Monday, August 21, 2006

Monday August 21

Fresh thread for the new week.


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MITS said...

I love watching that site, NORMA will have to read some of the stuff one day.

MITS said...

Ok, it does pay to read. The footage we are seeing from Peters' Pond is archived footage from last year, they are having problems getting new parts to fix cam, thought I kept seeing the same thing over and over again. DUH!!!!!

MITS said...

Ok, live-feed from Alaska is due to end on the 25th of August now. So, I guess no safari tonight.

MITS said...

Where did everyone go???? I'm going to surf for awile and then go to the store to get something for dinner. CU LATER!

MITS said...

NORMA you are in charge!!!

Just Vicky said...

Mits are you by yourself in here?

NillaWafer said...

I am here but doing a defrag of comp and ran my fix it utilities nothing wrong just to keep things movin faster.. The fix it is great fixes everything all in one run.. I always delete history temps n cookies but after running this i had thousands of things in there that could be deleted i never relized.. You can buy this PC Fix It at any Wal-Mart and easy to install just follow the directions... Defrag takes along time so i am making Slippery Pot Pie for my childern for dinner,, BBL

MITS said...

So, now this is interesting, just checked Maine cam, it is MT, but, they have said they are keeping the eagle cam up ALL YEAR and are looking for donations for the 2007 season. HMMMMMM!!!KEEPING THE EAGLE CAM UP ALL YEAR, WHAT A NOVEL IDEA!!!!

Anonymous said...

ANON---I have been to Milton, isn't it close to Huntington---I would suggest you call your nearest DNR Office----How far are you from the Ohio river? Or are you closer to the Kanawha River? The DNR Office # for Charleston is 558-3380----
Hope that helps----

paula eagleholic said...

Osprey in CT

MITS said...

VICKY-ILL looks like people are popping in now. Keep running into some interesting things, really need to go to store to get something for dinner, just can't stop surfing. Somebody, please, help me, give me a big push!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Pushes Mits out the door to the store!

Anonymous said...

I volunteered to work a booth at our county fair tonight---I have to be there by 6:30---YOU CAN PULL MY FINGERNAILS OFF & I won't tell you which booth it is---You will have to GUESS----(not hard)---Please don't change any name tonight or pictures---ho!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, just order you a pizza and settle in for the evening.

I am back from the doctor. She said I had the eperzutic! She gave me 6 prescriptions and 1 sample of medicine. I just can't help but feel like if I take all this stuff, it will kill me. Upper respiratory tract infection. Doc had the same thing last week so she just gave me what she took. She did say I don't have pneumonia so that is a good thing. She did ask if I was still smoking and of course I said yes but lied about how much.

Blacksburg is about 45 minutes away from here but I think they caught the man. Too close for comfort though.

You all had about 100 comments while I was gone. Amazing and how long has it been since we have seen our babies?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Just Vicky said...

What in the world is a "slippery Pot Pie?" ????

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Norma, still keeping Sharon on my no matter what precedes it. That way nobody has to guess who I am.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mei and Tai really getting into the bamboo eating. Have I told you that I love him?

MITS said...

SHARON ordered pizza last night. Problem solved, hubby likes Stouffers cream chipped beef, so he is stopping by store to pick up salad fixins and we will have cream chipped beef on toast with a tossed salad. Not one of my favorites, but, is easy to fix. With all those meds, I dare a germ to get near you.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well I just took my Tessalon Perles, Poly Hist Forte and Zithromax. Going to split it up a little bit and not take it all at one time. Getting ready to use the Combivent inhaler. Oh my God, waaayyy too much stuff!

MITS said...

LOL!!!watching Tai and Mei, what a hoot they are....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am figuring the germs are going to be running for a little while.

Oh my, the Combivent inhaler tastes Funky McNasty. YUCK!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

They need to make videos of Tai and put a voice to him, you know one of those high pitched little boy voices. I would definitely buy one of those!

MITS said...

I think Mei wants to stop nursing...

MITS said...

SHARON you poor thing. Video sounds like a good idea, why don't you patent it and become a gazillionare.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I would love to be a gazillionaire. Just a thousandaire would work! :)

MITS said...

Is that boy (TAI) never going to learn, when Mom says no, she means it.

NillaWafer said...

