Friday, July 27, 2007


New thread.


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MITS said...

Good a.m. again!!!!

MITS said...

Thanks for the Friday thread, Steven and have a good weekend....

Robyn said...

Morning Mits

movin said...




Robyn said...

Thanks for the new thread Steven

MITS said...


normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!---HELLO #1 PERSON!!----MITS----That ocean weather agrees with you!!!--THANKS STEVEN FOR THE NEW THREAD & THANKS MEGAN FOR THE UPDATE!!---Delighted to hear your daughter is feeling better---WONDERFUL NEWS!!---HELLO EVERYONE THAT'S ON THE BLOG!!!---Must go back & check---I know I saw MITS--SUZANNE--JO---MEGAN--ROBYANN, et al!!!!--BEAUTIFUL SUNNY DAY IN WV---temp 65°---Had about 15 min. of rain & thunder last night!!---Will keep DANCIN' MEGAN!!!

MITS said...

Still in Bethesda, Norma:).

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MOVIN'JIM---CANDY---& WANDA---I checked in last nite & SUZANNE---I was delighted----ALBERT was back!!!----I figure he was probably just sitting higher up in the tree & we couldn't see him!!!----ho!----AAAH HE'S COOL!!

MITS said...

TAI SHAN is taking a dip in the pool.

normabyrd said...

MITS---I thought you were down by the "sea shore"---ho!----MYSTERIOUS MITS!

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steven. Have a wonderful weekend!
Yo, thanks for the heads up, Mits!
Morning, Robyn, Jim, and Norma. Robyn I read your comment on the last blog, glad to hear Tori's doing so well already! Bet she's happy she can do underwater flips and stuff now! That's great!
Geesh, another lucky person got rain, Normabyrd! Wanda did too. Rest of us haven't seen rain in forever!
Fin cam is locked up, but got a pic of dad flying in to join mom and kid. Oh, must have heard me, there it went. Cool. Raining on the other cam, MT nest and boats are still out.
There is an eaglet in kent, but don't know who.
Norma, saw one of your storks this am, came in and laid down for a while, then left.

Suzanne said...

Oh, both in Kent. One in nest, one on tree!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning again! Sure had enough notices that Steven had given us the new thread. lol
It is a beautiful morning but we sure could use rain!
Going to do some things around here. Will check in a little later.

Suzanne said...

Ok, they each have their own tree now.

Robyn said...

Wish it was 65 here, sun is pounding down hard, you can feel the heat and the humidity. Feels like it is 90 outside already

Suzanne said...

Mom off feather nest!!!

MITS said...

Tai is out of the pool and the race is on to dry off.

movin said...

I can kind a make out the 3 chicks in the swallow nest...


MITS said...

Yes, Norma, like to keep you guessing:)

Suzanne said...

Mom's back.

normabyrd said...

THE KENTS are getting some R & R---(DID I PHRASE THAT CORRECTLY?)---ho!-----They seem to be getting FOOD some where---growing--growing!

Suzanne said...

Both still in Kent, one in nest doing wing flaps, one on tree just watching!

Suzanne said...

Oops, one in nest left. One still in tree.

Suzanne said...

LOL, Norma, they sure are. Got that teenage energy thing going on now!

Suzanne said...

Now both gone.

MITS said...

And so does Tai, he is back in the pool

normabyrd said...

MS FIN & LITTLE FIN are both in the nest!!---Just hangin' out!!--Unless waiting for food from DAD!

Suzanne said...

BW osprey took off, both kids took off in Kent, Fin chick getting fed, Benicia owls sleeping, raining in Finland, 2nd site, and Mrs Swallow back on her 3 little chicks. Finally light enough that you can almost make them out! And Eggbert. Man, he found out what wings were for and he's out and about. He sure doesn't check in much anymore!

movin said...

Got to go to work...heard rumor of 'restructuring' today. If they are offering a good termination package, I might be interested.


normabyrd said...

Yesterday---they couldn't keep up with the "LITTLE PRINCE"---They kept losing him!!!---In ATLANTA--I see LUN LUN eating bamboo--but don't see the "ATLANTA BEAUTY!--Probably asleep over the hammock!!

Mema Jo said...

