Friday, February 09, 2007


new thread.


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MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

You're right Norma LIFE IS GOOD

normabyrd said...

MITS---This is the first time I have seen an eagle in the nest at KENT----Saw one on the side of the tree on cam 1 once---

MITS said...

NORMA, I think they will be laying their eggs soon at KENT:).

normabyrd said...

I really miss seeing BUTA BUTA on weekends----That was a riot yesterday---They were in the big room----LUN LUN kept holding her down & then LUN LUN picked up the bucket & began to play w/it---Little BEAUTY went flying across the room to the little door---looked back at Mom a couple of time & those little "black legs" went flying through the door---Next scene--LUN LUN & BUTA are both back in that small room---

normabyrd said...

When do you think MAINE might start nesting?

MITS said...

Not sure, Norma, might go to sight to see when it started last year.

normabyrd said...

Last year--eggs in March---hatched in April---That puts them about a month behind us---

MITS said...

Thanks, Norma, since they are so fAR NORTH of us , that makes sense.

floralgirl said...

So glad to see the cam up! Bright sunny picture, it ain't perfect, but at least we have a pic!

MITS said...

Yes, Megan, at least we have a pic:).

Mema Jo said...

Both Eagles at nest - now you can see Belle in the forefront (6:00) and Liberty on the eggs.

Mema Jo said...

They are beautiful

MITS said...

Belle has a big head.

Mema Jo said...

WOW Look at those 2 eggs!

Mema Jo said...


Do you think she is eating lunch

Mema Jo said...

Guess it is ok to be off the eggs for 15 minutes... Sun is shinning

MITS said...

Jo, remember that Lisa, at BW, said it was ok, and like you said, look how high that nest is.

Mema Jo said...

Yes I guess I do. Do you think she is now sitting on them?

Mema Jo said...

Well I thought she was on them BUT now it looks like she is NOT.

Mema Jo said...

I am sure that Momma eagle knows best.
Now as to the height of the side:
How are those poor little babies
going to be able to keep that nest
clean & get their poop shoots up &
over the sides. They might turn out to be white walled sides!

paula eagleholic said...

You have to remember she is the bigger eagle, so she will sit higher...I guess that we can tell that way, too.

floralgirl said...

You are right, Momma knows best!

Mema Jo said...

That's a good point. When Liberty was on earlier he did look like he was down farther then how Belle looks.

Mema Jo said...

I agree Megan

Mema Jo said...

Paula I am going to need a calculator to vote at least an educated guess on the new polls!!

MITS said...

Hey, Paula, how are you???

normabyrd said...

HEY EAGLE WATCHERS!----Finally dressed----must go buy a "zillion" Valentines----Should have done this two weeks ago----KEEP THOSE EGGS WARM----LIFE IS GOOD!---EAGLES ON ALMOST ALL THE NESTS!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Had to put a lot of choices in , First egg could have been laid anywheres from Jan 31 to Feb 7 or 8...second egg usually 1-2 days later...real guessing game....

paula eagleholic said...

Turning eggs now.

paula eagleholic said...

Combine that egg laying period with estimated incubation time of 32-38 days....and well, yup, you need a calculator and calendar and pencil and paper and.....

Mema Jo said...

That was a good 'turning' of the eggs Could only slightly see them at one point.

Mema Jo said...

Paula - ... & one lucky educated Guess! It will be fun! The last poll for How Many held true IF she doesn't lay one more egg! Who knows?

sandyshaw said...

Hello, all. Remember, TRUST THE EAGLES!

Norma, I think we must be sisters under the skin. The only person I know gets dressed later than I do--mother and I usually wander around in our popovers until lunch time to the horror of our more disciplined friends and neighbors.

Mema Jo said...

Do you all think or know that the Norfolk Botanical cam is not up on weekends? At least you can't get it up now - can you?

Mema Jo said...

Well, Sandra don't feel alone anymore. If you, Norma & I were to get together early afternoon we would all be in the same attire. That's part of retirement for me.
Only if I am freezing cold do I dress quickly in something very warm-like put my socks on! lol

MITS said...

I e-mailed that VA site yesterday, still waiting for reply...AND I JUST GOT DRESSED...DRIVES HUBBY CRAZY, he is the disciplined one in this house.

