Monday, August 21, 2006

Monday August 21

Fresh thread for the new week.


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wvgal_dana said...

I'm first

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Steven

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Am I third?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No, that would be 4th.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It appears the grizzly cam is gone but the one at Pete's Pond in Africa is up and going. Not sure what all I am seeing there but it looks pretty serene. Lots of wildlife!

MITS said...

SHARON Nothing gets past you, my friend. Just thought I'd make an observation. LOL!!!

wvgal_dana said...

I know Sharon I watched for the last time Bears at McNeil Falls yesterday. I felt sad about what they are going to do. Maybe they are just over-run with bears.
I don't think that those bears are too people friendly though. If so, the camera man would certainly get closer without using the zoom that he does use.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh how nice it feels lol to come out of the "name closet". I gave my husband alot of hugs.

MITS said...

DANA I think the cam was being run from another location, don't think the guy was actually at the river.

wvgal_dana said...

So Suzanne what's up if it does rain? Can't dance in the rain you and Belle will have new hair do's.

wvgal_dana said...

Mits it showed him there one day. There was another guy with him and he let the other guy whole the cam and it got his pic. Yet what do I know so I will share your information with my brain. Telling brain to accept new information....ok Mits it got it thank you friend.

MITS said...

Sort of went from the "killing fields" in Alaska to the "field of dreams" in Africa. Says best time to watch is between 4 and 8 EST.

glo said...

Well I think I started reading blogs about 100 posts ro so ago. No lurking just reading so I can post with some sense of which page we are on That is a trip in itself

Did anyone notice Steven said he gave us a New BLOG for the week

I'm sure he means to start of the first day of this New week

Man lots of headaches out there. i don't have any rubbing alcohol...I shall go gets some along with some yogurt as I too think mine is sinus related and a bout of antibiotics would probably be a good thing. Yesterday's headache was not amigraine.

Ok well think I will head over to the Marian foa little exercise with my dogs. it is such a nice morning here again!!

Cindi You go girl i am cheering you on for sure!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne get your computer hooked up at home. We all are going on a "safari" got to set a time for today. Is 6PM a good time for everyone???? I think we are riding elephants....I'm too short someone tall better give me a boost up. Someone else be on the other side to catch me please.

MITS said...

Ummm! fresh thread for the new week, STEVEN Hope you don't mean only thread for new week. I tend to take things said, literally. LOL!!!

MITS said...

DANA I did not know that. Just boggles my mind that someone would sit out there in the elements, taking pictures for 4 hours.

MITS said...

BW, is back online, my those people reall work, fast.

MITS said...

Just checked Lun-Lun, she is curled up on her floor like a ball. Wonder if she is having labor pains. As my sister said last year when Mei had Tai, how much pain can a 250lb. bear have when out comes a 4 oz. stick of butter?

MITS said...

Osprey up in CT nest rearranging the sticks. One false move and that blue bear is history.

MITS said...

Denbury farm cam 2 is showing birds at their feeders.

NillaWafer said...

Oh my President is on tv and he seems to be abit upset because people want a withdrawl of troops.. And now the USA is sending money to help Leb. I CAN SEE HELPING but help "OUR" own righthere in the USA first!!!! People devestated that still have nothing from Katrina the senior citizens... Oh he makes me mad!!!!!!!

MITS said...

Well, that was breathtaking, Mom Osprey just flew down to the water, up in CT.

NillaWafer said...

Good Morning .. sorry for that rant but i am sure others feel the same way here... Been busy reading the blogs my ya;ll sure been busy this morning.. Suz good to hear from ya.. and yes thats my Sugahh Boogahhh and like your long hair cats he loves to be brushed,, pick the brush up he comes running but when he is tired of it he lets ya know and say in 5 minutes back for morning Belle, Sharon, Mits, and Dana and Mauley hope i didnt miss anyone but Hi ifn i did. BBL listening to this presidents BS on tv..

NillaWafer said...

Osprey in nest at NU site..

wvgal_dana said...

Mits I am sure you are right about that..I agree that cam probably just caught those men.
Nilla When you come back in here email me your home phone and cell number. Reason I am here for you. I had to quit smoking while I was in hospital. So we can exchange numbers.
Everyone Does 7pm sound good for the "safari"????

MITS said...

NILLA Are you sure you are looking at the NU site, that was the eagle site, and they closed it down for the season. Did not know they had an osprey site, whats the address.

NillaWafer said... yes Mits it is the Northeast Utilities Osprey cam.. Ok Dana will do..

NillaWafer said...

You see it Mits? He is setting there talking and the water is pretty.. Was a misty cloud like earlier..

NillaWafer said...

Do you notice some kind of fog keeps rollin in over the water??? The bird id mantling but i didnt see anything brought in maybe setting on it like Spunky did that day to make sure no one else is around..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

L I B! I been to the NU osprey cam several times and never realized it was NU! Slow, but I get there!

wvgal_dana said...

Nilla are you watching an Eagle

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla, maybe those are spirits rolling over the water!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Getting a little bit of motion sickness on that one. Had to turn it off!

MITS said...