Tessalon Perles.. are those the little gooeeeey perals meds? Finished all the cleaning up of comp and its running better... Slippery Pot Pie is a dough you make and put in broth .roll it out and cut into pieces.. add potatoes.. yum yummm cook about 20 minutes with lid on and few with lid off.. some call it dumpins

belle_wv said...

Sharon - watch that combivent it will make ya get the shakes I bet - did me was like having sandpaper underneath my skin - just had to move and couldn't get comfy and I was jittery and stuff - nasty feeling but it does help open up the airways so the gunk can get out.... what other goodies are you on - at least teh Z is only a 3 of 5 day course, right?

I'm iwth whoever asked 'what is slippery pot pie' - might be yummy but it sounds like ....

belle_wv said...

By the way - I am plum tuckered out - didn't do anything but drive my daughter to the school (4 miles then back a mile to my school and sit there for 2 hrs and go back to pick her up and then home - but I could hardly walk up the hill to the house... tired and my head is so sore - woe is me LOL OK I'll behave now and perk up,,,

MITS said...

I knew that was going to happen, she just flipped him off like a hot potato.

Just Vicky said...

Thanks Nilla for explaining the Slippery Pie!

MITS said...

Oh for crying out loud Mei, just give the kid some milk, and he will stop bothering you. Sometimes she is her own worse enemy.

belle_wv said...

Oh ok NIlla why didn't ya just say dumplins LOL Well now I know what slippery potpie is if I hear it again... pretty accurate description now that I think on it. I'll take traditional pot pie, thanks :) Mei tellin Tai where (and WHEN) to get off - LOL

I think she needs to get preggers with another lil one and give Tai a playmate - wouldn't that be sweet - lil and big Tai... I love the idea of puttin voices to Tai and Mei - we could all write some good scripts after watching them. Somone was doing that on the one eagle site weren't they? The one where everything got all ugly? Such a shame

MITS said...

Just saw a cute little bunny on the denbury cam #2, hope he wasn't dinner for the fox and badgers.

belle_wv said...

Awww mits - why'd ya have to go and mention that - now I will worry - well guess it is all part of the circle... there sure are a lot of those badgers for sure... guess they're kind of a cross between racoons and opossums sorta? Probably not at all close on any count.. I've forgotten my taxonomy from all those years ago...

belle_wv said...

I like watchin the swallows - they look like they're all smooshed one on top of the other right now... one on the bottom lifted his tail to poop shoot I guess and he had to lift the whole lot of them...

belle_wv said...

hey just remembered reading someone mentioning something about catching someone not far from somewhere - how's that for specifics? What kind of bad guy? Where? When? I don't watch news - not good for my b/p or social life sometimes LOL

NillaWafer said...

Wonder where the Jo is????? Gona call her in awhile if she doesnt show up and check on her...I havent even gotten any e-mails from her today.

belle_wv said...

Mits - can't remember if I typed how happy I was to hear that Maggie is gaining weight like a good lil girl should - what else would be expected? I bet your son raced home as fast as he could this evening. Hope daughter in law was ok today - was she on her own or did she have someone to go with her to dr's and help her out?

belle_wv said...

I can't remember her mentioning any appointments for today Nilla, but I cant remember from the start ofa sentence to the end of it this evening.

belle_wv said...

Maybe she decided she'd better stay away from all our germs or go out and buy herself a case of lysol and hand sanitizer from Suzanne - hey I use that stuff a LOT in my classroom. My students don't always think about keeping germs to themselves...

wvgal_dana said...

Haven't read blogs yet Nilla you got mail.
Came back from being out. Layed on bed and went out like a light bulb blowing out.
Hope I was MISSED
We can't go on Sarfi until the 25th on a Friday....4 hours behind us. We'll have to set up time...because someone has to be on other side of elephant incase I go straight over.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Belle - the recap. There was a feller in police custody in Montgomery County authorities who was at the ER for an injured hand or something. Well, he grabbed a gun from the deputy's holster and killed an unarmed security guard. He escaped. At some point over the next few hours he shot and killed another police officer. They were afraid he had taken a hostage at Va. Tech but he hadn't. They did find him hinding in woods I think and he is now in custody. This is about 45 minutes from my house. He was going on trial later this week for robbing a deli in Blacksburg. That was nothing compared to what he is fixing to go on trial for!!

MITS said...

Belle they caught the guy near Va-Tech in Blacksburg, he killed 2 people this a.m. Son went to work then came home and went to Drs. Appt and then went back to work. Daughter-in law feels better today. That girl was trying to do too much too soon, did not give the old body time to rejuvinate. What is your e-mail? Like to get you on my list .

