Wednesday, March 13, 2013


New thread.


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WV sUSAn said...

Oh boy, a new thread!!!!

WV sUSAn said...

Thanks, Steve :-D

magpie said...

Super !!!

Thanks Steve

Thanks Susan

Hi Steve

Hi Susan

coco ☺ ♥

WV sUSAn said...

Hi Margy!

A feather for my bonnet :-)

magpie said...

By the time we get a gathering going....

we'll all be fancified with our
headdresses, Susan ☺

Congrats ! Good Catch !!

WV sUSAn said...

Funny Margy. And Jo's will be adorned with a turtle shell. hahahaha

Judie said...

Good late morning.

Thank you Steve for the fresh sunshiny thread and thanks WVsUSAn for the call over.

Sandi, positively sure all will go well for you today. This is NOT on you it is on the mother.

Dana, good news about your Dad. Hope he continues to improve.

Shirley, have a good bowling day.

To all those I've missed along the way, hope all is going well.

Sunshine here today. Shep on duty and we are all waiting. Anxiously hoping to see Belle of Shep actually looking down and listening.

Going to try to accomplish a few more minor Spring cleaning jobs this afternoon. Want to have these nagging tasks over before returning to the big school house. Also have to make a final decision about "retirement" sooner rather than later.

Wishing all a good day.

glo said...

I think they are getting us ready for a busy week or so on this nest. They think we will blog a lot IF :-) I did post a nice video link on old thread about 8:15 or so this morning if anyone is interested. Enjoy your day.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Best of luck Judie with the retirement decisions. I retired early at the age 56. Jack retired two months later at the age of 60. Best decisions ever! We are not wealthy but we are happy!

Watching Shep be a great dad! I have not had a peek at the eggs yet this morn.

Going to work in the yard again today. Think I will tackle my herb garden. Needs some cleaning up and I have some parsley to plant. Might even paint the picket fence around the herb garden. Have I ever told you I have a Williamsburg chain and ball gate closer on my herb garden. I love it! While at Williamsburg we bid on it at an auction. So much fun!

Lolly said...

lol Want to climb up the Sycamore Palace and remove the twig across Shep's back.

Lolly said...

Time to walk. Down 12 pounds now. Want to drop at least 9 more pounds and I will fill much better.

Lolly said...

feel not fill....fingers have a mind of their own!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Looks like a blizzard off of Little House on the Prairie at my house.

carolinabeachmom said...

I guess there is nothing new to report about the nest. Hope you all have a wonderful day.

carolinabeachmom said...

I guess there is nothing new to report about the nest. Hope you all have a wonderful day.

Lynne2 said...

empty nest, no pip visible

Lynne2 said...

Belle is back,flugging and wiggling in.

magpie said...

nice little feeding at Blackwater while we are waiting on some action at the Sycamore

magpie said...

-Oh By the Way :


unless you are in morning or evening time zone..
then Happy YOUR time of day !

stronghunter said...

Okay, back from bowling practice. Picked up a sandwich at Sonic. I have Luna on one side of my chair and Lucky on the other side. You would think they are spoiled or something.

Lucky is deaf and Luna is blind, but they know where the food is.

It was pleasant and sunny when I left the house, but has become cloudy and windy. There is a nip in that wind.

magpie said...


enjoyed your glowing reports
of Mattie's Chauffeuring Skills ☺♥

Lolly said...

I was "walking" when we had the change of guard. No pip visible.

LORI and KAY, while walking and doing the excercise with the stretchy band it broke! Have another to use, but that was a surprise!

Now off to get beautiful, rather street face on, run an errand and then out to the yard. Will check in occasionally.

Egg roll!

magpie said...

Lucky and Luna..they DO have it made, Shirley...

I was using an 8-pound Bright Yellow bowling ball the other day
, not quite as jazzyb as
The Cyclone

magpie said...

back to making dough


Lolly said...

Friend just adopted a Siamese kitty from the humane society. She told me his brother was still there yesterday, but it is gone today. Really can not do that to Annie, but it sure was tempting.

Lolly said...

Certainly is a beautiful eagle in the nest right now. :) Her inverted V is very clear right now.

WV sUSAn said...

Lolly, your band broke?!?!?!?! Holy Moly, that could have been dangerous!!! Glad it didn't get you in the face X~{

Janet said...

good early afternoon all

successful massages today! hip hip hurrah!

LORI: the truth? they, meaning the people performing the massage nor Opry Mills management don't CARE....they have been told, explained to, they don't care. As long as they make $$$, that's all they care about....and if you ask one of the "therapists" about their license, they suddenly "no speak english". frustrating.

