Monday, August 20, 2007


New thread.

The equipment is here and we are scheduling tree work, to be done soon.


Jill said...

Donna, if you didn't see it on the other site, his name is Joey. My cousin has a prayer list too, if you are interested you can email her at, just tell her, I sent you.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the heads up, Jill and congrats on being Number 1!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the info and update, Steve!

How's your Monday?

MITS said...

Thanks, for the update, Steven:).

normabyrd said...

CONGRATS JILL!!!!---You are #1 today!!!---& most every day!!!---You have the GAVEL!!!! ho!!---GIVE JOEY MY BEST!!!!

Jill said...

Hey Norma, I was about ready to use that gavel Sat. LOL.

Mema Jo said...

Just returned and as we all know, when Jo leaves - good things happen! Thanks Steve for such good news about the equipment! Give us a heads-up as it gets installed and ready for the trial runs!

normabyrd said...

THANKS STEVEN!!---I have been reading THE DANGEROUS BOOK FOR BOYS-- Bought it for my grandson!!---Interesting---Covers everything from spies--hunting & cooking a rabbit--coin tricks--war battles to sports--literature & camping--GOOD READ FOR AN ADULT!!!---Cheaper from AMAZON!!----#1 on Wash. Post. Book List--week 15---

Mema Jo said...

Tri-State Bird Rescue team, volunteers band together to save eagle was a very heartwarming story, Paula. Thanks.

Mema Jo said...

The cams sure look as though it is Panda Nap Time........ BBL

paula eagleholic said...

Hmmm, eating Koi or goldfish in CT nest.

MITS said...

Someone in CT is not going to be happy when they check their Koi pond tonight.

Jill said...

HUMMM Somebody cheating, fishing in a pond at CT. LOL

Mauley said...

Thanks Steve, and Thanks Jill. I will certainly do so. If there in one thing in my life that I make the time for, it is talking with the dearest friend I ever had, my Lord and Savior. Just don't know what I would ever do without Him. Joey has to be wonderful, just look at his mom. Norma, I am on a mission, get that book for me and Dakota. Dakota (10 now) is an avid reader. Reads everything. When he was 6 (yes believe it or not this is just not a proud gran talking here) he wanted all the star wars movies. His mama (my very smart daughter) told him he could read the books first (they are out there)and as he read each book she would buy the movie. Well, he read all the books that summer and decided he really didn't want the movies after all. He will read just about anything, but Mama screens everything. Is it just me or don't kids seem to learn so much more quickly these days? donna

MITS said...

Good early a.m. view of Friedas' egg.

paula eagleholic said...

Still one egg in OZ

paula eagleholic said...

LOL little orange Koi pieces all over the CT nest...

Mema Jo said...

I am trying to find the hours of the Open House on October 20th? Can't get into any link that tells me...DUH

MITS said...

just sent you the link, Jo.

MITS said...

The hours are from 10 til 4

Mema Jo said...

Whoa! That is an early finish time.

MITS said...

Early dinner at the Clarion:).

Mema Jo said...

Great lunch at the cafe' and time for 2 tree visits.

Jill said...

Hey Donna, just had an email from Jamie saying you had joined. You two should talk. You have plenty in common. God and grandchildren, that should keep you busy for quite a while. LOL Glad to have you on the list.

Jill said...

Hey Jo we could take lunch with us and just stay at the tree. LOL

Jill said...

I have noticed today that Bai isn't covering up Squiggles as much. He/she is more visible each time I look.

Mema Jo said...

Jill - it is tic season again! I love the food selection up at the NCTC cafe - remember?

MITS said...

sounds good:).

glo said...

2 eggs for Freida now

Jill said...

Jo-I don't think there are any ticks left up there, they all came home with me last time. LOL

Yes the food is delicious.

Mema Jo said...

WHOO HOO! 2 eyes! Must go see
Thanks, Glo.

Mema Jo said...

Frieda covering her treasures.. I'll get to see them later OR I bet I can fine a pic somewhere in

Mema Jo said...

I say that the new SD cub is a little girl. Look at those bib markings on her back! Anyother guesses?

Anne-Marie said...

Hurray, I made it in...... I havent read any of the blog as I was afraid I'd miss some of you and you would go to bed on me. Two eggs are wonderful . They are such a pretty color.

Mema Jo said...

Another storm rolling into the valley. Love the rain!

Mema Jo said...

I've been waiting for you Anne..
Welcome -- you are home now!

Anne-Marie said...

