Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Yesterday marked thread number 2500 on this blog. 

I just want to thank all who participate for the wonderful community YOU have created all around these magnificent birds. 

I really don't do much except an occasional update and a fresh or new thread.

Thank you.


Kay said...

Au contraire`, STEVE! You are the Big Key to this wonderful blog and we're so very grateful to you!!!

Going over to call in the others....

Judie said...

Congratulations on thread #2500.

Thank you Steve for your time and support.

Kay said...

SANDI, I agree---why do IEP students have to take standard tests. Seth was in that boat and luckily made it through, but he's high functioning and so many are not. Glad you have that cleaning behind you and that you're safe guarding your precious teeth the way you are!

ANDY, sorry you have to move to another hotel, but I think you'll look back on this ordeal as having been worth it all.

SHIRLEY, hope today's PT is noticeably beneficial!

On this rain free day I'm heading for a long overdue car wash, the drugstore and the grosserie store. It will feel good to be out and about or in honor of HODA, oot and aboot!

Prayers for all in need!!!


grannyblt said...

Yes, thank you Steve for being there. And here.

2500 threads. Golly, I'm wondering which was the first thread that I read? The first time I saw the cam was the winter/spring of '07. Not sure how long I lurked before I joined the group.

I need to get moving so I can get out and aboot as well.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all !

Steve, thank you BUT you mean I am
2500 threads old! I've been here
as long as we have had a eagle cam!

You do so much more then give us new threads - You are Da Man

Kay thanks for the call over to this historical fresh new thread! Display your feather well ♥

Mema Jo said...

Eagle alert

Switch, breakfast and eggs in view

Mema Jo said...

Birthday Shout Out to




best wishes for the new year ahead

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve, and for the call-over, Kay.

Happy birthday, Steve S.

Lying on my back at PT.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - lol

Perhaps when you are finished you can tell us how lying flat on your back is aka PT. ♥

Mema Jo said...


WVJerry said...

Congrats on thread 2500 Steve and all the Momsters. I think Steve underestimated his Importance. I haven't been here long but am glad to be included. Maybe sosometime I will contribute more. Happy Birthday Steve S.

WVJerry said...

Both in nest.

WVJerry said...

Just one now. Quick visit.

Lolly said...

Big thanks to you, STEVE!

Good morning! Still waiting to see the sun, 57, but no sun!

Waiting, waiting to see some eaglets!

Hoda said...

Thank you STEVE.
You created the community and we are all very grateful.

Lolly said...

Laurel has spring break next week and then the Texas STAR test comes up.

Sandi, Laurel was sounding off on one of her classes. All in sp ed. She was so frustrated. She said they are staring in space or busily chewing their fingernails.they have to take the test, too. Grrr!

Lolly said...

🎉🎈Haapy Birthday STEVE!🎈🎉. He, who has to live with the wanna be queen!

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for new THREAD STEVE

Sandi said...

Thanks so much Steve, not only for this new thread but also for creating a blog with the Shepherdstown eagles at its heart. Because of your idea and 2 eagles, this community of friends has formed and I am eternally grateful! ♥

stronghunter said...

Hi Jo,

It was a little difficult to type on my phone while lying flat on my back. It was my last PT session. Now I'm supposed to sign up at the gym. Therapist said 6 months or a year would be good.

Planning to check things out.

stronghunter said...

Eagle on the eggs. Something lying there near the egg cup. Not wure what it might be.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

Hope you are having a wonderful day!

Went to the house this morning, and the guys are busy getting ready to start painting the walls. The entry hall may not be painted right away because it's overcast here and the drywall repair is still not dry from late yesterday. They will be painting lots more, though. There are a couple of spots on the living room ceiling where old, yellow spots from a roof leak decades ago have bled through 2 coats of primer and 2 coats of paint. They might try another coat of paint or two on just that spot to see if it will decide to disappear.

Ken got a phone call on his cell phone while we were at a traffic light, and it sounds like we're OK'd to stay at the hotel through Friday. Not clear, though, whether we have to change hotel locations or not. Will be checking on that.

Got some reports to transcribe in my e-mail yesterday, so had to bring my printer back from the house this morning. Need to get busy and finish the work so it won't be hanging over me.

I'm so glad that it's warmed up a bit at the nest. Belle and Shep are real troopers!

