Thursday, August 09, 2007


New thread.

The hot weather continues, yecch.

We are anxiously awaiting the new equipment we have ordered. Should be here very soon.

I will be leaving on travel for the next week and may or may not be around a computer. I'll do what I did last time and set up a few threads for you for the week.


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MITS said...


MITS said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY MAGGIE Can you all believe it has been a year, I can't.

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD MORNING MITS AND A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUR MAGGIE TOO! Those years go by sooo fast. Too fast in fact. Glad to hear that you lucked out at the Panda house, but I can imagine that that walk to and from the car was awful. I just walked to the mailbox and again to the room down under our house yesterday to put some things up, and it was breathless.

You must be going to a party today. :)

MITS said...


MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...

Steve, thanks for thinking of us!

Be safe in your travels, and I hope you have a good week!

Mits, You da #1 Woman!!

MITS said...

STEVEN, if you are excited about the new equipment, imagine how all of us feel:):):):)!

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda - Have a great time w/ the Capt and Mom. Enjoy those talons!

Suzanne said...

Good grief, don't know what happened!
Thanks for the new thread, Steven, and for the ones you're going to set up. I'm sure they will be used!
Thanks for the heads up, Mits, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MAGGIE!!! Hard to believe she's a year old already!
Brought over from other thread:
Good grief, Mits, that's just WAY to hot to be outside! But I'm glad you got to at least stay in with the pandas for your shift. Thought of you yesterday when I was feeding and watering the birds, I was soaked after the first few minutes!
Zooming inn on baby!!!!! Which is now old news...

MITS said...

I'm gitty with excitement, or, it might be the heat!

carolinabeachmom said...

GEEZ SUZANNE, you had me thinking that I was still on the wrong thread! :)

MITS you are # 1 on the blog for your granddaughters lst birthday, and thanks Steve for thinking of us as you travel about.

WANDA You all have a very nice and relaxing trip with your Mom. Drive carefully and watch out for the other guy. If you see any eagles, honk! :)

Suzanne said...

Morning, Paula!
It's nice out now, not so humid, and a very nice breeze!
Bai is sleeping sitting up again.
Fin nest MT, but osprey in 2nd one.
Closed my NL owl cam, not gonna watch that again.

Suzanne said...

LOL, Candy, don't know what I did, but it sure wasn't right! Only wanted the very last comment, not the whole bloody thing!

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Birthday to Little Maggie!!

Suzanne said...

Both Finland nests occupied!

Suzanne said...

Meal time for little squiggly!

MITS said...

TIAN has his big butt sitting in a pond and TAI is hanging upside-down from a tree.

MITS said... bad...that is MEI in the pond.

Suzanne said...

Finny is just squaking at something. I'm guessing he's calling Mom to bring in some food!

Suzanne said...

Too funny, Mits, guess you gotta cool off somehow!

Suzanne said...

Cam zooming in on squiggles! Bai washing him... or trying to, I think. Now can't see him at all!

MITS said...

Talk to you all later. Errands today and zoo again tomorrow...

Suzanne said...

Have a good day, Mits. Much nicer today than yesterday!
Bai laying down.

Jill said...

Happy 1st Birthday to Maggie. Glad you did okay at the zoo. Thought about you when they gave teh weather last night one station mentioned Bethesda.

Wanda, was that a criminal case or cival? I know she was charged criminally for some of it but I didn't think yours was part of that. She won't do anytime unless she doesn't pay. Lucky to even get her in court around here.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNIN' EAGLE BUDDIES!!---WOW!---"LITTLE MAGGIE'S" BIRTHDAY!!!---She is "ONE" year old!!!--I was just thinking this morning---"WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD"----MITS!!---seems like yesterday!---SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!---ENJOY your vacation CAPT. & MRS. CAPT.!!!--HELLO MITS--CANDY--PAULA---SUZANNE--& MAGISTRATE JILL!!!---I scanned blog & noticed our "BEST EAGLE BUDDY"--JO--had been posting-----You take care---LOVE YOU!!

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD MORNING PAULA AND JILL. I'm glad that you have a less humid day. I just stuck my face out the door and brought it back in. I do have to go out today and tomorrow to get things for my son's and friend's visit. :(
Our temperature here is 90 and feels like l02. Our air conditioner is STILL GOING!

normabyrd said...

MS. FIN & FINNY (thanks suz--love that name)---are in the NEST---Aren't the colors always beautiful at that site!!!------Guess CHESS--MILA & GWEN are enjoying life!!!---(will miss them)---But certainly enjoyed watching them---the short time they were here!!!

carolinabeachmom said...

SUZANNE I see your juvie is back but parent gone. Did he get any food since you have been watching?

carolinabeachmom said...

HELLO TO YOU NORMA! Yes I guess your storks are gone for this year. Can't seem to find any in the nest when I open the site; not even to eat anymore. Not even a stork in the Germany nest today. Sometimes there is one laying down in there just relaxing.

normabyrd said...

