Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Will the heat break thread.


MITS said...


carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD MORNING MITS! Congratulations on being the first on the new thread! You are number 1 today! And thanks Steven for the new thread.

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steven. Hope you're staying somewhat cool!
Thanks for the heads up, Mits, and good morning.
Ok, Candy, guess this isn't their first trip away from the nest. This is the first time I've only seen 2 storks in the nest though, so I thought 1 fledged earlier today, but if you've seen the nest with only 1 baby, then 2 have fledged, and obviously made it back to the nest safely.
Congrats to the stork babies, who are big kids now!!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning All
Thanks for the new thread to come in on this am hour, Steve. Hi Mits! This is Zoo day for you, right?

Bet there are more to come over.

carolinabeachmom said...

SUZANNE has been giving us an excellent rundown on all our fine feathered friends/ I was reading my email and bird watching.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Jo! How you feeling today? Thanks, Candy, love watching these cams.

normabyrd said...


carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD MORNING JO! Hope you are fully better than yesterday. You sure are a "trooper"; getting our visit together with your own problems on your mind.

carolinabeachmom said...

AND A GOOD MORNING TO YOU NORMA! i think that all you lovely people are waking up. Only Suzanne up with the birds today. I was lazy and stayed in bed. :(

Suzanne said...

Morning, Normabyrd! Have a wonderful day! Mits, have fun at the zoo this afternoon with the birthday boy!

carolinabeachmom said...

SC nest is up now minus Limuw. I wonder what that nest will bring today.

normabyrd said...

Have Study Group today & lunch---will not be on for a while---But wanted to tell you SUZANNE---I had one of those skinny squirrels yesterday---He had fur--not a lot--I think it is this time of the year--also---not much food around!!
I also had a little turtle just outside my kitchen window---WOW! sometimes they travel fast!!--ho!

carolinabeachmom said...

MITS, have you ever had your pic taken with the Pandas? I think they owe you one, since you are a volunteer and all. Tell them that all the momsters say hello, and you have a nice day.

MITS said...

Yes, Jo, long day at the zoo today. My afternoon shift and then hang around til the meeting tonight.

carolinabeachmom said...

JO Did I read where you said ok on the brownies? I am going shopping today and will pick them up to make tomorrow night. They should be only one day old when we eat them. :0

MITS said...

No, Candy I haven't keep forgetting to take or buy a camera, and not sure how this phone of mine works that you can take pics....too much technology for me to absorb.

carolinabeachmom said...

MITS I'm with you there on these new fangled phones. I asked the guy for just a plain one, and not all the fanfare. Too much brainpower to work one of those.

Suzanne said...

Oh, Norma, I feel much better. Do they lose their hair in the summer? I've never seen a naked squirrel! But there was 1 there earlier, and he looked normal, tail hair and all. Well, unless he lost all his hair in about an hour or so, not sure it comes out quite that fast. But I'm glad you saw one too, makes me think maybe it isn't a disease! Hope not, anyway.
Candy, we need to get a clarification from Ms Jo on the brownies! She asked me to bring some the other day, which I will, but we're gonna be rolling around in brownies if both of us bring them. But I'm not making mine, Giant is... (we don't bake), but can't pick them up until Sat morning. Jo, ya want us to both bring brownies? Course I could eat several brownies, love 'em!

carolinabeachmom said...


Mema Jo said...

Candy - yes, do the brownies! Thanks.

Just finished reading other thread..
Need to check out some cams & I think I have some emails waiting..... BRB

Suzanne said...

We have 2 swallow eggs!!!!

MITS said...

Me too, Candy.

Mema Jo said...

Yep! 2 pretty swallow eggs!

Mema Jo said...

And now we have a swallow on the eggs.

movin said...


I don't know if you saw the link to the Wood Duck video on the earlier thread, so here it is again.

Wood Duck dive

Have a good day.


Suzanne said...

Eggs visible again, look quick.

MITS said...

Jim, those lucky ducks had water to jump into, great video, thanks.

Mema Jo said...

The Wood Duck video was great! Thanks for finding that one Jim.

Mema Jo said...

Need to get my second cup of coffee!

Suzanne said...

Well, must be mom and dad owl in the Benicia nest box. They're now snuggling, how cute is that!

Suzanne said...

Now they're grooming each other.

Suzanne said...

