Monday, August 07, 2006

Monday August 7

Good Morning. New Thread.


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Just Vicky said...

Wow, new thread, hello eagle-land!

Just Vicky said...

Knock, knock, anyone home??

Mema Jo said...

Well, Good Morning Vicky. I am rushing around here - have an appointment at noon but just had to say hello. BBL

Just Vicky said...

Wow, life on the other end! Hi Mema Jo!

Mema Jo said...

Hi again, Vicky. I don't think anyone realized the new thread was up. I did make a comment on the previous page. You should have some company soon.
12:00 appointment for me and then a visit with my NY gals before they go home tomorrow.


paula eagleholic said...

Morning, Vicky-IL.
Hows things in the sorta midwest this morning?

Just Vicky said...

Gals, it is storming big time in Danville IL where I work!

Just Vicky said...

I understand what you're saying thre Suzanne! We are really getting hit here this morning! AND ITS JUST GOING TO BRING MAKE MORE HUMIDITY!

Just Vicky said...

DUHHHHAAAAA, Excuse the brain dead comment there! Not functioning full power yet today! Too much sun and walking with granddaughters at a theme park yesterday!

Just Vicky said...

Well I'm no help Janet, but I'm sure once the rest of the "gang" gets on here today someone will fly with it!

Just Vicky said...

as you can see, this place is nearly dead this morning!

paula eagleholic said...

Suzanne and Vicky,
I have it on my agenda to talk to Steve about a special place for us at the Open House! More to be revealed!

paula eagleholic said...

Baby taking a rest in the Papa Smurf Osprey nest in CT

Just Vicky said...


belle_wv said...

Good morning everyone -err afternoon... rough night last night and haven't quite recovered yet... hoping the surgery will do the trick...

Anyway - ROFLMBO about having Todd at our 'booth'.. I really think having a booth would be awesome. I would love it if we all had an Eagle T-shirt to wear that day. That would be so awesome... Paula what do you think? Nothing too over the top, but with a really super pic or two (front/back) that Todd took and a pretty complementary color T. We'd look sharp and everyone would want to buy their own T - order forms or shirts already made handy to sell more? I want sound and a zoom out cam, maybe two cams at different angles... A night cam?? Ohhhh I'm dreaming today. I wonder if there's a 'spider guard' for the lens? LOL

OK - I'm punchy this morning, settling down now.

Just Vicky said...

All this and a bit of heaven too Belle!

Just Vicky said...

And, for the record for the "rest" of the deprived souls, you have indeed missed out on the 2nd highlight of NCTC! (1st being our eaglets, 2nd being Todd!)

belle_wv said...

Safe travels Suzanne - radar looks ok for now...

Overcast here, but no rain... can't remember the last time it did rain more than two drops. Seems we can't get into a good pattern like I remember when I was a kid (uh oh - the geezer alarm is sounding)... just seems it would be really nice for a couple of days, then a cloudy overcast evening and a rainy day, then back to sun for a couple of days...

Anonymous said...

AFTERNOON EAGLE BUDDIES----I have had my "beautiful" grand-kids in the area----so have----missed you all---VERRRRRRY MUCH!---Read a "bit" of the marathon BLOG---It must have been great FUN---AREN'T WE THE NICEST PEOPLE??------I w/have a lot of catching up to do----Expect you all to fill me in----SHARON is at camp (WV weather--pouring rain in Blfld)----I'm sure beautiful SHARON just won't let that happen at HER CAMP----MITS is back---w/have great stories to tell---GLO is sending certificates-----Thanks GLO---I'm an Official Guardian Eagle---THAT IS ONE COOL TITLE----Do I get a stripe for my shirt---VICKY-IL is knocking this a.m.---(Remember---"I hear you knocking---but you can't come in") probably can't you are too young----(30)----Tell SUZANNE, I bet Todd won't want to be in the same STATE with this "momsters crew"---IF HE HAS BEEN READING OUR BLOG--He will RUN verrrry fast---LOL

Just Vicky said...

Norma, you are such a doll!! I'll take the compliment and run before the truth comes out!

wvgal_dana said...

Hi good people in Eagle/Eaglet Land.
Been in and out lurking and doing some emailing.
Sounds great to see each other in Oct at Open House don't know if I can do it all day though. Want to meet all of you.

Anonymous said...