OH MITS---Our "LITTLE PRINCE" has finally made it down to the WATER!!---Did you get to see him last nite!!!-----

Mauley said...

Mits, our Danton was a year old yesterday, and Dylan was a year old Friday. Danton is up to 15 pounds now and Dylan weighs 25, a big difference in them, but they are all so different anyway. Happy Birthday little Maggie, It sure has been a year to remember. Mits, you know my weaknesses, and one is CAKE. Will you eat a piece on Saturday for me. Wonder what Maggie will think about the new baby????????? Love donna

carolinabeachmom said...

HEY PAULA You have two osprey in your Connecticut nest; just sitting there getting a sun tan

Mauley said...

Morning everyone. Forgive my bad manners. Hope everyone has a wonderful day. Love mauley

Suzanne said...

Morning, Jill and Norma.
Finny still in nest, no food or parent yet.
Bai is zonked out. Squiggles by her nose, but can't see her except when Bai moves.
Other Fin cam is frozen, and you can see swallow babies.
Oh, cam zoomed in on Bai's head, so cute. Has cub snuggled under her nose.

normabyrd said...

The "ATLANTA BEAUTY" is romping with MAMA---She is wanting to climb & MAMA BEAR keeps pulling her down---SHE isn't afraid to take MAMA on!!---She is STRONG!!--FUN to watch---when she isn't sleeping!!!

Suzanne said...

Dang, cam is zoomed in, and my IE just went down!

Suzanne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suzanne said...

Morning, Mauley! Didn't see you. Happy Birthday to your little ones, Denton and Dylan! Lots of babies birthdays! That's always fun!

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD THURSDAY MORNING MAULEY! It sounds like you have been busy with birthdays too. Try and stay cool!

carolinabeachmom said...

NORMA I got a kick out of watching your Atlanta Zoo pandas yesterday. The cub wanted to play, which they did for a little while, and then the mother wanted out of there. She keep going to the doors and scratching and pushing on them with her back. She also kept standing up by the window by the water fountain or whatever it is. The cub got up on there a few times; first time, mom came over to get him down. :) It wound up with Mom being let out and cub climbing up the limbs and looked like he fell asleep at the very tip top. :)

normabyrd said...

MAULEY!!---DENTON & DYLAN!!--WOW!---You get to attend lots of birthday parties & to EAT LOTS OF CAKE!--ho!---You have a wonderful family & you should be voted---"GRANNY OF THE YEAR" every year!--MITS is catching up!!!---COOL!

carolinabeachmom said...

SUZANNE I think Finny is getting tired of waiting for parent. He just stretched his wings. I thought he was going to take off.

normabyrd said...

LISA has posted 2 AWESOME photos of ROBINS----PLEASE CHECK THEM!!!-----Look like our favorite photographer's work--- ?

normabyrd said...

CANDY----That's all you see on that cam----Those 2 scenes---Usually they are both asleep!!---Little BUTA BUTA holds her own!!--She is a real "CUTIE"----

CANDY---You be careful if you go out---CNN keeps referring to the heat index in your area!!!

Suzanne said...

Just went to check my Yahoo mail, and found this:

all on one line. From that page, on the left is a slideshow, Panda Bears. Excellent pics of brand new baby born Pandas. You can see what squiggles looks like now.

Suzanne said...

Candy, Finny just flapped wings again! He's been there quite a while squaking and sometimes just resting. Haven't seen a parent with any food, or just to come for a visit! Poor thing, guess he's gonna have to go fishing for himself!
Bai is snoozing while she can.

Suzanne said...

He squaks, he grooms, he squaks, he grooms, but still no parent!

Suzanne said...

Nursing time, cam is trying to zoom in, but has her back now...

floralgirl said...

Hello evryone! Have a safe and enjoyable trip Wanda and Cap't Eagle. Happy Birthday to MAGGIE! Hope Jo is doing better. The past 2 days have been awful, and yes it is cooler today, but it's still hot, and humid and headed for the 90's. If I see one more weatherman in a suit who is in an air conditoined studio who says how much cooler it is today I will scream. I have not recovered from yesterday, felt really sick by the end of the day. Hope everyone has a good day, back to work for me.

Suzanne said...

Hi Megan! It is way too hot still! Thankfully, not as bad as yesterday, which was miserable! Take care of yourself!

carolinabeachmom said...

SUZANNE Thanks for the slide show of pandas. It did show you good pics of first born, and up to big pandas very nicely. Very interesting.

carolinabeachmom said...

Hi MEGAN! You be careful outside. You must have gotten overheated if you got sick feeling. You need to take breaks indoors and drink water.

Suzanne said...

