. Zach told me one kid thought he had passed and went to the HS only to find out he hadn't passed. Now there is something to stress over. Tell her Zach was late for school today, if that helps.

Jill said...

I checked several differnt translation sites. Best I can figure is the don't know what happened to the 3rd boy, but they will know more after cleaning the box in a couple of weeks.

Robyn said...

Jill one of her teachers last year basiclly harassed her she could be 2 steps from her seat and the late bell would ring and she would get a tardy because she wasn't sitting, I call her Mrs B and not the witch word either!

She is so afraid of being late because of that one teacher even after we discussed tori and her limitations.

movin said...

Robyn, I tried an on-line translator and got an even farther out bunch of gibberish.

I wonder if Peter used such a translator on your question ... hahahaha!


Robyn said...

Jim I used the translator and sent it in Dutch, poor guy had to decipher what I sent

movin said...


Got to go study my Dutch...


Jill said...

Well Zach and I got a lecture from the school secretary cause he was late today. Apparently, because he was late one day, he is going to be a failure at everything he does. I just asked her if Mrs. Clark had left her in charge of discipline for the day. Her answer was "No". I said "then stick to answering phones and taking messages.

movin said...

Robyn, did you ever see the old Tonight Show? They sometimes would get a line of several people, who spoke various foreign languages, and they would tell the person on one line a very funny joke in English. Then each person would translate the joke into another language as they went down the line.... Boy! You wouldn't believe what came out the other end!


movin said...

Should have been "on one end of the line..." Robyn.

MITS said...

GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE Robyn give Tori an extra big hug tomorrow, she will be ok. Will be glad when you house is all done, and she can have friends come and spend the night.

Robyn said...

Depends Jim, how far you going back ;). I wasn't allowed to stay up late on school nights

Robyn said...

I will Mits, tomorrow morning when I pick her up for school :)

movin said...

Oh yeah........
Sorry, Robyn, you probably couldn't have seen that show, and I don't know if Leno does that bit anymore. Jack Paar and Johnny Carson both did it occasionally.

Well, you can imagine what a joke would come out like if it was translated into a half dozen languages and then back into English!!


Robyn said...

I'm 43 Jim, Paar was a bit before my time, I remember Carson.

Mema Jo said...

Ok, this old night owl is closing down!

Good night everyone
Peace to you and yours
Prayers being said for all your needs

Xtra (((( hugs )))) for Tori!

Good morning Early Birds

Mema Jo said...

LOL Bai and Squiggles are really
sacked out! Night!

Robyn said...

Sweet dreams Jo, I'll give Tori extra hugs tomorrow

Robyn said...

Good Night all

morning Suzanne and Wanda

Jill said...

Just checked the Bon Aire Cam, those people are finally gone. Guess Megan went down and fixed it for me. LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Jill - have no clue what cam was stuck, but glad it's unstuck....


Suzanne said...

Good morning, eagle world. Beautiful night out, big bright moon, and crickets and locusts singing all the time! 71° at home, 74° here.
My fin baby is in the nest, all puffy and grooming, must be feeling good with himself. Bai and Squiggles are sleeping. There is one falcon on the bar in PA, Frieda or Frieda II is on the eggs, and they finally fixed the Senica Rocks cam, and Jill's "dust" is all that's showing, and a very green light on the lighthouse at Peggy's Cove. Dark elsewhere.
All have a great eagle/panda day.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Uh oh, something is aggitating Finny. Squawking and walking all around the nest. Maybe Dad is bringing lunch, it's about that time, I guess.

Suzanne said...

Whatever it was, Finny just left.

Suzanne said...

Bai is nursing Squiggles.

Suzanne said...

Finny's back, and watching something...he's very alert, but no fish with dad yet.
Squiggles still nursing.

Suzanne said...

Well, didn't see it arrive, but the Finny has a fish! I've been trying to pay attention to catch Dad, but didn't see him arrive, and didn't see Finny bring back the fish when he returned. Cam has been messing up a bit though, just my luck, that's when he got the fish. It's only refreshing the top half, then a sec later, the bottom half.
Bai sorta toppled over a while ago Squiggles still attached. Bai's sleeping now, and has Squiggles under her.

Suzanne said...

Finny finished his fish, just looking around now, and Bai is sleeping on her head, her butt is totally in the air! I've seen her do this before, she must be comfortable...

Suzanne said...

Finny's back, just watching the world go by.
Bai is nursing Squiggles again. She kinda picks her up and rolls her around like a little ball for a few seconds, then nurses her. Bai is also giving Squiggles a bath while she's nursing.
Sunrise at Peggy's Cove, beautiful. Sun's also coming up in Bonaire.

Costume Lady said...

You must not have seen anything exciting on your way in this morning---no deer---no cops.
Someone hit and killed a deer on the road going by our house. The speed limit is 30mph. How could they not have avoided hitting it at that speed?

Read a letter from Robyn last night at 10:10 about Netherland owls. At least she got a reply. I never did get a reply from Finland.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Wanda. Uneventful ride in this morning, but did see a lot of deer. Had 3 of them, one in the median, other 2 I think were getting ready to cross, but I was going slow enough. Flashed my lights, they looked at me, so toot tooted my horn, they still just looked, so turned my lights to day driving lights and drove by them slowly. Geesh, they're not paying any attention to either lights or horns now. But at least they all stayed put!
Guess I was thinking the same thing about Limuw...he was big enough that I'm sure you could see him in the road at a distance, so HELLO...slow down before you get there so you don't hit whatever it is! A deer is a lot bigger than an eagle!! I worry about the fawns now, they're getting out and about, and I hope they don't get hit! I really wonder about people sometimes!
Saw Robyn's letter, kinda got the gist of their answer...sorta...that the nest failed but they had one down the road that was successful. Not really sure, but you're right, at least she got an answer!
Our Finny is in the nest. He's been in and out, and had a fish this morning. Bai has nursed Squiggles twice that I've seen. Bai plays with her now, before nursing. Too cute!

carolinabeachmom said...


