Monday, July 09, 2007


Hotter yet thread.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning. Thanks Steven for the new thread!! In just a few days, I will finally get to meet my eagle buddies!! YEAH. Also, Andrew is coming with me!

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE....AND A BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY FAVORITE PANDA IN THE WORLD TAI SHAN....HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIG GUY:):):). Norma I haven't been able to get on to the panda cam either. when the zoo gets publicity like this it brings out the LURKERS.

Suzanne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suzanne said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steven! And thanks for the heads up, Sharon, and good morning Sharon and Mits. Yup, Saturday's getting closer!
Happy Birthday again, Tai! Cute little prince!

normabyrd said...

HI SHARON & MITS!!!!----I watched it on ANIMAL PLANET!!!---TOO MUCH EXCITEMENT for the "LITTLE PRINCE"-----So sweet to hear the "kids" singing "HAPPY BIRTHDAY"----Took him a "little while" to go back to the "ICE BERG" that he had knocked over----He didn't have to share with MOM!!!--- ho!--ho!---I LOVE HIM TOO MITS!!!

normabyrd said...

SHARON---COUNT DOWN TIME!!!!----I am so happy to learn the ANDREW is coming with you---LOOKING FORWARD TO MEETING BOTH OF YOU!!!---

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---WE REALLY--REALLY--REALLY MISSED YOU!!!!----Bet it will be hard for you furry friends this a.m.---Will need to go back & read the BLOG----Have had my "EYE" on the "LITTLE BIRTHDAY PRINCE" all morning!!!----

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, Sharon, that's great. It will be nice to meet Andrew!

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne I'm back and nap was awww so great ( :

Tai "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" BOY Glad to got to eat the "whole thing" lol. Now he is showing off in his happy place "the trees" hee hee

Mits I am sort of happy Mei gets a rest. Mits did you ever find out at what age he isn't called a cub anymore?

paula eagleholic said...

Sun has finally moved off the cam and can see the Kent twins better.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, Suz. Glad to see you back.

Kent is branching up the parent branch, then parent was there for about 2 refreshes and then gone

paula eagleholic said...

Limuw visiting at SC, peeping for breakfast

Suzanne said...

Morning, Paula.
Glad you enjoyed your nap, Dana. How you feeling lately?
Thanks guys, would say it's nice to be back, but you go to he double for lying!

Suzanne said...

Kestral chicks are doing wing flaps. How in the world do they have room????

wvgal_dana said...

I think the sugar treat has gotten to Tai. He is cracking me up Norma ( :

Up in the trees carrying on, down on the ground rolling and running.

That's Tai

MITS said...

BTW...."our" MAGGIE is 11 months old today:):).

MITS said...

Dana, keepers told me when he is sexually ready around 4 or 5 yrs old...

wvgal_dana said...

Wow Mits our eaglets will be EAGLES at 4 to 5 years old. Neat

Suzanne said...

Hey, Mits, Happy 11 months Birthday to Maggie!

normabyrd said...

HI PAULA!----Can anyone tell the KENT GENIUSES apart!!!---Is that EINSTEIN that is always on the limb above the nest?---It will be a sad day when the KENT CHICKS & the FIN CHICKS leave the nest-----ENJOY THEM BOTH SO MUCH----

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry everyone Good Morning again.

Morning Suzanne, Wanda, Sharon, Mits, Paula and all lurking and those coming in.

Suzanne I can't wait to get back in the pool. Alot of work but I want and NEED to get this leg built up. I don't have the endurance I even had before. Surgery was perfect I could not have had better prayers and surgeon and therapist.

Suzanne said...

Our Kent eaglet is up the tree again. He was there for a long time this morning!

Suzanne said...

Dana, I'm glad you're doing so well! Are you coming Saturday? Sure hope so. Norma, think the bigger one is Albert, and the little guy is Einstein.

wvgal_dana said...

I read that about 11 mos. old Oh come on Mits Grandma, you have to have mis-counted. That gal can't be almost a year old yet. Boy does time fly. Sure doesn't stand still.

Nice Sharon the whole "almost" family we get to meet. Glad Andrew is making the trip too.

normabyrd said...

HAPPY DAY LITTLE "MAGGIE"---1 more month & we will all sing--"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU"------

Today would have been my brother's BD!!---That's how I remembered TAI'S BIG DAY!

wvgal_dana said...

Well Norma you sure tied your brother in with a Happy Ball of Fur's birthday. ( :

normabyrd said...

DANA---Delighted to hear you are feeling better----Certainly hope you can go to the nest with us on the 14th!!!----NO EXCUSES ACCEPTED FROM BELLE & LIBERTY---THEY BETTER BE THERE!!!!!!

Suzanne said...

