Friday, November 17, 2006

Friday November 17

Friday thread.


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Anonymous said...

That time of evening:

Good Night All
Sweet Dreams of Nilla's report
to read tomorrow

Anonymous said...

I'll leave the fire burning in case Nilla stop in! Goodnight Eagleland -- and any lurkers!

NillaWafer said...

Ok heres the scoop.... nest clearly visable with leaves gone... sat and waited aprox. and hour or so and no sight of either Liberty or Belle..... big siihiiiiiii... driving out did see a large bird high up but could not stop car behind me...siihiiiiiiii again....Although through binoculars it did appear the nest had a higher or different shape to the sides... So they must be working on it sometimes... Ended up going to Uno's for dinner didnt like it never again tough steak... All in all was not abad day, sorry didnt see the eagles... Going to check on critters and read paper n head to bed working tomarrow... Nitersss

NillaWafer said...

Oh Mits i have the pictures Carrie took of Tai up the tree from weds. My dad so funny said seriously i dont understand what keeps him from

Anonymous said...

Nite Nilla thanks for the report, sorry you didn't see them. Sweet dreams.

Anonymous said...

Good morning, Jo, Paula, Glo, Mits, Nilla, Dana, and Vicky. Sorry you didn't see the eagles yesterday, Nilla, don't worry, we will see them again soon!! Glad you had a great visit with Patrick yesterday, Jo. Will keep him in my thoughts, be glad when him and all our other soldiers can leave Iraq and Afghanistan. Hope everyone has a great day, looks to be a nice one. Off to cut more cedar, then have to run to mall later to get daughter's Xmas present- one of the new Nintendo video systems that came out last nite at midnight. All she wants, can't stop talking about it. Ugh!! don't even want to think about running to the mall, it will be packed. Oh well, tis the season. BBL

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE! Sorry, no eagles Nilla, your Dad sounds like a funny guy...Have a good day everyone. Megan, you must be exhausted.

MITS said...

Oh, forgot EAGLE AT BW...MAINE cam still down...MT nest in FLA., only 5:00a,m, out at KENT.

MITS said...

Well not completely true at FLA, Woody Woodpecker is there.

MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Eagleland. I hope everybody has a beautiful Sunday.

Remember to do random acts of kindness. The rewards are great.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Tai is sleeping up in a tree and the limb he is sitting on looks so little. Could not even be comfortable.

Anonymous said...

Good morning all. Beautiful sunny Sunday here. I shal rejoine and be glad in this day.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning, Glo.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning All Liberty & Belle must have been out on the town when Nilla arrived at the nest. Hopefully all of you will have a nice, slow relaxing Sunday. Thinking of Megan out there getting her greens. The market is next weekend. I hope she finds that Christmas present at the mall. I don't envy her one bit.

Anonymous said...

Just a quick check-in, outside raking leaves. Nice day out there, enjoy it whatever you are doing!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and MT nests...eagles must be taking a break too!

Anonymous said...

Nest check...2:14pm est...quiet all around....MT nest here too! :)

Anonymous said...

3:46pm MT nest all around. Mei & Tai are outside on Cam 2 - trainer on other side of door must be giving them treats. ButaBall sleeping in hay.
Lazy quiet afternoon with some rain drops.Yard leaves all removed this am.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good evening, eagle friends. Hope everyone is having a wonderful day! :):):)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Quarter can of wax!

Anonymous said...

4:10 pm Eagle in FL nest

Anonymous said...

Eagle is laying in the nest

Anonymous said...

4:18 eagle is still there...hate to leave, have to take a shower and go bowling....

Anonymous said...

Both eagles in FL now...

Anonymous said...

Someone on cam just adjusted on branch to the right, one in the nest

Anonymous said...

One in the nest just took off to tree to the right of the nest, and back to nest tree again

Anonymous said...

4:47 pm, both in tree, one above nest, other to the right

Anonymous said...

5:10 eagles to bowling!

Anonymous said...

NEW THREAD IS UP see you there

Anonymous said...

I wish our little gal, ButaBall, had treads on her back feet so she could get where she was going. I see LunLun has been eating in the nest bed!

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6/6/23 bella field cam

  Time stamps on these or about an hour off. So, if it says it's 5 something, it's 6 something field can got messed up in the last s...