Thursday, August 23, 2007


New thread.


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Bob Quinn said...

Good morning all!

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Bob for brining us over and thank you Steven for new thread. Can't wait to hear Bedington or Shepherdstown which the Deputy Chief of Bedington I spoke to last night. Steven I emailed you his phone number. Either way Fire Department ladder/bucket truck will be helping NCTC !! ( :

floralgirl said...

Good morning:) Looking for the sun. Hello, Bob, thanks for sharing your BW pictures with us last night. They are beautiful, as usual.

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne and everyone have you checked out the 8 cams on Peggy's Cove site. Down on the right says "More Cams" click on the one for Halifax Nova Scotia. Wow beautiful!!!! On the 3rd cam is a beautiful tourist cruise ship.

wvgal_dana said...

Today in port they are expecting the Carnival Victory one of the Carnival Cruise ships. Passengers 3,340 wow.

Suzanne said...

Wow, thanks for the new thread, Steven.
Thanks for the heads up, Bob! Love your pics, by the way.
Cool cams, Dana. Check out Bonaire, heck of a rain storm! Pitch black almost!

Bob Quinn said...

I was talking with a co-worker yesterday who lives in Sheperdstown. She said she was driving down a back road lined with trees on both sides when a huge owl swooped down and flew down the road in front of her. She said it was awesome.

paula eagleholic said...

Ooohh, see what I missed last pics....will have to go investigate.....

Morning, all!

Suzanne said...

Uh oh, Good morning, Megan, and good morning, Bob. Just jumped right in here, how rude of me.
Megan, I'm with ya, those chairs sure look nice. Have you watched this guy wind surfing? He had a time getting the sail on, but then off he went. Guess he's been gone about a half hour.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Paula.
Bob, she must have been driving in the dark. I've had them too, come to work in the dark. Scared me to death, though, they just come out of nowhere, and they're huge!

floralgirl said...

Hi Suzanne, Dana and Paula. Saw him, Suzanne, and someone just sat in my beach chair, but there are still several available.

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Bob, Paula, Megan and Lurkers.

I'm having fun watching these 8 new cams I found on Peggy's Cove site. Suzanne one of the one's say watch it at night time too. Bet harbor is all lite up.

Suzanne said...

Well, Megan, you'll just have to tell that guy to get up, you wanted to sit down! That guy in the green shirt is having a time. I'm guessing this may be his first or second time, but he's having a good time, so who cares! Doesn't it just look too comfy there!??!
Dana, I'll be there are some pretty views at night, there.

Suzanne said...

Uh oh, looks like the storm is over on cam 3, but getting ready to hit cam's really getting dark!

Suzanne said...

Frieda is becomming visible...

floralgirl said...

Yeah, I could really use a beach vacation, couldn't we all. They look like they are having fun.

wvgal_dana said...

Darn can't find my wind surfing cam what do I have it under lol..???

wvgal_dana said...

Got it oh boy

Suzanne said...

My Fin baby is back...
Bai is totallly conked out, think she has Squiggles in her paws.

wvgal_dana said...

I'd just be happy sitting on a bench watching all the people walking by and listening to the waves and seagulls. ahhhhhhhhhhhhh

floralgirl said...

Exactly what I'm thinking, Dana:)

Suzanne said...

Think we missed the divers. If you look at the thumbnail, he's there, but he's not on cam.

Bob Quinn said...

Suzanne - Stepped away for a meeting for a minute. Yes, she was driving in the dark and the owl startled her. She thinks owls are scary, nasty creatures so I sent her this link:

Cute Owls

Suzanne said...

Wow, gazillions of fish!

Suzanne said...

Here comes the diver, top of screen.

Suzanne said...

Well, never mind, he's gone...

Mema Jo said...

I love owls! Little bit of Night Owl in my makeup!

Good Morning Everyone
Where is my sunshine?

Suzanne said...

Ah, Bob, they are adorable! I think they're very pretty, but they are huge when you're driving at night, and then all of a sudden they appear, then they're gone again just as fast! Gets the ol' ticket going for a minute!

Suzanne said...

Finny has another mini whale!

Suzanne said...

Morning, MemaJO! How are ya today? We're all watching the windsurfers on beach.
And Finny, of course...he's brought in another whale of a fish, and using his wings to help get a grip!
Bai is nursing.

Suzanne said...

Wow, those owl pics are awesome. Jo, you should check out Bob's link, too cute.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Suzanne! Got yours and Jim's pics of Finny. Thanks. Feeling pretty perky today with no place to go lol
My one cat loves to sit in the rain puddles out on the picnic table and the other one doesn't even like to get him feet wet! Go figure!

Need to put out an Alarm for
NILLA. It has been too long! Anyone see any communications from her recently?

