Monday, July 16, 2007


I was meaning to say something about the 500th post, but it slipped right passed me. Thanks to all who continue to congregate on this blog. Hopefully next year will bring new friends, both eagle and human.

new thread.


MITS said...


MITS said...

What is Albert eating, Suz???

paula eagleholic said...

Steve - This blog is truly a gathering place for many friends. The gathering this past weekend of the eaglet_momsters was truly a testament to that fact. I look forward to making many new more eagle and human friends in the future!

paula eagleholic said...

I got some pictures added to the Momster album...will try to get the rest added today from work...the connection here is quicker....

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steven, and for all you do for us Momsters! The visit Saturday was wonderful, and Belle was there for at least a couple hours! Nice of her to visit with us.
Also liked your pic of the bears enjoying the playground! Too funny!
Thanks for the heads up, Mits. Not sure what Albert is eating! Cam 3 is fuzzy, and it's not very clear on cam2. Also looks like Star is doing the eating, huh? Poor Albert is just watching!

Suzanne said...

Paula, I agree. This is a great gathering place for all kinds of wildlife cams and new friends to meet. Even lurkers!!

Suzanne said...

Mits, seems to be a fuzzy something, doesn't it?

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!---SUZANNE---SHARON--WANDA--MITS & PAULA---WOW!! SHARON I agree it is hard for me to get this "ole' bode" MOVIN'---WHAT A GREAT SATURDAY!!!----Thanks to JO!!---everything went so smoothly!!!---THANKS to GRACIOUS SANDY---Enjoyed lunching on the lawn of her beautiful home---(Her Mother told me that she spent her HONEYMOON at the NEW CENTURY HOTEL in ROMNEY!!) MANY MANY THANKS TO WANDA & GENE for chauffeuring us around in their "EAGLE EXPRESS MOTOR HOME"------It was all TOO WONDERFUL meeting all the 'EAGLE MOMSTERS'!!!--What a COOL BUNCH!!------

Suzanne said...

Ditto, Normabyrd. It was a wonderful day! Look forward to doing it again soon!

normabyrd said...

MITS---I forgot about your volunteering to work at the ZOO last night!!!!---SO VERY KIND OF YOU!!----

Suzanne said...

Mrs Finland is sure hanging around in the nest keeping the one chick company today!

MITS said...

It really turned out to be fun, Norma, met a veterinarian from Arkansas, he has been one for 46 years and still going strong.

normabyrd said...

One of the KENT "GEUNIOUSES" is waiting for MAMA STAR to cut his food up!!---ho!---I will certainly miss these handsome EAGLETS!!!

Suzanne said...

Wow, Mits, extra time at the zoo. That's got to be cool!
Star sure doesn't want to share anything with Albert, does she? She's totally eating whatever it was.

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---Did I understand---you saw the man banding the CHICKS & one left the nest at that time?---MS FIN was feeding the CHICK, left in the nest this a.m.---He can't feed himself!!!---Hope you got a pic of the banding---How COOL is that!!!!

normabyrd said...


Suzanne said...

Yes, Norma, have pics. Was going to try and put them on Momsters, but not sure I'll have time.

Suzanne said...

OMG, one of the Kestrals left. Only 1 left, and he's now in the entrance hole looking out! Geesh, must have left in the last half hour.

paula eagleholic said...

Suz - Did you figure out how to crop your pictures?

MITS said...

Looks like Frodo and Frieda are back in town, down-under .....The pigeons are getting nervous ...
Urban wild things Frodo and Frieda are back at their nesting ledge, and Brisbane's feral pigeon population is about to take a beating.

sunny said...

Good Morning, everyone! My boss stopped in unexpectedly this morning, so I'm a little late getting here.

Hey Suzanne - what's for lunch today? LOL! We had #1 Jimmy as an appetizer last night.

I'm off to check out some nests, now. BBL.

normabyrd said...

The "ATLANTA BEAUTY" is sleeping on the lower level of the play house----Has her little "black" legs hanging over the side!!!---Would love to watch her playing---but she always seems to be sleeping!!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning to All; those here and lurkers.

Suzanne both chicks are back now. Hee hee one closest to cam hee hee his/her feet are so big. Such cuties. I love this site.

Jo is our "travel guide co-ordinator" she did such a great job.

MITS said...

I left my leftovers in the frig in Martinsburg.....darn!

normabyrd said...

THANKS MITS---FREIDA is such a beautiful bird!---She always has that nice "pink glow"----

wvgal_dana said...