Still grooming each other, and the swallow eggs are visible again.

carolinabeachmom said...

JIM That was some video of the little ducklings jumping in with Mom one day after they were born. Thanks for letting us know about it.

carolinabeachmom said...

Well my bird watching is over for now. I have to go to the drug store and grocery shopping in the TRAFFIC.:( God willing, I will make it safely back to the house. :) I just can't miss the trip on the 14th!! BBL

MITS said...

Heading to the long day at the ZOO...TTYL!

Suzanne said...

Mits, have fun at the zoo this afternoon. Hope it stays less humid for you!
Candy, safe trip to store and back.
Time for me to hit the road. All have a great eagle day.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Mema Jo said...

I'm back! Daughter has come for lunch & visit. I do have a message from Sandra since she still can't get in this blog:
Tom's surgery went well, but
was delayed until they got a pathology report to make sure the bacteria had cleared up. I'll focus on PLAN tomorrow.

I'll be back with some more info on 14th.

Anne-Marie said...

Good Morning all, I havent read the blog yet but will. My mouth is sore from the root canal but all is well. Its raining in the mountains so we are getting a bit of cloud cover. Its a nice break fromm the heat.It disapates before it reachers the ground here in the valley.Hope you all have a beautiful safe day. I will be back.

Anne-Marie said...

The Birdhouse Net. has a new nest in view. Its a bluebird with 5 eggs due to hatch soon. Its in TX.It will be fun to watch. Back to work. All is well on the western front....:)

Anne-Marie said...

Mama swallow bringing in feathers for nest. Two eggs now.
Mama bluebird in Tx sitting on 5 eggs. Doing fine.

Mema Jo said...

This is the Eastern Bluebird nest that Anne has been telling us about:

Eastern Bluebird TX

Mema Jo said...

Albert and Einstein will both be 11 weeks old Tuesday July 17.

And they sure are getting

Ready to Go

Anne-Marie said...

Off to lunch.. BBL

Mema Jo said...

I know we are interested in the Kent kids: Here is some comments from Loraine from up at the tree:
Yes, Albert and Einstein are branching, Albert (he's a little smaller) seems to be "head hog" of the perch branch right now though. Einstein (larger of the two, maybe that should be Einsteinella?) will be following right behind I'm sure. At that point things could get interesting.. space-wise. Definite possibility for accidental falls now but we're ready. Wow can you believe it, they're 10 weeks old? The "terrible two's" are here, notice how all the surrounding nest branches have disappeared? They're on the ground underneath for us.

Jill said...

Jo did you get the pictures from Blackwater I sent you? Kept coming back no such address but then finally went somewhere.

Anne-Marie said...

Wasington kids are resting. Swallow off nest, two eggs. BB off nest. five eggs. Two owls at Benicia. By the way Benicia is about 20 minutes down the freeway toward San Francisco. Its a pretty little coast town on the bay with old victorians. Its used to be worn and old but young people are buying the grand old ladies to fix up and their commute to the "city" isnt far.It has hills,fields and oaks not too far away. Back to work.

Mema Jo said...

Jill I got them twice! Fantastic shots!

Mema Jo said...

Ms Swallow is in her feathered nest! Wonder if we will get another egg soon?

Puget Sound and Kent all look like they are hearing the "Call of the wild".........

Mema Jo said...

Anne, that sounds very beautiful.Glad the homes are being saved and made useful. I bet there are some good paint jobs if they are the gingerbread style houses.. That is what Middletown has along main street.

paula eagleholic said...

Cool wood duck video link from Jim!

Been lurking today...

NillaWafer said...

Howdy Ya'll... I am watching Oprah and she is talking about the Discovery Channel program called " Planet Earth" filmed all over the world it took 5 years to film.. I have seen some of it and well worth watching with your families!!! For all attending on Saturday at lunch an NCTC and dinner at Clarion, it will be a day to remember always!!! Jim that vid of those baby ducks jumping was great, & adorable, thanks!

Jill said...

Jo sorry you got them twice. Probably sent them when it told me it didn't. Who knows. Did you see the little baby ospreys? They were so cute

NillaWafer said...

Please if you get a chance go to the Discovery channel store to view the previews of "Planet Earth" which is available for purchase also... Its well worth the view!!! The Snow Leopards are just beautiful...........

NillaWafer said...

