Friday, November 17, 2006

Friday November 17

Friday thread.


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NillaWafer said...

TGIF........Thanks Steven hav awonderful weekend... Going to bring the rest over

Anonymous said...

Hello Eagleland!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Steven! Our Hero!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Steven for the New Thread you know we always can use it. Have a good weekend.

Thanks Nilla for coming back for us, I knew you wouldn't leave us there. Your a sweetheart !

Anonymous said...

Good Morning All I need to go over & see what was going on this morning.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Eagle back at Kent!!!

MITS said...

THANKS, STEVEN, HAVE A GOOD WEEKEND. Thanks Nillabean for the headsup.

Anonymous said...

That eagle in Kent is building a fortress.

Anonymous said...

Both in nest now

NillaWafer said...

Mitzeeepooooo Howdyyyyy...How was your visit with Maggie yesterday??? Looks like abeautiful autum day out side.... Havent really checked any cams but Buta.. Well off i go to shower n start the day... working to night c ya from ther later,,, Hugs Nilla

Anonymous said...

Yep nice green plant growing in nest at BW.

Don't see any eagles in Maine but you can tell they have been working on their nest.

Florida isn't connecting for me. The "older people" running the cam are still asleep.

Buta Buta is not the small package she was. Growing but I still want to snuggle with her.

Anonymous said...

Oh sweet grandbaby is lifting her head up. Getting those back legs moving. Before long she will be crawling.
I call Buta my grandbaby since everything my daughter gives me as a grandchild. Is either 4 legged or has 4 wheels. lol

Anonymous said...

Boy the cams pics for DC zoo sure are colorful and clear.

MITS said...

Eagle cam in FLA is back up, no eagles there at this time.

MITS said...


MITS said...

Still very windy at Maine.

Anonymous said...

eagle back at kent

Anonymous said...

Sorry! and gone again!

(quick little buggers!)

Anonymous said...

Finally got FL back up, absolutely gorgeous blue sky there today!

MITS said...


MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Where is everyone today?

Anonymous said...

I am here off & on - mainly lurking every 15 minutes or so.. Making plans to travel to Catonsville this evening.

MITS said...

I'm here straightening up the house and doing laundry. I'm trying a new cleaning service this afternoon, so naturally have to clean before the cleaners get here. Makes sense right?????

MITS said...

How many days left til the cam comes up....Countdown Paula???

Anonymous said...

Drum roll please!....

19 Days and counting!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Mits!

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Eagle at BW!!!

Anonymous said...

I am workin' and lurkin'

MITS said...


MITS said...

Mei and Tai are inside already.

NillaWafer said...

As Minnie Peral would say Howdyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy folks as Steven calls Ok now Norma i seem to think not Frank Lloyd but more of a Picasso, Franks lines were so straight n P's was so abstract and They are creating amaster piece of their own as Liberty N Belle are doing and we get to see it in 19 days!!!!! Sharon n Mauley i do hope your both feeling better... Jo have nice time tonight... Glo Bug u around? If not enjoy your weekend.. I am off tomarrow and just might make a hop over to the nest for a look see and watch the nest awhile... BRB

NillaWafer said...

Dana u perculatin around ok today? I am at work you can call me later ok.

MITS said...

Hi...Va-Nilla, as my hubby calls you. How is it going? Beautiful sunset at Florida...hoping to see an eagle there before sunset.

Anonymous said...

That is a pretty sunset, glad you said something...mine was stopped on daylight pic...LOL, I thought man, it is still really light down there!

Anonymous said...

CU all later, going to dinner w/ son...

MITS said...

Have fun..Paula.

NillaWafer said...

I hope your watching Buta Buta she is trying so hard to walk.. Its funny her lil back leg is moving and she is holding her head up..... Ohhh look at her what an adorable site...

NillaWafer said...

She is just traveling all over moving those lil legs.....

Anonymous said...

She wore herself out!

NillaWafer said...

Yes she did she is all tuckered out Vicky..

Anonymous said...

I adore that little girl! Would pay a big price to hold her, just once! Is that asking too much?