Mema Jo said...

I did check out that family of owls that Bob posted. Our Ms Owl is still staying at the motel.

Suzanne said...

Bob, your pics from yesterday are georgous! Love all your wildlife photography, you are very good!

Suzanne said...

Oh, look at the fog or rain at the beach now! Spooky looking view!

Suzanne said...


Suzanne said...

Finny is falling asleep standing up. He's eaten himself into a stupor!
Gazillions of fish on cam now.

Bob Quinn said...

I'm jealous. I can't view any cams at work. The federal government actually expects us to get things done during the day!

Suzanne said...

Uh oh, Bob, shhhhhhhhhhh

Jill said...

Haven't seen or heard anything from Nilla. I believe it was early last week maybe midweek. Not sure. Last I heard everything was okay with her.

Jill said...

Forgot, there was a power outage here, may have affected her house but not her work. NILLA?????????

Mema Jo said...

Guess who is "Up the Tree"?

No not the bucket guy -

Our Tai!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning MemaJo and Jill....

Bob I wouldn't think they would mine you taking some R & R on cams. lol

floralgirl said...

Hello JO:) How are you feeling? Hi Jill:)

paula eagleholic said...

Megan - I can't believe you want sun! Is the garden too muddy now?

I know I do!

Suzanne said...

Hi Jill, hi, Paula.
Just lost Bai and Squiggles, anybody else getting them?

Jill said...

just checked the Seneca Rocks cam, they have sun. I have asked that they send some this way.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNIN' EAGLE BUDDIES!!---BOB (favorite photographer)--DANA---MEGAN--SUZANNE---PAULA & MEMA JO---It's a grey a.m. in WV--temp 68°--expected to warm up this afternoon!!!----I had a busy day yesterday--then I couldn't log on -----Doing fine this a.m.---but I have to sign on a "few" times---BOB---I so ENJOY your pics---LOVED THE OWLS!!!---Who wouldn't love those faces??---I understand DANA is getting our new "cam" up---You GO GIRL!!!---Just read MEGAN will have to learn JAPANESE--COOL--SUZANNE is keeping us updated on all IMPORTANT happenings!!!---JO is feeling "TOO PERKY" this a.m.---KIDDING' JO!!---GREAT your feeling better!! FINNY is still SQUAKING ABOUT HIS "ROOM SERVICE"!!---ho!!--PAULA checked in--but took off to check BOB'S PICS!!----LIFE IS GOOD!!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Norma - Hubby is headed to Romney this am with 2 of our children. Hopefully they will brighten up Dad's day. And hopefully in a few weeks I will be coming along. Car rides still have too many bumps for me to be comfortable......... But I will get there!

Mema Jo said...

Megan - how was the 1st real day of school?

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' JILL!!!---What's the SENECA ROCKS SITE!!!---Didn't know they had a cam?---COOL!!!!----How's JOEY like school????

floralgirl said...

Well, Paula, that's a gardener for you, we always would like to control the weather. The problem is, I now need some sun to open some flowers for the weekend. So many cloudy days in a row, things are not popping open. Hello Norma, NO, there is no way I will learn Japanese, but I'm quite sure my daughter will be fluent in it.

Suzanne said...

Finny just left, poof, gone. The whole time he was standing there, he kept his foot on his fish. Didn't eat it, just wanted to make sure nobody else took it. Then poof, he's gone, and wouldn't ya know, so is the fish! Heaven forbid someone may come and take a bite!!!

MITS said...


normabyrd said...

MEMA JO!!---That's GREAT---Your husband must have approved of the place----I never notice the "bumps"---BUT IT IS CERTAINLY IS A "CURVY" ROAD!!!!!---Bet HELEN would be "sea sick" after that ride--ho!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Mits!

MITS said...

Too bad we weren't watching the Bonnaire cam about 10 days ago, when Hurricane Dean was nearby, kept forgetting to tune into it.

floralgirl said...

First day of school went very well! "Best ever"

Suzanne said...

Morning, Mits!
It was raining there this morning, got totally dark!

MITS said...

LOL...I can get car sick, Norma, but love being on the sea. Jo, Tai has been up the tree alot lately. It would be nice if the zoo updated the panda page. Hasn't had an update since the big guys' bithday.

MITS said...


Suzanne said...

Looks like one may be taking pics.

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---FINNY will probably check for finger-prints!!!--ho!--My favorite "selfish" OSPREY CHICK!!!---HE'S A TRIP!!!---Now must check our "BRAVE LITTLE PRINCE"---LOVE HIM TOO!!----WOW!---I seem to be lovin' every one today!!---We receive such JOY from all these "kids"!!!!!

MITS said...

This is the first time I have seen them, your right Suzanne, those fishes really dissappear when the divers are around.