Took me a while to compose the last blog----GOOD to see JANETM is back w/us after vac., now she is rested----I also read that BARBED FENCE PAULA has been dancing & dancing----and pretty "dimpled" BELLE----I see you are talking surgery---w/that be soon?---I hope it isn't serious---w/keep you in my thoughts-----(for the record BELLE)---I've been to Shpstwn a couple times this past wk. I took the "SCENIC" ROUTE one time (thru Charles Twn)---second time I was on the Martinsburg Pike---going wrong way----I "fibbed" to the kids and denied being lost---Lisa even drew a map----I really need a HELPER---(one who can photograph my scenic routes)---That was just too good to pass up----don't tell MEMA JO---she w/be jealous----I read she has had guests----REALLY NEED TO READ THE LAST 1,000 BLOGS----

wvgal_dana said...

Just to quickly let you know baby panda cub was playing with big wooden rattle like (think treat is inside). They have a new pool lol set up for him with water in it incase you want to watch him destroy it. lol

Anonymous said...

WVAGALVICKY----I have been watching Tai----He is ADORABLE---He is into everything---needs a playmate----Yesterday he was in pool w/ball----after mom 24/7---

How are you feeling today---do you have good days & not so good ones?

belle_wv said...

Norma! You were in Shepherdstown and didn't tell us??? You rascal! I can understand perfectly about needing pictures... I do directions by 'turn at the pretty little blue house on the left after the big church on the right' sort of directions - drives my hubby nuts!
Surgery - not supposed to be anything too serious... thanks for your concern! Just sinus 'remodeling' to hopefully make these headaches go away. Dr. says 2 weeks of recovery.. I've got one week after surgery before heading back to work, so hoping won't need the 'good' drugs after the first week. I can see me trying to teach while on narcotics ROFLMBO - might just be rolling on the floor LOL

belle_wv said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
belle_wv said...

Mei looks like she's standing at a jail cell door beggin the warden to let her out! I think she'd even pay a good bribe if they shut the door before Tai got out too

Just Vicky said...

Norma Dear, I think you need to take Todd along with you on those "scenic trips!" That way he can catch all those sights on film for all of us to look at!

Just Vicky said...

Well, going to go get my bag of "Purina" and see if the diet works!! (lol) Have to try every diet, who knows someday one might work! (So far that miracle diet has not been found!)

Anonymous said...

WVAGALVICKY---I was looking at your puzzles----I worked a couple today----How do you make your own---I picked one out & attempted to send it to the Momster group----don't know if I succeeded or not------Enjoyed the flower for Hugo one----Thanks----

Anonymous said...

VICKY-IL----What is a Purina Diet?

Anonymous said...

BELLE---What would she do if there were two----That Mai is just too much----could watch all day---I have been today----but miss Spunky though-

belle_wv said...

Funny you should mention that Norma, I was wondering when she might be ready to have another lil one... she will be so lost if she doesn't have a baby when they take Tai away - oh I won't be happy either

Anonymous said...

BELLE----Please check & see if you rec. a postcard eagle puzzle sent to

Just Vicky said...

Well Norma, there's a cute ditty about the Purina Diet! I'll have to share it with you sometime!

Just Vicky said...

Norma I'm always trying to find the "magic" weight loss tricks! The only magic is to get my lazy behind moving and exercise it off! But that's work!

paula eagleholic said...

The link was not on the email. Try it again.

Anonymous said...

PAULA----Thanks for answering---Please check for me & see if you received a puzzle I (HOPE) I sent to momsters yahoo group---Thanks

Mema Jo said...

I have returned. I did send an email to Steve Wunderley, Eagle Expert @ NCTC/FWS. Here it is............
Just inquiring as to whether or not you have seen them recently? Also wondering when do you think they will migrate away from the area?

Jo, I saw two last week. They could be leaving anytime between now and November. They have a "wanderlust” just like teenagers. When they leave they may go north, south, east or west and may stop back here several times. Around November or so when the parents start repairing the nest again they will chase the young ones away if they are still hanging out. Time for them to go make their own living. Hopefully after wandering around for a few years they will return somewhere close to this area and take up their own nesting.


Mema Jo said...

NORMA Your Jigpuzzle came thru my email around 12:39pm today. One heck of an eagle that he is. I can only do the jig puzzles so thank you so very much!

Mema Jo said...

I am going to be NUMBER 50

Mema Jo said...

Come on you Momsters - give me some competition out there!

Just Vicky said...

Mema Jo, I'm here, but I wouldn't thinkg of competing with you!

Just Vicky said...

Me and this keyboard are NOT getting along too well today!

paula eagleholic said...

Hello, Jo!

Anonymous said...

VICKY-IL----Please check to see if you rec. the puzzle I sent---THANKS----

Just Vicky said...