You tell 'em, Norma! I just hope we can see them through the leaves now!

wvgal_dana said...

Norma NO NO NO Doctor would never let me go to the nest site. Only drive by in car. Making it to the dinner for an hour to two will be enough to make the knee and leg hurt as it is. Sorry gal :( but that I couln't do. I'm not even sure I can make it the whole time at Rumsey Tavern.

I have to rebuild the tendion, legiments and muscle all back up in the knee and leg. Which isn't an over night thing. Not even a 6 or 8 week time period.

Suzanne said...

Uh oh, BW osprey left. Was there for a long visit this morning. One half of our Kent twins is back in the tree. Sure does like his new found freedom! Finland chicks are snoozing, Kestral chicks just hanging out, swallow is hanging out in nest box, and Puget Sound eaglet is off cam somewhere. Hard to see there, sun is right in the cam. We have 2 female owls in the nest at Benicia. Guess they're in for their night now. Storks are hanging out, and the wood duck is looking up at the cam. She's so cute.

normabyrd said...

BUTA BUTA is trying DESPERATELY to get away from LUN LUN--who is using her "TEETH" to get BUTA BUTA in the hammock with her!!---That "LITTLE BEAUTY" is putting up a good fight!!----She needs a tree to climb!!!!

normabyrd said...

DANA ask JO----You can drive your car up to see the EAGLES----But you know what you can do---PLEASE DON'T OVERDO----Will be great to see you at RUMSEY'S TAVERN!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Been watching Lun Lun and Buta Buta for awhile now. She doesn't want to nurse her that is for sure and nor does Buta. They have been at it for so long. Reminds you of some other cub when he was younger.

wvgal_dana said...

Guards let me and Ed in to go sit by nursery during the Eagles last season. When had a ball watching from the car see all 5 of them.

wvgal_dana said...

I love hearing the sounds from the Sidney nest. Reminds me of Maine.

Will try to get Santa Cruz up has anyone had any luck there?

normabyrd said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Maggie 11 months old already! How cool is that!

Happy Birthday Tai!

I spent this past weekend at Claytor Lake State Park in Virginia. A few people have told me that eagles have been seen around the cliffs so we had to scope it out on the boat a couple of times. I have yet to get to see an eagle live and in person. So, hopefully, my first sight of an eagle will be Liberty and Belle!

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---or any cat lovers!!---While reading a.m. paper---Dr. Gott has med. column---ANOTHER USE FOR VICKS!!!---Her cat like to play with the screen on window & would make holes---so she happened to touch the screen when she had VICKS on her hands---CATS DIDN'T TOUCH THE SCREEN AGAIN!!!
(if it works, you may mail me a small fee)---KIDDIN'

normabyrd said...

WOW SHARON!---I want to be there when you see your FIRST EAGLE!!---IT WILL REALLY BLOW YOUR MIND!!!!!!

MITS said...

Sharon, I e-mailed Lib and Belle and they said they are looking forward to seeing you:) Yes, it is hard to believe Maggie will be one in a month, and that her brother or sister will be here on or around October 2nd....we are praying that his little one does not come as early as Maggie did.

MITS said...

DOLPHINS have been putting on quite the show this a.m.

Suzanne said...

Whoever is in the BB nest is not on it at the moment. Don't see any eggs, though. Adult might be staying on nest to protect it from someone else stealing it like she did.

movin said...


On the way in I looked at Kestrels, and the largest one was hanging on the screening and looking out the entrance at the real world. Then she "flew" down to the floor and proceeded to practice her wing strokes as the other two huddled in corners to keep out of the way...they're growing much faster than we are used to with the eagles (of course).

The S. Cruz cam is up now, but I didn't see any eagles on the nest now.


normabyrd said...

MORNING STEVEN!!!!!----You have gone from "HOT" to "HOTTER" to "HOTTER YET"----Bet tomorrow will be "HOTTER THAN H---"---ho!---Will be anxious to hear how HOT IT WILL BE!---

wvgal_dana said...

I hear ya Mits.

Going to lay down and ice me leg.

normabyrd said...

YE! of little FAITH!!!----THEY haven't let us down yet!!!---Will Pray!!!!

normabyrd said...

JO!!---Your beautiful little BURROWING OWLS are out!!!!--Fun to watch them "STRUT"!!!!

normabyrd said...

HI JIM----How hot is it at your PLACE?---It is 88° in WV now--Forecast is in the high 90s°!!!---
STAY COOL!!---(forgot)---YOU'RE ALWAYS COOL!!!

normabyrd said...

MS FIN is a WONDERFUL MOM!!!---She always there---thru wind--rain, etc.----CHICKS remind me of a TWEED SCARF-----

movin said...

Wish I were "cool" always, the way you think.