I am amazed there are also Manderin Ducks in the Asian forest, beautiful birds who nest in trees high up and the babies also jump out at 24 hours old..Video on Discovery site also, only the babies land on the ground and i found myself saying but got and waddles away following mom...

Anne-Marie said...

Mama swallow is covering the eggs up with feathers. BB still not on the nest. I guess its warm enough not to have to sit on them for too long at a time.

Mema Jo said...

Anne - Be certain to hit the refresh button at the top of the page. Those eggs are blueish! Really pretty. I think it is ok she isn't there for awhile but like you said - couple of hours have gone by.

Mema Jo said...

Nilla I love the snow leopards - they are so pretty.

I thought you had the day off, Paula!

I wonder if Candy ever returned from the store?????

Jill - the baby osprey was a good picture! I am glad you got to see a good bit of the refuge.

NillaWafer said...

Then Jo you will love that 3 minute vid of them in the Himalayian mountains and trying to catch this mountain sheep.. what big beautiful tails they have!!

carolinabeachmom said...

Good evening eagle buddies. I had to go the bank to get money for the trip, then to KMart to get me a visor hat, and then on to grocery shopping. I have it all carted upstairs; We live on pilings down here about 8 feet off the ground:( After putting the groceries away, I sat down at the computer to see how to get to Shepherdstown from my motel (Just for reference in case I want to go to the Farmers Market on Sunday. Then I showered, and sat down to read the blog.
I see we have a new blue bird nest to watch. I also see that I missed Limuw tear apart a bird for food.
Now I'll stop and take a breath. :)

carolinabeachmom said...

JO I got three boxes of brownie mix. You didn't think I was going to make them from scratch, did you? :)
Do you think that will be enough or do you think I should get one more box?

carolinabeachmom said...

Oh geez. I forgot to say Hey Jo, Nilla, Anne, Jill, and whoever else it on tonight. I will never keep you all straight when I meet you. You all keep remembering that I have been in Kindergarten for 23 years, and give me a break! :)

Oh while I was out today, I used my checking account card instead of checks for the first time. Talk about being old and unknowing; the first time I used it, my hands were shaking so bad I felt like an idiot in front of the girl. I'm telling you 23 yrs. in K.

carolinabeachmom said...

Jill Am I still going to ride in with you from the Days Inn to wherever and back?

carolinabeachmom said...

Ok ya all. I finally get on and you all go out to dinner. :( I'll check back later. I have to get some of my trip stuff fogether.

NillaWafer said...

Hi CBMom you have really had a busy busy day... I do wish i could have made it to the nest but i am working and can only make the dinner.... As i live in Martinsburg i could have helped with directions to Shepherdstown with cars following.... I hope while ya'll are here you get to the down town area to see our train station and rebuilt reound house which of course is something Normas man helped with Byrd It is beautiful and we also have the home of spy Belle Boyd (civil war) here near train station...In any case i know you all will have a great time at NCTC its beautiful there and the deer just stand near you and watch...

Anne-Marie said...

Hi Jo, Candy, Nilla and who ever else is there. Its time for me to get ready to go home. I lock things up at 5:00. I got a whole lot done today and that makes me feel good. Seeing the BB nest in Tx makes me feel better. I'm such a softy. I am having dinner with the lady from HBO tonight so it will be a treat thats not usual. We dont get together very often. Have a beautiful evening all and enjoy your loved ones.

NillaWafer said...

The Nest Best Thing is on now... People impersonate stars. Lil Richard is singing right now and he is good impersonating Richard!!!

Mema Jo said...

Candy Suzanne is bringing brownies also and Mits is bringing the surprise cookies (she hopes).
I would think that 3 boxes would be more then enough! You'll have some to eat Sunday on the trip home!
Candy, I am sure Jill will get you from the Day's Inn and over to catch the Eagle Express at the Clarion for the days' events!

Robyn said...

Evening All.

Rains are finally passing through not sure how much we are suppose to get.

About saturday if no one is bringing any fruit I can bring some.

NillaWafer said...

Hahahaha Eagle Express great name Jo!!!! Banners should be printed out and stuck on side of the RV maybe people will follow driving thru Shepherdstown....

NillaWafer said...

WOW the guy who impersonated Frank Sinatra had the judges dancin in the isles awsome performance!!!

Mema Jo said...

