Monday, August 27, 2007


Fresh thread for a new week.


Costume Lady said...

Good Morning Steve
Thanks for the new thread.

MITS said...

Why, thank you Wanda:):)

Costume Lady said...

Sorry MITS--
I guess I am not awake yet. Must get another cup of COFFEE.

Thanks for Seneca Rocks. Gene goes by there every time he goes to hunt or fish with his friends and has seen many Eagles. A beautiful part of WV.

BIRTHDAY BOY is busy talking to each daughter and grandchild on the phone. They think he is SUPER and love to talk to him.

MITS said...

What do you have planned for the Capt's birthday today? I'm hoping my sister and brother-in-law come to the open-house, my b-i-l and the Capt. would get along just fine.

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steven.
Thanks for the heads up, Wanda.
Wanda, you'll have to tell the birthday boy we sang to him earlier, and we all wish him a happy happy day!
Seneca rocks site is beatiful, isn't it?

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning! I hope the Capt gets lots & lots of cards today!


Mema Jo said...


I can't believe this could be true!

Costume Lady said...

I am taking the BIRTHDAY BOY shopping so he can buy ME something. Then I will take him to dinner and for dessert, we will visit our eldest daughter. I LOVE BIRTHDAYS!!

Suzanne said...

LOL, Wanda, that's too funny! You celebrate the way the Germans do! If it's their birthday, THEY supply the cake!

Suzanne said...

Wow, raining very hard on Fin 2nd cam, and it has been raining at the marina for quite a while. Just now made it to the osprey nest. Hope Finny doesn't get wet!
Morning, Jo! Read their update this morning, seems we may have a Frieda II. And did you notice, Jo, the maid has been to the owl hotel and cleaned it out! Owl there, but nest is very clean...
Finny still in nest, finished eating, now squawking at something!

Suzanne said...

Well, darn, Finny just left. Guess he's gonna chase whatever he was yelling at!

Suzanne said...

There is life waking up on the beach...

Costume Lady said...

I didn't know that about the Germans--but Gene does have some German blood in him. Maybe that is why he is willing to buy ME something.

Costume Lady said...

We sure are going to miss Finny when he leaves. Do we know if he is HE or SHE?

Mema Jo said...

I checked out the Owl Cam - Nice clean box!

Wanda - Sounds like a great idea for hubby's b-day.. You will enjoy his day! lol

paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning!

Robyn - glad to hear Tori is so excited about school!

I thought they said on the Frodo forum that they thought the female was not the one they had the first year of the cam...

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday Dear Captain
Happy Birthday to You !!

paula eagleholic said...

Hope you have a wonderful day, Gene!

paula eagleholic said...

And good morning to early bird Jo.

Mema Jo said...

I am glad we heard from Robyn earlier-Big day for Tori and her mom!

Nilla - you are the spoiled one I think! It's hard to have them so often and then not for a long time-
I have not yet decided what I am going to do for 3 yrs while my oldest Great Granddaughter lives in GERMANY! :( :( I am happy for them but my little gal is going to be almost 10 yrs old - gotta get that web cam!

Mema Jo said...

Morning, Paula - love the sunshine out there!

paula eagleholic said...

Aha - I see the update on the Frodo page now. I thought you were referring to what he said in the forum.

Aug 3
Hello everybody down-under! So we gather again to witness the miracle of life. How certain are you that these are the same Peregrine Falcons as last year? In Australia these birds don't get banded, I understand, so how do you recognize them as Frodo and Frieda?

Greg says:
I am afraid that we can't be 100% certain that the same birds have been with us since the start of Frodocam. I have a strong suspicion that the female in the first season is not the one that we have with us now.
Basically, we are using behaviour and appearance to make an 'educated guess'. In reality, it does not matter if we have the same individuals because the spectacle remains the same.

paula eagleholic said...

Jo and Nilla - Buy a webcam!!

Jill said...

Hey Suzanne, I am not sure those are stars on the Seneca Rocks site. I think it is dust. Doesn't matter weather it's stormy, cloudy or clear sky they are there. But it is much nicer to think of them as stars. LOL

Robyn-Hope Tori enjoys her first day. So glad she got to start school here. So much easier to make friends in the very beginning that later on when they have formed there little groups and you are the new person. She will do fine. I heard Zach go out the door this morning, he won't wake me up unless it is absolutely necessary because of my schedule.