But thankfully because of the low rainfall this year and the high danger of bruxhfires, we are in a moderate mid-70's period with good humidity.


normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---Did you notice 1 KESTREL was missing????----The writer described it as "BEING CONSUMED" ---- no sweat this time!!
Better than what we saw in the BB nest!!!!

Jill said...

Do we need to bring anything for lunch on Saturday? Too hot to cook in my house but I will be happy to pick something up on the way.

normabyrd said...

MITS---Where were the PINK DOLPHINS that we were watching---JO found those didn't she?----

normabyrd said...

The STORKS seem to be quiet these days----They were more fun when they were "SQUAWKING" all the time!!!---I haven't see the parents for a while-----

Suzanne said...

Norma, didn't read that about the kestrals, but that's the little tiny one that went away last week, I guess it was. We talked about it here on the blog, but don't remember exactly what date. Guess they do the same thing as eagles and owls. Remember that little tiny owlet? One minute he was there sitting up, next laying down, few minutes later, gone, poor thing. But I guess they have to do something to keep the nest clean when babies die. Just hate it that the tiny babies die!

Suzanne said...

Oops, my bad. Morning Jim and Jill!

normabyrd said...

HI JILL!!----Have missed seeing you---but NO--as I understand---We will pay our share-----HARD TO GET BACK TO WORK AFTER VACATION---HUH!!----

normabyrd said...

KESTREL people also say NATURE is always clean----You remember BELLE BAKER---She explained all of that to me last year---I think she teaches SCIENCE----REALLY A SHARP GAL!!!

Suzanne said...

Well, 2 female owls are still in the Benicia nest, so guess they're in for their night. First time I've seen an owl in there for quite a while.

Suzanne said...

Jo, I was looking at some pics this morning, and saw one of an eaglet with a BUNCH of turtle shells. When I saw it, said to myself I'd have to remember to tell Jo. Which of course, I didn't write down where I saw it, and not I can't find it. But I'll look for it tomorrow. Think I was looking at what Norma recommended a few blogs back, on the BW osprey page. Can't find it now!

Suzanne said...

Time for me to hit the road. All have a great eagle day. Stay cool. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

paula eagleholic said...

LOL - check out the CT osprey nest. Growing grass there now!

movin said...

Check the Wood Duck box..

Still a lot of eggs to hatch, but one chick is sitting next to Mom and looking at the camera.


paula eagleholic said...

Kent getting further up the tree trunk

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

NORFOLK NEST--MT----& I can't get into the RICHMOND HIGH-RISE!!

paula eagleholic said...

Eggbert is back!

paula eagleholic said...

Up to 3 baby wood ducks now

movin said...

Suzanne, and whoever, I saw the nest with several turtle shells in it yesterday too. Not sure where, but it could have been in Lisa's article about eaglets that were transplanted up north to Vermont....


movin said...

There are 5 Wood duck chicks showing now.


normabyrd said...

JUST CHECKED----6 or 7 DUCKS!!---Isn't that a COOL nest!!---They hope they hatch all at once!!!

movin said...

One Kestrel is hanging half in and half out of the entrance trying to fight the heat...think they will fledge sooner than we can believe too.


movin said...

I agree, Norma, the Wood Duck nest is "just ducky."


normabyrd said...

JIM---Did you read the comments---They asked how many had hatched---Answer 6 or 7---That's where I got the #-----

Mema Jo said...

Good Afternoon Everyone
Animal Planet giving good coverage on Tai, the b-day boy! I think those Kestrels grew feathers overnight! The wood ducks are really popping out of those shells - I can't get that cam to update.
Hot Hot is the word for today's weather. I agree with you Norma in telling Steve about the Hot Threads as to what tomorrow just may be! lol I wish I were closer to Robyn's pool..
I have been seeing Patrick & family a good bit.They are really looking forward to his tour in Germany towards the end of this year. I'll miss them :( but I am happy for them to have this experience :)
Time does fly - just didn't think of Maggie being almost 1 yr

normabyrd said...

CT OSPREY NEST----Looks like MAMA is striping a BIRD----WOW!---The CHICKS have grown so much---& they are a HANDSOME pair!!!----

MITS said...

NORMA just e-mailed you the story of the pink dolphin, yes, Jo is the one that sent it. It can be found on, as it is a true story:).

MITS said...

LOL!!! Yep, Jo, also means Grandmom is older too....

MITS said...

I can't get onto to any of the panda rude is that:).

normabyrd said...

JO---The wedding photos are GREAT!!---BEAUTIFUL KIDS---my--they look so YOUNG!!!-- ho!---I bet the wedding ceremony was so touching---My youngest was married on a beach & similar dress!!---GREAT pic of YOU & HUSBAND------WHAT A SUNSET!!!!---NATURE COOPERATED--ho!

normabyrd said...


