Sunday, August 12, 2007


New thread.


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Mema Jo said...

Good Evening and thank you Steve I just signed back on - dinner is over and the 17 candles have been blown out & cake is gone!
It has been a good evening.

Jill said...

Glad you had a nice evening with family Jo. Get some rest. Seems you are doing more each day but you don't want to overdue it.

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

Had a couple typo's on that last one. Had just commented that this old Night Owl gets going in the late evening. But I am really ready to call it an evening very soon.

Mema Jo said...

Good Night to all
Peace be with you and yours
Prayers being said for all

Good Monday Morning Suzanne and all you early birds!

Jill said...

Good Night Mema. You will be back to your ole night owl self before too long, no sense in pushing it. Somebody has to keep an eye on this bunch late at night. LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Good evening, all. Going to be turning in early myself. Got my chores just about done. Sounds like you had a nice evening, Jo.

Mauley said...

Well, can you gals believe it, Mauley is on here and it is almost 11 oclock. I usually go to bed with the chickens. Jo, It is so good to see you on here. You know how I am over cake. I sure hope you ate a big piece for me. You take care, now. Good Night dear friends, Mema, Jill, Paula. Does anyone know how Nilla is today. God Bless You all and don't forget our soldiers, too. my best to all of you donna

Mauley said...

Paula, thanks for info on Nilla. I went back and read the other posts. I really need to catch up, maybe my life will get back to normal after classes start tomorrow. I took all 8 of the grandkids and their moms to the water park Friday. It was so much fun, but watching 8 keeps you busy, We just tried to divide them up. I am alone for a few days. Hubby had to register 4-H entries at State Fair. I don't do alone very well. All you momsters, again, my best to you all and good night. God Bless You with a peaceful, healing rest. donna

movin said...


I was busy this evening talking to the sister on the phone and later taking care of some business, so I wasn't able to get back on here until late.

I just saw the "Flying Fin" juvenile eating an ugly,
dark-looking fish by herself...I think she might have snagged it herself.

Have a great upcoming week.


NillaWafer said...

Well here it is after 3am and just got finished reading the Sundays papers.. news is so depressing..I checked afew cams Bai and cub are sleeping although she was moving a bit trying to get comfy..No animals on wavlit at the pond only birds flying around... Went shopping this evening for Jennys baby shower Sunday and seems all i have been doing is attending baby showers the whole month of August each weekend i have one to go to... Well hope everyone has a great day tomarrow Morning Suz and the PJ Clubbers... Maybe i can get some rest now if the leg cramps go away... Niters and Good Morning

Suzanne said...

Good morning, eagle world. Wow, short thread so far today.
No adventures coming down this morning, that was nice. But all the deer in PA, MD, and VA got together on their wireless, and decided to move to new places! Every one of them. The normal places they always are, there were none this morning, but in brand new places, all of them were hanging out. Guess they want to see if we're paying attention!
71 at home, 77 here at 4, so gonna be warm.
Saw spidey this morning on BW osprey! In fact, he moved every refresh, till he moved off the cam, so it wasn't a was legs. Ewwwww.
Falcon cam MT, Fin nest MT, other osprey nest is still not refreshing, and it's pouring in Finland, the Cormorants are all gone, and raindrops are on the Marina cam.
Bai is sound asleep, when I brought her up this morning, looked like she was sleeping on her head! Now she's laying on her side. Haven't seen squiggles yet this morning, we somehow got on a discussion about dogs, and we've been talking for quite a while...
So, all have a great eagle/panda day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Bai is nursing. About the 2nd or 3rd time so long as I've been watching this morning. Little cutie. Got a look at Squiggles earlier, Bai was sleeping, and Squiggles was on her paw.
Oh, Finny is in nest!

Suzanne said...

Oh, Falcon is on nestbox in PA! Don't usually see anybody on the ledge after daylight!

Suzanne said...

Think the only other Finland cam that is updating is the one underwater. Osprey cam has Saturday's date, and the Cormorants cam is dated yesterday. The raindrops on the marina have not moved.
Finny is grooming, and Squiggles is still nursing.

Suzanne said...

Bai is half way laying down now. Looks like she fell asleep sitting up nursing, again.
Finny still grooming... must have a hot date!

Suzanne said...

Well, so much for that! Guess he's done grooming and running late! He's gone, MT nest.

Suzanne said...

Bai just laid down, but don't think she woke up. Guess she just realized she was still half way sitting up.

Suzanne said...

Oh, she must be dreaming! Moving her front and hind legs... must be chasing something.

Suzanne said...

OH, Squiggles was moving, he's under Bai's chin and on her paw, but he was wiggling around. She now has him between both her paws, so cute. She didn't even really wake up to hold him.

Suzanne said...

LOL, Squiggles is doing what Squiggles does...wiggled out from under both paws, and you could see his mouth open! Bai has decided not time yet for food, and has covered him up again with her right paw! So...wonder how long it will take him to wiggle back out...

Suzanne said...