Sunny my husband really enjoyed talking with your husband. Glad he came along.

Does anyone see on the CT Osprey site on the darker chick a band? The other one has one.

MITS said...

KESTRAL is at the door ready for take-off.

normabyrd said...

HEY MITS---At least you got them t to the motel room---I usually leave them on the table & think about it when I get home!!!

MITS said...

You are right about that, Norma...

wvgal_dana said...

Norma Ed remembered the right thing...the food. lol and I almost left my long sleeve shirt.
We finished off the Shrimp Alfredo yesterday. yummy was so so so good.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

We left our leftovers too, Mits! Such wonderful spaghetti and meatballs.

MITS said...

Well guess we have to go back and order some more:), Sharon...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits blessed me with this wonderful, big stuffed eagle this weekend and I have named him "Walter Talonstone". Hers is Eddie. He is sitting in the back window of Donna's car (which I drive now) and looks absolutely wonderful.

Lordy, Lordy, had I told God what I expected out of this past weekend, I surely would have sold myself short. It was absolutely mahvelous!

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Mits and Sharon sorry you all forgot your leftovers.

Sharon what time did you leave Martinsburg?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Sounds like a wonderful idea. Maybe next time, we can get it through room service! :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Dana, we left around 1 p.m., after the visit to the nest again and dam #4.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh yeah, and after following Mits into Maryland. :)

MITS said...

Oh yeah, Sharon....rooms at the Clarion next time....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Anybody heard anything about Einsteinella this morning?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That is right, Mits - Clarion for sure next time. They have a wonderful pool and jacuzzi!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Unless of course it is cold outside, then the pool and jacuzzi won't do us much good!

wvgal_dana said...

Wow and Sharon you got home at 7pm I heard is that right? Wow that was good time. Thinking of good time Saturday was GREATTTT
time. Now when I type I know who I am typing too. So glad I got to meet you.. ((((hugs))))

normabyrd said...

PAULA!!!----It felt like XMAS when I began to open all the "GOODIES" I bought from the EAGLEMOMSTERS' STORE!!---Thanks for having them there!!!

MITS said...

LOL....really thought I was going to have company, when Sharon followed me into Maryland....:):):)

Suzanne said...

Wow, morning Sunny and Dana. Sunny, that #1 Jimmy was sure good, but next time I'll just stick to that!! Your hubby got a break, though. But wasn't it good??? I'll finish my leftovers tonight, one more crab cake and half a baked potato. Then leftovers all gone...
Paula, I can crop them but don't know how to save them. I messed with them yesterday, but they won't stay cropped! I even (horrors) read the book! You know, you do that always last, if nothing else works...
Sorry you left your leftovers, Mits. I'd be upset if I left mine, I had a bunch! LOL, ask anybody!
Dana, what second one being back are you talking about? There is still only 1 chick in Finland, and a parent and Albert in Kent.
Jo did a wonderful job of coordinating and putting this together. A million thanks, Jo! Prayers for you, as always.

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon - the Jacuzzi would be great when it's chilly out too!

MITS said...

VA cam is giving us a tour around the botanical gardens.

Suzanne said...

Oh, forgot. I created an album of the Finland chick banding, and added my pics of the guy taking the chicks and returning the one chick.

Suzanne said...

Mom is back in Finland to keep the chick company. Poor thing is lonely! Maybe I'll try to send an email and ask why only 1 was returned. I'm sure someone over there speaks English.

MITS said...

Mom just came back to be with the chick at Finland.

MITS said...

I was thinking the same thing, Suz...go for it!

normabyrd said...

DANA---It was nice seeing you again & meeting ED!!!----It was almost a "PERFECT DAY"---So many GOOD FRIENDS!!!---Aren't we LUCKY?

Carol_in_WV said...

Hi, everyone! I'm checking in because some of you were concerned about my long, late trip home. I got home @ 11:00. My dog, Remus, was really glad to see me after 14 hours in the house. Boy did he have to pee! His next concern was dinner - which he gulped down. It was great to see everyone and spend some time with all of you. Many thanks to Sandra for use of her lovely home and to Jo for all the arrangements. I think our next get together should be a ride on the Eagle Express this Fall!!

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne I'm in the wrong nest lol I thought you was talking about the CT nest. I do see on the one chick a band but still trying to see if the other chick is banded?