Jill said...


Wanda-I did good, I didn't spoil the surprise when I saw you all on Friday. LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Osprey in CT

Capt. Eagle said...

Good morning to all. I went out and bought myself a MOUSE trap this morning and I just got the MOUSE. Thank you all for the BIRTHDAY wishes. Have a nice day.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNIN' EAGLE BUDDIES!!!---HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE CAPT.!!!!!---WISHING YOU MANY--MANY MORE!!!!-HELLO!--WANDA--HELEN--JO---SUZANNE--& PAULA----It's a GORGEOUS--SUNNY DAY in WV--Temp. 69°---I am a couple days behind---COMPUTER working NOW---(fingers-crossed)---

paula eagleholic said...

Jo - sounds like you need to get that cane back to Norma so she can give her computer a couple of whacks!!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' JILL!--What's happening around the courthouse?----My grand-kids have been in school for a week or more----Oldest grand-daughter--high school----(Hard to believe!)----But you are CORRECT JO---When you see your grand-kids that are now in GERMANY---They will have changed a "bit"--ho!--

Capt. Eagle said...

Proud of you for not mentioning Gene's birthday. Sometimes eating Crab Legs will give you LOOSE

Costume Lady said...

That was not from the Capt.---I forgot to change the Blog Name.

Mema Jo said...

Sounds like a good idea about the cane.
Pandas are not active this morning.
Little sea otters are out! Love those little guys/gals.

normabyrd said...

OH SUZANNE----GUESS WHAT!!---First site this a.m.----FINNY WAS LOOKING DIRECTLY AT ME!!!!!---ho! ho!---I'M A HAPPY CAMPER!!---WHOA!!!!!!

Costume Lady said...

Speaking of Grandchildren moving away; I was so close to my Granddaughter that when she moved to Winchester (25 miles away) I almost had a nervous breakdown. Don't know what I would have done if she had moved to another country. I guess I would have moved too.

normabyrd said...

The "ATLANTA BEAUTY" is asleep under the logs & LUN LUN is pacing around!!!---I think they must let BUTA BUTA stay up as late as she wants!!!!!

Suzanne said...

Wow, good morning, all! Wonder who that last comment was from...a Capt Eagle proud of Jill not mentioning Gene's birthday!! Capt Eagle Gene needs to go back and read blogs.... everybody has been singing Happy Birthday to him!!!

Wanda, I think Finny is a male, Jim thinks he's a female. He is banded on the opposite side of Mom, and I think I read somewhere where they band one sex on one leg, the other sex on the other leg. Makes for easier identification from a distance. Not sure where I saw that, and I'll have to go look. Jim thinks it's a female because of the size. He/She's as big if not bigger than Dad. But from his spoiled actions, I'm sticking with my guns that he's a boy!

Jill, when I first brought up the cam this morning, it was pitch dark outside, and when I came to work there were a gazillion stars. That's what the pic looked like, just starts in the sky. If you say it's dust, ok, but it sure looked like stars to me. Hasn't updated for a couple hours, so I don't know how often it does update.

Finny back, just looking around. Male or female, I am definately going to miss this guy when he migrates!

Squiggles is nursing.

normabyrd said...

I THINK the "LITTLE PRINCE" is asleep on his grate----Must check on SQUIGGLE!!!

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE----I have always AGREED with you!!!---I thank FINNY is MALE!!-----MALE or FEMALE---He's one COOL OSPREY CHICK!!!!!

Suzanne said...

LOL, he sure is, Norma! Love him to pieces. Sure gonna miss him when he migrates!!!

Costume Lady said...

OSPREY---I thought Finny was an EAGLE.

Suzanne said...

LOL, Wanda!

Mauley said...


Mauley said...

Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday Dear Captain, Happy Birthday to you. And many more blessed ones. donna

Mema Jo said...

I am getting out of the house today
Well, just for an hour, but it feels like Freedom
LOL I now know what it feels like for Fledging!

normabyrd said...