WOW LOLLY< that was some intense exercise to break a band! wow!

all right, i have stuff to do....just checking in.

later ya'll

Janet said...

I stand corrected. This particular establishment is licensed. What a flipping black eye for massage therapists.....

stronghunter said...

Snowing at Lori's and at Sharon's. Oh my. I want spring. Not snow. Snow is fine in the winter.

stronghunter said...

Eight pounds, Margy? Sometimes I think I might need something lighter. I am using a 12-pound ball.

Practice went reasonably well today. Nothing wonderful.

stronghunter said...

It is interesting to see a man take a 16-pound ball and fling it 15-20 mph and send the pins flying.

stronghunter said...

Need to do some chores around here. Kathryn will be late at work tonight. They needed workers for inventory at a Honda place here in town and she jumped at the chance. She will have a busy week because she also works Saturday.

stronghunter said...

Chick chirps from inside an egg.

Lydia posted this at the OC site. It's fascinating!

She says this is what the parents hear.

stronghunter said...

Smoke at Vatican. It looks to be white.

stronghunter said...

Bells ringing at Vatican.

stronghunter said...

There is a new pope.

magpie said...

eggs uncoved at NCTC

magpie said...

do all the magnifying you can !!

magpie said...

do all the magnifying you can !!

magpie said...

an eagle is back on the rim....

Lori O. said...

Thanks for the new thread, STEVE!

Congrats on the feather sUSAn!

Thanks to LYNNE2 and LOLLY for their NO PIP reports. :)

LOLLY, bet breaking the big rubber band was a shocker! Glad you didn't get hurt.

Snow has stopped here and everything that dumped has almost melted. Supposed to get more tonight.

SHARON, hope you don't get too much snow.

magpie said...

one looks roundish and
one looks sorta of

magpie said...

and now they book look almost outta sight

magpie said...



Lori O. said...

Hello MARGY!

stronghunter said...

Hi, Margy!

Lolly said...

Peeking in. Actually came in for lunch. 67 and very warm in the sun. Good for the soul and these bones!!

I had both arms high in the air, pulling on the band. No harm done, just sort of startling. Jack has broken one before. It is several years old and that could probably be the problem, not my strengthk. lol

Saw that there is a new pope. Jack saw in on line and he told me. Wonder what country?

Lolly said...

Whoops, my turn. Howdy Margy! :)

Sandi said...

Checking in from school. Kids are gone and we have 45 minutes "free" before conferences begin.

Observation went beautifully - the kids were terrific and the lesson was very student-centered, so everything went smoothly. i really don't stress over observations at all anymore. The meeting at 5:15 on the other hand ...

Lori, I agree with Lynne2 about the math (sorry Linda) - it doesn't make a lot of sense to those of us who don't have math brains. And like one of my kids said at his IEP meeting about a month ago, "Mrs. Roberts, I'm OK with numbers. But when you start mixing the alphabet with the numbers, it doesn't make one bit of sense to me!!"

Need to read back on the new thread.

Hope to have the energy to hop on the blog tonight!


stronghunter said...

It is thought the new pope is from South America--Argentina. Has taken the name Francis in honor of St. Francis of Assisi. I hope all of this is right. The reporters do not know Latin. They are getting the news from Italian television.

stronghunter said...

It seems that the reporters are right. The new pope is speaking now.

stronghunter said...

Windy but sunny at the nest. Interesting shadows moving across the nest.

Lolly said...

I listened live to the new pope. Now I am heading back outside!

magpie said...

i have to leave the workplace soon
can watch from home...

I like the name of Francis for a new pope

ttfn xo Take Care everyone

magpie said...

12-pound bowling ball.
Wow, Shirley, I think I would
fly down the lane with it !

Judie said...

Just checking in.

Looks like Shep is getting the dust blown out his feathers.

Shirley, thank you so much for the link to the chirping eagle egg. Fascinating.

Sandi, glad the observation went so well. Now, to get through the meeting. Agree with your student who said numbers and the alphabet together don't make sense. lol

Lolly, glad you were not injured and congrats on downsizing.


DanaMo said...

Excited that the new pope has been chosen. Still feel a little bit odd about Benedict retiring, but I guess I will get over it.

Ziti is in the oven. Not sure how long it's going to take for this huge pan to cook! I guess the kids will eat when I get there!!!! LOL

DanaMo said...

Love, love, love the name Francis!

DanaMo said...

Glad your observation went well Sandi. Good luck with the conference, maybe it's over by now?

