Sunday, August 05, 2007


New thread. We need rain.


Costume Lady said...



MITS said...

GOOD A.M. AGAIN Mom is cuddling the little cub

MITS said...

Hello, Wanda and Capt Eagle, have a good Sunday.

MITS said...

Humid and Hazy at the beach now.

sunny said...

Good Morning, all! I'm so glad to hear that Jo is home! I hope she has good air conditioning! Hubby and I drove to southern MD yesterday to kayak, but it was just too hot. We put the boats in the water and paddled lazily for about 15 minutes, then decided to go back. Too hot, and not a whisper of a breeze. I think today is expected to be cooler.

Have a great day, everyone. I have to go read the blogs from yesterday.

MITS said...

Sunny, now that is hot, when you can't get a breeze by the water:(.

paula eagleholic said...

Good Sunday Morning, all

movin said...


I was looking at Shepherdstown weather after your is supposed to be warm and humid again, but there are T-storm icons on the whole week of forecasts.

As you know, So Cal had very little rain last season (we are now a dry, dry least for a year), so the fire danger is high... Well, mercifully it is staying cloudy and overcast, especially in the mornings, which holds the temperatures down in the low 70's and the humidity above 50%.

Hope you people get the break in the heat and the rain you need.

Have a happy day,


paula eagleholic said...

Kent kid up the tree!

movin said...

I just opened the Kent site, caught the tail end of an adult leaving the nest and Albert perched on the lower limb.

Now Albert is in the nest apparently looking for food...doesn't seem to be there.


paula eagleholic said...

I just caught the wing tip of one of them leaving...MT nest now :(

Robyn said...

Morning Wanda, Gene, Mits, Sunny, Paula, Jim...

Mits I remember when Tai was born, Tori and I would watch for hours when we had the time, sadly we stopped soon after his 1st b'day with us seldom returning back. It is amazing how small these critters are at birth then how they grow from pink with black spots to little furballs lol.

I will be watching when I can in between travels and school.

paula eagleholic said...

Robyn - sounds like you are taking your classes online?

paula eagleholic said...

Did you go swimming last night?

Robyn said...

Yes Paula all online since Tori took ill. But she is on the road to recovery though it will take anywhere from 2 to 5 years. It was easier in case we needed to do some hospital time again and it allows me to take care of other priorities at home and travel :).

No alas I didn't go swimming last night since I took my mid term and believe I pulled an A. I'm going swimming with the girl shortly and get a litle sun. We brought Tori's best friend with us on this trip.

paula eagleholic said...

Robyn - enjoy the swim. Glad your midterm went well, always a good feeling!

paula eagleholic said...

Got to go get some stuff done...BBL!

Robyn said...

Thanks Paula, enjoy your day.

Heading out with suntan lotion in hand.


wvgal_dana said...

Been watching the San Diego Mom and baby. Reminds me of BudaBuda.

It is great Jo is home!!!!! smile

Hope the email I sent around about the endangered bird "piping plover". Hope picture shows.

MITS said...

Big time eating at CT.

wvgal_dana said...

They sure are Mits they are pigging out at CT.

MITS said...

The video on of Su Lin getting her 2nd birthday cake is really cute.

MITS said...

And now she is live on the panda cam, they just took it off of Bai.

wvgal_dana said...

Mind is still showing C14 Bia time that has been running is 14:17:30

wvgal_dana said...

By the way Mits (if your still here) Who is Albert? Can't seem to remember.

MITS said...

Yes, Dana mine went back to Bai also last time I checked....think Albert is Puget Sound Eaglet.

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Mits...

My pink kitty didn't eat any of those endangered birds.
They say the cat association and the bird association are going to work together. If they have to they will relocate cats in endangered bird areas. Other prediators are: fox, gulls, and raccoons.

MITS said...

I have seen fox in my sand dunes.

wvgal_dana said...

Really probably searching for bird eggs.

Robyn said...

Albert is in Kent and eggbert is PS :)

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Robyn thank you have a nice swim?

Robyn said...

Yes Dana, it was HOT today, 100!!

Pool was 84 since there has been rain almost everyday so it was very refreshing and getting my tan back also

Costume Lady said...

We are getting a little shower...hope it continues through the night. You are right Robyn, Albert and Einstein are the Kent eaglets. Mits, the ocean breeze will do that to you (make you forget). We are leaving sometime this week for the beach and I hope to forget some things for a while also.

