Monday, July 16, 2007

Saturday Visit

We are thrilled that there was an eagle waiting for you. Here are a couple of shots I grabbed from your Momster group, photos by Paula


NillaWafer said...

Ohhhhh am i firsttt? Going to bring others over BRB

Anne-Marie said...

Oh the pictures are more beautiful everytime I look at them. I think Bob has some compitition.

MITS said...

Good job, Paula, thanks for posting them on our site, Steven.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve,....which reminds me...I was gonna post some on my blog too and my computer went down....

I am looking forward to Jill's about a nice camera!! Can't wait to see hers...if you think mine are good, LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Boy, she is a pretty sight, isn't she...:):):)

MITS said...

Yes, she is:).

Anne-Marie said...

Paula the camera doesnt make the photographer. Its the artistic eye of the person working the camera.In my husbands camera club I saw boring shots for hours taken by cameras that cost more than I make in a week. Then the winner of the evening would be from a store bought box camera. You did a great job and deserve to take a bow.

Carol_in_WV said...

I feel really out of it when you guys talk about the sparrows because I don't have the website address. I looked in the Links in the Momsters Yahoo group, but couldn't find it there. Could someone put it on the blog so I can check them out? thanks in advance!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Heidi :)

But only if Jo takes a bow, too!! She set it all up, with a little help from her friends :)

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Paula I said I needed a nap lol. Your right CT Osprey chicks "are not banded". Too much blood running to my head with leg up so high. hee hee
Hi Carol. Heidigirl, Mits, Paula, Megan, Nilla, Candy, Wanda, Norma, Jo, Robynann, Sharon, and the newest Eaglet_Momster "Silverwolf" welcome.

Wow beautiful pics "thank you person who clicked that little button" for such a great shot.

wvgal_dana said...

I'm going to run over to the Eaglet_Momster picture albums and take a look.

Thank you Steven for posting those beautiful pics.

Anne-Marie said...

carol, Im not good enough to send you a link but I think what you mean is the swallow we have been watching. I find it by going to and cilcking on the washington eagles. It will bring up the eagle cam and above it it says "other cams" click on bluebird. The swallow has taken over the bulebird cam. Maybe that will help. If not you will have to wait for someone else who knows.

Jill said...

Hey everybody. Just checking in to catch up, been on the couch most of yesterday and today. Feeling a little better today.

Haven't felt like downloading pics. Not sure I want to after seeing Paula's, they were great.

wvgal_dana said...

Jill hope you feel better.
Hey gal the more pics the better, you probably captured a smile that Paula didn't. Or something different I'm sure. Just file them all in the alburm and let us be the judge ( hee hee judge ) of them. No we are not looking to see who snapped the best or who is more photogenic. Darn it put the pics in I want to see them lol

wvgal_dana said...

Carol you have mail

Anne-Marie said...

Jill its so great to see a picture of who you are emailing. Please put them in as soon as your feeling better. I loved the cake and the lunchen/dinner pictures.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good evening all my eagle buddies! Great pics, Steven, thanks for posting them. I was really there and really got to see them! Such an awesome, memory making time for me! Still floating!

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon I bet your "floating" around the syamore tree lol smile

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Absolutely floating around the ole' sycamore tree, Dana! What a beautiful three days I had in the Eastern Panhandle of this gorgeous state.

wvgal_dana said...

It is so neat that the first eagles you got to see that weren't in capativity was our "Belle and Liberty". They seem to know our eagle spirits we send up whether at the tree or not. Their is that connection and gal you have it now within yourself. smiling here

NillaWafer said...

Howdy, Kent 2 around 1 in nest 1 up on branch... Puget is up high on a branch but can be seen... BB is on eggs... Owl in the nest box...Burrowing owls are out... Beautiful pictures Paula...

wvgal_dana said...

Nilla do you see one or two chicks in Osprey in Finland?

Mema Jo said...


Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!!!

