Thursday, August 03, 2006

Thursday August 3

Fresh thread.


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Anonymous said...

WoooHooooooo I get to be #1!! Never ever happened before.

Now I'll go announce new thread...LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Don't feel blue Sharon I just sent around through Eaglet_Momsters group a site to see eaglet. I am there now watching the eaglet, don't know how many there are but I'm seeing on right now.
Get Your Eaglet Fix

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Been watching this one for day, Vicky, where the heck have you been! :):):)

Congratulations Sandy!!

Just Vicky said...

Where is this eaglet???

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


wvgal_dana said...

Sharon I thought you was watching the one in Maine.
This one is in Santa Cruz Island.

wvgal_dana said...

Vicky go to you mail I sent the link through the Momster_eaglet group.

Just Vicky said...

ok, read my email, I found it!

wvgal_dana said...

He is perched above the nest right now.

wvgal_dana said...

This eaglet is in Canada

wvgal_dana said...

I just read the reports and there was only one eaglet born. So we don't have to worry about which eaglet we are seeing. Only one to be confused with lol.
Maybe we will get to see parents/parent bring in food; as they still will do. Even after fledging.
Oh boy an eaglet to watch yeaaaaaaa

Just Vicky said...

Is the eaglet tagged on his wing?

wvgal_dana said...

I'm not sure Vicky IL there is only one eaglet born. I was thinking the same thing maybe a tag on the wing??? Don't know for sure. They don't have many that left messages as to whether even a girl or boy. Thinking about calling it Cruz or Santa lol

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Vicky, my bad. I didn't scroll down on the page far enough!!

Well that is quite different looking. Looks like he is suspended in mid-air. He just took off. Did get to see for a minute though! Thanks

Just Vicky said...

Where'd he go?????

glo said...

Norma Important!!! You have mail!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Did anybody ever watch Santa Barbara? Cruz Castillo was gorgeous.

wvgal_dana said...

Flew off for now.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

You can sure tell that there weren't 3 eaglets in that nest wearing it out!!

wvgal_dana said...

Your welcome Sharon I know how we all like an Eaget fix. Had to give you something before Band Camp.

wvgal_dana said...

Yea he/she didn't have any siblings to steal from or to mantel at. He/she might have alot more to learn in the big world than our 3 did. Because our 3 learn't from stealing and manteling at each other.

wvgal_dana said...

Got to go fix dinner Vicky IL or somebody let me know if he/she comes back. I check the comments on any action of the eaglet. Thanks

glo said...

what is the url I am on digest and won't get that post til about midnight HELP

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo -

glo said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


NillaWafer said...

Just checking in before going out for dinner.. Checked on TAI and he is sleeping right above the entrance to his cubby hole and i was screaming at the screen damit Tai wake up and move away from there.. Mom is eating bamboo down by the big windows and doesnt know the danger he is in.. If he falls could be hurt!! Oh cant watch going to eat BBL PS Hi Ya'll DONT FORGET THE BIG BALLOON FESTIVAL GOING ON HERE THIS WKND.. i am

glo said...

eagle int he nest in santa Cruz111

NillaWafer said...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

The Santa Cruz eaglet is back with his beautiful wing ring!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Last post was old news!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

After seeing different eagle nests around North America, I do believe Liberty and Belle have built the strongest nest and in such a sturdy tree, our big sycamore!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Going out now. Be back around 9 p.m. Love ya, mean it!!

Just Vicky said...

Wow he's back!

glo said...

"After seeing different eagle nests around North America, I do believe Liberty and Belle have built the strongest nest and in such a sturdy tree, our big sycamore"

And from the storm Spunkster weathered up there its a really good thing they do build a Great Nest

Just Vicky said...

Think he's waiting for a food drop!!!

Just Vicky said...

Sure makes you lonesome for our "tree!"

Just Vicky said...

Off he went!

glo said...

Norma OR if anyone Knows how to reach NormaI really need her to check her email and write BACK to me...Thanks whoever!!!

Anonymous said...

