Friday, February 13, 2015


New thread.  Cold day.


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Kay said...

Thank you, STEVE, for the nice surprise--A New Thread!!!

I've called the others over and am sure they'll be here soon!!!

Mema Jo said...

Good Cold Red Friday Morning to all ♥

Thanks Steve for this fresh new thread. Yesterday started our "Eagle Season" and we are all Happy Nestors. Hopefully Belle and Shep will add one or two more eggs to the clutch.

Going to call the others over.

Kay said...

Am tickled pink over the lovely egg our Belle has laid. Which eagle is currently brooding? I must go back for complete update on my Eagle Buds, Belle and Shep.

Mema Jo said...

Whoa! Hi there Kay..
You have a new feather Don't let it blow away!

Going back to read the Early Bird comments

Kay said...

Hi, JO, the deed is done! We have a few exciting days ahead as one or two more eggs join our Feb. 12th arrival!

Sandi said...

Good morning Kay!

Thanks Steve for the new thread for the long weekend, and thanks Kay for the call over.

I have put the photo of egg#1, all alone while Shep and Belle switched, on the FB blog and in the February album on the Yahoo site.

Still in my pjs - enjoying being a retired person for today!

Sandi said...

Good morning, Jo! What a great day it is now that we finally know we'll have at least 1 egg.

Kay, this is Belle egg sitting now.

Kay said...

Thanks, SANDI! So glad you're home and enjoying the nestcapades on this fine Red Friday morn!

It was eggciting to read the hatching posts!

HODA, hope Dracula who "Vants to Sock Your Blod" returns healthy results! I get my turn next Weds. and expect no problems.

Love and prayers for all!


JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle buds


carolinabeachmom said...

Good Friday morning SANDI, KAY, and JO. Woke up this morning to wonderful knowledge that our first egg of the season appeared yesterday. Boy, there sure was a lot of excitement on here!

carolinabeachmom said...

I see that the egg is still being kept nice and warm and that there have been some egg rolls captured by camera and shared.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning JUDYE. All is excitement in this neck of the woods as you well know from yesterday!

JudyEddy said...

sure is nice knowing we can see a eagle at all times now for the next 30 something days doesn't it???

JudyEddy said...

yep watched on and off yesterday I did get to witness the laying processing can't say birthing LOL

was getting ready to call to see if I can get my air bag recall done today says on letter may take a half a day We will see

JudyEddy said...

who ever is in the cup is all tucked in

Mema Jo said...

Just got a phone call
Elliott is on his way to Mema's to visit.
I am just as excited to see him as I was to see our first egg.

Sandi the picture (which I shared in FB) is beautiful! So lad you got that photo.


carolinabeachmom said...

JO You have a wonderful time with that adorable little Elliott! He sure is a keeper! <3

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Thanks for the new thread, Steve.

Congratulations on the feather, Kay.

There is sunshine on the nest this morning, but it isn't providing a whole lot of warmth.

Donald said...

Missed the laying again....
Why is it always the coldest weather when she lays the eggs? My goats always did that .... The coldest and always in the middle of the night...... Burr

stronghunter said...

Was not night this time, Donnie. But it was cold. Even colder now.

stronghunter said...

We can hope for at least one more egg, Donnie. So you still have a chance.

The first egg was laid yesterday afternoon.

stronghunter said...

Hooray for Elliott time, Mema Jo.

JudyEddy said...

JO love it when we can get GK Time
Missing my time with mine this week. Enjoy Elliott has I knowcyou will
Give him a smooch from me

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

Shuddering again

Judie said...

Good grief. Donald has/had goats that lay eggs in the middle of the night? lol

Have fun Jo. Hugs for Baby Elliot.

Hi Shirley.

Hi Kay.

Enjoy your retirement day Sandi.

Grateful for sunshine on the nest.

JudyEddy said...

Thanks JUDIE I needed another good laugh for the day

DanaMo said...

Stitches out on Frisbee. Foot healed well,but already filling with fluid again.

Good to have the cam up in the classroom! Loving seeing an eagle in the nest. I don't know which though! LOL!

carolinabeachmom said...

Eagle calling out to mate? Is it time for nest change and lunch?

stronghunter said...

Those sound to me like calls for some relief from a mate.

So we have goats laying eggs now??

stronghunter said...

Dana, I hope Frisbee is going to be okay.

Hoda said...