You're welcome, Candy. Thought that was very timely of Yahoo! A lot of those pandas were pics of the San Diego zoo pandas, and Bai Yun, of course, and her baby Su Lin.

Suzanne said...

Parent arriving in Finland for Finny! Finally!

carolinabeachmom said...

Parent back in Fin nest!Doesn't look like any food yet. BTW I don't think that I am going to keep watching that new owl cam. It doesn't look too good to me.

Suzanne said...

Look at the swallows! Does it look like there is only 1 in the nest???? Are they ready to fledge already? Oh, no, there are at least 2 that I can see, never mind. Little feathery fluffies now.

Suzanne said...

Candy, I closed mine this morning. Saw the remains of 1, couldn't find the other 2, and both parents were totally ignoring the unhatched eggs. I'm not gonna watch it anymore at all, not gonna go through that again. They're not very good parents in that nest.

normabyrd said...

HI MEGAN!!!---I have had you in my thoughts every day!!----It is ONLY 81° here today--but sun isn't out yet!!---I was out yesterday & I felt half sick after running a few errands!!---HOW'S YOUR DAUGHTER?---Hope she is feeling much--much better!!! ----STAY COOL!!!

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---How are your "animals" coping in this weather----or do they stay inside all the time!!---I bet GYPSY is "lookin' good" now--ho!---Forgot---she ALWAYS LOOKS GOOD!!----DRIVE SAFELY ON YOUR TRIP HOME!!!!

normabyrd said...

CT SITE---1 OSPREY---UP so CLOSE to cam---You feel like feeding him!---GREAT SHOT!!!!

carolinabeachmom said...

Well have to go out and pick some things up at the stores and go to bank and post office. SUZANNE you have a safe trip home and hug Gypsy. She is lucky as she is in the house.BBL

normabyrd said...

THANKS SUZ for the PANDA site!!!!

Suzanne said...

Norma, Gypsy's hair is growing back. I've started brushing her again, and she's started shedding more than fuzz again. Bummer. All my cats are indoor only cats, except for the strays I feed, and they stay outside all the time. She doesn't mind the AC, but if I keep it too cool, she curls up in a ball, so I know it's time to turn it off for a while. I don't like it real cold, so normally, it's not a problem. Thanks for the good wishes everybody for her. I'll try to drive carefully!
That reminds me, the other day on 270 North, I was in the middle lane, and a cop was coming up on the HOV lane. We were all doing about 70, speed limit is 55. The cop got in front of our lane and took his foot off the gas! As he passed, our lane, other cars pulled out behind him, and of course, cars on the right. Well we started slowing down, and got down to 45 and still no sign of him putting on the gas, even a little bit. So the first guy in the HOV lane decided he was gonna go ahead and do 55...he didn't get a half a car length than the top lights started flashing! Cop pulled him over, and I guess gave him a speeding ticket. I kinda thanked the guy, he got a ticket for ALL of us! I think if nobody tried to pass that cop he would have stopped and just gone down the line and given us all tickets! But I thought that was kinda cool! He was determined SOMEONE was gonna get a ticket that day.
Glad you all liked the panda pics, they're adorable, aren't they?

Suzanne said...

Did you guys also see the birth pic of our Bai Yun? It's the 6th picture, about 4 hours old!

movin said...

I want to say...GOOD MORNING, EAGLE LOVERS ...

before Suzanne leaves and before it turns afternoon on the East Coast.


Suzanne said...

LOL, Jim, I just did a refresh before I said time for me to hit the road. Good morning to ya, for another 3 minutes!
Nursing time again in SD. Take care good momma, Bai!
All have a great eagle/panda day.
Blog at ya tomorrow.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' JIM-!--You hit that right on the BUTTON!!!---What have you been watching?

paula eagleholic said...

Pouring buckets here in Frederick!

movin said...

Morning, Norma, Paula, Mits, Candy, Jill, Mauley....

Norma, I've been watching it rain at McNeil Falls, a nursing Panda sleeping at SD, no cams or young eagles out West here, Tree Swallow chicks that are starting to look pretty mature, and the beautiful Finnish Ospreys.

Every time I get a different camera angle on the Fins, I think the fledgling is a different sex! This morning ... .... ... maybe, female.


Anne-Marie said...

Hi and By to everyone. I get here every morning just in time to see you guys leave. Have a beautiful day. I will be in and out.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, Anne! I'm still here! Had to run out and shut the car windows - got soaked!! Woo Hoo!!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' ANNE-MARIE!!!---You & JIM are finishing breakfast & we are ready for lunch!!----So what happening in your world?---WOULD love to get a "real look" at BAI, II----

wvgal_dana said...

Happy Happy Birthday little Maggie

Steven those words are music to my ears smile

wvgal_dana said...

Temp here was 96 storm came through fast now we're at 73 degrees Spring Mills area

normabyrd said...