Hey I am all played out! When this little Samantha says you play you have a broken leg!!! I play like I have a broken leg for her to fix!


wvgal_dana said...

She sounds like a charmer Jo. hee hee

I don't know what has happened to the second Osprey chick in Finland. Since they banded the one.

Mema Jo said...

At times I cannot tell if Ms Swallow is in the nest because of all the other feathers decorating it! But she is there with her 3 eggs.

Anne-Marie said...

Oh Jo,Those sweet smiles, hugs and little hands are worth it all. My turn is Sat. My youngest and wife are going to LesMiz and Nana gets to babysit.I come home tired and happy.

normabyrd said...

HI NILLA, #1 person this afternoon---CONGRATS!!!----HI ANNE-MARIE & JILL---PAULA---Pics are AWESOME!!!---WOW!--Doesn't "BELLE" steal the show!!!----ANNE-MARIE--sorry you had to play nurse----HAPPY to hear you ENJOYED VEGAS anyway!!--CAROL the train is "The POTOMAC EAGLE"---That would be close to you--It's been in Petersburg this spring---JILL you need to check w/Dr. Wolfe-----Being SICK in the summer is a "REAL BUMMER"--

NillaWafer said...

Dana i only see 1 at Finland... But parent is standing on edge of nest looking around also

Costume Lady said...

Sounds like everyone got home safely. I don't think we have heard from Iris or Vicky. If you two are lurking out there, let us know that you are OK.

Glad you had a nice time in Vegas. We all would rather you were here with us at our Gathering. You sound like a fun person and I know you would love us!

Welcome to our group. Iknow you will learn to love us like FAMILY and we hope to have many "Talks" with you on here. Just say whatever comes to mind.

I am sure that we can arrange some kind of Road Trip on the Eagle Express. Lets all give it some thought and see what suggestions we can come up with.

Anne-Marie said...

Good Night all, its time for me to lock up my desk and my bathroom and head for home. I have to stop and get food for Heidi and get home to water the back yard. I did the front last night. I lost one gerber daisy, and one big pink impatient. My oldest promised he would water and I guess he forgot.I'm almost afraid to look and see what other damage was done. Toodles.. Anne

normabyrd said...

ROBYN----I have been "ZONKED OUT" & I didn't have any studies to finish----WELCOME to your MOM---the SILVER WOLF!!---

NillaWafer said...

Norma what a pleasure to see you again at the dinner. Although i didnt relize the tip was added to the bill.. duh and i added $10.00 to it but was well worth it... service was great and the company of everyone was the best!!!!! Beautiful program on Travel channel about Artic animals..

MITS said...

DANA They banded the finland chick this a.m., they took both out, but only put one back, I think Suz may have put some pics on the MOMSTER site??

normabyrd said...

LOOK WHO IS BACK HOME!!!---ALBERT & EINSTEIN!!!----Great to see them!!----The NORFOLK "REBELS" are away from the nest----Bet they will be back off & on!!------I have been watch the FINS all afternoon!!!----I feel so sorry for MS FIN---she just keep watching & waiting for the CHICK they took away!!----The CHICK left in the nest seems lonely too!!!

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - Trip schedule is on their website.. I had the link on previous blog. OCT will probably be a great time!!!

We have not heard much from Mauley!!
Anyone get emails recently or any word? Just wondering.

normabyrd said...

HELLO WANDA----IRIS logged on today & said that VICKY & GDs went to church with her Sunday---They also went to see MEGAN & PAULA!!!---if I remember, I think, it took VICKY 2 days to get here last year!!----I have had her on my mind today!!!---Not sure about CANDY either!!!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Norma! You pick one of the first three Saturdays in October to have everyone for lunch around 11:30 somewhere and then we will catch the train at 2:00 and do the 3 1/2 hr ride on the Fall Foliage Trip. Pick a Romney restaurant for dinner at 6:00pm if everyone can stay that late before traveling home OR rent us a block of rooms at the Romney Hilton!

