Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Wednesday November 1

New month thread.


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Mauley said...

Good Morning Eagle Friends. Have a blessed day. donna

Mauley said...

I can't believe I am first. Who needs wax, Jo? Glo? sister Sharon? Anybody out there today.

Mauley said...

Thank you so much Steve, you are so good to us. We appreciate you. donna

MITS said...


MITS said...

Dawn is approaching at KENT, beautiful sky, but, still dark at nest.

MITS said...

Beautiful bird at Petes'

MITS said...

2 eagles at BW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MITS said...

Hi, Doreen, he does have a wonderful beak. That's what happened to the eagles long ago, people used to shoot them and then we tried to poison them, but they are back, thank the LORD.

MITS said...

Sun is up at KENT...MT nest

glo said...

ALERT Please send this request around toALL Nest watchers.

First sight of the nest Please please...Right click and save the First picture you see of OUR nest this year. I really really need this with the date and time you saw it which will of course be on it with the still cam set up!!!

MITS said...

Agree with you 100%, Doreen.

MITS said...

AWWWWW!, Buta is getting soooo big.

MITS said...

Good thing, Dana is out, she would be all over Steven, like white on rice, asking when the cam is going to be up and is TODAY the day?????

MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


I had a typo on the other one! OOOPPPSS!

glo said...


glo said...

LOL. WE are sitting on pins and needles here saying OK Breathe In oK now Breathe Out OK see I feel better already. I sure don't want to be passed out at my computer while the rest of you are snapping those First Sighting of a nest, and yes of course we need first sighting of either of our Eagles too!

glo said...

I just want you to know what Mnay of you already Do know...we have some wonderfully creative thinkers on here. Just got one pretty unique catch....for tonight contest entry.

Mema Jo said...

Good Mid Morning I was really praying I would read that you were watching you know who in the nest at you know where! I'll still keep the faith that it will be soon.
At least the BW eagle was there waiting for me - MT nest right now at Kent - Go for the Pandas!
Have some errands to run - BBL

MITS said...

Tai is eating a treat.

glo said...

Eagle at Maine

MITS said...


MITS said...

OMG....Eagle just took off...but you could hear her after she left calling cool was that.

glo said...

LOL Ok Now I turned my volume upI had turned it down for Africam Geeesh! Darn I missed the Eagle call, BUT I did snap and save the picture of the take off.

MITS said...

Its a great nest, Suzanne.

glo said...

LOL sounds good to me Suzanne..They are more active early evening bUT her they might stop by. I hope so.

glo said...

OK What do you think? Elia didn't think pumpkins should wear hats and she convinced mom and dad sheis right LOL.

MITS said...

AAAAWWW!!! So cute, Glo. Heading out for awile, TTUL!

wvgal_dana said...

I'm here now Suzanne

wvgal_dana said...

Got mail still have a problem with Kent Eagles to take pics. If I close I have no page. What link are you using?

Mema Jo said...

Glo I've been good at entering the shops to help upgrade them from For the Love of Eagles site. I can reach Glo'sUniqueCreations4U from the site, but the link to isn't connecting me. Will you check it out for me? It is just very convenient to go into both sites from your main page. Thanks

glo said...

OK Mema Jo I'm off to check itout. BRB

glo said...

Mema Jo Mine takes me right there. Maybe Paula was working on the shop or something. Let me know what happens, for you when you try again. Yes the idea was convenince from one place.

Mema Jo said...

Love that little Pumpkin

wvgal_dana said...

ty Suzanne tc safe trip home

Glo she is so cute

Mema Jo said...

Suzanne You best go home & get to work on getting the computer set up. You're missing a lot of good sights!

wvgal_dana said...

If no emergency to return to hospital won't know anything until his appt. Nov. 20th

glo said...

Elia is the cutest little pumpkin I have ever seen LOL. Think except she didn't want to wear her pumpkin hat that overall it was a fun but different kind of night for her LOL.

Dana I answered you on Momster Mial too, but I see my email here come right in, I am on digest in Momster, so don't get it unless Paula sends it out whenever. I can go in and check it which I did this morning but it doens't just ocme to me. Never be afraid of loading up my email I love email and I know how to hit delete too. Let me know if you need more help and I will try!

paula eagleholic said...

Afternoon all!

The Daily Digest for the Yahoo group is sent out at specific intervals, usually when there are a certain number of posts. I do not control it, and have no control over it, so if you want quicker momster email, change your preference to individual emails.