Besides being mixed up I think this position I'm in letting to much blood running to brain. Saturday when we got home leg was swelled. That is why I wasn't on comute until late evening yesterday. Had to have it higher that heart. Yes it is down some but still has atlittle swelling. So my Quest Lounge chair head is back and my left is up and on the computer desk. Any mis-spellings are allow hee hee for me toay.

Suzanne said...

Hi, Carol, I can relate! My kitties were starving!!! They acted like they hadn't been fed in days. Course I have a gazillion bowls of different dry food out, but that's just not quite the same as wet!!!
It was just very nice to meet everyone, and I'm glad you got home safely!!!

Mema Jo said...

GOOD LATE MORNING It is so good to hear from everyone - that way I know you all got home safe with or
without the leftovers! lol
I have not checked the previous comments - Where is Candy? Norma I have your (our) sharing cane right with me! If my Dr doesn't tell me what I want to hear tomorrow, I might just need to Cane Him One! Keep those prayers coming!
I am still on Cloud 9! Just can't get over that Sat is here and gone and such fantastic memories!

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE----WHY didn't you volunteer to go to FINLAND when you were in service?? ho!----Then we could understand what they are telling us in that nest!!!!----I saw MS FIN feeding the CHICK that is remaining in the nest!!---He won't FLEDGE if he can't feed himself---will he?---

normabyrd said...

JO--JO!!---I gave the cane to YOU!!---WACK him twice & he will remember not to fool with you---ho!WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER OUR "EAGLE DAY"-----IT WAS PERFECT!!!---MANY THANKS TO YOU!!!!

MITS said...

Candy, was headed back to Winchester yesterday a.m. and then headed back to Outer Banks today.

Mema Jo said...

Good Late Morning So happy to see everyone on the blog as it means you all got home safely with or without the leftovers! But where is Candy? I haven't read any comments on previous thread.I am still on Cloud 9 and just can't believe that our Sat was here and gone with so many wonderful memories! Thanks Paula for getting the album started! Like they say, a picture is worth a thousand words!

MITS said...

Jo, are you repeating yourself:):)???

Suzanne said...

Parent and Einstein in tree at Kent. Albert in nest!!!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Steve Thanks for your arranging our getting into NCTC. For the first time we got to push the buttons at the closed gate - worked Great! As for this blog you have created for us Momsters -
It will never cease to be!

How was the Harry Potter movie! I am going one day this week! I have read the book but forget a lot of the details.
This weekend I will have my new and final book! You guys won't see me until I finish it!

Suzanne said...

Norma, I was in Finland once while I lived in Germany, but only for a visit. Helsinki! Beautiful place, but I was there in the summer where it was daylight almost 24 hours out of 24! Very expensive, and candles ALL OVER for winter!!!! They also had almost blackout curtains in the hotels for summer use. Sun was out all the time, and that's the only way you can sleep!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Mits for the update on Candy!

Thanks Norma for your comment. I have OUR cane and if the Dr tomorrow says something I don't want to hear - he just may get CANED ONE! lol
Thanks for continued prayers all you Momsters!

normabyrd said...

VICKY----I have been worrying about you!!!----WHEN DID YOU GET HOME?---Has CANDY checked in?---MANY THANKS TO YOU TWO FOR COMING!!!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for keeping me in line, Mits Blogger Glitch is after me again! And oh my where is my cane!!!
Going to Wack him a good shot!!!

I will return around 1:30 - so get rid of that Glitch before then... lol

Carol_in_WV said...

OOOOOps!!!!!!!! I forgot to send many thanks to Wanda and Gene for use of their traveling home.

Suzanne said...

LOL, Jo, I'm gonna be reading Harry Potter this weekend too! Totally outta the net until book is finished! Love that series!

normabyrd said...

WOW SHARON!!!----Maybe it's because we are so "INTELLIGENT"--But as I understand---I was trying to follow them into MD too----ho!---SHARON they will never let you FORGET!!!----ho!---REALLY ENJOYED SEEING YOU & THELMA!!---I ENJOY that WV "twang"----"GO 'EERS"!!!

MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...

Vicky brought her 2 granddaughters. One was Haiden, the other was ??

Suzanne said...

Well, I've found the Finnish words for contact and electronic mail, but the list on the left of the pic are only sponsors of the cam. I cannot find anywhere on the site where I can email these folks to ask why they only returned 1 chick after banding this morning.
The Studio that is listed on the right, where I'm guessing is where they run the cam, you can't access. It's not clickable.
Anybody out there know Finnish???? Or anybody out there know how to contact them????

paula eagleholic said...