Osprey visiting BW, falcon nest MT, Finny on a date, Bai and Squiggles still sleeping, other Fin cam not updating, fishy fishy in the brook are swimming, and you can sorta see some swallows moving, but very dark. Owl in hotel, wasn't there a few minutes ago, and still dark in Kent. Checked Norma's storks, guess they've moved on to their own lives, nest MT.

Suzanne said...

I forgot to tell you, saw the cutest thing this weekend. Mom and Pop cardinal brought their little one to the feeders. It's not the first time, but it was the first time I saw them as a family. Anyway, dad shells the seeds, passes them to mom, and mom feeds the baby. Mom also shells the seeds and feeds the baby. This was on a tray feeder I have. Then later, all 3 of them flew to a sunflower that is growing by the feeders, (compliments of some bird!), and mom and chick were facing one, way, dad the other. Dad had seeds, shelled them, and gave them to mom over the top of the head of the baby. Then mom fed the baby. That was too cute. Baby had to put his head down so dad could pass the seeds! Then Sunday, the family was back (least I saw them again), and this time the chick was on a shelf, that the feeder hang from. Mom and Dad were in the feeders, they ate, then both parents flew off, and baby just looked, then flew down from the shelf, and proceeded to feed himself just fine while standing in the seed tray! He even went to another try feeder, and tried that entree!
Sparrows were doing the basically the same thing Friday, but the chicks were in the trays, parents on side, they went into their chirping and wing flapping, but when parents left, heads went down and they proceeded to eat themselves! Nice to know the babies can really take care of themselves if they have to!

Bai just moved, squiggles visible under chin on her arm. Squiggles is actually still! Wow, don't think I've seen him not moving!

Suzanne said...

Bai just moved, and there went Squiggles, on the straw. Wasn't quick enough to get a pic, Bai rolled over and then back on Squiggles again.

Suzanne said...

Bai moved over and laid on squiggles, you could see her mouth open! So Bai talked to her (she opened her mouth then too), and now she's picked her up to feed her.

Suzanne said...

Finny is back!
Bai still nursing.
Osprey in BW.
Still dark in Swallow nest.
Owl has returned to hotel.
Kent totally MT.
Lots of fish swimming in the NL.

Suzanne said...

Awww, Bai is laying down while feeding Squiggles. Can't believe she's still so tired, now. Hope she gets some energy before squiggles REALLY starts squiggling all over the place!

Suzanne said...

Finny didn't stay long!

Suzanne said...

Mom just brought Finny a fish, she left, and now he's gonna mantle! Selfish little thing, doesn't he realize Mom brought it for him? Now he's got it between his claws and is just squaking!! Man, look at the size of it...big black thing.

Suzanne said...

Squiggles little heaad is showing under Bai's chin. He's moving though, wonder how long it will take for him to wiggle out from under mom's big paws!

Suzanne said...

LOL, never mind, that's not gonna happen! Mom just rolled over top of Squiggles, and don't think he can move very much now.

Suzanne said...

BBL, somebody else needs to get up and take over...

movin said...


Sounds like you and your Cardinal family had a good weekend. Mine was not too shabby either.


movin said...

Take a look at Afrocam, there's a troop of baboons drinking, lolling around in the grass, grooming each other....

And McNeil Falls area seems to be getting rain now, river's up a little, and there seems to be more fishing action this morning.


Costume Lady said...

Got back from Va Beach late last evening. Caught up a little bit on blogs, but got too sleey. Did see our JO is blogging a bit. Such a pleasure to have her back.

SUZ, your were commenting on the cardinals feeding their babies, reminded me of a few weeks ago when I saw a Daddy cardinal feeding two Cowbirds. I have seen 1 in a family of cardinals before, but never 2. How dumb is that?

Costume Lady said...

Where is your AFROCAM?

movin said...

Morning, Wanda,
Here's the Afrocam url. Will that be good enough?


Suzanne said...

Morning, Jim, and Morning and Welcome Back, Wanda!
Glad you had a good weekend, Jim. I had a nice one, relaxing! Since I didn't have a car Sat, had to just chill all day, darn. Sure was nice. Can't get either of those cams here at work, Jim, but would love to see the Africam! Was reading all the comments last year here on the blog, and Nillas big croc, forget what she calls it.
How was the vacation to VA Beach, Wanda? wow, a cardinal feeding a cowbird! I'm surprised the baby cowbird let the baby cardinal live, little creatures usually kill the host babies. Or was dad cardinal just feeding the 2 cowbirds? He shoulda just let them fend for themselves! Yeah, not too bright!

Suzanne said...

Just saw the bluest bird in the Kent nest, cam3. Wow, was he blue!

movin said...

There's something happening with baboons at Pete's Pond too...

Funny, when I opened Pete's Pond, it opened on the tab I had McNeils Falls...guess they're both National Geographic, or something, and I don't seem to be able to run both at the same time.


movin said...

No blue bird in Kent nest now, Suz.

Big one or little one?


Suzanne said...

About the size of a Bluejay, I'll send you a pic. Maybe you know what it is. It's not a Jay, way to blue for them.

Suzanne said...