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD EVENING ALL EAGLE MOMSTERS OUT THERE! MITS, DANA. PAULA, SUNNY, WANDA, JIM, AND ROBYN! Finally had a chance to get on. Doesn't look like much activity in here today. Too hot to even move, I guess.

DANA Albert is one of the Juvies in the Kent nest. The other in the nest is Einstellia (as Jo calls her) Jo's Eggbert is the Puget Sound bird.

JIM, Maybe we should all do floralgirl's raindance for Jim. I hope your home isn't in between dry woods. That is awful the way fire gets going out in that area and just gobbles anything in it's path.

ROBYN Way to go on your mid terms. With all you had going on you stilled pulled an A. SUPER!! Sorry to hear that your brother is being a poop. If I lived up closer, I would take her for you.

carolinabeachmom said...


Costume Lady said...

How are you feeling now? How's the knee doing?

carolinabeachmom said...

For some reason, I can't get the SD Panda cam. Glad some of you saw the mom and new cub today. I get can't be found. Now over to check my email. BB

carolinabeachmom said...

WANDA I see where you, Capt. Eagle and Mom are going to Va. Beach sometine this week. It is going to be a HOT one. Hope you get nice NE breezes to cool you down a bit. Take it easy in that RV; it might just take off and FLY LIKE AN EAGLE! :)

movin said...

Well, Candy, if you are all going to do the rain dance for us out here, I'm moving out of the dry creek bed ASAP!!

Hahaha. It's an unlikely time of year for rain, but we'll take it if you can bring it.


Costume Lady said...

Glad you are on here. I have a question. Would we be sorry if we visited OBX this time of the year? I'm afraid if we wait til later, we may run into a Hurricane.

Robyn said...

Candy thanks, for some reason I can pull an A on my majors but my electives I seem to pull B's, go figure.

My brother stopped being a poop this morning, YAY! Tori is coming home with us!!!

Costume Lady said...

Hope you are lurking on here. Candy just mentioned Flying like an Eagle and that reminds me to tell you that the closing hymn in church this morning was 'I WILL RAISE YOU UP ON EAGLE WINGS'. Gave me cold chills.

Costume Lady said...

Hip, Hip, Hooray for Tori!

How many more semesters do you have to go?

Costume Lady said...

Be sure to check that Dry Creek Bed for gold nuggets before the rain washes it away!

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Candy, Wanda, Jim, Robyn oopss anyone I missed and lurkers.

Knee is good thank you did ever well at the reunion. Stayed off grassy areas though.
My other illness is up, down, and turning me sideways. Nothing they can find major. So I say carry on carry on...just have to hang in there. Lord knows me better than I know myself.

Robyn that is so good that Tori is coming home with you. Also glad the water temp sounded nice nice.

Jo you are in our hearts ((hugs))

Robyn said...

I should be graduating spring of 09 because I changed majors I increased my time :(

Then hopefully graduate school

wvgal_dana said...

Looks like they put new straw in the Mommy and panda cublet. Mom sure has been feeding. Mom is just laying down again.

MITS said... bad, your right Wanda, sea breeze makes me too relaxed:). So glad Tori is coming home to her pets:).

carolinabeachmom said...

WANDA It would take you about another 2 hours to get down to OBX and traffic has picked up the last couple of weeks. I think that people must be trying to get their vacations in before the children have to go back to schoo. You would be ok coming in, as long as it isn't the weekend. We usually don't start hurricane worries until after we start school; the end of Aug., just in time to have to make up the lost days. :(

carolinabeachmom said...

ROBYN So glad to hear that your brother is stepping up and helping you out and Tori is able to come home with you. Things come to those who wait; praying helps a little too. :) That is such good news.

carolinabeachmom said...

HEY JIM How long has your creek bead been dry. I might at least put my house up on pilings, so you won't get flooded out after we all do the rain dance. You never know; strange things happen!:)

carolinabeachmom said...

WANDA Don't you just love singing "I Will Raise You Up On Eagles Wings" in church? I just love that song. I have Steve Miller's band in my music with Fly Like An Eagle, the Momsters song. I love to play it while I am on here.

carolinabeachmom said...

WANDA When my parents and mu family came to the OBX it would be in the spring and fall. Late Sept. or early Oct. is a nice time, and less people.

Robyn said...

Mits I will be bringing her kitties one at a time to my brothers home, my sis in law wants tori to stay there till we get the rugs pulled from the house and the wood floors put in. Doctor said she must remain out of the home for no sooner then 3 mths due to the bird dander that needs time to disipate from the home.