I AGREE JIM!---The FINS site is wonderful!----The light changes so often---the colors of the nest & surroundings seems to change too---

normabyrd said...

WOW PAULA!!!!----SEND some of that rain to MEGAN 1st & then send me the rest!!---THAT'S WONDERFUL NEWS!!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' TO YOU DANA!!---Do you live close to Shepherdstown?--That's quite a change in temp.---GUESS you are feeling well enough to do the "RAIN DANCE"!!!---COOL!

wvgal_dana said...

Hi NormaByrd Jo still got your cane?

The Fin nest do I remember someone saying the nest is not made out of real branches?

normabyrd said...

Don't see many BEARS or FISH!!!---Wrong time of day?-----But watching the RUSHING WATER makes you feel cooler!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Well Norma to get to Shepherdstown we take back roads. Takes me right by the tree/nest, past NCTC and out onto main road at Shepherdstown.

It really didn't rain for that long. I was told we were to expect hail also but didn't get that.

normabyrd said...

DANA---YOU ARE CORRECT on both counts---JO has the EAGLE CANE & most of the NEST in FINLAND are artificial!!!----They are beautiful aren't they?

wvgal_dana said...

That nest is georgeous

wvgal_dana said...

Wow I'm changing from shorts to pants. My legs and feet are getting cold.

Anne-Marie said...

Dana, your getting cold? I thought all of you were roasting. Good morning all. The secrets is that every morning I sit here with my cup and two hard boiled eggs and have breakfast with you while you are breaking for lunch. Paula are you getting rain?. I hope so. I wish I could send you guys some of my cool weather. It wont last so I might as well share it. I have a little girl out on FLMA leave with a new baby and I am doing her work and mine. My right rist is killing me. I am going to have to get the old rist brace out of the closet at home. Too much typing. I havent done this much in years but I'm not hiring a temp either. Back to work. Have a great day and I will be back and forth. Hugs.

normabyrd said...

ANNE-MARIE----Take care of that wrist----Don't you wanna swing when you go to ALASKA!!!---You won't be able to take pics of those MAJESTIC EAGLES!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Pink Kitty nap zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's

Anne-Marie said...

I am so excited I have butterflies and its 3 weeks away. I am going to be a mess by the time its time to go. Paula, how did you sent pictures when you were in Catalina to Jo so we could see what you were doing? I know I'm computer illiterate but I can learn. I want so much to show you all the Eagle Rehabilitation Center in Sitka.

paula eagleholic said...

Heidi - Jo snagged those off the IWS forum....someone had posted them on there. I didn't have a computer with me on the trip.

You could email a couple of pictures to one of us, and we could put them on the momsters site...

paula eagleholic said...

Also - you could load them to photobucket and send us the link.

normabyrd said...

ANNE-MARIE----I understand about being computer illiterate----But you must learn---I am anxious to see everything you get to see!!!--ho!--What kind of clothing are you taking?---(only a woman would ask that)---

Jill said...

I am going to Dana's. It cooled down a bit here but still really humid. ENOUGH already

Anne-Marie said...

I bought the new camera that Jill suggested but I wont have my own computer to down load the pictures on until I get home. I was just wondering how to send them on the ships computers or can I?

Anne-Marie said...

Norma you have mail

normabyrd said...

HI JILL---Guess what just opened in Romney Saturday----a new WELLNESS CENTER!!---It's really COOL---Next time you see me---I'll be "MEAN & LEAN"---ho! (in my dreams)----When you have time--please send me the eagle pic you took on the 14th---YOU ARE GOOD!!

Jill said...

I would strongly suggest buying an extra memory card for the camera. You will be taking many many pictures. While the camera will hold about 500, you may need more. If you move the setting down from HQ to the next lowest setting you will get more pictures and the quality will be slightly less than that of the HQ. You probably won't even notice. If you have a laptop, I would take that to download the pictures. If neither of these are an option, set up an account with photobucket, snapfish or some other photo storage site and save all the pictures to that. AOL has a place to upload your pics too. It is free to upload then download them again. I don't know about the others.

Jill said...

Norma-who opened the wellness center? Isnt' it out at the new hotel? I think I saw the sign last time I went through.

Anne-Marie said...

Jill, I have snapfish at home but can I unload and send from the ships computer? I have no laptop at this time. My youngest took it to college and I just didnt replace it.

Anne-Marie said...

Jill, I havent recived the camera yet but the add says 2GBCF Memory card 2048 MB. Is that enough or should I buy another one?

Jill said...

2gbcf is 2 times what I have so that will get you about 1000 pictures. If you lower the quality you will get more pictures. You will notice very little difference in the actual picture unless you are going to blow them up to poster size. not sure what 2048 mb is. You should be able to log onto snapfish from the boat. Just like you do at home. You can always go back at the end of the day, look at the pictures and delete the ones that don't look good. Once you get the camera let me know and I will tell you some other secrets.