Robyn Bring the fruit! Thank you so much

Mema Jo said...

I was going to try to make banners - for the Rumsey and just maybe the Motor coach except it's a straight shot from Clarion to Sandra's... But NCTC guard would enjoy it! Right On!

NillaWafer said...

I sure wish i could get ahold of my reporter from news paper and have them interview ya'll and take apicture wouldnt that be ahoot!!!!! Jill you got any connections also?????

Robyn said...

Ok Jo, fruit plate it is :)

normabyrd said...

GOOD EVENING EAGLE BUDDIES!!!---My computer is giving me FITS----I can't get on---then when I do---it FREEZES----But I am on----Reading your messages---IT'S GETTING CLOSE TO THE 14th!!!---I think everyone in ROMNEY knows where I am going on the 14th---ho!----SO looking forward to it!!!----

normabyrd said...

JO---Your message from LISA has certainly straightened out the KENT KIDS----ALBERT is the small one-----Thought the small one was EINSTEIN---He seemed to have the higher IQ---ho!----DO YOU WANT ME TO BRING ANYTHING SAT.?---(anything i can buy)---WILL BE HAPPY TO BRING SOMETHING!!!--& tell me about TOM--Did he have surgery yesterday???

normabyrd said...

CANDY---Don't worry about not remembering all of us---We don't know everyone either!!---That's part of the FUN---Meeting the people you have been talking to every day!!!!---I'M EASY TO REMEMBER---I AM THE MOST BEAUTIFUL!!---(ho)---Have bridge to sell you too!!!!--

Costume Lady said...

Just checked out some cams and Limuw is having supper with a parent. Mrs. Swallow's nest is so pretty (wish we could see it in color).

Sounds like we have a PARTY in the making. As Jo would say--Whoo Hoo!!
Norma, don't forget your cane.

normabyrd said...

JIM---Thanks for the WOOD DUCKS site!!!!----ENJOYED watching them getting up the nerve to jump----& then they looked so "smug" swimming along with MAMA DUCK!!

normabyrd said...

HI WANDA!---YEP---Sounding like the PARTY gets bigger each day---With your BUS---We will ROLL RIGHT IN TO SEE THE EAGLES!!!!----ho!

normabyrd said...

TAI is still awake---chewing on a HUGE PILE OF BAMBOO!---Must be the "LITTLE PRINCE'S" "midnight snack"!!!!!

MITS said...

The wheels on the bus go round and round:):)....long day at zoo, got drenched going to the panda house...they gave us a behind the scene tour of the sloth bears and the small-clawed was great.

MITS said...

He was eating when I left the panda house around 6...they had to bribe him to come in out of the rain today, he was not a happy bear, he loves the rain

MITS said...


floralgirl said...

Finally- the heat has broken...but no rain here:(

movin said...

Good evening, everybody,
If anyone is around yet, check the Limuw-adult bonding in the nest tonight...sharing a large meal.


Costume Lady said...

No rain here in Martinsburg/Shepherdstown either. We had to water our garden again today. I just can't imagine what you must be going through!

Costume Lady said...

Will you be able to join us for dinner Saturday?

floralgirl said...

Yep- wouldn't miss it!~

Mema Jo said...

Norma I hope you're still on I have been writing the Momster email about the 14th to get it out to everyone. You can go straight from Lisa's to the Clarion DON"T MISS THAT RIGHT HAND TURN - Think they put the sign back up BUT remember that there is a graveyard on the right just before the Lowe Lane to the Inn. You catch the Motor Coach at 11:30am

Sandra can't get into the blog-Here is her message about Tom:
Tom's surgery went well, but
was delayed until they got a pathology report to make sure the bacteria had cleared up.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Megan No rain here in the valley either but it has cooled down.
Glad I'll see you at 5:00 Rumsey!

Mema Jo said...


floralgirl said...

Hi JO-What time are you meeting at Sandra's?

Mema Jo said...

No truer words were ever spoken! She really is! Just wait till you meet her

Mema Jo said...

Megan - We are shooting for 12 Noon..
Some of us will be there around 11:00 to set up. If you get free, come on over. Probably be there an hour or so before going to the nest.

floralgirl said...

Cool- I'm definitely going to try to be free-been working 16 hr days almost everyday, need a break for a while. Wouldn't want to miss the chance to visit with everyone. Gonna get out of here now, off to bed. Up at 5 am to cut flowers and yes, start watering again. Talk to you later-

Anne-Marie said...