Nu osprey has a fish stuck in his talons. Yuck.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Haven't seen an eaglet in the Santa Cruz nest for a few weeks. Reckon it may have traveled on. Has anybody else?

NillaWafer said...

Oh Pres is still rollin on the fact we should not leave Iraq.. Its a thing about making the USA look like the head honcho i guess... Globe war on terror.. If we withdrawl before the job is done the Enemy will follow us here Duhhh whats wrong with this picture they are here and only amatter of time before they strike again...Sorry venting some stress from craving nicotine agin..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Somebody asked me and Dana on the AppArt blog if we had followed the eagle in WV, afraid the little wasn't going to make it for a long time. She don't have a clue that WE ARE THE BLOG! LMAO!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla, did you put a patch on? They really do help!

NillaWafer said...

Whaooo he was just asked if he cares what the public thinks about how he is handling this .. Simply because he isnt going to be president for long.. LOL Please forgive me for this rant.. Oh that arragant A$$ HOLE said he doesnt care what they people think thats just the way it is...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I did not vote for him!!!!!!! Thank God!!!!!!!

NillaWafer said...

Mits i didnt see any fish in its talons? I saw mantling its just setting there... I havent seen an Eagle in Cruz nest for along time

NillaWafer said...

Oh boy we going on a safari tonight at 7 pm???

NillaWafer said...

Suz Sugahh is like ok its 3 or 4 am her i set in the hall way Moms asleep and i want attention.. Meowwww Meowww AND THEN THE WHINNING BESIDE THE BED STARTS..LOL.. He is spoiled like yours and he to when he gets tired of being brushed plays with the comb.. Are your finicky?? HE IS BIG TIME

Anonymous said...

Interesting how you were quick to condemn many of the other blogs for hateful talk. Seems to me there is a lot of hate going on RIGHT HERE! There are many, many people who totally disagree with you and your senator!

NillaWafer said...

yes i am coming saturday..Hmmm not awhole to to do in Boonsboro.. Maybe just find anice resturant n go set n yack??? It is not going to rain..

NillaWafer said...

Ut Oh seems we have ruffled Ms/Mr Anon feathers ..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

WHOA!! Back to wax, birds, sickness, eaglets, ospreys, falcons, pandas, friendship. Just don't talk politics. Making people mad!!

Getting ready to take a shower. BBIALW!

NillaWafer said...

OK whoes going to other blogs n causing trouble???? Thought that was my job//lol

Anonymous said...

GOOD 10:49 MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES---I think I need a map to figure out the new names & pictures---I have missed you all---Sat. had a meeting at Potomac State College---we ate in the cafeteria w/the students----NOW IF YOU WANT TO FEEL ANCIENT----Try that---a lot of the students look 10 yrs. old--but I bet they thought I look a 100----but it was fun---felt (or wished) that I was back in college------Yesterday we had a rally here, which I can't talk about---but the bird there would be spelled BYRD----I love politics----but I missed you folks very much---A cup of coffee always cures a headache for me-----NILLA---I really FEEL YOUR PAIN----I worried so about you when you were in the hospital w/out cigs----I used the lifesavers & one must change their routine---I always craved a cig w/coffee---So only had 1 cup---the best thing for me when craving hits (never leaves)---Stand up & walk---outside better---but I remember I kept walking all around my house inside too----IT'S HARD---(that's the understatement of the day)----HANG LOOSE----

wvgal_dana said...

WOW I am NOT NOT NOT NOT anonymous!!! Who wrote that bull!! I hate it when people are too scare to put their names to their remarks.

NillaWafer said...

We dont talk it here and you know it just my out of control Nicotine hands this morning Any ways what business is it of theirs this is our blog we DONT HAVE CONTROL FREAKS HERE LIKE OTHER BLOGS!!!!! Seems freedom of speech is an amendment of the USA!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Anonymous lol could you please make yourself known and more clear.
There are alot of people here from different states.

BBL going out for awhile (((hugs))) to momster friends

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It's all gravy baby! Remember everybody has a right to their opinion. We ain't going to get mean around here. We all LOVE EACH OTHER, RIGHT?

MITS said...

LOL!!NILLA think you need a cigarette. 2 things you can't talk about and agree, politics and religion, thought we knew that???

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yea, Mits, biggest arguments do come from religion and politics. Try really hard to stay out of both. Still don't like Bush though. OOPS, probably shouldn't have said that!

NillaWafer said...

LOL.. i am ok and will play nice ..Guess they caught me at the wrong moment.. Just so they know we are family here and there is no jealousy or bad words said between us.. and if they want to join and share thats fine.. WE can discuss BUT dont come in here and compare us to any other blog!!!

Anonymous said...

WOW!!!----Remember I wrote my blog before reading ANON----That happen the last time I mentioned the BYRD name-----I certainly don't wish to offend any eaglets----I only speak
for myself----SORRY if I offended anyone---W/never mention that name again---even though without him---we would not have existed---He got the funding for the NCTC---and MOST WV folks are proud to have him represent us----I AM NOT ASKING ANYONE TO VOTE FOR HIM!!! I certainly respect your right to vote for whom you please---Sorry---

MITS said...

