Monday, November 27, 2006

Monday 27 Nov

Monday afternoon thread.


Anonymous said...

Good Afternoon, Eagle Friends

9 Days & Counting!

Are we on Track, Steven?

Anonymous said...

Good afternoon all. Thanks for the new thread, Steve and hope to see your answer to Paula's question.

Just popped back in before my dental - Keep watching for those eagles in the nest!

MITS said...


MITS said...

Lonely eagle at BW

Anonymous said...

Yeah Steven, are we on track with the cam??? Inquiring minds want to know!

MITS said...

Hope so, Vicky.

MITS said...

little foggy at BW

Anonymous said...

Thank you Steven for the new thread.

Head up everyone!! The reporter from Atlanta just called me. He is calling me back. Is there anything you all want me to tell him about Buta Buta or the Atlanta cam??? !!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good afternoon all. Getting ready to take a little nap, then review some reports for work and then out for a couple of hours. I hope everybody is having a wonderful Monday. I sure am glad I am getting to watch my little Buta a little bita today! :):):)

Anonymous said...

Eagle at BW

MITS said...

2 eagles at BW now.

Anonymous said...

Mits did you read above??

MITS said...

About the guy from Atlanta??????? Dana.

Anonymous said...

Is there anything you want me to tell him when he calls back?

MITS said...

Dana, ask him why the big corporations like Home Depot, Coca Cola, Atlanta Falcons or Braves or Ted Turner don't get involved in sponsoring the cam. You may get the answer that is true for the National Zoo....the CAMS are NOT there for our enjoyment, but for the scientists who observe them. Guess we are just lucky they keep them on, at all.

Anonymous said...

Mits that is "true the cams are really on for the observant of the panda's for their use there at the zoo".

2 eagle in Florida 1 just flew maybe going to get a stick

MITS said...

This is usually the time the action begins in FLA.

Anonymous said...

Mits did you read about how they where moving the cam around in Florida this morning? Oh it was beautiful.

Steve Chase said...

I approved the funding for the cam and have passed it onto our contracting folks. Hopefully things will go smoothly. I would say we are on track for our December date.

Anonymous said...

Oh thank you Steven God Bless your little pea pickn heart. Thank you Thank you ( : oh boy Liberty and Belle coming up Dec 6th yeahhhhhhhh

Anonymous said...

Steven, "WE LOVE YOU!!!!!"

MITS said...


MITS said...

Yes Dana, I did read how beautiful it was...glad you got to see it.

MITS said...

the eagle at BW just looks so pretty with the light shining on him

MITS said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
MITS said...

eagle gone at BW, but I got some nice shots of him with the light.

Anonymous said...

:) :) :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Steve

MITS said...


MITS said...

Should be flying into FLA...anytime watching them

MITS said...

Its cleared up now, but it looked like snow flurries out at KENT.

MITS said...

just saw 2 birds flying in the background at FLA.

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Hi everyone. Hope your day has gone well. Glad to see we remain on track for eagle cam day. Thanks Steve for reading and letting us know it still looks great!!!

MITS said...

Hi, Glo, how was work?

Anonymous said...

Hi Glo good to see you. How was things today for being semi-retired?

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Yes he did. We talked his article is of course on Buta Buta.

CNN was only to do the cam for so long after her birth. Then they were to find someone else to keep it going for them. They found Earthlink which has less money than CNN.

No the time limit I am sure won't be changing.
Of course you have let us know about Tai and Tian. While there I seen where they have changed their time limit for watching their cam.

MITS said...

Not sure where you saw a time limit for Tai???? If the one you are talking about is the 15 mins, that has been in place for a very long time. I think when he was first born it was only 10 mins. Sometimes it seemed like 10 hours to get on.

Anonymous said...

Norma, I love you too, but you'll have to share Steven!

MITS said...

Maggie had a great 1st Thanksgiving. Then she and her parents and Granparents flew to Cape Cod for a family wedding. Reports were that she did fine on her flight. Little poodle sounds cute.

MITS said...

