Saturday, July 14, 2007


Have a good NCTC visit thread.


sunny said...

Thanks Steve! Sorry you won't be able to join us, but I guess spending the day at NCTC isn't your idea of a day off.

We're getting ready to head for the river. Will see everyone for dinner!

movin said...


Doesn't look like there's anyone on here, but in case, the WE cam is working and there are 2 eaglets in the nest.


movin said...

Good afternoon, party people...

I looked in at the Kestrel nest for the second time today, and I was surprised to see this note:

"July 13: All but one have fledged (left the nestbox)

July 14: All three chicks are back in the box this morning. This is very unusual (we think) based on previous nest box observations. Usually, once they leave, they are out for good. For two to return is interesting to say the least."

They were there this morning, although the bigger ones are spending a lot of time with their heads outside the entrance, and they are there now????

Maybe it was a Friday the 13th delusion...


sunny said...

Hi Jim! We sure missed you today! I didn't go to lunch or to the nest, but I understand a good time was had by all. Belle was nice enough to make an appearance, but Lib was apparently off somewhere fishing.

We had a great time at dinner. Thanks to all who planned this great day.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all.

Yes, a great time was had by all! Most met at the Clarion where they boarded the Eagle Express for a quick drive thru town before landing at Sandra's house. The Eagle Express was a beautiful motor home driven by Wanda (costumelady) and her husband.

We started with lunch at Sandra's house in Shepherdstown. Vicky and Iris both found Sandra's house OK. Jill arrived late, but she made it!! We had subs and chips and fruit and veggies and brownies and Baltimore Berger cookies!!

Around 2 we boarded the Eagle Express and a couple of cars and headed for NCTC....were guess who was waiting for us in the tree!!!

Yes, Belle was there to greet us. We actually drove right up to the barn next to the tree. She stayed in the tree for about 5 minutes before taking off across the meadow (directly behind the cam) and perching herself in another sycamore tree. She was actually sitting in a very open spot on the tree, and we gazed upon her for about an hour before she did a poop shoot, took over back over part of the meadow, back around some trees and off to the river. Maybe Lib was waiting there for her with a fish!

We waited for over an hour, but there was no return to the tree by either Lib or Belle. Must have been nice down by the river :) It really was a beautiful day to visit the nest...

paula eagleholic said...

We headed back to the Clarion for dinner around 4:30, where a couple of other momsters like Dana, Nilla and Sunny met us for dinner. I think we had 28 or 29 people for dinner! The staff at the Rumsey Tavern was wonderful! We started out with drinks, then got our appetizers and dinner. A special cake for dessert, and a raffle to boot!

There was much socializing, hugging and chatting going on the whole time! I think the dinner finally was over sometime around 8pm and there were lots of special hugs given out.

Oh, and I forgot to mention the special "Eagle Talon" drinks that Wanda's husband whipped up while we were at the nest! Yum!

....and Norma did check her cane at the door! LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Everyone that couldn't attend, please know that we felt you there in spirit!!!

wvgal_dana said...

I want to thank everyone; Thank you all. That had something to do with setting up things so we could have such a special dinner at the Rumsey Tavern. It was a "GRAND TIME".

I know there will be many pictures in the Momster Album they make.

Prayers for everyone for traveling back to their homes. Some tonight and some tomorrow.

movin said...

I sounds like you all had a fabulous time...congratulations on the success of the jamboree.

Thanks for the great description, Paula...just like being there.



Robyn said...

Good morning all and thanks for a very enjoyble day, even Tori who seemed bored at times said she had a nice time and thought everyone was so nice.

Wanda I was on the BB site and it seems the eggs hatched today possibly all 5 :).

It is late and my classes are complete for the evening and I look forward to reading the posts tomorrow. Hope all slept well after a long wonderful day.

floralgirl said...

Good morning! What a great time everyone had. Glad to see everyone that made it, what a great group of people! Thanks to all for helping to organize it. of I'm off to bed for a couple of hours before market.PEACE

movin said...

Good Morning, everyone,
I believe one of the Kestrels has fledged and the second one is hanging in the entrance like it's ready. The little male is looking at the action like he is anxious to jump off next.


movin said...

The 2nd female has been back out of the entrance a couple of times and practicing flight.

Now the male has his turn in the entrance, and the female is looking up at him.


movin said...

Kent is getting light already, the adult, which was on her (?) perch is gone to get breakfast. Einstein is standing, but Albert is still flaked out.

The swallow mom is still on her eggs.

The youngest juvenile at VA was on a branch in the front, but he's departed now.