Go for it Jim. However, they may just mean a different place to sit!

normabyrd said...

I haven't see the SWALLOW CHICKS yet!!---MOM is on the nest now!!---She looks so glamorous with her feathery background!!

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---You have touched all bases---ho!----Did I tell you yesterday they had the STORK NEST so low---I actually saw two kids ride by on their bikes!!!---

Mema Jo said...

If you get a chance, go to IWS Discussion Forum under the last 2 dates of the IWS UPDATES. Pictures are awesome

MITS said...

JIM, that would be great, would leave you time to visit us:).

Suzanne said...

Oh wow, Norma, no you didn't. Bet that was cool! That would probably freak me out, though. To see a nest and kids riding by on their bikes! I would think they had VERY LARGE tires! (LOL)
Jim, good for you. Good luck, hope you get something out of this you want!
Thanks for the heads up on IWS, Jo, I'll go check it out.

MITS said... are great.

Suzanne said...

2 fishcrows in BW nest.
Ah, Mom and chick are grooming in Finland. Still raining on other nest.
both owls in for the night in Benicia. Mom on swallow chicks. Norma, I'll send you a couple pics. You can almost make out the babies. Well, you can, you just have to look hard.

normabyrd said...

WOW!!---Thanks JO!---GREAT PHOTOS by STEFFI!!----The scenery in that area is AWESOME!!----Isn't it?

normabyrd said...

THANKS SUZANNE----I will 'LOOK HARD'---Promise!!---ho!---The bike riders were riding through on the STORKS'S LEFT!---must be a side street going thru there!!---

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD MORNING ROBYN AND NORMA. I am back for a second after checking out my email. Now I am ready to bird watch.

JIM I hope you get news that you want to hear one way or the other.

ROBYN It is sooo good to hear that Tori is feeling better. The anxiety part is now behind you and you can all go on and have a wonderful rest of the trip. Enjoy and see everything there is to see.

MITS One of your pandas is busy inside keeping cool and playing with a ball. The other one is sacked out on a rock trying to keep cool. Maybe he was the one in the water earlier.

carolinabeachmom said...

NORMA Where are your storks? Saw one earlier this morning, but none it there now. They must have eaten and left. Yesterday during feeding time, there was a little tussle over who was getting what during one feeding. I was expecting one of the storks to be pushed out ot the nest.

normabyrd said...

The FIN CHICK---Showing his "WING SPAN" again---MOM ignores him!!---If you notice---MOM'S BAND is silver & on her RIGHT leg & the CHICK'S is silver on the LEFT RING!

MITS said...

Mei is on cam #1 and Tai is on Cam #2, right now.

carolinabeachmom said...

MITS Thanks for the info. I have a hard time telling them apart.

normabyrd said...

PLEASE DON'T TELL JO OR MITS!!---The FIN MOM has band on her LEFT leg & FIN CHICK'S is on his RIGHT-----(have a problem with L & R)!!!

MITS said...

LOL.....didn't we have this discussion yesterday, no worries CANDY, I get tell them apart alot either.

floralgirl said...

Oh, I'm not telling.. unless Jo still has your cane.

normabyrd said...

CANDY---STORKS--MT NEST---They have adjusted the NEST AGAIN---Checking every now & then---They seem to enjoooooy flying!!---ho!

normabyrd said...

MEGAN----What are you not telling???----I gave the CANE to JO on the 14th---NOW TELL ME???

floralgirl said...

I'm not telling that you don't know your left from right...oops, I just did.

normabyrd said...

CANDY---I can almost tell the PANDAS apart----TAI'S fur is whiter on his rear side!!!---It is harder for me when they are lying down--

Mema Jo said...

Tell Norma, Megan - whatever it is that you're not telling. I don't feel like canning anyone although my cane is within arm's reach!

Norma, I still have not been able to see that crazy nest when it is lowered! You definitly mean the Storchennest site - tight?

normabyrd said...

MEGAN---THANKS!!---I am sure they know!-----It is HARD for me!--ho!-----Getting a bit WARMER in this area---73° now!!!---(seen any more snakes?)---

Mema Jo said...

Oops is right! Norma's ok with her left and right except when she gets in her car lol I love ya Norma!

Suzanne said...