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like she is checking out the "fit" again.

Mema Jo said...

Glo I still get the error page of Server Not Found when I try the link. Maybe someone else could try.

wvgal_dana said...

Afternoon Paula, other eagle lovers, and lurkers.

Geeeez I just turned around and eyeball level to me is "23rd Thanksgiving Day" wow time eagles fly...time just goes.

glo said...

Ok Paula Thanks, wasn't sure how they got sent, but I like it on Digest. I did notice I didn't have one this morning though so I went there to see the latest posts. I also go there when I have chance during the day, Otherwise I do like that they all come in together.

wvgal_dana said...

Even though the sticks are down in the front of the nest towards us from the squirrels. Mom doesn't seem to be bothered.

wvgal_dana said...

Glo I did the vote thingy. Did I do it right? It came through?

glo said...

Yep Mema Jo Definitely anyone else not tryng to get there from My computer should try.

wvgal_dana said...

Glo yesterday when I went to your foreagleloves sit and voted. I used the link for your shop. Went back and used the link for Paula's shop all worked very well.

glo said...

Dana Yep I saw your vote, its all added in to the Tally LOL

Thanks. Go back tonight before you go to bed and see the new pictures. Not going to put them up til about 7 pm Your time give or take a few minutes. But I am loading them onto a Loop here at my computer all day. Got some good ones. Easier to ONLY do it once. I am getting this organized and worked out LOL

glo said...

Thanks Dana Could you possible go try to get to Paula's shop fromt hat same link again. Mema Jo can't get the link to work for her today, but it worked for me just a few minutes ago.

wvgal_dana said...

Going to try now.

wvgal_dana said...

YEP IT WORKED DIDN'T EVEN REFRESH just went to that I have in my favorities:

all on one line then you have shops listed there yours and paulas

wvgal_dana said...


MITS said...

Glo, I'm getting into your site and Paulas' site, and, I can see the pictures and I can see where we vote...anything else?

glo said...

Nope you have both done Great!!! (((((hugs))))I As long as the links are all working form there, and yep yesterdays pictures are still there to see and enjoy..hint That loop will change in a few hours LOL. I will repost the top 3 on the new loop, they will have to Beat the new pictures to keep going. . Kind of like Jeopardy don't you think LOL.

wvgal_dana said...

So we can vote on the new pics if we already voted on the old ones?
I think that is a yes.

glo said...

YES You get to vote for 3 everyday, but you can't vote for your own. anyone can vote but NO ,anonymous

And no once you have cast your vote for that loop you need to wait for the new one to post BEFORE voting again. But its getting fun and we are gonna have some cute stuff over time for sure!

Mema Jo said...

Well, it must be my linker gone bad.
I still can't get over to it, BUT I do have it in my favorites. Thanks everyone for trying it.

wvgal_dana said...

Jo it sounds like the trick or treat gobblin gave you a "trick"

glo said...

Mema Jo When you close down tonight and restart, try it again. It could help and it won't hurt.

paula eagleholic said...

This is how the link to the website appears when you hold your mouse over it. I would suggest the link should not have the %20 in it.
That may be causing trouble for Jo's browser


glo said...

Ok in a little while I will go back and add another link to that site from For the love of eagles, and take that whatever out of there. I think I iwll leave the first one on though since it is working for most of us...Have no idea what that is about, I just did a copy past from the url to the add link, but I iwll type it in myslef and leave that other out. You will have 2 links for a little while with a "if your browser doesn't follow ...try this one insted. or something to that effect. I haven't shanged it though since I first added those links and if they worked for her before i am not sure what that would be about. We'' surely try.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hey, Dana, have you called Steven yet?

glo said...

Yep These couple of days are getting longer and longer hour by least at my house "computer" they are LOL

MITS said...

She's probably on the phone with him right now, Sharon, boy, is he gonna get it!!!!!

glo said...

LOL or sniff sniff, not sure which to do about now.

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi All,
Hope you all enjoyed you Halloween events last night,,,
We dont really celebrate it over here,, we have our nationwide Bon-Fire night on November the 5th, so looking forward to that, with all the fireworks and goodfood and partying.

Hope all is well with everyone.


Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi All,

If you want me to explain what " Bon-Fire Night " means just let me know and I'll explain girls.


paula eagleholic said...

Hey, Chrissy and Doreen!

I'd like to know what the Bonfire is all about!

paula eagleholic said...