Beautiful picture SANDI.

Dracula requires that I fast...
Early morning I had two spoons of Kefir before I remembered I was going.
So no Dracula today. Will wait till Monday.
I still have a head cold.
This mild weather in the middle of winter spreads germs!
Much prefer the cold.

Enjoy the day all.

JudyEddy said...

Hope you feel better soon HODA and better to wait to have Dracula get you when you are sick

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

she calls for relief and when it arrives she just sits there LOL Shep on rail looks like poop shoot now

JudyEddy said...

sitting at 11 can't see head only chest

JudyEddy said...

moving to Belle and she still sits

JudyEddy said...

off egg both still sitting there egg exposed

JudyEddy said...

BELLE poof and egg still not covereed

JudyEddy said...

now going to egg roll and moving and wiggle wiggle

carolinabeachmom said...

Took a break, got off egg for a short time, turning egg? and settling back in nest.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Hoda, had my cold three weeks ago and still have a cough. Not real bad, just irritating! Hope you do not get a lingering cough!

Nothing on the agenda today except go to church to prepare communion. Also, going to shop for a harness for Skippita. Hope we can get her to wear it. This is In Preparation of taking her on trips with us.

Jo, Jack got his hearing aids yesterday. Going back today for more adjustments. Fit behind his ears and I hardly see them. So far he does not see a big difference. I think it is something that those talking around him will see the difference. So often we have spoken to him and we know he did not hear us and have to repeat loudly.

Time to get with it! Have a great egg watching day!

Mema Jo said...

Wow! What a morning - Elliot time was wonderful! He is so pleasant.
He is a little talker (coo's and aw's) I told them I would bring him home later when they were ready to leave - but mom and dad didn't take to that idea - lol. He had been to have his surgery area checked - he
is healing very well - at the change of diaper I could hardly see the marks of the incision. Wonderful to hold a 2 1/2 month old ggs!

Mema Jo said...

Hello Donnie! Tune in Saturday for that is when we could get another egg. No guarantees as to what time !
This 'afternoon egg laying' surprised me as mostly all others were laid in the early early am hours.
Donnie since you have moved do you
still have your goats. Didn't know if
you had land there for them or not.
I really loved baby goats - those pigmy goats are so adorable.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly that is good news for Jack - I sure hope he gets them adjusted just right. Start talking behind his back and when he hears you he will love the aids.
My hearing exam is Monday afternoon
I'll let you know if I can get any help from aids or if I need to learn
to sign........ :(

Mema Jo said...

Hoda - fasting is something I usually need to do. I always hide my
coffee pot just in case I forget.
Hope those cold symptoms disappear soon.

JudyEddy said...

the temp has warmed to 55° now

JudyEddy said...

54° going backwards LOL

Mema Jo said...

Blackwater ready for hatch HOWEVER their cam is a brilliant blue tech
problem!~ Hope it is corrected in time to witness first hatch of their 3 eggs

Mema Jo said...

Berry College Eagles

An eaglet is hatching! A pip (break in the egg) has been spotted and confirmed. We don't know if it is egg 1 (day 38) or egg 2 (day 35).

JudyEddy said...

chaging of the GUARD again

JudyEddy said...

digging in cup getting deeper pushing flugg in front of her winggle wiggle down and eagle call

JudyEddy said...

like eagle peeps maybe saying good bye be back soft calls

JudyEddy said...

soft chirps again Bello bello looks around

JudyEddy said...

Belle LOL

JudyEddy said...

Still having issues of being able to see half of what I type LOL that is my story and I am sticking to it LYNNE2 was also having issues LOL

JudyEddy said...

I couldn't tell if it was Belle because no beak was moving but it could have been underbreath was so soft of calls or Shep in Attic don't know

Mema Jo said...

Lynne2 - I don't think there is an egg yet at the Codorus State Park
nest. Let us know if you find out differently.

WVJerry said...

Good chilly afternoon. On lunch break. I see someone hunkered down and. on egg duty. Got on late this four-legged alarm clock got up at 4:00 instead of 5:45...I fell back asleep and had to run to work. Did I see Donny had a goat that laid eggs😊. Thanks and Hi Judie.

JudyEddy said...

changing of the gurad both there

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

back up already a roll no just turned back to us

JudyEddy said...

love the way they pull the flugg around them tucking themselves in

JudyEddy said...

changed my avatar to the cell phone tower pair yesterday

JudyEddy said...

eagle calls

JudyEddy said...

still making soft noises chirp

Lolly said...