Gonna try and sneak out a few minutes early. All have a great weekend. Other than getting my 5 week clip and dip tomorrow, my plans are to spend the weekend with Harry! If it's nice, I get to sit outside and read. Outdoor Kitty Tat sits at my feet...doesn't want on lap, doesn't try to close book, just snoozes while I read. Very nice!
Still raining in Finland, some of the boats are coming back, but osprey nest is MT and wet. Fin chick laying down, Mom doing flaps now. That's a switch. Mrs S on babies, Kent totally MT, Eggbert totaly gone exploring his new world, burrowing owl cam on, nobody out yet, owl still in hotel, and I've already closed the other cams.
Have a good one! Everybody stay healthy and get healthy.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

normabyrd said...


Mema Jo said...

CU Monday Suzanne

Wonder where Paula is? I don't think I missed her being on yet today.

normabyrd said...

JO---Same STORK nest---They lower the nest up & down & over & back!!---It appears to be up today!!---But some times you see cars going by & sometimes up on a higher road-CANDY & I have both heard children laughing, etc.--you can see the lawn then---ho!---(have done my share of STORK watching)---CANDY too---I think!! ho!

Mema Jo said...

Sure is Panda Nap Time!!

normabyrd said...

JO!---Did you notice the pic BOB QUINN had of a rabbit----I swear it didn't look real---Coloring was unbelievable!!---It looked as if an artist had painted it----BEAUTIFUL!----I watch rabbits from my kitchen window most every day!!----some times they will lie down on their side under the shrubbery & appear to nap!!!--They are fun to watch!!

normabyrd said...

WOW JO!---SURE IS getting close to NORMABYRD'S nap time!!!---ho!

Mema Jo said...

I have been watching the rabbits out in the far back yard. I also have a really large fat groundhog that visits. Looks so funny when he runs.
The other day Ed was looking out and there sat the large red fox. The animals usually pass through our yard to go down to the creek (which is almost dry). Bob gets a good many pictures of the foxes.

Anne-Marie said...

Good Morning all, boy you guys have been busy this morning. It took forever to read the blog from last night and today. All is well here and its Friday. I really need it to be. I'm whipped. I wish someone up stairs in admin would hand me a severance . Oh well, I'm just thankful I have the job I do . I scan applications all day from people who would give anything for a job. I have no right to complain.
It will only be 95 today and the rest of the weekend so maybe I can get some yard work done. Rimind me of this when winter gets here and it rains for two months solid.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all...oops, it's afternoon. Been busy at work today, have to lurk. Did see chick at CT and LI cam. All have a great day!

paula eagleholic said...

We must have had a couple of drops of rain last night, my windshield was spotty....

I love rabbits!

Howdy, Anne!

normabyrd said...

GRIZZLY BEAR CAM is up!---Need to refresh now & then----"a curious bear has played with the cam"---

paula eagleholic said...

Lisa updated the Osprey cam web log and gallery

Anne-Marie said...

I got my paperwork last night for the cruise. I also got the price list for all the excursions. They run all the way from $35.00 to way over $100. for different tours. My tour to the"Russian American & Raptour Center" is $56.00. There is only time enough for one or two tours at each stop.Now what to pick. I am so excited I can hardly stand it.

normabyrd said...

The "ATLANTA BEAUTY" is asleep outside under the LOGS!!---Don't see LUN LUN!!!

paula eagleholic said...

I watched the grizzly cam yesterday. Saw a bear catch a salmon! They looked so nice and cool in the water.

paula eagleholic said...

Anna - I bet you're gonna have a blast!

Anne-Marie said...

Thanks Paula, I know AI will. What bear cam are you talking about?

Mema Jo said...

Anne, Give us the dates again for your Alaskan trip...

paula eagleholic said...

Anne-National Geographic

Grizzly Cam

Anne-Marie said...

I love that cam in the ocean. I saw a big red snapper a few minutes ago and all I could think about was garlic butter bar-b-que.The others are so pretty I couldnt eat them.
I had three praying mantis on my windshield this morning. It looked like they were having a prayer meeting. I hated to interupt them but I had to get to work. I put them on a big hydranga to continue their prayers.

Anne-Marie said...