Yes Norma the last one does have a puzzle to work!

Just Vicky said...

Paula Climbed any more fences lately??

Mema Jo said...

Did all of you take time to read the email from Steve Wunderley that I posted? I told him that maybe they would put on a show at the Oct open house at NCTC. Be great if we sighted them that day.

It is so hot & mucky here in Frederick County, MD. Seems as though rain is everywhere but here - although storms are forecasted.

Just Vicky said...

Yes I read Steve's message! Very interesting!

Anonymous said...

THANKS VICKY---I have goofed up everything I have tried to do today-----MUST BE THE WEATHER---

Just Vicky said...

My hummingbirds have really been feasting on my feeders! Especially when its storm out like today! Full-time job making their nectar and keeping the feeders clean!

Just Vicky said...

Norma, I don't want you talking like that! It's not you, its the gizzmos you work with!

paula eagleholic said...

Got the link for the puzzle!

Nope, no fence climbing lately. The dog has been hopping the fence around the garden, tho, trying to get the bunnies munching on my green beans!

I had a lot of hummers out too this weekend...something in the air, maybe?

If we are lucky, we would get to see them in October!

Where did Belle go? Working on her project maybe!

Anonymous said...

MEMA JO---I enjoyed Steven's reply to your email----That's exactly how they were acting when we could still SEE them---TYPICAL TEENAGERS-----stopping by to eat or rest, etc.--The only thing they didn't do is drop off their laundry---I used to tell my kids I would know they had grown up-----THEY WOULDN'T HAVE A LAUNDRY BASKET with them when they stopped in-----I MISS THEM---(eagles)----Ho!

Just Vicky said...

Either a lot of people are "lurking" or they are all "out" of dodge today!

paula eagleholic said...

Where is Mits in blue ? Oh, yeah, she is watching all those shirtless guys in the boats! (drool)

Just Vicky said...

Oh great, so someone has their attention off of eagles and on to "bods?"

Just Vicky said...

And Paula, you're drooling just at the thought of it? What has happened to our eagle buddies? Some are watching "other" birds, some are watching bears, and SOME ARE WATCHING SHIRTLESS MEN????

Just Vicky said...

Wait till Nilla reads all of this!

Mema Jo said...

Norma It's even better when the kids get their own washer/dryer. But when they first leave it was a sure thing they'd be back to do their laundry! I hope you had a good week with your grandkids. They really do help you stay young & in sneakers! LOL

Paula sounded as though you had a relaxing weekend. Good to know we can still find time to relax! Let me know if you need any help with the Momsters group.

Anonymous said...

CHECK out Mai---he is nursing & Mom looks like she is agony---THAT KID HAS TEETH----OUCH--OUCH--OUCH--

paula eagleholic said...

Now, Vicky, I would think you would have to agree with me that shirtless men is not a bad alternative!

paula eagleholic said...

The young 'un in CT is eating right in front of the cam, while Ma is rearranging sticks, looks really cool.

Just Vicky said...

Oh Paula I am way too old or "dead" to even find shirtless men intriguing (SP?)

paula eagleholic said...

Can't believe that cam is so clear! Well, with just one chick, guess the chances of the poop shoot hitting the cam are lots less!

Anonymous said...

MEMA JO---Thanks for giving me that link to the pandas---sometime you can watch as long as you like----I just discovered you could watch it in full screen----Sat.I was in Shepherdstown--- took kids out to eat---PURPLE ONION---lunch time--food was delicious---prices---$8 for BLT----w/choice of pasta sal. or onion rings---

paula eagleholic said...

Poor Osprey! Gotta laugh, he's got that darn fish stuck on his talons, again!

paula eagleholic said...

Well, he got it off, and now his talons are wrapped around it, sorta like eating a hot dog!

paula eagleholic said...

You are far from either!

paula eagleholic said...

CT osprey all done now, playing pick up sticks.

paula eagleholic said...

NOw resting next to Papa Smurf, who looks like he has sorta been dug up out of the nest, but he is still face down.

Mema Jo said...

Norma That sounds like a very nice lunch. I also keep remembering our dinner - it was delicious. Now I am getting hungry and don't have a clue what we're doing for dinner....

I am wondering if Nilla went to OC
She and Mits are MIA...........

glo said...

Good Morning all..ooops its NOT morning? Could have fooled me, must be that semi-retirement thing creeping up on me Then it is just after my siesta time. Tea in my Momster mug is what is next on my menu!!!

floralgirl said...