Golly, 2500 threads! Steve, thank you for keeping this blog going for so long. You are indeed the man!

I'll say goodbye for now, and will check in later. Gotta get to work! Have a good afternoon, everyone. I ♥ us!!!

JudyEddy said...

Hello home from work Drove by the cell tower and no eagles will go back later

eagle just landed but poofed also

didn't see a exchange at all

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Judie said...


Hope you get the royal treatment from Queen Lynne2.

JudyEddy said...

STEVE LYNNE2 the Queens BETTER HALF Hope you had a great Bday

~~~▄▄██▌ Its your Birthday so
▄▄▄▌▐██▌ Let the good times ROLL!!!!!!!!!

JudyEddy said...

Gotta tell you all a story Jordyn school has adopted a soldier They gave us a list of suggest approved stuff to send So I got 14 items at work (socks,gloves,hankie, toiletriesand snacks) and Angie was at Dollar Tree getting $48. worth of stuff and some one behind her said stocking up Then she explained what she was doing and said that if he got duplicates that he could share with his troupe Well the person that asked gave her $5. and the person behind her gave $2. Thought that was so cool
He is gonna be blow away with all that we got

We use to do it for Chris JANET SIL and we do get carried away

Angie just had to call me was so excited brought tears to her eyes she said She wanted to call someone the news media or something and shout it at the top of her lungs she was so excited

JudyEddy said...

HI JUDIE <3 you and your antics have been missed LOL No seriously stop by more often
Just wait till next week when we are pip watching

JudyEddy said...

I love watching our eagle pull the flugg all around tucking in Egg roll now

JudyEddy said...

forgot to say that Angie is now President of the PTO at Jordyn school So proud of her
Heading to the park

stronghunter said...

I see the last rays of sunshine tinting the edges of the nest. One of our eagles sits peacefully on the eggs.

Things look pretty tidy there right now. No dead fish lying around at the moment.

stronghunter said...

Waiting for my Chinese food to be delivered tonight. Kathryn and Hunter will be eating out and doing some shopping. I am taking it easy. :)

Mema Jo said...

I had company here for dinner.
It was very enjoyable - One of my granddaughters and her son aka great grandson. He is a most loving little guy - 4 yrs old.

Nothing much for me on TV this evening. Perhaps it will be early to bed as I didn't feel rested when I started my day.

I did go to the Retina Specialist today and whoo hoo I don't need to go back for 6 months! Progress !

Janet said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

I am done in for today.........

I wish for everyone of you a
peaceful and restful sleep.


JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Lolly said...

Has been a slow day. Did a little Loolypaloozing. We sat outside this evening!!! Wahoo! Spring is coming! This last round of snow and ice burned the roses, columbine and a few other plants. My flowering Quince is starting to bloom.

Tomorrow another luncheon, so I will get out of the house!

Night all! SED!

stronghunter said...

Signing out from Fredericksburg.

SED, everyone.

Next week we'll be looking for pips.

stronghunter said...

Oh, and, Jo, I was lying flat on my back at PT because they had some kind of electrodes attached to my knee and an ice wrap over it. They did this at the end of every session.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. We are another day closer to the weekend. The number of teaching days left in this school year is less than 60 - not sure of the exact count. Spring break in less than 3 weeks. Eaglet babies to watch in another week.

Have agreat day all.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Eagle is sitting pretty in the nest as the sun rises in West Virginia.

I am thankful that the eggs have survived the big snows of the winter and eager to see them hatch in a few days.

Eagle is looking all around. Wonder what is out there?

Mema Jo said...

Good Thursday Morning To All ♥

Sunshine is so welcome - I'm seeing more and more of my yard as this snow melts. I won't miss that 'glare'.

I heard from Glo and she is down in GA today visiting her son. 81° she reported.

Our beautiful eagle is basking in the sunshine. I got a pic of the uncovered eggs while breakfast was being eaten.

Sandy = your count down is getting exciting = you can do it !

We are still voting for Blizzard Bear - up to 728 and still more time until it ends on the 31st.

stronghunter said...

Kept hearing some mysterious sounds from my living room. I checked to see a cardinal and another bird feeding at the new platform feeder I've hung on the front porch. Suddenly, the cardinal flew at the window and crashed into it. Obviously, it was seeing its reflection there. I've lowered and closed the blinds. I hope that helps.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

What a beautiful sight--sunny at the nest and all is well--a bit windy, but Belle n' Shep can cope with that!