Jill said...

Norma-I need your email to send you the picture, I can't find it anywhere.

Mema Jo said...

Happy Birthday Precious Maggie, Our Littlest Eaglet! A year has gone by us all too fast. Congratulations, Mits for being a grandmother for a year - I know you love it!

Feeling fairly well today - still taking it easy & still relying on pain meds. I wanted to come in to say that Steven has given us exciting news about the cam. We will have a good season coming up. Good to hear all of you on here.. Sorry to have read Nilla's comment yesterday about yet another stent-Prayers for her being said!

Thank you everyone for keeping me in your prayers.. probably be over a month or two until recovery finished.
Had beautiful rain! Going to sign out for now.. but I do hope to come back in later. Peace

normabyrd said...

THANKS JILL!!---I thought I was # 1 on you list---WELL---now I know!!--Did you take photography classes to learn to use your camera, etc.----Your pictures are

WELLNESS CENTER is by the SOUTH BRANCH INN!!---Our House of Delegate Member got the money--but it's connected w/Winchester Hospital Group!!---It's COOL!

Anne-Marie said...

Hugs Jo, thank you Jill.

normabyrd said...

MEMA JO!---What a delight to hear from you---and that you are feeling some better!!----You take it easy & don't over-do!!!---MISS YOU--but want you to get well-----I didn't know about NILLA---I have been off some--computer problems!!---Will remember her in my prayers---You stay COOL----Your still in my thoughts & prayers!!!

Jill said...

Of course you are number 1 Norma. I just can't find your address. HE HE. No lessons with the camera, although I would like to learn more. Check your mail, I am getting ready to send the pic to you.

Hey Jo, glad to see you up and around more. We have missed you.

normabyrd said...

I'm watching ANIMAL PLANET----PENQUINS are pecking out of their EGGS----I think I have seen it before---but it is still exciting to watch them!!!---So small & blind, but they still can "peep" to make their wants known---WOW!

wvgal_dana said...

Hey Mema Jo (smile smile smile) great seeing your comments on this blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I didn't know about Nilla was going to call her yesterday and did not. Have to find out what's up.

WOO HOO pictures on Anne's trip upcoming I hope to see them eagles. Heidigirl send away. She can't wait to go I can't wait to see pictures. lol

Norma if your going to that fittness center I won't be messing with you lol

normabyrd said...

JILL---You GRANT FOLK are clever!!---ho!---but I like CLEVER!!---THANK YOU!!

wvgal_dana said...

I did go back and search said Nilla had 2 stents put in. That girl never called me. More precious things on her mind like that new Grandbaby I bet. hee hee

wvgal_dana said...

On my cam at Finland it has gotten dark wonder if it is going to storm there.

wvgal_dana said...

Anyone else see how dark it is getting at the Finland Osprey nest???

Jill said...

Could it be that they are getting less daylight now? It would be about 10 pm there.

wvgal_dana said...

duh me Jill didn't even give that a thought...ok I can understand nightime has to come sometime lol

normabyrd said...

DANA---IT has begun to get dark there now---If you look close you can see an OSPREY in the nest!!---You see some white on her head!!!!---I noticed that last week!!

wvgal_dana said...

Small and large elephant drinking at Pete's Pond; it is night time there.

Anne-Marie said...

Dana, dont feel bad. Your not the only one. I was concerned when I couldnt see the fish until I remembered they were on your time table and it was dark there. I felt prety silly.

wvgal_dana said...

Well it's Mashatu Game Reserve in Bowsana, Africia

wvgal_dana said...

Anne, Jill and Norma that is why I figure I have friends on here to help me out hee hee ty

wvgal_dana said...

Ding Ding one of many numerous feeding bells at San Deigo Zoo for baby panda.

Anne-Marie said...

Dana if we all help each other out we just may make it...:)

normabyrd said...

DANA---I am the one that's all asking for help---I don't mind asking----Isn't there a song called "That's What Friends Are For....."-----ho!--Stay COOL DANA----

Jill said...

Norma-did you get the pics?

wvgal_dana said...

Will do Norma

Ding Ding supper time here

carolinabeachmom said...

Hey all, I could use some of that cool air down here. Temp now is 95 with a heat index of 115 :( I tried to go swimming in the club pool with my friend after doing my errands. It was ok as long as you were in the water (it was like tub water) but when you got out, it was breathless. We had to come on home.

carolinabeachmom said...

JO It was good to see that you are improving and on the blog for a minute. You just keep resting and getting stronger each day. Soon you will be as good as new.

carolinabeachmom said...

ANNE I am with the rest. Can't wait to see pics of your trip to Alaska. Get reading that camera book and get some instructions from Jill so we can all be there with you.

Anne-Marie said...

Thanks Candy I will.

wvgal_dana said...

We are getting another down pour here at Spring Mills. Don't know how long this one will last.

wvgal_dana said...

