Friday, August 17, 2007


Almost home thread from SC.


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Mema Jo said...

Glad you're headed homeward..
We were worried a little about you being in the Everglades!

movin said...

Steve, I can tell from your typing that you are having a good time...AND THAT IS GOOD!
I think we kept your parking place for you...

Great to see you on the blog, Mema Jo, and you made it first onto this thread... Congrats!!


Jill said...

And Norma thought Steve skipped the country. LOL. He was just lost in the Everglades for a few days.

Jill said...

Jo, Jim check your mail. Squiggles is there.

Mema Jo said...

Su Lin has the spotlight now with her bamboo!

Mema Jo said...

Brisbane - falcon in pebbles...

Mema Jo said...

Long range view of the McNeil River
Really beautiful

MITS said...

Thanks for new thread Steven...I just got on to Beakspeak

Anne-Marie said...

Hurray I made it. I had to come home to get on. It seems most of the office had very little access to anything but me. Some one complained. Oh well. Thanks for the emails today. I really missed this blog. I feel like I've been gone for days.

Mema Jo said...

Better late then never, Anne! Welcome! What time you going whitewatering tomorrow?

Anne-Marie said...

See I knew it. By the time I get home you guys are getting ready for bed. the 7 year old grandson and I are going out to clean up the car and get ready for our trip tomorrow. We are drifting down the Stanislaw River in a raft. Sun screen is ready, water guns ready, hats ready, dry clothes ready, Nana's energy NOT ready!

Anne-Marie said...

We will be up about 6:00. I think I'm going to buy breakfast to eat in the car. There is a bar-b-que for lunch/dinner.It will take about an hour to get there. You have to drive up before you can float down.

Mema Jo said...

Hope you have a great time tomorrow.

Anne-Marie said...

Thank you, are you feeling stronger?
Take it slow. When are they going to decrease the meds?

Anne-Marie said...

I'll be back later.

Costume Lady said...

We went through Williamsburg Sunday on our way home from Va. Beach and I thought about you. If you are able to go there, you will love it.

Hi JO--
Hope you are thinking about going to bed; it's getting late!
Sleep well.


Anne-Marie said...

Wanda have you heard anything about the train trip. Has it been postponed?

MITS said...

Anne-Marie, glad you got in, have fun tomorrow.....GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE. Usually I can be a night owl, but usually not here at the beach...

Costume Lady said...

No, I haven't heard anything about the train trip lately. I think it may have been put on hold until Jo gets well. I think it may be sometime in late Oct. when the leaves are at their prettiest.

Mema Jo said...

I got caught up in a phone call - Sorry to leave and not say so...

Not sure about Train trip - maybe Oct.

Good night Wanda.. lol
Yes, it is that time of evening!
Have fun Anne. Night Mits!

Hope Candy is on here tomorrow to get her b-day wishes!!

paula eagleholic said...

Glad to see you made it in, Anne. Have fun tomorrow!

The ledge is empty!

Heading to bed, see ya tomorrow!

Glad Steve found his way back! Thanks for the new thread. Hope your trip is going well.

movin said...


Anne-Marie (did I tell you my sister's name is Ann-Marie?), if IT has deliberately blocked these sites, you probably can't do too much.

But if you have an advanced cell phone, can get on the INet, and can afford the phone bill, you can at least check in to the blog a few times during the day.

There might be other ways too.


Costume Lady said...

I'ts going to be a beautiful day here in Martinsburg/Shepherdstown.
going to be in low 80's.

is the Birthday Girl today. Have a wonderful day. If your hubby doesn't get you a present, do what MITS did; go buy yourself a present and charge it to him.
HUGS to you all weekend!!

floralgirl said...


Costume Lady said...

Not much going on in our FUR & FOWL world. Finny is not at home, Bai & Squiggles sound asleep, dark at Kent and in swallow nest. I can tell the babies are still present. Don't know why they haven't fledged yet.

Costume Lady said...

I guess you will be going to Market soon. Have a good weekend.

MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
paula eagleholic said...

Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday Carolinabeachmom
Happy Birthday to You!!!!

Anne-Marie said...