Well,maybe Mits sailed away on one of those boats she went to see this morning.What a scorcher it is outside.Does it have to be so bloody hot?!And where is all MY rain?Keep hearing thunder,but no raindrops fall,and yeah,if you were out there with me you could hear me cursing under my breath as I watered ALL DAY LONG...At least the hummers and the butterflies keep me entertained.The hummers love this heat and mine are flying around like crazy too.At one point today I stood in one spot in the garden and looked around and counted 32 butterflies,They are everywhere!!I'll add some pics to my album later. Thanks for sharing your e-mail from Steve, Jo,glad to hear the eaglets are still around.Like to try to go see them again.Hey Vicky,you're never to old for shirtless men

Anonymous said...

MEMA JO----We need to have Steven hurry up on the eagle cam---we EAGLE MOMSTERS---aren't talking about eaglets----we are down to "shirtless men" or "photographers"---what next---

FLORALGIRL--your flowers are just beautiful----love to see the butterflies----

Mema Jo said...

Mits may be here soon - I think she is working on all her emails. I'll have to put up some OC cams & check out the crowd.

floralgirl said...

Hey Norma,you're right ,we need our cam! Gotta go back outside, birds are yelling cause they want seed and the birdbath is empty.Bad enough I gotta water the garden, now I gotta water the birds!Later

Anonymous said...

GLO---When will we get to see the Eagle Tributes?-----was that mentioned on the marathon BLOG? Are you still enjoying your SEMI-retirement-----Hagerstown----showers & thunderstorms tonite---All for you FLORALGIRL-----

glo said...

Norma yes the eagle Tribute is up and running. I will send you an email with a direct link right now be watching for it.

Mema Jo said...

Glo Will you send me an email with the link to SPUNKY ? The first email would not open & said Page not found. Thank you!

Did not see Mits on the boardwalk in OC. I have 2 cams for there. I also did not see NILLA on the boardwalk. I would reconize her - I have no clue what our Mits looks like - good looking blonde, I think!

Mema Jo said...

If Tai dreams one second of a nightmare, he is going to go BOOM right down into his little cubbie hole! Nilla always gets very nervous when he sleeps where he is now.

Mema Jo said...

Frieda is giving us that evil eye again. Like - What ya all looking at?

NillaWafer said...

Hey Gang, Well see ya'll have been busy Lets see where di i begin.. No didnt go to Ocean City yet.. But grandson hit me up for money so he could go down today, along with hitting his pappy up and his mom and Lord knows who else.. Norma you lil sweet tator bug I love men without shirts but must have chest hair.. OOOOooo makes me tingle Oppsss You should have been here when 2 Instigators lead me astray talking about Down North Hair replacement but Jo started it with an e-mail letter... Jo won a cold wax job by the I sure miss our kids alot.. Think the idea of a booth or something over at Open House is fantastic.. who knows we might get alot more people interested in Liberty & Belle and make more friends...Just a thought ... I did watch The Lil Tai Shan Panda devil some today.. But isnt he adorable.. Well gona order some dinner.. BBL wavin hi to Jo and everyone!!!!!!!!

NillaWafer said...

Ok the Lil chit is sleepin over the cubby hole!! I have noticed mom sleeping there also.. Awww hope he doesnt git skeered by aloud sound n fall.. He got skeered today when something went bang and he Well grandson just came in to tell me goodbye he is leaving for OC and another $50.00 is going with him... I LOVE THAT BOY..he never leaves or hangs up phone without saying grandmaw i love you.. of course he does he keeps me broke...lolllllll Hey like someone said tee shirts or sweat shirts with kids pics on them great idea,maybe blow up some pictures and have them setting around?? Now remember this is Gov Property and i guess we will need permission.. I am sure if the same guard is working i can get us in...LMAOO

Mema Jo said...

I would rely on you to get us in no matter which guard was working. You just have a way about you.

If MITS got up at 3:30am today to see the boats go out--- what time do you think she'll be on here. I thought I saw some emails popping into my inbox earlier. Probably out on the balcony again!

Mema Jo said...

Nilla I think everyone went to dinner. Or of course, they are just lurking.
Well, Sharon almost has 1 day down and 4 to go!
Did you go back & read the tribute? Jim had a very beautiful message.

NillaWafer said...

2 eaglets setting on the tree limbs over at BioDiversity live cam.. Where is everyone i swear i put deodorant on...

NillaWafer said...

Going to check out tribs Jo brb..

Just Vicky said...

Wow who will be 100??

wvgal_dana said...

Mema Jo Could you please send me the links for the 2 cams you have for Ocean City. I love that place.
Thank you so so much.