Oh, SHIRLEY, I hope the cardinal was only a bit stunned in it's encounter with a reflection!

JO, glad you heard from GLO! She's certainly enjoyed some weather extremes in the last six months or so.

SANDI, Wahoo! Less than 60 teaching days left---there is a beautiful light at the end of the tunnel!

Penny and I will head for Julie's neighborhood later today, where the walking is good due to sidewalks. Expecting 60 wonderful degrees. Will enjoy a scrumptious taco dinner with "the kids" before heading home for the night.

Prayers for all in need!!!


JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Yep its 1121 been out and about

PAY OFF on the house is now done

JudyEddy said...

GLO will be in warm weather as I am
Will you be sporting a suntan when you get back GLO

nest temp is 45° hi will be 55° low tonight 28°

me 78° at present 84 will be our high today summer is hear and so is the pollen my front yard looks like it has a blanket on it

KAY enjoy your walk and the better temps with Penny Sidewalks are so good on the dogs toenails for trimming

Hope you can figure out what the noise was SHIRLEY Hope if it was a bird all is ok I hardly see any cardinal in my area

SANDI count down for you so happy
when this year is over for you

Mema Jo said...

Congratulations Judy on your

final payment - Happy Homeowner

It is all yours

You going to BURN your Mortgage ?

Kay said...

JUDY, you have to be elated over the fact that the house is ALL yours! Yes, the sidewalks are good for dogs nails. Penny's nails seem to grow so fast and must be watched because they curve under if they get too long and it changes her gait. Several times I've erred on the side of taking her in for a mani-pedi too soon!

JudyEddy said...

I think that is Shep on eggberts Looks narrower but may not be

Gonna go out and enjoy the day will take tablet with me Meeting Angie for lunch later on then Jordyn gym class---

JudyEddy said...

Thanks guys I do feel so good about it Retirement is just around the corner for me now

and I do want to have a part of sort and I don't think we are really suppose to burn it I will have Carl make me a bond fire and I will burn some of my statements that I have kept that way I don't have to worry about shredding them LOL

JudyEddy said...

have a PARTY not part LOL

JudyEddy said...

my daughter ropes me in to helping with her dog nail trimming I hold them down LOL I always did my dogs nails but didn't like doing them

My dogs would eat each other toe nails when we trimmed them I thought how odd The vet said it wouldn't hurt them I always wondered about

Lolly said...

A quick good morning and I am off! Have a great day!

NatureNut said...

WOW! A special thread!!
Thank you Steve for all you do!!

Finally was able to put my older Eagle pics in the Nook. Had to switch workable picture programs, as some of 'puter is not happy. Haven't had chance to get w/techies. Have some other pics to post. Hope to do it today~~will leave message ☺

Refrigerator decided to konk out also. Luckily, we have freezer and small fridge in basement to store stuff. (My knees hate the steps, tho!) Yesterday, Fubby had a repairman check it---fan not working, but circuit board bad, too! Would be $500 to fix!!! We wanted to get a new one, but it's limping into coldness by itself!

Daughter has business in DC area next week and will then stay w/us from 18th to weekend! Even tho we are not Irish, I asked her if she would like corned beef and cabbage. So, I will be picking food up at last minute as I don't know where it will be stored!!Isn't modern living grand?

Lots to do~~~Later
Have a wonderful Day!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

Have been over to the house, and back again. It's shaping up nicely. The walls and doors are primed, and they paint 2 coats on them today. I believe they will be laying the floor in the front bedroom today, but not sure.

Checked at the front desk, and we do have to move to another Marriott location tomorrow. Since checkout is 11 am, and they are TOTALLY booked, I'm staying here at the hotel for most of today and packing up stuff so we can grab it and run tomorrow. We will be moving to a Residence Inn in Placentia, not 10 minutes from the house, but in the opposite direction. Same kind of room that we have now, and of course they take dogs too. I think this location, 2 blocks from Disneyland, and very close to the Anaheim Convention Center, gets really busy because of conventions coming to town. The other one should be less busy, with hopefully less traffic. Poor Emma has had to dodge everything from tour buses to a huge Pepsi truck with a very long trailer. (That one really spooked her!) We've had to take her to go do her business with pockets full of treats for motivation.

Just took a look at the nest, and Belle (I think that's Belle) is now facing 9 with her tail toward 3, adjusting flugg to make the egg cup deeper.

stronghunter said...