Too much thunder I think I might close down for awhile..later

Anne-Marie said...

We dont have thunder and lightning storms like you do back east. It really scares me. I have only been through one and that was in Louisiana. They warned us not to be on the phone or computer. Dont take chances.

NillaWafer said...

Good Evening Ya'll Happy 1st Birthday to MAGGIE i bet a special birthday party is happening tonight... Mema Jo glad your feeling alittle better and your recovery is speedy.. I am feeling really good right now.. and no Dana i did not call you because you have enough to worry about,and i know you would have tryed to make it to the u always do... I got to see the new baby pandas awhile ago she was nursing it, now sleeping holding it safely in her paws... Dana are you sure Petes Pond is back?? I know the other pond on wavlit is up and running ,watched zebras yesterday..Oh Jasmin went to the doctor yesterday and now weighs 6lbs 15ozs ALMOST 7 lbs!!! and Diana went also and weighs almost 13 lbs!! Diana's parent are going to Florida with us she will be 10 months old then and Grandmaw is going to watch her so everyone can get on Ok going to check cams BBL

carolinabeachmom said...

Thanks ladies to the north for your rain dance. We finally had a good storm, thunder and lighting and bad wind that took down some trees and pouring rain. :):):):):) FINALLY It took it down about 10 degrees, but heat indez is still 90. We are under another heat adviisory tomorrow with heat indexes to be 115 to 120. :( You can all send down some more rain if you want to. There is supposed to be a cool front coming in on Saturday sometime. I'll believe it when I see it.

carolinabeachmom said...

We had our lights go out for a bit, air off and computer shut down. All is working again tho. Thank goodness. A house was struck by lightning also. Just one house is minor, tho. In a good storm, the lightning strikes on homes has the fire depts. in KH KDH Col NH and Manteo pretty busy.

carolinabeachmom said...

I hope Wanda and Capt. Eagle made it to their destination before it all let loose up there in Va. they had it before we did. No Bai Yun tonight; we have Mei Sheng instead. :( I wanted to see that baby. Oh well, tomorrow will be another cleaning day for me to get ready for Josh to come tomorrow night. Have to shop for groceries, too.

YEAH They must have heard me Bai Yun is on the cam now.

carolinabeachmom said...

NILLA So glad to hear that you are doing ok with your two stints. Hopefully that will help you feel better now.

floralgirl said...

Oh my gosh, it's 71° here now:) Got about 3/4 inch of rain today. Hey Nillabean- take it easy, glad you are feeling better, sorry to hear you had to go into the hospital again. Good to see you checked in today Jo Take care of yourself:)

carolinabeachmom said...

Back to Mei Sheng I guess because Bai was sleeping. :( Well guess I'll call it a night and get on tomorrow morning for the pj club. HELLO TO JO IF YOU GET ON LATER AND JIM WHO USUALLY CHECKS IN AND GOOD MORNING TO SUZANNE. All have a good night's sleep. Tomorrow is a new day.

NillaWafer said...

Not alot of chatting tonight.. Dana sorry i didnt get you called back tonight got really busy...CBMom thanks its not my first stents i have 3 others a total of 5 now..Next step is open heart surgery.. The cam was showing mom and baby and mom was cleaning the baby.. Oh so gently in her paws.. Good Night

MITS said...

GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE, NILLA HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER Zoo day tomorrow afternoon, then weather is supposed to get better for the weekend, ww have been having light rain tonight, the nice soaking kind, no storms, thank heavens.

paula eagleholic said...

Good night all. Was just wondering what our nest looks like now, from the cam viewpoint. Sure will be nice to be able to see it soon, I hope!

movin said...


I'm glad some of you have gotten some cooling rain, and I hope the rest of the area will get some.

Be Cool...........and hydrated.


Suzanne said...

Good Friday morning, eagle world! We made it! Got lots and lots of rain yesterday, so cooled things off quite a bit. Went from 100° when I got up to Rt 29 from Rt 7, to 71° 50 minutes later! Wow. Came through a terrific rain storm on 270, but then rain lightened, and it made it back up to 74° by the time I got home. Almost pleasant. Not too bad this morning, 74 at home, 76 here at work, but no rain, just lots of puddles. So everyone got rain. Finally! Megan, your rain dance is finally working really well.
Don't know what's going on this morning, 2 police cars had a car pulled over in Leesburg, nothing unusual about that, but when I passed them, driver was standing on shoulder with 2nd cop, and one cop was looking at the floor board on the driver's side of the car pulled over. Then a couple miles down the road, here comes a car in the passing lane coming in my direction! Good grief, this is a 6 lane highway, with a large median in the middle! This guy is definately going the wrong way on the wrong side of the street! Car in front of me braked, I braked, didn't know what the guy was gonna do! Then a bit down the road, here come the police cars, lights flashing, I guess chasing him. They were just on their side of the road, and he was on our side. But there was a slight rise in the road, so I'm hoping the guy didn't see the one car that was already pulled over, and one of those cops got him. Have to admit, coming to work at this hour is never boring! And with all the different critters I see, it's never the same twice!
Only cam I have opened is Bai Yun, and she's been nursing squiggles for the last 10 minutes or so. My fav cam operator was trying to get a close up of the baby a while ago, but dang, my IE keeps freezzing up! Have to do another refresh! Dang, she's napping now.
All have a great eagle/panda day.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Oh, both Ms Fin and Finny are in nest eating!