JUST finished reading yesterday's blog!!!----Everything from "sloppy joes" to "caviar"----When you folks go to SECENA ROCKS---Please call CAROL---She lives in the area!!--I used to pass through there when I was going to school!!-----That is a beautiful area of WV!!--p.s.--MITS--invite me to your caviar party!!!--i'll be there early!!---

Mema Jo said...

Little hummer has been entertaining me this am hour out on the deck..
You gals best fill up those feeders! They are still around looking for food. My Silvia is still blooming so there is natural food for them.

Mema Jo said...

So Norma what do you have against Sloppy Joe's???

Mema Jo said...

I keep putting up my EagleCam Camera feed site....... just hoping that new cam might be in place!

normabyrd said...

PAULA---Just looked in on the CT nest site----MT NEST----BUT---you see the shadow of an OSPREY perched above the nest!!!!

MITS said...

HMMMM, cavier and sloppy joe's sound like a good combo:)

normabyrd said...

NOTHING JO!!----I prefer caviar!!!----I went to a wedding at THE HOMESTEAD in VA ---They had "piles" of caviar---Found out too much is not a good thing!!!---ho!---but I still enjoy caviar----

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...


Mema Jo said...


Off to the right is the cam link

Suzanne said...

Oh, just walked through the lobby, and VICK (ugh) is on TV saying they are using him as an example, oh boo hoo, feel sorry for me. Does this guy think we're all IDIOTS???? He should spend as many years in jail as the law allows!!! And pay a hefty fine! He's been kicked out of the NFL, for which I am personally VERY GLAD, and he lost his endorsements, for which I am again VERY GLAD!!! So glad he is pleading guilty...not that he had much choice, his cohorts were gonna testify against him. Duh. Guess I'll plead guilty! This is JMHO, but yeahhhhhhhh.

MITS said...

I could not get any of those sites yesterday, Norma.

Mema Jo said...

Squiggles is visible........
Finny is fidgeting..........
ButaButa has disappeared...9 days countdown to her 1st b-day!
DC pandas are on the move....

Mema Jo said...

MITS - do you still have JAVA - that is what the penquin cam comes up on.

Suzanne said...

Squiggles is alone!!!

MITS said...

JMHO....he is a jerk and an idiot for saying what he did, he is only crying now, because he got caught.

Suzanne said...

Amen, Mits. Not just saying, but his actions were reprehensible! I'm SOOO glad he was caught!!

Costume Lady said...

I have the same feeling that you do about Vick. He makes me ill! I am so anxious to find out his punishment. I really don't think it will be enough.

Norma did not pay any attention to my remark about Finny. Nor did anyone else but you. Was just trying to get her going, but it didn't work.

Have a safe trip home.
The Capt. was so surprised to see all his Birthday Wishes and wondered how you knew. Told him the Eagle Spirits whispered in your ears.

Mema Jo said...

Wanda I thought you were losing it when you said about Finny being an eagle. I didn't want to make an issue of it - Ho HO Ho!!!

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - (?) Did the Capt get email cards also? I put his name on it but sent it to your email address.......

MITS said...

WANDA I just thought you were into the Eagle Talons already:).

MITS said...

Got the penguins, Jo, thanks.

Jill said...

Suzanne, they might be stars but the other night the screen was filled with "stars" and I was talking to a friend of mine who lives up there and it was pouring rain up there. And look at the angle of the camera, the stars are all over the screen. The bottom 3/4 aren't pointed at the sky.

Suzanne said...

Good answer, Wanda. You know how those eagles pirits can be... liable to just tell any ol' thing! LOL, I noticed Norma ignored your comment...I thought it was funny!
I'm afraid you're probably going to be right, Wanda, whatever he gets, it's not going to be enough. But I think with all the public outcry, it's going to be at least some time spent behind bars! I sure hope so, anyway.
Our little Squiggles is still alone. She sure is getting big! Getting to be a fat little cub. too cute. And our beautiful Finny is still hanging around the nest. What's it been a half hour, 45 minutes since he's eaten? Probably waiting for desert delivery!

Suzanne said...

Time for me to hit the road. All have a great eagle/panda day. Our little Squiggles is still alone and squiggling, little cutie!
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Mema Jo said...

CU Tomorrow, Suzanne!