Mei and Tai are in the den having a snack.

Mauley said...

How is Maggie today. Nilla are you doing okay. Florgal, God Bless You with your sinus problem today. Pray you are completely well real soon. Dan, the poem was wonderful. Cindy, please look for our babies and Belle and Liberty. We all thank you so much. Sharon, you are blessed to be able to live where you do. Have you ever thought about it before. Suzanne, you must be my daughter's twin. She uses Purell and Germ X like it was water. With 5 kids under 9 and a newborn, you would think she might slack up, but she hasn't. She even has little sandclass times for the kids to brush teeth by. Are you a drill sergeant with with kids like she it. Love Mauley

Anonymous said...

THINK I NEED A CIG-----I am so very sorry------I love all eaglets-

----MITS are you going to the Dr. with Baby Maggie----She looks so pretty in the field of daisies----It will be hard for dad to go back to work & the new mom will miss him so very much!!!!

MITS said...

Anon, we may not agree on everything, but there is certainly no HATE on this blog.

glo said...

Another live bird cam Cool. I can enjoy that but yah I do kinda quickly see the "motion sick thingy hmmm".

Hey guys I hope we are gonna keep this a nice place for everyone no matter where they are religiously or polictically. That is one of the Major things that has allowed this BLOG to stand out from the behavior on other BLOGS.

Some people do seem to be able to agree and disagree respectfully and not become too intense on here , as we can't see faces etc.

But others Do NOT have or do not use that skill. Lack of resepct for others has taken down many a fun place for everyone to be.

If we as a people could all agreed on these things there wouldn't be umpteen different denominations, and several diffirent political parties

I think we'll fair better as a BLOG GROUPIES LOL, if we do leave that alone. I think the anonymous comment needs to be respected whether or not that person agrees with the comments that preceeded it being posted. JMHO and I am certainloy not the only one on here with an opinion in favor of, or against what I have just said.

I took Dexter to the Marina, but the walk was a little less comfortable with my good start on water intake. After a quick stop at the Loo, and a BLOG update Daphne and I are now headed to the park.

I want more info on the Safari...Now that sounds fun. How is that gonna work I want to come. I will help anyone on or off the elephant...I will be so much healthier by that time tonight LOL.

MITS said...

Waiting for the call from the kids, about Maggies' peds appt. Every time phone rings I almost fall off the chair. LOL!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


NillaWafer said...

Norma yu didnt do anything sweetie.. Everything is ok now .. One of my nurses is from Romney as were many of the nurses at Winchester.. They come from that area.. Wish you could make it saturday for our little get together again.. Well Jo hasnt made an appearence yet today, must be sleepin in.. BBL going to slowly try and do afew things around here.. like get up cat

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Suzanne, I think you are a germaphobe but can't see anything wrong with that. Probably stay healthier that way!

I have found a good way to get dog (or cat) hair off of furniture is by putting on a rubber glove and rubbing it off. Gathers right up under that glove. There is my tip for the day.

Mits, Annie needs to call you soon. Does she not realize she has lots of eaglet momsters anxiously awaiting the news! :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Shower felt great. Back to the hair thing - I get mine highlighted whenever I have any extra money (what is that?) Last trip cost me $90 as I got a cut, highlight, WAX to various parts of the face. Can't afford that too often!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Dana's hairless kitty was ugly. You know for some, only a mother could love them. That is what my mother-in-law used to say about my husband. LOL.

MITS said...

SHARON LOL!!!! Not even going to tell you what that whole process would costs up here in Bethesda, that's why hubby is still working.LOL!!! If I don't here anything by noon, I'm calling!

MITS said...

Ok, don't know what osprey I am looking at, thought it was NU's, but there is no water, just an osprey with a fish still stuck in its talons.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glad I live in Bluefield then.

My Lun Lun feed keeps freezing up!

NillaWafer said...

Suz is your cats Himilayans? Like Booger? Actually if i remember right he is a choclate seal point.. Got him from a breeder up in Cumberland Md.. He hates people to visit runs n hides and he turned 2 last May14th same birthday as my son... Oh by the way the new grandson the CHEE-WAH WAH is named Beaner.. and son says he is a chewer... They put him in the ChinChilla Cage at night since Baby died (Chinchilla son had)

MITS said...

OK, I'm watching the Woods Hole osprey cam , no water under it.

NillaWafer said... Mits here is the NU Osprey site and there are 2 setting in nest now 1 is eating It is out on the water.. what are you watching??

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, are you watching Lun Lun? Looks like a white cradle they have in there?

paula eagleholic said...

Morning All, Hope everyone is having a wonderful day.

Teddy bear smurf is now on the far right side of the nest! Poor little guy, getting booted all over the place.

MT nest in CT, BW and Maine!

Lurked over the weekend, I'll have to see if I can catch up on the blogs later!

Have a great Day!

paula eagleholic said...

Actually, Osprey hanging out in CT on the cam, you can see his shadow!

MITS said...

Lun-Lun is up and eating, maybe it is that burst of energy, before she gives birth. I hope she has a cub.

NillaWafer said...


Mauley said...

