Thursday, March 07, 2013


Dodged a bullet thread.


Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Sunshine

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Steve for the fresh thread

Sycamore Palace looking good this morning

I will call the morning crew over!

Mema Jo said...

Paula, tell Michael Happy Birthday

Need to go back and read this morning's comments


stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Thanks for the call-over, Jo, and for the lovely new thread, Steve.

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Michael.

stronghunter said...

Had to go put out some squirrel food. Hoping it tempts them away from the bird feeders for awhile at least.

stronghunter said...

Pretty and sunny here, but there is still plenty of snow in my yard. I think there was a snow bulls-eye on us yesterday.

stronghunter said...

I guess Will had fun soaking in the lovely bathtub at the hotel last night. He posted a picture on FB. Maybe that made the sting of having to pay the bill himself less of a problem.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everybody. Thanks so much for all my birthday wishes.


stronghunter said...

Stretch and poof at the nest. Eggs all alone.

Linda said...

Good Morning...

All three chicks exposed at Blackwater in the sun, if you want to see them...

stronghunter said...

Shep has arrived.

Linda said...

I can see the faces of #1 and #2, but #3 must be in a face plant...

Wonder where Mom is?

Linda said...

BWE Parent must be at 12 on the nest getting ready to feed the chicks...

Linda said...

...Or not... now she is on top of them.

So much for that...

Linda said...

Good to hear everyone and all creatures are safe and dry so far through these storms.

I do know that there is more weather to come on the east coast. We will get a little snow tonight and tomorrow as it creeps up the coast closer to New England.

stronghunter said...

Parent back at Blackwater Cute little ones for sure. Thansk, Linda. I did get a screenshot of the parent and little ones. Will post on FB.

Linda said...

Had a pretty horrible night last night.

Still have this awful sore throat today. I can deal with the congestion and coughing, but I can't remember having this bad of a sore throat.

Nothing seems to touch it. Every time I swallow it hurts all the way out to my ears.

Maybe I need to go get some of that stuff you spray in your throat. I hate that stuff, but not as much as I hate this pain.

I have a follow up appointment with my ENT tomorrow anyway for my ear problem, so he will be a good one to see for this throat, too.

stronghunter said...

Okay, got it posted. Yes, one little one is in a faceplant.

Mema Jo said...

Prayers for sure Lori! Your future sounds great! I give you credit for going after your dream! You Go Girl!

Linda said...

LYNNE & LOLLY - Kudos to you for the weight loss. I'm going to join you as soon as I get rid of this nasty cold. Don't feel much like exercise just yet, but I can start with the foods now. I REALLY need to lose weight.

LORI - Wonderful news that you are wanting to get into nursing!! Big time prayers for you as you prepare for this test. YOU can do it, with God's help. can't pray.....and worry!! So just pray as we will, too. Excellent choice, by the way. You are one of the most kind and caring people I know. Caring for others just may be YOUR GIFT from above!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lori, I believe in you! I have taken that test before. I was contemplating LPN school after I finished transcription school but I got a transcription job before school started so I didn't go. I did pass the test however and I know you can too!!! Love and ((((HUGS)))) my friend.

stronghunter said...

Got the picture of Blackwater parent and three little ones posted on my blog. Finally. I have had issues with the changes recently.

Very excited to hear about your plans, Lori. Good for you!

WV sUSAn said...

SAUCES NEST Ravens just came in a stole both eggs while pa (40) was gone. Ma (27) has been awol since Monday. Pa had been gone about 25 min when ravens arrived. So, so sad.

WV sUSAn said...

The ravens are in the nest working it over looking now for twigs and bugs, I guess.

Lori O. said...

Thanks for all the encouragement, everyone! I need it! :)

So sad about Sauces nest...maybe it's not too late for them, but where is the female? I so dislike the cruelty of the drama.

stronghunter said...

Saw a raven in that nest. Sad. Makes you understand better why our eagles get agitated sometimes. Maybe a raven or some other invader trying to attack.

Lolly said...

Good morning! It is still morning here! I have finished my "walking". Jack wanted to get it done as he is heading out for lunch with friends.

LORI, that is just awesome about your plans. I know the feeling you have since it has been so long, but I feel sure you can do this. You will have us backing you!!

Laurel called. Joey is home sick, she was in training when she got a call that Jacob was sick. They could not get a sub for her as all the subs were taken, but they told her to leave and they would cover her classes. She got Jacob and took him home. He was reported as throwing up but apparently mixed him up with another child. He is not throwing up but has a fever and diarrhea. She took him home, left him with Joey and went back to school. I am headed up there early in the morning to Jacob sit. What a way to start spring break!!

Mema Jo said...