I have to be in San Francisco on Sept 8th. I return on Sept 18th I just found out the Princess Cruises have a cam on board so you cam junkies can watch and see where I am and what I'm doing. I'll wave. I have a girl here at the office who watched her parents on their trip. I wonder what the cam sees? On my.....

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

ANNE-MARIE---Please wave!!!!---Probably as close I'll ever get to see ALASKA--ho!---Can't find anyone who can stand me that long OR I CAN STAND THEM THAT LONG---ho!-- BET you are EXCITED---Would give my right arm to go!!!---want to hear more!!!

normabyrd said...

ANNE-MARIE---Just an opinion---I always find it's best to get ONE of the BEST than TWO of the SO-SO!!!------(not talking about men) -----EXCURSIONS!!

Anne-Marie said...

Norma I didnt think I would ever go either. I just woke up one morning fed up with my life.All I do is work to exist. This is stupid. I was promised and promised . All broken.Then he died. My guy after him did the same. He is still promising. Big deal. So I started stashing a few dollars at a time. I'm not worried about being alone. I have the type of personality that I'm never alone for very long anyway. Potential friends are all over. I'm going to live a little before I die. Next year I'm going to stash for a trip to the east coast of Mexico. I want to see the ruins. My children are very supportive and loving. That I'm greatful for.

normabyrd said...

JO---One a.m., I came down & up against the window there were TWO BEAUTIFUL RED FOXES---I couldn't believe what I was seeing---THEY TOO, looked like story book foxes!!----I have a "darn" ground hog---wish he would leave--did you know they can climb up a tree!!---Need to call DNR!!----HAVEN'T HAD A EAGLE YET!! ho!

Anne-Marie said...

I remember the red squirrels and red foxes when I lived in New England. They are so beautiful. We dont have them here.

normabyrd said...

ANNE-MARIE---I love meeting new people & I start up conversations with total strangers too-------BUT "1 BIG" difference you are YOUNG & BEAUTIFUL!!!!

Anne-Marie said...

No I'm not! I'm pushing 66 and been there and done that!

normabyrd said...

CANDY---The STORK CHICKS are BACK!!!----They aren't as VOCAL as they usually are!!!----Is it feeding time???

normabyrd said...

LIGHTING & THUNDER & POURING RAIN-----HOPE IT'S COMING YOUR WAY MEGAN!!----SCHEDULED TO GO THROUGH BALTIMORE-----We get these about every day or so & it only rains for about 15 mins.---DANCE MEGAN DANCE!!!


Anne-Marie said...

Mrs S. is resting. Owl sleeping, Kent kids out of sight, Calif owls sleeping and TX owls have a little threesome going on. My, My. Back to work.

Robyn said...

Neat site of the Grizzlies

Mema Jo said...

Some rain drops are coming... Hopefully they started over at Megan's
Headed in to get ready for a dinner with daughter this evening.

paula eagleholic said...

Both Kent kids are home!

Anne-Marie said...

Paula, I will have to wait until I get homme to see the bears. My computer says "No access."

paula eagleholic said...

I spy some baby sparrows!

paula eagleholic said...

Kent kids waiting for lunch.

Anne-Marie said...

They are so tiny. Mom is never gone for very long. Food must be near.

Carol_in_WV said...

Hey - Norma - yes, I knew that groundhogs can climb trees. When I was married, we had a Norwegian Elkhound who would chase (and sometimes kill) groundhogs. Sometimes they would climb an apple tree in the orchard to get away from the dog. Just like others of you - I also have squirrels, groundhogs, rabbits and deer who visit my yard. There is a doe who is often as close as 10 feet from my house, eating grass in the morning. I don't mow my yard nearly as often as my neighbors, so I guess she prefers mine to theirs.

paula eagleholic said...

No lunch at Kent, eaglets left!

Just Vicky said...

Helloooooooo everyone!!! Just checking in so you don't forget me!

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

Hello Vicky - Did you see what I just did? lol

Just Vicky said...

Mema Jo, you're so silly!!! Thanks for the memories!!!

Just Vicky said...

Actually Mema Jo, I saw as soon as I posted that the next one was 100, but I resisted!!

Mema Jo said...

Headed out to dinner. BBL

glo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
glo said...

well ya just never know who might slip on in!!!