Back to the Kestrels...........


movin said...

No Limuw in the nest this morning...don't know how much longer he will use it....

The two remaining Kestrel chicks are kind of resting in the box now...or waiting for chow.

I bet all three K's fledge today. They look like perfect little adults with no fluff showing anywhere this morning.


Robyn said...

PS eaglet is out on a limb this morning, I can only see one in Kent.

I counted 5 BB babies but no parent , must be off seeking peace or breakfast.

MT nest in Va

Robyn said...

Kent mom or dad just flew into nest and I see one way out on a branch, maybe they wil fly into nest since breakfast was bought in.

Jill said...

Guess everyone is worn out from yesterday. It was a wonderful day getting to meet new momsters and talking with others I had already met. Big thanks to JO for all the planning and Wanda/Gene for the Eagle Express.

Mema Jo said...

I don't feel worn out but I do feel like I am still up on Cloud 9!
Yesterday was perfect! Paula has given a very good accounting of the day's events. Wanda & Gene with the Eagle Express was awesome and the signs made by Candy for the front & sides topped it all off! The thing that really did us all in was when the Rumsey Tavern musician played for us Fly Like An Eagle !! That was so cool and emotional to say the least! I don't think any of us will ever hear the song and not remember the evening with the Momsters!

Mema Jo said...

I still only see Albert in the nest at Kent and an adult up on his high perch. Don't think cam 3 is real time - couple hrs behind.

Eastern BB from TX: they hatched yesterday BUT do they leave the nest so soon because to me I see the MT nest box. Tried to read their forum but not sure! I know what ducks do - I just didn't think BB left like that soon........

Robyn said...

Morning Jo, Jill

if you look on cam 2 of the Kent nest straight out on a limb you can make out one of the eaglets.

I saw 5 heds this morning in the BB nest

NillaWafer said...

Howdy Folks, Yawnnnn what can i say about yesterdays get together hmmmmm FABULOSOOOOO Good friends... good food .... good drinks.. good songs... good cake... A evening of the best memories.. hugsss.... smiles... laughter... Thanks to Jo and Paula for everything both out did yourself making this wonderful for all.... Oh and i won a Eagle ornamant... For all traveling back home safe journeys... Hugs , Nilla

Mema Jo said...

Thank you for that picture, Robyn. I wasn't looking out that far but now I agree - that must be Einstein!

Another question: Is the BB box that had 5 heads in it - MT now?????

NillaWafer said...

Eagle parent on a branch up close at Norfolk

Robyn said...

No Jo, if you look in the nest you will see the egg cup and five little light circles I believe to be the heads of the babies. It was more pronounced this morning when I looked. Mom just left the nestbox to.

NillaWafer said...

Kid flew into Norfolk nest camera up close now..

NillaWafer said...

Kent is right in front of camera looking around...

NillaWafer said...

wow Norfolk kid just took off and flew almost into the camera.. How cool is that wow

NillaWafer said...

Now camera is so close to the kid you can count feathers n see its tongue those eyes are piercing and strong... fierce just beautiful

movin said...

Hi again, I'm recovering from my nap.

At Kent...has Einstein fledged, or has he found a branch out of sight?
He was on the 2nd branch, where Mom and Dad perch, when last seen.

Cam 3 froze at 6:20, and it looks like some young eagle might have used it as a target!

The two remaining Kestrels seem to be having troubles believing they will be able to fly once they pass through the entrance, and they are both resting on the floor of the box now.

I hope you people had a great time yesterday..and a great today this Sunday.


Mema Jo said...

Hi Jim, Robyn has a good photo of what we believe is Einsteinella's first flight over into another tree limb. I posted it in the Gallery

Gallery - Kent

Mema Jo said...

Sandra's message just now on Momsters

Sharon just passed through on her way to Bluefield. They visited the tree,and Liberty was there to greet them!

WHOoooo HOOoooo! Perfect

movin said...

Thanks, Mema Jo,
I can see him in the pic, but I don't see him live. It's very foggy though. Has he moved to another tree now?

Now there's plenty of room for Albert on the higher limbs.


NillaWafer said...

Oooooooooo how perfect Jo for Sharon now if she could stay awhile longer both might be together for I know she enjoyed her visit and drives carefully going back home... Jenny is coming to see me soon and i also have Diana here with me watching her sooo this weekend is perfect!!! Only thing to make it better would be Jenny giving birth...

Mema Jo said...

Ho Ho Nilla - that is what I told her... I would love to see them both in the tree together....... side by side on that bare branch!