Time for me to get out of the PJ Club attire! Gotta get ready to hit the road into Frederick!

Thoughts are so heavy for Sharon and her family. Hopefully every time our thoughts are of her, she can feel it and know she is loved!

Jill said...

Maybe with all the attention on Vick, more people will be punished for dog fighting. Unfortunately he is not the only one out there. He got the idea from somewhere. And his knowledge of dog fighting didn't come out of a book. I guarantee he knows of more dog fighting rings, hopefully, he will give them up, or they can track them down.

Costume Lady said...

He hasn't gotten around to reading his e-mail yet. It will be another surprise for him.

Mema Jo said...

When I can drive and feel up to it, I certainly will come on over to Martinsburg or surrounding towns to have lunch with you locals. It is a great idea...... Time spent with friends of the feathers and fur is time made worth while!

Mema Jo said...

I'll be back later this afternoon..
Get on the beach, Mits! Those rays will put a blush on your cheeks (no, don't lay on your stomach) lol

MITS said...

Been waiting for the clouds to burn off, Jo. I'll go down around 2:).

movin said...


Sorry I signed on the blog so late and missed Suzanne, but it's Mema Jo's fault! I got sidetracked by the Frieda I.D. problem...even wrote a question-suggestion to Greg.

The weather is moderately beautiful in So Cal this morning, but it will be a little warmish this afternoon...82°. Fat chance we'll have any rain though.

Besides the beautiful Finnish juvenile getting ready for a "spoiled male" migration to African waters, there is little action on the birdcams I am watching this morning.

Anything exciting on your sites??


Jill said...

Jo, I was thinking we could meet you in Hagerstown or come on over to Frederick on occasion. Or Harpers Ferry or Shepherdstown. Somewhere in between.

Mema Jo said...

Just about ready to leave house - checked on TAI
He is going to have a "Head Boomer" and minute now!

Jill said...

Those poor people on the BonAire street camera have been standing there for 4-5 days. LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Good Afternon eagles friends

Jill that was funny standing there 4-5days lol

Glad I didn't miss the Capt's birthday.

paula eagleholic said...


Mema Jo said...

I have returned from Frederick and I even got to go into CVS for some cards. Big Day For Me!
However; it is time for a Panda Nap!


Hi Dana.. CULater

NillaWafer said...

Afternoon Ya'll wow alot of chit chattin went on and we went from Jo and i talking about Sturegon fish eggs to having a cavier (spelling is wrong i aint that fancy to know how to spell it) Hey you locals did you see the picture on the front page of the Herald Mail about the dancing up at Pen Mar?? Jitterbug and Lindy hop (dont know that to but they had alarge crowd and people dressed in vintage clothing... would have loved to watched that!!!! M. Vick should have a cattle prod inserted up his ying yang and the switch turned on!!!! Hugs and prayers to our Sharon and family... Jo so glad your getting stronger with each passing day... Yes this weekend will be a very stressing time for me with Diana moving to NY, but they will only be a phone call away and every other weekend i am off 5-6 days straight so i can drive up... The last kisses and hugs i am thinking about.. sniff.... my this is long post... Lunch together is a great idea or we could meet some wheres like we did at Washington Monument Park and bring a dish of something.. just an idea..but with no air conditioning which i know we all Ok need to check some cams BBL

Jill said...

SENECA ROCKS CAM update. That is dust on the camera at night. Checked with a friend, camera is about 35 ft in the air and pointed at the rocks. As for it being stuck, my friend is going over tonight and give it a big kick. So it should be better by morning, if it wasn't struck by lightning again.

Jill said...

Poor Nilla. Where in NY are they moving? Tonne has been working according to our "inside" spy. Said she seems okay. He knows her from school and says she appears to have changed for the better. So that is a good thing.

The picnic seems like a good idea, maybe on a crisp fall day or early spring.


NillaWafer said...

Talking about Steamed crabs i say we load up the Eagle Express and head over to Emmitsburg close to where Paula lives and go to DAVE & JANES seafood place.. Right Paula!!!! OH my all you can eat crabs.. shrimp... delisious cream crab soup... salad... broasted chicken.. and more for like 32.00 and the atmosphere is relaxing and service great!!!! Just think Paula we all be to full to drive home and can sleep at your place!!! LOL

Jill said...