That's the plan

normabyrd said...

WELL NILLA---Enjoyed seeing you too!!----Do you suppose they will remember you next time you go to "The Rumsey Tavern"?----ho!--I have been watching some great ALASKA shows on the Travel Channel too!----Great "Nature" show on Sun. evenings on PBS at 7:00 & the "PLANET EARTH" is AWESOME!!

normabyrd said...

JO---I'll check into the train's schedule----This season the train has been in Petersburg more---Will see what's happening!!!---Beautiful ride through the trough & the leaves will be beautiful then!!!---

Costume Lady said...

NORMA--Candy may be staying awhile with her Son in Winchester (not for sure--just a guess)

CANDY--if you are out there, let us know you are OK.

Eagle Express can't go anywhere in October. My Costume Shop is open full time all month. All other months I'm open by appointment.

Costume Lady said...

I emailed Finland and asked why they didn't put the second chick back in the nest and they emailed me back in Finnish!!!

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Norma. That means you may be in charge!! lol

Mema Jo said...

You would think that if they read your message in English they understood what you were asking and then why in the world didn't they answer you in English. Suzanne could not find any contact to email. There is a program somewhere in cyberspace that can translate........ I even think that someone mentioned it once - Robyn was that you?

Costume Lady said...

I've been wondering how Jennifer's arm is today. Have you heard from her?

normabyrd said...

WANDA----SUZANNE was trying to read FINNISH today too---ho!-----Be sure & tell SUZANNE tomorrow!!!----I would love to know too!!!

must fix dinner--

Costume Lady said...

I think it was an automated email--probably no one in the office. I will email it to you. Funny!

Mema Jo said...

NORMA We can choose one of the first 2 Saturdays or Sundays in NOVEMBER = Can't leave town without Wanda and Gene!

Mema Jo said...

Jennifer's arm a little better - still red & somewhat swollen. Her dad said she should have gone to the DR when it happened. No violent reaction ever occurred. She promises to go to DR tomorrow if swelling has not gone down. Thank you so much for asking.

Mema Jo said...

Anyone getting any storm system?
Heard thunder - electricity went off and on - got about 22 drops of rain
WHoo HOo!! Big Deal!

Costume Lady said...

We got l7 drops of rain earlier today but nothing right now.

Anytime after Oct. 31 would suit us just fine. Sounds like a plan!

MITS said...

No rain here....

wvgal_dana said...

A mile from the Virginia line into West Virginia got a hard storm today. Lots of wind and rain.

Jo what happened to Jennifer's arm?

movin said...

Hey, everybody, I like the pictures from Saturday...just beautiful.

I don't see a comment on this thread, but did anyone see if the remaining 2 Kestrel chicks fledged, or not? It's too dark now for the camera.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think Jenny was stung, right?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mema Jo, haven't heard from Mauley in a long while.

Hey Sister Donna (Mauley), if you are out there, let us know you are okay!!

MITS said...

Yes, she was stung, but not on Saturday....I hear from Mauley everytime I've sent an e-mail recently..think she is just very busy.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And I forgot to report that we saw a heron at dam #4. Mits and I, in our expert birding opinion, say it was a great blue heron!

MITS said...

lol....well it was blue and did look like a it was a blue heron...what a neat spot that was..Justin kept catching craw- daddies, that boy is quick and nimble.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Justin said to say hi to everybody. He had such a good time this weekend and was such a good boy. I am so proud of those kids.

MITS said...

They were a joy to be around:).

Costume Lady said...

Tell Justin that Wanda and Gene said Hi and thank him for pulling the tick off Gene's back.

Mema Jo said...

Mattie & Justin were so special - so thankful you brought them along!

Just got email from daughter Susan concerning Ryan's 2nd tour to Iraq:

Expect deployments to begin in October as opposed to September.

30 more days in the states
Life is Good

Mema Jo said...