Mama swallow on the nest, head under wing. So sweet.Bur owls out for sun. Wash kids getting ready for bed. Too dark to see BB. Its time for me to get off these nylons and heels too. I'm going to take a hint from the birds. Good night all. Anne

Mema Jo said...

Good night Anne & Megan

Mema Jo said...

I am also calling it a night!

Good Night Everyone
Pleasant dreams & peaceful sleep
Prayers being said for all

Good Morning Suzanne
This is your Friday WHoo Hoo!

Costume Lady said...

Well, Jo--it looks like we two SENIOR CITIZENS outlasted them all!

I think I will call it a day and chat with you tomorrow.

Rest well.

Costume Lady said...

COFFEE at 6:30.

Suzanne said...

Good morning, eagle world. Awesome night out, the heat wave has broken! Not humid and only 63 at my house this morning! But it's 71 here, but still not humid. About a gazillion stars out tonight too, first time I've seen more than a dozen stars all week. Enjoy the day! Came home yesterday through some rain, but we had gotten some at home, so didn't have to water. That's always nice. Course I don't have to water quite as much as Megan, but it's still nice not to have to do it!
Also had to stop by WalMart, and got my nekked Gypsy pics on CD. I'll put them on Momsters later, poor thing. She sheds little fuzz now, so VERY nice!!!! Sure beats her long hair!
Ok, want to go read blogs, find out the latest on our upcoming adventure. Not here tomorrow, so want to see what I can see today. I will see everybody Saturday! I'm so looking forward to meeting everyone, think this is gonna be a fun day!
Ok, all have a great day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly! (Good idea, we have to practice looking for Liberty and Belle on Sat!)

Suzanne said...

Brrr, just went outside to warm up, because as usual, it's minus zero in here, but it's chilly out now. Much cooler than when I came to work, and the wind is blowing. So the heat wave is definately over.
There is an osprey in the BW nest, hiding in the corner of the nest. Falcon ledge MT, Benicia MT, but there were 2 in there this morning when I brought the cam up around 4:15 or so. Stork babies (all 3) are huddled together in their nest, trying to keep dry, because as usual it is raining in Germany. Kestrals are all lined up in a row under the entrance, maybe waiting for breakfast. Mrs Swallow is on nest. Wonder how many eggs we have today. Mrs Finland is squaking at her kids, one is snoozing, one is grooming. She was standing by them a little while ago, but one of the kids decided to do wing flaps, and she had to move to get out of the way. Benicia nest MT, were 2 earlier, and of course, still dark out west.

Suzanne said...

Ok, drinking iced coffee waiting for Wanda to join me.
Osprey still in BW, nothing but puddles on falcon ledge. They sure got a lot more rain than I did! Finland chicks are snoozing, mom is grooming. Storks are still huddling together against the rain, Kestrals are getting prettier every day! They're in a corner, may be sleeping. Well, a corner and a wall, too big now for just a corner! Mrs Swallow on eggs, and Benicia still MT. Still dark out west. And that's what's going on in the animal world this morning...

Costume Lady said...

Have coffee in hand and ready to start my day. (I have never had iced coffee--sounds good)

Costume Lady said...

Did you get my email warning you about WalMart?

Suzanne said...

Good morning, Wanda! Iced coffee is wonderful in the summer! Yes, I got your email warning me of WalMart! I think that should be a side trip on Sat, to go find that WalMart!!! What do you think????? Loved that that lady had her purse robbed a few days ago, yesterday, today, and probably tomorrow too! Too funny!
I'm glad you're coming Sat! Can't wait to meet everybody!
I have pics of my shaved Gypsy I'm going to try and put on Momsters this morning. Before and After. Looks like she lost 20 pounds!

Suzanne said...

2 ospreys on nest in BW. Haven't seen 2 there for a while. Falcon on bar in PA. Finland is getting wet again, raining there too. 2 storks in nest, 1 is out flying around in the rain. Kestrals are snuggled in the nest box. Mrs Swallow on eggs, Benicia MT, and still dark out west.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Suz, there is no doubt that we will all have a blast on Saturday. I am sooo excited!

I, too, want to find that Wal-Mart.

Costume Lady said...