I have 4 cats who own me and I can use the pet hair tip. My husband says that instead of having black lung (prominent ailment here in se KY.) we have cat hair on the lung. He says he can't believe neither of us have coughed up fur balls. I have a grandfather clock that quit running, Know why? Cat hair. I love cats, eagles, all of God's Creatures, great and small. My pets live to ripe old age. Have kept cats to age 20. Had a litter of 4 and lost the last one last October at age 18. The sad thing about it that one by one, they all went to the Rainbow Bridge to wait for me. It was so hard, to lose them like that - to old age, just one after the other over the course of two years. Broke my heart. Oldest pet I have now is 7, and that is young for us.
Never had a pet that I picked out for myself. Every animal that has ever owned me, was one somebody threw away. Long story. Much More if anyone interested. I love this blog and since the eggs hatched this is first comment I can remember that mentioned hate. This is truly a site of compassion and love. I pray we can keep it so. Love Mauley

Mauley said...

Hi Paula

NillaWafer said...

Mits to copy n paste

Left click hold down will turn blue.....Right click and copy... Left click paste..

NillaWafer said...

Afternoon Mauley .. Your right about the hate nothing but love here.. Just an enterloper trying to stir things up and i But iam very protective of the group as we all are.. So Love Love Love...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mauley, I too never went searching for my babies. All have just shown up here. God knew I needed each one of the at the exact time they arrived. My latest one, Hairy, from the best we can tell, climbed up in the fender well of my car while visiting a friend. He was the puppy of a friend of mine. We found him 2 days later hiding under a building in my driveway. He was pretty sick for the first little bit and I tried (though not really hard) to find somebody to take him but I guess he was just meant to be mine. He is a small (not chewahwah small) but small white dog. He has black spots on his tongue because he is part chow.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


MITS said...

LOL!!!!Nilla you have my e-mail, just send the freggin address.LOL!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

We are going to teach Mits about this computer stuff yet!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nana, booboo. I got it again!

Anonymous said...

SUZANNE---You are COOL----Don't try to board a plane with your bottle of Lysol----You remind me so much of my middle child---she does the same thing---BUT lives w/3 cats & 3/dogs & has no problem w/that----

MITS said...

I fell sorry for Anon, can't even begin to expess the deep and geninue feelings of LOVE that have been sent to my familys' way these last few months.. Some have been public and some private. Hope you can feel it Anon.

MITS said...

LOL!!! Well, when I put that it my goggle search, it tells me no such animal...

belle_wv said...

Howdy all - man I take a nap and miss a lot - still trying to catch up on the blogs... took me a few refreshes to realize there was a new blog ... Nilla you stirring things up here?? LOL Havent finished blogs yet, and if the matter has laid to rest don't want to stir it up again, but whoever blogs anonymously - if you have that opinion and want to share it with us, do so proudly. We're all entitled to our opinion, and can agree to disagree, even. No hate allowed here and I for one will do my darndest to run anyone out of here who tries to stir it up - this blog is about love and respect for all God's creatures!

Ok here comes a verse of 'These are a few of my favorite things.... feathers and flowers and haircuts from stylists, turtle shells and fish scales and ..... everyone join in LOL

paula eagleholic said...

IMHO, yes, freedom of speech is a right of all.

Although we may not agree with what everyone, or what anonymous people say, everyone has the right to post on here.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

You go Belle!!!

Okay, just made a trip to the loo, stopped on the way out to look in the mirror, and my nose is peeling. Beautiful sight, I have to say!

MITS said...

SHARON That does look like a cradle in Luns' den.

NillaWafer said...

AMEN AMEN Mits.. lets dop it and if they wish to make there safe knowen and join us we will open arms.. Ok Mits sending by mail you ding

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

My Daddy always said - that is why God put a swivel in your neck, if you don't like what you see, you can turn your head.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

When all my dogs stretch out on my bedroom floor (most of the time at least 2 are on my bed), I say I have canine carpet. Have a hard time stepping around them.

belle_wv said...

What's this about a safari? I will find out if my sinuses are working if we're going to be riding elephants! Maybe we should've done this BEFORE my surgery? LOL

glo said...

So is there a safari tonight ? Back fromt he park. I need info or was that just a commetn...thought maybe somoene is lining up a list of webcams to explore at the same time together or something. See how many computers we can totally freeze up LOL.

OK well its luch and then Data base for me. I'll check back in a while for .Maggie weight
and to see whether or not there is a safari on tap. ta know jsut like all that extra water is ontap for me starting today!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Can someone send me an email with the links for the safari cam and the one in England with the birds? Would like to put them on the momsters site. Thanks!

belle_wv said...

LOL canine carpet - I have to walk carefully in the middle of the night if I get up - I know my Sasha hears me up , but she won't budge, lil terd - just makes me scuffle my feet til I bump a hip or a leg,then have to gingerly pick foot up and set it down between her front and back legs then do the same til I reach her chin.... she's a BIG doggie....

belle_wv said...

that's the one that gets you to the page with all the choices of cams - denbury farms are the two on the top right side of the rectangle boxes of choices...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have 3 of those big doggies. Takes three steps to get over each one of them. Great choreography sometimes, sometimes I miss a step and hit a leg!

belle_wv said...