POOR SHARON,Probably looks like that bald cardinal of hers, after all the mispelled words. I know it must of hurt her eyes to see it. We love you, SHARON.

Anonymous said...

One false move and TAI SHAN is down in his cubby hole the fast way. I can't look!!!

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi Girls,
Just a quick pop in,,dont worry about Gobbo, he is now a past master at HANGIN, Just been to Brisbane and I think Frieda has laid another egg thats two now bless her, pity the site isnt streamingm I hate the 10sec delay thing it doesnt give you much chance to see much, All I can say is that I hope Frodo brings food soon for Frieda.
How are you all today well I hope


Chrissy Beahan said...

PHEW I FEEL JETLAGGED,,,, Brisbane's along way in such a short time, talk about G force ????


Just Vicky said...

Is anyone able to see the Santa Cruz eagle cam? I can't get on it!

Anonymous said...

CHRISSY You must have wind under your wings:):) I try not to worry about TAI, but like you and DLT, I have worried about him every step, since my sister and I started watching him when he was 12 hours old. Living so close to D.C., our local news coverage has been wonderful, reporting every time he would sneeze, he was on the air.

glo said...

Hi Chrissy Good to see you. Think I'd better head on over to Brisbane myself.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Vicky from Ill., I can get on it, but last time I looked, it was MT.

glo said...

Yes Vicki I have it on ...nest is empty.

Just Vicky said...

sure won't let me in here at home tonight, was on it all afternoon at work

Just Vicky said...

I'm getting annoyed!

Just Vicky said...

Finally got in, sorry gals for complaining!

glo said...

I'm sorry see just that makes me wonder if some of this has to do with sbcglobal. Sorry!!!

Just Vicky said...

could be right Ms. Glo! Since they merged with AT&T, I don't think everything is quite up to par!

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi Girls,

Well I have wind somewhere, but not telling,,yes like us we have watched every tweek and stumble and hicup and even prayed when we thought he was going to die, cos we were overly reafing things he was doing when he was so very tiny, cant remember that far back now WAS HE EVER THAT TINY ?????
Well is past mindnight here and I think I have one eyelid on one knee and the other is slowly following, so bett er up those apples and pears and away to my fluffy little pink cloud.

BTW:::::: tomorrow I must ask for help on how to use the momsters site, I am such a novice on the computer I need to be led by the nose at all times.

goodnight girls, sleep well, if I'm able chat to you tomorrow, night night.


Just Vicky said...

Goodnight Chrissy!

glo said...

Thanks Norma ALl is well now...You have mail

Anonymous said...

Good Night Chrissy!

Anonymous said...

GLO Things are looking up, after 9 days UPS has received my billing status, so I guess I will be able to start tracking tomorrow some time. Storm is popping up right over Bethesda, going to shut down for awhile.

Just Vicky said...

Looking stormy here in Oakwood IL also!

glo said...

Along with Suzanne and myself...all orders processe dtogether from what I can tell..Monday Mits is probably your day!!!

Anonymous said...

HELLO EAGLE BUDDIES----This has been a day from H____!!!---woke up to loud noise from A/C---NOT A GOOD THING----Called for help 8:00 a.m.----Someone got here at 2:00---need a motor or something---maybe by Mon.---GOOD NEWS---the unit for the other side of the house (bedroom) is working----bought a fan--spent a day (KIDDING) almost--putting it together---now getting blown away---I have on a halter top NOT A PRETTY SIGHT) and have attempted for hours to get my TRIBUTE to GLO--I don't function without A/C----GLO has been so patient & kind to me---
SOOOOOOO how are you all----We were promised out HOT STUFF would go away THURS. EVENING---WELL----

Anonymous said...

GLO----I hope I didn't leave any words out or add any----I don't understand why the first email didn't work-----SO SORRY---Did you folks know it is snowing in Africa-----IMAGINE

Just Vicky said...

So good to hear from you Norma! I've missed you, and on the other hand, doesn't sound like you've exactly had the best of days! Sorry ! You can come to my house, my air is working great!

wvgal_dana said...