My hotmail just drastically changed their format - Google I may be coming to you! I'll let you know if I change my email address.......... I don't mind change but not the kind that makes things more difficult!

Ready to start my afternoon........ not sure what I am going to do.... lol

Lolly said...

Need to go into town to get cat food. We keep trying different varieties to get her to eat. She cleaned up the Liver and Chicken this morning. Yea!

NCSuzan said...

One of my friends on FB posted this. He said it was a dull day...He lives in Dublin. May be you have heard before but was a good chuckle!

A nice, calm and respectable lady went into the pharmacy, walked up to the pharmacist, looked straight into his eyes, and said, "I'd like to buy some cyanide."
The pharmacist asked, "Why in the world do you need cyanide?"
The lady replied, "I need it to poison my husband."
The pharmacist's eyes got big and he explained, "Lord have mercy! I can't give you cyanide to kill your husband, that's against the law! I'll loose my license! They'll throw both of us in jail! All kinds of bad things will happen. Absolutely not! You CANNOT have any cyanide!"
The lady reached into her purse and pulled out a picture of her husband in bed with the pharmacist's wife. The pharmacist looked at the picture and said, "You didn't tell me you had a prescription."

stronghunter said...

LOL, Suzan!

Lolly said...

Good one Suzan!!!

Have googled and been reading about feline dementia. Poor Annie, she is a classic case! You would not believe the yowling that she does at night!!! That goes along with dementia and deafness. You woukd think someone was torturing her! We put up with it until close to morning and then she goes out!! Also her grooming is not what it used to be. Her long hair never matted. Now I am cutting out horrible mats of hair, but that is a struggle as she does not want us to mess with her. In the mornings it is funny. She yowls to be let out, does an immediate uturn and yowls to come in. She does this a dozen times till she finally settles down, I also think she forgets we have fed her. We fake it lots of times by just stirring the food she has in her dish. What a riot.

Okay, I am off to town to buy cat food. She did eat well this morning.

Lori O. said...

Thanks SUZAN, can always use a good laugh! :)

Janet said...

Good afternoon Eagle peeps!

LORI: how wonderful ! good for you! would love to be your cheerleader as you start a school journey! :) rah ! rah! rah! three cheers for LORI the student to be!!!! :)

LINDA: sure hope you feel better....get that checked.....last time i felt like that it was strep....and that's stuff's NO fun....

Was so happy to get back to work today. I had had them to call my clients that may not have wanted to work with me today, due to a continuing cough that I have. And I did forewarn the ones that came in, but everyone was good. I will say though, after hour #3, I was wiped out. I had one more, then I headed home. I am tired, still.

I took the dogs out, sat in the lovely sunshine, breathed in some nice fresh air and drank a cup of coffee. Now I am on my sofa just relaxing for a bit.

Olivia has skating @ 5. No group class tonight, just her private coach. Other than that, all I see in my future, is dinner, a hot shower, and bedtime.

I hope everyone has enjoyed a lovely day. ! Light, love and hugs to all!

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds !

♫Happy Birthday to PAULA's Michael ♪♪

LORI, NEW BEGINNINGS ! Hurray for you ! You are going to bless so many lives with your new profession !

MARGY, thanks, as always, for your sweet comments---you have a way of making my day shine, even though the sun is hidden from Columbus today !

HMMMM, roast beef. You girls are making me salivate. I rarely eat red meat, but think I may have to buy a small pot roast next time I go to Kroger.

LINDA, I do so hope the ENT is able to relieve your pain and symptoms ! Prayers are with you !

Yikes, MARGY and LYNNE2, sorry about the leaks and the annoying neighbors you each put up with. Hope all problems resolve themselves SOON !

SHIRLEY, glad to read your snow and ☼ report. The Dispatch featured some pretty awful pics of snow casualties in VA today and I was worried about you !

Love and prayers for all in need !


Mema Jo said...

Suzan - good one!

Lolly - don't bring any flu bugs home from Laurel's.

Sandi said...

Home from school - good afternoon friends! Amazing how 4 1/2 hours can feel like 8 hours when you're with the rudest, laziest bunch of 8th graders ever assembled!

Need to catch up on the new thread. BRB!

Lolly said...

Ran some errands for cat food, as well as a meal to prepare at Laurel's tomorrow.

Will be cautious, Jo. Will sing happy birthday through twice as I was my hands with soap. Do NOT want to get sick. Knock on wood, but I have never gotten anything from them when babysitting sick children.

Will dust house, do laundry, and cook dinner while Jacob sitting. I can not just sit while there!!!

Beautiful day here today. 72 and sunshiney....heading out!!!

Sandi said...

Suzan - loved the joke!

Linda - have you had a strep test? I agree with Janet that the worst sore throats I have ever had have been from strep.