Forget the Eagle Express Nilla, I will pick you up in an hour. LOL.

Jill said...

Do we have any volunteers to go to Bon Aire and kick that stuck camera?

NillaWafer said...

Jill thanks for the update on Tonna i do appreciate it... Well they are moving to Vayshore,NY its out on Long Island i think or maybe its Staten Any ways i did see the house they have on google earth its a nice clean housing development.. But i will see more on Saturday when we arrive... John (my son) and his girlfriend are going along) John is driving the truck for me and i am following in car.. But after taking the truck and dropping it off.. and staying awhile we are going to down town NYC to ground zero and few other places...

normabyrd said...

HEY JO!----WOW!---You take it easy GAL----So proud you got along all right!!!!----Won't be long until you will be all better!!!----TAKE IT SLOW at first!!!!----

Jill said...

OHHH that is quite a ways but with technology the way it is, they can send pictures etc and it will be just like you are there. And like you said you can visit. Anytime you want company on the trip just call me.

NillaWafer said...

Oh Jill that would be great but i am working... Hey CAPT your the bus driver and i know the bus driver we have going to Florida is making $75.00 in tips from us plus his room payed for so hey think about Just kiddin... Jill please tell the spy to tell Tonna to call me when she can ok...

NillaWafer said...

I do have 2 Intel cameras but the thing is they dont have acomp niether Hmmm Christmas is around the corner but i hope they are here to share Christmas!!!

normabyrd said...

WHOA JIM!!!----Can't wait until SUZANNE comes in the a.m. & sees that you think FINNY is waiting for a "Spoiled Male"!!!---TOO FUNNY!!---FINNY IS A SPOILED MALE!!!---He even waits & whines for MAMA to cut up his fish!!!----ho!----That's why SUZ & I are sure he is MALE!!!! ho!

normabyrd said...

JILL & NILLA----Don't you all eat too much!-----Bring us home a "doggie box"---SOUNDS LIKE FUN!!!

NillaWafer said...

Jill i made a mistake its Bayshore, NY .. Not Vayshore...

Jill said...

Really, I read Bayshore. Geez that can't be good, I understand your mistakes. LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Jill - which stuck cam? They are all working for me...

paula eagleholic said...

The beach one was stuck on Sat..the power was out, but is working now...

C'mon over. I'll eat crabs too and ya'll can fight over the beds and floor, LOL

floralgirl said...

Darn, I was just packing a bag to head out to the airport and catch a flight to go fix the Bonaire beach cam. Oh well. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GENE!! Hope it's a great day for you.

Jill said...

Go ahead Megan. It's the downtown cam, had the same people on it since Saturday.

NillaWafer said...

HAHAHA Megan the only swimmin we can do is back at the bend swimmin Gee wiz U Haul trucks (small 10ft.) are expensive $321.00 just for the rental and thats not including the deposit and gas...1 way drop off... Checking around to see who has a truck i can burrow since they do not have much to move... But thank God i am not paying for it myself... Diana's dad is.. Oh its 6 pm here and time for penguin feeding at SanDiego Zoo and it has sound...

NillaWafer said...

Make that Monterey Bay cam for penguins

NillaWafer said...

For some reason the penguin cam is not working but all the others are the Bay cam is nice all the sounds of crashing waves and birds and seals .. boats in back ground and kayaks...

NillaWafer said...

Penguin Exhibit Closing Temporarily
Our blackfooted penguins are taking a six-month vacation starting September 5th, while we build a new and larger Splash Zone for them (and you) to hang around in. They’ll be back on exhibit March 17, 2008.
Hmmmm its not Sept yet guess they started early!!!

Jill said...

How big of a truck do you need Nilla? Pickup? Rent one. That won't be as expensive as 321. Or a large van.

NillaWafer said...

Yup pick up will do Jill the biggest thing they have its the couch, baby crib, tv stand and a dresser.. which i could also load as much small thigs in the car trunk...

NillaWafer said...

Just trying to think of other ways to help the kids out ya know... U Haul is arip off i had 1 when i moved once and every time i stopped it the battery went dead cost me 60 dollars getting jumps from people and they would NOT take anything off... I was PO'd

Jill said...