Enroute, Jim.

Suzanne said...

Finny left a sec ago, but look at the gazillion birds flying around in the background!

movin said...

Look at the fog or the rain roll into the Kent area!


movin said...

A beautiful antelope just crossed the closeup camera which was on the boons.


movin said...

It's raining at Afrocam...good thing, that pond is about the size of an old Silver Dollar now.


Suzanne said...

Bath time for Squiggles!!

Suzanne said...

Wow, sure is getting foggy in Kent. Kinda neat watching it come in!
Those gazillion birds are still in Finland, and I think bath time is over, Bai went back to sleep, and Squiggles is hidden now.

Suzanne said...

Wanda, how did Mom do on vacation?

movin said...

Suz, according to my "National Audubon Society" book, that blue beauty with the black hood (Perhaps with crest, if you could see it) is a "Stellers Jay".

At Pete's Pond the 7-8 ft crocodile has hauled out of the water and is sunning himself...the Guinea Fowl just keep on doing their thing very near him.


Suzanne said...

OH, thanks, Jim. I've heard of Steller's Jays, but have never seen one. Aren't these cams cool with all these new critter?

movin said...

There's an elephant browsing around the Afrocam pond in close up now.

and that croc at Pete's Pond was smaller than I though...some good sized antelope were drinking near him, and they made him smaller by comparison.

I know there's more than one croc in that pond, but it isn't exactly a large body of water...


Suzanne said...

Wow, I just looked up Stellers Jay on Google... They sure are beautiful, aren't they?

Suzanne said...

Bath time for Squiggles!

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNIN' EAGLE BUDDIES!---JIM--NILLA--SUZANNE---& WANDA!!---Another BEAUTIFUL AUGUST day in WV this a.m.--temp. 80° already & going higher I think!!!---I guess I must check on the "LITTLE PRINCE" & the "ATLANTA BEAUTY"---They are expecting me!!!---That MT STORK nest looks like a trampoline now!!

movin said...

Good morning to you too, Norma.

The elephant has joined more elephant and is now at least a small herd.


Suzanne said...

Morning, Norma. Enjoy your Panda views...

normabyrd said...

THANKS JIM!---I just "goggled" the STELLER'S JAY----Beautiful bird---I have never heard of a steller's jay!!!---

Suzanne said...

Norma, you have mail.

Mema Jo said...

Good Monday Morning Suzanne, I don't know what I would do without your comments each morning and now Jim is adding to them. You guys are great for keeping us up-to-date. Love the cardinal story and thanks for the pics of the cub and mom.
Hi Norma! Beautiful day in Middletown this am. Awaiting a visit from daughter. Wanda, I hope your trip went well and you were able to relax. Wonder where Candy is this am?

Mema Jo said...

I think the Santa Cruz nest had some
stellers jays in their eagle's nest.

Suzanne said...

Good morning, MemaJO! How you feeling? I was just thinking of Candy and Mits, both a MIA this morning! Yes, nice to have someone else comment in the mornings, he figured out the most beautiful bird! Was in the Kent nest, a Stellers Jay, very pretty!
You're welcome for the pics.

Suzanne said...

Oh, ok, Jo, just didn't see them, I guess.

Suzanne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
normabyrd said...

The "LITTLE PRINCE" is certainly making the cam people at the zoo earn their money---HE LOVES TO ROAM!!---& I LOVE WATCHING HIM!!-------I can't see BUTA BUTA---LUN LUN is lying face down in a pile of bamboo!!----All they do in ATLANTA is SLEEP!!

Suzanne said...

Finny's back, and so are the trillions of birds in the back!

Costume Lady said...

Almost stopped by to see you on our way home, but don't know where you live in Romney. We were very close.

JIM-- Thanks for trying to give me the AFROCAM link, but All I could see were Elephants.

Mom did GREAT with her new HIP. She came home with a Whole New Wardrobe. She usually gets too tired to shop very much, and ends up with maybe a few blouses and a pair of slacks. But this time, she has a whole new wardrobe for the Fall and Winter months. That is wonderful for an 87 year old. She is very fashion conscience and I am happy about that. She still cares about how she looks and has her hair done regularly.
Va.Beach changes so much from year to year, but we enjoy it so much. There is a Science and Marine Museum there that is to die for. We always enjoy going there. They have an Aviary there, which is always a treat and an IMAX theatre which is an experience everyone should be able to enjoy.

normabyrd said...

BW--has pic of an EAGLET that landed in the OSPREY nest the other day---Could be a BW EAGLET!!!-----Bet it was!!---Now one of the KENT KIDS needs to touch base with us too!!!!!

Suzanne said...

Oh, Wanda, that's wonderful! Good for her! A new wardrobe always helps with the outlook too! Something about new clothes make you feel good! I'm so glad she is enjoying her new hip! She sounds like an amazing woman!
I can't remember the last time I was in Va Beach, it's been so long. But glad you guys had what sounds like a wonderful time!

normabyrd said...