Mema Jo said...

Lord BW taking charge of their nest. The example Lisa/BW gave us as to the length of the female vs male might be the best way to tell them apart when they are nesting on the eggs.

Mema Jo said...

Good, Mits! You are now added to our PJ Party list!

Mema Jo said...

Oh how I wish our cam picture were as clear as BW cam picture!
Oh! I didn't say that --
Bad Bad Bad


floralgirl said...

Well, if we're being honest here, I only got dressed at 11 am, cause daughter had friends coming over. They are sooo noisy, but it is a joyful noise. I think the walls are shaking.... oh, man they are eating all the snacks, they just stole Vicky's oatmeal raisin cookies! (good thing the choc. chip cookies are hidden in the freezer!

MITS said...

Hey, Jo, was early today, because hubby is home...I MEAN IT DRIVES HIM UP ON SIDE OF THE WALL AND DOWN THE OTHER....MAKES ME LAUGH:):):)

MITS said...


sandyshaw said...

OK, I smell a 1:00 pm pajama party. Let's see, Megan brings the cookies, Mits brings the g&t, Mema brings the lasagna, Norma brings her charming self, and I'll make the coffee. Sounds like fun.

MITS said...

I'm sending the 250lbs of wax to Hubby:):):)!

MITS said...

SANDY, got to be Bloody Marys' for brunch:):), nothing goes better with lasagna and choc chip cookies.

floralgirl said...

oh, wait, I'll have a mimosa!!

Mema Jo said...

Sound great to me!!

In reality - that would be a blast

sandyshaw said...

You're right Mits. What was I thinking?

Mema Jo said...

I'll have what Megan is having! lol
just what is it?

paula eagleholic said...

OK, Jo I can say it.

I am thankful we have a lousy picture.

floralgirl said...

orange juice and champagne. Don't worry, the champagne I like is only about $9.00 A BOTTLE.

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at NE

MITS said...

I like Mimosas too:). Then if we stay long enough, we can have G&T'S

floralgirl said...

Sounds like a plan...if it's brunch, I make really good pancakes, too:)

MITS said...

I can't get on to BW, whatsup with that?????

sandyshaw said...

OK Megan, pancakes calls for some of Danny's bacon from the market. It's soooo good!

sandyshaw said...

I can't get on to BW either, Mits.

MITS said...

anybody watching the zoo??? Don't know what is going on there?

paula eagleholic said...

MY BW is good...

MITS said...

All 3 pandas are in the chutes, and Brian, Brenda and Lisa the keepers are there.

MITS said...

They must be changing yards.

MITS said...

eagle just flew away at NE.

sandyshaw said...

OK BW is back up again. Paula did it.

MITS said...

Gee, already at lunch, but bacon and pancakes sound really good...going to try BW again.

floralgirl said...

My BW cam is still up. boy, I am getting hungry....

MITS said...

Got BW again, maybe they were making some adjustments. DON'T FORGET IF WE DO NOT GET A NEW THREAD. WE HAVE A 0 ONE FROM LAST SUNDAY.

wvgal_dana said...

I just had chicken rice soup with club crackers. It tasted good.

You all talking about food then I look at Sandra's chicken pic. Boy that chicken would really taste good all fixed up. OOoooppss sorry Sandra lol

MITS said...

Megan, we got to have MAPLE SYRUP, with those pancakes and bacon:):):)!

Mema Jo said...

Paula You are so tactful!! lol

MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
paula eagleholic said...

They are testing the video out at WE nest....last years banding day was just showing...

Mema Jo said...

Mits Good to keep the empty thread in mind. Might just come in handy.

I love pancakes & maple syrup and I would like some scrambled eggs too with the bacon.........

I now need to go get dressed for the day!!!

Mema Jo said...

MITS After yesterday's excitement YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED

Thanks Paula! Geesh! I thought we
were going to have something going again!!!!

MITS said...

Where did you read that, Paula??

Mema Jo said...

BBL - early Evening

paula eagleholic said...

I want sausage...and grits, too.

wvgal_dana said...

Is there a "take out" for these pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon and maple syrup?????? If so I'll send Ed over to pick up 2 orders ok???

MITS said...