MITS said...

Norma, you are a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day:):):)

normabyrd said...

The "LITTLE PRINCE" is sitting in a "pile" of BAMBOO!!---He probably thinks he is in HEAVEN!!!

Mauley said...

Hey Ya Good Friends, Hi to Suzanne, Bob (loved the pics from yesterday) and I love OWLS, so I will take a peek at those too. Hi Megan, Paula, Dana, (dana - Im'm thinking beach - too) Morming Mema Jo, you sure do sound spry today. Hi Norma Byrd, did you sleep laate? You usually don;t do you. Ditton on Nilla, Jo. Hope you all are having a good day. Been praying for our own Bird Girl today. Anyone heard from her today. God Bless You all. donna

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Mits and Normabyrd

I've been enjoying the cams today too.

Mauley said...

Good Morning Dear Mits, have you started count down for new baby yet? donna

Jill said...

Hey Norma, Joey is doing fine. Doesn't like Shepherd but he will survive. I think sometimes he just says it to irritate me. Spent almost every weekend down there over the summer. (Guess he thought I wouldn't remember)

Did you see my post about the eagle being seen in Grant County?
Not the greatest camera but serves it's purpose.

Mauley said...

Norma has always been a breath of fresh air for me, too. Thank you Norma. donna

Mauley said...

Jill, I didn't see post about eagle in Grant Co Is that the link? thanks donna

MITS said...

Yes, Donna, we are anxiously waiting for baby #2. Doctor is covering his butt this time since Maggie was so early, says anytime between the 18th of Sept to the 5th of Oct. Way to go, Doc. Anyhow doesn't matter, just praying for healthy baby boy or girl:), and that our Annie is ok:).

Mauley said...

Jill, I cut and pasted the address and all I saw was what I thought was a bunch of bugs on a rock AND IT WAS REAL PEOPLE ON A GIGANTIC ROCK. Made me laugh at myself, donna

MITS said...

Didn't work for me, Jill:(

Mauley said...

You said it all Mits, I know that Maggie will love her or him. Have they talked about names? Is annie feeling okay. Do you keep her a lot. This is a book and this is your chapter. LOL. donna

MITS said...

playing in Atlanta

Mauley said...

BBL have a blessed one, gotta read some essays. donna

floralgirl said...

Hi Mits and Mauley:) Link worked for me, but dial up is so slow and I already have too many screens open.

Jill said...

No, I was telling Norma that a friend of mine saw an eagle flying near the Potomac some where between Seneca and Petersburg.

MITS-try and click on the camera link. That should work

MITS said...

No Donna, don't get to see her much, even when I am home in Bethesda, she goes to day-care, and they are busy on weekends, but this Grandma needs to be a little more pushy, she only lives 5 mins from the other granparents.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Mauley. Norma, you do sound very up today, such a ray of sunshine! Course you always are, just a bit brighter today.
Raining in Bonaire again, but not as dark as it was this morning.
Yeah, Norma, we're gonna have to get Finny a fingerprint kit! Selfish little bugger!
Looks like it might have stopped raining on Frieda, but she looks uncomfortable, bless her heart.
Mits, glad you got to see the divers. There is one guy that always comes up to the cam and waives!
Lots of people at Peggy's Cove today!
Finny still out and about, and got my SD cam back, but Mai Sheng was on there eating bamboo, now she's climbing a tree.

Mema Jo said...

My little Hummer just came by to visit and say hello! Love that little tiny critter!

normabyrd said...

AREN'T YOU "SWEET" HELEN!!---Did you go to the ZOO yesterday??---I bet TAI misses you!!---You are correct!!!---They haven't given us any updates on "OUR LITTLE PRINCE" for a while!!!---

paula eagleholic said...

Mits - I didn't notice anything unusual at the bonaire webcam over the past couple of days when the hurricane was coming through

MITS said...

No, Donna, I'm at the beach til after Labor Day...Paula, this would have been about 10 days ago when it was passing the Antilles. They did not get a direct hit.

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---I need to to check on the COVE site---I have watched several times & I have never SEEN a diver!!!----Haven't checked on the "ATLANTA BEAUTY" this a.m.---Hope she's awake!!!

Suzanne said...

Norma, divers are there a couple times a day. This morning it looked like one was taking pictures, and another one was taking samples of the coral. The one guy always comes up to the cam and waives, then he waives bye bye when he leaves. Too cute. Hope he knows he's waiving to the world!

Suzanne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MITS said...

Somehow, I thought it was a no-no to touch the coral. The UV index there today is 10+ and the heat index will be 105.

Suzanne said...

Love the Finland nest as the sun is setting on it! It's beautiful.
So did I, Mits, since coral is becoming endangered with all the water pollution!

normabyrd said...