We saw a wood stork yesterday when we went to the store but there were cars behind us so we couldn't take a picture. We also saw a crab making its way across the Walgreen parking lot the other night. Mom said they are land crabs and this is their mating season so we should be seeing more before we leave. It was hysterical watching him make his way across the parking lot. The cars behind us also took care to avoid hitting him :)

Land crabs LOL makes me think of Chevy Chase doing his land shark skit on SNL

carolinabeachmom said...

Are you all still getting the SC Panda Cam? I can't seem to get in it any way I try. I got on it when I first got on, and it went off for good.

MITS said...

Now since this is a family blog, I won't say what I think the crab was doing at Chevy Chase, that shark thing was hysterical. Our season should start winding down next week. Big week here this week. The White Marlin Tournament is starting tomorrow. I usually go down to the inlet to watch the boats going out to the ocean, but I have to be there before 4:00a.m. There are almost 500 boats boats entered in it this year. They can't go out to the canyons til 5:00a.m., so the parade of boats takes a couple of hours. Its neat, but I can see and hear them take off if I watch from balcony. MTBR.

MITS said...

Candy, I bet there are so many hits, it got knocked off-line. I can't get in either.

carolinabeachmom said...

SC Nest empty
Finland cams night time
WE nest empty
Puget Sound nest empty
One owl in nestbox
Swallow mom feeding chicks
No burrowing owls
BW osprey nest mt
1 falcon on the Pa. ledge
Richmond Osprey nest mt
Parent and one juvie in Conn. Osprey nest
Pulston Osprey nest mt

Well, all seems pretty quiet on this front. Nothing seems to be moving if it is there at all; just Mama Swallow feeding her babies.

I still can't get on SD Panda Cam

carolinabeachmom said...

Ok thanks MITS

Robyn said...

The last week of August before Sun fest is big weekend too (or so my friends keep telling me lol) as the Cork Bar is getting rid of all it's inventory and charging only by tips. Shame I will be busy tearing my home apart.

MITS said...

Candy, I just tried to go in thru the main www.way and it says if I see this page, that they are either experiencing troubles or it is down for maintenance...I think they just are having to much traffic.

carolinabeachmom said...

MITS It is also fun to watch the fishing boats come in with all their catch of the day and flags flying of the ones that they caught and threw back. They are so beautiful, so I vote for throwing them back, but a lot of people have them filleted to take home and eat. Excitement is in the air when they come back to the docks and unload and weigh their catch.

carolinabeachmom said...

MITS I even went through search in Yahoo, got the site up, double clicked and was told it couldn't come on. So It must be busy now that it is after dinner and more people watching. Maybe I can get to see the new mom and baby cub tomorrow after Marek goes to work around 4pm

carolinabeachmom said...

MITS SD Panda Cam is back on my screen again. Try it.

wvgal_dana said...

Night all

carolinabeachmom said...

FOOD NIGHT DANA! Talk to you tomorrow.

Robyn said...

Night Dana

MITS said...

ROBYN, Sunfest starts on Sept 20th.

MITS said...

Got it up Candy. I remember how hard it is on their site to see the cub, the National Zoo's was great could see Tai all the time and here him too.

Robyn said...

I went ot sunfest a few years ago and had a great time spent too much money too :(

MITS said...

Yeah, I have done the same thing. Thursday is the best day to go, less crowds......The lovely Frieda is back on, may be sitting on an egg?????

MITS said...

Figures, she just left, and I don't see an egg.

Bob Quinn said...

Hey all! Glad to hear Jo is home.

Quick trip through BW today. Didn't see any eagles. Lots of heron and egrets, some white pelicans and of course osprey. The osprey chicks are getting big. The two osprey flying together are the parents of the two in the nest. I'll miss the osprey when they leave.

Sunday's Photos

carolinabeachmom said...

All I see is pebbles, Mits/

carolinabeachmom said...

MITS Frieda is back for the moment.

floralgirl said...

Howdy all. Glad to hear your good news, Robyn and that Tori will at least be close by instead of in FLa.

carolinabeachmom said...

AND gone.

Welcome BOB QUINN Your pics are gorgeous as usual. You are one lucky duck to have a real good camera, an eye for taking a pics. You bring us a lot of joy with your beautiful scenes of nature and animals. Thanks

carolinabeachmom said...

Hey MEGAN Mot much doing tonight. They are probably looking at the new Bob Quinn pics. They are beautiful.

MITS said...