Suzanne, did you remember if your hairdresser is open on Monday? Probably not, they need to have a weekend, too. I will call her tomorrow, I guess and see what she says - really do not want to be an imposition, but having someone who isn't afraid to make suggestions and help me figure out what is best would be so reassuring. The places around here, you ask them what they think would be good and they have no idea - won't suggest anything and ask me what I want - I don't know what all those hair terms mean to tell them I want 'this on top and that on the sides' I just go and tell em to trim the split ends when I can't stand it anymore - that's all I have had done for a good while.. so borrrrrrrrringggggg

belle_wv said...

Nilla - you doin ok over there? I hope you aren't overdoing it - doing a lot of bending and lifting is very strenuous - take it easy -
how're those cravings going? Did the imagery of RJ help you kick the cravings last night??? LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

My bad-eyed cardinal was just out here again. I hate that. Wish he would find another feeder to go to! Makes me sad when I look at him.

belle_wv said...

LOL Sharon, yep and when you do step on their toes - how come We're the ones who feel bad??? They can see way better at night than we can LOL

NillaWafer said...

Ok Mits u have mail and Sharon.. Doesnt matter if they cost alot of money or just strays and Hienz 57nz they steal our hearts n brighten our days n nights.. My Tinker use to cry like ababy when i bathed her.AHHHRAHHRAH RAHHH she actually talked yuppers she did .. and recently Sugahhh sets n talks.. No meds havent taking over yet in my

belle_wv said...

LOL they sure do talk at us

My poochie is a rescue - she was supposed to be a 40lb shepherd collie mix - but she's 110% shepherd - with all the problems including hip dysplasia - she had a hip replacement when she was about 1 1/2 years old, then a year later developed AIHA and almost lost her twice to that, now she gets meds every other day (prednisone the wonder drug) and so far so good - she's turning 6 in January

NillaWafer said...

Oh Sugahhh lays on his back flat with his hind legs straight out and front paws bent .. Never have i ever seen a cat laying flat like him.. Oh yes walk around him because he isnt moving

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

My Buphals talks to me. I say he is the spokesperson for the rest of them. He is the one that wakes me up in the middle of the night when they all need to go potty. I can even get him to say "I Love You" for a treat. He makes three noises in a row. Sounds just like I love you. Neat turd, he is! Hairy tries to come out with little noises sometimes and I ask him "what was that?" He is definitely a Buphals wannabe!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Going to my sisters to visit a few minutes before I head off to the doctor. Will check back in ASAP.

floralgirl said...

OMG_This blog is all over the place-you know you are never supposed to talk politics and religion,divides people,although you guys don't always shy away from the God talk.I will just say Nilla,that I am no Curious George fan and leave it at that.If we don't get some real good people in charge of this country soon,we are in trouble.Now,ANON,don't log in and attack me for saying that.We are all entitled to our opinions and we will never agree on everything.What is all this safari talk? And everyone needs to quit changing names,I'm soo confused.Major headache-went to dco-just as I suspected-sinus infection.Left with a bag full of antibiotics(my doc always gives me samples if he can-meds to expensive)Last time I got a prescription filled for my daughter it was $140.00 for a 10 day supply!! What a racket-

NillaWafer said...

Lol Did anyone see the swollows they are setting in arow and all of a sudden all 4 heads turned and mouths opened parent feed 2 of funny Mits did you get to NU site ok?

floralgirl said...

Do you guys really believe that the weather forecast for Sat. is accurate??HA HA Too far ahead for them to know what it will be like.And they have called for showers so many times and they miss us completely,so I wouldn't be too concerned until it gets closer to Sat. Sorry if I am offending any weathermen ha

belle_wv said...

ROFL can't breate.... rofl

NillaWafer said...

W/B Floral well another with sinus problems.. Geesh now i am setting here going sniff sniff sniff with my Danbury site elephant rides tonight i think.. Get info from dana aka wvgal vicky.. Man that parent is fast feeding thsoe birds.. I have swollow nest at work i have been watching for years.. you can write all this down and google

NillaWafer said...

LOL Floral thats why NBC25 weatherman is knowen as Lien

Mauley said...

Flora Gal, you got a good doc. Better keep him. Cindy, tell us something good. Where is Me Ma Jo today? Miss her.

belle_wv said...

oh it was sooooo funny....

NillaWafer said...

add denburyfarm_cam1.php to that addy ..

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the link, Belle. Is tht safari one the one that used to be on the Alaska grizzlies?

NillaWafer said...

They do talk.. Tinker when she knew she was dying would NOT let me near her and if i tryed she would move under the bed.. finally i couldnt take it anymore and took to vets well son was with me and had her put down.. I know she is waitng on me someday..

NillaWafer said...

Paula just google denbury farm will take you right there..

belle_wv said...