Mema Jo said...

Jim - I emailed Garry & Loraine in hopes they would look at the cam film and be able to confirm what we think we see. Let you all know the minute I get a reply.

Mema Jo said...

Look at Puget Sound

Spot Eggberts' feet on the branch on the upper left side of cam -

Lots of eaglets taking to the air

NillaWafer said...

Well i only see 1 eaglet at Kent and its been flappin and now way over in the corner just see part of it on cam #2 Norfolk had a eaglet still on a branch setting...

NillaWafer said...

You have better eyes than me Jo i dont see anything at Puget????

NillaWafer said...

Jo its truely amazing that Lib & Belle was there for everyone to see... Guess the vibes of the heartfelt caring n love for them resinate's(where that word come from??) I watched Sesame street again....lolllllll well up into the sky to them both... By the way i should annouce i was on good behavor yesterday also....lollllll

Mema Jo said...

WHOO HOO! Response from Kent:

Yes he/she did. We found him just on the other side of our driveway in an alder tree branch about 20' up.. I'll send a picture and will post it on Deltaview too.

Mema Jo said...

I think I saw you once get a little out of line when you said something to Dana and the entire table was in an uproar of laughter!

Here is the pic of Puget Sound's Eggbert's yellow feet up on the limb!


Nilla-click on the pic to enlarge so you can see his feet........

MITS said...

HELLO EVERYONE We did indeed see Liberty this a.m. and Paula and Megan, got some pretty flowers...we also rode down to Dam#4 no eagles, but a great blue heron and lots of butterflies and yellow finches...going to lay down for awhile before my shift at the Zoo.....nice weekend:)

Mema Jo said...

7/15 Osprey page new pictures from Lisa BW...........

Mema Jo said...

Welcome safely home, Mits!
Sure is a weekend not to be forgetten! Didn't realize you had today at the zoo. Tell those sloth bears hello for me! I see one out in the yard now.

floralgirl said...

Boy, I must be tired, cause when I read that last comment I thought Jo meant she had sloth bears in her yard!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Megan, I hope that your one day market weekend went well for you! Glad that Mits, Sharon and crew were able to get back to see you!

NillaWafer said...

Hahahaah Megan or you been drippin into the moonshine again??? Ya know they use to make it back thar at the bend... Glad you had a safe trip home Mits and stay cool at the zoo today...

NillaWafer said...

Momma bluebird is off the 3 eggs...

paula eagleholic said...

I'm whipped too! Got home, got a couple of boxes in the house, warmed up my yummy leftovers and put my feet up while I ate!

Got tons of stuff to do and haven't touched a thing! I had a wonderful weekend meeting everyone, going to the tree and doing the market! Got invited to two other fall festivals!

NillaWafer said...

Paula you are becing quite the celebrity... Now my question is where did you get that good cake ??? Opps glad you made it home ok

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Nilla. I thought the cake was good too... I got it from Weis Markets!

Mema Jo said...

Kent event is Continuing:
We've had quite an adventure this morning, or I guess I should say Einstein has. He flew to the neighbors front yard, then just walked nonchalantly all over, up and down our gravel driveway's. I called a wildlife rescue friend, he explained what I needed to do but Einstein kept walking, jumped up to fence, then another higher up and up on the roof. A gust of wind caught his attention and off he went. At this point I don't know where he is but I'm on my way out to search.. If you notice Albert watching toward the left in your screen that's because that's the direction his brother is in. Star too maybe. She flew that direction too, the area is only 50-75' away from the nest tree. This makes for an exciting Sunday morning for sure!
Take care,

floralgirl said...

HA HA! I swear the only thing I've had to drink is Gatorade.

paula eagleholic said...

OOohhh, close up at VA

NillaWafer said...

SC is MT and they pulled the camera back... Norfolk has a kid setting on branch looking around... Paula i ment becoming.. darn fingers... Hope to hear from Iris and Vicky as to there where abouts..

NillaWafer said...

Oooo look at Norfolkkkk wow awsome

NillaWafer said...

Wow they moved the camera all over to find the eaglet at Norfolk wow great close ups

paula eagleholic said...

2 in VA now -

Kent - WOW~~

And the juvie just let at VA!!! One of them, that is..

NillaWafer said...

Boat going by on that lil river brhind

NillaWafer said...

1 at Kent still bet she/he is watching Lorrain below looking for the other

paula eagleholic said...

Iris and Vicky stopped by the market too :) I am sure you are talking about where they are now on their journey home...

paula eagleholic said...