Mema Jo said...


I knew someone was lurking! I was out looking for a rainbow - but didn't find any. It rained so fast that I didn't even see any drops coming down.

I'll send the OC cams' links, Vicky wvagal

Just Vicky said...

Hi Mema! Just got home from work, thought I'd see who was "in the blog!"

belle_wv said...

Congrats Vicky for 100 :) Sharon will be proud of you swooping in like that.

Glo can you send me the link, I haven't gotten it yet.

Hi Jo - I'm still thinkin - wish I could remember what I said before. CRS is no fun

Hi Nilla, Paula and Suzanne, JanetM and Norma if y'all are still around

CAB AND DLK, Birdgirl, MITS where are you lovely ladies?

Just Vicky said...

About Nilla's comment, she can talk any guard into anything!

wvgal_dana said...

Contrgs. Vicky IL for hitting the #100. Remember to find a good place to put it when Sharon gets back it will be harder to hit them lol.

NillaWafer said...

Well i went back over to the Tribute site of Glo's and now here i am all teary eyed once again of course i had to read each one agin.. What an amazing adventure this has been with "OUR" Eagle family and everyone here as i was reading i could just feel the emotions and love in each word there from everyone.. Tears again just very emotional right now.. Yeah this Ol Broad gets Jim your words were gracious and beautiful also not many men have stayed here with us.. Thankssss EagleDad

NillaWafer said...

I bet Sharon is setting around abig ol camp fire roasting weinies and marshmellows BUT thinking of I bet she goes to libary and gets on if there is one not far

NillaWafer said...

Belle i was wondering where they are myself.. Hope all is ok with them.. DLT & CAB & Thelma & Birdgirl were missing you, hurry home here!! Mits ya didnt run off with the a boat cap did ya?

NillaWafer said...

Vick you give me to much credit Its the tone of voice and eye's and that body language n soft touches.. WINK ..LOL

Just Vicky said...

Hey, wouldn't that be a new record? I was 1st and 100???

Anonymous said...

THANKS GLO----I just read the tributes----I believe we ALL have been blessed by this experience---
------LIFE IS GOOD-----

Mema Jo said...

Tai is still sleeping in the same
spot. Don't know how Mei will get
him to sleep tonight with such a long

Just Vicky said...

Like I said Nilla, they become putty in your hand!

Just Vicky said...

Let's hope you get the same guard J.P.

NillaWafer said...

OH MY BETTER GO FILL your cars up they just said amajor pipe line in Alaska ruptured and the gas prices are going to sky rocket this week.. Jo was thinking i dont come into work tomarrow til 5 pm so wanta meet at Red Bird for lunch???

wvgal_dana said...

Mema Jo thank you so much for the links...happy happy happy

NillaWafer said...

Frieda is sleeping i think i wish they would move the cam back just little to get a wider angle n view.. Its so close but will be good when kids hatch.. except at My he close to that edge sleepin.. your right Jo i bet he up most of the night.. Brb son is here to fix my car window..

wvgal_dana said...

Norma Sorry I didn't see your email sooner about the puzzles. It looks like you got help cause I got a puzzle from you. I also like the ones Jo likes the kind that has the pieces.

Mema Jo said...

NILLA I think that might be a good idea - I'll call you around 11:00 & then we'll see what's going on. Thanks for the invite..

Anonymous said...

CAROL---I read that the "Wind Mill" people are filing another Petition----Is Eve Firor active in your group---I thought I read that----I worked w/her---she was a Parent-Ed teacher for family court-----Also wondered if you had seen any eagles lately----

glo said...

Well anytime you lose your link just go back to the BLOG with 1000 plus and right there it will be LOL.

Just kidding, anytime you want the links just let me know. I do fully plan to link the Traditional home page to those sites relased this weekend, so then it will just flow quickly. Not sure if I wll get it done tonight though. Ya just never know. I did release it first thing here Sat morning as promised. it is in that BLOG somewhere!!

Tonight's plans My own eagle video to transfer to DVD I then have a program to capture stills fromt he video and VOILA I might have some good stills I can then use in the shop for whatever whenever. I'll have to see what I end up with though before I get too excited.

wvgal_dana said...

Hummm I'm drinking "Rasberry Lemonade" one of Crystal Lights.
I like their little packets; easy use my bottle of Deer Park water pour the packet in and walla (that might be mis-spelt) lol. Oh yes don't use their ORANGE has benzene in it thats the only one.

Mema Jo said...

If any of you are on the Animal Planet for the Panda cam - click on the left at Panda puzzles. These are really cool to work. You can't create new ones but there are quite a few there.

wvgal_dana said...