MITS said...

What an idiot, that guy is, instead of robbery which is bad enough, he now has 2 murder counts against him.

belle_wv said...

OMG Sharon that is so scary!!!! I'm glad they caught him - what a tragedy he's made of his life -was bad before but now - so sad the rash decisions people make...

belle_wv said...

Not just murder - but murder of officers - he'll get the worst of the worst as far as treatment by guards and judges etc... poor choice he made for sure...

MITS said...

Monday report on Lun Lun, she ate some leafeater biscuits yesterday along with bamboo, but nothing to eat today.

belle_wv said...

Mits and Sharon, thanks for the news update ... Mits glad your son was able to go to the dr.s along and glad your daughter in law is feeling some better. It is hard not to do too much... my email is :) Happy to be on your list :)

MITS said...

BELLE What is your teaching speciality and how old are the kids that you teach???

MITS said...

Do I get something for 270!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, you get the cream to rub on after you wax.

Going out until about 9. BBL!!

MITS said...

Its 8:30a.m. over in Brisbane and the lovely Freda is looking quite beautiful, as usual.

MITS said...

Gee, thanks...LOL!

NillaWafer said...

Ok got aphone call from Jo she is catching up on blog reading... Mits she asked about the lunch weds? You never answered me.. Duhhh

NillaWafer said...

Norma are you in the booth thats spinin cotton candy????? Or dippin candy apples.. yum yum Oh i bet she is running the kissin booth .. pucker up Norma...

NillaWafer said...

On my screen Sugaaahs picture aint there an x whit part of my name ????

NillaWafer said...

There its back that was weird..

Mema Jo said...

I am alive & well. Thanks for any concern. I meant to say good morning but got stuck on my emails & then reading the comments- & before I knew it the time had slipped by me & I was due to walk out the door for a noon appointment. Afterwards I had to go shop for a new dryer..You know, it happens every 8th year or so. After lunch I took a snooze. Just talked with Nilla - how I love slippy potpie!
Mits So happy about that little eaglet putting on the ozs. Can't get over that she had also grown in inches. Sharon I guess I know how badly you have felt if it warranted a trip to see Dr! Proud of you taking care of yourself. Belle You sure have a good watch dog. I bet you won't get any more knocks at your door once the word gets out.
I may drive up to Wash.Monument tomorrow to check out if there is a covered pavilon. Just in case there is a light drizzel. Or just let me know the alternate plan. Dana I had to read back into this mornings comments to make sure it was you - just your given name! Thanks for 'coming out'!

NillaWafer said...

2 Osprey at NU Nest and they are talkin Hey Jo xoxox

glo said...

No safari Well bummer. Dogs and I are hungry Guess I need to fix some food and see what else is going on here or elsewhere. Got lots done but i'm beat. should mow the grass before I have to buy a goat or something we'll see. TTYL

MITS said...

Yes, NILLA I did read that post and then my mind raced on to other things. Wednesday sounds good for me if you are up to it. The only thing that would change it is a call from the kids. Have just been staying here instead of the beach, just in case, but I think I will return to the beach sometime before Labor and be there for a few weeks.

belle_wv said...

Hey Jo, glad you're ok - thanks for 'reporting in'... I teach special ed - specialize in Autism, also certified (well will be after this practicum 'thang') in BD (Behavior Disorders) LD, (Learning Disorders) and MI (Mental Impairment) Work with middle school students right now, but cert. is k-12. I want to get some specialization in early intervention, because that is where the biggest differences can be made, but need some time off from the bookwork to just enjoy working with the kids! They're the best kids in the world, I always say God might've tweaked em a bit differently than the rest of us, but that's becuase he was cramming them so full of the good stuff...had to make room for all that heart and goodness

I was in classroom today and even though my head was really hurting I was getting so excited to be working with 'my kids' again - so many plans for their year!

belle_wv said...

Jo yepper check on a pavillion - if I get my hair done, won't want it wrecked before I even get home with it LOL

MITS said...

BELLE You students are very lucky to have you, such enthusiasm. I had some of the worse teachers ever to walk the face of the earth (NUNS) alot of them hated being teachers, but the order of nuns that they went into did not give them any choice and most of them hated kids.

belle_wv said...