Just got my early work done so checked the blog and wanted to say "hi"!

ROBYN, sorry to her about Tori on her first day back to school. That teacher she had one year had made a very bad mark on her. That should never happened, but some years you just have to get through the class and look forward to the next year. Hope today is much better for her.

carolinabeachmom said...

SUZANNE Did you get to see Bai take Squiggles outside for a little play time yesterday? I wish i could have seen in. Before long, Squiggles will be a worldly Panda cub. :)

carolinabeachmom said...

WANDA So you collect lighthouses. Do you have one of Hatteras, or Currituck or Bodie Island,or Ocrokoke yet? They are the lighthoused around my area here in Carolina.

carolinabeachmom said...

Well the teacher acrossed the hall just came in, so I had better get moving. You all have a super day and keep your eyes and blogging on all the sights, so I can enjoy later.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Candy! Yes, I saw Squiggles for her first outing yesterday! I was thrilled. Bai was washing her, and rolling her around like a football between her paws, then out they both went. That was exciting. Think they may have been out for about 15 mins or so, I'd have to go back to the blog and find the times. I posted the sec Bai left, and the second she returned. Exciting, isn't it??? Seems to be a new game with Bai, she's been rolling Squiggles around this morning before she nurses.
Glad you could get on this morning! Our Finny was in the nest today too! In and out, but he also had a fish.

Costume Lady said...

I missed seeing Squiggles getting his first peek at the world. Also didn't see Bai playing with him like a football, but your description was great. That is why you are so important to us; you describe what we miss seeing and makes us almost feel that we saw it.

Suzanne said...

LOL, thanks, Wanda. You'll have to watch Bai next nursing time. She's a very good mommie!

Costume Lady said...

I don't collect Lighthouses; My daughter does and I got the Lighthouse for her birthday, but when I got it home and light it up and set it on my desk, I fell in love with it and decided to keep it. Daughter does have all the OBX lighthouses.

Costume Lady said...

Tell your friend that his cam is stuck--Megan didn't kick it hard enough. All we can see is STAR-DUST.

Suzanne said...

Finny has a fish, and I swear I didn't see dad bring it. I wonder if he had it hidden and it's leftovers...

Suzanne said...

Oh Wanda, you are very good!!!!

Costume Lady said...

Have you had to water your flowers yet. Our garden is still nice and wet. Flowers on the deck are in need of water. I'll have to do that soon. Do you have a veggie garden?

Costume Lady said...

Can't see Finny's fish. He has a SPLIT personality right now. LOL

Jill said...

Megan volunteered to go kick the Downtown Bon Aire cam and it was working at last check,

I will work on the Seneca cam. We thought he was away but then the camera was fixed so we thought he was back, but maybe he is away, or hasn't checked it yet this morning.

Suzanne said...

Wanda, that cam has been refreshing like that all day! Frustrating when he flaps his wings and gives you a good shot. When the screen is split, not much you can do about it.
I'm thinking there is a piece of bark in the center of the nest, and that's what I thought was a fish! So don't feel bad about not seeing his fish...I goofed, don't think he has one, it was the bark. Oh well, new glasses is next on the list...

Costume Lady said...

You are absolutely right JILL; Megan did volunteer to go to Australia. (Norma and I have brain freezes).

We use to have a TV many years ago that would quit working and Gene would kick it and it would start working again. So, if we can get someone to kick that cam, maybe it would work.LOL

Costume Lady said...

Time to fix breakfast.

floralgirl said...

If only I had landed on that Bonaire Beach...instead I woke up in the real world:( Hello all- hope evryone is doing ok. Have had phone problems for the past 2 days, finally fixed.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Jill. Morning, Megan. Glad you got your phone problems fixed! They only break when you really need them! If you land in Bonaire, don't forget to waive to us!
Jill, brought up the Seneca cam this morning, and saw the date and time, so just closed it again. Not refreshing.

Finny in nest, Bai and Squiggles sleeping. Looks like a beautiful day in Bonaire and Peggys Cove. Owl in hotel, he's been in and out.

I sent an email to Eaglet Momsters group. I received it this morning from Defenders of Wildlife. Pertains to public comments for continued protection of the Bald Eagle. Appreciate any endoresment you guys can give. Thanks!

Suzanne said...

They have moved the Fin cam yet again, it looks like. Finny is getting even closer! I'm afraid he's gonna do a poop shoot right on my desk!!

Suzanne said...

Finny's getting all excited about something. Bai is nursing Squiggles, but didn't see Bai pick her up.

floralgirl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

Good Morning! Beautiful weather out there today! Wish Steve would give us an update on the cam when the new thread is put up.
Checking out the cams...

Mema Jo said...

Megan where is the Entler Hotel? I don't think I could come over but I do know of 2 businesses that I hope will be represented at the meeting.

Mema Jo said...


Costume Lady said...

OK--Bon Aire is in the Netherlands? Brisbane is in Australia? The Capt. would be ashamed of me for not knowing that. Geography is not my strongest suit.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNIN' EAGLE BUDDIES!!---It's a BEAUTIFUL DAY IN WV---(cloudy--maybe rain)---I saw my FINNY this a.m.---So I am starting my day with a smile---ho!---I have a busy day---hope I can catch up this afternoon---Wishing you all a GREAT DAY--ENJOY!!!----SUZANNE--SAFE TRIP HOME & LOVE & KISSES TO "G" & FRIENDS!!----LATER--

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...