Sure looking forward to next Eagle Season with the cam and the sound...I haven't heard "THEIR" sound. OK so I am a little ahead of schedule but none the less bet i'm not alone.

Friday, July 27, 2007 6:26:00 PM

LOL Decided to fix my type in case Sharon should slip on in too. LOL

MITS said...


MITS said...

Glad to see the Grizzlies are back:).

Anne-Marie said...

Cleaning up my desk, tired and ready to call it a day. I got quite a bit done . going out with the girls. Have a nice evening.

MITS said...

there is a tour going on at the grizzly bears, some guy is talking about the bear fmilies.

MITS said...

Maybe it is offline, there is a close-uo of the bear eating a salmon

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy Mits - no rain to speak of here...rain gauge was MT

MITS said...

Thought we were going to get some rain here, but looks like the storms are disappearing the closer they get to the beach.....Darn, I like a storm at the beach.

Mema Jo said...

Slow evening. I am ready to hit the sack.

Good Night Everyone
Peace to you & yours
Prayers for all being said

paula eagleholic said...

Pleasant Dreams, Jo!

MITS said...


movin said...


Sleep well...


paula eagleholic said...

Good night, all!

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD MORNING TO ALL YOU SLEEPY HEADS! I thought I would be late getting on. The SWALLOW nest is still too dark to see.
NO HOODIES around yet.
STORK NEST IN GERMANT has one in nest resting.
NORMA's stork nest is just getting their food and noisy as ever.
ONE LONELY OSPREY in Connecticut nest.
Mom and Juvie in FINLAND NEST.
Suzanne's PA FALCON nest is MT

Guess I will go out and check some more. BB

carolinabeachmom said...

SANTA CRUZ nest is still down.
RICHMOND osprey nest MT.
PULESTIB osprey nest MT.
Camera trying to find Pands in Washington Zoo.
PANDA CAM off line in Atlanta.
Just a few FISH swimming in the Netherlands.
I guess it is too dark to see the bears yet in Alaska. :(
It just seems like not much is moving this morning like all you sleepyheads.

carolinabeachmom said...

Oh and as fare as my DRIVE INTO THE COMPUTER THIS MORNING, no deer, no bear, no racoons, no anything to get in my way. I just came from my bed, got my coffee and came right on into my computer without any disturbances.:) And BTW it is 79 here already AND no rain either. Like Mits says, it seems to disappear before it gets ot us folks at the ocean. Looks like another hot day here.

MITS, glad to hear you made it back to the beach for the weekend. Enjoy

JIM A very good morning to you. and now I guess I'll start my day and wait for you sleepy heads to arise.
Finished Harry Potter, so I guess I'll start another book. ALL HAVE A NICE SATURDAY! BBL

Robyn said...

Just popping in to say good morning to all and wishing everyone a wonderful healthy saturday. I will be back tonight as all my kin from Nawlins will be traveling into Gulfport for a family BBQ. It is amazng how big the chldren got after 9 years and how all we older folks expanded lol.

Happy bird watching, I'll catc up tonight :)


carolinabeachmom said...

HEY ROBYN So glad to hear that you are having a wonderful time. Sounds like there is more fun time to come. Enjoy the day.

Costume Lady said...

Candy; without giving anything away, did you enjoy the last Potter book and were you pleased with the way it ended?

It is so good to hear that you and the girls are having such a good time. How does Gulfport look following the Hurricane?

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all! I'll be lurking today. Lots to do at work!

Have a great one!

MITS said...

GOOD SATURDAY MORNING BLOGGER FRIENDS Candy, I'm at the beach now til August 7th..people are going to be in and out, then I go home for zoo and Maggies 1st BD celebration and back down here for a month. Only giving the zoo 2 days next month, no panda cub means less excitement...they are on panda cub watch out in San Diego, and read where the 4 yr old cub of Gao-Gao's is returning to China in the fall. ROBYN AND TORI sounds like a great time, cherish this time with your family:).

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning friends I am getting ready to go to picnic by the pond with family. Starts at noon until I want to come home I guess. Very local - just a short drive into Frederick. I'll return later this afternoon before I go to Mass.
Have a GREAT day Robyn by catching up with all that family you haven't seen for so long.
Wanda and Candy - Hold down the Nest!