WHOA WANDA!!---You can stop by & take me to the BEACH anytime----I need a new FALL & WINTER wardrobe!!!---No wonder the CAPT is her favorite son-in-law!!!---ho!----Sounds as if you folks had a wonderful time---We used to go to VA BEACH when kids were small---but they liked OCEAN CITY better---larger beach!! HECK---SUZ & I are available to go to any beach---!!

normabyrd said...

WELL SUZANNE---We certainly think alike---ho!---I just read your post!!!

Suzanne said...

LOL, you got that right, Norma! Just name the time.
Bai is laying on her back, squiggles is under her paw, but you can see her wiggling!

Suzanne said...

OH, forgot...Squiggles and Bai were on the Today show, Sat! Short blip with pics about the cub being 1 week old. It was too cute.

normabyrd said...

JIM!!!--We wouldn't leave you at home------You can come with SUZANNE & me to VA BEACH!!!---ho!

Suzanne said...

Bai moving... Well seems, she tried to cover squiggles, but if you look, you can see a little tail or leg still moving. Too funny, that little cub is never still!

floralgirl said...

Morning all:) All this beach talk sounds tempting..

Suzanne said...

What's sthe deal, SD just switched to Su Lin! She's eating bamboo, and she's adorable, but I want to see Bai and Squiggles!

Morning, Megan! Yup, time to go hit the beaches, huh?

normabyrd said...

GREAT SHOT at FIN NEST---MS. FIN has her wings spread out in front of FINNY---After she puts her wings down---FINNY is just looking at her & keeping his "FOOT ON HIS FISH"---Bet he is thinking---"I ain't goin' no where & leave my fish"!!!! NO INDEEDEEY!!

Suzanne said...

Both Ms Fin and Finny were in the nest, but mom left before I could snap a pic.

normabyrd said...

HI MEGAN----If you are NICE to us---we will take you!! ho!---That's an easy one---YOU ARE ALWAYS NICE!!-----How's daughter's hand?--Hope she is feeling better---school next week??

normabyrd said...

OSPREY in CT NEST!---A pretty sight, when most of our nests are MT!!--I think that is a colorful site---even when it's MT---Remember when it had the BLUE TEDDY BEAR!!!

floralgirl said...

Oh, don't worry, Norma, I'm always nice to my eagle buddies:) I don't get tough til you cross me, then look out.. middle of next week, we are not ready. Every year here they take our kids back earlier. School should start the day after Labor day, not one day earlier, JMHO. Her hand is feeling somewhat better, just in the long process of therapy and trying to get the hand working right again. It's slow and painful.

Suzanne said...

Wow, check out Finny!

Suzanne said...

He was doing wing flaps and squaking, fish in talons the whole time. Now he's just eating.
And Bai and Squiggles are back!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all. Busy Monday at work today!

Howdy, Wanda, Norma, Jim, Jo and Suz and Megan!

Was good seeing you yesterday, Megan. Love selling items at your market tent, always surrounded by such pretty flowers! (till they sell out, that is!)

normabyrd said...

MEGAN---I agree---they should wait until Labor Day----1 daughter teaches in FL & 1 in WV---both are at school with teachers meetings this week!!!----How are your flower gardens?---Was there enough rain to help---I hope so--I worry about you!!!!---SO I'LL KEEP DANCING!!! ---STAY COOL!!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh yea, new week, new picture. Please meet

American the Eagle

A symbol for this land so free
I proudly stand for all to see
And since the U.S. first began
I'm glad I'm an American !

P.S. This is the beanie I gave Jo. Her daughter gave her 2 of them!

Mema Jo said...

Yes Sir! I got 3 - lucky me!

Mema Jo said...

Taking a lie down break - hope to be back......

Suzanne said...

Morning, Paula. I presume you are talking about your picture, but I haven't shown a picture on your name for quite a long time. I only get a white MT box. But if it's a Beannie Baby, it's got to be cute!

Suzanne said...

Enjoy your nap, Jo! Sleep tight, and hopefully, blog at you tomorrow.

normabyrd said...

FINNY SPREAD HIS WINGS--(Isn't he a handsome bird)----then turned around & began eating again---I feel for him---He will be out there all alone!!!---(we'll alone too---when he leaves)

Suzanne said...

Yeah, Norma, I'm gonna miss him! He is absolutely beautiful!!
Nursing time over, Bai laying back down. Did you all get to see Squiggles up close nursing? Cam was right there.. too cool.

floralgirl said...

Hey Paula- thanks for helping out yesterday:) Rain was definitely helpful, if only we could have had it in May or June , many crops already lost for the season now. Still hanging in there, though, hope to end my season late Sept- Oct. Keep dancing, it keeps you young!!

paula eagleholic said...

BTW the previous beanie pic, I gave the wrong info. The one with the stars and stripes wings is:

Soar the eagle

The symbol of freedom soaring high
The eagle glides across the sky
He's proud to wear red, white and blue
He's patriotic through and through!

Suzanne said...

Check out the swallow babies. They're all hanging around the entrance hole! Trying to vie for position, must be getting time to fledge.

normabyrd said...