Did Einsteinella leave again??

paula eagleholic said...

OK folks, got my pictures in the album. It is titled "NCTC visit, July 14, 2007." It is on the first line of the albums. If anyone would like the really nice closeup shot of Belle for a screen saver, I can email you the high quality picture from home later, just send me an email!

Gotta go get some work done!

Momsters Album

Suzanne said...

Sun's glaring in the tree, can't tell if Einsteinella or parent left.

normabyrd said...

SUNNY---It was great to meet you in person---I recognized you from the pics---I wanted to remind you & SUZANNE---after this past weekend---It will be hard to go back to PEANUT BUTTER SANDWICHES----ho!---We did have lots of delicious FOOD!!

wvgal_dana said...

I will check back in to see if anything new on the Finland chicks.

I'll also be looking for anything from Vicky or Candy. BE safe gls.

Getting tired needed rest check back when wake. Suzanne if your gone have a safe one hugs.

Suzanne said...

Poor little Kestral keeps looking at the entrance like he's looking for company. It's always so sad for the last one to fledge...they seem to be so alone.

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---Wanted to know if GYPSY ignored you when you got home???--LISA'S "Joey" is suffering from depression----she is teaching summer school & he has to stay home!---ho!-----SAFE JOURNEY HOME!!

p.s. I tried clicking on the STUDIO site earlier!!!

Suzanne said...

Wow, quite a feathery nest in the swallow nest. But still only 3 eggs, so I guess that's all she's gonna have.

Suzanne said...

Eggbert is on a branch in top middle of pic. Burrowing owls are out. There is still an owl in the nest box there.
Finland parent still visiting with chick. Course I guess there is a lot more room in the nest now, so there is room for a parent again. Albert all alone in nest. Osprey still hanging out in BW.

Suzanne said...

Time for me to hit the road. Sure is a beautiful day outside.
I'm so glad I got to meet everybody Saturday! It was a wonderful day. And Jo, thanks again for all your hard work putting it together. And Sandra, thanks again for opening your home to all us EagletMomsters!!! It was wonderful! And I'm gonna send Belle an email and thank her for being there and hanging around so long for us!!!
All have a great eagle day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

paula eagleholic said...

Dana - The osprey chicks are not banded in CT. The darkest osprey in the nest would be the Mom or Dad, the chicks feathers are brown with white tips.

Costume Lady said...

We are glad you got home alright. Did you have any difficulties? Was hoping you would stay-over but I know how you felt about your Dog and letting him out to do his thing.
My hubby and I enjoyed talking to you. Take Care.

Anne-Marie said...

Good Morning all.... I think I'm here. Well at least physically anyway. I got in late last night and didnt get enough sleep. I am feeling a bit over whelmed with Paula's pictures and your stories of your trip to see Belle. I'm thrilled it turned out so wonderful for all of you. Its so nice to see your pictures and to put a face with your name.
My trip to Las Vegas was a trip to remember. Everywhere I looked was a vision to remember. Mama Mia was beyond great. Do see it. It was light, funny and enjoyable. When we got out of the theater it was midnight and the air was still so hot it stung my face and arms. I do promise you that I will never move there. I'm just too much of a sissy to put up with that. The food was great. The company was great. The intertainment was great.The only draw back was some of the group came down with food poisoning. I was ok but I was kept busy running from room to room with Imodium and 7up.We didnt get much of a photo shoot because of the lack of bathrooms in the desert but the trip was still wonderful. I will be back and forth today so have a beautiful day and I hope I can be with you next time you all meet. Anne

Anne-Marie said...

I just found out the TX bluebirds are gone. *&^%^&%$$#$@#@. What a horrible bluebird summer this has been.

Carol_in_WV said...

Hey - just realized that You all might not have understood what I meant when I suggested a Fall trip on the Eagle Express. I meant the train ride that goes from Romney to Petersburg along the Potomac River where eagles nest and can readily be seen. I wasn't referring to Wanda & Gene's "eagle Express" - altho we could do that too - if they would have us! :-)

Anne-Marie said...

Carol that would be a dream trip....

floralgirl said...

Been wanting to do that for some time now, Carol. We definitely gotta make plans to take that trip.

Mema Jo said...

i have returned very quietly and i don't think the blogger glitch knows i am here. no bold - no caps - so how else would he know i am online.

i am so happy happy that einstein(ella) came home - but then she took off again.. i think albert is not going to put up with loneliness and soon will join her.