NillaWafer said...

No No No we need to share ok... All the momsters stand in aline and pass her Now Tai Shan all we would need to get his attention is He loves it!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good evening everybody. Sitting here at home listening to the ballgame. Beaver is winning 14-6, almost half-time. Would love to be hearing my band!

How is everybody this evening? Hope all is well.

NillaWafer said...

Hey Sharon glad your staying in and not out in the night air, but know your heart is with the band. LILMISSBUTABUTA was certainly active tonight ow she is all plum tuckered out.

Anonymous said...

Ok, momsters always share! So we will pass her down the line! Nilla has spoken!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone, pretty busy day for me. Thought i'd pop in for a few minutes now. Have one more week off before things get really very busy for me again at least through the Christmas Season.

NillaWafer said...

Hi Glo Bug hope you have agreat weekend you sure keep yourself busy busy..

Anonymous said...

Yes Nilla I do like to be busy. I am a hard one to get to sit still and do nothing!!! LOL. Did quite a lot of CMAS shopping today actually. Got packages to get mailed off early, and work will start for me the Monday after Thanksgiving, so this week I want things pretty well taken care of in that department.

NillaWafer said...

Going to spend Christmas with the baby arent you? Christmas just isnt the same now the kids are all growen n gone and my grandson is older.. The girls get for Christmas but they dont celebrate it like we do.

Anonymous said...

Yes Nilla actually I am flying to AZ for Cmas this year. it will be the first time in 9 years that I have had any family to spend Cmas Eve and Cmas day with. I have wonderful neighbors and we will do Thanksgiving together, and usually Cmas too, but this year they get my dogs for Cmas and I get family. I am soo-o-o--o looking forward to being there , she at such a cute age for all of this and has a very happy outgoing personality about her all the time anyway. She should be lots of fun, and watching my daughter and son-in-law enjoy their child in their home this year will be great too! Last year they did spend it with her at the orphanage. They had hopes to have her home by then but that didn't work out. So they had Cmas in April, and will have it again in Dec. LOL

Anonymous said...

Sun is coming up at PP.

NillaWafer said...

How wonderful for you. I saw my nephew tonight and his 2 little girls, his mother is my sister Linda who passed away 1 year tuesday Nov21st. Right now i am trying to keep my mind off of it, but know in my heart she is far better off than suffering from her lung cancer.. Any ways cant tell you how my i appreicated what ya'll did for me n Mits weds. Thanks Again..

Anonymous said...

Just stopping by for a minute or two - Hi all you night people! Can any of you get Pete's pond up? I know it is early over there but.... I get an error message.

I might be a google girl, but darn it I always type my message & then remember I have to sign in first. So I cut, sign in & paste!!

Anonymous said...

Mema Jo I have PP opened in real Player. Clear beautiufl picture right now I got the error message earlier but it is good now try again.

Anonymous said...

Nilla I loved doing that, it was great fun. sure wish I could tape you heading over to the tree to visit too, but alas gonna have to rely on you for a very good report of what you see and hear.

NillaWafer said...

Hi Jo i dont know i dont watch it here at work. Hope your day and evening was good.. Buta Buta sure was busy tonight really trying to walk , poor thing wore herself out.

NillaWafer said...

I just want to go and set there and watch, just relax Glo.. I better check the weather

Anonymous said...

I will try Pete's again. It won't be too many more weeks & ButaBall will be crawling around. Can't wait to see her. You mentioned that they call her "Cupcake" down in Atlanta...

You won't believe me (maybe) but I have a radio station on and they are playing Christmas songs...

Anonymous said...

I understand just going to relax. Go right ahead. But absorb the sites and sounds and come back and tell us. I went to the Marina Yesterday as there have been occasional sightings of eagles in the area, but noe were there. I so wanted to see them. its early for them to be here in any numbers yet though. I would have settled for 1 live eagle in a tree a mile away LOL.

Anonymous said...

I got the Pond up & running.. I like it better then the Water Hole...
Usually mainly lots of birds this early.