Just home from church. Prepared communion and left a surprise. For the organist and the piano player they had used plastic butter containers with a hole in the lid to hold the juice. Jack made beautiful wood crosses to hold the juice as well as scooped out place for the bread. Really nice! On the way to church I was holding the three small crosses and said I was protected from vampires. Jack just laughed and said I was not protected from bears as he can run faster! Yes, we are crazy!

Jo, they did the adjustments to the hearing aids and Jack is happier. As for you learning to sign, just keep typing and we are happy!

Also just went out, fed the fish and collected my second bouquet of daffodils. Having a great year with so many daffodils!

JudyEddy said...

still chirping

Lolly said...

Great to see the sun shining on Belle. 65 here and sunny.

JudyEddy said...

still didn't see beak move

JudyEddy said...

53° and sunny here but its chilly

JudyEddy said...

checked nest temp it is 25°and sunny brr poor Belle and Shep and eggPossible 60% chance of snow tomorrow hi 37° and lo 7°

grannyblt said...

Good afternoon all. Glad to see that all is going on as nature planned.

stronghunter said...


Egg roll.

Wiggle, wiggle.

Mema Jo said...

This is my little guy Elliot Sebastian Lennox

Lynne2 said...

Hi all! Been lurking and watching.

No Jo, no egg at Cordorus yet.

JudyEddy said...

Egg roll aga in

JudyEddy said...

Egg alone. HP

JudyEddy said...

Was in attic hp egg still alone

JudyEddy said...

2 min alone still

Mema Jo said...

Going to be a pizza meal here.
A few of the family will make it over

Really is cold cold!

I am thankful the egg is so very
deep down in the egg cup!

BBL - not sure what time

magpie said...

Lil' Elliot looks all cozied up in HIS nest, Jo... Adorable !

Nest and Parent and Sunshine....wonderful combination...

Good Evening Eagle Pals...hope this finds ALL of US Hale and Hearty !


stronghunter said...

Beautiful picture of Elliott, Jo.

stronghunter said...

Maybe another egg tomorrow. We will be watching.

JudyEddy said...

Maybe she will hold off on the egg till I am on lunch LOL

48° now brr chilly Freeze for some areas north of us tonight egg roll

stronghunter said...

Both in nest.

stronghunter said...

Poof one.

stronghunter said...

Nest has been uncovered briefly.

stronghunter said...

Wiggle, wiggle.

stronghunter said...

I think we have Belle on the egg.

stronghunter said...

I meant to say that the egg was uncovered briefly.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

Can't wait to see whether there's another egg tomorrow!

Dana, hope Frisbee will be all right! Prayers!

It's hot again here. Don't think it's supposed to be back to normal until Tuesday. At least the winds have been dying down some more today.

Well, think I'm going to go get some chores done before it's time for dinner. Have a good evening, everyone! I ♥ us!!!

JudyEddy said...

Angie just called they are stuck in traffic a 1 1/2 hour drive is now 4 hours Just just thought she would call in case someone says anything of FB about them not there yet
She was considering getting a hotel since they would have to set the tent up in the dark and they missed the dinner over there so they had to stop for something to eat since they only brought enough food for the two days that they would be there no extra When they called the MIL and SIL they talked them into driving on in and they would help them set up the tent SO I guess they are going on

JudyEddy said...

I went to the cellphone tower and saw both eagle one went in the nest right as I pulled up and I was able to ber 12 pic and a short video before the other poofed

JudyEddy said...

Alcoa's Liberty laid her first egg at 5:17 today.

JudyEddy said...

funny Liberty is a female on this nest

JudyEddy said...

Viewing most recent stories · Back to top stories
News Feed

Hope Reed‎MNBound Eagle Viewers
Just now ·
And "As the Nest Turns" continues. CCB has identified the female that is sharing a nest with Dad Norfolk. Are you ready for this??? It is 'HE' (band letters) from the 2009 NBG nest. In other's Dad Norfolk's daughter.
I don't know how this is going to turn out because I didn't think eagles would mate with their own offspring.
Stay tuned.

JudyEddy said...

I wonder will that affect the offspring I tagged Steve on FB maybe he can ask at NCTC one of the DR may know ODD

Lolly said...