JO---I logged on & LUN LUN was walking in circles & this "LITTLE BLACK & WHITE ROCKET" shot out of there---turned a somersault!!--POW!--The chase was on---They are so funny!!-----

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

NO SUZANNE!!!---He knows what time you are usually watching & he is WAVING TO YOU!!----Tell him to keep his hands off the coral!!!--ho!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, they changed the view on the windsurfing cam...I like it!

Costume Lady said...

I was up at 4 o'clock this morning. My mind was scrolling like computer mouse was attached to my brain. I got up and fooled with some projects on the PC and chatted with Suz a bit---got some coffee and went back to bed. Feel like a million now.

Guess what? Tomorrow is FRIDAY!
Have a safe trip home.

normabyrd said...

OSPREY CHICK in CT NEST----MANTLING something---can't see what he is hiding!!!!---I enjoy watching this site!!!!

MITS said...

Talk to you tomorrow, Suzanne

normabyrd said...

FINNY is in the nest eating----The SUN RAYS are AWESOME!!!

Mema Jo said...

Maybe on Frieda's cam that is a Falcon Spirit watching over her....

Suzanne said...

Time for me to hit the road. All have a great eagle/panda day. Bai is back, but as usual, she's in the prone position sound asleep! Poor Frieda looks wet, as does the cam, still. Norma, I always waive back! LOL, Wanda, good to see you back! Mits, everybody blog at ya tomorrow. Love watching Finny, see ya tomorrow, little guy!
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly! Oh yea, FRIDAY tomorrow! YEAH

normabyrd said...

GOOD NOON-TIME WANDA!!!!---I'm glad you got caught up on your sleep-----I can't go back to bed in the a.m.--I will feel lousy---But in the afternoon--LOVE TO NAP!!---Hasn't this weather been perfect for that too!!---

Mema Jo said...

One or two of the otters at DC are swimming around

Otter Cam

floralgirl said...

Alright, Wanda, are you still in your pj's?

paula eagleholic said...

Mits, You're right, it passed by Bonaire last Saturday....I didn't notice anything unusual, I think they are too far south...the island is right north of Venezula, to the east of Aruba. I was looking because I was wondering if it had any affect on the islands....

normabyrd said...

JILL---I just checked the SENECA ROCKS SITE---WOW!---Things have improved since I have been there---
10° warmer there too!!

EAGLE MOMSTERS---This are is in CAROL'S beautiful county & close to where JILL grew up!!----

normabyrd said...

MEGAN!!---Are you in your pjs too!!!---ho!---You aren't used to having a day when you don't have to water or hoe in the "boiling weather"---It's your time to RELAX!!!

floralgirl said...

Nope, got dressed at 7 am, Norma. Already been outside for a while, but you are right, I wasn't watering. Think it will be warm again here tomorrow and Sat. looks hot. I'm working inside right now, scheduling pumpkin patch field trips:)

Mema Jo said...

Megan - We are going to have
Puny Pumpkins this year per Mauley

floralgirl said...

Yep, you are right about that, Jo.

paula eagleholic said...

Well, I am out of here shortly for a meeting then to the Dr. - Darn toenail (the one that got smashed last year) is now ingrown - ouch! Gotta go get it taken care of...later!

MITS said...

Everything looks fine at the islands, bet it is really cheap to go there this time of year, might have to look into that, also look into the travel insurance in case a storm comes up. Ouch, Paula:(.

Mema Jo said...

Do you need to borrow the cane, Paula. Let me know?

movin said...

Good Morning (again), everybody...

I was up very, very early with Suzanne, then back to sleep, and then, and then.....

I think I was up and down a couple too many times, but probably this is the real thing.

I want to say that Bob's photos are super good this week too. Really great photography.

OK, now I can get my coffee and get back to the interesting, new educational world of nestcams.



normabyrd said...

OH MEGAN!!---Forgot about those Pumpkin Patch Trips---My Grand-kids went on those every year when they lived in Harpers Ferry & Shepherdstown---I have GREAT PICS from those trips!!!!---About age 2 through 10----Thanks for reminding me---I had almost forgotten!!

normabyrd said...

WELCOME BACK to EAGLE WORLD JIM!!!-----Hope you are having SEATTLE'S BEST in your cup!!---(don't yell)--

Mema Jo said...

Maybe the local momsters could schedule a corn maze/pumpkin patch trip this fall! With Megan as our guide, of course.

Carol_in_WV said...

Hey Jill, thanks for telling me about the Seneca Rocks webcam. I didn't know they had one. For those of you who don't know, Seneca Rocks is a famous rock climbing destination in this part of the mid-Atlantic States. It's about 10 or 12 miles from where I work. I know some rock climbers and think that they are totally crazy for doing what they do! This area is also well-known for its caves. I also know some spelunkers and think that they are totally crazy for what they do! But - "to each his own" - as they say.