Jim This afternoon I saw 1 kestrel in the nest box. I thought that Mits got a whopper of a pic of the last one leaving. I really think they come back in not knowing that they should be on their own! lol

MITS said...

Yes, I got a good one JO, and of course it has already been deleted.

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda it was nice meeting you and Gene. Another Eaglet_Momster that lives close to the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

Jill - Please post your pictures as soon as you feel up to it! Sorry you haven't felt good

Nilla - The osprey chicks in Finland were banded this morning, and they kept one, and returned one to the nest.

The Waitress at the Rumsey Tavern got double tipped from me too! That's OK, they were excellent!

Carol - The bluebirds you can get to by the Kent link on Momsters - not the 3 page one but the regular one. Then on upper left, click on The bluebird cam.

Late getting on here, out watering again.

paula eagleholic said...

Heidi - you have to lock up the bathroom? Please Explain.

Mema Jo said...

Some burrowing owls out - I just can't tell where it is located as to most always seeing daylight!! ??
Ms Owl still resting at the Owl Motel
Don't see Eggbert
Both Kent kids home tonight - 1 up and 1 down.........
Ms Swallow incubating those 3 eggs

Just the chick at Finland - no adult
I always think I see lightning storm.
Looks like Tai is sleeping in the bamboo!!
LIMUW is eating his dinner all by himself in the nest! I hadn't seen him for a few days! He's looking good!

paula eagleholic said...

Norma - Glad you got to experience "Christmas in July"

Sharon & Vicky - The kids were really good! I was surprised they were all so good, as I am sure they were a little bored at times.

movin said...

Thanks, Mema Jo, Mits,
So, the little one, the male, has also fledged?


movin said...

Einstein had not returned to the nest this morning, but he's back, eating most of the chow and is perched on the high branch again. Did you people catch the return?

I think Albert likes him back, but he didn't look happy with the little food left when Big Brother got done.


movin said...

By the way, Limuw apparently has been back to the nest 2-3 times today, and he's back eating dinner now.


Costume Lady said...

I was just remembering that one of the Fin chicks didn't seem as strong as the other and not as interested in eating at mealtimes. Maybe it was ill. Hope I get an "English email" tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

Jim None other then Eagle Eyed Sharon saw the return! I think there was a cam refresh and there were 2 in the nest! Have you had a chance to look at the photos on the Gallery from Loraine and others?

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - I hope you get some kind of a reply! Hopefully in English!

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda - sounds like you need to send them an email that say in English - I don't read Finnish!

paula eagleholic said...

Glad you at least found a place to send the email = I couldn't on the site earlier...

Mema Jo said...

Paula - your Eaglet Momsters page looks great!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks Jo - which reminds me, I owe you and Heidi an email

Mema Jo said...

Thanks ahead of receiving it!

I am going to sign off for today.....

Good Night Everyone
Pleasant eagle dreams
Prayers being said for all your needs

Good Morning Suzanne - Wanda - Candy if you're home yet

MITS said...

WANDA, I said the same to Suzanne this a.m., that I thought maybe he was not well.

sunny said...

Hi Guys! Had a busy day today, but I'm just catching up before I go to bed. Who has the Finnish (?) e-mail? Just Google Finnish/English translation, and You'll find several sites that will do it for free. There should be a space where you can copy in your text. The translation may not be great, but you should be able to get a decent understanding!

movin said...




MITS said...

HELLO SUNNY....GOOD NIGHT SUNNY:) Wanda sent the e-mail and it came back in Finnish...speaking of finnish, I'm finished for the day...Good night all.

Robyn said...

Jo, glad to hear Ryan will be able to spend another month with family, we sure miss Scott. Right mom? :)

The translation link is
It helped me when I was on the netherland cam link but a few responded back to me in english.

The Potomac Eagle was fun, we took the 3.5 hr ride when Tori was 3 years old, I doubt she remembers it.

Mema Jo said...

I think I said good night but.....

I tried a couple of sites but it kept saying No Match Found - I am assuming that it is Finnish ?????

