Thursday, August 03, 2006

Thursday August 3

Fresh thread.


«Oldest   ‹Older   801 – 975 of 975
Mema Jo said...

I think that this is number 863

This ties the July 19th thread which I think was the longest we have had.

Who will break the tie ????

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Would that be me?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

D beat me and she is so far away! Not fair!

Mema Jo said...


See, my friends, distance doesn't
make any difference in the world!!

Sharon and I are happy for you D.
You're a winner with all of us
Eagle Buddies!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

D - You are not a guest on here. You are home on here!!

Mema Jo said...

Out of here for awhile this afternoon.

NillaWafer said...

Hugs DLT & CAB.. Well that Tai sure has been a rascal this morning and now he is sleeping right over the top to the cubby hole once again.. geeesh he worrys me when he does that.. Watched the penguins being fed out in Monterey so cute they are. DLT your sense of humor is wonderful i enjoy trying to figure out what your saying.. Bottie = Bottom right. I a making alist of words you

NillaWafer said...

Brought up F&F cam and its kind of grey lookin is it dark over there ?? Freida & Studmuffin cam

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla, you've got mail!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla is your Frieda and Studmuffin cam black and white? Mine was yesterday and I restarted my computer and it went to color. Today is black and white again even after restarting my computer. It is night time there. Will get daylight in a couple of hours I think.

Chrissy Beahan said...

GREETINGS and FALICITATIONS, well enough of that rubbish

HI Girls how you all doing..
DID you all know its Mai XIANG'S birthday today she is 8 years old,, have you noticed, no party, no pressies and worst of all NO FLIPPIN CAKE !!!!!!!!!!!!

WELL rant over [temper for Nilla's book]
only just switched the computer on for today so I'm a bit out of the loop here, will catch up I hope. nice to see you Nilla, hope the wedding goes well and without a hitch MITS ENJOY have a drink for me please Champers ofcourse.
D owns heavy horses [Shires] and is showing tomorrow so she is up to her neck getting everything ready,and she has to be up and out a 04.30 am to drive to the showgrounds, so I dont know if we will see her back tonight.

I hope the weather is cooling down for you all a little more now, its gone a little hotter here yet again, humidity up too, so I'm sat here in my nothings typing, oooooooo what a sight,,,, glad you cat see me [only joking ]

Chrissy Beahan said...


I'm closer to Austrailia shall I take a look ??????

British humour, soory pet couldnt resist that one !!!!!


NillaWafer said...

Yup Sharon mine is still black n white for Studmuffin & Freida.. Tia is back out side up a tree i think musta took a short power

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Maybe they save bandwidth or whatever that is during the night when they keep it on black and white and then when daylight comes, they take it back to color? Who knows? IMHO!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That water behind the Maine nest is so beautiful and so blue! MT nest though.

NillaWafer said...

AM i 880???????? Weeeein if ammmm

NillaWafer said...

Yeeehaw i am i am 880 ,,

NillaWafer said...

i checked it Sharon and earlier this morning was full and a boat went across the water so pretty..

paula eagleholic said...

That water is prettier than it was this morning.

Mema Jo said...

16 more comments after this one

Big 9 0 0

Later this evening that means this
slow thread will hit 1,000

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hello, Mema Jo. How was lunch? Where is mine?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

D- let me tell you something. Us folks from WV are all about hospitality!! We got it happening!

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi Girls

Just to let you know,, what you are watching at Frodocam is there night vision camera,, like we see when Mai and gobbo are put to bed, its always in black and white till they switch over in day light, hope that helps girls.
Anyway not eaten yet today so better go and have dinner, hope to be back later if I can get a little cooler.


wvgal_dana said...

dltukI for to tell you this morning; I hope you have a grand showing with your Shire's.

belle_wv said...

Oh Shire horses - lovely. I want a horse that won't buckle under me. I love their fluffy ankle 'socks'! Lots of work to get them gussied up for show I imagine - wow.

I'm trying to get work done, but keep getting distracted. I was reading logs on the eagle cam in Maine and thought I would bust a gut laughing when I read the one about them rescuing an eaglet and while driving it away it did a perfect poop shoot on the driver! Jo you should send that guy a note telling how much you'd have loved to see that LOL

Wedding time for MITS - I love weddings. Such happy times. Just hate the dressing up part. Weddings and new babies and a summer at the beach - lots of good stuff going for MITS!!!