HI PAULA!!---LOVE your new BEANIE EAGLE!!!---

WOW JO!!!----You've got 3!!!!---Delighted to hear from you!!!---STILL MISS YOU BUNCHES!!----You get well soon!!!---(that's an ORDER)----Checked on the "ATLANTA BEAUTY"---all were sleeping!!!---The "LITTLE PRINCE'S" cam is down!!!

normabyrd said...

PAULA---If he is RETIRED---That means he is a "collector's item"??---Those beanie eagles are COOL!!!

normabyrd said...


Suzanne said...

Thanks, Norma, yup, just noticed. Time for me to hit the road. All have a great eagle/panda day!
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Costume Lady said...

Just checked in on young swallows. Haven't seen them for about a week. They do have beautiful faces, don't they? Yup they will be gone soon, probably today or tomorrow from the looks of thing.

The Capt. and I used to go to Va. Beach during the Christmas Holidays when the crowds were gone. It is absolutely beautiful with the Christmas trimmings all marine related. The ocean has a special charm in the Winter.

We were going to come down your way, but heard a Tornado was possible--so we stayed where we were. It was very, very hot and humid, even in the stores, but as you know, the Eagle Express has a good air conditioner and lots of Eagle Talons.

Anne-Marie said...

Good Morning all. Wow what a weekend. I hurt all over. I found muscles I lost in the third grade.But I have a clean garage. Hurray! It was so funny to see Heidi running around it as if she was thrilled to death she had a clean floor. I had the kitchen remodeled and all of the cabinets and sink and stuff was all over. Now its at the curb waiting to be picked up.
Well school has started. I'm used to school starting the day after Labor Day. Its isnt like that here now. School runs all year and they stagger. I sat at the light and watched what they were wearing to high school. Unbelievable .I must be getting old.
Back to work. have a beautiful day.

normabyrd said...

TWO OSPREY CHICKS in CT NEST---They seem to be resting---ho!--Probably FOOD TIME!!

Jill said...

HOw cute is this?

normabyrd said...

HELLO ANNE-MARIE!!----WOW!---I would love to have some of your energy---I bet having a new kitchen would help!---That's great!!----Loved your comment about the way the school kids dress-----They are COOL!!---We didn't have money to dress like that!!!--

normabyrd said...

JILL----Thanks!---I sent a card to SUZANNE!!!----Is ADORABLE or not!!!----She is fun to watch!!!

Jill said...

That is the best picture so far. I saw her yesterday squirming across momma's chest but not that plain. She is so adorable. Guess Mits is off enjoying her company today. She missed out. Hopefully she will ge to see the picture later.

Jill said...

Close up a Mei nursing. How cute? Cant' get a picture tho. Sorry.

NillaWafer said...

WOW had a terrible time getting in here for some reason the internet wont bring up beakspeak page, so i had to go to momsters and use the link in there weird... Now that i am i forgot what i was going to BBL going to check cams and Oh have agreat evening also!!!

Jill said...

Bai is out of the den and I can't see Squigglebutt. Anybody?

Jill said...

Bai back. Must have Squiggles with her. Back to the camera but it looks like she is licking something.

Mema Jo said...

Jill, I tuned in too late - She was back in the den by the time I looked. I was reading the ButaButa cub updates. ...Mark your calendars Thursday,September 6
Mei Lan turns 1 and you’re invited to the birthday party! Mei Lan’s birthday cake will be cut at 11 a.m.

Jill said...

I saw her come back in Jo but it didn't look like she had Squiggles with her. She kind of dug in the straw then settled in with her back to the camera. Did you see the adorable picture from earlier?

Jill said...

Bai gone. Clear view of Squiggles.

Jill said...

Bai back, picked up Squiggles. Time to eat now I guess.

paula eagleholic said...

Switched to Mei eating bamboo

Mema Jo said...

Bai is sound asleep. Can't really see Squiggles.

It is about time for me to call it a day. See the Surgeon tomorrow and will get the word out as to hos he thinks I am doing!

Good Night All
Peace to you and yours
Prayers for all your needs being said

Good Morning Early Birds

movin said...

Well, I underwent the bureaucratic equivalent of 3 root canals today, but I think I got enrolled in the interim med. insurance my old company agreed to pay the first month of.

Now, I've got to pay 100% for at least one prescription and hope I can get reimbursed.

Enough of that!!

Nilla, I also tried to open many times, but it wouldn't do...probably down for service of some kind, it been getting slower and slower opening lately.

There was more action than I usually see on the African sites today, but not much elsewhere...


movin said...


Great to see you on the blog again, Mema Jo. I've got a feeling that you are more than alright.


MITS said...

HELLO AND GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE all caught up on mail and blogs, really good reading....Suz is getting up and I am finally heading to bed. Really nice day with my friend today, breakfast and lunch on balcony, went to the sundeck and pool this afternoon and went to dinner and the boardwalk tonight. Hubby doesn't know it, but he bought my a nice braclet for our anniversary tonight:):):)! Glad everyone is doing well!

MITS said...


Suzanne said...