Thanks Jo, I feel like a kid being let out to play. This is a bummer. I may have to buy a lap top to put on my desk just so I can talk to you guys. Maybe after Alaska. I'm going to be strapped until then. State Fair weather has started and its hot and going to get hotter. It is usually in the 100's during this time.

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, go Frieda!

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy, Anne!

Are you still blocked at work?

Mema Jo said...

Two eggs ... but a storm's coming
Watch Frieda protect her eggs from today's galeforce winds.
The video we alll watched last year is featured on the Home page of Brisbane. Those storms are something else....

Hang in there Frieda

Anne-Marie said...

Hi Paula, yes I'm blocked at work. Its really frustrating. When the camera is working I will be able to see the nest but not blog.

Anne-Marie said...

What is that McNeil sight you watch. I cant get it at work, maybe I can at home.

Anne-Marie said...

look quick at SD .babe!

Anne-Marie said...

I sent a post card to Jo but couldn't remember anyone else's address. So sweet. A really good closeup.

paula eagleholic said...

This was just posted on the IWS forum.

I'm sorry to announce that A-63 is dead.

He was found in the middle of a road in northern Nevada on Wednesday, August 15th by a gentlemen driving by at 70 mph who saw our bird with wingmarkers, etc. and stopped to check it out because he thought someone was probably tracking it. He got our phone number off the GPS unit and also called the Bird Banding Lab number on the leg band. We can only assume that he was killed by a car while scavenging for food on the highway. The GPS unit had been knocked off and run over, but our good samaritan is going to send it to us anyways. He choose not to pick up the carcass because he didn't want to carry around a dead animal, it would have been illegal and he would have carried it across state lines without the proper permits. By now it has probably been dragged off by scavengers, so we won't attempt to recover it. Sorry to be the bearer of such bad news.


Peter Sharpe
Institute for Wildlife Studies
Bald Eagle Restoration Program

Mema Jo said...

That news saddens my heart so deeply I can imagine how Peter and Steff and all the forum participants feel.

MITS said...

Paula, that is so sad, just don't know what to say, we all long to see the eagles fly, but the dangers are so real, and you see some success and some failure, thanks for letting us know, I know how sad this is for you, because you are such and intregal part of the IWS scene.

Anne-Marie said...

I found the bears at McNeil. I had to install

Jill said...

That is so sad. Breaks my hear, hopefully they will be able to get some good information from the GPS and learn from that.

Anne-Marie said...

Oh MY, I am so sorry. I know its part of life but it does'nt make it easier. Nevada is so far away for him to go. Bless the man who cared enough to call and do the right thing.

glo said...

I shall be going to bed with tears in my eyes too tonight. So very sorry to hear this news.
Thanks for sharing what I know was so very hard for you Paula ((((Hugs))))

Anne-Marie said...

Good Night all, I will be with you tomorrow. Love and Hugs to those who need it this night..

movin said...


Very, very sorry to hear Limuw's final story...just read it as I was previewing this comment.

He was one of my favorites, and I was just thinking about his explorations into Nevada and wondering if they had any more GPS positions on him today....

Very sad.


Costume Lady said...

I guess we will all turn in tonight with heavy hearts. What a sad ending to one of God's creatures who gave us so much pleasure watching for so long.

JO--It's bedtime. Think happy thoughts and sleep well.

Jill said...

Just checked Limuw travel log. For a bird who didn't want to leave home he did a lot of traveling before he died. Who would have thought he would travel so far in so little time. He was living the high life for a while.

Mema Jo said...

Well look at the time, Wanda! lol

Good Night Everyone
Peace to all & to our Limuw
Prayers for all being said

Morning, Suzanne and early birds.

Robyn said...

So sorry to hear of limuw, tears come easy for me the past few weeks and sad stories are not something I am prepared for today.

I finally got rid of the extra baggage in my home and it is just me waiting for the return of my baby. There has been so much negative energy in my home the past 2 mths since my friend if one can call her that has come back east. I am finally returning to the peace I had before June 25th.

Home is shaping up nicely and even found stuff my ex left here which made its way curbside for the garbage collection tomorrow. I need to remember them over the holidays.

I do not get to see any cams today or even read the posts till it is bedtime as I spend all my time working on home and taking my classes. I did take this weekend and spent it with Tori, she is looking very good and even walked 2 miles saturday night only to have stopped once to catch her breath, it has been over 2 years since she even attempted that!

Robyn said...

Sweet dreams Jo and Wanda :)

MITS said...

Robyn, that is great news about your beautiful Tori....HANG IN THERE:).....GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE

Robyn said...