Norma, you have mail...if you can open your mail.

Anonymous said...

sorry you can't get into your email Norma I have no idea what that is about. Maybe you need to call your internet service provider and tell them. There should be some kind of support for you from them. I always have to enter a passowrd for mine, but once I do that I can get in OK. Norma As long as the store continues to make a profit it will be open. As soon as it isn't self supporting and it costs more to keep open than to close, i will make the decision to close at that tpoint. Just need to sell like 3 itrems to pay for one month, andything after that is profit. Some profit for Nov, but not at all like Oct. MTBR

I loved my first day back at work with these people and this job. Once the training is done it will be 2 days a week, and possible 1 night until we hire 1 more staff. I don't want to do that night one though :-(

Anonymous said...

Hi Norma Check to be certain that your caps lock is NOT on when you sign into you email. I hope that may be all it is.
Thanksgiving Family dinner was at daughter's house. Her dad told her that she did so well, she can have it again next year! We even got some leftovers to bring home. Leftovers included desserts!!!
I also took a nap after my dental - but I needed pain killers! Feels pretty good now - eating noodle soup & crackers... Then I'll get the pudding!

Anonymous said...

I gave everyone here and/or lurking enough to get the #50 wax


Anonymous said...

Glo, I finally placed my order! Free Shipping!! Yippie

Anonymous said...

Mema Jo, will that be chocolate pudding?

Anonymous said...

How many of you knew that I meant
'enough TIME' in my previous comment?

Anonymous said...

Yes Mema Jo, I read between the letters!

Anonymous said...

Vicky It will be TAPIOCA

Anonymous said...

Thank You Vicky That will help Nov. profits I am sure!!!!

MITS said...

I knew what you meant, Jo:):):).

MITS said...

Got to go finish packing things up for AMVETS tomorrow. BBL.

Anonymous said...

Tapioca! That's my favorite!

Anonymous said...

Oh Mits, that sounds like work!

Anonymous said...

so Vicky are you opening an Art gallery, becuase I think you probably could. Thank You so very much...definitely kicked up sales for Nov. I am really trying to Let it Go, and just see what happens, but it surely does feel better, when it hits the profit area, that was of course the whole idea LOL. Thanks so very much!

Anonymous said...

My pleasure Glo! Probably still try to get more in before Christmas! I'm never done shopping!

Anonymous said...

I'm not opening up an Art gallery but I am going to replace pictures!

Anonymous said...

Where'd you all go???

MITS said...

I'm here Vicky...finished packing up stuff for AMVETS, Giving away alot of stuff, but still have alot more for next time.After the holidays I'm going to pretend we are moving and get rid of as much stuff as I can.

Anonymous said...

Well Mits, that does sound like a plan, but what you giving away? Your throw aways could be my treasurers!

Anonymous said...

I miss not hearing from Nilla. Haven't heard from her since Sat headache....
Hope she gets back in here soon.

I am going to go lie my head down for awhile..I'll check back in later...

MITS said...

Most of it is clothes, I thought by now would fit me again...HA...I must have been dreaming.

Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling OK Mema Jo be sure to check back in OK?

MITS said...

She went to the dentist today, Glo, think some pain was involved:(:(:(

MITS said...

Going to watch two and a half men BBL.

Anonymous said...

Glo Mits 2 extractions means
PAIN but I do have pain medication and I am really ok! I have the most wonderful dentist in this world... Had a little trouble with the one tooth he pulled but I reminded him that it had been with me for 67 years and it just didn't want to let go. lol

MITS said...

Was just watching the football game....its snowing in Seattle. I thought I saw snow showers at the nest today.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good evening, my eagle buddies. Hope everyone is well this evening.

Mema Jo, I can so identify with the tooth thing but gratefully I can say that I have had dentures for 21 years and don't have to worry about toothaches or extractions. :):):)

Anonymous said...

Now you know you saw them for sure! I remember one of the pictures of our eagles with Belle nesting on the eggs and snow all over the nest.

Anonymous said...