MITS said...

Yes, Norma, heads will roll when I get there on Wednesday, may need your cane...LOL!!!!:)

normabyrd said...

THANKS MITS!!---Want to forward it to my grand kids----I think they doubted me!!-----(ho!)---

normabyrd said...

HEY JIM!!!---Where did you go??---We will let you talk----Did you see the survey last week----'WOMEN do not talk more than MEN'!!---ho!

normabyrd said...

JIM!!!!----YOU WERE CORRECT!!!---The "TURTLE SHELLS" are in LISA'S OSPREY COLUMN relating the details of the VERMONT BALD EAGLE RESTORATION "hack boxes"!!

paula eagleholic said...

Gotcha, Norma. The eagle shell picture is in the gallery section. I think those are last years pics....

paula eagleholic said...

Fish crows at BW

paula eagleholic said...

From the VA eaglecam blog -

Monday, July 02, 2007
“Still Around”
Although our young eagles are officially fledged they're still in the neighborhood. They are learning the skills they'll need to survive on their own once their parents aren't providing for them.

While these young birds still rely to some extent on their parents for food, observers have noted them attempting to hunt on Lake Whitehurst which abuts the Norfolk Botanical Garden.

Anne-Marie said...

good Morning all, I want to check Jo and Paula's pictures and read the blog but wanted to say good morning first. Its going to cool down to 95 today. Its appreciated but not enough to please me. The man came today to paint the house. Why in the heat I dont know but he is doing it. The weekend was full of grand children and home chores. I got apricot/ pineapple jam made and its setting up. I had to fight the jays and squirrels for them. I got dive bombed in my own back yard. I just get no respect around here. Plums and grapes arent ripe yet. I may even be alowed to have a few of them. We will see. Hope you all have a beautiful day. The wood ducks are so sweet. Boy that mom is going to have her hands full.Will check the cams and then get back to work. BBL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh yeah, speaking of Norma's cane - I think it was on my trip to Fairmont last week, somewhere that we stopped had an eagle cane. If I could have afforded it, I would definitely have bought it to have this weekend! Dueling Eagle canes!

MITS said...

I'd pay to see that, Sharon.

MITS said...

Going to attempt to go to the sun deck for awhile, our pool is inside, so I tought I could jump in and out of pool...people are running across the sand today. I may be back sooner rather than later.

Bob Quinn said...

Hey all. A link to some shots from yesterday is below. All of the flying osprey shots are of the female from the nest that is right by the drive. She was on the nest when I arrived. (ONest2579.jpg to ONest2666.jpg). Another photographer was parked right across from the nest. He was beside his car with his camera on a tripod. She was already getting agitated when I arrived. The male was on the nearby snag but he took off to parts unknown. I guess he has been providing food but he doesn’t seem to be around much. She flew off leaving the chicks alone probably trying to draw us away from the nest. She flew around and around. A couple of times she dragged her talons in the water. Didn’t look like she was fishing, just trying to get our attention. She came back to the nest and I left to give her a break. The other photographer didn’t stay much longer either.

Sunday's Photos

paula eagleholic said...

Bob - They drag their talons in the water to cool off. Watch them next time they do that, see if she tips her beak into the water to take a drink, too.

Bob Quinn said...

Thanks Paula. That makes sense.

paula eagleholic said...

Mom plucking bird on SC for Limuw

normabyrd said...

ATTENTION:---SHARON & MITS----REMEMBER--"I am a LOVER not a FIGHTER!!!----Thought you folks knew that!!!----ho! ho!

normabyrd said...

ANNE-MARIE----I thought of you last night---Nothing on TV--Watched TRAVEL channel----3 hours of ALASKA!!!---Oh!---Seems so much to see!!!---BET you will ENJOY yourself!!!----I feel you pain in regard to the weather---It's 95° here now!!---Isn't what you all have!!!

Mema Jo said...

Hi There! The newlyweds stopped by to get the beach house keys and visited for awhile. I haven't posted any pics yet .. They have a photographer friend in OC & he is also going to take formal pics of the kids. They will be so cool.

paula eagleholic said...

One legged faker back at BW

paula eagleholic said...

Hiya, Jo. So, the kids are honeymooning at the beach, freat idea!

paula eagleholic said...

I meant great!!

Mema Jo said...

Because of the advice of my 2 Momsters' consultants I am going to request an Eagle Prayer Chain yep! for me.
Having a medical procedure tomorrow morning and just want prayers to get me through it and for good results afterwards. It's a bronchoscopy just to get a better look at these old smoker lungs. I won't know any results for a week - but then I'll discuss it again. Thank You

Mema Jo said...