Yes, don't forget the scrambled eggs and Entenmann's' coffee cake

Mema Jo said...

Came back to tell you that Lisa at BW was updating her Nest Report.....
That's probably what it was.

floralgirl said...

No problem, I've got maple syrup, just have to decide on the pancakes, banana, blueberry or gingerbread... Had to take the dog out, think his sensitive ears were bleeding from all the teenage shrieking going on downstairs...

wvgal_dana said...

I like the bacon Ed likes the sausage sounds yummie

paula eagleholic said...

You can really tell now that is Belle in the nest...little porker takes up the whole nest!

paula eagleholic said...

I joined their was just noted on there...I dunno, maybe I should have let ya'll look a little longer without tellin' ya :):)

But like Jo Said...after yesterdays' excitement...

glo said...

Hi everyone..feels so happy and fun in here now even with a not always so great picture it just plain old feels good to see our eagles again!!! Still not gonna be watching continuously...slept a while, eating some although you have all made me kind of hungry LOL Will check back later...guess I missed the person in the nest at west end :)

MITS said...

Now, tell me, honestly, if one of you had gone to that sight and seen that, you all would have raced your little fingers and typed as fast as you could with the info for the blog....I would have liked to have seen the whole video.

paula eagleholic said...

I taped some of it...and if I find somewhere there who taped all of it, I'll post the info on here for you...

paula eagleholic said...

Would anyone like to see the banding day of A-49..think I can find the link for it later it you would like. She was the chick last year from the Santa Cruz nest.

MITS said...

Thanks, Paula.

Mema Jo said...

Hey there Mits! I sure as heck would have had a fit!! I just don't know why it always has to happen to you, my friend. lol

ok go to BW and read the nest updates. Great schedule in there
for there open house!!! What say?

I really am out of here till dark

wvgal_dana said...

Checked out the Momsters Album hey Paula some nice shots in there. ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Mits looks like whatever was going on at the zoo with the cage thing. They let Mei and Tai out into the yard. All's good.

floralgirl said...

Thanks for the heads up, Jo. Lisa's updates are always so interesting. Open house sounds gfreat, as usual.

floralgirl said...

Oh, I meant great, not gfreat. Where is that proofreader?? BBL , take pics please if anything interesting happens. Gotta work on taxes:( and seed sowing schedule:) Spring just ain't that far away:) Hey Mits, great chatting with ya, learn something new every day!PEACE

Mema Jo said...

I forgot something to tell you

Lisa gave our eagles a very nice plug about our 2 eggs and that the cam is up. That was great of her to do that. Gotta meet that gal

MITS said...

As usual a great job, by Lisa, and a nice plug for NCTC site....Nice chatting with you too, Megan:):):).

Mauley said...

Dana do you have 300 pounds of wax?

Mauley said...

Dana, you can't eat Chanticleer. He is FAMOUS>

paula eagleholic said...

Official Banding Video of A-49 from Santa Cruz Nest last year

Youtube video:

Mauley said...


glo said...

2 eggs nice and clear right now

Mema Jo said...

Almost ready to leave house for Mass.

That is a meal being eaten -
was it just brought in or is it

Mema Jo said...

Those eggs really are large...

I think we're going to just see 2
raised this year... depending upon the date the last one was laid of

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Paula - I'll catch it when I return.

paula eagleholic said...

Don't know if it was leftovers from before...but there is leftover there now....looks like deer meat dinner, again!

MITS said...

Oh deer...hope it is not the same road-kill from a couple of weeks ago.

MITS said...

Eagle just landed at Maine.

wvgal_dana said...

both eagles in Maine

normabyrd said...

MITS---If you read Lisa's "EAGLE WEB CAM LOG"------way down in the log you can see the photos of the eagle banding at SC----Then the man that did the banding---gives his thoughts about climbing up. how long he stays---holding the eaglet, etc.--It's GOOD READ---makes you feel you are there with him----Also shows an eagle third eyelid---can down load--

normabyrd said...

BEAUTIFUL--2 in MAINE---Didn't it have color before?

normabyrd said...

NO eagle at Kent---

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Norma now it is on the infra-red for night vision. Both eagles just left Maine.

normabyrd said...