DanaMo said...

I'm not good with math either. I have a friend who teaches a continuing ed class in math that he has been bugging me to take. He says he is going to make math easy for me. Just haven't been able to fit it into my schedule.

stronghunter said...

Kind of dozed off here. Chucking that 12-pound ball down the lane makes me tired.

stronghunter said...

Egg roll.

stronghunter said...

One of my friends has a 16-pound ball.

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds !

Is it appropriate to congratulate Catholic friends on the selection of a new Pope ? If so, I do. I think it's grand that the Cardinals choose someone from the Western Hemisphere !

LOLLY, what a surprise the snapping of that stretchy band had to be---shows how much you've used it ! I've slacked off on that kind of walking due to walking Penny so often.

Interesting conversation on cats vs. birds. Perhaps we shouldn't feed birds and we should understand cats are only doing what comes "naturly". But, we humans do want to be friends with our wildlife friends as well as our darling house pets !

Love and prayers for all of you !


JudyEddy said...

Home from work and on phone with Trac Phone on hold Lost my phone somewhere today


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

I saw the eagles at lunch today and got another picture of flyout right after the one flew in the nest I knew he would fly out and I was right

Mema Jo said...

Sandi - I hope the 5:15 conference is over now and you are headed safely home♥

I had been watching for the 'White Smoke" all afternoon and now I am back to watch for Egg Pips!

I am very impressed with our new Pope Francis His welcome address was good
I feel he is a very humble servant of God.

Well I cancelled my dental appointment for tomorrow until next month! My one foot is still losing the swelling BUT I don't have any shoes just yet that fit. Believe it or not when I had broken my leg 4 yrs ago, Wanda brought me a pair of slip- on Slippers and that is my shoe for now.

I'll be back later........ I did see some huge short lived snow flakes outside. I want Bev and Sharon to keep them in Bluefield.

JudyEddy said...

Yeah finally off the phone with TracPhone they it took 20min on hold and finally got a peeps and after many questions I got the phone inactivated need to go back to work to buy a new phone now and call them back to get my 768 min put on it I think that is what I had left I bought a 800 min card in JAn and don't use the phone much I didn't have the serial # for the old phone and almost couldn't remember what brand it was then I did remember it was a Mortoral and with my phone number,name and address its is done I just don't want to go to work now I just might go later or tomorrow before I get Jordyn

JudyEddy said...

Belle is up and leaving

JudyEddy said...

I hear eagle chirps in the attic

JudyEddy said...

I see both eggs but nothing and with the cam it looks like they moved but I know its just the camera doing it thing LOL

JudyEddy said...

Eggs still alone

The wind is so hard

can't hear anything

but it I know someone

was in the attic a bit ago

JudyEddy said...

I guess that is the camera focusing

and here is out BOY

JudyEddy said...

I don't see the spot at all maybe BElle have to wait to see the V or not

JudyEddy said...

I think that is Belle can't tell

JudyEddy said...

YEP that is her she is moving flugg from the right to the left and viseversa

stronghunter said...

Oh yes, I do remember your broken leg, Jo. Good that you have a shoe that you can wear at home. But I didn't remember your having a swollen food now.

stronghunter said...

foot, Jo. Not food.

stronghunter said...

Since it is just Hunter and me this evening, we had grilled cheese sandwiches tonight. Hunter had grapes and I had leftover spinach salad along with the sandwiches.

stronghunter said...

Lordy, it is windy at the nest. Yikes.

JudyEddy said...

I had to turn down my sound SHIRLEY could hear the news or talk on the phone with the winds at the nest

JudyEddy said...

that should have been couldn't hear no could hear silly me or silly fingers LOL

stronghunter said...

I usually keep the volume low when the wind is blowing, too, Judy.

Lori O. said...

SANDI, interested in how all turned out today. BTW, I don't have a math brain, obviously! It was a little easier this afternoon though at my second tutoring session! :) Trouble is after all that intensity, I can't bring myself to even look at it when I get home...will spend most of the day tomorrow studying AND another tutoring session!

LINDA, I wish you lived closer!

magpie said...

I want to know if your tutor is a man, and a handsome man, Lori ☺

magpie said...

I have a terrific Math Dictionary...bought it and have used it with James...
It is authored by "James and James" ☺
got another from ebay for a nephew.never heard a word from him about it :(

Maybe I get another and send to YOU Lori! It's da' bomb !

magpie said...

but I have to tell you I love math....

but at nursing school I totally bombed out with the pharmaceuticals and the care plans...
I think I had waited too long to
go back to school :(

magpie said...