Bob The photos are great. Mother Osprey wasn't happy but she put on a great water show for you!!
I am going to assume that the 2 juvies up in the tree (pic 6) are our Black Water babies!
Thanks again Bob - I thought you were on vacation this week & that is why you can't come to Shepherdstown on the 14th......

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Prayers are definitely going to be said for Mema Jo! We love you and it is going to be all good!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Prayer has been a powerful tool for me in my life!

Mema Jo said...

Ms Swallow is in the nest
Eggbert is resting
Albert & Einstein are resting
Ms Owl is in the box
Ducklings, Ducklings and more ducklings in the box.

Anne-Marie said...

Jo, my prayers are with you. Strength and good results.
Bob you did it again. Your really a pro.

normabyrd said...

JO!!!----Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers---STAY COOL--We are all praying for you!!---

normabyrd said...

BOB!!---I agree with ANNE-MARIE---you are a real PRO---Hard to pick a favorite!!!----Thanks for sharing!!

wvgal_dana said...

Prayers are rising by the dozens Mema Jo. Angels will be with you tomorrow during the procedure. May you rest without worry in HIS arms.

paula eagleholic said...

Eaglet at VA - Mom and son still at SC

paula eagleholic said...

You got it, Jo!

Anne-Marie said...

All is well in birdland. Looks like we might have a few more ducklings. Two owls in Benicia and three hummings birds out side of my window enjoying the agapantha.

MITS said...

Jo, I will pray to His Mother, who He can't refuse Her petitions...Love ya:).

paula eagleholic said...

Great Pics, Bob. I see you got a pic of the white pelicans.

The 2 juvies in the tree look too old to be this seasons' eaglets.

Bob Quinn said...

Jo - My prayers are with you. Yes, on vacation on the Eastern Shore near Blackwater so there should be another trip or two to BW this week. Just wish it wasn't so hot! I figure at least one of the juvies was in a shot - the two in the tree, the two in the water or the one in the water with the two adults. They were all different juvies.

Jill said...

Hey Bob, might want to leave those osprey alone for awhile. I was irritating them last week now you. They might decide to attack some unsuspecting human. LOL. I got some decent pics of the babies. Not as good as Bobs but ok.

wvgal_dana said...

Paula I found the video of the ducks jumping out of the box. You had described it perfectly down at the Market. It is funny lol

Bob Quinn said...

Lisa confirmed what Paula said:

"The talon-dragging is an interesting behavior that I haven't seen on film much. Biologists say it's sometimes done to cool off the osprey or to clean the talons."

Also from Lisa:

"I'm going to ask our ranger about that one platform that is tilting badly. I want to be sure it will hold up. I'll also ask him if he thinks there should be signs near the roadside nests asking photographers not to linger there if it appears that the parents are getting agitated."

Anne-Marie said...

Well, its about time for me to go home. 4:35 pacific time here.Checked birdland again. All is well. Root canal is tomorrow. Yuck. I will leave here about 3:00. I should be fine by the next day. My thoughts,prayers and love are with you Jo. Hang in there. Bob you make me miss my early morning photo trips with my husband. I wouldnt even complain about freezing. Have a good evening all. I will check in when I can. Hugs.

Jill said...

I got there right a feeding time and daddy wouldn't leave the fish for them. I snapped a few pictures and left. I was sitting in the weeds at the edge of the road. Had Hubby move the car back around the turn. But of course cars kept coming by. The nest is so close to the road, you would think the osprey would be used to people and cars. I think Mom was more irritated with Dad for not leaving the food. She kept fussing the whole time.

movin said...

Outstanding photos this trip too, Bob.

I wouldn't blame the lady osprey if she dipped her whole overheated body on days like this...

Wood least a dozen have hatched.

The Kestrels are not moving much this afternoon, except to pant. I can't believe how fast they grow...2 females and 1 male, looks like to me.

I'll be more than happy to put in a prayer for you Mema Jo. You seem like a good egg. LOL.
Seriously, I will, Mema Jo.


movin said...

Albert, Einstein are standing in the shade contemplating the relative nature of things.

Limuw has return to his nest and the branch far pretty quiet.

The ducklings keep changing positions radically and the number you can see fluctuates up and down.


Costume Lady said...

You have said so many prayers for all of us, now it is our turn to pray for you. The Lord will be very busy tonight listening to the MOMSTERS prayers.

paula eagleholic said...

Bob - We learned that info on our osprey banding trip. I forgot about the cleaning the talons part.

Osprey have a salt gland above the eye. Therefore, if they drink salt water, (and all saltwater birds have this) it is processed throught the salt gland, then either expelled through tears or as crystals through the nostrils!

carolinabeachmom said...