Sharon what have you got planned for tricks for the guys - you know they're going to be pulling all sorts of pranks on you. Got Saran wrap and vaseline and honey and shaving cream, don't forget short sheeting a bed or three, refrigerated water ballons, a pan of warm water ... hmmm what else... ladies help out she needs lots of good ammo. I recall trying to come up with some ideas a few weeks ago, but lets review and make sure she's prepared. Take lots of pictures please and share with us when you get back!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I hadn't thought about refrigerated water balloons. That will be a good one. Might welcome it though if it is too hot down there.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have to go out for a while. Got to take Mom to the store. She is driving me nuts today but grateful I still have her to drive me nuts. Today, the drive is not very far! :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Not gone yet. Wonder what the trick is for the Santa Cruz cam that always seems to be up?

wvgal_dana said...

Isn't there one about some kind of soap when used turns black on them?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh, I forgot - Happy birthday Mei!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And the race is on. Who is it going to be?

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon how old is your Mom?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mema Jo, are you lurking?

wvgal_dana said...

I love Eaglets

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

okay, you got it?

wvgal_dana said...

Did I just get the 900?

paula eagleholic said...

Don't forget the extra makeup to do their faces after they fall asleep!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

WV Gal Vicky - you got 900!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Oh my I guess I got blessed when I conceded to you lol last night Sharon lol wow I got it

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

The sophomore girls did that last year to the freshmen girls and put the blame on the seniors. The freshmen girls got really pi--ed off! I told them they needed to lighten up a little bit and have some fun. I would like to do that to the boys though! And the pan of warm water.

belle_wv said...

Ok this is about 905 - who was 900 - I just bet it was our dear Sharon - enduring her mother pacing around waiting to go to the store just to post this monumental record! I'll see when I scroll down and post..

paula eagleholic said...

Wraps up the #900 and hands it to:

wvgal_vicky !


wvgal_dana said...

Sharon do they have a store name Spencers (spelling could be different) near you?

wvgal_dana said...

Ty TY taking a bow ouch now I can't straighten up

belle_wv said...

Oh yes definitely the make up for the guys, then the pan of warm water and then the hand full of shaving or whipped cream as you tickle their nose with a feather LOL... we need some more ideas... hey lovely UK gals, got any good gags/pranks that us left side of the ponders don't know about?? Share???

belle_wv said...

Hi Paula!

Yeah Vicky - you got the 900 - good for you! I thought sure Sharon would get it or Mema would swoop in from the corner... we need your heart felt acceptance speech - make it a good one this is a record none have achieved before, and hopefully none will again - those on dial up can't possibly get through the delay this takes loading...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, I am really leaving now. BBL!

Glad the 900 award goes to a West By God Virginian! GO MOUNTAINEERS!

By the way, we haven't heard from Mountaineer lately. Wonder what happened to him. Maybe cause the camera shut down.

paula eagleholic said...

Nest reports -
MT eagle nest in Maine

2 in nest at Blackwater

2 in nest at Papa Smurf, CT, juvenile is eating!

1 in nest at LI

paula eagleholic said...

Only you or I can get it by s--- luck this evening!

paula eagleholic said...

I was wondering about moutaineer too.

NillaWafer said...

Steven is gona crap his pants when he finally see this blog..LMAO Hope he returns to make anew one soon but not til this hits 1000!!!!!!

NillaWafer said...

Did i make 920 huh??

wvgal_dana said...

My Speech
Since Sharon will not be here for awhile; I did get so excited I about p'd myself. I would like in honor of Our Eagle/Eaglet Family to Send My Award Over To Sharon To Put With the Many Others She Has Won. From one West Virginian to another West Virginia.
Thank you all and now it's Sharon's turn to except the 900 Award.
You all said an never to be a speech like it to be given again WELL I WON'T lol

Mema Jo said...

I really wasn't lurking -
I also read about the rescued eaglet & how he payed his thankfulness - LOL
Hope you got some lunch, Sharon. The food turned cold as I was delivering, so I returned home to warm it up & dang! I missed the 900 mark.