That was over 25 years ago...
My old time dream is that I wish I had joined the service after High school and gotten nursing training.
I would probably have been in

magpie said...

Enough about me.
Glorious Observation Report from Sandi...
hoping to hear more of the same after THE Meeting

JudyEddy said...

feeding at BW

magpie said...

I know you have to learn
about drams and gtt's.
and kilograms and all that Lori
I do remember THAT much.

magpie said...

That nest cup at BWE is fabulous!
those babies have a lot of cushiony fluff to enjoy and be warmed in.

magpie said...

saw a pic on TV about the comet and where and when to look...
hoping the clouds clear out

right now not too promising.

JudyEddy said...

Egg roll and a digging in the cup moving the eggs and picking

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

ok I guess I should get my arshe in gear and go to walmart to buy the darn phone

I called on my income tax today and told me to call back in a week dern it

Lolly said...

Beautiful day! Jack and I have been sitting outside after working and the sun felt so good!

Cleaned up the herb garden and spread mulch.

Looking forward to hearing from Sandi concerning her conference with her favorite mom.

magpie said...

Oh nice,
I heard Lynn's Tom Sweetie's voice ♥ when I opened up the live feed.

Thanks to Sandi for bringing that to our attention !!!

JudyEddy said...

BELLE is up again digging and pushing flugg around

magpie said...

Those eggberts are getting the Royal Treatment right now ! ☺

JudyEddy said...

Did you notice its only about tento fifteen min inbetween egg roll now HMMM

magpie said...

Haven't been able to watch that often JudyE..but hope to notice that soon.....

Oh, I love the new Pope's name...and all the significance that goes with Francis.....
the author of my favorite
Peace Prayer...Saint Francis.....

ttfn have some phone calls to make ♥

Lynne2 said...

Sunset was just a few minutes ago at 7:12pm. Best time to view comet is then approx 40 minutes later, so I'd START looking around 7:40ish. It will be just below and slightly to the right....

magpie said...

right or left ?
TV guy showed it to the left
maybe that was because it was LAST night

Hi Lynne2 !

Lolly said...

Sunset here is 7:37, so guess we will load up and head out around 8 or so. Certainly hope we have more luck than last night.

Lolly said...

Little below what and slightly to the right of what??? roflmbo

magpie said...

we have some clouds..but it might sneak through those....
I'll be headed out for a walk soon and will have a look-see !
Thahks Lynne!

magpie said...

Maybe we will hear some Swans, Lynne2 -
you and Steve and Me

magpie said...

the Crescent Moon, Lolly....☺

magpie said...

you know, like dressing to the right or left

did I say that ???

Lynne2 said...

Margy, the comet was to the left of the moon last night. LOL! Dressed LEFT!

Janet said...

stronghunter: i bowl regularly with an 8 lb ball, i have a 10 pound as well, but cannot use it regularly as it is too heavy for me. I have been working all season to work up to using the 10 pound ball on a more regular basis.

now, my daughter, my oldest one who bowls with us....she bowls with a 12 pound ball and cleans up with my 10 pound ball.

I just don't have the ability to put that 10 pound ball where i want it all the time. and when i bowl it, i only will roll it at most at 6 mph. the 8 pounder i can send down the lane at about 10 to 12 mph. problem is, the 8 lber doesn't give good pin action. sometimes, i can roll that 10 pounder @ literally 8 mph and get a darn strike! i am amazed when that happens!

some of the men bowling do bowl with those heavier balls, and yes, it looks like and sounds like they might go thru the back of the building! i sincerely doubt that mine will EVER do that!

its been a sunny but chilly day here. wind was up. i am getting spring fever! i noticed today that the weeping willows are now green, saw some crabapples starting to bloom along with poplars, forsythia, oh and a couple of bradford pears with early blooms beginning! the maples are dropping those red things...spring spring spring!!!!

livvy had ice skating practice this afternoon. we had not been on a wed in a couple of weeks, well, since i caught the flu. it was good to have her back to practice.

tomorrow is her private class followed by her group class...

hey, then its friday! woo hoo!

all right, no pip in the egg i suppose...soon very very soon!

hugs to all!

Lynne2 said...

It is cloudy, very windy and currently snowing here.

magpie said...

Hoping to hear that Paula did some serious Jammin' to some tunes today ♪ ♫

maybe something by the BEACH BOYS !

ttfn going to go grab a walk
☺ ♥

magpie said...