Happy Birthday Candy! This year will be a good one.
Well, I am waiting for two more people who need a ride and the sun isn't even over the Sieras.Boy did I sleep.Must have been tired.
Jim- only special people are named Anne-Marie. Thats what my father told me. I was named Susan at birth and before I left the hospital my father changed it. I have always loved it.My father called me Annaree. My brothers called me Annie and my mother called me Anne.
Jo- get some rest today and grow stronger.
Most of all thanks to all of you that were so patient and loving to me yesterday when I was so frustrated. This blog and the people on it are very important to me and I am still not a happy gal.
Have a beautiful day all and I will try my best not to get sunburned. Hugs.

Mema Jo said...


Come on in and
Get all these well wishes for your
Very Special Day!

Mema Jo said...

Brunch time for me as I slept late and it was a good sound sleep!
Yepper! I am getting stronger with all your prayers. BRB

paula eagleholic said...

Hmmm... Frieda is in the pebbles at midnight

Mema Jo said...

Just checked and Frieda is in the pebbles again - guess we'll wait for daylight to see if there is a beautiful egg(s)

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, Jo. MMmmm...brunch!

paula eagleholic said...


Jill said...

Is anybody having trouble with yahoo? I can open my mail but only the headers come up no mail.

paula eagleholic said...

Mine is working fine, Jill.

movin said...



normabyrd said...


paula eagleholic said...

Picture not updating on Frieda,but the time is...

Swallow babes are a flappin'

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, Norma, Jim and Jill!

movin said...

Frieda is certainly acting like she has laid an egg in the scrape, turning by the clock every few minutes.

It's raining at McNeil again, there are more bears and more fish.

The Fin babe is in the nest...she was lying in it yesterday afternoon as though she was setting on her own eggs.


normabyrd said...

FINNY is the NEST---Guess he is waiting for a FOOD DROP from MAMA FIN------HAPPY HE IS STILL AROUND!!---(nest seems to grow smaller each day)

normabyrd said...

I can't seem to keep up with the "LITTLE PRINCE"---HE seems restless this a.m.!!---His audience is watching his every move----

paula eagleholic said...

Jim - Your Frieda pic is updating???? I have had the same pic for the last 40 minutes...

Mema Jo said...

My 10 sec cam of Freida is updating as far as the time record shows - I guess it is almost 1:45am tomorrow the 19th. I haven't seen Freida move much..

normabyrd said...

OSPREY in CT NEST----Seems to be MANTLING---Don't know what--but he is certainly hiding it!!!---FOOD?

Mema Jo said...

Osprey in CT nest

normabyrd said...

The top of SQUIGGLE'S head is showing---BAI is protecting her with his huge paws!!!---

normabyrd said...

JO---I GOT WAX!!!!----W/pass it on to you!!!

Mema Jo said...

You best keep that 50 lbs of wax for going to the Wellness - you can slide right through all those exercies, Gal! I had missed a lot of my time at our Wellness Ctr at the YMCA. I called yesterday and explained my absences and they said that when the Dr releases me to come back they will just credit all those 2 months I lost! I was very grateful.

Mema Jo said...

Today: Steelers vs Redskins
and Patrick & Christine (NY) are celebrating their 5th Wedding Anniversay by going to the scrimmage!
WHoo Hoo!
I just had a visit from them and they had just been here a few weeks ago! It's the first I had seen them since being in the hospital.
Life is GOOD!

Patrick is a REDSKIN!!

normabyrd said...


Mema Jo said...

What a treat
Mei Xiang & Tian Tian are in the yard wrestling. I really can't tell one from the other but they look very happy. (Until Mei swats him lol)

Mema Jo said...

OK - I am going out to sit on the deck and absorb some of the healing sunshine rays. Will Return........

normabyrd said...

JO---I had a message from SANDY---When we had lunch at her house---She introduced me to her MOTHER---who told me she spent her honeymoon at the NEW CENTURY HOTEL in ROMNEY!!!---Yesterday her MOTHER celebrated her 70th wedding anniversary!!!---They celebrated with cake and champagne!!!---Isn't that a BEAUTIFUL story!!!!

normabyrd said...

GREAT PANDA STORY JO!!---It's hard to tell them apart!!!----

carolinabeachmom said...

GPPD EAGLE MORNING TO ALL BY WONDERFUL EAGLE FRIENDS; WANDA, MEGAN, MITS. PAULA, ANNE, JILL. NORMA, JIM and THANK YOU ALL very much for the lovely birthday wishes. 64 and counting down to 65. You are all such a great, loving and caring bunch. I feel so lucky to have had the chance to be on here a lot this summer.