Yep the most snow they have gotten in what 8 years or something like that.

wvgal_dana said...

Well Vicky IL how have you like the eaglet site at Santa Cruz, Canada? Did it help brighten you day?

glo said...

((((Norma))) I hope you are comfortable enough and cool. I am sure your Tirute is fine...if I think something is missing or extra I'll fix it..or ask if I have a question. Glad you managed to get your Tribute from there to here. All is well.

Just Vicky said...

Yes I've enjoyed the "fix" wvagal! Thanks for steering me there!

glo said...

Just finished movwing my yard. I need to find a halter top!!!

Santa Cruz camera doesn't have an eagle but as the sun sets it is kind of pretty. Would be gorgeous if the eaglet who is kind of living there now, should fly in for the night.

wvgal_dana said...

Glo been watching the one eaglet that was hatched there all day today. He/she has done it for me for my eaglet fix. Flying in, perching, cleaning its feathers, awwww so enjoyable.

Just Vicky said...

well somehow I lost my connection to Santa Cruz and can't get back on it again! HELP

wvgal_dana said...

It was 113 degrees here today now it 86 degrees; still hot.

wvgal_dana said...

Vicky IL next time you get on there put a shortcut on your desktop or did you already do that?

Just Vicky said...

No, didn't do the shortcut thing, but the media player never seems to finish connecting

Just Vicky said...

something is wrong with my media player

wvgal_dana said...

When you get to the site again re-download it.

wvgal_dana said...

scroll down to Watch the Santa Cruz Island Bald Eagle nest (written in red) no sound but eaglet fix wvagal enjoy

hope this helps Vicky IL

Anonymous said...

FLORALGIRL----Your pics are beautiful----Summer Bouquet and the pic w/butterfly---liked the pics of your garden----I think if you get tired of selling flowers you could do well w/photographs of your arrangements-----I know I use this word too much----but they are AWESOME!!!
If you had not told us about the worm----I would have thought strange flower-----

wvgal_dana said...

Vicky IL if that doesn't help it will be easier go get your mail from me (((smile)))

Just Vicky said...

still won't load, just keeps trying to connect in media player, never loads, I'm with Glo, think this sbcglobal is acting up!

Just Vicky said...

I even tried from the email you sent

Just Vicky said...

I give up, just have to wait till I go to work tomorrow I guess!

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry your having a problem. I hate having computer problems. Hope it straightens out for both you and Glo.
Vicky Il there is something about that site. When I have it on "full screen" even without the eaglet perching or in nest.
The colors, the trees, the nest. Like something is calling to me. It's an awesome feeling deep within.
Like something untouched by mankind and only by God. Like frozen in time.

NillaWafer said...

Howdy Doo Folks.. I posted earlier but no one seemed to notice about Tai being so close to the edge sleeping. So i went out for dinner and shopping, didnt buy anything special. Still hotter than Rooster in a hen house out side, but they are saying its going to cool off. Wait and see Ole' Liein Lou our weather man has been knowen to make Think i am just going to relax and watch tv awhile, and Google thearth, went to Hoover Dam and Eygpt and Its amazing to travel and not lift yourrear off the Niters

glo said...

Well I just turned my media player's getting darker there and no sign of the eaglet. I am going to watch America's got talent since Imissed it last nightBUT I was out dancing :-) back in a bit.

Just Vicky said...

Yes wvagal, I felt attached to it also. But oh how it made me long to see "our" nest again!

Anonymous said...

Hey, LOUISE if you would read thru the posts, you would see that CHRISSY AND I WERE DISCUSSING IT Which Cracker Barrel do you go to...the one on 270???

Just Vicky said...

So Glo, is this going to be a regular event for you "dancing"?

Just Vicky said...

Ah ha, finally got a message that media player had a problem, please verify I am on the network! DUH, gals am I on the internet? or am I communicating offline? I think Real Player is set up to be my default and I think Windows Media Player is not appreciative about that setting! Microsoft wants to be "everything" or nothing I guess!

floralgirl said...