Janet, I was wrong earlier, it was actually a 9 pound ball...I was icy-hot wrapped and a gloved, did not feel any disability later...
(we also had gutter guards....)
Thank goodness !
YOU GET WELL !! That's a command, not a recommendation ! ♥

Lynne2 said...

Steve wanted to thank everyone for the birthday wishes. I told him he'll learn how to get on here, and Facebook, and do it HIMSELF. LOL!

magpie said...

Yes, great idea, Lynne2...he can be jamming' with us during your work hours when he is not
doing all that reorganizing....
okay out the door I go !

magpie said...

Oh Snap!
Might be time to break out the
Oatmeal Creme Pies soon !

Janet said...

MAGPIE: gutter guards not allowed on league play. :( i think i could handle a 9 lb ball. the 10 pound is still a struggle, but I can use it a greater portion of the time now. (we bowl 3 games per evening that we bowl)...

i am feeling much improved, thank you. i have two days of the z pack and steroids left. still a slight cough, but feeling like myself again. i did give 3 massages today and other than that, not too much. ready for work tomorrow though! woo hoo!!!!!!

thanks by the way for the command, (wink) i think it worked! :)

Sandi said...

Thanks for thinking of me today friends!! I survived!! Meeting with the mother from hell lasted from 5:15 - 6:50pm! Best thing about it is that it's over! Tomorrow I'll start dealing with the extra work that has been dumped on my plate! Only 59 more school days!

Way too tired to share the gory details this evening - off to watch Survivor and then go to bed!

I'll see everyone in the AM!


Lynne2 said...

We saw the comet!!!

Lynne2 said...

Here is a great list of frog calls for these parts!

Frog Calls

stronghunter said...

Yikes! I did not get to sit through a entire IEP meeting, Sandi, but that sounds like an mighty long time.

stronghunter said...

Egg roll. Not letting us see.

stronghunter said...

Well, then she did give us a peek.

stronghunter said...

Did not see anything unusual.

Lynne2 said...

We almost went to look for the annual migration of Spotted Salamanders Monday night. One night a year, the come out from their underground burrows and head towards vernal pools to mate and lay eggs. It's usually in March, the first warm night, and usually right after rain. I'm kinda sorry now that we didn't but the rain didn't start til well after 10 and there is that stupid work thing that interferes.

stronghunter said...

More moving around and egg arranging.

glo said...

another eggroll. Too pixelated to tell anything. but the rolls sure were close together.

stronghunter said...

My teammates talk about buying $200 to $250 balls. I do not remember what I paid for my Cyclone ball, but much less than that, less than half that. I have a straight ball. Some people have balls that curve when you throw them. For the longest time, I thought they were throwing those curves.

stronghunter said...

Yes, Glo, I could not tell anything either. Good to have night vision, but still hard to see details.

Lynne2 said...

oh my, I am thinking we may have a bobblehead in the morning!!

magpie said...

uncooperative cloud layers here, below on both sides of the Baby Moon, but the Moon looked great...
Happy that you saw the Comet!
I'm aiming for Thursday night...

magpie said...

but I did walk through some
Snow Showers :)

I think Sandi
could create her very own
Survivor Show !]
Glad, so glad it is over...
we're here an "hear" for you when you are ready, Sandi
(( Hugs ))

xo ♥

Hello some more Eagle Pals...
didn't see the nest things but thanks for the reports !

magpie said...

Okay Janet, have read your
Recovering Reports...
One Day at a Time... and do NOT over do it, or you might relapse.

JudyEddy said...

Home from shopping at Wally World nice to go in and no one ask where anything is I was not in work attire smart me Got me a new and improved tracphone 19.98 oppose to the 9.98 one 10 more I get pic and video if I want it I just wanted a flip phone and the9.98 isn't a flip my old one was but it was not the same brand and I am not going to another store to buy Now the phone is charging may wait till tomorrow to call them and get my minutes on this one and get the old phone # to this one also might as well keep it When you call my phone now it says The party is not accepting calls at this time so I guess that is their version of inactivating it until I get a touch with them with the new phone serial # etc.
I was a bad girl I brought more that the phone I got me three night shirts I haven't bought one in over 8 years or so can't remember when so its time for new ones

Lynne2 said...

the moon is SETTING! good grief, I can't see the comet now at all, I think the moon is over it.

magpie said...

Lisa on BWO site reports
a first sighting of an Osprey today!
And she has a link to a picture and a little blurb about it !
Happy Happy Joy Joy...

JudyEddy said...