:) Night Mits

Suzanne said...

Good morning, eagle world. Raining like mad out, and very foggy in PA and parts of MD, but no fog in VA. Well...we need the rain. Another jacket day for me though, 64 at home, but 67 here, so sure didn't need the jacket here. Now I'm very warm! Ugh. See Frieda has another egg...Whoppie! Hopefully at least 2 more, maybe 3, then we get to watch babies again.
Finny is in the nest trying to sleep, and Bai and Squiggles are also snoozing. Gonna be a good day. Frieda is on her eggs, it's 1825 there, early evening, but B&W already.Oh well.
Wow, see our equipment is in, that's cool! And they're gonna put it up soon, cool again. Now let's hope everything works the way it's supposed to!
May try to go back and read blogs if I have time.
All have a great eagle/panda day.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Jill said...

Hi Suzanne. Guess what I am doing? Just got back from work. Going back to bed now. Will catch up later.

Suzanne said...

Good grief, good morning, Jill! I hope you can get back to sleep. Great night for sleeping with the rain!

Suzanne said...

Just glanced back at the blogs, but I am so sorry I did! I am sorry to hear about Limuw!!!! Our poor little adventurer, that just ruined my day.

Suzanne said...

Ewwww, here comes Spidey on the BW cam.

Suzanne said...

Finny has a fish! Didn't see parent bring it in, but saw it immediately after...Finny went into serious mantle mode, then mantle and squak mode. He squaks, then looks down at the fish. I think it's still moving, he's not sure what to do with it. Ok, he's gonna try wing flap mode. Now think he's just eating it. He's funny, think he wants to eat it, but he keeps looking at it! Ok, gonna try a bite now...

Suzanne said...

Well, our little Finny has made mincemeat of that fish, in short order! Guess once he killed it dead, it was all downhill from there!

Suzanne said...

Guess Finny is full for now, and he's leaving leftovers for later. He sure is in mantling mode big time, but he finished eating.

Suzanne said...

He has a fish in his foot, but I don't think that's the same fish. Other one was black, this is one of those orange fish. Must have been another quick food drop, sure didn't see any parent.

Suzanne said...

Finny's gone, didn't see him leave. Bai and Squiggles are still sleeping. Should be time for a feeding, shortly. Frieda is not getting off those eggs. Falcon was on the bar, but left. Owl hotel MT, swallow nest MT, and they have FINALLY fixed the2nd Finland osprey cam, but it's also MT. Oh, Bai just rolled over and Squiggles is laying on the straw! But Bai is holding her now and snuggling with her. Too cute. Pretty much dark everywhere now...

Suzanne said...

Ahhh, Bai has Squiggles in her arms, but back to sleep she went.

Suzanne said...

Bai is holding Squiggles in both her paws and washing her. Bai is on her back, that is so cute.

Suzanne said...

Yup, nursing time.

Suzanne said...

Just did my daily clicks, and they've changed all the web site. Now they have tabs at the top for the other sites, if you start with Mammograms. Or anything else, tabs are there. But it's nice, you can see the daily counts, so that's a nice addition.

Suzanne said...

Well, Bai fell asleep feeding Squiggles again. She just sort of falls over while sitting in place. Squiggles may still be nursing, who knows?

Suzanne said...

Oop, Bai's up. Well, sorta, nope, there she goes, down on her side and back to sleep. Guess she was rearranging Squiggles, but now she's snoozing again.
Daylight in the NL, but the beach is MT yet. Won't be long, I think before we start getting visitors. And the sun is coming up on the lighthouse, beaufitul sight!

Suzanne said...

Bai nursing again.

Jill said...

Hey Suzanne. Nap didn't last too long. Trying again. Yes poor Limuw but he covered a lot of ground in a little time so he wasn enjoying himself right up to the encounter with the car.

Costume Lady said...

Too wet and cold, once again for COFFEE on the deck. The Capt. is still asleep so it doesn't matter.

I wonder how long we will be able to enjoy watching Finny before he leaves the nest permantly? Sure will miss him when that time comes.
Reading about LIMUW was a shock. Poor thing; he was just begining to make a life for himself. He traveled far and wide in his short 4 months of life.

Costume Lady said...