Hello Meagan, how's your girl:)???........Hello Bob Quinn, thanks for the pics, I hate it when the osprey leave, they are so much fun to watch. The only nice thing is the eagles come back to visit the nest to eat.

floralgirl said...

Thanks for sharing you pics, Bob. love the egret/heron party pic.

floralgirl said...

She's doing ok, Mits, trying to get those fingers moving again, it's a painful and slow process. Hi Candy.

Bob Quinn said...

Yes Mits, I'm hoping lots of eagles fill the void of the osprey. One of my objectives is to get an action shot of an eagle fishing.

MITS said...

BOB, for the first time since we have had our place at the ocean, the osprey have been flying over the condo with their catch, but it has been a very slow dolphin year. I usually see them everyday, several times during the day, but this year, lucky if I see them once or twice a week.

MITS said...

CANDY, Freida lays her eggs on the pebbles.

Bob Quinn said...

I've only seen dolphin once... from a fishing boat off Hatteras, NC. They were swimming along with the boat. Very cool.

MITS said...

I love watching them jump and slap their tails on the water, and love seeing the little ones swim next to a paent.

Robyn said...

Meagan great to hear your daughter is progressing sorry for the pain

The way Bai Yun is moving back and forth it is as if she is singing a lullabye

carolinabeachmom said...

MITS I noticed that with the other nest too. They sure have it easy; don't have to bring anything in for nest. Pebbles all in place for them.

Robyn said...

Mits I tried that link and it didn't work

carolinabeachmom said...

MEGAN So glad to hear that your daughter is doing a little better. Each new day will bring a little more progress for her. This will be one summer she will remember.

Costume Lady said...

Yes, I love to sing "I WILL RAISE YOU UP ON EAGLES WINGS" in church. We sing it about once every 6 weeks and then I can't get it out of my head for days. The tune and words are beautiful.

movin said...

Great pics again, Bob...just like being there among the Blue Heron and the Osprey... Fabulous.

carolinabeachmom said...

WANDA I just get a good feeling when we sing it in church, too.

Costume Lady said...

Loved the photo of the Herons lined up at the water's edge as though it was a fishing derby.

carolinabeachmom said...

My eyes are going buggy trying to get a glimpse of that Panda baby. The mother is soooo gentle and loving.

MITS said...

ROBYN, if it is the link for Frodo and Freida, I just sent it to you:).

Costume Lady said...

Isn't it amazing how much we Momsters have in common?

Costume Lady said...

Capt. Eagle wants me to watch a movie with him, so I'm outta here for now.

Costume Lady said...

One more thing before I go. Mits, I saw a little white thing on Bai Yun that looked like an appendix. Would that have been baby?

carolinabeachmom said...

Oh Well, they just changed the Panda cam, so I guess I am going to callit quits for tonight. You all have a good evening, rest well, and talk to you tomorrow after my visitor gets off with his girl friend.

GOOD MORNING SUZANNE. I won't be on when you are on as my visitor will be here until 4pm. Hope you have a good trip in to work and a good start to your week.

JO if you are lurking, you keep up doing what your doctor and your family tells you to do. Our prayers are still with you and your family. We want you well.

Robyn said...

Mits I emailed you back, there was no link in the email...

Robyn said...

Night Candy enjoy your time with your company tomorrow

MITS said...

I sent you 2 e-mails Robyn...Yes, Wanda you may have seen the cub, remember it is only 4 ozs., and she probably weighs somewhere around 260lbs.

Mema Jo said...

Good Evening everyone I didn't lurk today and I did just read all of this thread. Thanks, Bob for the photos! It is good to see all of you actively involved on the blog and the newest sites - how about that Itty bitty panda cub! Brings back good memories. I miss all of you. My loving Nursing staff is in control of my get well activities so I am not here at the computer for long as they know it tires me some.
Peace to you and yours

Robyn said...

Hugs Jo, good to hear from you tonight. Get your rest so you can join us when all better :)

Mits, I only received one email...

floralgirl said...

Oh, hello Jo. Take it easy, glad you checked in.

movin said...


Good to see your comment on here again...

Take it easy, get well, come back better than ever.

Love ya,

MITS said...


floralgirl said...

Good nite all.

Robyn said...

Night Mits, I got it that time

Mauley said...

May I too add my love to all and a blessed peaceful sleep to all of you and with Jo home, might I add that God is so Good He is so good He's so good to us. Love to all and God Bless our little mema jo.