Oh Mits - that's so sad - learning is such an awesome thing and it is a priviledge to share with kids! Sorry your nuns were such bums when it came to teaching. I've heard horror stories about the nuns beating kids with metal rulers and stuffing them in closets and you name it... hope that still doesn't go on ANYwhere, though I think some schools have gone too far the 'other' way on discipline (AKA none) but that's probably another one of those verbotten topics... lol

NillaWafer said...

Mits Nuns are sexually frustrated i think.. Well maybe not was a place near where i lived in Philly that took care of Nuns childern.. True.. But i also rode the bus in the morning to hospitol where i worked with the Mentally Challenged from Big Hospitol called By Berry closed now .. Huge mental hospitol on Roosevelt Blvd..

MITS said...

NILLADon't look but Tai's butt is hanging off the ledge.

MITS said...

LOL!!!Some of the priest and nuns were not sexually frustrated, because they were out there doing the deed.

belle_wv said...

Tai - scootch yourself back up there... maybe he thinks if he falls she'll take pitty on him and let him nurse?

Mema Jo said...

Checking out some sites.
Little Ledge Lodger
Tai's sleeping there again.......

glo said...

Sharon Forgot to mention...think I needed some brain food LOL, I am so glad you went to the Dr and have some meds started. Hope you get to feeling much better very soon. .Nilla Whats the BP today?

Go .Maggie go!!! She's coming along great. Hugs to Mom dad and Grandma who's been doing a great job getting her up and going!!!

Mema Jo said...

Wish we would hear from Geula
Keeping her in my prayers like the rest of you are.
I miss hearing more often from the
UK gals!

wvgal_dana said...

Go to the grizzly bear site and where it talks about August 25 ( it says Africia webcam click that goes off 8pm EST) there is a duck on there that sounds like Belle, Sharon, Floralgirl and anyone else with a stuffed nose)

Mema Jo said...

I may need to change my blog pic --
I get knots in my stomach & aches in my heart when I see it!


soooooooooooo much!

I need my mouse pad - soon~!

MITS said...


MITS said...

If Mei would just feed that baby, he would let her alone, but, no, she has to play hard to get. I read somewhere he is supposed to be nursing till around 18 months.

MITS said...

Thanks, GLO, she is hanging in there and thriving, may take her longer, but, this is not a race. My son was a very slow grower.

Mema Jo said...

Dana The wild cam is really interesting - I never saw so many different birds & animals at once. Guess it is the only waterhole around.
There! I finally heard the quackin'.

NillaWafer said...

Hmmm good thing you asked took it and its 134/105 pulse 70 hmmm alittle lower in left arm.. Musta been the lil bit of Pot Pie i Oh did anyone else when you signed into Yahoo mail get that page at the side asking if you wanted to apply for a green card???? I about chit!!! I called to pay a sears card today and they asked if i wanted to speak in englishhh No dam wonder my B/P is up!!!

MITS said...

DANA You know that the African site is archived from last year. Right?

Mema Jo said...

One thing for certain this evening -
Sharon isn't going to get the 300 wax job! LOL

MITS said...

Well that would make my BP rise!!!!!

Mema Jo said...

You did it MITS
CONGRATS - Sharon is going to be
very proud of you

Mema Jo said...

I knew I was watching last seasons' event at Pete's Pond. What a name for a pond..... Ducks still quackin' loudly.

NillaWafer said...

Oh they need to put some kind of grid up there to keep him from falling onto floor.. Dontcha think... Yeah Dana thats all old video of Petes Pond.. Anyways i could not ride the elephants i cant get my legs up that Hope ya'll have looked at the video's of Frodo 7 Freidas kids from last year and there mating .. Its comical to

wvgal_dana said...

Yes thank you I know it is from last year but duck/bird sounded like it had a stuffed up nose.
Ok Safri delayed for awhile but plan on going when it's up ok..
special instructions...don't drink too much before going. If we are in a boat or on an elephant it will be too hard to find a safe place to go. Don't wear dresses!! Make sure you have boots and pants that are tight at ankles when put boots on. why you say to that; remember we will be in a place where there are bugs the size of people and crawling things too tiny to see with an eye. Getting excited I am...Ok no more instructions I'll leave the rest up to each individual except where a hat with netting!!

belle_wv said...