Son just went to the beach and my friend already called to go to the pool at one, so I jumped right in here while I had a chance.

ANNE Hope you have a fun day with your grandson drifting down the Stanislaw River in a raft. You must be a good grandmother!

JO it is soooo good to see you on here more and more. I take that as a good sign as to your progress. Just don't overdo. You are important to us Eagle People.

WANDA Thanks for all the (((HUGS))) and NORMA, I wished I could be your little southern bell, but right now, it doesen't "FIT". Nothing fits and once I get back to school, I am going to try to get back to a normas size for me. :)

carolinabeachmom said...

I see you are all watching Brisbane now, so will have to get over and take a look see.

I have got SD panda on now.


carolinabeachmom said...

JO, glad to see you had another visit from Patrick and Christine. What a nice surprise for you. Did you tell them to make a sign and hold it up so you can see where they are? :) GO REDSKINS!

carolinabeachmom said...

I see Finny still in his nest, resting, no divers just fish at Bonaire, Bai looks like she is feeding the cub and Frodo or Frieda is in the Brisbaine nest. AND I imagine our Limuw is off on a run for parts unknown; soaring high in the sky and free at last.

Mema Jo said...

Birthday Girl! Hello!
Enjoy your special day!

Kids are in row 13 on 10 yard seats 1,2,3,4. Another couple going with them. Of course they will have on their Redskin shirts!

Mema Jo said...

Norma, I also met Sandra's mother - she was delightful! We must go visit them again. Wonderful story - Sandra is a very loving daughter!
I wonder if Megan had enough flowers after the rains to go to market. I must be getting a little stronger - I just want something or some place - just do something small scaled. I think I best get my Potter book started! lol

paula eagleholic said...

My F&F pic is finally updating. Looks like she is sleeping with her head back and tucked under her wing.

Costume Lady said...

Reading your HP book is an excellent idea! Good read and good rest.

My daughter and ex-husband are also going to the Skins & Steelers game. We'll have to get them all Eagle Pics. to hold up so we will recognize them.

carolinabeachmom said...

Friend is here for the pool. BBL

paula eagleholic said...

Puget sound cam is working again...MT nest there too!

paula eagleholic said...

Frieda has turned again...gotta be on some eggs!

paula eagleholic said...

Have fun Candy!

Hey Wanda

Mema Jo said...

I wish Frodo cam's home page would get some updates for this season...
Still not overjoyed with how they handle that.......

Mema Jo said...

Pretty Finney in the nest..
Finally get to see polar bear in water at SD zoo..

Hope Jill's fund raiser for the kids' skatepark does well today. At least I think it was today.

Wonder where Nilla is? She always uses beakspeak to come online - maybe cyber cop got her too.

Jill said...

Hey folks. I emailed Nilla Thursday but haven't heard back from her. She had Jasmin one day.

Jo-fundraiser is tomorrow,thanks. Tonight is Bike Night in Mburg.

I went by Sandra's house yesterday. All looked really quiet. Was going to stop in but traffic was awful in Shep. Registration day at the school. She probably ran away. LOL

Mema Jo said...

Hey there, Jill. I read in yesterday's news that Shepherdstown is trimming down their police force. Getting rid of the Chief and 2 of his staff. I guess that the college has it's own security division and doesn't rely on the town's force. Must be something going on other then just the money.........

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, I read the chief quit this week and another cop had to resign because he was pointing his lazer light at people...

paula eagleholic said...

Yea, Jo, I emailed Greg a week ago, no response so far...Maybe Greg needs to turn it over to someone else who cares...this year's forum isn't even up

Jill said...

Hey Jo-money had very little to do with the resignations in Shep. Good friend works there. You wouldn't believe some of the stuff that was going on. And from grown men. Anyway, town will be better off with Bellomy. I worked with him for several years in Mburg. Real nice guy and officer.

Mema Jo said...

I think it is time for my "Panda nap"


paula eagleholic said...

We have in egg in Brisbane!!

glo said...

Do you see what I see

Jill said...

He was pointing more than a laser at women, Paula.

paula eagleholic said...

Frieda is back on it now...

2 Eeewwiies at BW

paula eagleholic said...

Realy, Jill

Mema Jo said...

Glo & Paula - it was an egg - right?
Woke me up from my Panda Nap! (Really hadn't started it yet)
So who is going to tell GREG?
Anyone get a pic? I hope there are more to come. Come on Brisbane Sunrise!!