Jo, I told Jack what you said about talking behind him. He said to tell you "I heard that!"

Lolly said...

We are cooking together tonight. It is one of our special dinners. Yum! And, of course, a nice bottle of wine!

Lolly said...

Dinner was delishious and now going to put my nose in a book. Night all! See you tomorrow!


Mema Jo said...

Lolly - your comment gave me my
before bedtime chuckle........

Mema Jo said...

Judy I hope you can get an answer.
The situation probably occurs more then is noted due to lots of eagles out there and they are not banded.
Like Paula mentioned the channel island had bro/sister mate.

Mema Jo said...

Off to the pillows I go

Tomorrow is the sweetest day
on the calendar. Enjoy ♥

Goodnight to all ♥

stronghunter said...

Logging on to say good night. Rest well and stay warm, everyone. I will see you tomorrow. SED.

JudyEddy said...

nest is in total darkness black

JudyEddy said...

it is chilly out for me in JudyEland

41° our hi will be 60° that is not Fl weather

Sandi said...

Goodorming Judy and all my eagle friends. Happy Valentine's Day!

Looks like Shep is egg sitting - he fills up less of the indentation in the flugg - but I could be wrong. Didn't actually see a switch but this is about the time that it happened yesterday morning.

We are headed to WV this morning - by this afternoon, I will be holding my Freyja! Tonight, Brian and Lynnis are going out for Valentine's Day and we are Freyja-sitting.

Judy, I hope you do something special for YOU today after work.

Have agreat day all!

Sandi said...

Shep just took off - egg is alone.

Sandi said...

And now Belle arrives and covers it. Not exactly the best weather today for laboring and delivering an egg. Snow showers during the afternoon, then 50 mph wind gusts and the coldest temps of this winter with wind chills to 20 below.

I know eagles are well-equipped for cold weather but I sure wouldn't want to be an eagle today.

Sandi said...

My mistake - Shep left and then returned and is egg sitting. Belle just arrived and is moving sticks.

Sandi said...

Shep is now off the egg again. Both are in the nest. Now Belle takes off again.

Just about time for me to close down my laptop and start getting ready for our trip to WV.

Bye all!

Lynne2 said...

hey all!

getting ready to go grossery shopping in order to avoid having to go out tomorrow in the wind and cold.

Must be serious, the Codorus eagles brought in an entire oak branch with leaves and are now carefully placing them in and around the nest cup.....

Lynne2 said...

S'town weather...
















Lynne2 said...

very dangerous weather. Please be extremely careful!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning on this the sweetest day of the year - may you have chocolates and red roses and red wine. Or with that elaborate weather
report some good hot chocolate!

Lynne why does it say : THE WIND CHILL WATCH IS NO LONGER IN
EFFECT after giving all the information???

Mema Jo said...

Sandi - I know how excited you are to be going to WV to do Freyja-sitting. That is a great gift for Brian and Lynnis and you come out the winner to be with the little love of of your life ♥

Thanks for all the morning nest action reporting

Lynne2 said...

Jo, it's sort of a technicality....the "watch" WAS in effect, but has since been upgraded to an actual warning.

Watch means conditions are favorable for whatever the watch is issued for.

Warning means that the the event in imminent.

Mema Jo said...

We just picked up our Kinklings from the Fire Dept Aux. They smell sooooo
good. Can't believe Feb is half over and that Ash Wed is almost here.

Mema Jo said...

I checked out Blackwater nest -

No hatching seen as of Sat. morning.

They are still having Tech problems with their cam.

Mema Jo said...

I see both eagles in the Codorus State Park nest - no egg yet

Mema Jo said...

Atlanta and DC zoos - the pandas are outside. All the cubs are in the process of being weaned from their moms.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Hoping the Sycamore Palace and our eagles are ready for the predicted weather events.

Trying to stay warm here. Got a fire going in the fireplace.

Using my phone. Hunter is using the laptop for a math assignment--something called purple math. Kathryn took him to her work. Only a half day today.

stronghunter said...

Working on getting a maid to clean my house before bridge on Wednesday. But I will still have plenty to do. Just want to enjoy the evening instead of being exhausted.

DanaMo said...

A friend is tuned in and wondering if it's Belle or Shep in the nest?

stronghunter said...

On my phone at present, Dana, so I'm not looking at the nest.

Maid is coming on Monday to get acquainted and give me a price, so I am motivated to get things ready so she can do her thing. Funny how you don't want the cleaning lady see your house messy.