Oh Jo don't change the pic - that's a special place, our babies aren't there - but that's where the next batch will be fledging from next summer, so it is something to look forward to, as well as a memory! Sharon, you sleepin? How could she let 300 get past her? Did she go out to sister's? Nilla you watch that slippery stuff - it'll slide right in and clog those arteries back up - gotta keep those stents open and flowin happy! LOL

Glo -how's the water intake/output? LOL Keepin ya busy?

Mits - thanks very much {{{hugs}}}

I don't think Mei is going to make it 5 more months of that brute chewing on her! LOL When my kids started biting down - my milk bar closed - they were warned (startled em by sayin OUCH) and they learned to keep teeth apart for a good while!

belle_wv said...

Dana you mabin fub ob me wib my stubby nobe - dab's nob nice! I'm gonnna tell Nilla!!!!

Giggles just teasin - don't mind the stuffy so much as the ouchy... hopefully dr visit in the morning will clear some of both LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Nilla it's not the Pot Pie...meds take care of that. It is you getting exciting over tv and the ad...calm down and breath deep and release. Did you ever do breathing excerise's before child birth if so do those.
From your friendly you can do it gal friend.

NillaWafer said...

i was watchng the grizzley bears not many there right now 1 resting on the rock near the falls.. Are they planning on shooting these bears?? I heard something about that?? I went to forum and saw apetition to go sign... Dont worry i didnt eat much Pot Pie as Jo reminded me about the clog Geesh i wonder where our 2 UK Gals are sure miss there cheerfullness and wonderful blog messages.. Well Chrissy said something about alot of rain last time hope she is ok...

wvgal_dana said...

Yes remember she talked about if they got the call. Sand bags were ready. So hope she is ok.

NillaWafer said...

yesssssss Dana i know the Jo has me blowin and huffin n puffin real I am fine.. Both my granddaughters are ElSalvadorian and Rosita (Rosa is Bi Lingual) FATIMA IS LEARNING english and when we are in the car makes me mad that they speak spanish and i let them know it too!! Oh my aint going there!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Nilla sweetie did you see what I wrote about the meds and pot pie and getting excited over tv and ads????


wvgal_dana said...

Nah Belle I luvs my friends on here. I just couldn't resist.
You can shot me at a later date lol

belle_wv said...

Oh that's right Nilla, I had forgotten about the flood potential the Severn? Was that it? I hope it has been behaving and she didn't have to worry with sandbags - she was home alone for a period of time - that would be my luck as to when the creek would rise for sure... Doreen has lots of horse shows going on

belle_wv said...

Nah not gonna shot ye - but might drag out the wet noodles..

NillaWafer said...

Well ya know how i get this time of evening fighting the craving so BEWARE OF RANTS..

Just Vicky said...

Well gals, let me give you a piece of advice,DO NOT PURCHASE NORTON 2006 ANTIVIRUS!!! IT WILL MAKE YOUR INTERNET SELF DESTRUCT!

wvgal_dana said...

If I remember she also has a horse (shire) that is old that she is showing. I could be wrong. I sure hope we hear from her and that her horse's got some places.

Just Vicky said...

I am speaking from experience!!

NillaWafer said...

I bought McAfee pack it has Virus scan Personal firewall Plus and Quick Clean which i have only installed the virus scan.. Bought at Wal-Mart for like $40.oo dollars..

NillaWafer said...

I have Nortons 2004 laying here never used it

wvgal_dana said...

Oh boy "wet noodles" whip me whip me lol only with "wet noodles"...
Cravings'll never believed how I quit smoking.
Took straws cut in half..feels just like the size of a cig. in between fingers. You can inhale and feel like you blowing smoke. When you really get p'd you can bite that sucker between you teeth and pull on it. All those built up fillings get released... I made it through it.
I was in the hospital when I had to quit and one of the nurses told me to try that. Couldn't believe it would work felt alittle stupid but when it worked I sure didn't feel stupid anymore.

belle_wv said...

Nillabean - RJ - LOL You hang in there tough girl - did ya get the gum?

Vicky - sounds like you're not having a good time of it? I hope everything turns out ok?

Dana - yes I believe Doreen does have a quite old Shire she felt wouldn't make it through the winter... so tough to see such a grand animal going downhill... I do hope her other horses are doing her proud -Yeoman is her HUGE youngster, not sure if he's calm enough to show yet, though.

NillaWafer said...

Dallas is ahead 3 0 NO Sts.

NillaWafer said...

I wonder how Norma is getting along at the fair?? Puckering in the kissin booth //lol Well she will be happy her Dallas is winning Drew just threw 1 H of a ball..