Jill said...

OH yeah. Some of the things that were going on down there were down right disgusting. And more will come out as time goes on.

glo said...

MeMa Jo my link takes you directly to the picture just click on it

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, I emailed Greg

Mema Jo said...

I see the perfect picture you captured, Glo! Hope they get the cam to zoom in on it... I miss the clump of growing greens!

Freida's egg #1 from Glo's forum

paula eagleholic said...

Cleanup crew at SC nest - raven!

Mema Jo said...

I wonder if Greg is off vacation yet lol

Well, now we have something more to watch as it develops! Pandas and Falcons. That will suffice until our eagles come again.

I just wonder when our CAM is going to be turned on - I feel the need to drive to NCTC and see our eagle couple........

glo said...

Ahh the sycamore tree....well..Nap first MeMa Jo and yes I agree Squiggles and the Falcons are enough to keep me going too , but I also really anticipate info and signs of what is happening at NCTC with the cam and the eagles.

Jill said...

Jo-you go rest,no driving to the tree yet. I have it on good word the tree is fine and a certain pair of eagles aren't far away.

Robyn said...

Happy B'day Candy hope you have a womderful day.

Back to reading posts...

Jill, going to Bike Night tonight?

paula eagleholic said...

Pretty pink egg in view!

paula eagleholic said...

Another food fest in CT - think they've been partying all day LOL

Mema Jo said...

Frieda has returned to the ledge & is looking at her egg (Unless it is Frodo)

Robyn said...

Hi Paula, Hi Jo

Nice egg over in the land of Oz

Mema Jo said...

Hi Robyn
Should be more coming!
How's your day - Are you going to Bike Night?

Mema Jo said...

Those swallow aren't ever going to leave that nest box! They are still all huddled together......

Mema Jo said...

Dinner time in this home!

BBL this evening

MITS said...

Good job, Frieda, wonder how many she will lay this year, thanks for the heads-up, Paula and the pic.

Mema Jo said...

Beautiful egg is all alone!

Mema Jo said...

Good close up of Frieda on her egg.
She is such a pretty gal.

paula eagleholic said...

Isn't she Jo. Glad someone zoomed in on her.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Paula, How was your day. I am glad that Frieda is back.. I did so enjoy her last season.

paula eagleholic said...

My day was good, thanks for asking. Just relaxing this evening. Got Forrest Gump on :)

Mema Jo said...

Hubby wants me to watch a movie at nine. Guess I'm late...... lol
Some mystery show..
Didn't do much today..... It feels like a fall evening outside right now. The sun was just right today.
Spent a good bit of time on the deck.
Felt really good!
I think Amber and the kids had a great time white watering the other weekend. Aaron promises some pics.
Guess I'll go join the TV watcher! BBL

paula eagleholic said...

Enjoy the show with hubby, Jo.

MITS said...

What a wonderful close-up of Frieda, she is so beautiful, wonderful day at the beach, feels like September....good night everyone

Mema Jo said...

Good Night all
Peace to you & yours
Prayers for all needs being said

Jill said...

Yes Robyn I went to Bike Night. Had to work. Only 4 people arrested. Thought we would get by with just two but somebody had to go and spoil it.

Got to get some sleep, tomorrow is another long day. Is it Monday yet?

movin said...

Everybody, Good Night. Have a happy Sunday...


carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE WORLD AND ALL EAGLE BUDDIES OUT THERE. Yes I am on early today. Josh just left for Winchester at about 6:40am, sooooo I am wide awake. All the excitement is gone out of the house again. Oh well, I did have a very nice day, and THANKS TO ALL OF YOU OUT THERE FOR ALL THE LOVELY BIRTHDAY GREETINGS THAT I RECEIVED!!!!! You are such a loving and caring good bunch of people.

carolinabeachmom said...

I see where we have a new egg in Brisbane! Hooray! I hope she has more. And I have Bei on before I have to go to church to see how big the cub is getting. You know, I think I can see deffinite black lets below her arms. How fast that little one has grown.

carolinabeachmom said...

Bei and Cub are sleeping

Finney is on nest awaiting a dinner drop from Mom.

Scuba divers aren't in pic, just fish.

Someone is on Brisbane nest on egg.

No hooded crows this am, just an osprey on nest, cormorants sleeping on rocks and all boats out of the harbor for now.

carolinabeachmom said...