Lolly, your Annie sounds like our Bandit with the dementia. Very hard to deal with sometimes. Sorry to hear about Jacob being sick - not the kind of quality time a grandmother likes to spend with her grandkids!

BWE chicks are uncovered - must be meal time!

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

Pretty and sunny here. There is a lot of melting going on, but there is still snow in the yard. Culpeper Schools are closed again tomorrow. I expect schools here will open, but maybe on a delay. We will see.

stronghunter said...

We get some loud crying from Lucky, too. He seems to be pretty deaf, and is almost 19 years old. Other than that, he seems very healthy.

Sandi said...

Belle is calling out!!

Sandi said...

And off she goes. Waiting for da man to show up!

stronghunter said...

I am sure Laurel appreciates having you nearby to help, Lolly. I didn't have my mom so near when I was a young mother. Would have been very nice. You don't always anticipate that when you are heading out into the world on your own.

Sandi said...

And there he is! Wiggling down on the eggs and tucking the grass in around him!

Sandi said...

When our kids were growing up, both sets of parents lived within 15 minutes of us. Denny and I never took sick days - the Grandmoms would fight over whose turn it was to go to school, pick up the sick kid, take him home, and pamper him all day! They loved it, we loved it, the boys loved it! Win - win - win!!

Lolly said...

I was 500 miles from my mother, too. However, I was a stay at home mom until Laurel entered kinder and Michael was 9. Then I taught in a preschool 3 days a week. Did not start full time teaching until I was 40 and Laurel, the youngest was 10 or there bouts!

NCSuzan said...

Happy you guys enjoyed the chuckle.

Lolly, we too have a 19 year old kitty that could be a twin of Annie's except Chia loves to eat. Her coat is matted also and one vet shaved her! We try to cut them out but she will have none of it. That howling could be used in horror movies, couldn't it? Yet we love her unconditionally and will be her minions as long as she tolerates us!

NCSuzan said...

But Lolly I should say that she will only eat certain flavors of kitty food and what she likes today may change tomorrow!

stronghunter said...

I was in Ohio and then Virginia when my children were growing up. My parents were in North Carolina.

I did have my mom for awhile when I was expecting the twins. She came when I had to go on bed rest at the last of my pregnancy and stayed until awhile after Will and Susan were born.

I don't know how I would have managed without her. Rus and Kathryn were 8 and 10. She was at my brother's house helping with their newborn when I called her and she did not say, "Do you want me?" She said,"When do you want me to come?"

At that point, I heard a loud crash from the kitchen (Rus, Kathryn, and their dad were fixing dinner) that I was not allowed to investigate. She flew from Colorado to Ohio immediately after that.

She went back to North Carolina having gained three grandchildren within two months.

stronghunter said...

Lucky does the food thing, too. Kathryn just purchased a variety pack to see if that would please him.

stronghunter said...

Sorry it was such a bad day, Sandi.

stronghunter said...

Windy at the nest.

stronghunter said...

Windy at the nest.

stronghunter said...

Shep calling.

stronghunter said...

Cam shake.

stronghunter said...

Sounds like he is pleading for Mama Belle to come down from the cam and relieve him.

stronghunter said...

He sounds so pittiful.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I really admire our teachers (active and retired) on this blog. I can't imagine having to deal with kids these days. Things were a lot different when I was in school and we were a lot different too. There was no hesitation to paddle us if we walked in gym class with gum in our mouth. If we acted like kids do today, half of us probably would have been killed. I can't help but wonder how Andrew is going to be when it comes time to teach.

Sandi said...

Shirley, every day with this bunch of kids is a bad day. There are just varying degrees of bad. I stay focused on the fact that each day moves us closer and closer to June 13th. There are only 14 days until spring break and 47 days until they are gone for good. I can do this.

Just saw the cam shake; Belle either arrived in or took off from the tree.

stronghunter said...

I am amused at that fierce eagle crying for his honey to come sit on the eggs.

stronghunter said...

I understand, Sandi. I had bad years and good years. Sometimes teaching was fun, sometimes definitely not fun.

Sandi said...

Sharon, is Andrew studying to become a teacher? I didn't know that! Will he teach music?

stronghunter said...

You know, Sandi, I was just thinking. . . When I was at the middle school (ninth grade), I did not usually get to see the students after they went on to the high school.

When I moved to the high school, it was encouraging to see people I'd had in ninth grade as eleventh or twelfth graders come in and speak politely to me. Many of them did become much more human as they matured. There is hope.

JudyEddy said...

Hello eagle budss I just got out of bed been sleeping and may just go back to bed did not pick up Jordyn at all today
feel sort of bad about it since Angie had to have her treatments today but she seemed to be ok

The took Angies blood spun it took the platelets out and injected in to her knees and her elbow the area that was damamged in the car wreck and Angie said it hurt like hell ok I am gonna say by

paula eagleholic said...