NillaWafer said...

Belle you know my balloon has not leaked or went down at all ... Cowboy touch down for any one

Just Vicky said...

I have since learned that my DSL through AT&T comes with all the protection you need! So I am requesting a refund immediately!

Just Vicky said...

Nilla how's come the name change??? Trying to confuse the life out of Norma?

NillaWafer said...

No didnt go out actually and honestly i am afraid to go out alone might just drive into store and buy cigs.. NOT.. well the thought has crossed my mind i would do that BUT promise i wont!!! I am working tomarrow night from 4 pm til 10 pm and will be here ..

NillaWafer said...

LOL i think Norma is confused enough as am i .. just like it Belle calls me that was inbetween NillaBean and NillaWafer...

wvgal_dana said...

nillabean is shorter to type in.
Hi Vicky IL no two vicky's anymore lol "I came out of the name closet" lol
Who you getting a refund from?

wvgal_dana said...

Seriously Nilla try the straw trick it works

belle_wv said...

Whoo hoo go Drew baby -

glad your psycadellic eagle/butterfly balloon is staying proud and strong LOL

Anyone check the denbury cams?

MITS said...

SHARON said she would be out til around 9;00p.m., today was a day off for her and poor thing had to go to doctors.

wvgal_dana said...

Belle I gave my husband one of those balloons a small one. For his birthday the year we met 1987 and it is still up.

belle_wv said...

YOU better take it easy at work tomorrow night nillabean - thankfully UPS delivers earlier - so you won't have boxes to move around, right?

wvgal_dana said...

Well my time is 8:47pmEST so Sharon best be on time....she'll get wet noodle if she is late coming in lol

wvgal_dana said...

Vicky IL you got mail

Mema Jo said...

Can't get anything on Denbury cams
Might just be me
Maybe I don't wait long enough for them to connect.

Just Vicky said...

wvgal_dana you have mail!

Just Vicky said...

Just got my confirmation of a refund!

NillaWafer said...

I will try those straws and no lifting or moving nothing daughter said DO NOTHING BUT SET N WAIT ON CUSTOMERS..Oh my another Dallas fan Belle .. have been on phone with daughter she is having that womanly things again.. Wish they just give her a Hysterectomy she gets so bad.. Grrr Yeah Jo does takes afew to load.. Belle thanks for the card.. Yeah Dana we both have Sprint cell phones..

NillaWafer said...

Dana didnt you say you got married on August 8, 1988? I was divorced on that date

belle_wv said...

Sure is a quiet evening... miss our spidey at times like this LOL

glo said...

Ok done mowing. man I really hate that part of taking care of a home myself. OH well I do like my yard and flowers though. hey you guys want to see something's kind of like a fledgling except its human style, and its like those first early steps into the world. And yep I'm a grandma too.

Go see this little cutie, she is gonna have her parents running after her in NO time at all.

NillaWafer said...

I been over at Denbury and Jo is right many of the cams dont come up i waited.. The Monterey Bay cam did, and the feild cam we watched last night with the badgers n foxes no problem..

NillaWafer said...

Oh how sweet Glo and she was wearin that pretty sun dress i love... Those lil feet could carry her fast

Mema Jo said...

GLO She knows what those 2 little feet can do! She was really going - Had to rewatch twice - I loved it!

Just Vicky said...

Elia is our newest "fledgling"

MITS said...

That was too cute, GLO

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am back on here now. Been reading the blogs. You ladies sure are windy this evening.

Medicine makes me feel yucky. Don't know what is worse, being sick or the side effects. Might just stick with the antibiotics and try to do without the rest. More will be revealed.

MITS, Congratulations on the 300. I am so proud.

glo said...

LOL Yep She's definitely heading on out somewhere for sure. My daughter calls her a "Free Spirit". She is with a baby sitter during the day time now as both parents are school teachers. She has adjusted just fine. Loves people loves other kids ...there are 2 others within a few months of her age toplay with during the day.

Jo If you don't get your order tomorrow I think you should give them a call. let me know if you need the number or the order information.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, I will be off here for a while cause I think I am going to run a defrag on here and whatever else I can do to free something up. Keyboard and mouse keeps freezing up and not sure if it is an internal or external problem. I still think the neighbors CB radio interferes with my cordless keyboard and mouse. ARRGGGHHH!

glo said...