Good evening eagle buddies. Sorry I haven't been on all day; had our sleep in guest here until around four thirty.

Have read the blog and got all the info. AND JO, OUR HEAD MOMSTER, all our prayers will be with you tonight and tomorrow as you go through you procedure. With all those prayers, you will surely come through with a clean bill of health.

carolinabeachmom said...

JILL I see you are on the blog tonight. I was wondering if you were the one who knew where the Days Inn in Martinsburg is. It was either you or Wanda. I was wondering if either of you could pick me up at the Days in and let me ride with you for the day on the 14th and then return me Back to Days Inn after dinner. I won't be checked in, as I will just have arrived in the am from my son's in Winchester. My email is, if you can help me out. Thanks

carolinabeachmom said...

BOB QUINN Beautiful pics again as usual. I just love it when you come on the blog with some new ones. They are always great! thanks for sharing.


carolinabeachmom said...

PAULA I am constantly learning soo much on this blog. I never knew that all salt water birds had a salt gland above their eye and it cleanses the salt they take in through eye tears or crystals from the nostrils. Very interesting. You have had some really neat experiences.

MITS said...

Jim, you crack me! There is an update on the Zoo panda site with some pics of Tai's Birthday..:)

MITS said...

BOB, I loved the pictures, was going to stop by there on my way home tomorrow, but, with the high temps forcasted, think I will just stay in the car and head straight home.

MITS said...
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MITS said...
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Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mattie and I were just talking about how anxious we are to meet everybody. It is going to be sooo good!!

paula eagleholic said...

It's gonna be fun, Sharon!

Yup, Candy, I always say "You learn something new everyday."

Jill said...

JO-How many people are staying at the Days Inn this weekend? Does anybody besides Candy need a ride to Shepherdstown or need to follow me?

Mema Jo said...

Jill - Candy would really appreciate a ride to and from the events on Saturday. Thank you so much for any help you can arrange. You know where Sandra lives and I hope you will be in charge of her parking lot!!!
Might need to carpool and leave some cars up at the Clarion.......ya think?

Bob Quinn said...

Paula - Very cool. I didn't know anything about that. Always exciting to learn new things about our birds.

Mema Jo said...

This Momster is headed to bed - 5am is way too early but that's the way it is.

Good Night Everyone
Will talk with you tomorrow evening
Prayers being said for all - Don't forget Tom

Morning Suzanne

MITS said...

Hold that door, Jo, I'm right behind you...GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE, PRAYERS FOR ALL IN NEED

MITS said...


movin said...

Boy, I was about to close it for the night, when I heard Limuw raising a ruckus, so I was his Mom bringing him a fish (I think) at about 8:30 here.

He seems to like Mom a lot better than Pop, but when he ate the first big chunk too fast, choked, tried several times to swallow, then coughed it up, he wouldn't let her near the food to help feed him. But even mantling, he acts a lot more like 'sweet peeps' with her (maybe because she's bigger).

It's almost dark now, Mom's gone to roost for the night, and Limuw is still chowing down.


movin said...

Well, Good night and good health to you all...

Have a good day tomorrow. See if you can get pics or video of the Wood Duck chicks taking the dive ... probably tomorrow. Still quite a few eggs to hatch. I wonder what the final count will be.

Prayers for all tonight.


paula eagleholic said...

LOL Jim that was pretty funny, wasn't it. Limuw grabbed it from Dad, ran across the nest with it, swallowed the fish whole, then couldn't quite get it all the way down. After a couple of minutes he spit it right back up. So Dad tried to help, but of course Limuw raised a holy ruckus till Dad left. Then he ate the fish the regular way! And you can bet there were no nestover!!

paula eagleholic said...

Do those wood ducks jump so soon? They just hatched today!!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning Suz

Jill said...

Jo How many total peopel are coming? I have already emailed Candy about a ride. I thought there was somebody else tho. Sandy's drive is pretty good size, if we all crowd it, not like it matters if somebody gets blocked it, we are all coming and going at the same time. We should be able to get at least 8 cars in there, if I remember correctly. I will most likely be bringing the van so if we need to carpool I will have some room. Either 3 or 4 seats. Where is Sharon staying?

paula eagleholic said...

Nighty nite all

Suzanne said...

Good morning, eagle world. Gonne be a hot one today! It was 72° when I left home this morning at 2, 81° when I arrived at 4! Geesh, hot already, but not humid yet.
I have a meeting early this morning for about 2 hours, so I'll be outta the net. Blog at ya when I get back, probably around 9ish.
All have a great eagle day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Just glancing back at the last few blogs, good morning, Jo and Paula. Jill, I have a Camry, so I can also fit a few people, at least to go to the nest and the restaurant. But are you talking about coming from Winchester? Can't help you there, but I'll have plenty of space otherwise.