I don't recall them leaving Norfolk cam on this long last year..

Costume Lady said...

Just got home from church and visiting with my Mom.

I can't begin to tell you how much Gene and I enjoyed our time with all of you yesterday. You have been my extended family since April and now you are Gene's also. I think he had as much fun as we did. (What do you think?)
He has seen Eagles before, but we have never seen one together. It was very special to us. We have been lovers of the Great Outdoors since before we got married nearly 50 years ago.

Jo, you are one very special lady. You put this gathering together for all of us, even though you didn't feel up to par. I know it was a lot of work and we will all be eternally grateful to you. I don't think we can ever top this gathering, but we certainly will try! (Bless Jennifer, I know she was a help too).

We were all so happy when you decided to come for your visit. We got to meet you and it gave us an excuse to Party!! And, Oh, did we party! It was such a pleasure to meet you and all we Momsters hope you have lots of photos to fill your "Momster Album" we gave you.

I don't know how many of our group have met you, but I was so excited to meet my EARLY MORNING COFFEE BUDDY. Most mornings, my hubby sleeps about an hour after I awake. I have my COFFEE with you and the cams so as not to awaken him---but if he gets up when I do, you know who I am going to have coffee with!

You are the second person I chat with in the A.M. until your children come in to class. It was such a pleasure to meet you and your BANNERS were so special. THANK YOU!

You are the most BEAUTIFUL momster. Inside and out. You make me laughh every day.

You are the only Momster I recognized without ever seeing you. You are so funny and seem to love life so much and you look just like you sound. (Good luck with with JASMINE) (and the slots).

It was a pleasure to meet you and keep us posted on you therapy progress. (HI to Hubby)

You are my Very Special MARTINSBURG friends. Always here for you if you ever need anything. TORI, you are a beautiful young lady and I am glad you have so many friends, but I think your Mom is your Very Best Friend!!

Haven't had a chance to chat with either one of you yet, but, I enjoyed meeting you both and hope you had a safe and pleasant trip home. (Vicky, hope your Grandchildren enjoyed themselves)


You were so gracious to invite us into your home for our luncheon. You made everyone feel so comfortable and at home. I couldn't believe that I was finally visiting that wonderful House on the Corner that I had passed by so many times in the last 45 years. I had some special time with your Mother. She is very sweet.


Haven't chatted with you yet on the Blog, but hope to soon. Iris--enjoy your Cruise, Barbara--enjoy your T-Shirt and Sunny, have many good days on the river.


You know you are Special and we all thank you for inviting us to your Condominium. EAGLE EXPRESS can bring 15!


It was so nice to meet you both. You each looked exactly the way I thought you would. (I saw your photos) Keep up the good work with the Eagle items, Paula and Megan, we will continue doing a rain dance for you an your beautiful flowers.

So glad you were able to come with Sharon. Hope you and the children enjoyed the trip.


Last but not least; Thank you so much for allowing us to bring the EAGLE EXPRESS so close to the nest. Belle or Liberty (I can't tell them apart yet) was right there waiting on us. As always, a very special moment!

NillaWafer said...

Wanda let me tell ya girl when i am around this bunch i keep them on their toes most of the Was such a pleasure to meet both you and your husband.. hey he got a brother i am single and available??? lol I dont know next time we have a gathering we might need our own room, we used most their tables as it Jenny stopped in for afew minutes to see me.. she is very weak but i got to rub her belly she is small and said mom your my couch thru this so cant wait!!! Her due date is Aug13th... Jo i hope your taking it easy and resting today.. Your daughter is a very nice person takes after mom...

NillaWafer said...

Coach not couch... And Dana called me and said how both her and Ed had awonderful time also.. Wow look at that eaglet at norfolk as if you could reach out and pet it..

paula eagleholic said...

Parent in the Kent nest on the high branch

Mema Jo said...

NIlla & All
If you look at Puget Sound now you can't miss Eggbert's talons!

NillaWafer said...

Just look at how that camera is working at Norfolk wow tilting all angles up and down.. can we only pray we can have 1 at "OUR" like that also.. Hmmmm

NillaWafer said...

Jo its there on a branch above the nest towards the back see it?

Mema Jo said...

Well said, Wanda! We are so glad to have you as our Momster Friend! You and Gene were certainly one of the highlights of our day!

Mema Jo said...

I can't stop watching Kent so that I can see when Einstein gets back up to the nest. I just know Garry and Loraine and out stomping the area looking for him. Why didn't Einstein realize that he could fly anywhere and didn't have to explore the driveways?