Sharon did you say you got an inhaler? i had a friend who was asthmatic and I know she hated the inhaler..made her really shaky feeling if she used it. Did help her to breathe though.

Mema Jo said...

Sharon Go shake that pole.

Glo Will call tomorrow.Thanx.

glo said...

Hey guys I even saw where you left comments. Thanks becky and Eric will love that you are ooohhh and aaahing over Elia, LOL just like her grandmas. Nice surprise thanks

belle_wv said...

Welcome back Sharon - take your meds like a good girl! THey work best together ... but you know that.

Glo-on the way to watch our newest fledge~~ How exciting!! Not a moment's peace for your kids now!

Mema Jo said...

GLO It's now in snail's mail. I'll just corner the mail lady
tomorrow. Maybe Mits will go down & get it for me in DC.... LOL

Aug 17 2006 Entered USPS Facility - BMC WASHINGTON, DC
Your mail piece has been transferred from UPS Mail Innovations to the United States Postal Service.

Mema Jo said...

GLO One thing you have taught us well is that we don't visit any of your sites and Not leave our comments. I know the kids as well as you enjoy hearing about our feelings!

wvgal_dana said...

Nilla Nope it was August 8, 1968....grrrrrrrr on him

glo said...

.JoIsn't that the same thing that happened to Suzanne. I ordered something on the 19th 5 days after you, now I am curiuos to see who brings it and how long it takes. My orders have actually gone pretty smooth, but I live in a city. Hope you get it tomorrow then!!!

glo said...

Belle says it won't be long till she's running with those keys to drive NOT walk. They do grow up awfully quick don;t they. Talking with my daughter on Sat and I said, well yep she has pretty much left the infant stage and will soon not even be toddling around all that much. her answer "Yep I know" With a kind of down, but not sad, just reality it does all happen pretty fast now as we watch it.

belle_wv said...

Dana who you growlin at?

belle_wv said...

Time for the saline squirt ohhhh joy... lol

Mema Jo said...

Glo It probbably depends on the size of the package. Mugs came in larger box by UPS... The mouse pad & other 2 items are flat.. USPS delivery size. As long as I know it's coming up from DC - shouldn't take a day or two.

MITS said...

Oh, Lord, Jo, its in D.C.? Maybe next year....

wvgal_dana said...

Belle Him grrrrrrrrrr He is NOT my husband now. I'm married now to someone that wants only ONE woman. Thank God

glo said...

Dana isn't growling , she is oohhhing and aawwwinng too ove rhtat pretty little one in her yellow dress.

wvgal_dana said...

ok need help with this You know the "rubbery smell" that the rubber on cheap snickers has. Well I have something that has that smell. Don't want to throw it away.
How can I get rid of that smell???

Just Vicky said...

Dana is that sneakers not snickers?

wvgal_dana said...

Again that you my friends. It is "sneakers" lol husband brought me a package of snickers today lol. So you know where my mind was. lmbo

Just Vicky said...

Well it would have been easier to solve the mystery if it were the "snickers!"

wvgal_dana said...

Stop it Vicky I am cracking up here lmbo tears can't get breath
need to do childbirth breathing lol

Mema Jo said...

Yeah, DANA You could just hold your nose and eat them if it were the
snickers that smelled.

How long are your legs - like how far from your nose.... You might wear them & not notice a thing.

belle_wv said...

I have the perfect solution - put the snickers in the sneakers - then the sneakers will smell like snickers, but alas the snickers will smell like sneakers...

belle_wv said...

ROFL Mema - how long're your legs?? ROFL - that's the prize winner there :) For me the question was 'how stuffed up is your nose' for a long time - hopefully that won't be the case anyhmore.. might have to throw away some of my shoes!!! Yikes

wvgal_dana said...

LOL the item is not shoes that smell. Just was using that due to the rubbery soles. Used shoes as an example of the rubbery smell.
Don't want to throw item away I like it. Just can't stand to be around it.
As far as my legs go they go to my feet lmbo

Mema Jo said...

Belle Dana
Then you could have ====
Stinky snicker sneakers

Bet you can't say that 5 times!
(without taking a breath, that is)

Just Vicky said...

There you go, Belle had the solution!

Just Vicky said...

Dana, we need a good laugh now and then!

belle_wv said...

LOL mema - I'm not even gonna try - might hurt meself LOL or wet meself laughin LOL

Mema Jo said...


belle_wv said...