My refresh button is so slow I won't even try for the 1000 mark! Whomever gets that one will be just plain lucky!

I will BBL around 7:00

belle_wv said...

LOL - while you're passin that trophy around - head it this way I was watching the 900 historic event! Just took too long for the page to reload! I need a faster computer! LOL

glo said...

Looks like I missed 900 LOL...I don't even try but it is fun to watch the rest of you, especially as it gets closer. Some of you just need a reward of some kindLOL

I have spent the last couple of hours updating a few items in the store. I have and I know a few of you have $5 off coupons good until Aug. 6th. Hey it's like free shipping if you have one.. You might want to take a look see at what has changed etc.

July's proceeds went well over the $25 minimum I needed to get a check for NCTC from Ccafe Press. That is good but as I have said before they hold that for a full 30days on your guaranteed satisfaction or refumd. I wont see the check til September for July's sales as I understand it.

August is at $16 right now and a check will NOT be issued for less than $25, so I have done some work for you .

I bought one of the throw pillows myself in my last order, and I Absolutely love it. It is a little pricier than some of the items. BUT the cover is removable and machine washable, which means...I will have mine for ever to remember this One season in a lifetime No matter what Liberty and Belle do next year and even if by some Miracle there are 3 more surviving eaglets, ...There will never be another Big Boy, Ms. In Between, and Spunky.

The site if you need it is...

Please note that we are still waiting info on the products that will be sold by the eaglet_momsters which I believe will feature some of Todd's beautiful Photos....This little shop does NOT have any of those items in it. But many have still found something to their liking, and well...Camera sightings are definitley over and Human sightings for most will NOT be happening either. Ok nuff said!!!

Hope everyone is enjoying a fun weekend.

I am off to try to hook up that DVD/VCR player I bought yesterday but so far, haven't taken time to get ready to use. My next project is in my livingroom.

wvgal_dana said...

After using Rainbow to make the house like new. I'm now going to BBL cause I'm fixing dinner. Yummy...hope Sharon excepts the 900.

NillaWafer said...

I came prepared with abig bag of peanut M&Ms ,Mounds Bar,Hershey Bar with Almonds, ans a big Snickers bar.. Tia is sleeping in his cubby hole, moms asleep on the rock.. Freida is on her nest but she was arranging the beautiful pink eggs.. It is feeding time at the penguin web site in Monterey.. Eagle nest is MT..WS Osprey were mantling over food..

glo said...

Wow just one post since my last one and I've been gone for almost 2 hours. Hmmm Blogger is loading slow, I imagine lots of you are having trouble getting in now.
Steve Where are you? We are heading for 1000 but for lots of us its gonna be harde and harder to get there.

Floralgal If you shoul dhappen to see this, I have a floral quesiton. I have a gerbera daisy I was given as a gift a couple of weeks ago. I know I need to take off the spent Blooms but i'm not sure whether I cut them down as far as I can, or leave the stock and dead head it, which I htink would look kind of funny. Anyway one bloom is passing AND I have another new bloom coming. Can you give me any tips on caring for this plant? Thanks.

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi All

Just a pop in,,,,, its 11.15pm here and I'm like a limp salad, didnt get to bed till way past 3 am this morning,, I see most of our babies are sleeping even Frieda is in the land of nod, Mai out cold on rocks and gobbo the same in his tunnel, I worry about that boy, if he isnt upside down hanging from a branch [I really think gobbo is half bat you know] or pulling paddleing pools into the tunnel he is knocking 9 bells out of mummy, went to my world bird sites and did the rounds of all the birds, and for some reason couldnt get to see and eagles, NOT ONE, well at least we have Frieda, going to bed to shnuggle up with a hot drinking chocolate and hopefully sleep the sleep of the just.
Night night my new girlfriends, OH BY THE WAY i sent an E-Mail to Geula, sending my best wishes that all is ok with her !!!!!!
night girls take care have fun stay happy, hope Mits enjoyed her wedding,
Enjoy the rest of you weekend,
night, speak soon.


wvgal_dana said...

Where is everyone at?
Vicky Il are you lurking?

wvgal_dana said...

Nilla send some of that "junk food" over this way...holding hands out to catch it lol..

glo said...