Thanks Norma,glad you liked the pics,I will add more eventually.Too tired right now to do much of anything.Another long,HOT,miserable day.Feeling somewhat better now that I've showered and eaten.Hoping tomorrow will be less hot,that's what the forecast says,hope it's right.We really need some rain here,too.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Floral Girl so glad to hear from you. It was 113 degrees out there today. I kept thinking about you in those gardens. Hoping someone is around to check on you. You could pass out out there.
Enjoy some air conditioning.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

What is wrong with you all? Only 53 comments since I have been gone. Slow night! :)

Now I am going to read. BBIALW!

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon I was just taken in most of the day at the Santa Cruz Canada site. Now the colors are beautiful on there. Wow I love the pinks and greens.

floralgirl said...

Thanks Wva Gal Vicky,this is some of the hottest weather I've ever experienced.But I stay plenty hydrated and try not to stay out too long for any lenght of time.I've been coming in and out of the A/C all day.

wvgal_dana said...

Well that's good to keep the fluids going.
If I hadn't told you I love your album of pictures. So beautiful; an the wedding oh my. You certainly do beautiful arrangements.

Anonymous said...

I have FLORALGIRLS pic of the butterfly and flowers as my screensaver, it makes me :):):):) everytime I look at it.

wvgal_dana said...

Mits that was another pretty pic. As a screesaver it would be beautiful.
Are you going to put a pic by your name in here?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Just went back to the Santa Cruz nest. It is beautiful. The colors, just everything. Now if the little eaglet feller would make another appearance. My heart truly belongs to eagles.

I went to a meeting tonight, took my new eagle mug, showing it to everybody and they said "oh my God, you still on that kick". Way of life for me now!! They can kiss my rearend. They surely don't have a clue what they are missing out on!!

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Sharon the colors are awesome; the green pine trees near nest look almost golden.
Do you see pink in the sky?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I do see the pink in the sky - red skys at night, sailors delight!!

I see things have calmed down over on the osprey site for a change. My, my, how they bicker. Don't you all ever go there with me!! You will make me leave and how could you ever live without me? :):):)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

As if any of us ever would try to chase anybody away and as if I would ever even consider. This is home to me.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I made 100 without even realizing. That makes the award even sweeter!

Anonymous said...

WVAGAL I can't even get my name to come up in blue, chances of me getting a pic next to my name are: slim and none!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Now that ticks me off, I know I put my name in there the correct way

Anonymous said...

Where is JO Is she watching T.V.?

Just Vicky said...

Sure don't want any anger stirred up in this place! NOT ALLOWED!

Anonymous said...

I can tell you one thing about that group, they don't like new-comers.

floralgirl said...

Your comments are so kind-thanks again-I'll put up some more wedding pics soon,they are always the most beautiful to look at.Not been a good outside picture taking day lately ,too much haze and bright sun.It really fades some of the flowers.I have been watering like crazy to keep things growing,sure hope mother nature helps me out with a shower soon.Come on Mits,I figured out how to post a pic by following Bird Girls instructions,she walks you right thru it-I don't understand why you can't get your name in blue-maybe they are censoring you- Are you in Bethesda tonite?Did you get any rain yet,looked like there were storms around you.

Just Vicky said...

Well I sure wouldn't want to be a part of T-R-O-U-B-L-E makes me appreciate this place all the more!

Just Vicky said...

I wouldn't want to bring shame to the NCTC name!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

WE LOVE ((((((NEWCOMERS))))))). We give 'em group hugs and everything!! Yeah, we don't want mean people around here because MEAN PEOPLE SUCK!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

You go Vicky, what a rhymer!! We really do have such a wonderful group and love it when new people start blogging. Really grateful we don't have but one control freak on here - ME!! Well I have been a good one in my life but really practice not to be that anymore. It is all about change!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Frieda, the Brisbane peregrine falcon now has 2 beautiful pink eggs. I just saved a picture of them.

wvgal_dana said...