Back from errands. Dined on left-over Chinese food from last night. Yummy.

I think the cardinal was okay, Kay. Did it see the reflection and think it was going after another cardinal, or did it see the reflection of the feeder and think there was another stash of sunflower seeds? Lowering the blinds seems to have helped.

So far, the squirrels and grackles have not bothered that feeder, thank goodness.

All looks well at the nest. Eagle on the eggs.

Congratulations on paying off that mortgage, Judy.

So, there is a new refrigerator in you future, Loretta.

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Congratulations JudyE.

Shirley, cardinals do see their own reflection in glass and will attack what they see as competition to protect a nest or food source.

stronghunter said...

Guess this particular cardinal got a nasty surprise, Judie.

stronghunter said...

Time to gather Hunter from the school.

stronghunter said...

Hunter has been gathered.

FYI--Now, he is wearing jeans. Kathryn had mentioned that he's pretty much worn out the shorts.

First baseball practice today. Baseball pants and cleats were purchased last night. He now has metal cleats. Kathryn has told him that he cannot wear them in the house. Oh, please. Metal cleats would do a number on the hardwood.

stronghunter said...

Really can't recall seeing a cardinal fight, but this particular male was surely after the window.

JudyEddy said...



Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

They're getting ready to lay the new flooring at the house. Question they called me about was about what direction to have the planks go. I told them to do them lengthways down the hall, therefore lengthwise in the bedroom so they match, and lengthwise in the living room. Would look wacky to have them going different directions. So everything will be running east to west, or west to east, depending on which way you're facing.

Ken talked to our insurance agent, and (Please, God!) I think we are OK'd to stay in the hotel (Placentia location) until the
28th of March! Our reasoning is that we don't want them doing a rush job just so we can move back in. Our policy covers it--why not?

I'm about to pack up the laptop so we don't have to mess with it in the morning. It's going to have me Jonesing to talk to all of you, but Ken will be less stressed. That will make ME less stressed. I just want to get moved to the new hotel so we can relax!--AND get back on the blog!

Shirley, I'm glad your cardinal has quit attacking his reflection. That has to make for an Excedrin headache!

Judie, great to see you here! You are certainly missed! Take care. ♥

Well, here goes....Hope to get back here tomorrow afternoon, after we're settled in the new place. God bless! I ♥ us!!!

Janet said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Janet said...

good afternoon to all.

something is on my mind and I have to come out with it. I didn't sleep well last night because of it and so when I got up I deleted my posts from last night. I have regretted that all day today and have been pondering do I post this or just let it ride.

we have a blog here full of loving and caring individuals who have come together to watch eagles and have become friends. I am still fairly new to this blog, having been here, well, this is my 3rd season watching now.

for the most part, everyone gets along very well. but sometimes we don't.

and what i'm about to say is doing exactly what I do not want us to do, but the whole thing is bugging me to death!

case in point: my sister, JudyE. Now most of you know, JUDYE and I had a time getting our parents' estate settled a couple years ago. It had been open for 7+ years, took an attorney, etc to get it done. Long story short: Judy and her family are the ONLY ones who still claim me as family. I love my sister very very much and will have her back at all costs.

We both have very good friends here, people whom we have both grown to love and admire. People who are usually considerate, kind and think of others first.

I do not mean to single any one person out because I do not want to hurt anyone, BUT, I have to say this.

It has caused me much sadness and worry that JUDYE was called out for something that she said. She did not curse, nor say anything that hasn't been said previously.

I understand that what bothers me may not bother someone else and we are all human and we all say/do things sometimes that oops, well, never thought that would bother someone.

So there was a problem.

I wish that if there is a problem that we would all stop and consider how we would like to be treated if it were us.

Personally, if I ever say or do something that offends, I would prefer any of you to call/text/email me and let's talk and clarify things. I would hate to be called out publicly on any place.

I know I am not on here daily, but I lurk often and read. I miss the fun times with JUDIE and the evil JUFIE, and the Queen....

