Wednesday, March 25, 2015


Cold rainy day.  Our birds continue to be tested.

Fresh thread.


Barbara said...

When I looked earlier, there were two chicks and Belle did an eggroll.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥
Thanks Steve for the fresh new rainy thread.
Barbara you are first on this thread - I think you know you get the Feather! Glad you are with us.

Well I need to go back to this morning' thread and over to FB.
I don't think we had a 3rd hatch.


Mema Jo said...

i just alerted the others on the old thread to come on over.......

All sites say one egg still in tact.

carolinabeachmom said...

Thanks Jo for the call over and thanks Steve for the new thread. Jo we still have to babies and one white egg.

stronghunter said...

Uploading two videos to YouTube. I had muted the sound yesterday, so you do not get to hear Belle calling out. I divided the video into two parts because I do not know yet how long a video I can sent to YouTube from my phone. The first one is pretty long. The second one is very short.

stronghunter said...

That is what I saw, Candy.

I am going to take Kathryn's computer to be repaired later today, and I might take a look at other computers while I am there. I saw some touch-screen computers yesterday. Interesting.

stronghunter said...

If/When I get a new computer, I will want to see what video-making programs I might want to play with. Have not wanted to put too much stuff on Kathryn's computer. I did add some security stuff for her, but did not want to fill her computer with my stuff.

stronghunter said...

Well, geesh, now I am having issues keeping the live feed going for very long.

WVJerry said...

Thanks for a new thread. Congrats to Barbara on a feather. I see a wet(?) eagle in nest, still some fish and hear a breeze. Is it n my imagination or has the nest grown some recently. Looks a little bigger to me. Talk later.

stronghunter said...

First video. And there is sound.

Really good view of those two babies with the black around their eyes. They are quite active.

Mema Jo said...

Here is the video from OD that Deb made of yesterday the 24th.

Shirley - you may wish to ask Deb Steyck what program she uses since
she puts out so many nest videos.

stronghunter said...

Second video:

Feeding continued.

Mema Jo said...

Barb - From what area do you come?
I know you have been with this nest for quite some time - Just wondering if we have ever really met. Happy that you are letting us know that you are right here with us in all this hatching excitement.

stronghunter said...

That's a good idea, Jo. I also remember that Paula does videos.

Mema Jo said...

Good visual of the two peeps and 1 egg at this feeding.

stronghunter said...

More feeding. You can clearly see the egg there between the babies.

stronghunter said...

My live feed keeps shutting down. Belle now settling in on the eggs. I am only getting a few seconds before the feed is gone again.

stronghunter said...

Will post the videos on OC and FB, Jo.

stronghunter said...

Me too, Barb. Trying to place you. Very happy to see you here.

stronghunter said...

Deb has posted a video on OC this morning. I'm watching it now.

stronghunter said...

Two very lively babies on Deb's video. So far, it is different from mine.

stronghunter said...

Oh, Deb's videos are from yesterday.

stronghunter said...

Must go. BBL.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - good videos

My OD live feed isn't very long lived either. I have a feeling there is an Overload of viewers.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets. So we still have an intact egg I see.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds from soggy, thunderstorm territory. Sun is peeping through here now and a 70° day expected before we continue the roller coast ride back down into the 30's and 40's. Wheeeeee!

Much thanks for STEVE for the shiny new thread, to JO for the call over and to BARBARA for claiming the beautiful feather!

SHIRLEY, so glad Luna does not have Lyme's. It isn't hard to imagine a dog getting that dreaded disease in this neighborhood---Penny and I just saw 6 young deer while out---they were in a year across the street and are all over the same areas we dog walkers frequent. Poor Luna, aging isn't easy on one's joints!

So grateful for all the eagle reporting and hoping for another eggbert before this day ends!

Prayers for all in need!!!


Mema Jo said...

Is that some sort of new flugg brought in?????

Kay said...

Oops, those deer were in a Yard, of course!

Hi to you, SHAR! Please give my best to dear THELMA!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

It looks like a wad of mulch was just delivered. :)

Kay said...

What is all that stuff? I recognize fish, but the black stuff above the nest and near the fish?????

Kay said...

The Revolver Map used to reflect the lurker factor, but now it only displays one or two at a time. Wonder why?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Little baby poop shoot.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am of the belief that the first egg turned out to be not viable. Might be wrong, but. . .

Kay said...

Time for a little nestoration, so we can see our two bobbleheads and an in tact egg.

Kay said...

Also time for a little snack from something undefinable at the 12 spot.

I've had that same question flash across my mind, SHAR---it took so long for the first pip to appear, so you may well be right.....

Kay said...

Only one chick was in a position to receive that snack, but it all evens out in time. Brooding resumes.

Mema Jo said...

Big old stick in front of the
incubation area

Mema Jo said...

If that is the 3rd egg laid on 2/18 - could go until next week for hatch - I sure hope not. Too must time in between hatchlings for that pecking order

Barbara said...

For those who asked, I live on the Coast of Maine. I've never gotten down to the actual nest.

JudyEddy said...

on llunch and find a new thread thanks for the new thread STEVE you are the best

Mema Jo said...