How long have you been working as a Magistrate? Those hours would do me in!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Wanda, and morning again, Jill. You're right, nap didn't last long. It's so rainy out, you'd think the nuts would want to stay in, where it's dry!
Yes, Wanda, I was upset by that, but I guess he did a lot in his short life. Poor thing, just wish he could have had a longer life to explore.
Was jut downstairs, and the temp here in Alexandria is now 61°. Dropped down from 67 when I came to work! Brrr. Also saw the weather, here it's supposed to be 90 Sat, and 97 Sun! Geesh.
Thought about putting my heat on last night, it was chilly in my house, but just can't get that in my mind to have heat on in August. Just doesn't register! Specially when I know it's gonna be 90 at home this weekend. So I put on my warm jogging outfit, and let it go at that. But it's gonna be even colder this afternoon, may have to dig out a throw...

Suzanne said...

Finny's back, and squaking! Yeah, I'm gonna miss this guy when he leaves, I so enjoy watching him.

floralgirl said...

Morning Suzanne and Wanda. Sorry to hear about the loss of LImuw, I know you guys were all attached to him. Always sad when we lose one of our beautiful eagles. Another rainy day, chilly out this morning. Getting ready to take daughter to high school(gasp) for orientation this am. While she does that, I will spend all morning in the guidance office trying to straighten out her schedule, she didn't get one class she asked for. Frustarating. But she will be able to use her hand to write, this wil make things so much easier for her. Read Robyn's good news about Tori, sound like she is getting much stronger. HAve a good day everyone:)

Suzanne said...

Good morning, Megan. Looks like the rain dancing paid off. We're supposed to keep getting this until Thursday! Ground sure needs it.
Good luck with the guidance counselors, you'll probably need it. Glad to hear your daughter can now write, that's wonderful! By Christmas this will all be a memory!

Suzanne said...

Finny sure has been squaking! Looking all around the nest, and being very vocal about it. Sure hope he gets something to eat, soon.

Suzanne said...

Frieda is off her 2 eggs! There they are!

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNIN' EAGLE BUDDIES-!!!!---Another COOL RAINY DAY in WV!!---temp. 61°---HELLO SUZANNE--JILL--WANDA & DANCING MEGAN---Haven't read the paper or had my coffee this a.m.----BUT JUST READ ABOUT #63----Next to last time I was on IWS---They feared something like this might happened to him!!-----They had tracked him all the way to Nevada & still moving---Figured he must have been traveling with another EAGLET--& they were praying for #63 to come back home!!!---LOVED HIM!!---HE CERTAINLY SOARED HIGH IN HIS SHORT LIFE!!!---WILL ALWAYS SOAR IN OUR HEARTS!!

Costume Lady said...

Where is the site you were watching earlier with the beach and lighthouse? I tried all my bookmarks and tabs, etc. but couldn't find it anywhere.

With this rain we have had, Megan won't have to water her plants, so she will have time to get her daughter's schedule straightened out. Oh, my, Freshman in High School........That was when I first met the Capt. I was 13 years old! THE REST IS HISTORY!!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Norma! Still 61 here too, tad nippy!
Wow, Wanda, that's a long time ago. (No, not even saying you're old, just saying that's a long time....better shut up, not sure what I'm saying, but congratulations! I think it's wonderful!) That is so cool, you guys are a really cute couple!
Wanda, site is
all on 1 line, of course.

Suzanne said...

Wanda, is that the site you wanted? That's the one Paula gave us yesterday. The other new cams are ones that were added to the NL underwater cams, they added 2 more cams yesterday. One wind-surfing cam is the new 4th cam, at Bonaire. Fish with the divers is cam2.

normabyrd said...

OH WANDA!!!---What a LOVE STORY---That's wonderful!!!---You were WAY COOL at 13!!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

2 eggs showing Frieda is off them

Suzanne said...

Good morning, Dana. Hope you're feeling well, today!

Suzanne said...

Thanks, Norma, that's what I was trying to say! You did it much better than I did!!!

normabyrd said...

WOW!!---CT NEST has "TWO" OSPREY CHICKS!!!----Most nests are MT this a.m.----

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Eagle Friends

Suzanne I tried typing in that website the peggy one. I can't get it up. Can you send it in a note to me and maybe I can just click on the link.

61 degrees here can't remember how to get degree sign lol

normabyrd said...

MORNING DANA!!!----I just looked at the EGGS too!!---There's a video showing FRIEDA attempting to save her EGGS during the storm last year!!---SHE IS VERY PROTECTIVE OF HER NEST!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Norma how did you do the degree sign the other day?

Suzanne said...

Dana, you have mail.

normabyrd said...

I think the "LITTLE PRINCE" is bored this a.m.---Just slowly wandering around---now lying on a log----ZOO folks keep losing him on the cam!!!---JUST TOO WET FOR THE PRINCE!!!!

normabyrd said...