Shep really calling out now...Belle just landed in the nest...they are both alarm calling.

paula eagleholic said...

Called out another round, then stopped...thought they were done...more calls from both.

paula eagleholic said...

Both calling out again...Shep off the to the right he goes.

DanaMo said...

Good evening. Our pair are making alot of noise right now!

paula eagleholic said...

Belle standing in the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

Aha, she is headed towards the eggs. No more calls.

Mema Jo said...

Waiting on some family visitors
Today was a good day - always glad for that.
Hope our eagles have settled down for now - It isn't a good feeling when we don't know the reason for all the eagle crys!

BBL this evening

Lolly said...

Oh, Suzan,I had to laugh!!! So did Jack. Annie's yowl could be used in horror movies!!! Today she has eaten very well, just a little at a time but frequently. Today it was the liver and chicken. We also buy a variety. Up until 2 years ago we fed her nothing buy dry food, but went to wet food to coax her to eat more. Her top weight was 14 lbs but she has been at 9 pounds for a long time now.

Lolly said...

Talked with Laurel. Jacob seems to be doing okay but will be staying home because of the fever this morning. You will love this.....she is leaving me papers to grade!!! Glad to help out.

Sandi, you did read about the kids at the middle school here, who this week tried to feed a turtle viagra!!

Lolly said...

Just talked with my sister. They are at Univ of TX for her grandson's state playoff game tonight. If they win tonight they play Saturday. Go James!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Lolly lol And you thought you would be doing the laundry and dusting.
You will really enjoy those papers!

Company has gone - very talkative group!
Lots of laughter - loved the visit!

Going to TV
I missed Jeopardy They'll be more of those


Janet said...

Chiming in here: JUDYE: keep sleeping and drinking fluids when you are awake...hope you recover soon, sis.

Our mom made it perfectly clear to me when I was young that she was noone's baby sitter. Period. She raised hers. I ended up living 12+ hours away anyway so it would not have mattered one way or the other.

As a military wife, I learned to do everything with my kids...whether or not I was sick or well. It was tough sometimes, but you do what you have to do.

When we moved to VA and I had an older neighbor who would offer to watch Olivia once in a while if something came up and I had to run one of the older kids to the doctor or something it was odd to me.

Even now, here, we have family, we really have never asked them to watch Olivia. Sometimes the older two have, but mostly its just us. I guess the military life just makes you self sufficient.....

It would have been nice sometimes to have had mom and dad spend more quality time with the kids. I was thinking about that tonight watching Olivia skate; how I would have loved to have shared this with them.

On the other hand, it gives me motivation to be there to help my own children by watching their kids from time to time so they can go and do something without worrying about the kids. And, that allows me to build a special relationship with my grandkids. I never knew my grandparents. So I have all sorts of motivation to be the best darned grandma I can be.

Calling it a night ya'll. I'm still tired ...still recovering I suppose. SED> light, love and hugs

stronghunter said...

Wonder what was upsetting out eagles awhile ago?

I missed that part. Dinnertime and visiting with Kathryn.

Hunter had trouble waiting for dinner tonight. He had already eaten a bowl of cereal and was back looking in the refrigerator. Decided on squash and orange juice.

magpie said...

He has good taste, Shirley !
Healthy stuff !

Hello Eagle Pals... xo ♥

magpie said...

Speaking of sick children...
Jewels got called in four hours early tonight for her midnight shift....
there WAS a chance she might NOT have to go in early...
but one of the Moms on staff had a sick child...

Lynne2 said...

Evening all!

Judy, Linda, Jacob, feel better soon!

What an adventure you are taking Lori, and you know you can on my prayers!

Very sad about Sauces, and Derreck and Savannah at the NC Raptor center lost their almost 4 week old chick to some unknown predator that managed to get into the enclosure somehow despite the best of security measures. It was posted on BWE FB.

magpie said...

Very excited about Lori's plans..
Bravo, You go Girl...
and Keep the can brush up on the stuff you think you might be rusty on...
And find yourself a Handsome
Tutor !! ☺
Very Proud of your Plans....

magpie said...

Sorry about sick son in law and sick nice you can go and help out....

And to all our Teachers Here...
as Sharon and others express:
We couldn't - and neither could our precious young ones..get through this crazy life without your contributions and efforts...
past, present, and future teachers all....
(( All the Time Teacher Hugs ))

magpie said...

Sorry there are still some fighting ailments amongst us...
hope Wellness Swells, very quickly.

Lynne2 said...