Hmm Made a discovery Even though store items are updated, pictures in Store front are the old one....Be sure to click on View larger for the current photo on any item you are interested in. Magnet, and journal,are both changed..Pillow has white lettering instead of burgundy now. can't remember the others LOL.

NillaWafer said...

Vicky all i can say is the Mounds bar is now and afew of the Peanut M&Ms.. well maybe more than afew.. Geeez keep eating candy like this i will be The feeding of the penguins is over and they are so cute after they got finished this lil one hopped on the keepers lap and layed its head in her arm. Oh CAB that Tia was such a lil boooger today with mom.. I turned in at 7:30 am this morning and he was hangin upside down in the tree.. Mits how was the weddin? Did you catch the bridal bouquet??? j/k Better yet was there dancing and did ya shake your booty??? lol

NillaWafer said...

I am not having any trouble bringing up the blog page. Maybe you should clean out things... Go to Start..... Control Panel... Internet Options.. and clean out and delete cookies... temp files and history... I love Rainbow vaccum Vicky they are xpensive but best. No dirty vac bags or emptyin a container.. just throw the water out..

glo said...

Man I typed this 30 mins ago, but didn't accept format..meanwhile I am out in livingroom playing with dvd/vcr machine. can get them both to play. now i need to figureout how to get one to record to the other .

Few more peeking in now I guess. .Nilla How are those leg cramps? Hi W. Va. Vicki, and Chrissy too

glo said...

OK Heads up here I suspect tha certain people, I won't name names, are quietly and occasionally lurking in the backgroud, and as soon as this thing gets to like 5 from how busy this BLOG gets.

Think I'll go get something done so I can come back and watch the goings on in here when that MOMENT COMES!!!

NillaWafer said...

Glo leg cramps are ok eating those nannerz, i have always had leg problems since having a blood clot few years back.. Tis ok now.. Well i havent had any trouble getting in Hmmmm. DLT & CAB need your e-mail addys please u can send me mail at Thanks

NillaWafer said...

^5 Glo got the same feelin

belle_wv said...

Happy Saturday evening everyone. Hope all are well. I need to do more critter cam watching and less TV watching - just ordered way too much stuff on QVC - uh oh. Actually, what I really need to do is finish my *&%^$&@ project! Anyone have any anti-procrastination medication? HELP!

(hope this does't show twice -messed up sending it the first time)

NillaWafer said...

Thanks Glo for the certificate i already printed it for

belle_wv said...

I'm not lurkin and waitin - it is too hard to tell who actually gets in for the 'big number' trophies when the pages load so slowly. But if we don't chitchat the numbers won't get up there for the big fiesta watching... Glo - I like the goodies in your shop, just spent way TOO much on back to work clothes, though. Will need to wait until payday at least.

Nilla, glad the legs are feeling better. My mom had a blood clot in her leg after dislocating her hip and has trouble with it from time to time, also. She has to take meds to keep her blood thinner, which is a pain to keep regulated. Hope you don't have to do that!

NillaWafer said...

Belle ,,, My Belle lalala so the song Howdy i think this is 940 and guess were going for 1000, You have anice day?

belle_wv said...

Frieda looks sleepy and or bored. Has she laid any more eggs yet?

NillaWafer said...

Oh Belle i hope she is careful because Dr G just had aprogram about this older lady broke her hip and for older persons they are more likely to develope blood clots that go to the lungs and cause death.. Sorry not scarin ya just informing you.. Hope she hets alot of daily not bowel neither..LMAO

NillaWafer said...

Dont think she has but she was sorta off them alil and rotating them some what.. Aint she prettyyy

NillaWafer said...

Poor Tai's mom he has been so bad today.. Ifn he was mine he be hog tied and hangin from the ceilin fan... But aint he adorable!!!

belle_wv said...

Thanks for the concern and info Nilla, my mom dislocated her hip at work about 15 years ago - man am I that old? Yikes... she's had trouble ever since. Two knee replacements and I think she's due for the hip replacement, but she doesn't want to talk about that. Painful to watch her walk, though.

Not a bad day - spending money is always fun, and no crowds either. Thinkin about pulling the M&Ms out of the freezer...