Oh I can breathe now and type - that was TOO funny!!! I was at microwave heating up some rice for lunch and the dog started barkin - nothing new, but then she was REALLY barkin and the doorbell rang - NOone rings our doorbell - we have the dog, no need to add to the noise? Amanda looks out the door and says someone has a package... I'm still in a tshirt and underwear since I napped and havent gotten a shower yet - lovely image right? Anyway dog is barkin up a storm and lunging at the door .. this Jamacian guy is tryin to hand me a pamphlet... over the dog barking I can make out him sayin 'no need to let the dog out on me maam I'm no Jehovah's Witness...' ROFL he's backin down the steps and holding the pampphet out at arms length ROFL ROFL - guess he was trying to sell some kind of organic cleaner 'advantage' was written on some bag he had sittin out in the yard and he had a spray bottle in his belt loop... I'll never know for sure cause I made one move toward the door handle just to tell him I wasn't interested and he was GONE!

ROFL - who says having a big dog isn't fun!!! ROFL ROFL - that's never happened before ohhh what a hoot! Sasha just wanted to say HI! LOL

belle_wv said...

Paula the link I posted was for the cams at denbury farm

belle_wv said...

not sure about the safari - I was napping during that bit of bloggin I guess

Anonymous said...

FLORALGIRL---So sorry you are feeling well---Maybe some of your customers will bring you flowers---I have ins.---but on 7/1 every year---I have $75 deductible---Last mo. 10 pills---pd. $145---the pharmacist told me, I should be happy I have ins.----That's a subject that needs to be looked into by congress, etc.---But most of them get their money from the pharmacy industry----GET WELL!!!

belle_wv said...

Floral gal - glad you got to the dr and that he was able to get you some meds without breaking the bank

Anonymous said...

HEY KIDS---Not w/the program again-----FLORALGIRL---I am sorry you are NOT feeling well----

NillaWafer said...

Paula the Grizzlies was a National Geographic site ... Last night we watched Horses, foxes, badgers on the denbury site at night the farmer put food out and all the animals showed up... you can see them because of lighting they have ..

NillaWafer said...

Belle answer your phone... i aint no bill

NillaWafer said...

((((( Norma)))))) big hug sweetie.. Your always with the program usually i am confused..

belle_wv said...

Nilla did you call me?

belle_wv said...


NillaWafer said...

I thought i did and got a recorder left Yo Man

Anonymous said...

SHARON----Great pic---handsome, tall, son & Mom certainly isn't a "slouch"----You could pass for his date----should send this pic to TODD----we haven't mentioned his name for a while---Are you close to Blacksburg, VA---CNN says they have a lock-down at VA TECH--students must go to their rooms & lock doors---Prison, who shot about 3 people loose---1st day of classes---

belle_wv said...

Phone didn't ring here from you
Nilla doll You doin ok?

floralgirl said...

Back inside-ROFL-Belle,dogs do come in handy when there might be a nuisance at the door.Just had a heated battle with a black snake who was on the way into my basement!Didn't want to kill him,just get him back outside.Did I mention that I am afraid of snakes?Don't mind when I seethem outside,but spooked by seeing them in the basement where I work.Sure I scared the life out of the poor thing getting it out-my dog was barking his little head off,but he isn't much help with a snake.Please didn't mean to offend any snake lovers.. Norma- I have health ins. too,but we have a huge deductible on medicine and pay the full price until the deduc. is met even though we pay thousands a yr. for insurance.-thank goodness we are not sick that often(knocking on wood)and my Dr. knows my situation and he finds me samples every time if they have them.Looking hard for the politicians who understand the plight of the average American and genuinely want to help...still looking

Anonymous said...

There is a osprey in the nest at
the NU site----

glo said...

OK Well it's lunch time and I'm checkin in. .No weight on maggie yet No Jo here hmmm.

No real info ont he safari just confusion. Dana. where are you? Are you getting this safari thing together. i want to do that...would sure give me something to look forward too. OK have to actually go into work for a little bit now, pick up last bits of mail I can take here to do, and update whatever I can get access too computer wise while I'm there. Outta here for a while I know I know boring

Just Vicky said...

TODD!! did I see that name mentioned again in this blog???

NillaWafer said...

Oh my Belle i called someone left a Jamakin voice message.. Yikessss guess it was not you...

belle_wv said...

Floral , did you get blackie back out of the house? I don't mind black snakes - just don't want the poisonous ones

Anonymous said...

I'm looking for suggestions on what type of hawk I have flying around my house. It's not a red-tail, but every bit as big if not bigger. It's very vocal but doesn't seem to have much color.
Haven't got a close look at it yet.

belle_wv said...

LOL Nilla - first we send emails to the wrong places, now we leaving crank call msgs on machines LOL

floralgirl said...

Yea, Belle I finally did,and I'm sure blackie was glad to get away from the crazy yelling lady with a long stick. I really never hurt them unless they are poisonous or inside the house, last week I spent close to an hour helping one escape the deer netting he had gotten tangled in. We used to see a lot of copperheads,not so much anymore.Lots of black snakes out in the garden-good for getting rid of mice.

NillaWafer said...

I dont know Anon but if our birdgirl shows up she can prolley tell you.. Try and google HAWKS and see if you recognize it from pictures there..You sure its ahawk???? Could be a eaglet they are all brownish no white... Tail feathers are spread when flying and wings at the tips are open sorta like your fingers.. Let us know ok,, hope this helped alittle

Anonymous said...