Nillabean, love - you fightin those craving deamons? Been awfully quiet on your end of the blog... hang in there sunshine

wvgal_dana said...

Jo I think I have to go to loo is that with 2 o's LMBO
I can see you all cracking up now lol

Just Vicky said...

We are ALL LBO's

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now, Dana, if it is a tire with a rubbery smell, probably going to stay smelling rubbery. LOL.

wvgal_dana said...

I bet if I put it in a 1 gallon freezer bag and had someone blow smoke from cig. in there. That rubbery smell would go away. Then I will be asking you all "how do I get the cig smoke gone" because I can't stand the smell of cig smoke anymore. Oh my this could go on and on; I wished it had been a "snickers" lmbo

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon another good one LMBO
how long are my leg
oh lord help me

belle_wv said...

LOL Sharon, welcome back - how you feeling?

Dana it isn't a umm errrr rubber is it?? LOL LOL LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am saddened by Cindi's report from the nest, that they have probably moved on. Was hoping she would see somebody today but I do know it is time for them to move on and do their thing in life. I don't care how many more babies Liberty and Belle have, none will compare to our first three - BigBoy, Ms. InBetween and our little Spunkster!!!! May God and our spirits be with them!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Dana, whatever this mystery object is, put it in a freezer bag with a box of baking soda. Maybe it would soak up the smell!

wvgal_dana said...

BELLE !!!!

Sharon hope the comedy here makes you feel alittle better.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am feeling a little better, just a little loggerheaded from the medicine. Think I am going to hit the hay soon.

Nillabean, where are you? How are you?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Wonder who is going to get #400? Do we get a rubbery-smelling thing as the prize this time?

wvgal_dana said...

OK will give #1 Sharon's solution a try......any other suggestions from the peanut gallery lol

Just Vicky said...

This beats everything tonight! You get the award for "hot topic!" Dana

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

She sure does. Now is she going to tell us what it is?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I want

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I got 400. I want the rubbery smelling thing!!

belle_wv said...

Baking soda or borax are the best things I know to neutralize a smell, but depends on what it is mainly... curiouser and curiouser

MITS said...

I still want to know, what it is that she has that smells like rubber, but isn't rubber and she wants it to smell like snickers, are you all following me, am I on the right track or, if the wood chuck smells like rubber how much wood chuck can he chuck????

wvgal_dana said...

I don't want # 400 I got enough problems lol wax took all kittens hair off, and now I've got a great item and smells like rubber that sets my allergies off. NO NO NO # 400 please

belle_wv said...

NOw I feel better - Sharon got another #00 prize :) Just need Nilla to chime in and I'll be able to rest peacefully...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

He can chuck until he can't stand the rubber smell anymore!!

wvgal_dana said...

And the Winner is SHARON she get the 1 gallon freezer bag that contains the rubbery smell lmbo

MITS said...

Good Night all, pleasant dreams and peaceful night, and Tai Shan get your butt away from that ledge, I don't want to have to get up in the middle of the night and check on you.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Don't want the rubbery smell, I want the rubbery thing!

wvgal_dana said...

Niter Mits AOYP=Angels On Your Pillow
Sweet Eagle dreams

glo said...

Congrats Sharon The good thing about your smelly prize is You won't be able to smell it right away, But iF the medicine works quickly you will know whether a solution to the Snicker sneaker or sneakery snicker was actually ever found.

.I am so happy for you

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Did anybody besides Jo see Cindi's report from NCTC today? It is on the eaglet momsters yahoo mail.

wvgal_dana said...

Belle he could chuck all the rubbery things he wants to chuck lol

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks, Glo!

MITS said...

SHARON has won a rubber ducky, congrats!!

MITS said...

What smells like rubber, but is not rubber, do you insert it somewhere??

belle_wv said...

On my way Sharon - whoo hoo I been wonderin gwhy Cindi didn't pop in here with a report - now I know why... thanks

wvgal_dana said...

Yes I did Sharon It was a good report but a sad report of no eagles. In a way still a good report on eagles too. That means they are healthy, growing, maturing, and sniffle sniffle leaving as they should.
Glo that was good lol

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yeah Rah on the rubber ducky!!! Just what I always wanted. Awwwh, that makes me remember Andrew and his rubber ducky in the bathtub. He just loved it.

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  The only thing that showed up in the nest. Today was the sunrise beautiful. Maybe we'll see them tomorrow. I'm sure dad will find ...