Glo - yep Frieda is very imperial looking. She's lookin at the cam with that 'tude again like 'Yes darlings I know I'm beautiful, but a bit of privacy, if you please'

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am back!! Not much blogging happening while I was gone!! Oh, I am going to miss you all so much this week.

Belle, anti-procrastination medication - I have found it in surrendering and just doing whatever I am putting off. That way I get to the other side of it sooner and don't have to waller and beat myself up for not doing it! Sounds easy, don't it? And, I do actually practice it sometimes.

belle_wv said...

Welcome back Sharon,

How was the shopping with your mom? Thanks for the tip on the procrastination thing, I know I need to just do it and be done, I really do, just so hard to jump in and actually finish. Waiting on my professor to email back and let me know if what I've done so far is on the right track, but I won't hear back from him til Monday or Tuesday, and the thing is due Thursday, so I need to keep working... sigh.

Ok Frieda looks like she's nappin now, so a quick peek at Tai and THEN I will do some work... maybe?

NillaWafer said...

Sharon you have mail..

NillaWafer said...

The e-mail from Jo about leg hair was histrical!!! i laughed and tears

NillaWafer said...

Wwwhooo i ws 950 so only 50 to go girls WE CAN DO IT!!!

belle_wv said...

Congrats Nilla - you got the 950 half way away award...
Jo you didn't send me no hair email and I know you got my address - sniff sniff - nobody loves me...

NillaWafer said...

OMG Belle i will send it what your e-mail?

belle_wv said...

Thanks Nilla

belle_wv said...

sorry to be a pain - need a good laugh though.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla, I sat here tears streaming down my face, laughing so hard I could not breathe when I read that about the wax.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Belle, you better have your Poise and Kleenex ready cause you are going to need it with that one!

NillaWafer said...

You have mail Belle,,

NillaWafer said...

Waits anxiously on Belles Huh Sharon

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I wish Frieda would take a little break and let us see how many eggs she has now!

NillaWafer said...

Jo said she back at around 7 its after 8 Hmmmm could she be setting back watching n waiting for the magic number to appear?lol Naaa not our Jo

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh yeah, Belle, let us know what you think, once you start breathing again!

NillaWafer said...

Cant wait for DLT N CABS E - mail to send it to them.. i can just hear them now trying to figure it all out....LMAO

belle_wv said...

ROFLMBO - I am NEVER going to wax north of my knees - EVER

OMG TOO FUNNY - thanks for sharing ladies!

belle_wv said...

I bet that lotion stung too! LOL

NillaWafer said...

With my vivid imagination i could see this woman doing all she did...ROFLMBO.. That was the best i think i have even gotten in all my years on here, cant wait for Mits reaction... #965

Mema Jo said...

Well my Belle la Belle.
Guess you know how much you are loved!
I was reading the blog comments & did as you wished.
Nilla & Sharon Belle won't be here for awhile - I think she is still on the floor rolling around & can't stop laughing!!

I didn't get home until a little after 8:00pm Sometimes I am not a good judge of time!

Come on 1000

belle_wv said...

Picture it, hear it and almost - too close to it really - feel it! OMG no date is worth that kind of trauma! LOL I'd have loved to have been the friend on the other end of the phone... I think if I lived near my video cam would've made a trip with me

NillaWafer said...

I just printed it out so i cna show some 967 here

NillaWafer said...

OMG Yesss video it.... Worlds Wackiest Women on

Mema Jo said...

Queston: This is a test of your
math knowledge

During the last hour, 3 momsters made
30 comments. The count is now 967.
What time will the 1000th comment be
made????????????????? since there are now four momsters & no knock knock jokes!

belle_wv said...

Jo that's mean - wanting us to do math??? And besides - we know Sharon will fill the blog with one word entries when we get past 990 - she's so sneaky :) Those boys at camp don't have a prayer.

Mema Jo said...

Mits emailed me after she read her email last night. She was in stitches!

NillaWafer said...


NillaWafer said...

9:27 pm

Mema Jo said...

or less since the blog is so
slow to post.

I wonder when GLO will
come back - Or is Columbo
lurking !

belle_wv said...

LOL Nilla

I wonder if Mits was considering getting a wax job before she read that email and changed her mind?

NillaWafer said...

No change that to 9:01 pm

NillaWafer said...