Finney can't sit still on his nest. Keeps coming and going.

One soprey at Conn nest

Swallows still in nest. Don't know how many as it is pretty dark yet.

No osprey in BW.

Looks like both Texas owl parents waiting for a new brood.

Have to go now, as our visitor just came in the door.

Hope Limue is flying high in the sky and enjoying life. Everyone have a wonderful Sunday. BBL

Costume Lady said...

Hope you had a Happy Day yesterday. We were all thinking about you.

Yes, Squiggles is getting his "Panda" markings now. He was 2 weeks old Friday.
Finny had Lunch about 7AM our time. Don't know if he caught it himself or if he had a food drop by a parent.

MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

Good morning Mits, Wanda and Candy!
I am up early due to a little g-granddaughter wanting a kiss from Mema before heading back to NY.
Very nice morning!

Mema Jo said...

I think it is raining in Brisbane.
I have a few drops here in the valley

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNIN' EAGLE BUDDIES----It is another BEAUTIFUL DAY in WV--temp. 64°---We might have some rain!!!----HELLO---JILL (12:38 a.m.)---MOVIN'JIM (1:17 a.m.)--CANDY---WANDA----HELEN----& JO!!!
FINNY NEST MT----CT NEST---2 SQUAWKING HUNGRY OSPREY CHICKS!!!---TAI sleeping--(i think)--Haven't checked on SQUIGGLES!!!---Must get dressed & take paper to my friend---LATER!!!----Bet ANNE-MARIE is sleeping soundly after her RAFT RIDE-----I envy her---sounds like so much FUN!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning, all. Cool and some sprinkles here too. Think I'll can the outside work today...

Mema Jo said...

WOW! Brisbane home page has this announcement today:

First egg! ...
The first egg of the 2007 season has arrived.

Robyn said...

Morning Jo, Paula, Norma, Mits, Wanda, Candy...

Been getting some rain here on this cool sunday morning. Nice to have the windows open but my Pileated Woodpecker awoke me this morning with all the noise he was making at my bedroom window. Looks like a new one as he isn't as big as the one we use to see back here. He was jumping from tree to tree seeking his breakfast. Just s I was about to get hs pic the kitties made a rucus and he flew away...

Off to look at cams and into class.

Yes Jo I went to Bike Night last night with all the kids too, they all had a blast. Tori even walked around with her friends and from what they told me quite long far too :)

And he is back gosh he s so very noisy, maybe I can catch his pic this time...

movin said...


Check out the new photos and weblog entries Lisa has made on the BW Osprey site.

And the Finnish juvenile is still on her nest, which probably means Dad is somewhere around. I bet Mom might have started her migration already...haven't seen her in days (has anyone?).

Frieda is off her "single" egg.


movin said...

There's a strange female Osprey on the nest at BW...could be the trouble maker from early in the season.


movin said...

She's still there (heavy necklace), which could mean both resident Ospreys have migrated...


Anne-Marie said...

Good Morning all. Wow what a day yesterday. I had a fantastic time and so did my grandson. the raft went over and spilled us all over a rapid. Lots of fun except I lost my camera in the midst. Not my expensive one but my small digital. One of the guys dove after it. I got it back and its drying out. I don't think it will work but I'm trying. Has anyone ever had any experience with wet camera? Oh I lost a nail too. I cant get it replaced until Tuesday and it feels funny typing with out it.My little guy floated down and grabbed hold of a rock and thought the whole thing was "Cool". We laughed until we thought we would split. Boy that waters cold. We took big squirt guns and had water fights with other rafters. Well I finally found more muscles I thought I'd lost. Its going to be a slow day.

I need the link to the Ausi nest. If anyone has it I would appreciate it.
I will be in and out today. At least here I can reach you. Hope this is a beautiful day for all of you Hugs.

Anne-Marie said...

Never mind about the cam I found it on Paula's blog.

Robyn said...

Swallows are now gone. Seems the n ests out here are emptying for the season, now I can focus on home and school :).

Your trip sounded like a lot of fun Heidigirl, typing with one missing nail is almost like a handicap...

Anne-Marie said...

The seals in Monterey are playing chase. Really funny. "King of the Hill"

Anne-Marie said...

Gee Robyn I guess now I'm certified handycapped now. I wonder if I could get benefits.

movin said...