Suzanne said...

Bai is washing Squiggles holding her in her paws, facing cam. Darn time is in the way.

Suzanne said...

That was a quick wash. Now Bai is using Squiggles as a pillow! Too cute.

normabyrd said...

DANA---I see SUZ is showing you the ° mark!!!---MITS showed me last year & I love using it---It's the "little" things that makes us happy!!!!-----ho!

normabyrd said...

GRIZZLYS ARE OUT THIS A.M.!!---BIG TIME!!!---At least 10 at one time!!---The fish must be plentiful---You see the BEARS jumping up for them!!!!---COOL SITE--(in more ways than one!)--ho!

Suzanne said...

Uh oh, scenery is improving on the wind-surfing cam...

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Suzanne got the email and got the link great.

It is still 61 degrees can't use the alt on here brings up a message do I want to leave this page. I guess Dell has other things for the ALT. Thanks anyways.

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Norma plenty of bears and seagulls. I love hearing the water at this site.

wvgal_dana said...

A wind surfing cam I don't think I have that one Suzanne or do I humm

Suzanne said...

Our beautiful Finny is back...

Suzanne said...

Dana, everyone that has been watching the NL undersea cam has the wind surfing one. The undersea cam is cam 2, the wind surfing is cam 4, they added cams yesterday. If you don't have that link, let me know, I'll send it to you.

Suzanne said...

Little toot Frieda has been off her eggs for a while.
Check out Bai, she has Squiggles under her chin, in her left paw...

Suzanne said...

Look at the whopper fish Finny has!

wvgal_dana said...

I guess while she has the chance because she lays so many. Knowing then she'll have to sit along time. Frieda is taking a long time out.

Finny is working on that fish Suzanne.

Got the site ty

wvgal_dana said...

Frieda is back on her eggs. She knows that storm is coming.

Suzanne said...

Look at Finny, he either has 2 very big fish, or he broke the one HUGE fish in half. Wow, 2 hand luke, here...

normabyrd said...

WOW!!!---FINNY HAS A BIG FISH!!!---Did he bring that in or did MS. FIN!!!----I love the little "selfish" CHICK!!---ho!!!---What if MOM FIN would fly in & take the rest of the fish????----

normabyrd said...

10:08 a.m.---BUTA BUTA (as usual) asleep on top of tripod!!!!---GUESS WHAT----LUN LUN is asleep on the floor!!!---Wish we could see the "LITTLE BEAUTY" earlier when she is still awake!!!!

MITS said...


Suzanne said...

Well our little boy ate either one fish, or half the whale, and he was looking at the other half. Now he's jut watching the birds go by.

Mauley said...

Good morning all you dear friends. I have posted three or four times and the blog ate my posts. Such sadness for Limuw and little comfort for those of us who loved the little eaglet. We are stewards of all God's creatures great and small. Sometimes I think I might not follow their birth and growth and then I come to my senses. donna

Suzanne said...

Morning, Mits! Is it still raining? Ugh.
Norma, I think mom would get at the very least(!) a hard peck if she tried to steal mr selfish's fish!
Look at those huge birds flying around. Well, never mind, birds are gone and so if Finny! Geesh, blink and he's gone.

floralgirl said...

It's raining, it's pouring....

MITS said...

It has stopped raining for now here, but the dolphins were surfing the waves right next to the sight.

MITS said...

Megan, I'm so happy it is raining for you finally

Costume Lady said...

Did you get your Daughter's schedule straightened out? I remember, that can be a headache waiting to happen. Does she have any restrictions by her Doctor as far as how long she can use her hand at a time or is it up to her comfort level?

floralgirl said...

Hello- down to a drizzle here now. Schedule has been changed, they had her in Latin and she had signed up for Japanese. Apparently the principal decided all the honor students should take latin and had it put on their schedule. Some parents were ok with that, but she really wants to learn Japanese and so I had her switched. Her hand can be used during class time for writing,then she must keep the splint on at all other times. Use of her hand is up to her, she has a doctor's excuse to not use it at all, it's good therapy for her fingers, but she has to also straighten them occasionally so they aren't constantly curled up. WHen she's in the splint, it holds them straight.

MITS said...

Megan, she has done really well in her recuperation, good for her.

Jill said...

Hate it when the principal decides what is best. Did that to me when I was in school, decided I couldn't go to Vo-Tech because I was an Honor Society member and they didn't go to Vo-Tech. Had an awful time getting it switched. Semester started and I went to Vo-tech and skipped classes til they were ready to suspend me and they finally got the hint. Glad yours was a little easier Megan.