Mema Jo said...

Hi there Mits!
Beautiful Beach Day!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning Mits and Jo, and I forgot to say morning to Candy earlier. Hope you have a great day Robyn.

2 chicks at CT, one at LI just flew off.

Sounds nice, Mits!

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNIN EAGLE BUDDIES!!!---Going to be a BEAUTIFUL--SUNNY-- WARM day in WV today!----temp. 78° this a.m.----EARLY RISER CANDY--ROBYN--WANDA---PAULA & MITS!!!---REMEMBER "BEACH BUNNY" if you get "lonely"---We are available to come "cheer you up"----We will bring the "cheer"!!!---ENJOY!--seems like yesterday that "Little MAGGIE" was born!!!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' JO!!---I envy you & ROBYN----JO you & your family have parties--dinners or picnics most every week----I might adopt a couple of your family members so I will be invited to all these fun functions----ROBYN----ENJOY your wonderful family---but you must travel to see yours---& that's a GOOD THING TOO!!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, Norma!

carolinabeachmom said...

WANDA On the Potter book, I'd have to give you a non answer; yes and no. Sorry

carolinabeachmom said...

WANDA I really enjoyed reading the book, but the ending I am undecided about.

MITS said...

Family get-togethers, are great, Jo, have a good time.

normabyrd said...

CANDY---ALL STORK CHICKS are in nest eating---CHESS--MILLA & GWEN!!----COOL NAMES---huh?---The ATLANTA CAM isn't available on Sat. & Sun.----We don't think it's fair---ho!!

Costume Lady said...

That's OK. I guess if you told me anything--you would have to kill me! lol

MITS said...

I'm watching QVC this afternoon between 1 and 3, they are doing a special program with sale donations going to the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund. A cause close to my heart, my Mother-in-Law passed away from this dreadful disease almost 3 yrs ago, less than 3 weeks before Annie and Kevin got married.

Costume Lady said...

Did you get any rain over your way last night? We got enough to wet the top layer of soil. Wasn't a good rain, but at this point, any rain is good.

normabyrd said...

MAMA FIN is feeding CHICK FIN now---This a.m. I watched that CHICK & WOULD have bet anything that he would fly off!!!----He would get to the edge of the nest---spread those beautiful wings---& STOP--He did that at least 3 times---But I guess he was waiting for food!!

Costume Lady said...

Did it rain at the Ocean? I'm like you; I love to see it rain at the Ocean.

normabyrd said...

THANKS MITS!---I will watch!!---I have lost 3 very dear friends in the past few years from cancer---SO VERY SAD!!

carolinabeachmom said...

MITS You are going to have yourself quite a treat with all that time spent at the beach. Hope we don't send up any hurricanes! :) Enjoy!

carolinabeachmom said...

JO How exciting and nice to be able to have the family gather together for a picnic. Lucky you. Keep your eyes to the sky from time to time to see what you can see and report back. Have a good time and eat, eat, eat.

carolinabeachmom said...

NORMA I was watching your noisy stork chicks be feed when I first got on this morning. I just love watching them, don't you?

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD MORNING MITS, JO NORMA, PAULA WANDA! i GUESS THAT IS IT FOR TODAY. Robyn already checked in while I was on earlier. I hope Suzanne gets to read her Harry Potter book today.
The rest of you should pick up and read yours too, and see how you like it all the way through to the end.

carolinabeachmom said...

MITS Thanks for the QVC head up. I had a teacher friend that taught in the room next to mine that fought breast cancer with all she had, but didn't make it. I still think of her often.

normabyrd said...

WANDA---Yes!--We had thunder--lighting---& a real down-pour for about 15 min.---This has happened the past 3-4 days-----Same thing forecast for today!!!----WILL KEEP DANCING MEGAN!!!

paula eagleholic said...

The bears are awake.

Morning, Wanda.

carolinabeachmom said...

MAMA osprey still on nest with Juvie in Finland. Maybe it will coax it to leave the nest today. There are not many babies left to watch. i see they even redid the top half of Beakspeak. Things are closing down.

MITS said...

WANDA no rain at the beach. CANDY A nice calm tropical storm would be nice:).