OMGosh, Robyn, the swallows were still in the nest until I refreshed...all gone!

Sounds like Heidi's group had a big day yesterday...kayak's float almost as well upside down, and rafts float better upside down, so don't worry about them. OK?

You might try drying the camera in the oven -- on low. You want to dry it, not melt it.


paula eagleholic said...

OMGosh Jim! MT swallow nest for sure!

paula eagleholic said...

Heidi - sounds like you had a great time! Wet camera and all!

Jill said...

Hey Robyn. Didn't see you downtown. Glad Tori had fun. We had to cancel the fundraiser today, rescheduled for next weekend. Now I am going back to sleep. Didn't get home until 12:30. People decided to get stupid around 11:30.

movin said...

Hey, I found a great page for seeing what the tree swallows look like from the outside of the nest box ... there are several videos of swallows and bluebirds on here. Some very funny, some very informative.


Outside the swallow box

Anne-Marie said...

Jim, that sight is great. Are they the swallows we have been watching?

MITS said...

Nice site, Jim:).

MITS said...

Mei is up a tree and Tian is trying to go up with her and she keeps swatting at him to keep him down.

Anne-Marie said...

Jim I took the batteries and the chip out and it is sitting in the sun on the front porch. The screen has condensation on it. Is it ok to leave the chip in the sun too.?

normabyrd said...

JILL---Where did you son decide to go to school!!!----SHEPHERD!!---It's that time!!!----Probably will be easier for you---& I bet he will like it there!!!----SWEET DREAMS!!----

normabyrd said...

JIM---Thanks's for the SWALLOW/BLUEBIRD SITE---Those BLUE BIRDS are AWESOME!---still waiting to see one in the wild!!!!

normabyrd said...

ANNE-MARIE----I bet you felt like you were a teenager again!!!---That's sounds like you had GREAT FUN!!!---I would like to do that!!!!!

movin said...

Yes, Heidi, Tree Swallows. They are the ones that nest in cavities (or nestboxes). Cliff Swallows and Barn Swallows make their own nests of mud and whatnot.


Jill said...

I always use a hairdryer. Just be careful not to melt anything or burn yourself.

movin said...

It probably is OK, Heidi,
just make sure the contacts are dry and clean when you reinstall it.

For the condensation, you might turn it (in the oven or in the sun) so that the evaporating water will travel directly to the outside...with the screen down in other words.

Thanks, Jill. Being on the balding side, I wouldn't have thought of that. But I have had good luck with an oven on Low and placing the item (camera) on something that won't burn or melt it.


Mema Jo said...

I just had a fabulous Panda Nap this fine Sunday afternoon! Whoo Hoo!

Thanks for the link, Jim. Glad to have our swallows out of the crowded nest box.
Glad you had such a great time, Anne.
Did you have any warranty on your camera that would cover the water damage?
I am enjoying watching Tian and Mei out in their yard. Sandra had said that next time, let's leave these 2 alone and I bet we would have a natural cub in the making!

normabyrd said...

You can see SQUIGGLY now!!!!---BAI is on her side & you can see these two little BLACK EYES looking out!!----She is AWESOME!!!---You can also see some black markings on her too!!!

normabyrd said...

TWO HANDSOME OSPREY CHICKS in the CT NEST----One perched on each side of the nest!!!!----HAPPY TO SEE THEM!!!

normabyrd said...

WAX---- JO!!!!---W/forward it to you!!! ho!

Mema Jo said...

Look at Panda Cam on DC
If that's not Relaxed nothing would be............

normabyrd said...

JO---You forgot to tell the "LITTLE PRINCE"---NAP TIME is over!!!!----He is still CONKED OUT!----(bless his little heart)

MITS said...

Jo, those two have been together doing it the natural way, and it has not worked....

Anne-Marie said...

Norma I had a blast.I raised two families. I was one of those women that said "but doctor I cant be" I was 40. The oldest was 17. Now I have grand children from 21 to 2years. Its wonderful

Anne-Marie said...

thanks Jim and Jill. Its working. BBL

Mema Jo said...

One WET Frieda!

paula eagleholic said...

Getting to be daylight in OZ - Frieda does look wet!

paula eagleholic said...

2 raven cleaning crew at SC

1 chick at LI nest

2 at CT - 1 is eating.

Jill said...

Hey Jim, when you have kids like mine you learn how to dry things quickly. Have even used the car vents to dry clothes on occasion. LOL

movin said...