Did Tia get in pool today?

Mema Jo said...

GLO Do you sometimes wonder how in the world you ever found time to go to work full time with all these projects you come up with? I just know you like semi-retirement.

Mema Jo said...

I didn't have a chance to watch Tai much today - mainly just this evening and then he's been sleeping most of the time.

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry took 1 pill at 1:07pm today suppose to take every 4 hours NOT ME....just this one still affecting me baby panda cub.

Anonymous said...

WVAGALVICKY---Jo suggested that site for puzzles----they are easier to work----and I like modern art----So an abstract eagle-----You guys are really sharp----Making the your own puzzle from a favorite scene----

NillaWafer said...

They had both pool and tub with ball in there for him today but i didnt see him dump either,, he did play with a big rubber toy and drug it into the dark room.. Okie dokie Jo sounds good to me. If you tryed calling me today i forgot cell phone its at home on charger.. Son fixed car window darn thing it would not go all the way up (electric) Oh Wife Swap is on.. Mits where are you???????????????

NillaWafer said...

Man this woman on wife swap is really telling the man who she exchanged homes with off big time..Love It!!!!

Anonymous said...

I watched Mai this afternoon----He has been everywhere---hard for the cam to follow the little rascal---I think he was in pool---maybe that was yesterday---had a time with the ball type toy he could roll around & it made noise--- That kid really has it MADE IN THE SHADE----He will never leave those digs----Haven't eaten----LATER

wvgal_dana said...

Red Bird where is that at? I've heard the name but can't remember where it is. Isn't it expensive?

wvgal_dana said...

Ok if its a video or a pic where is that joke about hair removal?

NillaWafer said...

Vicky u have mail

wvgal_dana said...


NillaWafer said...

Jo u have mail and send it to everyone so cute huh

NillaWafer said...

God i love this black woman on the show she is becoming 1 of my hero'

Mema Jo said...

Vicky wvagal I think it is RT 34 for the RedByrd. Close to Sharpsburg or Keedysville. Not expensive at all. Good homemade desserts- yummie....

NillaWafer said...

Ok looking at panda cam and see 1 think its mom eating but no Tai any wheres ????? Did he fall?? Where Oh Where Is Tai Shan? Oh where oh where can he be??

wvgal_dana said...

Oh my I can't it hurts lol I can't roflmbo I just have to breath and laugh then wait until I can get another breath. lol so funny so funny me no wax lol

NillaWafer said...

LOL hey remember the words in the movie 'WAX ON ...WAX OFF"??? LMAOOOO

belle_wv said...

LOL Wax ON - wax NO come OFF - OUCH! Hair stay, too! OUCH OUCH

belle_wv said...

Glo I gonna ask one more time for the link to the tributes, if'n you don't want to send it to me cause I never managed to contribute, that's fine, just let me know. Either way I'll quit buggin' now :)

Jo I'm stilllll thinkin...

NillaWafer said...

Belle i just sent Vicky the wax e-mail and she is trying to catch her breath i

NillaWafer said...'sPage.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

NillaWafer said...

chit will send in e-mail Belle

Mema Jo said...

Vicky wvagal Glo is really busy at the moment sooooooooooo I will send you the links..... I'll send it in an email so it stretches out full length..........

GLO Did you know I was
your secretary ??? LOLove

NillaWafer said...

give it to once again.

belle_wv said...

Vicky should I call 911? Did you pass out from laughin too hard? Or are you stuck to the tub??

belle_wv said...

nilla that was me that needed the links...

belle_wv said...

Hey I was 150 whoo hooo I get the half mark prize

Mema Jo said...

Vicky wvgal - better go get the
Kleenex - full box!!!

Glo has published a
heart breaker!

wvgal_dana said...

Mema Jo it is Belle that wants the links from Glo not me
Ok went out and got some of husband's oxygen, I'm ok now. lol that was so so funny. I'll never ever try hot or cold wax after that.

Mema Jo said...




Mema Jo said...

WVGAL Vicky - So please forward it to her since you received it in error and I didn't save the message. Thanks.

wvgal_dana said...

Believe me is 50 or 100 hitting those numbers will get you a prize of WAX.......I hope I don't even accidently hit those numbers.

belle_wv said...

Half wax is better than whole - though it will get dusty in my house LOL - not gonna let that stuff near me. AND if I ever do get a wild hair up my .... I will leave it to the pros to remove LOL
(Couldn't pay me enough to do THAT job, though)

wvgal_dana said...