Had to laugh at Mrs. Fin trying to cover babies (they are so big, I think she gave up)
Mrs. Swallow is pretty much like Mrs. BB, she only lays one egg a day.(Sometime in the morning--#3 coming up )

Costume Lady said...

I would take you all to that WalMart, but my hubby will be chauffeuring us and don't think he would like that!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh darn!

ALL ABOARD THE EAGLE EXPRESS!! This is going to be so good.

Suzanne said...

LOL, yeah, Sharon, we're ALL gonna car pool over there!
Mrs Fin gives it a gallant try, but yeah, kids are way too big now! She and the kids are soaked, just like the poor storks! Mrs Swallow hasn't been off the eggs yet, so I'm anxious to see when she gives us #3. She's been laying them in the morning.
I created an album in Momsters, and added my pics of before and after Gypsy! Album is called Suzanne's kids. 6 pics of her and a couple others, it's the last album there now.

Suzanne said...

Sharon, if we had more time, we could make a REALLY BIG sign to put on the side of the vehicle! Pretty pic of an eagle, with Eagle Express. Bet that would get attention!

Suzanne said...

Both owls back in Benicia.

Costume Lady said...

I don't know if I am not awake yet or what, but I can't find Suz's Photos of Gypsy. Help me!

Suzanne said...

Uh oh, let me go look! BRB

Suzanne said...

Wanda, she's there. Eaglet Momsters site, it's the 47th album, the last one. There are 6 pics in there.
If you can't find them, let me know...

Suzanne said...

Oh, all 3 chicks and parent in stork nest!
Wanda, did you find the shaved girl?

Suzanne said...

Kent twins looking for nestovers. Don't seem to be too successful. Eggbert is eating breakfast. One kestral in entrance, other 2 watching, both owls in Benicia, and stork parent left, and Einstein is now up the tree. Higher than yesterday.

Suzanne said...

Oh, check it out, owl in WildWatch nest! Haven't seen that for a long time!

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD MORNING SUZANNE, WANDA, AND SHARON. You are getting in ahead of me lately, as no one goes to work until after 7:30 here and I can't get to the computer until the room is vacated; in my pj's that is. :)

carolinabeachmom said...

Oh, isn't he beautiful. First I could only see the top of it's head, now you can see the face.

Suzanne said...

Hi Candy! Who are you talking about being beautiful?

Costume Lady said...

I can't get into the Eaglet Momsters site. All I can find is Paula's site.
Good Morning CANDY

Costume Lady said...

NORMA is the BEAUTIFUL one. Just ask her!

carolinabeachmom said...

Santa Cruz is up and Limuw just flapped over to be underneath the liftofff branch.

carolinabeachmom said...

Up, up and away, there he goes for parts unknown. Will have to keep my eye out for him.

carolinabeachmom said...

SUZANNE I just saw on yesterday's blog that you are also bringing brownies. I never thought of just buying them. Oh well, yours will look prettier than mine;iced and all, I guess. lol Mine will be those half burned ones without the icint. :) Try them if you dare. :):) It will look like a PTA dish.

carolinabeachmom said...

I am talking about the owl. I know that Norma said she was the beautiful one, but I think we are going to have a showdown here on the 14th, as I think Jo also described herself as the beautiful one. :) Jo ssaid last night that she was the beautiful one.
I guess I'll be easy to tell; chunky, older lady, wrinkled face with glasses and frizz for hair. Not that is telling the truth ladies!

Costume Lady said...

Which Days Inn are you staying at?
Shepherdstown or Martinsburg?

carolinabeachmom said...

I meant to say, now that is telling the truth. I hope all our beautiful ladies can get along ok! :)

carolinabeachmom said...

WANDA I have booked the Martinsburg one and I think Sharon also did. It is right of 81. I only booked it for the night of the 14th, as I will be staying with my son, Josh, in Winchester for Friday night and come on up to the Days Inn in the morning of Sat.

Costume Lady said...

I was just wondering if you all knew that there is a Days Inn in Shepherdstown about 1 mile from Sandra's house.

normabyrd said...

SHARON--& CANDY!!!---I am anxious to see GYPSY too!!!---SUZANNE--did you read LISA'S note to JO yesterday!!!---ALBERT is the small one & EINSTEIN is the larger one!!!
Last nite--when I checked PA--You could see that a FALCON was there!!

normabyrd said...