Heck no wax job for her she had her leg hairs in pink soft curlers last night so now her legs have Gerri Curles..LMAOOOOOOOOOO

belle_wv said...

20 to go

Oh that's right - how could I forget
I wonder if she used that pretty crinkle cut pink tape to hold the curls til they set?

Mema Jo said...


You haven't posted a comment
since 8:23pm.

Where are you?

belle_wv said...

anything happening on any cams? I miss our eaglets!

belle_wv said...

She'll say she's busy packing I bet - but we know -she's resting up her profressionally skilled typing fingers for the attack to reach 1000!

NillaWafer said...

Think she went to the bathroom for personal Oooo makes me tingle thinkin about it!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am here, having a few problems with getting my mouse and keyboard to work. Computers are great as long as they work right, otherwise, they suck!

NillaWafer said...

Well if i win which i may as you may.. i am gona doo alil dance right here Oh yeah hands on hips .. hands in the air .. n so

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have been trying to work but the keyboard kept freezing up on me. Aggravating at best!! But I am still here, waiting for that magical number. Blog is so slow, it really is going to be the luck of the draw!


Mema Jo said...

Stupid blog won't even let
me refresh the page.

Just our luck, Steve will put up a new thread at number 998!

Don't leave this blog until we
get our 1000 record!!!

NillaWafer said...

Good Gracious i set here for almost an hour No customers now they are coming thru the door like flysssss..GRRRRRRR

belle_wv said...


I have some yummy 'southern lemon pie' icecream - turkey hill - ohh so good - summer in a bowl!

belle_wv said...

10 to go!

belle_wv said...

LOL Jo - We're here 'til it blows up!

Nilla - tell em to help themselves you're busy tryin to win a prestegious award!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh my God, 9 away!

Nilla, Tell the customers you are busy right now but you will be with them in a few minutes! Important internet transactions going on!

NillaWafer said...

Gona turn the open sign #990 i am i think its 8:59pm

Mema Jo said...

Going to be funny when all of us are ready to hit the 1000 & we reach
998 & noone posts a comment for 999.
We could be here all night!!!

As Sharon said - It's going to
be only by luck whoever gets that

I might just have to declare myself the judge - I don't know if I can take all this excitement. Just like waiting for Spunky to Fledge!!
I may fall off the edge of my chair!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, who do you reckon the winner will be?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla, tell them to go away!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

who, who?

Mema Jo said...

It's 9:01pm NILLA
You were close to the time buttttttt
how many seconds off are you.


belle_wv said...

LOL Jo - 998 and holding for the next week!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

slow blog

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...



belle_wv said...

I missed it - who was it?? hurry up and refresh blog! I"m gonna miss the acceptance speech! THis is HISTORY I gotta be there

NillaWafer said...

LOL be luck they will walk up and have a dozen dvds for me to pull and magazines that need half off and a vibrating .. so n so that i need to tear open and put batteries in to make sure it works then ring up the sale

NillaWafer said...


NillaWafer said...


belle_wv said...

YEAH MEMA JO!!! CONGRATULATIONS - the 1k blog winner! Whoo hooooo

belle_wv said...

Your special prize - a cold wax kit! And a video camera to use while applying the wax!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Belle, perfect prize and I am so glad MEMA JO won it and not me!!

Nilla - ROFLMAO!

belle_wv said...

Now I predict things will get very quiet... no more awards to go for, and we'll be waiting for Mema to report on the use of her special prize!

movin said...

Happy Saturday, Everybody!!
I can't believe there might be 1000 comments on this thread by the time I finish this...

Glo, and everybody who contributed...guess it could be continued...
That is a great "Tribute Site" for the Liberty, Belle family. I'm proud to be a part of this group.

The Lady Peregrine in Brisbane is setting on two eggs and counting...check it out.

Wonder how long to publish took 6 or 8 minutes and two tries to get it to load this evening.....


Mema Jo said...

I sincerely wish to thank my 3 special eagle momsters who have given me the opportunity for my 15 min of fame !!!
That would be

Without you I would be nothing more then an empty turtle shell sitting in the nest in the ole' sycamore tree! But that wouldn't be so bad if the kids visited me!
That was fun!!!!

Mema Jo said...