Mits I'll put your name in blue for you.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, If I could just get a hold of your blog page, I bet I could get your name in blue!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I guess Frieda and Frodo's little quickies on the roof are paying off.

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon I think that is the problem. Mits do you have a blog page? Cause usually if they don't their name doesn't come up in blue.

Anonymous said...

LMBO, FLORALGIRL Birdgirl would have to drag me thru it. I'm quite sure I messed up the blog intially. Whenever I try to exit, it won't let me, says I have unfinished things are someting to that affect. We have had some rain, but nothing major. Yes, I'm in Bethesda til Sunday, then back to the beach.

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon we have to walk Mits through setting up the blog page first.

Anonymous said...

That's when my problems started, when I tried to get onto the blog page, you are all so sweet. How about if I just right in blue.

MITS said...

Testing, testing!! This is Sharon not Mits.

Anonymous said...

HOW DID YOU DO THAT??????????????

MITS said...

Told you I could do it. Now I have to go delete that!!

floralgirl said...

Well,this chick can no longer keep her eyes open,off to bed to dream of cooler days and eagles in the sky.Nite all.

wvgal_dana said...

Mits we start with 2 tin cans.
(1) put one hole in buttom of each can.
(2) put a rope through the hole of one can
(3) on the buttom side of the can tie a knot in the rope
(4) now run a long piece of the rope into the hole of the 2nd can
(5) now tie a knot in the rope at the bottom of the second can.
Now we have telephone communication with you...that's just the beginning

Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, you've got mail!!

Anonymous said...


Mema Jo said...

Good heavens- I was about to say good evening and I guess it is almost time to say goodnight! I have had such a delightful day being MEMA. I have colored a gingerbread house while Samantha colored a multicolored icecream cone - I have been every farm animal in the barn - I have played make believe --- MITS you're going to love being a grannie!
GLO Last night after you posted your new pic, I tried to enlarge it to see more detail but couldn't because at first I thought it was an eaglet with its parents & that he was jumping & flapping his
wings! LOL
Hubby & I did go to the Cracker Barrell for dinner with the NY gals and my son. I love their meatloaf - has green peppers in it - very tasty!
I don't relly do much TV - Hubby & I don't like the same ones. Yes, I have 2 TV's but I would rather be at the computer.
Oh,Yes! Samantha, her mom & I did spend time watching Tai today. Samantha's mom reminded her about seeing Tai when he was small enough to hold in your hand. That made it all the more special. But then he got up in the tree today and I'm not sure what time he ever came down.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Too funny, Glo!!

Anonymous said...

This is MEMA JO testing this out!

glo said...

Jo I kinda borrowed this picture from another eagle forum This is the size it came in.

But trust me it is Liberty fanning Belle

Mema Jo said...

and it didn't work!

Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Give it a minute, Miss Mits is going to be here in blue!! I have faith!!

glo said...

Poor MITS she's not alone though, there are a few others who give us their names, but don't have them in blue either.

We love you all, no matter how you get in here, as long as you are NOT MEAN and you are willing to get to know and love our Young eaglets, if you don't already!!!

Mema Jo said...

I believe you GLO - once you said who it was & what was going on - I could see it perfectly!


You both are guilty of Identity Theft

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I might have stole Mits' identity but I did give it back to her. Now if she can get it to work.

glo said...


glo said...

I'm Keepin the Faith and waitin for that blue name to show up in here.

Mema Jo said...


glo said...

Jo and you are guilty of trying to do the ssame thing cause it looked kind of fun..huh!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Try it now Mits, I think I was still signed in under your name. Just signed out!

glo said...

Plus the way I type I couldn't pass off as Sharon very long at all!!

Anonymous said...

ROFLMAO!!! I'm trying....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yeah Mema Jo, what Glo said!

glo said...

LOL Sharon I thought you said you gave it back Its gettin funnier

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh, the first time, not what she said about my typing!

Mema Jo said...