Anonymous said...

This is the clearest most beautiufl picture I have ever had a Pete's Pond actually. I am loving the sites and sounds. just birds right now and frogs I guess but it is gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Good mema Jo yes it is really very peaceful and nice just to watch and hear. I tell myself fatty isn't going to bother anything while I'm watching so I can enjoy!!!

MITS said...

Finally have gotten into PP.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Mits.

Anonymous said...

Good MitsReal Player stops a few seconds every now and then but mostly is great!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

With a sad heart, I have to report that the Beavers lost their playoff game tonight which means I won't get to watch my baby march on the field anymore. I had to miss last week because I was in the hospital and this week cause I am still sick. Just makes me so sad.

I will be spending Christmas with my family (although we do get pretty dysfunctional this time of year for some reason). Since Andrew is almost grown and the Santa Claus thing is history, it just seems different.

Nilla, it is so good to see you back on here regularly. I missed you terribly!

NillaWafer said...

Yes Jo the lady Mits and i talked to said they call her "CupCake" I do watch PP at home and in fact those beautiful birds that were weaving the nest hanging i had asked in the forum what they were named.. Somewthing like Southern Weavers cant exactly remember..

Anonymous said...

((((Sharon))) Andrew knows you were at Both games in your heart. Is he going to try to stay active in Band when he goes to College?

Anonymous said...

Well even for my Adult kids Santa always brings a game or something fun to do on Cmas day. Sometimes he also leaves the kind of gift no one wants to put their name on. LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yes, Glo, Andrew wants to stay in the band. He wants to go to WVU and be on their drumline. Hope things work out for him to do that. He is going into music education but his calculus teacher says he should take a double major and do something with his math skills like some kind of engineering. He is so good at it and I can say he did not get that from me! :)

Anonymous said...

Lots more music coming up for you to enjoy with your son then. Go Music Ed Majors!!! i would agree with the Double major if he can handle it. Music Ed is tough positions to get and hol din todays school system.

Anonymous said...

Well think I am going to go let my dogs out and enjoy a nice warm Bubble bath tonight. Nice relaxing way to end a really busy day.

MITS said...

Sorry the Beavers lost, Sharon:(:(:(:(. How is their QB????

Anonymous said...

May or may not check back in before bed. Hope you all have a good nights sleep, and will Blog tomorrow at some point for sure.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Never heard how he was but he didn't get back in the game. I think he banged his head into the ground pretty hard.

Anonymous said...

It is that time of evening for me to say
Good Night All
Sweet dreams of friends..

Good Morning Whoops! Today is
Friday... No Suzanne in the morning..
So whomever is first on the blog may have my Good Morning....

MITS said...

Nite, Jo.

MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur.

NillaWafer said...

This certainly has been a short bloggin day didnt even reach Any ways i was having problems with PP getting in would give me a message about corupt embedding... Come to find out my popup blocker was stopping it, so i had to allow pop ups on that site. Guess sense the new commericals started. Just thought i give that info in case anyone else was experiancing the same thing.... Only afew birds there right now but the color is fantasic.. Nighty Niters

NillaWafer said...

Good Night Sharon you stay in and keep warm... If i was there i would grease ya up with my son is 26 and i still grease him, its amothers show of love....LMAO Niters

NillaWafer said...


MITS said...

I'm allowing th pop-ups and it still does not work.

MITS said...

Mei is actually bugging Tai.

NillaWafer said...


NillaWafer said...

yeah well when i allowed popups the first time it worked went back again and now its now working grrrrrr

NillaWafer said...

mem://059EF910/ do you get the message? in tha tlittle box i copied n pasted it here plus it says corrupt files embedded?

NillaWafer said...

lol he was trying to bit her toes whats wrong with her Mits? Your the panda doc And what you still doin up?

NillaWafer said...

Ok she has calmed down he is back to sleep and she is over the rock for now .. i sense she is very restless

NillaWafer said...

Well i am going to the forum and asked questions as to why we are having these problems ...

NillaWafer said...