MITS said...

Off to see the bears, thanks, Paula:).

carolinabeachmom said...

THANKS PAUA for the heads up on the bears. I was just going to see if I could get them. They were off earlier. I also want to find the fish.

normabyrd said...

Think the "LITTLE PRINCE" is inside & tackling a VERY LONG piece of bamboo----Is it exam time MITS-??--We was on a table when I checked in-----

movin said...



carolinabeachmom said...

MITS I don't even know if I want to see that. We have been quite lucky in the 25 years I have lived here at the beach. The canal has never come up to our house yet; just to the middle of our road. But it does come over in other parts of Colington Harboour and the Colington Rd. that leads into the Harbour., and we get stuck in here. Had a couple of trees fall in our yard once, but nothing serious. After seeing New Orleans, I'm out of here the nest time. I don't want to press my luck. If you don't get out of hear early enough, all the tourists really muck up the
evacuation routes right up through. I would probably head west to 95 rather than go up through Virginia.

I went once to Raleigh. My son and I, in the early times, were all alone as my husband was either at 911 or at the fire station. My family wouldn't leave. Once my mother passed, I finally got my father to go with me to Raleigh and then we got stuck there and couldn't get back for a few days as all the roads to the Outer Banks were flooded. Whew, that was a long one. :)

carolinabeachmom said...


normabyrd said...

MORNIN' EAGLE BUDDY JIM!----Are you MOVIN' slow today??

carolinabeachmom said...

Boy those mears and that water sure cool me off a bit.

MITS said...

Candy, we only have 1 evacution RT, and that is RT 50, but I have been down here during many Nor'easters and they have lasted for days.

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

HEY!!----CHESS--MILLA & GWEN are back in nest eating AGAIN!!---I read that they will be as larger--or larger--than the adult stork when they FLEDGE!!---They are getting there!!!! ho!

carolinabeachmom said...

Noreasters don't bother me as much. We are kind of used to the high winds and heavy rains they bring. But hurricanes are another story.

NORMA I see all three of your storks very quietly and patiently waiting in the nest for something..

paula eagleholic said...

Eaglet at Kent if there's anyone out 1

paula eagleholic said...

Bear got him a nice fish!!

paula eagleholic said...

Bear having a nice salmon for lunch...they like sushi too!

paula eagleholic said...

Fishing is good today for the bears!

paula eagleholic said...

2 eaglets at Kent, waiting on lunch...

Night time for the storks.

Bears still fishing.

CT osprey chick eating a fish.

paula eagleholic said...

BTW, the storks had a bedtime snack...watched parent fly in oh so graceful and fed them...

paula eagleholic said...

One eaglet left at Kent - flaked out in the nest!

paula eagleholic said...

Fish tug-0-war in CT. One chick was stealing the fish from the other chick. The fish was stuck on the talons. Other chick tugged and tugged till that fish was his! Other osprey had one leg in air w/ fish stuck on it while other one tugged at it. Really comical!!

paula eagleholic said...

Kent eaglet up in the tree.

paula eagleholic said...

See ya later!!

normabyrd said...

ALBERT is in the nest & I think EINSTEIN is up on a limb---Waiting for FOOD????

normabyrd said...

FIN SITE---Almost dark!!----But the FIN CHICK is snoozing in nest alone!!! ------

CT OSPREY CHICK in nest with ADULT OSPREY---CHICK flew off!!

movin said...

If you look now, you might see 3 swallow chicks.

movin said...

I don't know if anyone has been watching McNeil Falls yet, it seems to be active again with some good shots of bears and gulls.


movin said...

Mama swallow is back, but you could see 3 long-necked, bobble- headed, featherless chicks stretched out across the nest...heads pointed to about 9:30 on the clock.


normabyrd said...

HI JIM----Was watching some different STORKS---Beautiful BIRDS!!---Watched the GRIZZLIES yesterday---but want to check them again----

normabyrd said...

I have the hardest time viewing the SWALLOW NEST!!----I see her & it appears she may have added another feather----But I can't seem to see the little 'PEEPS'---

movin said...

Hi, Norma,
There are a bunch of bears enjoying the waters, if nothing else.

I was thinking the salmon hadn't arrived yet, but then I saw 2-3 big ones leap upward in the white water.