Good morning, eagle world. Nice night out, but it's a LOT cooler than it has been. I was shocked when I went out to feed my outdoor kitty this morning, and it was only 64. Hasn't been that cool in a while. It's up to 74 here, which is more like it. Felt good, though, but wimpy me, had to wear a sweater! If it's below 65, it's cold.
Just opened Finland, Finny is grooming, and Squiggles is under Bai's chin, and pushing very hard to get out from under! Too funny! But cam is up close and personal, and you can see his eyes and the dark ear. Too cute. Bai's sound asleep, and Squiggles is really pushing to get out from under monm's chin! Awwwwww!!!
Wow, gonna be a good day! My fav Fin nest is occupied, and seeing a good closeup shot of the baby! Doesn't get any better than this!
All have a great eagle/panda day.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Squiggles is really trying very hard to use those little front legs to push off mom, and Bai hasn't moved! Adorable. Squiggles pushes, then takes a break for a few, then tries pushing again. Love this cam!

Suzanne said...

Squiggles is under mom's chin, in the crook of her arm, and poor Squiggles is determined he's gonna move! Too funny, he's sure trying, just not getting any place yet. Bless his heart, his front legs look like they're about 2" long, if that. Geesh, born so tiny, to grow up so big!

Suzanne said...

Oh, Jo there is an owl in the hotel, grooming.
Mits, you're too funny! I'm glad you got such a nice Anniversary present from your hubby! I'm sure you'll even tell him what he got you someday! :-)
Yup, by the time you went to bed, I was almost ready to leave...running a bit early this morning (how in the world did THAT happen???), and I left home at 1:51. ugh.
Squiggles is actuallysnuggling back in to Bai now. Thought for a sec she was going to sleep, didn't move for a sec there, but that was short lived! Back to wiggling, but think snuggling back into mom.

Suzanne said...

LOL, squiggles is pushing VERY hard now, guess that was just a pause for breath! And think mom is gonna wake up soon, mouth is opening and closing, so he's probably squeeking to be fed. Aww, too cute! AARRRGGGHHH, LOST PIC! Time still updating, but pic is almost totally dark!

Suzanne said...

Well, dark, think they turned the cam off. Time is going just fine, but pic is almost totally black. I'm hoping the wiggling and squealing woke Bai up, and she's feeding Squiggles.
Finny took off, and they've fixed the other Fin osprey cam, but not the cormorants yet.
Owl still in hotel, and swallows still in nest. At least one, but can't tell is baby or adult, too dark.
Lisa has a pic of a juvie eaglet on the osprey page, hoping it may be Justice or Majesty, and all the sod balls are totally gone.
SD still dark. Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Suzanne said...

Crap, SD still black, no pic! Hope everything is alright! Squiggles couldn't wake up mom this morning, but I saw her breathing alright, so I hope she's ok! Wonder if maybe she moved to block the infrared light, or something...

Suzanne said...

Finny is back! SD still dark.

Suzanne said...

Wow, parent just brought a huge fish to Finny, who took it and immediately mantled over it. parent took off, now he's gonna tackle this meal.
SD still black...

Suzanne said...

Thought this was cool this morning, this is our quote of the day.

"The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind." William James

So had to look him up, and this is what I found: William James (January 11, 1842 – August 26, 1910) was a pioneering American psychologist and philosopher.

Not bad for his generation, we're still believing that!

Finny still eating fish, sometimes he is using his wings to help hold on to the fish! Guess he can get a better grip when he's flapping!
SD still dark, darn, going through withdrawal here!

Suzanne said...

He may have had to use his wings to get him started, but he's sure getting big bites now!

Suzanne said...

Wow, that little porker finished off that huge fish in record time. You should have seen the size of the bites he was taking! He's off exploring, now, left as soon as fish was gone.

Costume Lady said...

What--no police chases this morning?
It is chilly here also, about 64 degrees (I don't know how to make a degree symbol). I like my mornings to be about 72.
What on earth has happened to Panda cam? What on earth are we going to do now?

Suzanne said...

Well, dang, and double dang. SD has been, and is now showing Su Lin! She's been on for hours, but didn't think to look at the number until just now. Of course it's still dark in San Diego, it's only 4:52 in the morning!
So ok, why aren't they showing us Bai Yun and Squiggles!!!

Suzanne said...

Good morning, Wanda! Very uneventful ride to work this morning!! Totally! In fact, I only saw 1 deer, didn't hear many locusts (too chilly, I guess), and nothing exciting whatsoever.
Just noticed the number change on the SD cam a sec ago, but it's been there for hours, cause there is a little white looking box on top of cam, and that was the only thing I could see since 1 something their time! Now I know why. That's a BUMMER!!! wonder why they're not showing Bai and Squiggles??? Couldn't find anything on their site, looked earlier.
And I'm with you, 72 is nice.
To make the degree sign, hold down the ALT key, and use your NUMBER KEYPAD (top row numbers will not work), and type 2 4 8. That gives you the ° sign.

Suzanne said...

Oh, our beautiful Finny is back!

Suzanne said...