Mema Jo said...

Maybe Star went down to guide her home

Mema Jo said...

Dinner time in my home! BBL

NillaWafer said...

Time for me to close... See ya'll tomarrow evening..

Mema Jo said...

Two osprey in nest at BW
Eggsbert still up on the branch
No sighting of Einstein yet
2 Kestrels still in nest box
Limuw is not home - TH & WE no video
Can't locate any of the juvies in the VA tree....

Pandas are sleeping

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, I have your binoculars! Sharon had them. I got them from her at the market this morning...

Mema Jo said...

Thank you! I'll arrange to pick them up from you. If you take them to work with you tomorrow I could pick them up from you around 11:30 or 12:30. What time will you be going to lunch?

I told Sharon I was going to have to make a trip to Bluefield to pick them up! lol

Mema Jo said...

Paula I meant to say 11:30 or 1:30.
I have a noon to 1:00 appointment.

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, 11:30 would be best if you could...

paula eagleholic said...

Going to feed the dogs and water the flowers...only a couple of sprinkles here...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good evening, everyone. We made it home safe and sound around 7 p.m.

I don't even know where to begin! This was such a beautiful weekend and one I will remember always. What a greeting I had when I arrived in Martinsburg and then in Shepherdstown. When we got out of the car at the Days Inn in Martinsburg, my buddy Mits was standing in the window waving. It was so wonderful to meet and spend time with you all.

Jo, you really did outdo yourself with all the planning and bringing together this "Eagle Eyed Sharon Comes to Town" Celebration. I felt so loved and felt like I had known some of you forever. Sandra thanks so much for your hospitality.

The opportunity to meet you all was just topped off by getting to meet Liberty and Belle. When we saw Liberty this morning (Mits, Thelma, Mattie, Justin and I), he was sitting just above the nest. He wasn't there long before he took off, and started soaring and soaring. We probably got to watch him soar for about 10 or 15 minutes until he went out of site. I think it is such a God thing that my first sight of an eagle was our Belle and then Liberty. I have never experienced anything like it.

Thanks everybody for such beautiful memories this weekend.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, I would have kept those binoculars had I known it would have brought you and Mits to Bluefield. Paula, just mail them to me and I will hang on to them! :):):)

Mema Jo said...

So happy you are home safely. Most happy to have met you!

I think all the Momsters are getting home to their nests now! Life is Good

I told Norma I would keep the Eagle cane until we met again - Hopefully before the fall when Norma goes walking in the woods!

Mema Jo said...

I think that Albert knows and sees more then we do! lol

Mema Jo said...

Star & Spirit have been busy with Einstein(ella) that I don't think Albert was fed today... could be wrong.

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, Sharon - I thought the same thing - I wouldn't have offered had I known she would go to Bluefield to retrieve them.

Jo - You made off with Norma's cane?!? You devil, you :)

floralgirl said...

Oh Sharon, I'm sooo glad you got to see Liberty this morning. He must've been waiting for you.

floralgirl said...

Yeah Jo, you could've gotten your binoculars and a cup of that free lemonade.

paula eagleholic said...

All that good food we had yesterday....nothing in the house I want to eat for junk food it is! LOL

Mema Jo said...

Norma forced the cane into my hand!

Forgot about the free lemonade - but then it would be too hot for me to be out and about!

movin said...

Well, I think Albert has been fed...this morning, Mema Jo.

Right now he's practicing his wing strokes and getting air sometimes.

Looks like the remaining Kestrels will not fledge today...almost dark.



Mema Jo said...

Those Kestrels appear to like the security of the nest box.
Albert having some high winging going on. Lots of white downy feathers under those wings! Thanks for the info on a feeding.
Jim, I opened the Frodocam - seems to be a current date but the pic is frozen.

Mema Jo said...

Jim do they have about 3 more hrs of daylight out at Kent?

Mema Jo said...

Update from Loraine - rather long so I will send Momster email.......

Mema Jo said...

Loraine's Pictures on Gallery

wvgal_dana said...

Howdy Special Eagle Friends...Hi Bev missed you.
Wanda if I could have been able to get out of my chair and walk around to better meet and chat. The laughter would have been remembered.
It was so great that some of the husbands came so Ed this time wasn't surrounded by Eagle Momsters. As if you know he has mind in the past lol.
Still trying to recall Sunny's husbands first name.
Sharon you tried tricking us with your pretty new hair cut. (just kidding) It worked I didn't know that was you at first. I like the cut very much. Thelma it was great meeting you in person.
Jo told me "everyday for me is Christmas" lol...
Nilla I loved your shirt that color with your hair really looked good on you. (You know we always find you and make sure you car starts wink).
Oh I just needed more time to chat more with others; ie Mits, Iris, Robyna, Jill and Norma had their corner taken care of (the law was there hee hee),Vicky was so good seeing you again, Carol hardly got to say anything except across the table.
I should have said I can't come to you all .... you all have to come to me lol lol

Oh such fun and memories

Mema Jo said...