Mema Jo said...

I had my Potomac Eagle Train brochure out here at my computer on Sunday. Norma had sent it to me last year. A trip - A train ride - the autumn leaves - the promise of seeing some eagles.....
WHoo HOo! Guess we need another
trip organized!

Where Eagles Fly

Mema Jo said...

Just viewed the album, Paula, and your pics are so good that I relived every moment over again of our beautiful day! That cake was the highlight of the evening!!!

I would love Belle as my screen saver!
Vicky's oldest gd name is Deana.

Carol_in_WV said...

OOOPS! Making lots of mistakes today. Got the name of the train wrong. Thanks for discreetly correcting me, Jo! I've been wanting to take that train ride for years. Maybe now is the time. :-)

Wanda - No problems going home. Didn't even get sleepy - which sometimes happens to me when I drive at night. The deer are really bad for the last 15 miles or so before I get home, so I drove it at about 40 to 45 mph. But none were in the road - they were munching the new grass in the hay fields. I saw numerous green eyes look up as I drove by them.

Mema Jo said...


We have a new Momster!
Robyn's mom is now official! We have heard so much about her from Robyn and how she loves all the cams and even keeps Robyn up-to-date!


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Albert and Einstein are both in the nest! YEAH!

Mema Jo said...

Thank YOU Eagle Eyed Sharon for the Kent Nest Alert! I am sooooooooo
happy to see them both in the nest.
Guess it is lunch time out there.

Mema Jo said...

Anne - good to hear about your trip and that you enjoyed yourself. Hope the airports were nice to you.

ButaButa is certainly growing! She and mom are having a little fight-play out in the yard.
I wish our DC pandas had name tags - I can never tell if I am looking at Tai if they are sleeping or just out walking in the yard.
Finally got to see a Fishing Cat! but he was just walking around and wasn't fishing!

Mema Jo said...

I can see your favorite, Mits! On cam 2b is the slothbear!

MITS said...

It must be Merlin, will have to look

MITS said...

Yep, its Merlin and some butterflies..

Mema Jo said...

Ms Owl is spending some time at the Owl Motel on WDFW cams.
Don't see Eggbert anywhere.
Swallow in nest turning eggs.
One little kestrel sitting in the nest!
An adult is at the FtStVrainEagle Nest.They have not updated any news but I think their 2 eaglets should have fledged.
MT nest at NE
Great up close pic of VA juvie in the swaying tree..

Finished looking! Will go to CA later.........

MITS said...

Fishing cat is beautiful, clouded leopards were out last night and they are gorgeous.

MITS said...

Mei is inside and Tai is finally using the AC den in his outside yard.

Mema Jo said...

NY GD coming up 5-8:00! First thing she will say is Do you want to play with me? Out will come the doll house & oh what fun Mema and Sammy will have. I guess I will talk with you later this evening.

MITS said...

Have fun...Mema.

Robyn said...

Good afternoon all and welcome Mom.

Tori and I had a wonderful time Saturday, meeting everyone was the icing on the cake. It was Tori's first time seeing an Eagle not in captivity so it was a special day for her also.

Sandra thank you for opening your home to us and your generous hospitality. Your home is lovely. Wanda and Gene thank you for transporting us to the nest site, now Tori wants me to buy one lol. Suzanne it was great to finally meet you, as it was everyone I haven't met before.

Sorry it took so long to post we were zonked when we got home and had a report to complete for class yesterday.

The Potomac Eagle sounds like a great idea and you can count us in.

paula eagleholic said...

2 eaglets in VA

K10 brought in lunch for Limuw, then they both hung out on the ebranch, but have since left. IWS crew zoomed in the cam on them, there are some real nice close up pics on the nest watch for today....Start at page 7

paula eagleholic said...

Robyn - I think everyone was pooped after Saturday!!

Anne-Marie said...

Paula, I am so glad you are on line. I would love to have one of your pictures. I will blow it up if you will send it to me.You do have an artistic eye.

paula eagleholic said...

Searching in VA

MITS said...

Yes, Robyn, welcome to your Mom...SILVERWOLF:). Tori is a delight, very nice young lady.

paula eagleholic said...

Heidi do you want the one of Belle close up?

paula eagleholic said...

Glad you had a good time in Vegas :) Sorry some people got sick :(

Anne-Marie said...

Yes please Paula. Its really beautiful and I have the perfect place for it on my office wall.

NillaWafer said...


wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...