Earlier, I think it was JO said the Norfolk cam is up on the weekend----I couldn't see anything this a.m---just guessed it was me!

normabyrd said...

Thanks DANA----I would never figured that out----DAAAAH!----So did you all find a place to eat---I am about to starve---I love scrambled eggs--sausage---etc.

wvgal_dana said...

I think they all were talking food. Each finally going their own way Norma. Food oh I'm hungry.

wvgal_dana said...

I think it is Tuesday is suppose to be "bad weather". These eagles better pern their feathers alot. So they will keep warm.

normabyrd said...

DANA----Sorry----Didn't mean to just take off---phone----Later---Need food too!---ho! ho!

normabyrd said...

Must see if TAI is tucked in too!-----The Little Prince isn't getting enough attention with all the eagles!!!!---LOVE HIM!

glo said...

Have had my shower, in my P J's jsut ate something. Anytime after 8 I can let my dogs out for the last time and will be calling it a day here. turned off the cam now too hard to see it. One day closer to an eaglet. I work tomorow. Hope you all have a restufl night and a good day.

floralgirl said...

Hey Jo- I just won a dollar!! LOL

Mema Jo said...

Hello Eagle Watchers... As I can see on the cam, the eagle spirits are surrounding & protecting our nesting eagle! The spirits look very powerful tonight - you can't hardly see through them there are so many!

I am playing games & paying bills
So I will check back over to see if
anyone shows up this Saturday Night.

MITS said...

I feel like I'm looking thru a cataract....

Mema Jo said...

Hey There Megan!
I won $300,000 with my good old
lucky number 13!
I sent it to you, Dana & Glo since I thought you 3 usually watched it in the past.

Anyway, your comment popped up & I was sure no one was here. It was like you knew I was coming.

Mema Jo said...

MITS It's sure not a Spidey!

movin said...

Nest building activities are heating up out West here...

Kent, Catalina (at least two of the nests).

Have a good weekend,

MITS said...

Never did hear from the VA people regarding their cam, but Peter from West End e-mailed me back to say he was checking on some lines about a mile from the nest, and he was showing the banding video from the "2000" season, and he will not be going up til there are eggs in the nest:):)!

Mema Jo said...

JIM You are too fast for any of us to catch you! Did you see your name on the headlines in BEAKSPEAK.COM???

Mema Jo said...

Mits: Sent you a game..

Pull up
Look at the notices in the block with orangish coloring.
See the Jo & Jim P.

WV is being noted again - just like in Lisa's Nest Update. Liberty & Belle putting Shepherdstown WV on the map! Whoo Hoo!

MITS said...

10 BUCKS :):):)!

Mema Jo said...

Mits the email from the PhD was at the West End Nest???

What did he mean: I won't go to the nest until we have eggs to remove.

MITS said...

Looking for blocks with oranges color???????

Mema Jo said...

One block
So it isn't orangish It is really like a salmon/peachy L
Look for FWS NCTC & BW names
up top

Mema Jo said...

Did you find it:

MITS said...

DUH ME...forgot to go to Birdcams, was looking on the homepage, but found it.....Jo, I think I will have to read the page again that some of the adult eagles at the other Californina nest, were at one times eggs at the WEST END nest...the story is there somewhere.

MITS said...

I won a penny that time...whoopee!!!

MITS said...

How embarassing if someone goes to Beakspeaking and clicks on the NCTC cam, and sees the cloudy cam!

movin said...

Sorry too fast, Mema Jo..went back to the Santa Catalina nests for a while, but I think they have all cleared out for the night now.

Yes, I saw that Jason had added the WV nest at the top of the page.

As for what Dr. Sharpe meant about "eggs to remove," they always collect the eggs on Catalina and replace them with goose eggs (because of the lasting presence of DDT in the area). Then they hatch the eggs in an incubator, and later foster them out to one of the nests when they are 2-3 days old.

Last year the Santa Cruz pair hatched the first egg naturally (and raised the chick to fledging) in 50 years on the Channel Islands, so maybe the DDT is dissipating in the waters around those islands...hope so.


MITS said...

Thanks for the great info, JIM. I've been busy playing Deal or no Deal...its easy to go for broke when it is not real money:).

Mema Jo said...