Yes, we have to be aware of others that read our blog, it is indeed public, but, we have enough silliness, private jokes, etc going, and sometimes, down right very personal stuff on here that make "outsiders" most uncomfortable anyway.

I hope you all know that I love and care for each of you. You have become a part of my daily life, even if I don't post daily.

I just want us to be a cohesive, loving group. One where we can speak freely, know that we are loved, honored, and respected. And that, if there is a problem, we know it will be resolved respectfully.

Brightest Blessings, Light and Love

stronghunter said...

At the very muddy baseball field. Spring peepers singing in the woods.

Mema Jo said...




Sandi said...

Good evening all! My new nail girl works sooooo slowly, but she did a beautiful job with my nails today. I will be happy when my regular girls gets home from Peru where she and her husband spent the winter. She is due back in early April.

Loretta, sorry to hear about the refrigerator. A $500 repair would make the decision for me - time to buy a new one!

Shirley, I have heard spring peepers the last 2 mornings as I have walked into school from my car. They make me think of Lynne!

Andy, glad the insurance company is covering the hotel until 3/28 - surely your work will be finished by then.

Speaking of finished, I was raised with the saying, "Turkeys get done, people get finished." Weren't you? Brian sent me a link to an article last week saying it is now OK to use done and finished interchangably!

My computer is acting very glitchy - BRB after I restart.

Sandi said...

I'm back - updates have now been installed and computer seems to be running fine.

Got a letter from the IRS that my mom's tax issue has been resolved - hooray!

Almost time for Grey's Anatomy. Goodnight my eagle friends - I love you all! See you in the early AM.

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds! Just wanted to let you know that I got another set of pics in the Nook. One more set to go, but gonna have din din first. I had fun with these today and didn't do any chores----OOPS!
I thought we would be appliance shopping today,but fridge kept getting colder, so Fubby brought some of the food upstairs! This is a little scary!
See ya later ☺

stronghunter said...

Hey, Loretta, can you sneakily unplug the refrigerator? (of course, you need to find a reason to take that food downstairs.)

stronghunter said...

Will check out the your new pictures. Always love your pictures.

stronghunter said...

Wonderful pictures, Loretta. I am so happy to see so many robins.

Enjoyed your picture of the Wright Brothers. My parents lived in Manteo many years ago, and my father met either Orville or Wilbur--I've forgotten which one. I have a picture of their house there from way back when.

stronghunter said...

Finished or done? I always say "finished." My husband said "done." He got into a big argument with one of his law school classmates about whether or not it was okay to say "I'm done." They eventually called an English professor. I think he said it was okay. Long time ago, but that's how I remember it.

stronghunter said...

Well, there is a raging controversy about "finished" and "done." I will not bring the details to the blog, but you are probably pretty much safe either way.

stronghunter said...

But, I'm with Sandi. I say "finished."

Mema Jo said...

I am finished ........but
I done did that...... lol

Great news Sandi about IRS resolving your mother's taxes.

I do have a scratchy throat.. I'll get it checked out if it lingers.

Beautiful weather - not sure of the forecast for the rest of this week.

stronghunter said...

Oh, yes, Jo, do not delay to get it checked out. My bout with the flu started that way.

TV tonight--started out with Sasquatch and yeti. Now we are learning about the Druids and Celts.

Mema Jo said...

Loretta, I love looking at your pics in your Nook. Thanks.

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds!
Just put my last set of "happy" pictures in the Nook!

I keep thinking today is Saturday, but NO! Gotta do the do tonight before work. Have not seen any different critters there at Chelsea Exhibit Office for a long time. Hope something neat comes by. We're seldom looking through windows anyway!
Hope we can get in. Some are meeting at big Park up the street and riding in w/coworker who has a 4-wheel drive. I only got stuck once & that was in snow, so now I'm taking chain & shovel & have to phone home when I get there!
Nothing like a little adventure! Don't need coffee!

Have a good night & if I don't get back, Pleasant Feather Dreams and Good Health Prayers for ALL ;>)

NatureNut said...

P.S. (Shirley, that's a great idea!!! Might be able to transfer food after the "early to bed" person does just that! Any minute now.)

stronghunter said...

I'll never tell, Loretta. Mum's the word.

Really wouldn't want to depend on an iffy refrigerator, to tell the truth. A refrigerator full of food gone bad is expensive.

stronghunter said...

I say that while a 20+-year-old refrigerator sits in my kitchen.