Dana you are making me feel like I am having a senior moment-- quietly tell me who is Bev? I can't remember...

Sunny's hubby's name is Myron

It was really good to see you and Ed and Dana - you really looked good!!

wvgal_dana said...

Mema Jo ... Remember Meagan tried to get Bev (lives down on river).
Megan said she almost had her on the blog. So I know she lurks. Wanted to say Hi ( : to her.

Mema Jo said...

I guess Spirit is there to keep Albert company! Makes me feel better for the little guy.

Mema Jo said...

That would be Beth, I think. She was going to come to dinner but couldn't make it due to other plans. You and I remember Beth from the Christmas lunch. Thanks for clearing my mind! lol

Mema Jo said...

I think adult eagle must have spotted Einstein(ella) and zoomed away off the perch.............

Mema Jo said...

Another update from Loraine from Kent

Check your emails.

Mema Jo said...

I am going to call it an early evening.

Good Night Everyone
Peace to you and yours
Prayers being said for all your needs

Good Monday Morning, Suzanne and Hello Wanda and Candy

movin said...

Thanks, Mema Jo...

Good night, everyone.


paula eagleholic said...

I am trying to get my pics loaded to Momsters, but having one heck of a time! Have to load one at a time, even after resizing every picture....but I will get them done!!

movin said...

I read the latest from Loraine which was interesting, but the time on the momsters site is way off. It says it was posted at 2:14 A.M. tomorrow, which doesn't really tell me much about when the fish were delivered to Albert in Kent.

Anyway, he got fed sometime today...probably the evening.


movin said...

Limuw is in the nest feeding on something...first time all day.


MITS said...

GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE Got home from Zoo around 10...3,000 veterinarians from around the country there tonight, plus just regular zoo goers, talked to over 300 people, mostly up at the sloth bears, lots of fun, but very humid out tonight.again a great weekend, thanks to Jo for pulling this all together.

Mema Jo said...

Jim it was around 10pm DST that we saw Spirit in the nest delivering the food. The Kent Forum is from where I am getting Loraine's remarks to post in the emails on Momsters.
There are some very cool pic of Einstein in the gallery

Mema Jo said...

Mits, your zoo experiences are really something else!

Mema Jo said...

Good Night Again

wvgal_dana said...

Getting late here. I got on tonight because had my leg propped above my heart most of day.
Ok just boring laying there. Was good to get on blog.
Niters all...

Suzanne said...

Good Monday AM, eagle world! Had a great time Saturday!! So nice to meet everyone, and very nice of Belle to be there and hang around for so long!
Nice night out today, 70 at home, 74 here at work.
Will have to go check out Momsters, I'm sure there are pics there. After all, I'm usually the late one!
All have a great eagle day. Oh, saw where Einstein fledged! Yah Hoo, but I'm sure gonna miss those guys! Love watching them. Too funny, that he ended up in Lorraine's and her neighbor's driveway. Hope he gets farther airborne than that! But wouldn't that be too cool??? Have an eagle strolling up and down your drive. I think that would be awesome. Ok, have a great day! Hope everyone got home safely!
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly! Like we did Saturday!

Suzanne said...

OMG, there is a person in the osprey nest, in Finland. Are they banding the osporey chicks? Think he may also be removing the egg. Covering the chicks and removing them one at a time. OMG, both chicks are gone, nest MT!!! Egg is gone also. Hope he was just removing them to band them and brings them back! The chicks didn't move when he first arrived. Just laid still. Got some pics of the sequence. Now I'll have to really watch when he brings them back! 0503-0505 local time for him to remove the chicks and egg.

Suzanne said...

1203-1205 their time. And he did not remove the egg, it's still there.

Suzanne said...

Finland ospreys not back in nest yet, and no sign of parents looking for them, so I guess parents are flying around keeping an eye out.
Mrs Swallow on eggs, have to find out how many she has now. She had 3 Thurs, but that's the last I saw the cam. 3 Storks are still hanging around, though.
He;s back!!!

Suzanne said...

One's back with new bracelet. Flapping wings out, now a happy camper!