My friends rented a pick up somewhere here in town to take their son to school but I am not sure where they got it. I would guess there on N. Queen at Moler. Don't know of any other car rentals in town.

NillaWafer said...

Oh yeah thats Enterprise .. hey just checked the pooky list and if you sentenced Donivan should have made him get a hair

Jill said...

Nilla he doesn't have money for a haircut he spends it all on booze.

NillaWafer said...

Hahaha well in that case should have said the hair and the beard dont know what kind of critters is hidin in

Mema Jo said...

Good evening - Just looked at the new galleries on the Frodo Cam. Glad to see them updated.

Hubby and I are eating Ice Cream Sandwhiches - we really need them!

I hope that Capt Gene has had a great b-day today.

NillaWafer said...

I swear Jill i am wondering if my deodorant is working... Everyone is off busy or fell asleep on here... Guess i will go exploring the wonderful world of the internet and see what new and exciting adventures i can learn about... Bye Bye

NillaWafer said...

Hey Jo as i was just about to leave the building .. I love ice cream sandwiches and so does my I have Oct 20th on the calendar for the open house... Keep smilin,,, Hugs , Nilla

Anne-Marie said...

HI Everybody, I'm home.... anyone there?

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Anne - I'm here for a moment, but I'll be back...

Anne-Marie said...

I was just about to give up and head for the kitchen.

Anne-Marie said...


Mema Jo said...

Hi gal. Was over playing some of my card games. Glad you had a safe trip home. Not too much going on in here right now..... TV may be capturing some of our bloggers. Waiting for hubby to call me IF something decent comes on....... Oops! he just called about a program I enjoy

paula eagleholic said...

I'm back. Anybody home?

Capt. Eagle said...

I really enjoyed your messages, cards and songs. It was a special day for me, especially my Tiger taking me shopping and buying HERSELF something. Dinner was great; (Jill, Wanda had crab legs again). Visited our daughter in Winchester and talked to grandchildren on the phone.
I am going to have an Eagle Talon nightcap with my Tiger now.

movin said...


Been takin care of business today, AND running errands, getting a haircut.

Now I'm downing a steak fajitas bol from Chipotle...ggoooooooodd stuff.

I don't see a comment about it, so I'm suggesting you go to the BW Osprey site and take the virtual tour Lisa has posted today.

Hope you are all doing well tonight.


carolinabeachmom said...


I was so afraid that I wouldn't be able to get on today to sing to the Capt. Gene, I hope you had a very pleasant birthday.

Jill said...

Dang Wanda, how many crab legs can you eat in on week. LOL. What did you get for Gene's birthday.

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD EVENING TO ALL EAGLE BUDDIES OUT THERE. I have been trying to catch up on my email and the blog, but thought I would check in to say "Hi"! before you all go to bed. I came home from school today and took a nap. :)

Robyn, So glad to hear that Tori was up and so excited about her first year in high school. I hope her day went well.

Yes Jo, by all means, you need a web cam. That is one of the first things I got so I could see my sister and her remaining son. Also glad to hear that you fledged today. :)

carolinabeachmom said...

NILLA Good luck with your move. We moved ourselves 25 years ago to the beach, and I followed the truck as close as I could; through red lights and all, so I wouldn't lose the truck. I'll never forget the words, Adventures in Moving that were on the back of it. :)

Costume Lady said...

I could eat crab legs 3 or 4 times a week. Love 'em. Don't care for Blue crabs since I was introduced to Crab Legs many years ago.

Costume Lady said...

You are so funny with your remark about Jo Fledging. Good description.

carolinabeachmom said...

Yes, WANDA, I'm with JIll. What did you get for Gene's birthday? That is a great way to spend a husband's birthday!

carolinabeachmom said...

and what did you get new?

Costume Lady said...

Gene said we could plan a trip to Emmitsburg or somewhere else that would suit everybody. He would take us in the Eagle Espress and we wouldn't even have to tip him.

carolinabeachmom said...

I could sure use a good king crab leg or snow crab leg right about now. I never ate supper as I took a nap and woke up kind of late to eat. I try to buy them down here along with shrimp and other seafood when my son comes home to visit. I keep trying to put the beach back into the guy. :) Doesn't work, tho, as he keeps returning to Winchester.