Got the Picture Paula.

Got an email from Candy - Told her she best get on this blog and let everyone know that she was home (I am assuming that is where she is)

Now - Good night again......

Costume Lady said...

Thanks for the info. I think the e-mail was an automated one and no one was in the office. I forgot about the time difference. I'm hoping they will reply (in English) tomorrow.

Will try to post mine tomorrow. Trying to eliminate duplicates that Paula has posted. (I'm sure we all have a lot that look alike)



paula eagleholic said...

LOL @ Robyn...keep trying :)

Robyn said...

Paula I'll be in Florida in a few weeks to visit, there will be no hiding for mom then lol

paula eagleholic said...

There you go, Robyn :)


Suzanne said...

Good morning, eagle world! Steven, love the photos you put up here. Thanks, Paula!
Nice night out, 63 at home, 73 here.
I want you all to know I DID MY PHOTOS from Saturday last night!!! WalMart has a thingy that you can zoom in, not as good as you can on your camera, but better than nothing. I'll add them to the album later today. We can watch Belle fly from her nest tree to the other, I have 2 of them, and put one on either side of Paula's and see the whole trip over to the other tree.
May try to read blogs if I have time.
All have a good eagle day.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Forgot to tell you. I finished my leftovers last night for dinner! Leftovers alllll gonnnneeeee. Sure were good!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Suz! Starting to work now but I will be checking in. Make a good day everyone.

Remember, do random acts of kindness. The rewards are great for the giver as well as the receiver!

Suzanne said...

Good morning, Sharon! Don't work too hard!

Suzanne said...

Our last Kestral may be getting ready to fledge. He/She was doing wing flaps in nest, now at the door.

Suzanne said...

Kesstral keeps raising his tail and moving a half inch at a time closer out the door. Getting his nerve up!

Suzanne said...

Well, either the pic isn't refreshing, or this guys isn't moving a feather! Ok, it's refreshing, he just moved. Kinda sideways.

Suzanne said...

Now he's got a wing out, but the wing is still in the nest box. Not sure how that's gonna work!

Suzanne said...

Ok, let's think about this some more. Wing back, he's still at entrance looking out. Gonna inch out a little farther again, but not toooooo far yet.

Suzanne said...

Phew, that was close. Tail back down, have to do much more thinking!

Suzanne said...

Well, maybe not just yet. Tail farther back down, and body further inside nestbox. Man, that's a looooong way down.
But I can do this...body farther back in hole. Well, maybe not. Back farther in again. This poor guy just isn't feeling ready to take off right this minute.

Suzanne said...

Well, now tail is all the way down and he's just watching out the hole. Maybe later...

Suzanne said...

Well the little cutie changed his mind, he's standing on the floor watching the entrance. Maybe waiting for mom to bring his breakfast. Oops, back to the hole. Don't want to miss anything, and wants mom to see he's still there... Just in case she may want to bring something to eat, and all!

Suzanne said...

Uh oh, getting that tail up again, and inching out the hole!

Suzanne said...

First he tries one side, then the other side. But still thinking about it.

Suzanne said...

Still going back and forth from side to side, but tail feathers are definately out now! OOps there he went! He just fledged, 0627 hrs!

Suzanne said...

Sigh..... another MT nest!! No more Kestrals.

Costume Lady said...

Can't find Kestral--Is he on Beakspeak site?

Costume Lady said...

OOPS--Too late!

Costume Lady said...

I was curious, also, about the Fin chick that was not returned to the nest, so I emailed Finland. I am emailing the reply to you.

Suzanne said...

Thanks so much for asking them. I looked yesterday for a way to email them, and couldn't find anything. Wow, I don't speak Finnish, so I'm impressed !!! What exactly does that say, I have no idea. Guess I can look up those words, but I'll also have to get my old ASCII code out and find out how to type them before I can look them up.

Geesh, anybody speak Finnish out there?????

Wanda, here is the URL for the Kestrals, but the last little guy left a few minutes ago.