Oh Mits this is number 99 jump on it Well i went to PP brought it up and it opened no troubles at all cant figure it out...

NillaWafer said...

Yawn well ill take it WAXXXX 100 yeehawww Ok Yawn gettin sleepy, Tai N Mei are settled down, birds singin at PP AND THE CAMERA DRIVER IS MAKING ME SICK PANNING SO FASTTTTT..

movin said...

It looks like the plans for next season's cameras are progressing.

Thanks to those of you who have sent the nest building photos, and so forth. I really appreciate them, they're great.

I hope everyone is well...I can see that Nilla must be feeling better.

Have a very creative weekend,

NillaWafer said...

Oh Mits look Mei n Tai are laying together face to face sleepin... I think she knows her baby is growing up... sniff thats so adorable.......... Oh and i have been on the PP web site and many peole are fed up with having the same problems of that message, so we are not alone in our frustration... Oh wish i could take a picture of both of them sleeping so cozy..

NillaWafer said...

Morning Jim go look at the video of Mits and Me at the Washington zoo weds with Tai Shan...... have a great weekend Jim.

NillaWafer said...

Oh my they are laying nose to nose sleeping......CANT TAKE APICTURE GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

MITS said...

Nillabean, thanks for the update, yeah I was watching those two....HI JIM. CAN'T SEEM TO SETTLE DOWN TONIGHT.

MITS said...


NillaWafer said...

Do you see Mei n Tai Mits?????

NillaWafer said...

I gave up on PP site for tonight, beisdes i dont think it will be up for much longer they close it down also.

MITS said...

OMG.....That would be the cutest picture of Tai and Mei.

NillaWafer said...

You feeling ok? That you cant get settled?

NillaWafer said...

Thats what i said isnt that adorable them sleeping like that

MITS said...

Yep, feeling ok, just wide awake, going to get some warm milk.

NillaWafer said...

That picture would be priceless Mits...

MITS said...

In all the time I have watched them, I've never seen them sleep like this.........sooooooo cute.

NillaWafer said...

Well i am windin down have abit of a headache... Opps no wonder brb forgot my bed time med...

MITS said...

They are snuggling....ok, nitey nite...Nillabean, talk to you tomorrow.

NillaWafer said...

Niters Thelma get some sleep xoxox

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE! EAGLE at BW, MT nest in FLA., Maine nest has a black screen. Off to visit Mei and Tai. Have a good Saturday.

MITS said...

There is video on from yesterday, by the same man on the video, that Paula sent. Its the Fla. nest and I guess what we missed when the cam was down yesterday a.m.

MITS said...

Great shot on the BW update of 2 eagles hanging out by the river.

MITS said...

2 eagles atBW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Eagleland. Hope everybody has a wonderful day.

Remember to do random acts of kindness. The rewards are great. I have been blessed by these lately myself and I am so grateful.

MITS said...


MITS said...

They were just readjusting the cam in Florida, maybe an eagle is near by...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning, Mits.

MITS said...

Got the cam back to where it was in FLA.

MITS said...

Went to get a cup of java and eagles at BW took off.

MITS said...

Dawn is just starting to break at KENT.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning everyone. Hope all are heading in to a nice weekend. Good to see the chatter on here last night for a while. Got to have the latest news on everyone at the Blog to read, keeps us Alets LOL while we wait on our cam.

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Morning, all! I have a black screen in Maine, too. Everywhere else is MT...Mits, stop going for java!

Anonymous said...

Starting to get light at Kent...

Anonymous said...

Morning, Glo, Sharon and MIts.

How you doing today, Sharon?

MITS said...

Okie-Dokie, Paula. It really is pretty to watch the sun come up out west.

Anonymous said...

Mits, those BW eagles keep sneaking out when you are not watching!

Anonymous said...

eagle at kent

MITS said...

EAGLE AT KENT..............

MITS said...

She's up, now she is resting again.

MITS said...

And the Kent eagles sneak in when you least expect them::):):).

Anonymous said...

She really is pretty.

MITS said...

She looks so relaxed and content.