Mema Jo said...

Wanda I am planning to go to bed within the next 1/2 hour - I'm not going to leave UNTIL you tell us WHAT DID YOU GET FOR YOUR PRESENT ON GENE'S BIRTHDAY?

Costume Lady said...

I bought some blouses and a lighthouse.

carolinabeachmom said...

Well, my alarm goes off at 5:45 tomorrow morning, so I guess I had better hit the road. So good to read about all that is going on in your lives on here. Keep up the blogging. GOOD NIGHT ALL! Tomorrow brings a new day.

Mema Jo said...

I collect lighthouses also. Hope you got a beautiful one!

Good Night Everyone
Peace to You and Yours
Prayers being said for All

Good morning Suzanne and anyother
Early Birds

Costume Lady said...

Now you know. A Lighthouse.
Bedtime----Sweet Dreams.

MITS said...


Costume Lady said...

The Capt.& I enjoyed our Nightcap of Eagle Talons. He says GOOD NIGHT also.

Robyn said...

Gene glad you had a wonderful b'day.

Jill enough with the crab legs already, I love crabs AND crab legs.

I hope we can make the open house also Tori will be so ready to do more walking by then.

Candy, Tori started 8th grade, HS next year. And already she can't wait lol.

Jo, so good to see you here!

Suzanne said...

Good morning, eagle world. Beautiful night out. Don't forget the lunar eclipse, starts in a few minutes. Gonna go out and see if I can see anything.
Gonna be warm today, 67 at home, 73 here already, and it's not even 4:30.
My Finny baby is in the nest, Bai and Squiggles are sleeping, the 2nd Fin cam is beautiful on the osprey nest, but the marina cam still shows rain drops, so cam may not be updating, same view as yesterday. Owl in hotel. Fish cam dark, and lights are on at the windsurf bar.
All have a great eagle/panda day.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Oh wow, dad just brought Finny a monster of a fish, he grabbed it, and is now mantling and squaking all over the place. Selfish little beast! But he has that puppy under both his feet! Got the wings out too! Guess the wings are to help balance, cause fish was delivered without the head, so it's surely not alive! Man, Finny can take some big bites, now!

Suzanne said...

Oh wow, he has his wings out really wrestling with that fish. Got an awesome shot, I'll send it around!

Suzanne said...

Finny finished his fish, didn't get to see him... was talking, so missed it. But now he's standing at the edge of the nest just looking out and watching the world go by. I'm hoping he sees a moose or something, like to get another pic of one.
Bai and Squiggles still sleeping, but Bai is moving around.

Suzanne said...

Just went outside, sky is turning kinda red, but couldn't see the moon. Boss and I are going up to the top floor, maybe get a better view. Have a big building blocking the moon from here.
Finny still eating what's left of his fish.

Suzanne said...

Couldn't find the moon, think it's now behind Skyline Towers, a huge appt complex behind out building. Can't see it from upstairs or outside. Oh well, I tried. It was a big beautiful white moon coming in... Sunrise is arriving, so can't see much anyway, now.
Finny has slowed down eating, but he's holding what is left of his fish in both feet, looking around and looking at the cam. No, baby, we're not gonna take it.
Owl in hotel is grooming, and Lisa has updated the osprey page with a virtual map of BW. Falcon on ledge in PA. Daylight arriving in Bonaire, and Bai and Squiggles still sleeping.

Suzanne said...

Finny is too funny... everywhere he goes in the nest, he takes his fish leftovers with him. Like somebody's gonna swoop in and grab it while he's on the other side of the nest!

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD MORNING SUZANNE AND ALL EAGLE BUDDIES OUT THERE. SURPRISE, IT'S ME. :) I tried to get in at home but couldn't, sooooo I am at school now and got on. I just wanted to let you know that I am always thinking of all of you, whether or not I can get on during the day.

I hope you all have a beautiful and happy time blogging.

carolinabeachmom said...

SUZANNE You keep taking pics of Finney for me and pass them on. How I wish I could be there watching him.

Suzanne said...

Finny is falling asleep standing up, but he still has that fish in his talons!

Suzanne said...