Finny still there, and I do believe he found some leftovers! He didn't bring anything with him, and this is only a piece of a fish. Hum, saving snacks for later. Smart boy!

Suzanne said...

BAI IS BACK!!!!!!!

Suzanne said...

Bath time for squiggles, and Finny still in nest. Leftovers all gone, he's just hanging out.

Suzanne said...

BRB. Finny in nest, Bai washing Squiggles.... well, between quick snoozes, she is.

Costume Lady said...

What a spectacular shot of Mrs. Fin bringing Finny lunch. We would never get to see anything like this without these wonderful cams. We are so lucky to have this technology in our lives.
Thank goodness SD is back on!

Costume Lady said...

THANK YOU!! I have been trying to learn how to get the ° symbol for ages and no one could explain it to me as simply as you just did. Hooray! I love it when I learn something new.

Suzanne said...

LOL, Wanda, that is part of the ASCII code. Do a search in Google for ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange), and you'll learn LOTS of new symbols you can use on your computer. Bout a hundred years ago, before GUIs, you had to use a command line, and had to use a lot of those symbols.
Yeah, I'm glad SD is back too! With BAI, and not Su Lin. Su Lin is Bai's daughter and a little cutie, but I'd rather watch the new kid on the block!!!

Suzanne said...

You're welcom for the pics. I have the one of mom bringing the fish in for my wallpaper today. Neat colored fish, huh? Orange, grey, with black maybe? Don't have a clue what it is.

Suzanne said...

Finny just arrived back!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning.. Getting ready for appointment this am... turned on Wildcam

Wildcam Africa

Large turtle...

Suzanne said...

Good morning, Jo! Good luck with your appointment! Hope you are feeling better!
Finny is in nest, and Bai is sleeping.

Mema Jo said...

Suzanne and Wanda, I'll be in touch after lunch sometime.

Suzanne said...

Ok, Jo, take it easy!

Suzanne said...

Bai just woke up and is nursing.
Finny is grooming.
LOTS of colorful fish in the NL.
Looks like the heavy rain stopped in Finland, other osprey nest, but marina area still looks very overcast.

Suzanne said...

Closeup of squiggles nursing!

Suzanne said...

Meal time over, nap time now.

Suzanne said...

Finny finished grooming, so he left. Must have another hot date...

Suzanne said...

Oh, there goes a Gar. Wierd.

Suzanne said...

LOL, one of the swallow babies had mouth wide open, up by the entrance. Guess it's getting time to eat!
Bai still sleepping, looks like Squiggles is on her arm, and both osprey nests MT.

Suzanne said...

Lots of activity in the swallow nest!

Suzanne said...

OH, big time closeup of Squiggles' face.

Suzanne said...

Finny back with food, but don't know if he brought it or a parent did.
Swallows aare just all over each other, and Bai and Squiggles are back to sleep.

Jill said...

Just saw an article that 4 baby Pandas were born in China in one day. Apparently 2 sets of twins.

Suzanne said...

Nursing time.

Suzanne said...

Hey, Jill, good news!

Suzanne said...

Finny just flaps his wings when he eats. He's gonna need a big table when he stops coming to the nest to eat! Guess it helps him balance when he tackels those big fish!
Squiggles nursing, Bai falling asleep when he is.
Swallows are all over that nest. Nest is almost too small for them now. They have such cute faces!

Costume Lady said...

Is it unusual for a Panda to have twins?

Finny's fish would be good done on the grill (looks like a trout).

Jill said...

I think it is more unusual that both live. From what I have read giving birth to or carrying twins doesn't seem to be that unusual. MITS?

Suzanne said...

I thought twins was more the norm than a single cub. But what do I know, but I don't think it's unusual.

Suzanne said...

Bai waking up again. SQUIGGLES ALONE!!!

Suzanne said...

Wish the cam would zoom. Never mind, here come mom back. Ok, time to nurse now.

MITS said...

GOOD TUESDAY MORNING ALL Twins are normal for pandas, in captivity they switch them back and forth between mom and keepers, in the wild one will die, because mom can't take care of two at a time, one of the numerous reasons for their decline.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Mits! Feeding time is over, Bai just sort of rolled over on her back, holding Squiggles, and went to sleep. Too cute.

Costume Lady said...

That's really interesting about the twins and not surviving in the wild. Wonder why that happens and how long it has been a problem. That would make for an interesting Paper for my Grandson to work on. He is studying Environmental Science.

Suzanne said...

Wow, believe it or not, there is a hoodie in the 2nd Fin nest! Haven't seen those guys for a while!

Morning, Candy!

Suzanne said...

Just for giggles I just checked Kent. All 3 cams went down this morning shortly after 1. Darn, MT nests, and cams go down...

Suzanne said...

Pretty boy Finny is back.

Mauley said...

I dreamed I got to go to the Sycamore tree last night. It was so real. Mits was there, Jo, Paula, and Suzanne and sister Sharon. I could see your faces so plain and there were jelly filled donuts there. Talk about a good dream. I don't usually dream. I sure hope it comes true. Would I ever love a ride on the Eagle Express!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a blessed day all of you on here today. donna

Suzanne said...