Suzanne said...

It is POURING in Finland! Poor Mom and chicks are soaked! And see where the ospreys have added a bunch more sod balls. Must be getting ready for a REALLY big osprey soccer game! Hum, maybe the finals? Not sure what you call them in soccer...
Something is on the PA ledge, but can only see a shadow or silhouette.
See we have more baby wood ducks. They're sticking out around mom. So are the broken egg shells. Those babies are so cute! Stork kids are out and about in Germany, and someone is on the BB nest. Have to read back, did we decide that was a swallow for sure? Anyway, she's on the nest protecting it.
Still dark everyplace else, can't see anything.

Suzanne said...

Now that daylight is arriving, guess there aren't any more sod balls in the osprey nest. Sure looked like it when it was still dark.
Momma wood duck is trying very hard to keep the eggs and babies under her, but it's not working too well. Getting too many babies, I think.
PA ledge is MT, storks are standing around, poor Finland family is absolutely drenched!
Osprey just arrived, our first visitor today.

Suzanne said...

OMG, one of the kestral babies is up at the door! Too cute, fuzzy little thing.

Suzanne said...

Our osprey decided she wants to play with a sod ball. Has her one foot on a ball, other foot is up. Our one legged faker is an osprey soccer player, who knew???

Suzanne said...

Just picked up my free copy of the Wash Post Express...Tai Shan is on the front page, playing with his ice fruit cycle. Too funny, showws the 2 laying next to it. think I read on here a couple days earlier, that it surprised him and he knocked it off. He's so cute!
My meeting is gonna be later than I thought...lady is encountering traffic...what a surprise.

Suzanne said...

Looks like the rain slowed down a bit in Finland. Mom has the water off her feathers, but the chicks haven't figured out how to do that yet, they're still soaked.
Wood duck chicks were kind of spread out, think I saw 4 of them. They're all bunched up next to mom now, so can't tell.
Kestrals are really getting some of their color, they're pretty.
Osprey still has foot on that sod ball! She's gonna protect that for sure.

Suzanne said...

Wow, feeding frenzy in Germany. Mom must be feeding the kids, there are 4 heads down in the egg cup. Too funny, 4 butts in the air.

Suzanne said...

Wow mom wood duck is off eggs and chicks. I see 7 chicks, and still a lot of unhatched eggs.

floralgirl said...

Hey Suzanne, how's it going? You are right, it's HOT. Going to be another unbearable day for those of us who work outside. Chillin' the Gatorade now.

Suzanne said...

Well, they move every refresh, so maybe 8 or more? Who can tell? Still some eggs left though, but she only had about a gazillion eggs in there!

Suzanne said...

Hi Megan. Love your flowers, they're beautiful! Yeah, think today is gonna be unbearable!

floralgirl said...

Thanks, it's a real effort right now to keep them alive and producing! Yesterday almost did me in, not looking forward to a repeat. This weather stinks.

Suzanne said...

Good grief, losing it here! Now I can see 10 chicks! Are they hatching as we watch? But there are definately more now than when mom left! Isn't she gonna be surprised...

Suzanne said...

Yea, it sure does for flowers! Think we're supposed to get rain this afternoon or tonight. Hope that helps for you!!

Robyn said...

Good luck with your procedure Jo. Tori had that done almost 2 years ago when she was having lung difficulties. In and out.

Wishing you a quick and safe procedure.

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE Megan its good to hear from you...hang in there a little cooler air is on its way, but just some thundershowers, we need a good soaking day or two of rain. Corn is starting to die.

carolinabeachmom said...

You all have it right on today; going to be another hot one. We are already in the 80's here and my sliding door is just dripping wet from the air.

Can't get Jo out of my mind. She did all this planing for the gathering and her grandson's wedding and never said a word to any of us about anything being wrong. Hopefullly she is all done by now and the news will be good in a week or so.

I guess I beat Wanda up today, as I haven't seen her on here yet. I never got on until late yesterday as our visitor was in the room sleeping.:(

carolinabeachmom said...

MITS I just love your new pic with your little babies birthday "cake" and pic on it. I would't have minded having a piece of his cake. It was cooling and surely looked good.

MITS said...

The birthday boy is being lazy today...still in his exhibit lounging around...too cute.

MITS said...

Thank you, Candy, that's my boy:):). Can't wait to see him tomorrow...he is a whooping 152 lbs... fog starting to burn off here at the ocean, and there is a pleasant breeze on the balcony.

carolinabeachmom said...

MEGAN Do you just sell cut flowers at the farmers market or do you also have potted plants? Just wondering, as I might try to get directions from someone and try to find you on Sunday.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNIN' EAGLE BUDDIES!!!---I was up earlier to check the "Ducks"---but it's hard to count when ducks are on ducks & under ducks---ho!----Aren't the PRECIOUS!!---I read they want them all to hatch---Like last nite!!----

carolinabeachmom said...