WANDA---WANDA!!---I think I said---If you believe that I am BEAUTIFUL-----I HAVE A BRIDGE TO SELL YOU!!---ho!---As a neighbor kid used to say--"pay no attention to a word she says"-------ho! ho!----

carolinabeachmom said...

WANDA, I just checked in to the Martinsburg as that was where I heard Sharon say she was. I never looked into it any further.

SUZANNE The pics of Gypsy and you other cats are just beautiful. Granted Gypsy looked beautiful in that first pic, she looks more comfortable now.

carolinabeachmom said...

NORMA I hope you relize that we were funning with the beautiful ladies. We are beautiful in our own, I don't know, but there must be some way. :):)

Suzanne said...

Ok, had to go upstairs, now I know who is the beautiful one! Evidentally all of you, and the owls, and eagles, and kestrals, and ospreys, and, and...
Morning, Norma. Let me know if you can't find The Gyps! Wanda couldn't find her this morning.
I think we'll all get along... we're all a little bit crazy about wildlife, so that's a good foundation to build on! Don't you think?

carolinabeachmom said...

RIGHT ON SUZANNE!!!!! I am sooo anxious, I am about jumping out of my skin waiting to meet everyone.

carolinabeachmom said...

Everyone back here that knows that I am going, can't believe it. I am usually a stick in the mud home person. I did tell the girl that told me about the blog 2 years ago and she was excited to hear I was going. If it wasn't for her, I would n't have known about the site.

Suzanne said...

Just checked, she is pretty (now that it's daylight), and she's still there. Have to tell Jo to check her out.

carolinabeachmom said...

I guess I had better go and start my brownies. Yes they will be the stale ones of Saturday. I have to do them before I leave tomorrow for Josh's and I want to get the heat of the oven over with before the middle of the day. They will be in plastic bags to be kept fresh. BBL

normabyrd said...

Do you all think---if I thought I was the least bit attractive---I WOULD SAY SO!!---REMEMBER LAST WEEK---I SAID---I WAS VERY INTELLIGENT---FILTHY RICH---(now that part is true)---ho!---LOVE YOU KIDS!!!

Suzanne said...

Candy, I don't do much on weekends but sleep, but this is special, so have to get up and go! Sometimes, ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Glad you finally found Gypsy. I think she is more comfortable now, (but she probably wouldn't admit it). She was sitting on my lap this morning while I was putting on my face, and I was kinda petting her, and thinking I may just get her shaved every summer. She sheds little fuzz now, now big looooooong hairs! And she can sit on my lap in the morning without me wearing an apron! Couldn't do that before, I'd be covered in hair!

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE----GYPSY is truly a "DRAMA QUEEN"!!----Love the one in the window with the curtains!!---She looks as if we are invading her privacy!!!!----BEAUTIFUL CATS!!!--Thanks for sharing them-----

normabyrd said...

Watched the STORKS this a.m. when MAMA came in with FOOD!!!---They were as noisy as they used to be!!----Will miss that crew when they fledge!!!---They are such a JOY!!

Costume Lady said...

There's that beautiful sunrise on the Kent nest.
Lunch just arrived for Fin Babies.

Suzanne said...

Thanks, Norma. They love to lay in the window in the sun! Get their Vitamin D that way. Usually a contest among all of them when I open the windows. First come, first served, so they all kinda run to get there first. Then get this smug look on their faces when they look at the other guys still on the floor. Too funny.

movin said...


I'm in a hurry I'm afraid this morn.

Mama BB is looking pretty this morning.

But what I want to mention is the Kestrels. Anyone know when they are due to fledge? They are developing so quickly, and one is practicing in the entrance already that I think it could happen any time.

Have a great day, hope your heatwave is dispatched soon.


Suzanne said...

Cool, looks like the Fin chicks are getting much bigger bites now. Big enough that they can start pulling their pieces apart themselves.

Costume Lady said...

Found Suz's kids. Yup, Gypsy looks like a lion. Did you keep any of her kittens?

Suzanne said...

Wanda, she had 5 and I still have 3! So yeah, kept 'em. Wanted to keep them until they were totally weaned, about 9 weeks, and by that time, I loved them all! But gave one to my sister, so she's still in the family, and one to a friend of mine. He lets me visit her occassionally! Think Precious is in a couple of those pics, she's the runt of her babies. Kept 2 females, and her only male.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' JIM----WOW!!---Those KESTRELS have completely changed in one day----First one, now two are attempting to climb up the side----NO SNOW SUITS ON THESE KIDS!!!----Aren't they GOOD LOOKING----Their feathers are beautiful!!!