Oh Lolly, I'm worried about Annie's condition. This is a VERY IMPORTANT time to never let her out of your sight when she is outdoors. She could wander off and not be able to get back to you, or she might wander off to die happens ALL the time with old cats and dogs. And no one ever thinks it will. Please, please keep close watch.

magpie said...

very proud of your nutritional
enterprise...and so happy to read you are feeling better Already !
Keep Up the Good Work....
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Little Reminder:
RED Friday coming up
another career we could not get
through this crazy life without:
Our Military...
God Bless Them, Every Day...

Lynne2 said...

My new eating habits have already reduced 40lbs of pressure on my back and knees!!!

I eat 4 times a day, balanced carbs and protein, as many veggies or greens as I want. Lots of water. I get all my stuff cooked up and salads prepared for several days at a time to make it easier.

magpie said...

Makes good sense, perfect sense, Lynne2.
I take an interesting variety of foods to work, and eat quite often!
Yogurt, fruit, salads, sweet potatoes, cheese and nuts, stuff like that...
and eggs !

magpie said...

I probably don't eat enough meat...
sometimes that is too much work.

magpie said...

And a little tee-tiny piece of chocolate once in awhile...

for once, it's nice that the clothes in the closet do NOT feel like they are shrinking....

magpie said...

Shirley - Janet..
Bowling is on the agenda with James on Sunday...we'll probably have the gutter guards, though ☺

magpie said...

Thinking of Professor Judie as
she heads into Spring Break soon....
hope the exams and all that stuff
can be completed on schedule...
and that Spring Break is totally Glorious !

Lynne2 said...

Spring break, Spring foward....geez, it's all coming so fast already!

Lynne2 said...

off to shower and then a cup of tea and then bed. Will check in before I fade...

Lynne2 said...

off to shower and then a cup of tea and then bed. Will check in before I fade...

magpie said...

Have you read anything of the Comet that could be should be visible in the Northern Hemisphere maybe next week in the West after sunset ? I forget the name of it

Lynne2 said...

NO! I had no idea!

Lynne2 said...

I'll have to investigate that!

magpie said...

Me too, checking out Lynne2.
Stuff to do here before bedtime...

Glad to read of Jo's family visits....Big Family, Lots of Visits!

Prayers for Wellness Amongst us, our families, and pets...

Good Night, Precious Pals

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥

magpie said...

OH Snap!
Happy Birthday to Paula's
son Michael ! Hope it has been a GREAT ONE !

Lolly said...

Have been watching AI and on my laptop the live streaming game of my great nephew playing basketball.
They won and play for state championship Saturday. Wahoooo! So excited for James!

Mema Jo said...

Earlier this WEek AARON (GS) SAID:

"Comet Pan-STARRS (C/2011 L4) is now inside the orbit of Mercury and it is brightening as it approaches the sun. Observers in the southern hemisphere say the comet can be seen with the naked eye even through city lights. Currently, it is about as bright as the stars of the Big Dipper (magnitude +2 to +3). The comet could become even brighter when it moves into northern hemisphere skies in the second week of March."

Mema Jo said...

Hope that might be the info you were referring to, Margy/Lynne

I am going to call it a day
Another sunny day in store for us I hope

God bless all of you and your loved ones
Have a restful sleep ♥ I love us ♥

magpie said...

Thanks Jo ☺
Can't wait....I loved Hale-Bopp when it was out several years was sooooo cool

Okay, now Good Night, again....
♥ ☺

stronghunter said...

Had heard something about a comet awhile back, but don't remember the details. Sounds like the same one.

stronghunter said...

Enjoy your bowling, Margy.

stronghunter said...

Good for James, Lolly!

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the kind words about teachers, Margy.

stronghunter said...

Demented cat yowling . . . sometimes when Lucky does it, he has a catnip-infused fuzzy ball in his mouth. Then you get a catnip-drunk crazy yowl. That's especially creepy. Particularly in the middle of the night.

stronghunter said...

Lucky has recently taken to sitting on the back of the recliner when we are eating dinner, poised to leap on the table and snatch a goodie from someone's plate.

stronghunter said...

Time for me to say goodnight. SED, everyone.

stronghunter said...

Lucky is here beside me on the recliner. He has taken to sleeping here, and finally decided he could join me when I am here. He gives kitty kisses if I pat him.

Lolly said...

Game for championship is Saturday at three. Wonder if I can talk Jack into going. 2 1/2 hour drive to Austin, then another 2 1/2 hours back. Not too bad! Hmmm???

Leaving early in the morning for the Jacobsitting job. So, I will not be on in the morning, nor all day.

Hoda said...

Very good quiet and meditative day here.
Went to yoga in the EVENING


Sorry LINDA and JACOB AND JOEY are sick.
I understand JOEY being sick his first year teaching...germ factory is what a school building is...he needs to build his immunity.