LOL, morning, Donna! Sounds like a good dream to me...specially the jelly donuts, love them!

Suzanne said...

Bai looks like she's sleeping with all 4 legs in the air. Has squiggles between her front paws. Too cute.

Costume Lady said...

I just gained 5 pounds reading about your dream! You can be assured that if you are in our vicinity, you will get a ride on the Eagle Express and we will even have Jelly Filled Donuts (I like the apple filled ones).

movin said...


I got up kind of late...noticed I've been going to bed later and later too.

I was looking at the SD Panda right now, and I happened to scroll down and look to the left where it says,

"Listen to Senior Research Technician Suzanne Hall discuss our pandas!"

Hahahaha...unless it is our Suz.


movin said...

The juvenile Osprey is on the Finnish nest at the moment...

What happened to the Kent cameras?


Suzanne said...

Morning, Jim. Nope, not me. Made a comment on here a couple days ago that she has a much more interesting job than I do! Wish it was me, love to work with wild animals...kinda, sorta.

Suzanne said...

Feeding time again, and I swear they moved the Fin cam closer. Finny is right in your face now!

Suzanne said...

Ok, I'm not crazy. They have moved the Fin cam closer. You can't see the edges of the nest now. Wow, such a pretty raptor!

Time for me to hit the road. All have a great eagle/panda day.

Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Uh oh, there goes Bai, down and out. Nap time. See ya tomorrow.

movin said...

Great day, Suz... thanks for the observations and notes.


Anne-Marie said...

Good Morning all. Another beautiful day as long as I dont have to go outside. I am such a sissy. I made my appointment for my Kyack lessons as soon as I get back from Alaska. Its really close and I didnt even know it. My kids just shake their heads. I think they are afraid of what I'm going to do next.
I also found out its $13.00 and email from the boat so you guys will have to wait for pictures until I get back.
I have a skunk under the 5th wheel. I found the nest when I did the yard cleaning. I have called animal control this morning. I'm afraid of Heidi getting mixed up with it. I smelled it at night but thought it was down by the creek not in my back yard. I thought it was a rats nest but my neighbor says no. He should know.Any of you deal with that problem?
I'm thrilled about the news from China about the births.
Have a beautiful day and I will be back and forth. Hugs.

Mauley said...

Wanda, I sure do pray I get on that Eagle Express next year, assuming this is my invitation.:)
We will have apple filled donuts and more. Maybe even another eagle cake. That sure was something. I wanted to be there so badly and I was so envious and all of you forgave me, I know. Wasn't Sandy's house awesome. I hope I get to go there too, SandyShaw. Have a good one all of you. donna

Mema Jo said...

All 3 Kent cams are up for me - correct date & time. Evening hour on Africam but no action. Swallows are filling up the nest box.. Barn owl still inhabiting the nest box. I can also get beakspeak up today.

Mema Jo said...

Glad you had a good delicious dream Donna. Anne, hopefully Ms Skunk and family will be gone and won't reutrn by the time you get home. Heidi does not need to have an encounter with her.
Hi Jim. Frodo & Freida sure are around much yet.

Jill said...

Close up of Squiggles.

Anne-Marie said...

check the swalow nest. I think one just fledged.

Anne-Marie said...

Maybe not. Maybe they just pushed junior in a corner. too many kids in one bed.

Mema Jo said...

I think I still see 3 heads.. Does the mother come in and still feed them, Anne?

normabyrd said...

MAULEY--JIM---JILL--& ANNE-MARIE!!----I just saw SQUIGGLY on the straw all alone!!---MAMA BEAR put her down--SUZ certainly has the correct name for her---She is a WIGGLER!--JO--GREAT to see you on the BLOG---ANNE-MARIE if HEIDI is sprayed by the skunk---Wash her in TOMATO JUICE!!!---Pray that she doesn't get near one!!---JIM---You need to talk to ANNE-MARIE if you have tooth problems----SHE KNOWS!!---JILL---Dr. WOLFE see the EAGLES near the old drive-in?---Said you would know!!!----KIDS--I have been in Winchester all a.m. & need to take care of some "house duties"--ho!---LATER---

Mema Jo said...

Open them beaks!!

normabyrd said...

2 OSPREY CHICKS in CT NEST---Nice to see a nest that isn't MT!!----

SUZ certainly is correct about the FIN CAM being moved up!!!---

Mema Jo said...

You surely do get around for a lady without a cane! lol
Oct 20 is the Cane Switch date you know.......

Jill said...

Yeah Norma. The old drive in is beside Betty's Daughter's motel on the road to Seneca. Just past the hospital. The river runs down behind it sort of. I know exactly where he means. So is his farm there? It would be behind the hospital near the airport if so.

Mema Jo said...

Little Prince is inside - has a blue swimming pool. Mom and Dad are on the outside together in same yard. It is good to see them enjoying each other. I think Tai is wondering if he is too big for his baby pool. lol

Mema Jo said...



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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...