Suzanne said...

2 ospreys in BW!!

normabyrd said...

The "LITTLE PRINCE" is asleep on his favorite GRATE!!!---(i think)--He is hard to see in the shadows!!-----Need to check on the "ATLANTA BEAUTY"----

Suzanne said...

Norma, since I can't get our kid or the Atlanta Beauty, I've been watching the pandas in San Diego Zoo. They are really fun to watch!

movin said...

Yeah, Norma, the little K's are like growing up overnight...

There's a new 'Catalina Report' posted this morning. I've got to look again tonight.

"hi, bye" everyone.


normabyrd said...

"ATLANTA BEAUTY" site---MT----This site gets worse---If she is in the playroom or outside---She's asleep!!--W/check later!!

normabyrd said...

4 Burrowing Owls outside now!!!---Fun to watch---They are proud little things!!---

normabyrd said...

First time I have seen the 5 "blue" eggs in BB nest---Anxious to see the hatched chicks!!---They are one of the prettiest birds---I have 3 BB boxes--but haven't had any blue birds!!

Mema Jo said...

Good Mid Morning
Just had my 1st cup of coffee and need to read your comments. The weather is delightful-I was out on the deck. GETTING EXCITED NOW

Let me read comments and then BRB

Suzanne said...

Norma, are there 5 eggs in the BB nest box now? Mrs Swallow only had 2 yesterday, she has 5 today? She hasn't gotten off them since I started watching this morning, so I haven't seen them!

normabyrd said...

The CT OSPREY NEST is so colorful & those 2 CHICKS are growing like "weeds" too!----Green grass--blue water---only thing missing is the blue bear!!!

Suzanne said...

JO, YOUR OWL IS IN WILDWATCH!!! Check that, then go read comments.

Suzanne said...

OMG, Einstein is way up the tree!! Albert is looking up at him, too cute. "How'd you get way up there?"

normabyrd said...

I couldn't see the eggs in the SWALLOW nest---she was there---Yeah!---I saw the 5 blue eggs!!!---How many do you think she will lay before she starts setting on the nest?

Suzanne said...

Ahhhh, Albert is standing on his little mound looking up at Einstein wondering how he did that. Too cute.

Suzanne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suzanne said...

Here we go. Blogger cop stole my comment, so posted again, then a pause, then they oth posted. Geesh. Good show in Kent.

Suzanne said...

Ok, I apologize. I sent some T-shirt slogans out on email, and evidentally the pics are not coming through. They are normal jpg files, so don't know why, but folks aren't getting them. I've tried to resend several times, but I give up. System is beating me today!

normabyrd said...

BUTA BUTA is in the play room---Eating bamboo like crazy!!----She is a little IMP!!---Love watching her when she gives LUN LUN a hard time----LUN LUN seems to enjoy it!!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all. See we have a little tree climber at Kent.

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---LISA SAYS---EINSTEIN IS THE BIGGER ONE----ALBERT IS UP IN THE TREE?----Do you agree?----Also did you look at BOB'S NEW PHOTOS!!!!---They are AWESOME!--would like to have one of each!!!--ho!---The way he catches the reflection on the water really BLOWS my mind!!!---COOL!

paula eagleholic said...

New thread is up!

Mema Jo said...

I never said I was beautiful - I just look like a genuine MEMA - I was repeating Norma's remarks as to how to notice her - She is the beautiful one - Inside & Out
Why don't I don't know about WalMart?

Costume Lady said...

I'm so glad you let us know about the email not coming through. I thought I just didn't know what I was doing!
Getting ready to go shopping for ingredients for a Pitcher of Sangria for Saturday if anyone cares for a cocktail before dinner. Will have other drinks and non-alcoholic drinks for those not liking Sangria.

Suz, Candy, Sharon and all others traveling tomorrow; have a safe and fun trip.

Costume Lady said...

Thanks Jo for the link!
Yes, you know about Wal-Mart. Remember I asked your opinion about the Purse Snatchers?

Mema Jo said...


carolinabeachmom said...


3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...