Suzanne said...

Dang, 2nd Fin osprey nest still locked up, and there is not one Cormorant in sight on cam 2! Small fish on cam 3, and marina almost MT. Very cloudy over there, though. Mrs. S in nest, I guess. Something is moving, but it is very dark, so I'm guessing that's her.
Bai still sleeping.

Suzanne said...

Oh wow, got a pic of both Ms Fin and Finny leaving nest together! I'll send it around. How cool was that!

Suzanne said...

Nursing time again! And this network here is just super slow today! They had a broadcast msg yesterday they were doing an upgrade, and EVERY time that happens, there is a DoS! These SAs can deny you service better than any hacker alive!!! Hackers have NOTHING on these guys! Geesh!

Suzanne said...

Feeding time over, nap time now.

Suzanne said...

Cormorants are back, and Bai is rocking squiggles again! That is so cute! Never thought of a Panda, or any other animal rocking their little one.

Suzanne said...

Oh, they've fixed the Fin cam! It's light like it used to be. You can actually see now. Cool.

Suzanne said...

Ahhhh, Bai is hugging squiggles, now she's giving him a stimulation bath, meal time over. She is adorable to watch!

Suzanne said...

She's holding squiggles and letting us see him!!!

Suzanne said...

She was switching nursing sides, but now think he's back on her left. Oh yea, never mind, think it's nap time again. Well, maybe not, she's just sitting there now. Zooming in...nope she's got squiggles all covered up, not showing us right now. She has her head down, but she's moving, so I'm guessing he's getting another bath!

Suzanne said...

Well, Wanda and Capt Eagle are on vacation, and Candy isn't up yet, and Bai an squiggles are still sleeping, so BRB.

Suzanne said...

Ms Fin is in nest, and eating. Guess Finny won't be far behind.

Suzanne said...

Wow, she's squaking now, probably calling him.
Bai still sleeping.

Suzanne said...

Well, mom's still eating, and Finny hasn't showed up, so he must not be hungry. Or else he didn't hear her when she called him!
Bai still sound asleep.

Suzanne said...

Osprey in BW, been there a while.
Mom is gonna have this fish gone by the time Finny shows up.
Cormorants are still hanging around, and you can see the swallow babies, 2 of them on cam.

Suzanne said...

Finney still hasn't shown up, but squiggles is on Bai's left paw. She's using her left arm as a pillow, and he's clearly visible.

Suzanne said...

Ms Fin just left, Finny was a no show! Squiggles is squiggling...

Suzanne said...

Bai snuggled squiggles with both paws, then back to sleep. Squiggles still on her paw. Wish the operator would zoom in, she's very clearly visible now, but be good closeup too. She doesn't look like she's moving too much either, so she/he may be sound asleep too.

Suzanne said...

Finny just arrived. Mom finished fish and took off.

Suzanne said...

Bai moved, and moved her left paw up to her face. Don't see squiggles now, so guess she put him down by her head. Or he fell off her paw...

Suzanne said...

Oop, Finny just flew off.

Suzanne said...

Bai waking up and rolling over. Can't see squiggles.
Finny still waiting for food.
Bath time for squiggles, up close and personal!

Suzanne said...

I swear, it looks like she's eating him when she washes him!

Suzanne said...

BAi has squiggles under her chin, and by her paw, and you can see him wiggling! Uh oh, that ws just a leg or tail sticking up. Too cute!

Suzanne said...

Oh my, squiggles in the mouth! Thought it was time to eat, but Bai just turned on her back, then back over again. Now it's bath time again...
Oh, she dropped him! Didn't go far, and think she's got him in her mouth now. Paws are hiding her mouth. Oh sorry, but that was too funny. He just wiggled right out of her paw. There he is, on the straw. Ok, snuggling him now with her nose. I'll bet this baby is gonna be a handful when he gets older! He's almost in constant motion, even while sleeping.

Suzanne said...

Bath time for squiggles again. Every time ai wakes up to move, squiggles gets a bath!

Suzanne said...

Ok, now that we've been stimulated, and everybody is awake, time to eat!

Suzanne said...

Bai looks like she's trying to get him settled to nurse.
Finny in nest!

Suzanne said...

Bai can't seem to get him comfy to nurse.

Suzanne said...