LOLLY will be grading papers tomorrow and looking after JACOB. Great Grandma you are LOLLY. Maybe bake him a few muffins?

My skiing with Pat was cancelled tomorrow as her husband who suffers with dementia has dislocated his hip and they are at a hospital in the next town over. Our hospital could not deal with it.

Another friend phoned to ask if I wanted to go skiing and was very happy to say I am still skiing tomorrow just an hour later.

25 Years are still a big thing PAULA...I am going towards 65 at that. What is the job LARRY has. You put the initials but I do not know the words...I hope he is happy with his work.

I went to see the Gov't office to have them take taxes off from my OAS cheques when they start in December. Sooner pay them right off hand than have to give them a lump sum at the end of the year.

paula eagleholic said...

Belle is doing a face plant...gonna go do the same.

SED, Love and hugs to all ♥

Hoda said...

JUDYE I hope you continue to rest and heal. Sorry ANGIE had a rough time with her treatment for pain.

Hoda said...

Goodnight PAULA. SED

Hoda said...

Well tomorrow after I go skiing, I go to collect a few more donations from the merchants in town. One stor wrote us a cheque for 200 dollars to go towards the scholarship fund. We needed a cash box for the Silent auction sale and the Library loaned us one. Many things are falling into place for the CFUW BC AGM in April. The town has been very generous.Our goal is to raise a 2500 dollar scholarship to add to the other scholarships we already hand out...

Hoda said...



Lolly said...

Looks like we are going to try to go to Austin to the game. Online tickets are not on sale until Sat morn, We will try to get them and then head out for Austin.

Sharon is excited as she has Scott the younger grandson. They do not get to keep him often, so she is thrilled. (She has daughter in law from h____!!)

DIL had to go home(near Houston) as she has classes tomorrow and she will be back Saturday. Dan and Sharon are in RV. She laughed and said they will take Scott to by him clothes tomorrow. Leaving him with his grandparents was a last minute decision.

Okay, I am headed to bed. Up early in the morn.


Sandi said...

Good Friday morning my eagle friends! Just a half day of teacher meetings for me and then it's the weekend! =)

Sandi said...

Belle just called out and then took off. Eggs are alone.

Sandi said...

And in comes Shep. Doing an egg roll and then settling down. Quick, easy switch!

Janet said...

Good morning all. Its Friday again. Weekend right ahead of us!

Hope everyone has a lovely day. Smile, and know you are loved....and spread that love to someone else! Light and hugs to all!

Hoda said...

Happy International WOmen's Day Everyone!

Good morning all.

I had a dream I was in a ski race and going down hill fast!!! Woke up with a start!!!
NOOOOO I am not going to race and certainly not down hill fast!!! LOL!!!

Hoda said...

OK I need to give my bed another go! Too early to stay up.

Have an awesome day everyone!

grannyblt said...

Morning all. Looks like Shep is building a fort around himself and the kids.

Hope everyone has a great day.

Lori O. said...

Good morning eagle lovers!

HODA, have a great time skiing today!

SANDI, enjoy your half day and early weekend! It's been a long week for you, so relax when you can.

LOLLY, glad you'll be taking care of the sick family members today. They'll be happy to see you!

Again, thanks so much for all the encouragement, I really need it. I think I may have found a math tutor! He's a high school math teacher who belongs to my parent's camping group.

Dad had a great day yesterday. He drove for the first time since his surgery to get his hair cut. That was his first non doctor outing since surgery! YAY.

DANAMO, I hope your Dad is recovering quickly and is comfortable. Those big surgeries take it all out of the patient.

MARGY, it's RED FRIDAY, and one more day to go for your weekend!

JUDYE, hope you feel better today. Glad you got some extra rest yesterday. Take it easy today.

LINDA, have you been to the ENT yet? How are you feeling?

KAY, glad you made it through the storm. Big Morning HUGS!!!

SHARON, when is your appointment to get the shots?

Wishing everyone a great day full of love and joy and lots of smiles!

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good Friday morning to all in eagle land. Just checked in on the nest from my computer at school and saw a windy day up there. At least the snow was gone yesterday and hopefully nice warm air will be soon to come for those eggs. Hope you all have a wonderful day today. Kids are here. Have to go. Think of you all often and keep you in my prayers.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals from work

Nice report on your Dad, Lori ☺

and as Hoda said:

Happy International Women's Day...
I think We constitute International Women !

Beautiful Image on Google...
a must see

xo ♥

magpie said...

Was real happy to find that
Jewels did NOT have to come in and work last night...AND I was also wrong, she was not scheduled for a midnight shift either...

Enjoy your day off, Carolyn !

And to All:: Enjoy your respectived days....whatever is on YOUR dance cards.

xo ♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning!