Oh Barbara - what a rough winter you have had! I remember watching the eagle's nest up in ME years ago.
I haven't checked to see if there is
still a cam up there.
Then there was the Loon cam - loved that one.

JudyEddy said...

HI BARB I really enjoyed visiting your state several years back

welcoome to the blog

JudyEddy said...

JO that cam is still in Maine

eagle two in nest

JudyEddy said...

no exchange yet

JudyEddy said...

anoather whate was brought it on side of eagle

JudyEddy said...

whale not whaTE LOL

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

I think that is
Belle that came in and Shep d=isn't getting up

JudyEddy said...

up nowstill onme egg

Mema Jo said...

Straining my neck trying to see down into the egg cup

JudyEddy said...

That is a bunny

JudyEddy said...

That is a bunny

JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

Critical Watch Alert – Sad loss of both hatchlings at the RF Eaglecam nest
March 25, 2015 — bald eagle, birds, eaglecam, egg, hatchling, RF Eaglecam

I am so very sorry to report that at the RF nest, the first day hatchling has perished and the second egg that began hatching was not able to complete its hatch, so both eaglets were lost. It is not clear what happened. The first eaglet hatched after a 2 day plus hatch process that needed to be aided by mom, but then died later that day. The second egg began to hatch but did not make progress. It has now been three days without hatch progress, so it appears that the second hatchling also perished. The Critical Watch Alert is due to the fact that the remains of the the eaglet are clearly visible on the nest at this time.

JudyEddy said...

feeding time and shep is eating on the other side

JudyEddy said...

JO so sad thanks for relaying the message

Mema Jo said...

I think the RF nest is VA but near DC with George and Martha

Mema Jo said...

Egg and peeps are visible

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

I think Sharon might be correct. The remaining egg may well be the first laid.

I believe the RF nest is near Gaithersburg, MD. Think it's called River Forest.

glo said...

Nap time here. Church tonight and then off to get my Patches tomorrow so probably won't post much in next few days. Patches will be in control of that for a little. :-) I sort of hope if egg 3 doesn't hatch today that it is infertile too. Hate too see too much more time between the smallest one appearing although there is certainly plenty of food available for this family right now.

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

There has been sighted a good size PIP in our 3rd egg!!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Today would be day 35 for egg 3

paula eagleholic said...

That's awesome Jo!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I don't see a pip but it could be hiding. We shall see.

paula eagleholic said...

Shep learning to tuck that fluff pretty good :)

I missed the view.

paula eagleholic said...

defurring the bunny....think that poop shoot just about.. or did hit shep!

paula eagleholic said...

Can see part of eggbert. Can't tell if there are pips or not.

paula eagleholic said...

Shep feeding eaglets. Back down over both.

stronghunter said...


Got myself a new computer. I am busy setting it up. It has Windows 8 and a touchscreen. It will take me awhile to adjust.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I LOVE BELLE AND SHEP. They are both feeding those babies again. ♥♥♥

paula eagleholic said...

I see Belle is back on duty.

Sandi said...

Wow - a new thread with 72 comments already? Thanks Steve!! BRB after I read!

Sandi said...

Hi Barbara - I'm glad you have joined in on the blog conversation. I followed the goings on at the nest and the comments on the blog for 2 years before I finally decided to speak up - I'm so glad I did! Hope to hear from you on a regular basis!

So no new chick but it sounds like maybe a 3rd hatch in the near future? We shall see.

Need to go make dog food so the girls can have dinner. later!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Is there a pip in the 3rd egg? Oh, my! Things are really progressing!

Have been incredibly busy the last 2 days. Emma's allergies kicked in, and she had a large number of knots in her fur from where she had been licking and chewing. Had to get them OUT! Then took her to the vet's for her annual titer tests, and to get a kennel cough vaccination. Her titers results showed protective levels for everything--no vaccine boosters needed. She did have to get a kennel cough vaccination because of Doggy Camp being very insistent that she have it. Had to give her a Benadryl shot and a shot of steroid first, wait 1/2 hour, then give the kennel cough vaccine. She didn't have a reaction to it, thank God. The time 2 years ago was awful! Emma spent yesterday afternoon snoozing, because of the Benadryl.

Still trying to get everything put away or thrown out, or tagged for a garage sale. Realized we've been in this house for 35 years, so we've accumulated a lot!!

Shirley, congrats on your new computer! Please let me know how you like Windows 8.

Gotta run. Will BBL. I ♥ us!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I don't see a pip on the visible part of the egg but I surely do see 2 precious eaglets.

Mema Jo said...


Good look into egg cup

Not certain what I see

Sandi said...

Just watched Belle feed the kids then take off. About a minute later Shep landed. The kids looked like they wanted more to eat but Shep covered 'em back up.

Sandi said...

Hi Jo - I didn't see any evidence of a pip/crack on that 3rd egg, but that doesn't mean something isn't happening.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - best of everything on your new Windows 8 computer. What BRAND is it You know Windows 10 to launch 'this summer' with free upgrades.

Summary:Windows 10 is officially in the home stretch, with Microsoft's top Windows executive committing to a summer launch date and, in a surprise announcement, offering free upgrades on PCs running pirated editions of earlier Windows versions.