Mema Jo said...

I am watching Hallmark movie - over at 11:00.


stronghunter said...

Stopping in to say good night.

Well, I did not watch Hallmark tonight, but I know a lot about the Sasquatch and the yeti and a little about the Druids and Celts.

SED, everyone.

I did tell you about the time Kathryn took Hunter and a friend Sasquatch hunting. They were standing at the edge of the woods making Sasquatch calls. Really. Wonder what they would have done if one had showed up? Yeah. Do you really want to summon one of those things?

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - you can smell him before you see him or know he is there!!!
Scarey business... lol

Headed for the pillows
Sweet dreams

Goodnight ♥

Lolly said...

What a day! Lunch with friends and then......I worked in the yard!!! Up to 72 today and it was awesome! I needed that! Soaked up some vitamin D!! Wahoo!

I plan to do the same in the yard!

Never really thought about done vs finished. Hmmm...will give it some thought and when i have done did it, I will let you know!😜

This day has done me in! 😴💤

Night all! SED😘

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Jenni barked at the bedroom door at 5am!! So, early wake-up call for me. Good thing I love these dogs so much - sometimes they really crimp my style!!

Jo, hope the scratchy throat feels better today. Be careful - your immune system probably isn't that strong after the radiation and chemo.

Lolly, would love to see 72 degrees!

Loretta, will have to remember to look at your photos this weekend when I have some free time. They are always wonderful.

Need to take a quick peek at facebook and vote for Blizzard Bear. Have agreat day all.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Eagle in the nest. Interesting the way some white feathers are showing on the back right now.

Chilly morning here. A bit of frost on the windshield. Many birds chirping. I saw a robin fight. It's mating time for the birds. :)

Janet, there is something I have been meaning to ask--

I have been wondering how you feel about the homeschooling after having done it for almost a year. Do you plan to do it again next year? How do you feel about the school? Do you think they have supported you? I've had students who have been home schooled who have come to me very well-educated, and some who have been lacking. I have always thought it would take a lot of effort to do something like this. I really do not think I could handle it. I need the structure the system provides to keep things going.

stronghunter said...

Jo, I opened up the blog earlier this morning before I'd had my coffee and read your post. I was wondering who you could smell before they arrived. It took me a moment to remember that I'd been posting about the Sasquatch last night.

Hunter went through a period of great interest in all things Sasquatch last year. I've watched many sessions of Sasquatch hunting. Can't say I would want to be out in the woods in the dark of night doing that kind of thing. Yeah it could be scary.

Do I believe there is a creature like that out there wandering in the woods waiting to be discovered? Nah. Especially not in some of the well-populated areas those searches have been done.

stronghunter said...

How's the throat, Jo?

stronghunter said...

Much to do this morning. Cleaning lady is coming. I must to some picking up and getting things reasonably neat.

And Luna is barking to be let in...


stronghunter said...

Oh, Sandi, I am so glad I do not have a dog barking at my door at 5:00 AM.

stronghunter said...

Oh, my, one of the people on OC thinks a egg is hatching or has hatched. But then they said no--just dome dry grass.

It is almost time. That is for sure.

Thank goodness for the warmer weather.

Judie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Judie said...

Lowreeda, please make sure you have all items removed from the sick refrigerator. The shiny green garland is on its way to take the near-death frig to a place far, far away where things go never to be seen or heard from again.

Need help? Call: JUFIE123

Kay said...

Good Red Friday Morning Eagle Buds!!!

LORETTA, the pictures are stunningly beautiful, as always!

SANDI, what time do your dogs go to bed at night? Penny self motivates to her crate between 7 and 8 and doesn't surface til' sometime between 8 and 9. She seems to require a lot of sleep. Could be because I'm home most of the time and she is walked frequently???

Good to see that JUFIE is on call and ready to assist should LORETTA need a little impish help.

SHIRLEY, at times in my past life I've had cleaning aides and, like you, I always felt the need to spruce things up before they arrived. Crazy, but I think most do so!

HODA, oh HODA, wherefore art thou HODA????????

Okay, I done finished this post.

Prayers for all in need!!!


Kay said...

Oh, interesting avatar, JUDIE!!!!

Mema Jo said...


on this Friday the 13th.

We are a lucky group -




3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...