Think everyone else is off napping!

MITS said...


Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi both,
Damn fi8ne here and you,

Well Paula
Its a history thing over here pet,

it all started in the 17th century with a bloke called Guy Fawkes, he and some of his mates tried to blow up Parliament and King James the first of England and 6th of Scotland into the bargain, but it didnt work and they were caught and executed but being hung drawn and quartered while still alive, so since then we celebrate it all on on November the 5th that we all kept the monarchy you see

I hope that helps

MITS said...

YIKES!!! Sounds cold to me. I'm still at 70° here right now, but a cool front is coming in tonight. Temps tomorrow will only be in the 50's. I too have had it with the cam person at the zoo. When they did this 8 million dollar plus renovation...should have put in better cams for the new yard.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

The Brits ain't gonna run us West Virginians off!

paula eagleholic said...

Sorry, Lou! I see you now!


MITS said...

LOL!!!! What a wonderful thing to celebrate:):):)!

paula eagleholic said...

Think I have heard some info on that before from you...thanks for the explanation!

You are talking -8 celsius, right?

paula eagleholic said...

Which would still be pretty chilly, somewhere around 16° or so....

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi Sharon pet,

You want us Brits to run you off do you, or should I ask Guy Fawkes's ghost pet!!!!

Only a joke !!!


MITS said...

Think you lovely English ladies could possibly turn your charm on and get STEVEN to turn on our eagle cam. You all have such a beautiful way with your language.

Chrissy Beahan said...

Mits [Helen}

You got the price wrong pet,
The new Asia Trail cost $53 million you know, and what have they got to show for it, not much as far as I can see pet

Love Chrissy

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

This isn't my turf, it is our turf, Doreen!!! EAGLET MOMSTERS UNITE, DON'T EVER FORGET THAT. Doesn't matter what ground you stand on!! :):):)

paula eagleholic said...

What! No bananas!

MITS said...

Wow, Chrissy, I was way off on that I'm really angry at them....Yes, Doreen I saw your earlier post, had to get the Windex out and clean the screen...soooooo try it again!!

MITS said...


Chrissy Beahan said...

Sharon pet we love you dearly pet, we are only having a little joke with you , you know,,

Paula,, we havn't had a bent banana in this county for years, not since we entered Europe, forgotten what a bent one looks like, as Doreen says, same with our sausages all are straight now, they fit better that way in the frying pan though, and fit on a samdwich better too.


MITS said...


MITS said...


glo said...

Yes we have no bananas, we have no bananas today LOL. I have never even heard of a straight banana. Amazing!!!

MITS said...

Sorry, didn't mean to have the caps on.

glo said...

well Doreen I would say if anything is going to do it, that would definitely help!!!Now to get him to read it, and go flip the on switch or whatever has to be done to see our eagles...who we have been kind enough to encourage to rebuild right back there at nCTC where Steve can see them while he types.

MITS said...

Perfect, Doreen...have a good night!

MITS said...

Petes' Pond is showing ants on its cam...what's up with that??

MITS said...

Tai and Mei are inside and he is nursing.

Chrissy Beahan said...

Right my lovley American girlfriends,,
Both Lou and Doreen have gone to do a few jobs before bed and I think I will follow, and Doreen said it's going to be 8% below here tonight so it's a very cold night all round.
I hope my History lesson didnt put you off us silly old Brits to much, you would love it if you were over here,
We have foods like toffee apples, a cake called Parkin its like a ginger cake cut into squares, hot and warming foods we call Hot pots which is a stew made with beef,potatoes and all sorts of vegetables cooked for a very long time in a thick rich gravey served with pastry biscuits and red pickled cabbage, baked potatoes cooked in foil cooked in the Bon-fire, hot piping spicey soups served with traditional crusty English breads to dip in and lots lots more, hope I havn't put you off girls, but we do look forward to it every year all to be eaten after a wonderful firework display, and the children make an effigy of Guy Fawkes and it get thrown onto the Bon-fire to burn as a symbol, we are a very odd bunch arnt we girls.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


MITS said...

Just sounds wonderful...enjoy!!!! Food sounds Yummy!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am hungry now!

Chrissy Beahan said...

Night Night God Bless All,sleep well, take care, and speak soon,

Lots of love

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


MITS said...


glo said...

Have no idea Mits,. Just hink Snap and send...of course folks have a headsup now of what they could actually see and vote on tonight LOL

MITS said...