Donna - thanks for your kind words about cats and dogs. Several homeless creatures have also made their way to me over the years (or the other way around). I am glad that my living situation at the time made it possible to share my home and my time with them. My dog, a full-bred Norweigian Elkhound, came from a shelter. The night before I went to the shelter to check him out, I dreamed of him sleeping on my bed with me (which he does - in the same spot as in my dream!). When I went to the shelter, I looked at him in his cage and he quietly and intently looked at me. Then I walked away to ask if I could take him out for a walk on a leash. He immediately started barking, as if to say "Don't leave me - I'm yours". And in my heart he was "mine" and I was his the moment I first looked at him. It was meant to be! I love him dearly. Altho my religious beliefs are not the same as yours, my feelings are similar - we must take care of the other creatures that we share this reality with. They are our brothers and sisters on this journey.

Mema Jo said...

From everything I can see, I am being told that it is Panda Nap time


normabyrd said...

Last night on PBS (WV)---I watched a VERY INTERESTING program about the "EMPEROR PENQUINS"----They are the tallest & largest of all penguins----They are the only penguin that breeds during the ANTARCTIC WINTER!!!--They have the golden circular strips on their body!! They are very social, they nest, hunt food, etc. in groups!!!--They can dive 490 to 820 ft. & live to be 20 to 40 years---They are endangered with the global warming---The icebergs are breaking up, making the ice too uneven for them----to climb over to reach the ocean-----Look for it in your area!!

movin said...

I don't think anyone has mentioned gas prices lately...THEY'VE DROPPED TO THE LOW $2.50's at ARCO stations in So Cal(do you have ARCO back east? They don't do credit cards, so the price is lower.).


normabyrd said...

GREAT TO HEAR FROM YOU CAROL!!!!---I told JILL---The SENECA ROCKS area has certainly changed since I was there last!!!---Remembered the name YOKUM MOTEL!---We used to go through there to get to POTOMAC STATE----(Too Many Moons ago)-ho!

Carol_in_WV said...

Hi, Norma. The whole area from Seneca Rocks north to Petersburg (Rt 55) has really changed in the past several years. There are so many rental cabins and new homes along the road that it looks like a different place!

Jill said...

Norma-next time you see the good Dr. ask him if I could see the eagles from my dad's old house or Cookmans old house across the street. It's on the Point which would be across from the area he mentioned to you. My friend spotted one somewhere around Cabins. Havent' been in touch with him to find out where exactly.

wvgal_dana said...

Anne still can't get into blog.

Hi Carol, Mits, Norma, Paula, MemaJo, Jill, earlier Bob, and everyone.

Later Suzanne.......

Costume Lady said...

The price of gas here fluctuates so much that I never know the real price at any one time. I think it is 2.75gal. right now. 2 weeks ago it was 2.79 here the day we left for our trip to Va. Beach and it was only 2.41 at the beach. We really do get gouged in Martinsburg and Shepherdstown.

wvgal_dana said...

Gas is 2.659 most places in Martinsburg.

wvgal_dana said...

This is long...
Panda Gives Surprise Birth in Austria
By VERONIKA OLEKSYN, Associated Press Writer
1 hour ago

VIENNA, Austria - A giant panda on loan from China gave her Austrian zookeepers a surprise Thursday: the first panda cub born in Europe in 25 years.

Caretakers at the Schoenbrunn Zoo detected the cub on a surveillance camera after hearing little squeals coming from an enclosed compound where the mother, Yang Yang, had retreated. Zookeepers had not been certain Yang Yang was pregnant.

A photograph released by the zoo showed Yang Yang, a first-time mother, holding the tiny creature in her mouth and looking up toward the camera.

Zookeepers estimated the cub weighs 3.5 ounces and measures 3.9 inches.

"'Yang Yang' means sunshine, and that's what she is," zoo director Dagmar Schratter told reporters with a broad smile outside the panda enclosure.

The last time pandas were born in Europe was in Madrid in 1982, the zoo said on its Web site. A panda gave birth to twin cubs through artificial insemination.

Mother and cub will remain in the enclosed area for the next two to three months. The cub, whose name will be picked by the Chinese, will likely start crawling in about four months and will probably make its public debut around that time, Schratter said.

The cub was born 127 days after Yang Yang mated with the male panda Long Hui, the zoo said. The two pandas are in Austria on loan from China.

Schratter said an Aug. 6 ultrasound had not shown any signs of the pregnancy but caretakers became suspicious a few days ago when 7-year-old Yang Yang started taking material into the area where she delivered her cub Thursday. She had done so before, however, without giving birth.