I've been getting caught up on sleep, so haven't made it here as often as I'd like. Shoulder and neck still hurt, but not as bad as it had been. Have an appt. for physical therapy on April 1st. That was the earliest available time.

Lori, you're in my prayers, and I wish you total success with your LPN program. You go, girl! I know you can do it! I'm sure our Lynn will be watching over and helping you!

Judie, hope Spring Break gets here quickly. Enjoy it to the max!

Paula, please wish a Happy Birthday to your son Michael!

Having to chuckle about Annie and Lucky's yowling. Our last cat, Meggie, took to yowling like a banshee in her later years, too. It's hard to describe--you kind of have to be there to believe it!LOL

I'm so glad the nest looks so much better this morning! It seems we've dodged the bullet, for sure!

Weather here in SoCal is rather wet this morning. We had some fairly heavy rain at times early this morning. Our lawn and our patio plants are happy!

Need to get busy and pay a few more bills online, then am going to go take a panda nap. It's SO nice to be able to sleep! Had been hurting so much I got rather sleep deprived. Need to get caught up!

Thank you all for your prayers and good wishes for me! They are certainly working! I can feel the love! Momster/Dadster prayers always make such a big difference!
I'm praying for all of you, too, and will check in later to see how things are going with everyone, and with our eagles. I LOVE us!!!
♥♥Carolyn & Christy♥♥

magpie said...

That's a long time to wait, Andrea....
can't they do better than that ?
Rest as much as you can, that is also very important.....

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Margy!
No, I'm afraid they couldn't do better. That was the soonest available appointment. I actually talked to a human being, too--not the usual voice mail. I am taking it really easy, and it's kind of crazy sometimes. My left shoulder and neck are the ones that are hurting, and I'm a southpaw. It's a bit of a challenge to brush my teeth with my right hand, and do a lot of other things, too! I look pretty scary most of the time, because it hurts to brush my hair and put on makeup. Haven't quite mastered putting on eyeliner and mascara with my "other" hand yet! Oh, well. This, too, shall pass.

magpie said...

Thanks. Anday for the pinched nerve is on my right side, and I am right-handed so understand some of those "adjustments" - ☺
I know yours is more serious than what I have...
I don't like to wish time away but:


time to make dough here...
will "see You" all later...
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

feeding time at Blackwater

glo said...

Good morning everyone/ I am actually starting to feel human again. Went to Camera Club last night. That did me good. I had a pocket full of kleenex and cough drops and made it through pretty well without having to leave. Errands to run today and plan to take Dex with me. I don't know if we can stop at a park or not there is still so much snow on the ground but we are both getting out of here for a while. Prayers for all for a good day today.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - It sure is cold and windy today - hope the sunshine comes out later.

No plans - just another relaxing day.
Couldn't ask for more.

Lori - so glad to hear about dad driving to his haircut! It's those simple things that make it worthwhile.

Sandi - you got it made today! You so deserve a break.

Barbara said...

So if I am counting correctly, we could have a hatching somewhere around next Wednesday? Here's hoping for nicer weather for the occasion!

magpie said...

Hi Barbara....
Welcome this morning...!
maybe we already know you ☺
I knew a Barbara once here but she had a moniker...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Today, Mattie and I are going to Scott Depot. Tomorrow I have to go to Ripley for the day and she is going to spend the day with Kelsey and Alice. We will be coming back home on Sunday.

I go to the neurosurgeon on March 22 in Huntington, WV. I go for physical therapy on March 13.

Linda said...

Good Morning!

Thanks for all the well wishes...

This "cold" sure has caught a lot of us here on this blog....

Could it be a cyber cold??

Yesterday and last night were just horrible. I would have done anything to rid myself of having to swallow...

This morning it is a little bit better, but still pretty sore.

My ENT appointment is today at noon, so at least I will get seen. My guess is it is probably just a bad cold - viral, but we shall see.

Linda said...

It is nice to hear that JANET and GLO are on their way to recovery. It's been a long go of it for you both.

Hoping JUDYE is feeling a bit more human today. She has been awfully quiet.

LORI - I'm just thrilled to see a little bit of independence and determination in your Dad's activity. There is hope yet!! Maybe having Kate visit this weekend will help, too. Sometimes we're just more "up" with company in the house.

ANDY - Don't like that you have to wait so long for PT to begin.

SHAR - Happy to hear you will be starting your PT next week. Praying they are careful with you.

SANDI - Hoping you don't have any school work to do this weekend and you can clear your mind of all the cr@p that has been going on!!

NCSuzan - Loved the pharmacist joke!!!

Wonderful to see all our eagle fans beginning to check in. You have been missed!!

Linda said...