FLORALGIRL I am so afraid of snakes----I can't stand to look at pics---I am not afraid of mice or spiders---So if you are afraid of snakes???---Why are you letting this black snake live----They eat BIRD EGGS---I hope they quit advertising this SNAKES ON A PLANE----soon---by the way, some of those aren't real--but I don't like the fake ones either---

VICKY-IL---I thought that might catch your eye--ho! ho!

belle_wv said...

what type of area are you living in anon? We have several kinds around here...

floralgirl said...

Yes, Norma they do occasionally get baby birds and eggs, but we have lots of mice and they eat those,too. Big believer in not messing up the cycle of life if I don't have to.Too much interference from man is not always good-love my hawks,too, even though they sometimes grab my songbirds. I am so sick of seeing the promo for Snakes on a plane-though as I was yelling at this one my daughter asked if I wanted that m#*#*# f#*#*#* snake out of the m#*#*# f*#*#*# basement(just like in the movie).Of course she used an abreviated form of those words too,cause I was swearing enough on my own.

NillaWafer said...

You right about them eating bird eggs when my son was little we had abig tree in the yard and i use to hold him up so he could see the eggs.. One day a big ol black snake was in there EX did away with that snake.. One day walking to my house n stepped on teh back porch opened the door n looked down this black snake stretched out OMG i ran around house got the 22 out of gun cabnet stood there for afew minutes crying n bang shot it.. BUT come to find out my gas line ran right where i shot it and could have blowed the house up...

MITS said...

Sorry, been away for awhile. Did talk to my son, MAGGIE has gained 2 ozs. since last Monday and has grown 1/4 inch since birth. Doctor told them they can let her wake up on her own when she is hungry, instead of waking her every 2 to 3 hours. She was 5lbs. 8 ozs at birth, dropped to 5lbs 2ozs. when she left hospital, so I think she is gaining nicely...

floralgirl said...

OMG- Nilla-that's why my hubby keeps the guns locked up- I'm only in possession of the BB gun right now

MITS said...

Don't like any snake in any way shape or form. Hate the commercials for that new movie, think I read it didn't do that well at box-office. Hope it flops big-time.

Anonymous said...

FLORALGIRL----Thats COOL---I know the black snake fits into it all---my grandmother, who lived on a farm, would not let you kill them---I always had visions of them out there LURKING----I know, I scare them too---

floralgirl said...

Good news about Maggie, Mits.Sounds like she is holding her own.

floralgirl said...

tell you what-I'll take all your snakes,if you take all my deer.

glo said...

Lookin for safari info as I leave to go to work and what do I get .snakes BLACK SNAKES and almost blown up gas lines yep you are all certifiabley CRAZY PEOPLE

Just the fact that a group of such craziness could have possibly managed to help LOL Belle and Liberty, launch those beautiful eaglets...tells me 2 things

1. There is a God
2. That God DOES have a sense of humor!!!! LOL

I got to go to work before I am crazy too LOL Oh what its' too late hmmm CYA

Anonymous said...

MITS----Baby Maggie is gaining & growing---makes you feel as if she won an Oscar----ho! ho!---bet you all are smiling "ear-to-ear"----It really takes so little to make us HAPPY-----GOOD THOUGHTS---

NillaWafer said...

Oh see i told you she was gainin and being in fresh air did her good.. Hope daughter in law is feeling better with son going back to work.. Thats fantastic news Mits.. Ya know our Jo has not showed up today.. hope she is ok and if ur alurkin Josphine cmere and get ahug... Only 2 animals i could kill and not bat an eye thats snakes n Oppussium's Oooo they hssssssss at yaaa

floralgirl said...

Glo- that is an insult to crazy people everywhere.Yes, we've gone from pandas to swallows to weather to grizzly bears to Bush to sinuses to Jamaicans at the door to safaris to the loo to peeling noses to Todd(sorry Todd) to snakes to guns and gas lines ,that does not make us crazy ,does it??

NillaWafer said...

LOL Glo birds of feather flock together dear... HERES YOUR SIGN...lmao

NillaWafer said...

Glo i seem to remember yesterday you left hair dye on to long .. Do you know it seeps into scalp and eventually your ears turn red??? No kiddin they did astudy about it .. so wear that hat at all times will keep the drainage down...Preferably a hat with ear muffss

Anonymous said...

NILLA-----Don't worry about the Opossums---they only eat dead animals----I don't think you are DEAD----ho! ho!

MITS said...

Did ya know that the grizzlies are on the air right now. peters' pond was on this a.m. 2 osprey up in NU.Woods Hole nest is MT.

paula eagleholic said...

Couple Osprey in the NU nest in New Hampshire...can't watch it for long, makes me sea sick!

paula eagleholic said...

Snakes as pets are ok...snakes in the wild, or when you discover them in the basement are another story...then they are scary!

A lot of the snakes used in that movie, Snakes on a Plane, were animatronic...they apparently wouldn't let Samuel Jackson near live ones!

NillaWafer said...

Looks like might be rainin at NU Mits whats this peter pond cam?? Just talked with Belle she is taking daughter to practice..

paula eagleholic said...