They have 2 cams, had little babies on the top of the page, larger babies on the bottom, but they fledged on 29 Jun.

Costume Lady said...

It looks like I am about 2 seconds too late. Thanks anyway.
I think the office was closed (I forgot about the time difference). I will try to email again this morning or MAYBE they will email me back in English. I'll let you know.

Suzanne said...

Oh, ok. Guess that explains the subject line! It's 1:56 over there now. I'm sure you'll get a reply in English, somebody over there speaks English. Or they will find someone.
They're 7 hours ahead of us.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It will translate English to Finnish or Finnish to English.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I love Google!

Suzanne said...

Thanks, Sharon, I found that site yesterday. Or at least one similar, but it was a dictionary type thing. This may be better! And yup, found it through Google! Love Google, ya can find anything!

Suzanne said...

Sharon, I just tried that site, doesn't work. And to translate the email message, I'd have to do word for word with a dictionary. Let's hope we get a reply back in English!

Suzanne said...

That Finland chick sure blends well with the nest, doesn't he? He's hard to find if he's sleeping!

Suzanne said...

Dad Osprey just brought a fish in for breakfast!

Costume Lady said...

We have been having fun with that email from Finland. Several Momsters tried to translate it last night but to no avail.

Some of us think that the chick may have been ill. I noticed that one was not as active as the other and wasn't terribly interested in it's meals.

Suzanne said...

Let's hope we find out he/she was just relocated or something! The one in the nest now is really doing wing flaps! Feels good, full tummy, mom still there, he's gonna practice!

Suzanne said...

Both Albert and Einstein are in the Kent nest!!! It's still dark, but you can see them.

Suzanne said...

A Panda is waking up at the San Diego zoo. That's adorable! He's not sure if he wants to come out or not!

Suzanne said...

Einstein must have turned on his GPS, cause that is definately him in the nest with Albert! Glad to see that!

Suzanne said...

Benicia barn owls are in for the night. Both home, all is good.

Costume Lady said...

Thanks for confirming that! I wasn't sure if both were in the nest or if I was seeing things.

Just sent another e-mail to Finland.

Suzanne said...

Yes, Wanda, both there! Glad he finally found his way home! Oh good, on the email. Let's just hope the other chick is being relocated. I went back and looked at the pics I had from last week, and they sure had a lot of rain. I hope he didn't get sick after being so wet! But also looking back, the chick that's in the nest now (I guess) was doing wing flaps and was awake and aware a lot of the time while the other chick was just laying there or not interested in much of anything. They were both up and about, but one more than the other. I hope you get a response back soon. In English! Geesh, Finnish is very hard to translate, even word for word with a dictionary!

Suzanne said...

Going back, both chicks seemed equally active up to about 6 PM their time on the 12th. They had a lot of heavy rain that day. Wasn't here on the 13th, and of course the weekend, so can't tell how they were acting. First pic I got yesterday was at 0459 our time, and they guy showed up to get them for banding at 0503 our time, so didn't see them both for very long yesterday at all.

Suzanne said...

Oh, before I forget. The pics I "enhanced" yesterday at Wal Mart look great on paper....but they look TERRIBLE on disk! Man, I had no idea! They are just too fuzzy, see nothing but pixels. So I didn't post any pics to Momsters, want to play with them some more in my camera and figure out how to save them that way! Makes for a much clearer picture.

Suzanne said...

Well, changed my mind. I did put a couple pics in, ones that were mostly clear. I'll play with the others and add them later.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNIN' EAGLE BUDDIES---SUZANNE----SHARON & WANDA!!!!---BEAUTIFUL SUNNY MORNING IN WV--Temp. 67°----I expected to find that our BLOG was now in FINNISH!! (ho)----WOW---We will certainly miss that site when the younger one takes off!!!---But MOM is still cutting his food----and he doesn't appear to be very active---

carolinabeachmom said...


normabyrd said...


3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...