Heidi, I haven't personally experienced the repeat-family thing, but both my mother and her mother had their final child at age 45.

My one surviving uncle, my mother's youngest brother, is 3 months older than I am ... more like a brother.

We had a lot of fun, I don't know about either mother though.

Glad your camera is working now.


movin said...

Poor Frieda does look drenched, doesn't she?

They could deflect some of that nasty rain toward So Cal...we would appreciate it.


movin said...

However, she does apparently have a very clean nose and set of toes.......


paula eagleholic said...

Getting ready to head out for another night of dancing. And we have had rain today....LOL...guess the dancing is working!

Mema Jo said...

You can see Frieda's egg under her breast.. hopefully the sun will dry her out in a couple of hours..

movin said...

Hi, Mema Jo,
I wondered if that was the egg, but I didn't think she would not be covering it better, but maybe she doesn't want to start really serious setting until the others are laid. She's looking a little "peckish." I don't know if it's the rain, or if she is about to lay a second egg.

What do you think?


Mema Jo said...

dinner time here bbl
still raining - Paula may dance up a storm!

Mema Jo said...

I think another egg is coming on! lol
I like to be able to look at the weather forecast on the home page - but I wish someone would tell me in inches.. I think I am too old to convert..

movin said...

I'll look at the weather, Mema Jo....


movin said...

It looks like there has been a little over 1" of rain in Brisbane since 9 am (must have been yesterday morning, since it's only 8:15 there now); and the temperature is 60.62 F°.


MITS said...

Sounds like they will have rain most of this week.

MITS said...

Travel Channel
8/21 at 9pm EDT

Into Alaska
with Jeff Corwin
"Southeast Alaska
& the Bald Eagle"

Mema Jo said...

Frieda changed her position but I wasn't watching ---

Mema Jo said...

Taking a break BBL

carolinabeachmom said...

Well I guess I finally got back on here and everyone flew the blog. Just finished making up Josh's bed for Marek to have a clean one. He was in using the computer to talk to his girlfriend until about 4 today. I was sooo tired out that I slept all afternoon. I'm watching Bie and cub waking up and Brisbane bird still sitting in gravel. Don't know if she had another egg or not.

carolinabeachmom said...

ANNE, it sounds as if you had quite a good time on your rafting trip with your grandchildren. I probably would have died on the spot if the raft turned over and I was in the water. At this age, I am still afraid of water.

PAULA Hope you have a good time dancing tonight, but you know, they can use only soooo much rain up in your area. :) Hope you have a fun time.

carolinabeachmom said...

I read where the swallows are finally gone from their nest. At least we got to see something grow and fly off from the nest. I can't imagine anyone wanting to leave such a comfortable bed; all those comfy feathers and all. :)

carolinabeachmom said...

Three bears out in the rapids looking for fish, now looks like 5, but doesn't look like they are getting any dinner. One rock is just covered with birds. Too bad they don't like birds.

carolinabeachmom said...

SD cam is now of Bai and baby, Brisbane bird hasn't budged yet, no one was home in Conn. nest. All dark in Finland. Wild Watch has an owl in its box. Both barn owls in Ca nest. Wouldn't it be something if they had another nest of eggs? No ospreys in BW. Most of ours here if not all have already flown south. Like I said, it is very quiet without them.

carolinabeachmom said...

Well All, I have my first teacher work day tomorrow; :( and then again :) Can't wait to get the room finished and ready for all the smiling and crying faces that will be coming in on the 20th of this month. Guess I had better get going. I hope you all, each and every one of you, have a wonderful Monday and I'll be lurking when I get home after school. It has been a real pleasure blogging with all of you kind and caring people. Can't wait until I can retire and do it full time. Lucky you Jim. :) Please write on this blog so I can keep track of you all and what is going on.

Good Night for now. All have a peaceful night. Tomorrow brings a new day.

Mema Jo said...

Still one egg for Frieda...

Mema Jo said...

Just staying low keyed this evening. Started HP and then watching some TV - starting to slow down pain meds if possible...... BBL

MITS said...

We will MISS you Candy.

Mauley said...