Ok, working now...

Suzanne said...

Finny looking around, Bai nursing, owl in hotel, see 2 swallow babies, bu still dark. Kent tree MT, too dark to see nest, but guess that's MT too.
Oh Finny squaking big time. Watching something flying around.
Fish are swimming. Cormorants ae just hanging around.
Opened Norma's stork nest this morning, and it was raining like mad in Germany, but nest was MT.

movin said...






Suzanne said...

OMG, Finny must have had a hard day, he's napping!
Bai still nursing squiggles.

movin said...

The female is on the nest at BW.


Suzanne said...

Morning, Jim. Not blowing the horn, flashing the lights now. Norma told me about that one, and the next occassion to get deer out of the road was in a residential area, so tried the lights, and they worked well. Didn't figure the people in those houses would appreciate any beep beeps at 2 in the morning! But if I use lights, and they don't work, I do the beep beep. Between the 2, the deer get the idea and take off back to the woods.
You should be watching Bai, she's nursing. And Finny is in nest. Alternating between napping, squaking, and grooming!
Sent you some pics I took this morning of both cams.

Well, was the seat still up???

movin said...

I'm not sure it isn't the same adult, but it looks like the male at BW now.


Suzanne said...

Not sure, Jim, but there has been an osprey there mostly all morning. Do not know if it's the same one, haven't been watching that nest too closely.

Suzanne said...

Meal time over, nap time has begun.

movin said...

Explorer "encountered a problem and had to shut down."

I think it's when you have 2 or more of the same kind of video Real Player.


movin said...

Bai Yun just keeps that baby between her paws and under her nose...there's no way the baby can get cold.


Suzanne said...

That's a possibility, Jim, but you should be able to run 2 or more instances of the same software package...

Are you watching Bai? She's washing squiggles again.
Finny is also still hanging around in the nest. Squaking for mom and food, I guess. So far, no luck!

Suzanne said...

LOL, never mind, we crossed in cyberspace. Guess you are watching Bai.

movin said...

I guess I'll try the sleep again, Suzanne.

Somebody elso should be up soon.

Have a cool, perhaps rainy day.


Suzanne said...

Sleep tight, Jim. Getting muggy out here again, now, but think rain is in the forecast.

Suzanne said...

Finny just took off. Much as he tried, no parent with food showed up.
Bai and squiggles sleeping.

Suzanne said...

Finny's back, guess he's gonna try mom again.

carolinabeachmom said...

YUP, I'M UP! Been laying there wondering what to do first. I have to grocery shop today, do washings and clean house, as my son comes in tonight.

GOOD MORNING EARLY BIRD SUZANNE AND WOW, JIM! I hope he got back to sleep.

carolinabeachmom said...

I got on im time to miss Bai and Squiggles. Oh well, to the osprey cam.

Boy am I sure glad that you are ok after all your fiascoes in your travels. I can't imagine seeing a care coming at me in the wrong side of the road. You were lucky on that one! The other stop was probably looking for drugs or weapons.

carolinabeachmom said...

We had another good storm in the middle of the night and it looks really cloudy out there now. Have to decide when I want to get out there and grocery shop so I'm not stuck carrying groceries in the rain. We are starting out here at 82 today with a head index of 92. I'll take that. Supposed to be cooler tomorrow. Hope Mits makes out ok at the zoo today.

carolinabeachmom said...

FINNY looks like he is waiting for a parent to bring in some grub. Don't see an abundance of the white birds yet today

carolinabeachmom said...

One Osprey in Blackwater, no one is Kent nest or Puget sound nest. There is one lone owl in box and and burrowing owls have either burrowed deeper or taken off. :) I think our Kent and Puget Sound Eaglets have grown up and taken off. :(

carolinabeachmom said...

No storks in Normas nest and no Falcon in Suzanne's Pa. nest. Over to the other Fin cam.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all.


paula eagleholic said...

Osprey in CT

carolinabeachmom said...

One osprey and no hooded crow there. just a few cormorants, still only a few boats in the harbor. I guess I'll go see if Suzanne is scuba diving. :) Don't see Suzanne or divers, but see a lot of fish swimming around. :)

carolinabeachmom said...


Suzanne said...

Morning, Candy. Yup, that car got my attention this morning! Hope they caught the guy. At least driving in at that hour is never dull! Keeps ya on your toes!
LOL, Candy, you're making the rounds like I do in the morning. Checking all the cams! I checked the storks this morning, too. Only saw rain.
Finny has been here a couple times squaking for mom to bring food. She was there earlier, and called him, then she just ate the fish she had...hour later, he shows up. Oh well.
Bai will be up again shortly to bathe and feed the little one. I sent you some pics from this morning.
Morning, Paula! TGIF, you got that right!

carolinabeachmom said...

FINNEY is still waiting for a parent. Good luck Finney

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3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...