Mema Jo said...

Please open link
Scroll down to DANA'S Pic of her 3 black labs
Like the pic to have a vote counted

Voting only for today.


Mema Jo said...

Dana Looks like Belle - I just missed an egg roll.....

Wonder if we will get a second egg today. That would be sweet ♥

Mema Jo said...

Excellent information

Norfolk Botanical Garden Eagle Alliance

It had been mentioned on some facebook pages that Dad’s current mate had bands on her feet and that this might not be #3 or DT! We have said all along that we couldn't be sure who this female was. When the cam went off we lost all photographic records of #3 - we have no idea what she looks like now - there have been photos roaming around of "bands" but until we could be sure of who it might be, we felt we should not post about it.

His current mate and the mother of his egg(s) does have both a silver and a purple band and due to the dilgence and dedication of the wonderful photographer Mike Inman he was able to get a photo of her bands so she could be identified by the Center for Conservation Biology.

Dad's new mate is HE, his offspring from 2009, sister to HK out at Honey Bee Golf Course and Azalea who was followed by her transmitter for so many years!!! Now this is not uncommon for eagles to mate with sons/daughters. Cases have been documented and there are no problems with the eggs, chicks or with them fledging!

Now we haven’t brought attention to this because we wanted to be able to read the bands and know who the female was before any formal announcement was made. Just like we needed to know definitely that it was Dad’s nest last fall by identifying him through the dot in his eye (courtesy of Mike’s wonderful photo) even though we learned about the nest for the first time in July. Mike had been trying to get photos of the bands and so had I but either the bands were turned or the light was reflecting off of them or she scooted her feet behind some pine fronds or pinecones before photos could be taken.

In addition, and most importantly, we didn’t want to publicize the bands because the property owners had asked us not to because they knew there would be a line of photographers in the street trying to get that perfect photograph. Unfortunately word is out about where this nest is and we have always been about protecting the eagles and protecting the privacy of the property owners. But it is apparent to us now that others don’t have the same priorities.

Please join us in just rejoicing in the fact that Dad has a new mate and he has a nest and he has a family! That’s the most important thing – that’s what we have been fighting for. And we hope that #3/DT has found a mate that she is allowed to have a nest and eggs and chicks!!!! Dad appears to be so content in his new location. Eagle On!!!

JudyEddy said...

I see two eagle in our nest

Lolly said...

Good morning! Still morning here. Have been watching cam as I read the paper. Wonder if second egg will arrive today.

Thanks, Jo, for the info on the Norfolk nest. Interesting that it is his daughter. Had no idea that this could happen. Confirms our idea that offspring visit their home and in this case really home. Lol


Received a dozen red roses from my sweetie and going to a party at church this evening. Jack is the resident poet. He will be reading two poems. He told me he is going to ask the women to stand. I am to be sure they do. Hmmmm????? Wonder what he has up his sleeve?

Do NOT like the sound of the predicted weather. Hang on Belle! Nice today and tomorrow but we return to winter Monday.

JudyEddy said...

odd I thought I posted when I went to lunch but I don't see I lucky I remember 12 12

Mema Jo said...

My Little Valentine

Lynne2 said...

Well, back from Grossmeout shopping, and visiting our elderly lady friend Martha, a widow. We took her some flowers!

Cup o' hot chocolate and then down to the barn to clean, put in plenty of extra bedding, etc., before the wind starts.

Mema Jo said...

Lynne2 that was a beautiful gesture

Hope your day is beautiful

Mema Jo said...

Late lunch here
I had breakfast but just had to eat a sugar coated kinkling!

Mema Jo said...

Mike Inman - photographer
More information on Dad Norfolk and his new mate

Ok I 'm home
Sorry for the delay but I wanted to make sure it was OK to release the info early with CCB. I believe that CCB may do a press release.
The nest in question was built in the early spring last year, by who I do not know-I was not there. In late summer early fall I received a call from Carol(EOA) about this nest and asked if I would check it out. Camera hound I am -I did and it took until October to get a good enough picture to identify the male(Dad). I also noticed that the other eagle had bands(not DT). I have posted pictures of her and some have noticed the bands but the majority did not. I sent some pics to Reese and at that time she could not be Identified. Kept trying and she was not helping . Sent some more pictures to CCB and they could not get a clear view either but did give me some #'s from the silver band(already had those). This last round was the ticket. I sent Pictures to Libby at CCB and they confirmed what I was reading. Now it is not uncommon for a mate to leave a pair because of lack of laying eggs and that is what I feel happened to DT She went on to prosper else where. It is also heard of for animals and birds to inbreed.
The bands on the female say she is Hk's sister HE from the nesting of 2009. . She has beat her brother on egg laying. Heres hoping to a new family of egg hatching.