But when I couln't do it - I got mean & nasty (which isn't allowed) to those who could do it.


Lots of Love to Share & Spread around

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yeah, Mema Jo, mean people suck and we will kick them out but we do give second chances!! :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry this user name is not available

Mema Jo said...

I was # 1 5 0 !!

glo said...

Steve ought to be stopping by to change the thread anytime now, although maybe not tonight, since he did change it earlier today.

he could miss all the fun. I am sure he still takes time to read each and every post.

glo said...

That's OK mits...Make up any user name it can be tim buck two....When you get to Display name put in Mits

Mema Jo said...



You already have 2 accounts on the
Eaglet Momsters site - Go for 2
names on this blog.........

Anonymous said...

Okay, this is turning into a vendetta!!

MITS said...

SHARON AGAIN - DON'T GET EXCITED. I went right in and signed on.

MITS said...

Are you clicking on the as a different user.

Anonymous said...


glo said...

Great time for a new comer to Stop by for sure ...

Those people on the eagle foruma re nuts

MITS said...

yesssssssss i ammmmm

Anonymous said...

Shit, how did that happen....

Mema Jo said...

Sharon - Is that you or MITS ?

glo said...

Mits I will look for your blue name in the morning..Good Luck.

We love you whether or not you ever get your nam ein blue.

I'm gonna work on the Tribute for a few minutes and go to bed. really pretty tired. Storms had me (well my dogs) up lots last night.

Good night all, CYA in the morning.

Anonymous said...

ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How did that do that and now I don't know how I did it..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

The last 2 mits was mits, not sharon. I wouldn't use such language on here!! :):):)

Mema Jo said...

Get that 4 lettered word in the
Trash Can - Quick or you're
Gonna get censored with soap!

Anonymous said...

the yes i am was me, but i don't know how i did it

Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Are you putting the right name in username and then the password? No spaces, just how I sent it.

Anonymous said...

i was thinking out loud and it just came out

MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

Right down to your fingertips!!!


I know you can do it again!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Mema Jo said...

Was that really you, MITS yelling for

Helpppppppppppppppppppppp !

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mema Jo, it really was her!

MITS said...

ROFLMAO!!!! I've fallen and I can't get up...

Mema Jo said...

I think she quickly forgot again or

else she'd be back on here........

What do you think?

Mits - where are you

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


MITS said...

But it is taking me soooo much longer to blog.....

glo said...

Couldn't stand it. Had to come back and see what was happening..By jove I think she's got it!!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Oh My, My, My, My, My

I just love it



Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, it just doesn't know what to do with your name in blue!!

glo said...

Better keep calling her Mits oh mits!!!

MITS said...

I need a gin and tonic.Good thing hubby is out of town, he would be dragging me down to the rectory to get my mouth washed out with holy water.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

ROFLMAO OVER AND OVER AGAIN! This has been great. I am so glad we have a Mits in blue!

MITS said...

Look it has a trash can, that's where I should be with my potty mouth.

glo said...

well if I were you I'd be braggin and don't forget overnight how you did this!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, ladies, I have to go to bed now. I have to get up in 5 hours and 15 minutes.

Good night, sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Whole new world for you now, Mits, even a trash can!! That is good.

Mema Jo said...

Oh, Boy!
Now we have to work on
Norma and Sandy

Thanks, MITS for being such a good sport.
Thanks, Sharon for giving so much help to your friend and having the FAITH!

This was almost as exciting as an eaglet fledging! LOL

glo said...

OK I can go to bed now. Good night all...see you in the morning. Cool stuff coming eat. Its beautiful here tonight!!!

MITS said...

Sharon, how about all exspences paid trip to Bethesda to help me learn how to use the computer

Mema Jo said...

Sharon If you go to bed you are going to miss being #200... LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, I would rather have an all expense paid trip to OC but I will take Bethesda!! LOL.

MITS said...

I'm never going to remember this overnight, think I'll just stay up and blog to myself.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh, but I can't miss 200.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Here I am

glo said...

LOL is it me

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 975   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...