EAGLE AT BW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MITS said...

Eagle was there, but I'm having a terrible time with the cam

glo said...

Bet it feels like one deep breath of Fresh Air Sharon

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It absolutely does feel like one deep breath of fresh air! BOOYAH!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


paula eagleholic said...

Me too, just hit refresh and got funky colors, but now it is ok again.

paula eagleholic said...

Maine nest is totally black now!

MITS said...

Yes, BW ok now, but it was acting weird there for awile.

MITS said...

Sharon, this is the 1st stretch of time you have had off since August when you went to band camp.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yes, Mits, as a matter of fact it is. I don't know if I have even had 2 days off together since then. Maybe once or twice.

paula eagleholic said...

Still getting good pics of the eagle at BW!!

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle gone at BW!

MITS said...

Ok, time to for the KENT eagles to show up. Paula, I was roaming around the FLA site..there mating season starts around Oct, 1st, so we might be seeing some real action soon.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Baby Girl Buta Buta is 8 weeks old today. Time is fun when you're having flies, said the frog!

paula eagleholic said...

I resent that email. Cam is supposed to be up next week!

MITS said...

Saw that Paula, was just reading some of the news on their site and looking at the pictures of them setting up the cam this past August.

MITS said...

Was just reading that when their eagles nest was found on some realtor's property, they took 38 homesites off the list so as not to disturb the eagles. Now that just gets a big "BOOYAH" from me.

paula eagleholic said...

That is the company that is now helping out w/ the cam. The Ginn company.

Mema Jo said...

Fatty is swimming around in the pond. I really like eagles and panda much better. Great news about the FL cam - already have it set up on my tabs. I will repeat myself by saying that we are going to be busy Momsters this spring.

Sharon Your a Free Bird !!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am a FREEBIRD!!! That was my class song too!

Mema Jo said...

I think that it is Tai going to sleep. Like you said, Mits, it is sometimes hard to tell them apart so I could be wrong.

MITS said...

Exactly, Paula The Ginn Company..going to have to send them a note of that's what our cam needs in addition to you and Glo's hard work, would be nice to get a cam-sponsor.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


MITS said...

I think that is Tai hanging over the ledge????

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


MITS said...

Pic of a dragon fly on petes', taken from the raft cam.

MITS said...

AWWWW, I hope this works.

Mema Jo said...

Glo Don't know if you did anything to the 'link' but I can get to both shops now! One stop shopping!

MITS said...

Theres' my little pea in a pod, MAGGIE. Hi, little eaglet.

MITS said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Mema Jo said...

Look at that little sweet pea

Love her!

paula eagleholic said...

Is that your little Maggie, Mits? See they put her in the pea in the pod!

MITS said...

Thanks, SHARON, you are the best!!!!!!!!!!

MITS said...

That's my Maggie:):):)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Anything for you, MITS!!!

Mema Jo said...

I will check in later this evening - headed in a little while to church service. BBL

glo said...

MitsAww How very sweet. I am so glad to see Little Maggie. She looks prescious, and snug as can be. See now she didn't care about a hat... Or was she just too young and tired to say so yet . Cute picture Mits...Now where is the picture of grandma and Maggie

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Going out for a while. Be back about 9. (((((((((EAGLET MOMSTERS))))))

MITS said...

GLO, if I did it correctly, you should have mail!

wvgal_dana said...

Need to catch up on blog.

NEW TO REPORT I called my contact person at Atlanta on the Oct12th Buta Buta eyes was open :) she didn't know why they didn't add that

glo said...

Yes Mits I did get an email from you about 20 mins ago..I am going to fix supper and then will change over to the New Film Loop with the winning photos added along with todays new ones. Lots more to choose from BUT still vote for 3. If you favorite is still one you recognize from yesterday you need to vote for it as a favorite again today to keep it in the running.

MITS said...

No, Glo I just sent you something about 5 minutes ago. Not eagle related. What do you mean about voting???

glo said...

LOL Oh Ok Mits I'll be watching the email.

New Loop is loaded...There are like 19 or 20 pictures so please go look and cast your vote.. There is a pause button so you can slow it down to look. Directions are the same as last night and on the first Frame for you to review. More players, More fun, More votes are needed as well. Going to be MUCH harder to choose tonight but great photos await.

Lisa If I had an email for you I owuld gladly send you all the links including how to get involved in this Photos contset.

wvgal_dana said...

Lisa are you still here?

glo said...