At this time, I can only say I am too humble to accept any gifts

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It really was fun.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Jim! How was your week of work after being on vacation? We've been watching Frieda and her 2 eggs hoping there could be some more. We love the setting & really think she is the most beautiful falcon we have seen.

NillaWafer said...

(((((((HUGS JO)))))))) but did i win the prize for the time??? lol I told ya these idoits are swamming thru the door now!!!

NillaWafer said...

But i love it the 1 sales was 280.37 cents now that aint bad

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla, you did win the prize for the time. You get to run the camera while Jo uses the cold wax!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Pretty daggone good sale, Nilla. I would have missed the cold wax prize for that myself!

NillaWafer said...

Jo we going to the tree tomarrow night.. your prize is a dinner on me babe.. Luv Ya

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Could you all possibly gather up BigBoy, Ms. InBetween and my little Spunkster and bring them down to Summers County 4H camp for me. I know they would behave really well for the trip because they would know they were coming to see me!!

Did I tell you all that one of the songs for the band's show this year is "Spirit in the Sky". Is that not so appropriate!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think I see 3 eggs for Frieda now!

NillaWafer said...

I have made copies of the hair story for 2 customers and had 1 behind the counter reading it crying laughing so hard.. Well what Jo win and disappeared???? Bet she is having trouble with comp. Hi Jim hows california? I am planning atrip out ther around January flying out and driving back to see the country.. Going to LA first.. Yeah but i made about 21.00 commision off 1 sale .. Life is good

belle_wv said...

Oh my Sharon, when they play that I would have goose bumps! That is so perfect. I wonder if they can form into the shape of an eagle with its wings spread wide soaring across the field?

Hi Jim - glad you were able to visit, sorry it was tedious. Hopefully a new log tomorrow?

Steve needs to make us 3 or 4 days worth of blogs and we'll just switch as the days go by.

Nilla - that's a lot of entertainment - someone's got a busy weekend planned! LOL

belle_wv said...

Jo - prizes are non-transferable and non-refundable, I'm afraid you'll have to accept!

belle_wv said...

Is Frieda OK? She looks very tuckered!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, she has laid a 3rd egg today (I think) so that is probably pretty tiresome!

belle_wv said...

I hope she just deposited another lovely pink egg!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Belle, you've got mail!

Mema Jo said...

I didn't run away - had some phone calls from my kids - They love me!

I love Spirit in the Sky! Don't know all the words - just 'Spirit in the Sky'

Nilla - you call me if you are really going down after work... What about your Balloon race at 7 ?

The hotair balloons are like the Fourth of July fireworks - OUR kids have the best view!

Now - TO where did BELLE disappear ?? Hope she's not locked in the bathroom!

Mema Jo said...

Sorry BELLE I didn't refresh before I published. I didn't see you up there in the Egg conversation.
I need to go look at Frieda.

belle_wv said...

I'm here Jo - no wax for me... but I know if I was stuck to the tub you'd call the good lookin EMTs for me :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mema Jo, your kids on here love you too!

NillaWafer said...

Hey i am worried about our Mits dont think she drank to many G&Ts n got nekkid tryed doing the bootay bounce on someones lap and is locked up do ya....

belle_wv said...

Where's Frodo? Looks like his Lady Frieda could use a nice refreshing umbrella drink!

NillaWafer said...

Geeesh the frenzy is over now.. Awww that Freida is a beautiful bird those eyes.

belle_wv said...

Ohhh her eyes are so intense! She's busy for sure! The last image was fuzzy like she's wigglin her backside! Maybe another eggie!

NillaWafer said...

Ok Jo i will call you around 5:30 pm i close at 6 pm gives you time and me be there around 6:30 pm Will call

belle_wv said...

LOL Maybe MITS did get carried away at the reception and we'll see her in one of those 'Weddings Gone Wild' video shows! Hope she doesn't spend Baby Kalis's birth in the hospital traction unit!

belle_wv said...

Or maybe her daughter in law was doin some bouncin and got Baby Kalis movin toward the exit a bit early??? a wedding and birthday all the same date - that'd be a good memory!

Mema Jo said...

Sharon You should go into their blog and ask for confirmation as you see 3 eggs now.

NillaWafer said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Belle, you know Mits would much rather be on here blogging with us than stuck with a family thing, wouldn't you?

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...