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, what a chatty group this evening :)

Jo - glad you were resting and not lurking today! Welcome back!

Bob - pretty photos as always. Love the herons.

Robyn - such good news Tori is coming home with you!

Megan - glad to hear your daughter is improving. Hope you got some rain.

Dana - Glad to see you on here when you can. Cool little plovers!

Wanda & Capt - Enjoy VA beach! Loved it when I was there some time ago.

Candy - hope you get to see the little butaball soon!

Mits - sounds like you have a great view at the beach.

Good night all

Good Morning, Suz!

Prayers going up for those in need

Costume Lady said...

You are a night owl. Hope you had a fun & restful weekend.

So good to have you back.

Costume Lady said...

Thought I would check out the Finland nest before I went to bed and guess who was at home looking for food--Finny! He/she is so pretty. Looks like jewels all over his body.

See you at COFFEE time.

MITS said...


MITS said...

Morning Suzanne, Ms Bai Lun is being stingy with showing us the cub..

Suzanne said...

Good morning, eagle world. Warm out, but raining. Foggy up in my area, and raining and sprinkling all the way down, but not foggy here. 70 at home, 75 here already. LOL, Mits, first thing I did was open the SD cam...Bai Yun is sitting with the cub I think in her right arm, but hiding it. I knew she was gonna have that baby Friday! Just wish she woulda had it a couple hours earlier, but I did get to see it on the news! Maybe mom will turn today and let us see her new baby.
All have a great eagle and panda day! Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Panda cam is still being manned! Bai Yun moved, and so does the cam operator...trying to get in and get a pic of the baby. She's laying down on her right side, and has the baby, holding it between her paws. Not showing us, though. Now she has it snuggled on her chest, one very big right arm around it. I read this is her 4th baby born at the zoo! I thought it was her 2nd, but it's the 4th. So she's a good mommy, lots of experience!

Suzanne said...

bai showing us her baby!!!!

Suzanne said...

She's holding the baby, and I guess trying to get it to nurse. Anyway, got a couple shots of the tiny, tiny baby. The cam operator tried to get a close up, but all you can see is a lighter color, can't really see the baby, but did get several before he tried to get closer. Whoever it is is wide awake and on the ball at this hour! It's 2:24 in the morning, there!

Suzanne said...

Fin Mom was in the nest when I first brought up the cam, but then she left and nest has remained MT. Lisa has updated the BW osprey webpage, but nest MT. Falcon is on nest box in PA, there was a very quick visit by an osprey in 2nd cam nest, but gone now too. A hoodie is with the cormorants, and that's the only cams I have open. Looks like Bai has gone back to sleep snuggling her baby.

Suzanne said...

Oh, cam operator got close, she's washing the cub!

Suzanne said...

She's still washing baby, so I guess cub has been nursing! Too cute. Uh oh, there she goes back to laying down. Cub hidden again.

Suzanne said...

Have to say something important!


Hope you have a wonderful day, Robyn, and lots lots more!!!

Suzanne said...

Bai is sitting up, time to nurse. Can't see the baby, but I'm guessing that's what she's doing.

MITS said...


MITS said...

Back from the parade of boats, lots of money riding on this tournament almos 4 million.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Mits! Haven't read the blogs, so not sure what your parade of boats is, but lots of money riding on it I guess. Is it a race or something?
You watching SD? Got a couple pics of the cub this morning. I'll send them out in a little while.

MITS said...

Suz, its the White Marlin Tournament...396 boats are registered to fish in different catagories, but the biggest prize goes to whoever catches the biggest marlin. Last years winner got a million and a half dollars for catching an 81 lb white marlin. Ocean City is known as the White Marlin Fishing Capitol

MITS said...

Suzanne, have you read the panda blog?? The woman that is doing the updates is named Suzanne Hall:).

Suzanne said...

Oh wow, I think I remember you talking about it last year. Wow, a million and a half bucks for catching a white marlin, that's awesome. They are beautiful fish!
LOL, yes, Mits, I saw that. Had to laugh! But seems she has a much neater job than I do!!!

Costume Lady said...

MITS, you must really love boats to get up so early. I also listened to Suzanne Hall doing her comments about the Pandas and wasn't too sure it wasn't our Suz. I don't know what you do Suz, so I thought it was possible, because you are so articulate with your comments on our birds, etc.
I remember a while back, someone from Australia, asked if he could interview you.
I need my COFFEE, I'm really not making any sense. BBL

MITS said...