Schratter said the pregnancy occurred naturally. Female pandas often are artificially inseminated after they mate to raise the chances of a pregnancy, said Regina Pfistermueller, a zoologist who co-wrote a book about pandas with Schratter.

wvgal_dana said...

Found that on my comcast news. It does show her looking up with the panda cub in her mouth.

Jill said...

Carol, everything changed up there after the flood. A lot of the old cabin owners sold out and land was purchased by those building rental cabins. Not the same place. I use have a favorite rock I would go sit on up the river from the bridge. Now your lucky to find a spot to sit anywhere without somebody griping.

wvgal_dana said...

Steven sent me a note back saying "we're working" so he must have made a connection with the fire department.

movin said...

Gas prices have been falling steadily for weeks here...hope it continues until it reaches the vicinity of $2.00/gal.


wvgal_dana said...

That sounds good to me Jim

movin said...

We also have areas where the gas prices are higher...obvious ones are in tourist areas where they have to make their living during the season, but the farther the distributors have to transport it, the more the cost, which is passed on to the consumers.


movin said...

Looks very wet in Frieda's nest area. Has anyone seen the eggs today? How many?


wvgal_dana said...

Jim Frieda is in better shape now looks like the rains may have stop. I don't think she has been off the eggs today.

paula eagleholic said...

Norma - Have you seen March of the Penguins? I highly recommend it.

Jo - Don't think I need the cane! All feels pretty good, so far! Still a little numb. The Dr. just took off part of the toenail - should just be a little sore for a couple of days!

Going to go check the cams real quick...everyone coming home for dinner tonight!

paula eagleholic said...

Frieda looks wet



SC - still black screen

WE - no video

Finland = not working or dark

Fish at Bonaire

People relaxing at the windsurf cam

Kent, Puget and swallows are MT

Owl is sleeping

People at Peggy's cove

Boats in the harbor at Halifax

That's all, guess I'll go work on dinner...Later!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks, Paula. The camera at Frodocam has condensation or something on the lens.. Been like that for couple days with the rain. I have NOT seen her off the eggs (2) today. I've been trying to catch a glimpse - but no luck yet.

Enjoy your family this evening!

Mema Jo said...

Forecast is for HOT and Muggy tomorrow... I wish it would stay in the high 70's the rest of summer.
I had a great 2 hr Panda Nap this afternoon and I feel great! Dinner time now -
Lots of panda news around the world - And ButaButa will be 1 yr old soon!
Time does go right on and on and on..
Time waits for no one is what they say.

I keep trying to put up our Cam - just thinking I might get a pic! I am sure Steve will keep us posted

MITS said...

THIS IS PART OF SAN DIEGO'S UPDATE TODAY ON THE 1ST EXAM.....During the brief exam, the vets checked the cub for any abnormalities and collected measurements such as weight, length, and girth (boy, does that little cub have a round belly!). They reported that the cub is very healthy and that the heart and lungs sounded good. It weighed in at 23.5 ounces (666 grams) and is already 11.4 inches (29 centimeters) long from nose to tail. These measurements are comparable to those collected on its siblings at this age. During the exam the cub was quite vigorous, letting out a few loud squawks. The vets were still not able to determine the sex quite yet. Historically, they are able to confirm the sex of a new panda cub after the second vet exam. So we’ll all have to wait just a little bit longer to find out if it’s a boy or a girl. Personally I’m just happy to see that it’s so healthy.

The rest can be found on their panda Blogs

MITS said...

Cub is all by itself now.

Mema Jo said...

It has been soooo dark in the den of Bai and Squiggles. Half the time I can't make out what I am seeing.

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy all. Kids and grandkid gone. BTW, I found out next week whether the second grandbaby is a boy or a girl!

Had marinated chicken breast on the grill, scalloped taters and corn. Yum!

How is everyone?

Anne-Marie said...

Hi everybody. Its hot!!!!! I'm so glad I'm inside. I'm waiting for Friday. Now to find something for dinner that I wont have to cook.

paula eagleholic said...

Jim - Hard to believe your gas prices in CA are cheaper than here. We are at $2.65.

Anne-Marie said...

Jim I'm $2.64 if I look hard for it.

paula eagleholic said...

Heidi - I do BLT's or salad or pasta salad when it's that hot.

Cool, didn't know they got to examine our little wiggler today!

Anne-Marie said...

I grabbed some left over cold chicken . I know I should eat but yuck its hot. When I cam in the front door it said 107. No breeze from the delta either.

paula eagleholic said...

WOW - 107° - Now that's HOT!!

MITS said...

Paula guess your nickname for the panda that you called him/her last night was right on....Chublet:)...little porker

paula eagleholic said...

Frieda looks like she is drying out - Yay!

paula eagleholic said...

Yuppers! Mama's milk is doing its wonders!

paula eagleholic said...