Anonymous said...

Lazy morning at Kent.... :)

Anonymous said...

Anyone else just loose the Kent cam?

Anonymous said...

Lose, not

Anonymous said...

Good Morning all you morning momsters.
I remembered to sign in & then comment
Going to be a good day! I have been watching the Kent cam. She is so pretty. I would love to have seen Tai & Mei last night as Mits & Nilla did.
I am getting ready to greet my soldier around the noon hour... They are in town & coming up for lunch - some others of the family are also coming.

Anonymous said...

WOW, talk about a hard place to get into, I think its tighter than Fort Knox! Good morning Eagle Land!

MITS said...

My KENT is still up....glad you made it in Vicky.....Jo have a wonderful time with your soldier!!!

Anonymous said...

Mema Jo sure gets a great Thanksgiving! Family, that's what its all about!

Anonymous said...

But I'm adding my "Blog Family!"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Aw Mema Jo What a very special time for all of you. Will be watching for pictures. have a great great visit. He is getting lots of hugs I am very sure. Could you give him a hug or few from the Momsters too.

MITS said...


MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Hello GLo, hello Mits! Going to be a lonely place again today, AHHHH Alas, come Dec. 6th our eyes will be glued to the cam tube!

Anonymous said...

Hi Vicky I wondered if you were aorund this weekend actually. But there you are. LOL I will be back to work quite a lot through the holidays anyway by the time the cam comes hopefully others will be capturing some good pictures for me.

MITS said...


MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Good Afternoon my friends in Eagleland.

MemaJo it is wonderful Patrick will be with you today. Have a grand day.

Mits what was Nilla talking about last night in comment PP ?

Also has anyone checked out pete's pond? If so what is going on on your screen?

Anonymous said...

Not such a lazy morning anymore at Kent,,,eagles have been busy today!

Anonymous said...

Thought I would watch the Eagle at Kent for a while over a cup of tea. Got a 30 sec view maybe, then up in the tree. makes me really suspicious aobut all of this sometimes lOL

Anonymous said...

Definitely getting in on the tail end of the eagle viewing from Kent this morning, shall I send around a picture Te He

NillaWafer said...

Well i will say Good Afternoon, as i really slept in today with staying up and watching Mei& Tai snuggle like they did... As if a mirror image of both nose to nose.. feet to feet... body to body it was worth more then words can say seeing them laying like that.... Jo have an exceptionally great day with your family... Sharon No comment about the Vicks huh? Everyone have a great weekend. Dana many are having problems getting onto PP it ahows this error message saying something about embedded and corrupt files... I opened my popup blocker to the site and it seemed to work but then it did not..Go into there forum and look at what others have to say about this problem.. Well i am off for the day AND yes driving over to the nest with binoculars in hand...
Then sisters and i are going over to a seafood place AYCE called "Dick & Janes" Paula over in your neck of the woods.. they say its wonderful!!! Any whoooo lator gatorssss.. will report on nest tonight!!!

Anonymous said...

Yup, Nilla, good place to eat!

Anonymous said...

Eagle back at Kent

MITS said...

Have a good time, Nilla.

Anonymous said...

Nilla don't forget to tell us all about what you see of our eagles.

Enjoy ! ( :

NillaWafer said...

Ok heading out now Dana if Liberty n Belle are around i will be calling you ok... TATA

Anonymous said...

Think the Mrs is having serious redecorating thoughts at Kent this afternoon. Busy Busy

Anonymous said...

Well she's left for the moment, but I bet she is coming back soon with another Log well you know Big eagle stick...

Anonymous said...

Well has been a long afternoon. Not only did the eagle not ocme back but none of you have stopped in either. I have done some cleaning up of eamila but have lots more files etc to get cleaned out. Will check back in this evneing, maybe Nilla will have a tree/EAGLE report then, Ahh to be sitting by the tree now, how wonderful would that be. Well OK out in a car with my binoculars. yep i could handle that too!

MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...


Anonymous said...