Yes, Wanda, anything to do with boats are anything near the water, I love. When one of the boats was passing out of the inlet, they raised a big American flag and were playing Lee Greenwoods, Proud to be an American on its loud speakers, cool:).

Costume Lady said...

I love anything that has to do with the Ocean also. We went on a 7 day cruise once and I was in Seventh Heaven---water, water, everywhere. Saw many sunrises and sunsets and even a rainbow out in the middle of the Ocean.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Wanda! Mits, that is so cool about raising the flag! And I LOVE that song, but you have to play it VERY LOUD!!!

Did you girls just see a few minutes ago, Bai left the little one! He squirmed around in circles, and I can imagine he was very loud. Couldn't blog it, had people in my cube, and I finally had to show them...trying to talk to me but glancing at my screen. Hope I don't hear anything about that. Anyway, I have pics of the little baby, send around shortly!

Suzanne said...

Sent pics around of the baby panda alone.

Costume Lady said...

Wonderful pics. I haven't seen the baby yet. What a shot for my first look at a baby panda!

Suzanne said...

You're welcome, Wanda. Little cutie, isn't he/she? I got to watch the birth on (I think) the Today show this weekend. They had cam pics they put out on the newswires. After watching her all day, and all that discomfort, the cub just sorta popped right out. I know she feels better now! She's catching zzzzzzzzzz'z when she can!

Suzanne said...

Look at her now, zonked out, but does that look like the cub under her arm? Can't tell.

Robyn said...

Thank you Suzanne, Mits for the birthday greetings:). I got my present when the Doctor said Tori will recover :).

Bai Yun is resting, MT nest on one of the fin nests, Too dark to see but looks like someone is in the Kent nest.

Robyn said...

Kent nest is MT now

Robyn said...

Now Off Topic, does anyone know a good recipe for fresh blueberry pie? I will be making 2, one for dad and one for my friend in SC as he loves Blueberry Pie... secret: I wont be making my own crust

you can email me at

Costume Lady said...


Suzanne said...

HELLO, BIRTHDAY GIRL!!! Hope you have a wonderful day! My secret for baking blueberry pies is to hit the grocery store and buy 'em. Don't have time to bake, and it's too easy to just get 'em that way. (Hey, Im not called lazy for nothin', ya know!)
Hi to Tori and your mom...

Suzanne said...

OH, Bai Yun is waking up. She's been sleeping for quite a while. Think it's feeding time...

Robyn said...

LOL thank you.

No Suzanne after I snatch him up I will use the store bought LOL

I have fresh berries here and love to bake but never made a blueberry before

Suzanne said...

Bai is nursing and falling asleep. Bless her heart! Oh now think she's gonna give up and lie down.

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday Dear Robyn
Happy Birthday to You!!

Robyn said...

Thank you Pauls :)

I see the Fin chick has caught and fed himself this morning

Robyn said...

errrr... Paula sorry 'bout the type-o

paula eagleholic said...

:):) No problem!!

paula eagleholic said...

What are you going to do today in sunny Florida on your birthday, Robyn?

Morning all!

Limuw is at SC, peeping for breakfast

Robyn said...

Suzanne you have mail it is a really cool pic, pass it on if you like. I was watching the fin chick and all of a sudden talons appeared above him...

Paula taking tori for her blood test then we will get some italian ices almost as good as back home in NYC after that pool time and work on a report so I have free time when we get to SC :).

paula eagleholic said...

Suz - great baby panda pics. Thanks so much. We have been trying to see the little bugger all weekend!

paula eagleholic said...

BTW - the Fin chick was 51 days old when it fledged!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Paula. Thanks for the pic!
Robyn, very cool Talons pic! Looks like mom has something in each foot. Ok, I'll pass it along to the ones I have email addrs for. Loved the sunset too, they are beautiful over there on the water. Wonder why the Fin cam went so dark this weekend? Very hard to see...

Bai is out for the count! She sorta fell over while nursing and hasn't moved since. She's sound asleep, bless her heart.

Suzanne said...

LOL Paula, I tried this morning too, and she would give us a tiny peek, but then she left to get a drink or something! Bet that little baby was just bleeping for mom to come back!

sunny said...

Good MOrning, everyone! Steve has started a new thread!

Suzanne said...


Suzanne said...

Cub... never mind, was gonna say cub alone and wiggling all over the place, but she just came back. Only got 1 pic, cam operator zoomed in again. She was only gone about 15 seconds, but that little cub was squirming all over. Glad to see it's so active! Time to eat, now.

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...