Can't believe it is 11" long already.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Gals, I guess our heat index will be up tomorrow. I have been trying all evening to keep an eye on Frieda as to what is under her - but she has not budged! I am almost tempted to say that maybe it is Frodo - I forget how we used to be able to tell them apart - if in fact we ever did.

MITS said...

GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE Sun might make an apperance here tomorrow, feel sorry for the vacationers this week, not a very good beach week

MITS said...

That why we see the tail disappearing, it is growning into it.

Anne-Marie said...

Paula its nasty. I had to put a blanket down on my car seat because it was too hot to sit on it to drive home. It will last about another two weeks and then it will be beautiful.
I cant get over Bobs photos. He is such a talent. He cant get the cams and I cant get the blog. I wish these company's would gt their acts together. I got more done at work with access to the blog because it gave me a break and kept the interest up. Now its hard to get through the day.

Anne-Marie said...

BBl. have company..

paula eagleholic said...

Jo - I think one of them, Frodo, had a "sleeker" look. His feathers seemed more in place.

Mema Jo said...

Well, I wish she would go find some lunch and let us see if there are still only 2 eggs. John did update the gallery (I don't care for the format) on the home page.

Night, Mits. CU Later Anne.
I am about ready to call it a day!

paula eagleholic said...

I checked out the galleries - seems like the first egg was laid on the 18th, not the 19th

Mema Jo said...

I can't remember last year if it were 3 or 4 she laid......

paula eagleholic said...

She had 3, Jo.

Mema Jo said...

This is not good news on health:
...People who spend more pre-bedtime hours using the Internet or watching television are more likely to report that they don’t get enough sleep, even though they sleep almost as long as people who spend fewer pre-bedtime hours in front of a computer or television screen, survey findings show. Guess I better read a book lol

glo said...

There are now 3 eggs under Freida.

Good Night everyone.

Mema Jo said...

Glo Did you get the pic? Guess I'll go look on your forum... Good Night

Mema Jo said...

Yepper! Glo got the pic!
They are a pretty pink threesome!

Frieda's Third Egg

paula eagleholic said...

LOl - I didn't get enough sleep last night because I was up late reading!!

paula eagleholic said...

Good night, all!

Morning, Suz

Costume Lady said...

WELl JO--Guess it is our turn.

Get ready for a return of the hot weather tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

Well it is that time - Wonder where Wanda, the early bird is tonight? Since I might get out of here before she catches me .. I best be on the run..........

Good Night Everyone
Peace to you and yours
Prayers being said for all your needs

Good FRIDAY morning Suzanne and all you other early coffee drinkers

Mema Jo said...

DUH !!!! I didn't make it!

Good Night my special keeper!

((((( HUGS )))))

floralgirl said...

Alright then, I'm shutting this place down for the night. Unless Jim sneaks back in here...

movin said...

Frieda came through with 3 eggs again!!

Beautiful egg, Glo, Mema Jo, but just one question: Which egg is the third one???

I've been busy doing dumb stuff ... like mailing forms in, buying some glue and small tools, and then grocery shopping ... now, I'm all tired and sweaty (sniff, sniff). This retired thing ain't as easy as it looked like it would be....

Any word on whether the NCTC equipment got lifted into the tree yet?

Come on, everybody can't go to bed yet... I just got on!!

Hey, what do you mean by that, Floral Girl??


movin said...

Mema Jo,
I suspect the health report relating to TV and Computer is due to poor posture, plus the additional eye strain.

I know that in spite of the correct way of sitting before the computer being taught to us many times at work, I find myself sitting at odd angles and distances, AND I fail to do the periodic stretching and breathing exercises. So, guess what, I get more tired than I should, just from playing on the computer.

I guess you could listen to tapes of some good books, and save the eyes for the baby Pandas on the INet.


floralgirl said...

Aha! I knew Jim would sneak in here when I wasn't looking. Hope retirement isn't wearing you out too much:) I can not seem to get to sleep.

movin said...

Paula, I looked at the pic of the first egg Frieda layed (taken by the girl in the UK), and it was close to 10:30 pm on 8/18, which would make it like 8:00 am in Cal. on the same day (I think!).

But before checking the girls pic, I was thinking Frieda laid the 1st one the morning of the 19th, the 2nd on the morning of the 21st, and now the 3rd on the morning of the 24th... gaps of 2 days and 3 days, which is "about normal" for Peregrines and for Frieda.


floralgirl said...

I myself am thinking of doing a study on people who conduct studies on why people can't sleep. Fascinating stuff, I'm sure.

movin said...

Hi, Megan,
Yup, I did indeed sneak in right behind your "shut down."

I've had the "can't get to sleep, can't go to work" thing many times.