Mema Jo said...

I see a snowflake in my valley

Just one so far ------but 1-2"

Yep there are more following!!!


Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds!!!

Settling in after a wonderful Valentine Day lunch with Julie and Hugh at La Chatelaine French Buffet, just up the road a couple of miles, in Worthington, OH. Went and returned in a blinding snowstorm--prediction was 1", but there is now at least 3" and it's still coming down. Not often these days, but sometimes, the weather prognosticators miss by a mile! Hugh is a great driver with a fine SUV 4wheel drive, thankfully. Seth stayed on campus for the weekend--going to a couple of sporting events and to an Improv show tonight. Yeah!

So pleased with the Dad Norfolk report, JO! He's one of THE best of all Eagle Dads and I hope HE took good lessons from Mom and will be a fine mother herself. Another example where our human traits/customs cannot be transferred to wildlife critters. There are many such instances in animal and aviary populations with no known adverse effects.

Kay said...

So happy to see our nest, eagles and the egg are sitting pretty with no snow!

SANDI, can't think of anything more fun than babysitting one's precious granddaughter while her parents wax romantic! Makes me smile to think of the joyous time you'll have!

Happy Valentine's Day all---love and prayers for any in need!


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,


Our house smells SOOO good!! Ken is making pork chops & sauerkraut in the electric skillet, and the aroma is driving all of us nuts!
Can't wait for dinner tonight!

Sandi, enjoy your babysitting! I know you will!

Wonder if another egg will join Eggbert by tonight! Hope so!

Need to go water our patio plants--it's 86 here today, and they're looking thirsty! Then it will be time for Emma's lunch.

Hope our eagles manage to withstand the high winds back there, and the extreme cold! What IS going on with our weather lately?! Seems so messed up.

Have a good evening, everyone, and I'll try to get back here tonight to say howdy. I ♥ us!!!

NatureNut said...

HAPPY ♥♥♥♥♥ DAY to everyone.
Jo, t6hank you for the wonderful Norfolk information and I LUV your little Valentine!

Saw couple flakes this AM, but gone! Hooray! Should run up to drug store.
Finally got into Yahoo last night. I could always get the Home Page, but nothing else. Discovered they were NOT using my old original Yahoo name!
Got some nest captures around noon and put them in album. Sometimes they're together by date, but the Time is backwards, so that kind of ruins the story. Oh well, we can read Oriental style!
Have a great day ☺ ♥

Janet said...

good Valentines afternoon to one and all!

SANDI: you will so enjoy having that precious baby all to yourself!

great news about the Norfolk eagles.

we are under a winter weather watch. supposedly we are going to get some snow. we shall see.

I saw the cutest thing on a local tv channel the other day. those who understand the south will chuckle as I did it was a panicometer. (panic-ometer)
it was round, with a spinner, and had things like: laughing, stock up on bread and milk, snow/what snow? on it

we shall see what happens.

since we were alone last night I made us a nice dinner: baked brie, prosciutto with mozzarella, garlic French bread, and choc covered strawberries the left overs made a delicious brunch!

getting cold tonight temps are currently dropping....thankfully i'm off til wed.

hugs to all!

WVJerry said...

Just got home from work. Happy Valentine's Day to all here. Will check back in morning. Enjoy your evening.

DanaMo said...

Thanks for the post Jo about the picture. We are in second place!! 222-170 if you can vote please do!!

Calling for 1-2 inches around these parts. I really wish we could just end winter now!!

Of to dinner with Mom and Dad to a fundraiser at another parish in Hagerstown. Out 2 nights in a row for the Hilmoe's! Wow we are rocking it!!! LOL!

So who is this in the nest?? Belle?

Mema Jo said...

Great Horned Owls
Mr & Mrs Tiger

Lolly said...

Just came in from working in the yard, pulling weeds and watering plants. It is 78 and very warm in the sun!

Forgot to mention that yesterday saw a large bird, very high. Do not think it was an eagle but I saw a white head! It was traveling so did not see it long!