Oh Mits I'm guessing what it is!!! Oh I am so excited. Not here yet but I will let you know when, AND if I guessed right LOL.

wvgal_dana said...

Glo I will send you here email (Lisa's) I'm hoping someone will get her into the momsters group. I thought she was now I don't think she is.

glo said...

OK Well Yes do send me her email AND Also send it to Paula and/or mema Jo..they will send her an invite which I think is the easiest way for her to sign up for the Group too. Thanks Dana

wvgal_dana said...

Glo you have mail

wvgal_dana said...

Ok will send to them also ty Glo

glo said...

To vote for todays Photos go to


1 for Good
2 for Better
3 for Best

There is a pause to slow the feed so you can see them enjoy them better, and maybe make a little side not of which ones you like best LOL Good Luck

wvgal_dana said...

Paula you got mail

wvgal_dana said...

Jo you got mail

MITS said...

Where are those eagles at KENT??

wvgal_dana said...

Mits Maggie is such the gal for a picture ahhhhhhhh so sweet

glo said...

Dana You got wax...and some more email from me LOL

MITS said...

Thanks, Dana, she is my honey-bunny!

wvgal_dana said...

Ok Glo Your welcom Mits but it is only true :)

wvgal_dana said...

Glo, Paula and Jo new emails with Lisa's email address. ty for the help

glo said...

Thanks Dana ...Now Go vote,....and bring ALL your friends!!! Mits and I have a pretty tight contest going now and its pretty much a 3 way tie. HELP!!! LOL

glo said...

Both Eagles at Kent...well they were 1 just took off as I type

MITS said...

EAGLE AT KENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Eagle at Kent

MITS said...

She's moving those sticks around again.

glo said...

Very busy Eagle at kent and like I posted...they were both there bUT not for long!

glo said...

Making room for whatever the other one is up to, its right near there i am positive of it.

MITS said...

Get get my eagle to refresh.

MITS said...

Ok, that's better.

MITS said...

He must be close by.

glo said...

I am so glad to be able to see these 2 on a regular basis...they are a gorgeous pair for sure!

glo said...

Mits I still didn't get that email you had sent an hour or so ago :-(

Dana I didn't get yor resend with the email address yet either but that one has only been a few minutes.

Yes I have gotten email in recently Just nOT those 2 I am waiting for LOL.

wvgal_dana said...

Yes they are. It is also nice that the refresh time is only 10 seconds. Makes it alot nicer.

wvgal_dana said...

2 there now

glo said...

Both are back so pretty

glo said...

making quick stops I guess LOL

glo said...

Geesh hardly stays long enough to say hello

glo said...

Does make me wonder what is ging on there

glo said...

She is moving them sticks around

glo said...

All gone I hope nOT too far, but lights are coming on in the background too :-(

glo said...


wvgal_dana said...

Don't think they are mating yet. Too early.

glo said...

Still no email Dana I'm watching for it

MITS said...

Glo, hope it gets there this tome.

glo said...

Ok Mits I'll be watching

glo said...

OK Mits I just got an eagle related one for tomorrow night photo Contest loop, but Not the one that isn't eagle related yet anyway.

MITS said...

I sent a copy to myself and it arriveed about 20 mins ago.

MITS said...

Sending the whole package this time, Glo, just didn't want to bore you.

glo said...

You will Not be boring me!!! I'll be looking forward to it...some more!!! LOL.

wvgal_dana said...

Glo I sent it her address is in the to box with yours.

glo said...

Well I didn't get it so I can't send her any links yet.

wvgal_dana said...

Resending Glo

glo said...

OK Dana Thanks

I did see you did cast your vote too, thanks. I thought there were some really fun photos sent in for today!

wvgal_dana said...

Glo I just sent it to you email

glo said...

Yep its hereDana Thanks, I will write to her now.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Dana, they did have on the October 12 exam update that Buta had partially opened her eyes.

glo said...

OK Now that you are showing back up and before you go to bed...please go vote...We have lots of pictures today and need several voters to keep them from all turing into a 10 way tie or something HELP!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I did Glo!

glo said...

I feel like a broken record and I'm sure some of you think I am LOL, but

the good picture gets 1 point, the

Better picture gets 2 points and

the Best gets 3 points.

The photos with the highest total moves on.

glo said...

Ok Thanks sharon haven't seen that one come thru yet.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now, I have to go change it. I screwed up on mine because I did not read directions! BRB!

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 240   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...