You won't believe what I solved it with when I was working nights... and I still use it....

It's just an over-the-counter sleep aid (SavOn in this case). Says it is "doxylamine succinate" and you can take 1 or 2 tablets. But the first time I took it, I used 1 tablet...slept half the next day and wasn't very alert for the other half of the day. So I reduced it radically until I'm taking maybe 1/16th of a tablet (maybe less) with some milk, wait a few minutes, and it works like a champ. You would have to find your own dosage, but it would probably work for you too.


floralgirl said...

Interesting, Jim, I'll have to check it out. I guess I was thinking about too many things to go to sleep. I did lay down,but was wide awake. Sometimes your body wants to sleep and your mind just won't stop for a few hours. Of course it didn't help that Pepe le pew must have walked right by my open window. what a scent, I have a very sensitive nose.

movin said...

Well, Megan, your nose doesn't need to be TOO sensitive to smell Pepe ... totally gross, and then of course your Collie mix that just couldn't leave poor Pepe alone has to charge in to the house and maybe jump on everyone in sight. That's what mine did, and, of course, I was elected to give this behemoth, who hated baths, his total dousing.

That happened more than once where I grew up.


floralgirl said...

Alright, now I'm really out of here, you're on your own, Jim. Goodnight:)

floralgirl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
floralgirl said...

Oh, yuck, can't imagine having to get that scent off a dog. Guess you had to use tomato juice as they say to do. Funny thing is, I'm the only one in the house that smells it, they are like,huh? I don't smell anything. Talk to you later.

movin said...

Good luck with the sleep, Megan...

At least try a couple of soda crackers and some milk.


movin said...



Suzanne said...

Good morning, eagle world. Running late this morning...sat at McDonalds at Tyson's Corner for 15 minutes this morning! Geesh. Couldn't back out, and 2 cars in front of me, place sure was busy at 3:45 this morning! So anyway, made it to Friday in any case. And Norma, 3 cop cars had a guy pulled over this morning on Rt 7, they were searching his car, and had a tow truck ready to impound it. Along the same stretch of road the last car was being searched...and shortly before the guy was driving on the wrong side of the road. So you're probably right, searching for drugs or something. Seems to be a good search area...
Finny is not home, but the sun is out for once. Bai is sleeping, don't see Squiggles, falcon ledge MT, Lisa has posted Bob's photos, and Frieda is on her 3 eggs. She sure looks a whole lot better than she did yesterday, rain must have stopped. Note on the site said she had 3 eggs, but don't know when #3 was laid, I'm guessing maybe yesterday? You guys probably already know that anyway, I'll go back and read the blogs.
All have a great eagle/panda day.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Bai just left her den, so Squiggles is alone. Somebody wake up the cam operator!!! He's not even looking for Squiggles, so can't see her/him.

Suzanne said...

Well, dang, Bai just came back and is gonna nurse Squiggles, and the cam never moved! Darn cam operator is still asleep!

Suzanne said...

Bai and Squiggles are sleeping, and Squiggles is o the ground, you can see her/him clearly. Too cute.

Suzanne said...

Finny just arrived!

Costume Lady said...

Don't you just wish you could get a report on what the police were doing searching those vehicles and what they found? I often see scenes like that when we travel and of course, by the time the newspaper comes out in that area to tell what was going on, we are in another state.

Suzanne said...

Squiggles is squiggling and trying to move...oh, she is moving. Bai moved her arm, could see Squiggles, now Bai hugged her and picked her up...more hugs. She's holding her in her paws giving her kisses it looks like, oh this is so cute. Now she has Squiggles between her paws and is washing her, so guess meal time isn't far away. Too cute.

Costume Lady said...

Speaking of the SD cam operator, I had the same view last night when I checked in. I could tell Bai had left the den and Squiggles was in the middle of the floor just having a fit. Going around in circles and I'm sure he was hollering his head off. The camera man must have been asleep because it was dark and the scene was far away.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Wanda. Yes, love to know what they're looking for! Think Norma said they were probably looking for drugs! That's as good as anything. But I never know, don't get the papers from down here, so who knows? Wierd!
Are you watching Bai and Squiggles? Too cute right now. And Finny's home looking all beautiful!

Suzanne said...

Yeah, Wanda, I was talking to the screen this morning telling the guy to wake up! Didn't do me any good, though. And it is totally dark in there, there is only an infrared light for the cam, that's what gives us the light we see. She's holding Squiggles between her paws. Wish the guy would wake up! He coud zoom! Oh, see, nursing time and the cam isn't moving!

Costume Lady said...

I think I got wax? Tell me about it JO---

carolinabeachmom said...


Costume Lady said...

Not to change the subject, Suz, but do you know what WAX is. I was told by others, Jo would tell me when she got well.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...