Mema Jo said...

PIP: Eagle Cam, Debi got good pic
Check out FB

JudyEddy said...

YEP that is a great picture Debi took

JudyEddy said...

change of the guard

JudyEddy said...

and feeding of the two they have gotten so much bigger compared to eggbert

JudyEddy said...

feeding over I did see the egg in the middle of them

JudyEddy said...

feeding again

JudyEddy said...

Headin out to eat if anyone is out there BBL Keep a eye for the third eggbert to pop

stronghunter said...

Came on to say good night. SED, everyone.

Lynne2 said...

checking in, hope to watch more from work tomorrow!

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds!!!
How eggciting that eggbert 3 might have a pip!! Could be a bobble in the morning!

I'm so excited this evening and have been writing to some others, that I haven't eaten dinner yet!
It's not written in stone, but learned today that our Chelsea (Farmhouse) Office of Museum Support in Largo, MD will be MOVING. We love that farm, but guess the proposed NEW location!!??~~~a Park owned house just upriver from the Patuxent River Park Visitor Center!!!!!!!
It's on the River with all glass windows on one side facing same!!!I want that room! Besides that, we will have the Archaeology Office in house next door and on other side is house with gentleman who is now working part time at Park. He brought in a leather bound album one day that his wife made of the EAGLES who sit in the trees THERE!!!!!!!
If sightings are good, I already told our boss 5hat I might subtract a couple hours from some work days to compensate for eagle watching and future photos, I hope! (& I had thought about retiring!!)

Din Din calls & I will probably sleep late tomorrow, but hope I don't miss a hatch. Do they emerge at night?

Mema Jo said...

Coming in to say Goodnight to All ♥
Rain is in the forecast tomorrow &
Friday and then cold on Saturday.
Then up go the temps again next week.

Prayers for a restful sleep for all


JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Rainy day on tap here. School, then nail appointment.

Hoping for chick #3 today -s/he would be 5 days younger than #1. Hope #3 is a feisty female!

Have agreat day all. Oh, I was voted teacher of the month at yesterday's faculty mtg. Got a restaurant guft card - nice feeling!

stronghunter said...

Wow, Loretta!

What exciting plans.

Yeah, I think baby eagles emerge any time, just like baby humans.

Good morning, everyone.

stronghunter said...

Hi, Sandi. You appeared while I was typing.

Janet said...

good morning all. I know I've been MIA all week. I've been watching eagles as I can and lurking on here.

Olivia woke Monday morning with a nasty stomach bug. mia had spent the night, so my morning was spent between the two of them!

As of yesterday, Olivia was feeling much better, thankfully. She had started to eat again and looked better.

So we may make that allergy appointment today after all. She was supposed to start her injections on Monday....but....yeah, no, not with a stomach bug.

iin the mean time, tom had an MRI and has a tear in a tendon in his right arm. he injured it last summer as we were tubing down the little pigeon river. he has a dr appointment to find out options. I imagine surgery this summer. (sigh)

been busy with work and just being outside as much as I could while it was warm and sunny. we have a cold front coming thru. 27 in the morning will feel brutal after a few days in the 70's. I made a pot of chili for tonight and tomorrow.

today, tomorrow and then its Saturday. this is my weekend off, but the gkids have a pine car/pine box/pine something derby Saturday @ 9. can't miss that. you know, its where they build these little cars and race them.

and jack wants sto spent the night sat. but he sleeps in so that works.

this is my four day weekend, i'm already planning my 'get er done ' list.

everyone, have a lovely day. light, love, hugs and smiles to all!

stronghunter said...

Hi Jo,

Just read back and saw your question. My new computer is an HP. I have been using Dell, but the sale price was quite a bit better on the HP, and the sales guy said they are equal. It's a touch screen, which I think I am really going to like. The sales guy said Windows 10 will be coming out soon, but he did not mention the free upgrade. I will have to remember that. Maybe I will have adjusted to 8 by then. Actually, it is not too bad. There are a few things I need to figure out, but I am doing okay.

stronghunter said...

Took a look at the nest and just saw a parent sitting there surrounded by dead fish.

Judie said...

Good early morning.

Breakfast time. Two eggberts and an egg. I cannot see a pip.

Errands today to include foraging.

Loretta, what a wonderful move to the house on the river. You will really enjoy "working."

Shirley, enjoy your new computer.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day -- even if some of us do get rain.

grannyblt said...

Good morning all.

Just watched a feeding. Still 2 eaglets and one egg that may turn into an Eggbert. Eggbert was an unhatched egg in Molly the barn owl's box several years ago.

I like your thinking Loretta.

Hope everyone has a happy day.

stronghunter said...

Rainy day here.

I am sure I'll enjoy the computer, Judie. It took me awhile to decide to take the plunge and make the purchase. When Kathryn mentioned buying another one for herself and giving me her old one, I knew for sure I wanted to buy one right away. I wanted my own--one I had chosen. :)

Judie said...

Fresh thread.
Y'all come on over.
Shirley, bring your new computer with you.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...