DanaMo said...

WOW is it windy at the nest!

Sandi said...

Hi all from WV. Just starting to snow here though I dont see snow at the nest. I hope everyone in the path of this storm stays safe and warm. Will check in tomorrow.

Lolly said...

Enjoy your babysitting, Sandi! I am afraid our days of babysitting are about over. Sad!

Just made Hot Wings Dip to take to the party.

Getting dark at the nest and we still have one egg. Wonder if we will wake up to two eggs in the nest?

Saw her chowing down just a little earlier and now a roll and a wiggle, but no sign of the egg.

Going to say good night now, though we will not be out late and may get on later.


WVJerry said...

Looks like it's going to be a cold, windy and snowy evening at the nest.

Lolly said...

Is it snowing at the nest? Looks miserable! Definitely windy!

NatureNut said...

Lolly, that's my question, too. Could be snow or just how the contrast is right now.
It was 45° when I went up to store at about 4 PM. An hour later on my way home,passed about 10 Co. salt trucks going out to sit at their stations!!!??? Heard it's probably going to rain, then heavy winds, so guess we'll have ice! (Maybe)

Gotta do din din ☺

stronghunter said...

Wind is picking up big time here. Kathryn and Hunter are heading out to the bowling alley this evening. They started a new fire in the fireplace and got me some more logs from outdoors.

I am very happy to hang out by the fire.

JudyEddy said...

just got home from work and a couple of hours at the park 55° now and I didn't see either eagles at the cell phone tower Of course I had nose in Kindle but I keep looking up so I am sure no one came or if they are in nest I can't see up that high Still want to buy a drone to fly over it LOL

now gonna watch news I see no second egg yet today Bummer was so hoping for one

JudyEddy said...

I looked on the weather ap and it says snow ending by 730 tonight Lets hope so Debi posted a pic that looked like snow ??? could be nest at that time of evening look also who know ? and no snow tomorrow at nest according the TWC

JudyEddy said...

Here is a video from DEB Winter storm hits at Dusk

Hoda said...

Happy St Valentine All

Good day here.

Headed out to evening yoga and wanted to stop in prior.

Mild is not good but it is what we have
February and bicycles are out and some even in Shorts!!!
Hunter would fit in nicely I would say.

I love the longer days.

It is almost five thirty before it starts to get dark!!!

We launch the Dragon the last week of April.
Dry land training starts the first of April!
Honestly I think we can go to March!!!

JudyEddy said...

You can see the snow on the left tree trunk also Pool Belle but the ap said should end at 715 must be a quickie storm to move that fast

WANDA lives close to the nest MARGY also do you all have lots of snow or just a dusting I hope just a dusting

Sandi said...

Judy, Brian and Lynnis live close to Shepherdstown and the snow has stopped. Winds r horrible though

Lynne2 said...

whew, I fell asleep in my chair for a couple of hours and have just looked at my Codours nest to see mom hunkered down and covered with snow. First time I can really see at night...not sure if snow is just reflecting light or if now that she is in for the night and egg is imminent they have put a night light on? Glad I can't see doubt SHE is covered as well!

The snow here (according to Steve) cam fast and furious but there is less than an inch and it's just about past us now.

Lynne2 said...

I'm just praying now that the power doesn't go off.....without the heat on and relying only on the electric heaters, it would get ugly cold in her pretty fast.

Lynne2 said...

Supper is ready, then I will get my nice HOT HOT HOT shower and settle in! BBL

JudyEddy said...

LYNNE2 you need to invest in another form of hear They have all kinds of oil ones here at my Walmart
Sending vibes for your power to stay on and the snow goes away pronto for all eagle momster and dadsters

JudyEddy said...

form of HEAT not hear I am still having issues of my text being so light when I type PIA

Mema Jo said...

I watched Jeopardy and NOW
I am going to watch the Hallmark
movie on TV.

It has stopped snowing here FOR NOW
It is very windy


stronghunter said...

Wind is blowing like crazy here. And it is getting colder. Supposed to go into the single digits tonight.