MITS You sure are the lucky duck. I just stuck my head out the door and a blast of HOT air hit me. Of course I'm not on the ocean. Glad to hear you have a breeze. That might help a little in your fight against the heat.

carolinabeachmom said...

Holy cow! The sky just opened up and it is raining hard hear. GREAT NEWS FOR OUR PLANTS1 What a surprise! I just guess the humid air couldn't hold it any longer.

normabyrd said...

HELLO SUZANNE---MEGAN--ROBYN--MITS & CANDY!!!!----MEGAN---after today----weather cooler----If any of us get too "WARM"---It's off to ROBYN'S pool!!!---ho!!---Can't wait until 14th!!!---I just read you are coming too, CANDY!!---WOW!REALLY gonna be a FUN TIME!!!---Now MITS---just bring that little "BLACK & WHITE" from the ZOO!!!--& SUZANNE can bring GYSPY!!!

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD MORNING NORMA I have the Wood Duck on already this morning. I can't imagine the mother having to feed all those chicks. There are still a few eggs there to go yet. Didn't someone say that another bird dumped an egg or two in the nest also?

floralgirl said...

Oops, sorry, had to run out and switch the hoses and cut some sunflowers before the sun gets hotter. Just read back in the blog to see what you guys were talking about, hope Jo will be ok. She's a tough woman, Super Mema. Hello Mits! If this weather doesn't break soon, I may run away to the ocean! Candy, I sell cut flowers and plants at the mkt., but at this point I am just selling cuts, sold plants til last week, what was left is going in the ground, too hard keeping it wtared this time of year, GH is too hot. All I have left potted to sell are some small ornamentsal salvias. There are still 3 people selling plants at the mkt. now though, annuals, herbs, perennials and even some shrubs and trees.

floralgirl said...

Hello Norma! One more day is about all I can take of this heat. WIth the heat and the lack of rain, things are really getting worse quickly here. I need some major rain.

carolinabeachmom said...

Thunder, I'm off for awhile.

MITS said...

LOL..., NORMA, now wouldn't that be a sight, me and Tai at the tree, of course he would climb right up it, and BTW, his Dad is a big tree climber. Megan what we need now is a good ole tropical storm, not too big, just the rain from it....I will be battling the heat today to get back to D.C.

floralgirl said...

Many times the only thing that does break our dry pattern is the remnants from a tropical storm. Right now too hard a rain will be devastating,the ground is so dry. we are at least 10-12 inches down for the year. I had just under 2" of rain for the months of May and June combined. That is horrible. Every year the summers get drier here. Last year was awful from July on, this year we never even got nice spring rains. Might be time to start rethinking what I do for a living. Either that or start growing cactus. Off with my frozen Gatorades, time to go back outside while it's still bearable. By 1 pm yesterday it felt like the sun was burnig a hole through my skin. Stay inside in AC if you can.

movin said...

Good morning, everyone.

I saw a little bit of the W. Duck chicks climbing up to the entrance and disappearing, but now it looks like the side of the box is open.

Did somebody open it to remove the last 2-3 chicks?


normabyrd said...

HI JIM---I found it hard to figure out what exactly was happening---Seems a crow or crows got in the box when Momma Duck was out---I think they (workers) helped the ducks get out then----one was lost--but they say they will attempt to put the DUCK w/family when they find it----2nd Momma is on pond with the "LITTLE QUACKS"----did i totally confuse everyone?

normabyrd said...

PA FALCON atop the light!!!

normabyrd said...

Seems to be a SLOW day!!---NORFOLK SITE---an MT LIMB-----RICHMOND HIGH-RISE----MT---Window removed---doesn't say where the CHICK might be-------

KENT "GENIUSES"----ALBERT in nest---EINSTEIN nearby on a limb stump---

normabyrd said...

SWALLOW nesting in BB NEST----?

normabyrd said...

The "ATLANTA BEAUTY" & LUN LUN are "ROMPING"---BUTA BUTA seems to have a "foot fetish"---KEEPS CHEWING ON ONE OF LUN LUN'S FOOT & THEN THE OTHER!!!----They are inside in a small room!!

normabyrd said...

CT OSPREY SITE---2 CHICKS---They seem to have grown since yesterday!!---

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all. Juvie closeup in VA - Limuw eating Nestovers at SC.

paula eagleholic said...

CT chicks - the oldest is 7 wks old today, the other one is 3 days younger.

normabyrd said...


paula eagleholic said...

Juvie gone in VA, time to move the camera!!

normabyrd said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...