Anonymous w/ the hawk question

Try this site:

paula eagleholic said...

Got my first email today on the migration count from Hawk Mountain:

Last Week's Count (Monday-Sunday):

Species: Weekly Total; Total To-date (through August 20)

Black Vulture: 0;0

Turkey Vulture: 0;0

Northern Goshawk: 0;0

Sharp-shinned Hawk: 4;5

Cooper's Hawk: 2;2

Unidentified Accipiter: 0;0

Red-tailed Hawk: 1;1

Red-shouldered Hawk: 0;0

Broad-winged Hawk: 7;7

Rough-legged Hawk: 0;0

Unidentified Buteo: 0;0

Golden Eagle: 0;0

Bald Eagle: 3;4

Unidentified Eagle: 0;0

Northern Harrier: 4;4

Osprey: 10;12

Peregrine Falcon: 0;0

Merlin: 1;1

American Kestrel: 9;10

Unidentified Falcon: 0;0

Unidentified Hawk: 0;0

TOTAL: 40;53

paula eagleholic said...

Lunch is over, so back to work. Have a great afternoon!

P.S. Still need info on that safari cam! Thanks!

NillaWafer said...

Wooohooo Paula maye if we make atrip up there might be our kidsssss

Anonymous said...

MITS---What is the grizzly site?

MITS said...

Blog is cutting me off after I post.

paula eagleholic said...

Nevermind, found it!

MITS said...

NORMA that is the National Geographic site that STEVEN gave to us many weeks ago, address may be on momsters site. Or lazy me, would just put in grizzly bear live cam nat geo site at McNeil River in Alaska

NillaWafer said... Ok here is the link to go to petes pond.. right now i see what looks like some kind of birds setting on the bank... Or just google Pete's Pond Web Cam

NillaWafer said...

Oh my this si so excitng look at those gazilles and all those animals .. Love the way it moves along the pond in different areas... The sun must be setting everything looks golden in color..

MITS said...


MITS said...

Hard to believe it is after 9:00p.m. in Botswana???

MITS said...

SHARON Are you back from the Drs appt., yet??

MITS said...


MITS said...

Only see birds at Peters' Pond, haven't seen any gazelles, yet.

MITS said...

Going to take a shower. BBL!

NillaWafer said...

I see them Mits the horses.. Hey was washing afew dishes and thought how about we get together for lunch Weds at the 270 CB? I will asked Jo and any others who want to go..

NillaWafer said...

meerkats live from Cricket St Thomas Wildlife Park....

belle_wv said...

HOwdy all from work - better not get used to reading and clogging here, soon will be not enough minutes in the day to get it all done, but going to enjoy it for a ocuple hours this afternoon while I putter around trying to organize a few things and wait to pick my daughter up from band practice in awhile...

MITS said...

Watching Atlanta zoo panda cam very closely, and so are they, she is licking something on her chest, could be food, but I don't see anything BBL!

MITS said...

False alarm, its some sort of disk she is licking, think it fooled the zoo people also.

belle_wv said...

Would love to join ya Nilla, but I'm headin back to work Wed... no weekday lunch dates for me until school breaks... I so hope Lun Lun delivers a lil cub... she sure is acting like she might be with babe... how'd htey get so many at one time in China - they must've been doing some serious matchmaking LOL Are they all twins? If they can have so many they don't need to rip Mei and Tai apart - that will be so hard for both of htem

Anonymous said...

I'm outside of Milton, WV. I thought maybe an eaglet but unsure if they would be in the area. It has been around for about a month now. I did not see it earlier in the spring. Plenty of red-tails but really haven't seen them for a while now.
I'll keep trying to get a good look. Seems like whenever it's close the binocs are not.

MITS said...

Ok, ladies and gents, I can't help anon, I'm from MD, But why does Milton West Va, sound so familiar to me. Anon, point me in the right direction, closet big city. I'm willing to put my money on it being an eagle if your area is rural. Hope it is....

paula eagleholic said...

Put those binocs around your neck! Could possibly be an eagle...looks like a river near you - which one is it?

paula eagleholic said...

Is it the Ohio river?

belle_wv said...

I hear ya about the binocs always being out of reach when the bird is in sight... either that or I see it , but can't get the binocs focused in and find the bird in them before it flies off...

MITS said...

Just was looking on West Va, looks like a tiny place, might want to check with your local library or someplace like that, for possible eagle nests. I would not be surprised if it was an eagle, remember their wing-span I believe is 7 to 8 ft long.

Anonymous said...

MITS---Thanks--you were right about the grizzly site---I googled Peter's Pond cam & found some beautiful eagle pics---Just beautiful---Also in McNeil's Sanctuary----They explain an area connected to the McNeil Sanctuary w/be opened to hunting in 2007---I had heard on a news report a few days ago---Hunting has been prohibited in that area---but the bear hunters won v. the bear watchers---& the State Board approved a bill to open a section to hunting----In the McNeil area---there are places one can, with permission, sit quietly and watch the bears & salmon, etc.---This is what they mean about the bears being used to people-----It's worth reading---Many still pics of bears that you can down load---

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...