Mema JoI forwarded the links to Belle.

NillaWafer said...

U have mail Belle..

NillaWafer said...

Havent seen hide nor hair of Tai... Opps theres that word hair again well ya know what they say dontcha?"Hair today.......... Gone Toamorrow"..ROFLMAOOOOO

wvgal_dana said...

Nillawhen I looked in on Tai I seen momma and over to the left of where she sat eating. I did not see Tai but saw bambo moving around in the air.

NillaWafer said...

I just checked the pandas and saw the head of one sleeping but no sign of Tai. Geeez i will be on at home checking to see if he is ok and didnt fall.. I sent you some mail.. Where did everyone else go??? The Red Bird is between Sharpsburg & Boonesboro nice lil place to eat.

NillaWafer said...

I am watching MPT channel about a train ride through the Anderondike Mountains beautiful.. And to think i was just up there few wks ago..

glo said...


SIGH . I am sorry, I sent it to WV gal Vicki instead

The whole time I'm thinkin...I could have sworn she already has it and has been there.

OK So does Jo have you all set. Maybe I should just go check the Guest book ro something although I think you already signed that way back when the first page was released.

.Oh I am NOT like that at all. I want anybody and everybody to go see "our babies". Actually I want you to go back there and see them over and over again. Leave me a note in the guestbook if you have a minute. Or if you head to one of the BLOGS of fledging, storms, Spunky's great food take etc..leave a comment there if you could. I so love to hear from any of you at these sights. I spent hours on them but I loved every minute AND I love to go back and know they still mean something to somebody besides me.

Tributes are also always open, its never too late If you want to add something to "OUR" Tribute page just sen dit my way.

Thanks Secretary Jo I obviously need all the help I can get LOL.

Send the link around the world as far as I'm concerned. I would be surprised if there is another pair of eagles worldwide who successfully fledged 3.

Sorry again Belle Hope you got your link and that you enjoy.

wvgal_dana said...

Yes I remember it now since you and Mema Jo mentioned Sharpsburg. I guess it is heading north on the road to Sharpsburg it is on the left. Never ate there before. Always looked expensive.

Mema Jo said...

Belle wv

You have unknown mail........

Who was the other Belle? No, not the eagle momma - The one who used to blog with us and caused you to add wv to your ID...........I CRS !

NillaWafer said...

No Vicky coming from Sharpsburg its on the right small place sets back.. Glo i sent it to Belle so she should have it now.. We all know you have spent many many hours making something so special and truely appreciate all your hard work Glo Bug!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi All, just a quick hello and good night,,,been up since 3:45a.m. to watch the parade of boats down at the inlet. It was awesome! Go to White Marlin to see up to the date news and live weigh-in every afternoon this week. Big money to be won. When I get a chance I will try to catch up on posts and e-mail, too tired tonight. Peaceful night to everyone.

glo said...

I just don't want Belle to think I intentionally snubbed her

OK so hopefully she is sitting there with her box of Kleenex enjoying "Our babies"

Thanks to all my secretarial support staff!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Frieda is watching something up above her. Maybe there will be a nest sitting switch. The cam is so close you can't really see anything except bird/eggs/pebbles.

belle_wv said...

How beautiful... everyone put into words the thoughts we've all had - it is a great thing. Thanks Glo for the idea and all the hard work of putting it together. It is a treasure I'll return to again and again. What a great bunch. Who'd have thought a bunch of twigs and branches and two beautiful birds with 3 tiny eggs could have created so much love, friendship and fun.

belle_wv said...

Glo - didn't think you'd 'snub' me at all, just wasn't sure if the sight was released to those of us who hadn't contributed anything - I recall you mentioning a preview for all the contributors is all. Didn't want to jump line :)

wvgal_dana said...

Right it is on the left before you get into Sharpsburg.

wvgal_dana said...

Two good shows started on TNT "Closer" 9pm and "Saved" 10pm.

belle_wv said...

Is that right it is on the left or right then left or right correct left {giggles} I better duck out of the way cause I think Nilla might throw a pie - or something from her store shelves - at me!!!! LOL LOL

I have no idea where you're talkin about... sorry just couldn't resist messin

NillaWafer said...

Oh Belle i could go some wheres with the pie thingie but i wont ...LMAO NO No coming from Sharpsburg driving thru and heading to Boonesboro it is on the right Vicky.. Its inbetween the both... Ok closed heading home c ya there.... Have a good sleep Mits we have missed you alot..

Mema Jo said...

Brisbane site - Frieda is off the 3 eggs. Beautiful sight.

belle_wv said...