Finally got to sleep a couple of hours this morning. Crazies don't come out when it first starts to rain but after a while they have to come out and see what it is. Then they don't know what to do cause they don't have sense enough to get out of it. LOL

normabyrd said...

WOW!!---I have had ANNE-MARIE'S problem----I was listening to SUZANNE HALL tell about SQUIGGLE!!-----Then BAI left her alone for a min. & I saw the little 'BEAUTY' all alone!!!----BUT I COULD NOT GET INTO BLOG!!!!!!!---(anger still in my heart)--ho!--SQUIGGLE is gaining weight--has a little tummy---is a quiet panda---MOM has only been in the den for about 9 min. once---First she took some water & has had very little food!!!--All of her energy is devoted to the little SQUIGGLE!!!--WHO has also moved around some on front legs---BOTTOM LINE---SQUIGGLE is just a perfect little CUB!!!!---Won't get weighed, etc. until MOM starts leaving her alone for a while!!!---YOU KIDS ALREADY KNEW THIS!!!!!

Suzanne said...

Wow, Megan, sounds like she's improving quite a bit. Glad to hear it. Also glad to hear it's down to a drizzle. We need the rain, but my time for leaving is drawing close, and hate to drive in the rain with these guys. don't know which is worse, rain or snow. At least in the snow they slow down somewhat....not a lot, but at least a little.
Our beautiful Finny is back.

Suzanne said...

Well, news flash!
Finny has yet another fish. What a surprise. I sure hope wherever these ospreys are getting these fish they have an unlimited supply!

normabyrd said...

WHOA JILL!!!!----You didn't have my DAD!!----If I had skipped school--I probably would still be outside LOOKIN' IN!!!!-----NOT KIDDIN'!!!!

Suzanne said...

Oh wow, Hoodie in 2nd Fin nest.

Suzanne said...

He's watching the ferry in the background.

Mema Jo said...

Good Almost Noon Hour Time
Just finished all emails and checking on Frieda & the upcoming storm. LunLun is knocking ButaButa off of the tripod where she is trying to nap. Need to read all your morning comments - I am still thinking of beautiful Lamuw soaring up in the heavens! Thanks, Glo for the tribute video and the poem from Bev at IWS site that you have given us. I just remember them calling him 'Sweet Peeps'! Good memories!

normabyrd said...

FINNY--is ENJOYING his FOOD!!---Won't it be lonesome when he fledges!!----He reminds me of #63----All alone & remember how #63 protected his FOOD---(always afraid DAD might take it)----ho!

normabyrd said...

JO---LOOK at LUN LUN & MEI LAN---Not only is the "LITTLE BEAUTY" not backing down---SHE IS NURSING ON TOP OF THE TRIPOD!!!---SO VERY FUNNY!!!!---

normabyrd said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suzanne said...

Morning, Jo. Hope you're feeling better today!

Suzanne said...

Oh, eggs are visible. Still just 2.

normabyrd said...

My favorite "TAI" is in his favorite SLEEPING PLACE!!!----

floralgirl said...

Hello Mits, Jill, Norma and Jo. SHe is doing very well, Mits, just the fact that she can draw and write again has lifted her spirits. Still a long way to go though, still working on the tendons in the back of her hand, which need to be stretched back out, so her fingers can open fully. Gotta run to school and pick her up from orientation. Have a good day everyone.

normabyrd said...


Mema Jo said...

Frieda's eggs are visible.
I think (?) Buta Buta is nursing as she and her mom sit atop the tripod!

Got an announcement from National Geographic concerning Wildcam Africa starting up this past month and that the Grizzlies 2007 program has come to an early close. This is due to technical problems.

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

JO!---I really hate to see the GRIZZLIES go!!----There have been so very many BEARS this past week---More than 10 this a.m.---But understand!!!---Thanks for the update!!

wvgal_dana said...

Wow the wind sufers are at it. Close up

Suzanne said...

Shame about the grizzlies, I know someone was watching this morning and said there were 10 there.
Thanks, Norma, I'll be careful.
Time for me to hit the road. You all have a great eagle/panda day. Hope we get more rain, after say about 2:30-3:00 or so! Or when everyone gets in! Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

movin said...



Jill said...

Norma, I wasn't skipping school completely, I was going to the classes I wanted, not the ones they wanted. They finally figured out that it would be best to let me go to Vo-Tech.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...