Ok Jim, Now I know what you meant a while back when you said about Santa Cruz hatching the 1st egg in 50 years!

Jim, BW has Nest updates on the eagle cam to the left that are really interesting

Mema Jo said...

Megan: forgot to ask. Do you still have a downstairs down there?

Mema Jo said...

MAN! was at the last square
It could either be $400 or
$300,000.........I won $300,000

floralgirl said...

NO DEAL, NO DEAL! DAng, my case had $10.00 in it..big money... Yes, Jo- they all went home, walls are still standing, although they ate ALL Vicky's cookies. Then daughter gave me the big ole puppy eyes and asked to go home with one of her friends. So of course I said yes, so it's really QUIET here now. Only thing is, the dog hates it when she is not here, and he is pouting, and I keep hearing him SIGHING. He will be a wreck until she comes home tomorrow.

paula eagleholic said...

The northern Channel Islands are not as affected by the DDT contamination at Catalina Island was and still is affected. There were literally thousands of tons of DDT dumped into the ocean near Catalina Island

paula eagleholic said...

From the website.

Between 1947 and 1961 an estimated 37 to 53 million liters of DDT-contaminated acid sludge, containing 348-696 metric tons of DDT, was disposed of in an ocean dump site 16 km northwest of Catalina Island. In addition, it was estimated that another 1800 metric tons of DDT was discharged from the Joint Water Pollution Control Plant outfall, 3.3 km offshore of Palos Verdes Peninsula (Chartrand et al. 1985). The introduction of DDT into the Santa Monica Basin marine ecosystem was implicated in the decline of two other piscivorous bird populations on the Channel Islands, the brown pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis) and the double-crested cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus) (Risebrough et al. 1971, Gress et al. 1973). These declines coincided with the decline of bald eagles as a breeding species on the Channel Islands.

The use of DDT was banned in the United States in 1972. By the late 1970s other bird species that had been affected by the pesticide, such as pelicans and cormorants, were again successfully breeding.

MITS said...

Well it is wonderful to see them taking care of the eagles there. I really like WE site.

paula eagleholic said...

The company that did it had to pay big $$$ to help restore the islands and the eagles...

You can read more about it at:

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Paula. That is really tragic - so many man-made errors & blunders that affect nature.

MITS said...

Thanks for that info, Paula.

paula eagleholic said...

I put some new videos on

Mema Jo said...

I am finished playing!!!!
You know what I got when the
choice was $5 or $500,000

Five bucks!!

Mema Jo said...

Going over to see videos...Will leave a comment Paula so you know I've been there! BBL

paula eagleholic said...

JO, no comment necessary! Enjoy!

Mema Jo said...

I'm finished watching the videos - they were very good! I thought she was moving a stick - not trying to swallow the bone or whatever! lol

MITS said...

lucky case #8, was a million dollar winner:):):)!

floralgirl said...

Great, Mits, where do you pick up your check??

MITS said...

in my dreams:):):)!

MITS said...

this game is very addicting, I don;t normally watch the show the contestants really get on my nerves, but I am having so much fun:):):)!

floralgirl said...

Ah, dreams, off to have some of my own, talk to you all tomorrow. Gotta quit playing that game, driving hubby nuts,( had to turn the volume down) cannot win more than $50.00

Mema Jo said...

Good night Megan

Mema Jo said...

Well you know, I'm going to follow Megan out the door tonight...

Good Night everyone
Mits & Paula & any lurkers
Pleasant dreams & peaceful sleep

Prayers going up for everyone!!

MITS said...

GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE.Didn't realize the time, prayers for all who are in need.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I finally finished work a while ago. Mattie's best friend is staying with us tonight so we have had a giggly little night. Mattie's birthday party is tomorrow afternoon at 2. Her actual birthday is February 13. She was a Friday the 13th baby. It put a whole new meaning on that day for us. Not a bad day at all!!

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur.

glo said...

Good Morning all. I feel so much better this morning. Cam is still pretty hazed in but hope to catch a peak of our friends before I leave. Prayers for those who need them are going up today for sure. And a big hug for that one who is feeling so nervous and courageously going forward anyway. Keep that Spunk with you today tonight and tomorrow ((((((hugs)))))))

paula eagleholic said...