You know I really never noticed but when Belle tucks in she takes her beak and rubs back and forth in fast motion in the area she is tucking like she is itching

JudyEddy said...

there is a video on facebook of it Margy is it on their page if not I can bring over

magpie said...

have fun with your phone JudyE.
if they transfered over all your information,phone numbers and such,
then yes that other phone is deactivated...but keep it...
I'm sure you know all this.

Someone here is hungry, I live alone so it must be ME.

Thinking of All and (( Hugs ♥ ))
to go with it


JudyEddy said...

Friends on PONCA have a pip in one of their eggs

Lynne2 said...

Well, I'd like to say something....

it has not been our tradition to name any eaglet after anyone, until we lost our momster Deb Palmer, and we called the eaglet that year Palmer in her honor.

I hope that we will honor Lynn in the same way, as another momster who is soaring with the angels and eagles now, and call one of our babies long as this is OK with everyone.

JudyEddy said...

4 eggs in that nest and on the water that will be a little cozy I think

JudyEddy said...

I think that is a marvelous idea LYNNE2

glo said...

Belle's head is tucked. Rest well sweet MaMa

JudyEddy said...

OH MARGY I lost my phone and that is why that deactivated it because if someone found it and no they can't transfer my phone addy book BUMMER

JudyEddy said...

but there wasn't that many in my addy book anyway so should be to bad I will tell evberyone to call me and I'll save it that way

I only use the phone for ER if something should happen when I have Jordyn I have a hard time using 800 min a year thats what I buy mostly text on it instead of call

JudyEddy said...

I just check my weather ap I am 59° the nest is 36° Janet is also 36° where June is 31° and in KY is 29°
I will be happy with my 59°
we are under dry conditions and windy also Fire warning in affect also ok back to AI

stronghunter said...

I see that Belle is tucked.

I like the idea of naming an eaglet Riner.

stronghunter said...

"Hedgie" is also a good name for an eaglet.

DanaMo said...

I like Hedgie, but I don't think any naming should be done until we are out of the woods. I think if it didn't survive and it was named it would be even more heartbreaking.

Unknown said...

Sorry I have not been by here in what seems like forever! I am watching cam everyday though and posting there. On pip watch!

EGGSciting times ahead! Hugs to all ♥

Lynne2 said...

I like Hedgie too, and yes Dana, I agree 100% that we need to be out of that "out of the woods" stage first, before we start using names at all.

JudyEddy said...

HEDGIE would be cool ♥ if we would decide to use it

Read the instruction book to phone so just waiting to charge will let it be until tomorrow

Lynne2 said...

OK, Lolly and Jack must have gone out for ice cream after comet viewing...hope they had success!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang!

Dropping in to say goodnight. I am amazed and pleased to report that in spite of my sore shoulder, I logged 8,355 steps today, over 3.5 miles! Got busy this afternoon and vacuumed the living room and entry hall, with my "other" hand. There was just too much dog hair in residence. Will do more tomorrow.

Watched some of the coverage about the new Pope. He does seem like a very humble person. I like his choice of name, too.

Got a quick phone call from GGD Sierra tonight, who announced that she has lost another tooth! She can now slurp spaghetti once again!

Well, think I'd better say goodnight and go find my heating pad. It's weird how it hurts to be without it. Can't wait for my MRI in a week and a half.

Have said prayers for everyone. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Sleep well, and have SED! God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you!
♥♥Carolyn & Christy♥♥
I ♥ us!!!

Mema Jo said...

Time for this old bird to close it down.
Andy it is good to hear of all your activities!

Prayers for all and wishes for a restful sleep!

AOYP SED I love us ♥

JudyEddy said...

I posted the picture that Steve posted on the blog before the cam went live of the night vision the pic that he posted is sooo much clearer that what be have been seeing over the past week I think I tagged Paula and the fan page with it Just wondering

JudyEddy said...

Phone is finished charging This has never happend with any of my previous phones Its said Charging complete please unplug to save energy.
I thought it would be better to keep plugged in I was wrong I guess

Hoda said...


I like HEDGIE. I agree with DANA in waiting to make sure it survives.

Congratulations to ALL the Catholics world wide for the election of the new POPE FRANCIS. I was touched by DANA and MEMA JO'S posts. Bless him and may his mission bring healing to the Church. St Francis of Assisi is a favourite of mine.

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

JudyEddy said...

BELLE is up for a roll and a pick and dig

JudyEddy said...

and now she is down wiggle wiggle

Hoda said...

No Pip too I gathered.

Thank you PAULA, SHIRLEY, LOLLY and JUDYE in regards the message. I will not do anything about it.