JudyEddy said...

for those of you not on facebook I am bringing our dear sweet WANDA note to her beloved GENE
I don't think she will mind

It's so very hard for me to make these comments; you were still with me at this time last year. This has always been our most special day, besides our anniversary. This is the day we shared our very first kiss after being crowned King and Queen of the Valentine's party we were at. Do you you have Valentine's day in Heaven ? My common sense tells me, No and I'm glad!
Our girls had a party for me and the family at GG's last evening. They wanted to help keep the hurt from being so unbearable, knowing how special this day was to us! Everyone was there except Dustin and Donny...they had to work. Robbie and Rachael came along with our 2 GGrandsons, Jayden and's always so special to have them join us, as you must remember. Working schedules gets in the way of fun!
Such delicious food they prepared (I didn't have to do anything except enjoy our Family Friday!) Oh, and our Granddogers were both there, very playful!
There were lots of presents, almost like Christmas...what a wonderful family we started. Thank you for promised me we would have a family and we sure did! They still keep me going and happy and I know they always will...but then, you know that. I love you with all my heart""""

JudyEddy said...

several peeps are commenting on it as I did in tears reading this from her

gonna go take a shower and then some tv

stronghunter said...

I do hope you keep your power on tonight, Lynne2. In fact, I hope we all keep our power on.

stronghunter said...

Had to go outdoors and bring in the window screen that blew loose. It was lying at the bottom of the steps where Luna had to walk across it.

The porch furniture is blowing around. I haven't ventured out to secure it yet. Kind of hoping it will be okay.

Lynne2 said...

Be careful Shirley! Dangerous out there.

Sounds like thunder here because the wind is so bad. Power blinking ever so slightly. We are ready with plenty of water, food, we have the heat cranked just in case so it will stay warmer a little longer!

stronghunter said...

Been keeping the fire going in the fireplace.

Lynne2 said...

oh my...just saw on FB that Blackwater has a PIP!

stronghunter said...

Very touching letter from Wanda, Judy.

stronghunter said...

Oh, wow, Lynne2. This is quite a night to have a hatch.

stronghunter said...

I have to keep the laundry room heater going to prevent the pipes from freezing.

stronghunter said...

Can hear the wind blowing at the cam.

stronghunter said...

At least if we hear the wind we know the tree is intact.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn and Hunter are home from bowling. Nice to have them safely home.

Lynne2 said...

glad they are home safe!

Heading to my chair for the news then bed.

Good night all!

Lolly said...

We are home from our party! What a great time we had. Lots of laughter! And lots of good friends and good food!

61 here! Sorry some of you are having horrible weather.

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight and stay warm ♥

stronghunter said...

Kathryn said it snowed here while they were eating dinner. The grass was covered, but then all of the snow just blew away.

stronghunter said...

Good night, Jo.

stronghunter said...

Take care tonight, my friends. I'm about to head upstairs.

See you tomorrow. SED.

Hoda said...

Good night.
God Bless Us All.
God Bless The Shepherdstown Eagle's Nest

stronghunter said...

Can still hear the wind at the nest.Really blowing there and here.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle buds as always the nest is in total blackness but soon the sun will reveal our nest and what is in it Lets cross fingers for a second egg

JudyEddy said...

I can see a whit head and tail looks like two white heads in the nest just peaking through

JudyEddy said...

now looks like one eagle maybe that was the switch

JudyEddy said...

I really don't see lot of snow in nest

JudyEddy said...

colors still not on nest She is tucked or he

JudyEddy said...


magpie said...

Good Sunday Morning, Eagle Pals....

Watch, we have a SPLIT coming up soon

good point, Shirley... as long as we hear wind, we have a TREE with Branches to Hold the Cam...

Our parent Eagle is hunkered down against the winds...

magpie said...

Best Wishes for a Very Good Day, Eagle Pals....

xoxo ☺ ♥

WVJerry said...

Good more Margy. Been watching Cam some this morning. Stay warm today.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning To All ♥
Is this the coldest morning of the year? I mean it is like 5° and feels like -8° - The winds are still out there. Snow accumulation was not much.
Somehow the wind blew open the outside basement door - frozen pipes.
Good news for a Sunday - right?

Mema Jo said...

Happy to see that any snow that was there has blown out of the nest.
Sunshine looks nice but we all know that Eagles are well insulated - those feathers do the trick.

My live feed despite the wind is still running. I was missing Sandi but I forgot they are still in WV.
With the weather as it was yesterday evening I'm sure a lot of Valentine events weren't able to take place.
Everyone try your best to stay warm and I'm going to help hubby with some frozen pipes ♥

Mema Jo said...


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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...