Wishing everyone a good day.

Will check back in later, if I can...

Lori O. said...

Forgot to say that Kate can't come this weekend, because of, she'll come next weekend instead.

JudyEddy said...

HELLO I just got out of the HOT HOT shower and I do feel a little more human
Sleeping 19hrs yesterday and all night seemed to help some
I didn't need to use nose spray last night at all so that is a step in the right direction

I think I will pick up Jordyn and the sun at the park will be good its 66° out not suppose to the 71° by 6 then falling thereafter

JudyEddy said...

LORI I am so proud of you to want to change your career and you know that we will be pulling for you shame we don't live closer we could quiz you when the time is needed for test and good to hear your dad is doing so much better

OK I don't remember WHO but they said that they put picture of the eagle in the snow in the ablum
I think that they put them in the wrong ablum
you may want to redo them I put a pic in the March album today and there is only the one pic that I put on there so they are not in the right album

stronghunter said...

Good very late morning,

Slept in quite a bit this morning as I had some trouble sleeping last night. Very windy March day outdoors. The snow continues to melt.

Hi Barbara! See you have been on the Blogger a couple of years. Welcome back. Yes, we are about ready to start a hatch watch. Just a little longer.

Andy, thinking of you. Hope you are much better very soon.

Hi Linda, hope your appointment goes well and that you find quick relief. Haven't had a sore throat in a long time, but remember getting strep from the kids years ago. Not fun.

Glad that your father is continuing to heal, Lori. I am sure your presence is helping.

Sharon, hope you and Mattie enjoy your visit to Scott Depot and that you feel much better very soon.

Happy spring break, Judie! Hope those exams are all good ones.

stronghunter said...

Happy tavels, Lolly! Will have to check out a map of Texas and see exactly where Austin is.

I do remember that I did that once before and was surprised to discover that it wasn't where I expected it to be.

Texas is such a big state. Once had a friend from there when we lived in Ohio. She commented that the Ohio map was as big as the Texas map, but that it took a heck of a lot longer to travel across the Texas map than it did to travel across the Ohio map.

stronghunter said...

That's "Happy travels," Lolly. Wonder what happened to the spell check?

stronghunter said...

So glad that you are on the mend, Glo.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I will be letting Mattie drive some on the way. She is my chauffeur these days. :-)

stronghunter said...

Hi, Jo. Glad to see that you are enjoying a relaxing day.

Happy International Women's Day right back to you, Margy.

Hoping your nasty neighbor is soon out of your life, Lynne.

stronghunter said...

Have a marvelous weekend, Sandi and Dana!

Sandi said...

Yay - my work week is over! Looks sunny at the nest - it has been snowing lightly here all morning. Not supposed to amount to anything, just a reminder that it's still winter!

stronghunter said...

Hi Sandi,

Sunny here, but the schools are still closed. They got three days off for this storm, so a nice, long weekend. There is still plenty of snow hereabouts.

stronghunter said...

Okay, worked on my geography. Found Austin. Have a fun trip, Lolly. Does not look too far.

JudyEddy said...

Looks like the BW has either a new PET RAT or a new meal LOL or mouse

Mema Jo said...

YUK! to BWE lunch!
I had Broccoli Cheddar from Panera's
Glad I looked after I had eaten

Mattie - our little Mattie - driving Auntie Sharon to Scot Depot! How time does fly

Going to make some salmon loaf for dinner
I just need to remember what all I put in the salmon to bake!


JudyEddy said...

check out the google today

stronghunter said...

Feeding at BWE.

Oksy, I saw the rat thing. And there is a blob there besides the rat. Goodness.

JudyEddy said...

Carolyn and Janet on facebook they thinks its a bunny

JudyEddy said...

wow haven't seen the spinning arrow till just now

JudyEddy said...

Have any of you got the new facebook look or update yet It was on Fox news last night I haven't yet

JudyEddy said...

getting ready to head out to get Jordyn and go to the park for a bit 69° out now

Judie said...


Y'all come on over.

JudyEddy said...

Well that was a BUST on my way to get Jordyn and Angie calls and ask me if I was going with them to dinner at Hooters after I pick up Jordyn at school and go to the park Well I can't beleive she even asked that when time after time I have told them I HATE HOOTERS I don't like the smell of it at all and I dislike wings also So I said why bother picking her up just to drop her off at the house for them to go to Hooters so I just came home
When we spoke Wed nite and I told her I wasn't going to get Jordyn today she said they would be ok and that we would just had dinner on Fri and she didn't say anything about Hooters Ok enough compaining I think I am going to go outside and sit in the sun for a bit

3/6/25 PM

 the wind is ferocious almost tipping our Eagle over and out of the nest at times sometimes you're made to do a egg roll when you're...