Suzanne said...

Osprey still mantling, not a happy camper. I'm waiting for number 2 to be returned.

Suzanne said...

Well, number 2 is still not back, and number 1 is still mantling.

Suzanne said...

Just turned his head, mouth open, so I guess he's squaking. Still waiting for number 2 to be returned!

Suzanne said...

Well, dang! Still mantling, mouth open, still waiting for number 2 to be returned!

Suzanne said...

Dang, still waiting! Chick has calmed down a bit, kinda sitting, but still mantling. Still no number 2 yet!

Suzanne said...

Osprey chick looking around, but still has wings out. Number 2 still not returned. He must be putting up a fuss, taking a while for him!

Suzanne said...

Still waiting, and this chick hasn't moved positions in the nest yet. Still mantling, but has head up every once in a while looking around.

Suzanne said...

Oh, parent has arrived! 2nd chick not yet returned, but parent there now.

Suzanne said...

Well, parent is standing between cam and baby just looking around, moving head only.

Suzanne said...

Ok, that's mom, now she's looking the other way.

Suzanne said...

Now I'm wondering if they're going to relocate the 2nd chick or something. Mom there, first chick still has wings out and is squaking!

Suzanne said...

Mom is grooming now, chick still has wings out but not as far. Wonder if they've taken the ladder down and what is going to happen to chick number 2.

Suzanne said...

Oh my, only 2 Kestrals in the nest! Geesh, here comes MT nest syndrome! Finland chick is up and about now, mom still there grooming. There was a falcon on the bar in PA, but now cam has switched so don't know anymore. 3 storks are still in Germany. Guess chick number 2 is not coming back. Darn!

Suzanne said...

Other Finland chick is not back yet, so I guess he/she's not coming back. Mom arrived shortly after chick number 1 was returned, and she hasn't left. She's been grooming, so I guess she's relaxed, so maybe that guy left. Sign...gonna miss chick number 2!!!

Suzanne said...

Can't tell if there are 2 or 3 Kestrals. Said 2 a while ago, but now looks like 3. Who knows.
Mrs Swallow still in nest. Benicia MT. Mrs Finland still grooming, chick still behind her.
Wow, osprey just arrived with a huge fish!

Suzanne said...

Ok, there are only 2 kestrals in nest box. one was just doing big wing flaps, so in a day or so, there may be only 1. Darn!
Osprey still in corner of nest holding on to his/her fish. Big one. They sure have added sod balls, and flattened them out. We're gonna have a very green nest this winter, looks like!

Suzanne said...

Oh, another osprey has arrived. Looks like he's trying to steal the fish! Ok, now they have moved to end of nest, not sure who has the fish anymore.

Suzanne said...

Ok, one on the wood part of nest has fish in talons. Both just standing around. Kestral at door, one on the floor watching.

Suzanne said...

One osprey just left, the one with the fish is still on side of nest.
BRB, time to go down the hall. Other Finland chick is not back, so I presume he's not coming back. Osprey still there, one Kestral moving farther out of the entrance. Other one still watching.
Osprey eating fish, kestral saying good bye to sibling. Ok, now I'm really gone! Oh, Kestral came back in nest box. BRB.

Suzanne said...

Ok, back but gone again for a few.

Suzanne said...

Mrs Finland hasn't left the nest and the one chick yet. She's being very protective.
3 storks still hanging around, PA nest MT, one Kestral back in entrance, other one waiting his/her turn, Mrs Swallow on eggs, Benicia has been MT all day. If they're coming in for the night, they should be arriving soon.
Mrs. Finland exercising her wings, but not leaving nest!

Suzanne said...

Been doing other things, but checking cams...falcon on bar in PA, osprey gone, fish gone, blackbirds looking for leftovers. One chick in Finland all by his lonesome! Still in same spot as when he was returned to nest, but parent is gone now, hopefully fishing. Poor thing, nobody to play with anymore! 3 storks and parent all lined up in a row. Both Kestrals still in nest. They're really getting colorful! Mrs Swallow on eggs, and 1 owl in Benicia. Still dark out west. Can't wait to see Kent, hope our wanderer Einstein made it back safely!

Suzanne said...

One of the Kestrals is at the door, the other one is on the wire waiting to push first one out. Oh, no, now he's back at the an itch.

Suzanne said...

Wow, guess everybody is really sleeping in this morning. Trying to recuperate from the weekend, I guess.
Kestrals are squaking for food, PA falcon and osprey nests MT, parent back with chick in Finland, Mrs. Swallow on eggs, stork babies, (all 3) hanging out in nest with parent, and both owls are in Benicia nest box. One of the kestrals is now at entrance again. He was really squaking for breakfast!