Carolinabeach mom, so sorry I missed wishing you a happy birthday yesterday. Will you please accept my apology and accept belated greetings from Mauley. Hope it was a blessed one and you enjoyed it. You sure have a lot of energy. Now something isn't right with this picture. I cant blog in the summer because I have ALL of the GRANDCHILDREN most of the time. When I get back to school is when I can blog. I sure am glad to be back, too. I only teach 15 credit hours. Two on MWF and Two on Tuesday/Thursday, and one night class on Thursday night. My classes are all over by 11:00 everyday. I keep office hours for my students who need help, but I have more time than in the summer. Mid term and end of semester I am bbusy. I have missed out on so much this summer. Now if our eggs had hatched I would have lurked more. I am so excited to know that we get to watch Freida and Frodo now I am looking forward to it. Hope everyone has a good sweet peaceful night. God Bless you every one of you. Did I miss something about a train ride. Love donna

Mauley said...

Jo, I am still praying for you daily. You will be back 110 percent before you know it. You can't keep an Eaglemomster down. Mits glad you are enjoying the beach. God bless you all again, Jim, if you are still on here, good night to you and God bless you, too. donna

MITS said...

Donna, it is soooo good to see you on the blog, have a great school year:).

Costume Lady said...

The group has been planning a Train ride through the countryside of Romney, WV. During the ride, it is said that eagles may be seen along the river. Also it will be at the time of year that the foliage is so beautiful.

MITS said...


Mauley said...

Oh Wanda, I really hope I get to go, too. Wouldn't that be loverly. We will want to wait until Jo is travel-fit, which looks like it won't be long at all. Something to really look forward to. I wanted to go to the Open House, but hubby has to be in Atlanta on that day. I just don't want to make the trip without him. But I will make it to Shepardstown and ride the Eagle Express one day because I have been officially invited weeks ago. Mits, you have a good night, too. Nite Wanda, nite all, better get to bed or I won't want to get up in the morning. Love to all of you. donna

Costume Lady said...

Good Night Mauley--
Yes you still have a standing invitation to ride the Eagle Express anytime you are in our area!
Have a good week.

Costume Lady said...

Good Night Mits...

Jo...It's bedtime. Sleep well.

Mema Jo said...

Frieda's egg is so Close Up !
Hope there is another one tomorrow !

Good Night Everyone
Peace to you & yours
Prayers for all your needs being said

Good Monday Morning Early Birds

Have a good day at school Candy & Mauley

Mema Jo said...

Night, Wanda

movin said...



McNeil Falls is raging again and there must be more than a dozen bears back fishing.


movin said...

Just saw one Grizzly grab a salmon that must weigh more than 20 lbs., so there are still fish to be had at McNeil.


paula eagleholic said...

Just wanted to pop in and say good night. Couldn't resist looking at Frieda. She is off the egg and they are zoomed so close, the egg is almost the whole picture.

Candy, have a great first day back! I so admire you and Mauley for the teaching that you do.

movin said...

Hi, Paula,
I was looking at Frieda's egg also, and then it dawned on me the camera is frozen. Refreshes but the pic and the time stay the same.


MITS said...

Good early a.m. everyone, just dropped in to say "HI", low battery smoke alarm awakened me, and now a line of thunderstorms is moving thru our area, heavy rain going on......GOOD MORNING SUZANNE:)!

MITS said...

SUZANNE the lovely Frieda is waiting for you.

Suzanne said...

Good rainy Monday morning, eagle world! Finally getting some good rain. Had a nice slow rain all day yesterday, and came through it all the way down. Had to wear my jacket though, not that cold, but the rain makes it feel cooler. 60 at home, 63 here.
MITS! Yes, I see Frieda! On her first egg! It's 18:31 over there now, 0434 here, so cam is black and white already, but she's still a pretty sight. More babies!!
And Finny is in the nest eating, how cool! Big bites, now.
Bai is up nursing Squiggles, but she has her back to the cam. Man, she's sure got a lot more straw in there now.
Will have to go back and see what I missed this weekend.
OH! Candy, Happy Belated Birthday. Hope you had a wonderful day, Saturday. And school starts for you this morning, so not sure if I'll get to talk to you much, anymore.
Wow, Finny is squaking at something!
All have a great eagle day.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 275   Newer› Newest»

3/10/25 PM CAM .12am to 12pm

  🥚 🥚 🥚  eggroll thru night COG 🥚🥚🥚  egg roll 111 cog   🥚 🥚 🥚 eggroll 447 COG Eggrolla c SED 🥚🥚🥚😁🦅❤️ SED