Aww I missed it - Frieda's back on the nest... still only 3 eggs? They say 48 hrs between eggs isn't uncommon, so perhaps more tomorrow

wvgal_dana said...

Well I'm out of here whether its on the right - left or around the corner past the pharmacy but down the hill by the ice cream store yet close to the elementary school but then I'll leave the school and drive away from Sharpsburg and drop by the Red Bird on the left lol.
I'm heading for bed to finish watching "Saved". When I go to sleep I'll dream of those yummie homemade pies and cakes.
Walking in sleep to the refrigator and the snack closet lol.

glo said...

.Belle OK Glad you got there AND you don't feel snubbed.

Who'd have thought a bunch of twigs and branches and two beautiful birds with 3 tiny eggs could have created so much love, friendship and fun.

.Sounds awfully close to a Tribute to me

My email is

OK back to work, got to be back at my computer in 20 posts. Let's see depending on how many are lurking and if that Sharon has snuck into some library sometime and is gonna just pop in say around 200 LOL . I'd better stick fairly close by LOL

Just Vicky said...

Get your nose to the grind stone there Glo!!! WORK WORK WORK

belle_wv said...

Where's Nilla, she said she was gonna stop in when she got home to check in... she better or I'll be worried about her

belle_wv said...

I won't be up too much longer - last night was not good for sleeping for me and the headaches today have been pretty unfun. Tomorrow I HAVE TO finish my project, but professor said I'm "almost there"...

Mema Jo said...

I will check in before I actually go back to bed... Need to play some solitaire for awhile...............

Just in case I don't come back

Goodnight all my Eagle Buddies

Sweet Eagle dreams.... I am so glad we officially know that they are still over there at the tree.......

paula eagleholic said...

Vicky, Vicky, Belle, Glo and Jo and whomever else I missed.
Had to go to a viewing, got home late, then decided to go walk the dogs. They love it and I get my exercise. Not too bad out there tonight, rather humid, but not a drop of rain up this way today. We sure could use it, grass is going crunch, crunch under my feet. Only good thing is that I don't have to mow the lawn!
Gonna catch up on the chatter...

NillaWafer said...

Belle i am home safe and sound i only live less than aminute from Had to undress n git into my night gown n feed Sugaaahhh Boogahhh .. Havent had time to check on Tai yet..

glo said...

Hi paula, glad you stopped back in. It would appear That everyone is settling down early tonight. Actually I think I iwll sign off fairly early too, .But not just yet I have a feeling there will be a last minute burst of energy in here at any time LOL.

NillaWafer said...

I cant go to bed Grandson is heading to Ocean City and has went over BAY BRIDGE and on his way.. cant sleep til i get his call and then gota see Tai.. Wonder where those UK ladies are niether 1 has been here for 2 days hope all is well..

belle_wv said...

10 to go... but I'm not counting

Just Vicky said...

Sure, you're NOT COUNTING my foot!

NillaWafer said...

Vicky i am so confused I got it if it is named Red Bird maybe the building is RED??? LOL i know it sets back pasted it going to Boonsboro Carnival..

Just Vicky said...

I was #1 and #100, I think I'll try #200

belle_wv said...

Anyone heard from Geula? The last I heard the trouble was spreading and she's too close for comfort in my mind. I hope she can evacuate or move farther from the fighting somehow if it is getting too close.

Glad you're home Nilla- I know the pets can be quite demanding when you first get home

Paula - sorry about the loss in your circle of friends/family.

glo said...

Well my eagle videos certainly have some wonderful sounds on them. I need to figure out how to get just th sounds off the DVD now and add them to the web page...that would be so cool if I oculd do it!!!

Just Vicky said...

Here comes the surge !

NillaWafer said...


NillaWafer said...


NillaWafer said...


Just Vicky said...

Who will it be???

paula eagleholic said...

Counting, who's counting (only 9 to go!) hehe

glo said...

Hmm well lets see 4 of us in here maybe this one

NillaWafer said...


Just Vicky said...

Did I make it?

paula eagleholic said...

Chit, by the time I posted, 10 had already posted ROFLMAO

glo said...

LOL Well Oakwood is on a roll todya. Now I can go watch the news without mnissing out ont he BIG moment. You can write you acceptance speech Vicki LOL

NillaWafer said...

Oooooo Vick yuppers i think sooo

glo said...

Good Night all. Will Blog with you some tomorrow.

paula eagleholic said...

Nilla got it!!!

Wooo hooo

Just Vicky said...

Wow, did I or didn't I?

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...