So lets see Dr Mits, we have Panda Bear expertise, definitely Bambooning, and now eagle hanky Panky....You are getting quite a reputation on here lady Te He.

MITS said...

I'm a lucky gal...I hope the guy who does the videos on you tube, caught that, on the video Paula sent around the other day, I believe the eagle monitor down in FLA, says eggs can be laid around the 1st. week of December.

MITS said...

Whatever happened to a new Saturday thread?????

Anonymous said...

Well you certainly have the info about the FL eagles that's for sure. Wow early Dec for eggs. Guess that's FL for ya. I kind of hope our young ones headed south for the winter and not north.

Anonymous said...

Yep, no new thread yet! Guess Mits and GLo have held this place together today -- Thanks Momsters!

Anonymous said...

Well Not exactly Vicky but we did both stop bye some. You do have mail by the way.

Anonymous said...

Where oh where is our roving reporter Nilla?? Up the tree, OR talking to a guard???

Anonymous said...

LOL Vicky yep we do know it it pretty dark for eagle viewing through binoculars now don't we.

Anonymous said...

Yes, very late for eagle viewing! She better have an explanation for keeping us in suspence!

Anonymous said...

LOL as i cleaned out my email files I came across this link Geesh had to do with Nilla and the gang heading for the Tree on a weekend. I now you remember this VickY as you just got a recent reminder, but was kind of fun to revisit online again. yep it still exists here is is LOL. Turn volume down some though TRUST ME!!!

MITS said...

Nilla was going out to dinner after tree visit:):):)!!!

Anonymous said...

Evening, all!

Hanky-panky, eh?

Anonymous said...

Yep, I do remember that Glo!

Anonymous said...

And WHERE was dinner going to be at? Illinois????

Anonymous said...

Ok, getting carried away, just want to hear she saw our Parents in the nest!

MITS said...

Think I will head to bed soon, might check back to see if Nilla stops by, if not Good Night, everyone.

Anonymous said...

The evening is upon us Momsters! Glo I went to the site & everyone should save that as
Memories 2006 I noticed that in October the last entry in the guest book was from Sweeden.

Anonymous said...

yes Mema Jo i did see that person had signed. Our eagles are definitely known about around the world. You just never know who wills top by next. I too was excited and happy to see they had taken time to leave that message and where they were from.

Anonymous said...

There is alink to that site on the Momster Group link I have ever intention ogf leaving it up there. Please yes have it bookmarked. When new people come this Season it will be a great way to share with them how very much we enjoyed last season and the memories we sahe of Those adults and the first 3 we got to see fledge that nest.

Anonymous said...

My afternoon with Patrick & Christine & especially Samantha was more then wonderful. The kids came up an hour ahead of others to have some private time with us. The best thing I can say is that he still laughs great! He and his cousins were talking & talking & laughing. I love his robust laugh. He'll be fine. My granddaughter said he gets awake at 4:30 am & announces that "I'm awake & can't get back to sleep". She tells him that maybe you can't but I can. Once he returns his group should be coming home in Feb.

Anonymous said...

I will have some photos to share; however, Christine was taking the pics today. She will send them to me to share with all of you.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you had such a wonderful time...I'm sure it warmed your heart...also glad to hear he'll be back in February...what good news!

Anonymous said...

Paula Your grandson is really a handsome little guy. I could see some devilishness in those eyes!

Anonymous said...

Yes, he can be, Jo!

Anonymous said...

A cute little devil at times!

Anonymous said...

:):) 200

Anonymous said...

All pandas sleeping except LunLun...
Pete's Pond won't open for me - will try later if I stay awake. Nothing at the Water Hole on Wavelit.

More exciting in the daylight hours!

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Congrats, Paula on your
200 lbs of wax

Anonymous said...

Well Goodnight all. I think it might be past Nilla's bedtime, LOL well not really but its getting close tomine. i will read her report tomorrow. rest well.

Anonymous said...

Good night, all. Hitting the hay...supposed to be fairly nice tomorrow, want to get some rest so I can work out in the yard!

Anonymous said...

Night Glo and Paula.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...