Morning all! Happy eagle viewing today...pretty much out for the day. I put some more new videos on

Maine & Barton Cove.

Have a great day!!!

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE 23° here. Belle is on her eggs. Have a nice Sunday...Mattie have a good time at your BD party:):):)!

MITS said...

Eagle at Colorado

MITS said...

Eagle at WE.

MITS said...

Eagle just took off at CO.

MITS said...

EAGLE CAM is back on at Norfolk.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Thanks for checking out all the cams, Mits. I am going over to check out emails..

So good to wake up & bring up our cam & see our nesting eagle on our
2 eggs! Whoo Hoo!

Mema Jo said...

Update and picture on Osprey Nest News from Lisa/BW

MITS said...

Your welcome, Jo.

Mema Jo said...

Panda updates on ButaButa by Jay Pratte her Giant Panda Keeper III
are very amusing to read. Especially enjoyable when we saw happen what he is describing. He's very attached to her.

MITS said...

Scruffy looking juvies, aren't they??:)

Mema Jo said...

Looking at Belle on her eggs - She
is one large eagle gal!

Mema Jo said...

It's a shame that the juvies have to go through all that in order to have a white head & tail. I read that it
protects them from being fought by other eagles when the juvie comes into their territory - I probably got that from Lisa/BW.

Check out DC Panda cams: Is that TianTian on cam 1 & is that Tai's back on Cam 2 (is Mei there also)

MITS said...

Tian on cam 1, and Mei and Tai on cam2, he was just nursing.

Mema Jo said...

By watching the DC cam a little longer I now see Mei there with Tai. I really think he may have been nursing.

Mema Jo said...

OK! Going over to emails now..

MITS said...

Tian is so handsome..

floralgirl said...

Good Sunday morning,everyone. Thanks for the heads up about the osprey cam, Jo. Those juveniles really are so scruffy looking until they get older. Wonder how many people see them and don't even realize they are bald eagles. Hubby says NCTC cam is like looking thru a mini blind at the nest-LOL. We need to get the guys at NCTC to talk to Lisa at BW and find out the differnce between their cams. The picture at BW is so much clearer, always has been. Don't get me wrong, I am thrilled that we can see the nest, just wondr if there is a better cam they can use next year.

MITS said...

LOL...MEGAN...the difference between BW's cam and NCTC's Cam is that BW's works...Sorry NCTC, got to be perfectly honest here!

MITS said...

Probably will get thrown off the blog for that last remark, but "it is what it is"!!!!!!

floralgirl said...

So true, BW had many problems the first year, mostly with the cam slipping and sometimes power outages, but the picture has always been better. Especially the night pic. Just read that email you sent, I am 1 in 55, even hubby could read it. That is amazing, cause it just looks like jibberish, but reads as if it was all spelled correctly.

floralgirl said...

Blogger cop will hunt you down...

MITS said...

I can feel his hot breath down my neck...oh wait..just hubby telling me to get off puter:):):.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, you will never get kicked off this blog, no matter what. We love and need you too much on here!!!!

MITS said...

Thank you, my friend of eagles:).

floralgirl said...

Yeah, I'll kick some blogger cop butt if I have too. Glad to see you on here this morning, Sharon, birthday party soon, right? mmm..birthday cake. Hubby is yelling at me, gotta go pick up daughter, BBL.

Mema Jo said...

I thought this blog blew up as it would not let me in - then a really big Cyber Cop said to me that I may not want to go in there just now - that there was a commotion going on!

So here I am - Mini Blinds?
Yeah I saw that too

Mema Jo said...

Big Time Wax

Mema Jo said...

Hi My Friend Sharon
Did you blow up all the balloons yet
Most of all - did you get any sleep last night with the gigglies in your room. Will Mattie be 9?
You're going to have a beautiful day

BTW - you need any wax? I've got some to share!! lolove

MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

MITS are you still here?

MITS said...

Tai looks so cute sleeping:).

MITS said...

I'm hhhheeeerrrreeee!!!!!

Mema Jo said...

ok Now I am going back to my final email check -- BRB

MITS said...

Sure does look like mini-blinds!!

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6/14/24 crow woody

 We do have sound on the camera I was sitting here watching TV and all I started a crow and I knew I didn't have a crow in my house lol ...