OK Mema Jo Gla dyour dentist is good, and overall you are getting through this oK. I am going to let my dogs out, soak in the tub a little and get ready for day Two on the job. rest well. Will BLOG at you tomorro wbut only briefly as after work I have company coming for a while in the evening too.

MITS said...

Nite, Glo.

Anonymous said...

Good Night, Glo. I am so very happy that you are enjoying your new job.

Blog is not acknowledging me... Great!
Now I know how Megan feels.

Anonymous said...

Don't know how I did that... I made the comment and then signed in (google sign in) & hit login & publish & it did publish. It now shows my name that I am now currently posting as...

It had been giving me the error page about the 'engineer'!

MITS said...

Why do we think Megan can't get in???

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur. Hope everybody has a wonderful night. Talk to you tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Good Night, Sharon.

Megan had sent out an email thru Momsters saying she could not get in. When I saw her Saturday she confirmed that she still could not get in.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am getting a black screen with white writing on Panda Cam1 and 2. Anybody else having this problem?

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Norma ever got her emails opened? I have to clean mine up so I won't get in Mail Jail....

So tomorrow my oldest grandson will be
27 years old. I was present at his birth - makes him pretty special to me. All the other grandkids have things about them that make them all special to me..

Anonymous said...

You're suppose to be going to bed, woman!

Yes, Sharon. Today I mainly watched Animal Planet when the 2 DC cams went black.

Anonymous said...

Panda Cam 1 has pic... I really think it is Tian Tian... Could be 100% wrong.

MITS said...

my panda cam 1 is up 2 is down, didn't have any problems today. I know Megan can't get in, but do we have any idea why it is not letting her in.

MITS said...

Nite, Sharon, rest easy, hope you have a good nights sleep.

Anonymous said...

Well it is News time and then it will be Snooze time for me.

Good Night All

Sweet dreams of busy eagles at their nest

Good Morning, Suzanne

Hi Jim and Delphia if you stop by

Mits, Are you going to the Africa cams or to bed??

Anonymous said...

It may be Megan's google sign on..She's not sure.

Anonymous said...

Could Steven possibly help Megan with her sign in problem?

MITS said...

Might stop by Africa, before I call it a night.

MITS said...

Got that cool looking yellow bird at PP's weaving the round nest...nothin going on at WAVE-LIT

Anonymous said...

I'll email Megan to let us know just what the program is doing when she tries to sign in.

Don't think I'm going to stay up any longer just to watch the beautiful birds at PP.
Good Night again. For Real

MITS said...

They are just beautiful, looks like 2 nests are being built side-by side.

MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good night again everyone!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good night for real!! :):):)

Anonymous said...

You're BAD !

The Wax Queen Reigns!

Good night for real????

Anonymous said...

Using a large pine branch to break down the door....

Anonymous said...

HA!!! Looks like stupid engineer has decided to let me back in, guess my time out is over. GOOD MORNING EVERYONE!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good morning all. Hope your day goes well. Mine is lookig wet at least the dog Walk part LOL. Measurable snow Thurs and Fri and our facility has an Open House on S, for a few "Special People" who have literally worked to make this dream come to fruition. isn't that the way it goes sometimes..

One thught I had about .Megan is she may be trying to sign in with her blogger user anme and nOT the Beta one. remind her that the user name for Beta is her email address, her password is whatever she chose for it to be. Just my quick thought on tis.

Take Care...will BLOG at you later.

Anonymous said...

Hi floralgirl glad to see you in here, guess you didn't need that suggestion after all. have a great day everyone.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I was signing in the new way, and it would let me sign in, but would not post my message. Who knows what it was, think engineers came back yesterday from holiday and finally fixed it. I dumped my pic trying to see if that helped(didn't) don't have time now to post new one. Gotta get to work...see you all later. Beautiful day, sun is shining brightly.. Good to see you Saturday, Suzanne. Glad you liked my wreaths. Got your email Jo, I will answer you later when I stop for lunch. Gotta go.BBL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Eagleland! Glad to see everybody that is here this morning.

Anonymous said...

New thread is up!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...