One bear was just sitting in the shallows on the left, when a large salmon jumped right in front of him, and he caught it as it slipped back down the falls.

Some great close ups of bears.


normabyrd said...

THANKS!!---I guess I was expecting a larger bird---They are so very tiny!!----I hope they survive!!

carolinabeachmom said...

Hey JIM and NORMA! I think we have a lot of Potter readers, plus Jo went on a family picnic and then to mass.

Bear cam is all blurry at the moment. Don't know what happened.

Still can't get into Santa Cruz. Maybe they have closed it for the season.

Mama Swallow is off her nest again and then back.

normabyrd said...

LOVE the BEARS!!----It is so refreshing to watch!!---The cold surf & the salmon!!

movin said...

You can only see the chicks when she is out of the nest. But she has to leave to hunt insects fairly often, and dusk is approaching........


normabyrd said...

DID you check the KENT KIDS!!---I am very fond of ALBERT!!---He needs some one to care for him!! ho!

carolinabeachmom said...

Finally got a little soft rain this afternoon, but didn't get much. So I guess I can't send mych up to you all.

I don't know if it is daylight or night setting in, but it looks brighter in Fin nest and he is looking like he is getting to get some food or do wingflaps. Time will tell.

Now the bear cam is better. It sounds if they have some men working on it.

carolinabeachmom said...

If you want to give a listen, someone is talking to someone else about the camera and how to fix.

movin said...

Hi, Candy,
The cams on Catalina are all down because the fog is too heavy for the solar power panels to charge the batteries. And on Santa Cruz the computer or server on the mainland has troubles...the repair dude is on vacation.

I think the season will essentially be over by the time they get the cams operating again.


movin said...

Sounds like there's a ham radio guy on the sound track at McNeil Falls.


carolinabeachmom said...

NORMA Both kids in Kent. I guess they must be resting or waiting for a food drop.

The guy on the bear cam has been quite interesting talking about the bears; about 22 bears around 2:30pm
Give a listen. A male and 2 females they have identified right now. Seem to be catching fish.

carolinabeachmom said...

JIM Thanks for letting me know. I won't try to get into them anymore. I wonder if the guy knows that he is on the pc bear cam? He is giving some interesting info.

normabyrd said...

WOW!----Lots of BEARS!!---I didn't see this many yesterday---I am getting a conversation between to workers discussing the bears!!----eating habits, weight etc--to the fishing in the area!!---kinda interesting!! He is giving the names of the bears---

movin said...

It might have been a ranger talking to visitors to the park.

More bears are 'swimming' into the picture.


Mema Jo said...

Hello Norma, Candy and Jim. You three are keeping this blog alive tonight!
I love the McNeil site but I guess it will be more interesting with conversations going on. The sound of the rushing water is very soothing!
I have NOT picked up my Potter book and started to read yet. I have too many little things to do to get ready for this Tues biopsy appointment that I thought I would keep it in order to pass the time while I am in for the hospital stay. That is along with riding a statonary bike in the to get me up & going - I will KILL anyone who comes into my room with a camera! lol

normabyrd said...

HI CANDY!!----I have been watching the bears & hearing the discussion about them!!---Very interesting---He said they name them---Best way to keep track of them---I heard him say--people think it's crazy to see him out watching the bears with a computer on his lap---But the only way they can keep up with them----HE SAID THIS IS THE MODERN AGE!! It's beautiful there this evening---isn't it!!

Mema Jo said...

Hubby has said that he will bring me a lap top when I feel up to it. I will miss you and your chatter.

Picnic was great! All 5 of the great- grandkids were there. Loved it!
In case you didn't notice, my middle name is "Family".

Did you get your usual Sat calls today Norma?

carolinabeachmom said...

I guess there are alot of bears. Must be dinner time in Alaska! Watching the water makes me feel cool.

He was definitely talking to someone about the bears and the cam. Interesting.

carolinabeachmom said...

NORMA I heard him talking. Wasn't it neat. One bear was named Crescent, and I forgot the rest.

carolinabeachmom said...

Welcome back JO. Glad to hear you had a nice time at your family picnic. And you have great grandchilcren to boot. How lucky you are.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...