Awesome yoga practice. Terrific visit with the Dragon Ladies over tea after yoga. Wonderful meeting to plan the yoga festival thinking this September.

Tomorrow and Friday I need to slow down! I was invited to travel to a ski club a couple of hours away from here with the Dragons to ski and I declined as I think it would be too much for one week's energy...

stronghunter said...

Didn't get out to see the comet tonight. Meant to, but then Kathryn came home and hadn't eaten, so I fixed a couple of grilled cheese sandwiches for her.

stronghunter said...

Getting sleepy. Time for me to say good night. Maybe we will have a little eagle baby in the morning. I promised to bring baby pics of out little ones to bowling on Tuesday.

One of the ladies actually has an eagle nest behind her house, but she isn't too happy about it because she is afraid they might get her little doggies.

stronghunter said...

I can understand why you might have to decline an invitation, Hoda. I get tired just reading about all of your activities.

stronghunter said...

She does not let them run around outdoors alone, and I can't say that I blame her. They are very small. Don't remember what kind they are, though.

Lynne2 said...

I want a grilled cheese sammich. I'm tired of being good.

and I'm tired. SO off to bed I go!

what a difference a year makes. I just looked at the weather for the next 7 days. Not a day above 40s fpr for highs, most days below freezing at night. Windy, and most days have a chance of rain/snow showers. NOW, look at my blog from March of last year...O M G !!!!!! Magnolias in full bloom, wood squill, quince, tulips, bluebirds building the first of three nests in the box...O M G!!!

Lolly said...

No ice cream, Lynne and no comet either. Guess our old eyes don't work so good! We had binocs and the telescope. Makes me so mad!!! We did look at Orion and the Orion nebula and we looked at the Pleiades. The stars at night are big and bright deep in the heart of Texas.

When we got home I got busy making Lasagna to take to Laurel's tomorrow. Also was watching AI while in the kitchen.

Judie said...

Congratulations on the selection of Pope Francis I. May he be successful in healing and leadership.

Just watched Belle do her egg roll and settling back in for the night.

Has anyone ever wondered what it would be like to be an eaglet babe getting rolled around at all hours of the day and night? Just a thought...

Sandi, glad the meeting is over and hope once you get the paperwork done it will be a nightmare of the past.

Hoda, thank you so very much for slowing down for a couple of days. Maybe I can catch my breath.

Finally, I think should we have two successful babes, Hedgie and Riner would be ever such fun and poignant names.

Judie said...

Stop it! #$%@#$# Stuuuupid sandperson won't leave me alone. Grousing about me being on the computer.

The sandperson is getting very adamant and aggressive about being off to visit everyone. So, the night light is on and the sandperson is on the way to sprinkle sleepy dust all around. Restful sleep for all.

paula eagleholic said...

I missed the comet, but did see the snow showers!

One more day, a short one too, as I have a dental checkup at 4pm, then I head to the beach. Larry has a 3 day weekend and is heading to his beach, too.

Looking forward to the pip reports, as I can no longer get the live feed at work.

the beach ospreys usually arrive around Mar 20-22.

Lynne2 said...

hey Judie, any recent pics of the cats?

UGH. I have to go OUTSIDE to walk the dogs. It's SO cold and windy as all get out.

Geez Lolly I can't believe you didn't see it! The moon is actually setting now. But it will be a bit higher in the sky around that 40 minute mark after sundown tomorrow before it starts to set, so maybe better chance ...or check with one of your local news channel websites...perhaps the time difference is a factor as to where things are in the skies there? OUR sunset here was 7:12pm today. You are an hour behind us timewise, but yet your sunset was at 7:36 which is NOT an hour after ours...Hmmmm. That might make a difference. BTW, you will have equal parts day and night on Friday!

paula eagleholic said...

I have thought about the name Hedgie...I like that one.

Oh, I am not heading to the beach until Friday.

Heading to bed, I am tired!

SED, love and hugs for all ♥

Lynne2 said...

well, Paula, no fun if you two are heading to two different beaches...

Lynne2 said...

I want Lasagna.

Lynne2 said...

and Ice Cream.

Lynne2 said...

better get to bed. Good night and prayers for pizza.

Hoda said...

I went outside and did not see it either.

JUDIE you got a huge laugh out of me...I think tomorrow Asian Fusion Class is the only thing on the program. The next big thing is Monday with a long meeting to Organize the Silent Auction for CFUW AGM at the end of April.
Saturday walking and the gym.
Yoga daily at home till Monday evening when I go back to class.