Hi Candy! I'm getting email ready of the fish drop off, mantling, and wings out for balance pics from this morning. You'll get them. Good to see you, again. Miss you on the blog this early! Did you get to see the lunar eclipse this morning?

Suzanne said...

Cindi, if you read this, got a failed mail this morning for your Finny pics...your mailbox is full.

Suzanne said...

OMG, thought Finny was gonna take off, wings open wide, but he just flew into the center of the nest! With fish in talons, I might add. Guess that's why he didn't walk to the center...

Suzanne said...

Uh oh, had to go to the printer, and Finny is gone...with fish.

Robyn said...

Good morning Suzanne, Candy, Wanda must be sleping in.

The crows have been so noisy the past 3 days as have the geese, they say we are suppose to have a bad winter this year. My acorns and chestnuts are growing big this year and many if that is any indication.

Not much to report on cams as I have been out of the cam loop :(. Guess I will just settle for next season.

Robyn said...

OH I have hummingbrds now and my Pileated Woodpecker has been making the rounds but he is different as the one we use to have as this one is a tad smaller.

Suzanne said...

Good morning, Robyn. I'm with you, I hope next season is a roaring success! Miss seeing Liberty and Belle!! YOu have another woodpecker, that's great. Maybe they are nesting around you somewhere. I think the hummers are heading south now, had one stop by Sunday (I think), didn't have the feeder filled, so he left. Love watching them, but just don't have time to keep their feeders filled and cleaned every other day, so quit feeding them this year. Guess I'll start again next year.

Suzanne said...

Oh, Robyn, you were the one that had the finches, weren't you? do you have a lot, and I mean a LOT of purple (or house) finches this year? I have gazillions, but very few gold finches this year. Think I had more gold finches last winter than I do now!

Suzanne said...

Finny's back!!

Robyn said...

I had many purple finches and even saw a golden flying up my driveway the other day.

Costume Lady said...

Not sleeping in this morning--trying to scan a page of costumes to send to a customer but after scanning, I can't find the finished product to email it on to customer. Oh, what a NOVICE I am. I wonder sometimes if I will ever master this PC!

Robyn, we have been visited by our Pileated Woodpecker quite a bit this week. Haven't seen him, but sure can hear him. VERY LOUD. Think he nests in the woods next to our property.

Costume Lady said...

I did buy myself a present for Gene's birthday yesterday. It is a Lighthouse (The Light of Peace by Thomas Kinkade). He is so generous. LOL

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNIN' EAGLE BUDDIES!!!!--HELLO!!--ROBYN---SUZANNE & CANDY---(our little sweet southern belle)--
It truly is "a beautiful day in our neighborhood"!!!!---SUN IS SHINING---temp. 65°---FINNY is such a "handsome" chick!!!---He only knows one word---MINE!--MINE!
MINE!!---Thanks for the pics SUZ!!----Good way to start the a.m.--SMILING at FINNY!!!

Robyn said...

Wanda good morning, since the builders cleared some woods out he can be seen better, good thing they ran out of money to build back here!! I saw him hopping around the trees looking for ants he was sure pretty. I can hear him hammering at the trees around me so he is still here:).

Costumes? we can sure use some this year for our annual haunted house party in Sharpesburg.

Costume Lady said...

Finny is so beautiful today. He's so white and fluffy--must have gotten a rain bath.

Robyn said...

Good morning Norma

Suzanne said...

Morning, Wanda. Did you scan the results to your computer? Easy way to find something is go into Explore (Start, Explore), and sort by date, on the right, where your filenames are. Just hit the Modified bar, and watch the date. Look at the ones that are dated today.
Might help.
I'm going to have to start filling my suet blocks again. It was way too hot this past month, suet was melting, so I cleaned them all out and haven't filled them yet again. But since I did clean them out, my woodpeckers have been awol... Guess it's getting that time to fill them all up again! I don't have, and have never seen, a real live Pileated Woodpecker, but sure would like to!

Mema Jo said...



Costume Lady said...

What organization has the Haunted House?

normabyrd said...


The "LITTLE PRINCE" is just roaming around!!---He needs a playmate----Wonder if he & the "ATLANTA BEAUTY" would play together---naaaah!!---She would probably drive him "NUTS"----

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...