Suzanne said...

Oh, dawn is arriving in Kent and Puget Sound but still too dark to see anything.

Suzanne said...

Well darn! Doesn't look like anybody's home in either Kent or Puget Sound. Bummer!

Suzanne said...

Albert is still in nest, don't see Einstein in the tree. Osprey and PA nests MT. Mrs Finland feeding chick, chick is also doing wing flaps. Storks hanging out, 2 Kestrals still in nest, MT nest in Puget Sound, both owls in Benicia, probably in for their night, and I found an Acorn Woodpecker nest, think it has an egg, but hard to tell. It's on the Birdhouse Network.

movin said...

Good morning, Suzanne and all midnight lurkers...

I'm up early today, but still haven't drunk my coffee...

How was your weekend? The folks at the 'gathering in Shepherdstown' seem to have had a great time.


Suzanne said...

Oh, Eggbert just arrived in nest. Well, never mind, gone again! At least I know he's still around somewhere.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Jim! Shepherdstown gathering was wonderful! Belle also cooperated, she was in the Sycamore tree, then flew off and landed in another tree, and hung around there for a couple hours! It was wonderful meeting all the Momsters you blog with everyday. One of these days you California folks are gonna have to come this way. Maybe next Spring if we have a successful nest. Come see our hero parents and their babies.

Costume Lady said...

I see you made it home safely. Was your trip uneventful? It was so nice to finally meet MY EARLY MORNING COFFEE BUDDY.
Gene wants to know if you have eaten all 4 of your Doggie Boxes.HaHa.
If you look real quickly, the sunrise in Kent is so pretty n pink
Hop #2 osprey is brought back. Not the same without the two together.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning, Suz, wish I was sleeping in although I did not get up until 6 and didn't start working until 6:30. Hard to get motivated this morning.

Suzanne said...

LOL, good morning, Wanta! I had salad for breakfast yesterday, then I had half a baked potato and 1 crab cake for dinner. I will have the other crab cake and the last half of the tater tonight for dinner! Then all boxes will be gone from my fridge! Tell Gene thanks so much for asking!!:-) Next time, I'll just stick to the appetizer!
Got home about 9:30 PM, and believe it or not, was in bed at 10! I was beat. But had to feed and pet the kitties, then hit the hay.
Did you see where they banded the Finland osprey chicks, but only returned 1 to the nest? I took pics of the whole thing, I'll set up an album in Momsters when I get a chance. Poor thing looks lonely.
Albert looks like he's eating peace. And Eggbert did make a quick appearance, but gone the next refresh and haven't seen him since.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Sharon! Wish I could sleep till the last minute, but unfortunately, can't be done right now. Sometimes I feel like I've been up half the day by the time I get to work! Ugh.

Costume Lady said...

Sharon , Mits, and Thelma went back to to the nest on Sunday and got to see Liberty making it a perfect weekend for her.

Suzanne said...

Oops, just looked. Sorry Wanda, I misspelled your name on last post! Geesh, maybe my fingers are tired already! Anyway, it should be good morning, Wanda!!!
Think I see Eggbert. He's on a branch at the very top middle of the pic.

movin said...

Sorry, Suzanne, I didn't realize you had been at the shindig. Glad you all had a good time.

I'll be looking forward to the pics on the momsters site.


Suzanne said...

Alberts getting some air under him! Well, he was, he's back down now.

Suzanne said...

Jim, I think there is an album there with some pics already. But more will be added within the next couple of days, so keep watching.

movin said...

Limuw spent the night at the nest, and you can just barely see him, in black and white, flaked out in the nest bowl.

The picture has so many waves from the low light that you'd think it was an underwater scene.


MITS said...

GOOD A.M. EVERYONE Didn't sleep in as long as I wanted, but that's ok, got alot to do around the house if I get motivated...darn I was watcing the fin chicks alot last night, wonder why they removed the one....any lurker out there read Finnish?????

MITS said...

Feeding time up in CT, that is one crowded nest, they are getting so big.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Mits! Kept waiting this morning for number 2 to be returned, and he/she never was! Very disappointing. But Mom is spending time with the one remaining chick. Another fish in her talons, so he's getting quite a bit to eat this morning! Make up for that traumatic banding this morning.

Suzanne said...

Appears to be a food drop for Albert. He appears to be eating, parent in tree watching.

MITS said...

NEW THREAD IS UP............

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...