Thank you all for putting up iwth my comings and my goings.

SANDI very happy your day went alright even though the meeting with the parent from hell increased your work load.

I too hope the cats do not catch any birds SHIRLEY.

JANET glad the massages went well today.

Sorry PAULA you do not have the feed for the nest at work any longer. I will text you if one happens while I am watching...OK I do not have your cell number so I will message you through FB.

Lynne2 said...

OK, I'm you read this article you'll see that there is only a very small time frame in which to see the comet...

Comet info and viewing help

Lolly said...

Thanks for the article, Lynne!

Heading to the shower. Night all!


IMHO Paula and Larry going to two different beach houses just ain't got it!!!!

Costume Lady said...

Soo sleepy...Good Night.
Sweet dreams

DanaMo said...

Good morning Eagle friends!! Is today going to be the day!!

I have the box checked so I hear as soon as anything happens!

DanaMo said...

Just ordered my duck eggs for the classroom. Should be getting that going soon!

DanaMo said...

Having the children involved in the play is an expensive venture. I'm surprised at how much I have spent. Including of course, providing a dinner for the cast last night. Not sure if I will do that again. Yet....I probably will.

Sandi said...

Good Thursday morning Dana and all my eagle friends! I am EXHAUSTED - 12 hour work days should not occur on Wednesdays when there are still 2 more days left in the work week. Should have just spent the night on a cot in the nurse's office!!

Dana, Kevin did school plays all through middle and high school (and went on to major in music theater). It can be expensive but then again, so can sports. I always enjoyed the kids he hung with and many of the cast parties were at our house.

I had been thinking too that it would be great to name one of our eaglets Hedgie.

Won't have much time to watch for a hatch today at school. Guess it will happen when it happens.

Prayers for all the needs on the blog. Make it a great day!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning DANAMO and eagle friends!

Yes, DANA, the big question, will today be the day...the waiting is killing me! Then we have a second egg!!! YAY.

Haven't read back yet. I was too anxious to see if there had been a pip or something.

Going to read back...BBIALW

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

As I just read over on the OC, the first egg was delayed a bit. That would explain why it has not hatched yet.

stronghunter said...

Yes, such a long workday in the middle of the week is tough, Sandi, but the conference with the mom from hell is over with. That is a very good thing. Of course there is the paperwork . . .

In thinking back, I have sat through some entire IEP meetings. Did not time them, but I cannot remember any that lasted almost 2 hours.

stronghunter said...

During the most recent years, they would just call in a regular ed teacher for a little while and then we would sign papers, etc. They had to get a cover for our classes then, so it was best for it to be brief.

stronghunter said...

Dana, where do you send the little ducks when they leave your classroom?

DanaMo said...

I remember having a conference for a Kindergartener that lasted over an hour. I thought that was crazy. Sorry your meeting was so long. I would have been dying! I'm not good with meetings in the first place. Was it productive??????

stronghunter said...

Three of my four children were very involved in drama at school. I went to lots of plays. I figure Will and Susan got involved because they were taken to so many of the plays Rus was in.

Lori O. said...

s p l i t coming up!

Lori O. said...

SANDI, I'm with DANA, a 2 hour meeting would have had me crazy! Glad it's out of the way!

Good Morning SHIRLEY!

Janet said...

a quick good morning! its chilly! 26 degrees brrrrr...

DANAMO: duck eggs? do you really incubate duck eggs? how does all that work, with raising them and such! that is awesome!!!!!!!

its Thursday and back to massage envy for me. i am ready ready ready.

Ice skating busy day ahead.

Tomorrow Tom starts spring break. Metro has 17 consecutive days of spring break. Isn't that crazy? Olivia, being at a charter school does not. She doesn't start break til the 25th. Whew.

I hope everyone has a great day and we get a pip and a bobble head. My phone stinks as far as checking the blog, but will try to pop in on the video on my lunch break.

STRONGHUNTER: my 8 lb ball i bought with the bowling alley special, shoes, ball, bag for $99 so that tells you it WASN't and expensive ball. My ten pounder ran me $75. I am not sure a more expensive ball would make that much of a difference for me. I work to be more consistent....

MAGPIE; yes mam, one day, one thing at a time. i DO NOT want to catch this bug ever again!!!! egad......

JUDYE: glad you got a new phone. i will catch up with you later to get your new # and transfer my # into your phone. :)

I see SPLIT shall happen very soon, jump carefully when it occurs. I have bacon and eggs to cook for the young en this morning. Best get busy. Light, love, hugs and smiles to all!!!

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...