We almost had one of our dogs involved in a play--Sassafras was considered for A Midsummer Night's Dream, but the drama teacher ended up deciding not to use a real dog. I could not have guaranteed how Sassafras would have reacted to being onstage!
A group of Susan's drama buddies got in trouble when the new Lowe's opened up in town several years ago. They wanted to advertise a new play, so they went to the store and hid in various places--like trashcans on display. Then they leaped out and scared the daylights out of some customers.
They got thrown out of the store and the drama teacher was most displeased. I know Susan wasn't involved. She was at a county council meeting for a government class assignment.
Even though the store and the teacher were displeased, I think it was kind of funny.
Yes, Janet. I incubated duck eggs last year. What a blast it was. We had always previously done chicks, but one of the teachers really wanted ducks so I did them. It's the same as the chicks, but they take 28 days instead of 21. A friend who has land takes the ducks that hatch. He keeps me posted on their progress. He did lose one, but it was one that was very week. I think he lost it over the winter.
We had Cinderella and Prince Charming visit school yesterday at lunch. It was awesome. The children loved it. They even asked for autographs. Little kids are just so into that kind of stuff.
I think that the trashcan-leaping night was the same night that I got a phone call from a parent who wanted to know if her daughter had been at my house.
Seems she came home drunk and told her mom that she'd been at a party at Susan's house. Nope. Susan was at that meeting. She even had the papers to prove it. And I was home, where there was no party.
GM all. I see we still have eggs. I listened to the video that Lydia posted Amazing how the chicks peep so much before hatching. Certainly mammals don't make sounds ?
Shirley, how fun if your dog was in a play. I guess the unpredictibility of a live animal must have been the deciding factor. My oldest grandaughter was one of the baby Jesus' in a large chruch production. Evidently she smiled every preformance. Your story reminded me of that.
Snow again on the ground this morning, though not much. Can't use it as an excuse to avoid errands. Will be checking in to see if any pips or hatchings as the day progresses.
Good morning all. So will this be the day. Well of course it will. :-) It will be the day for lots of things. Wonder if Belle and Shep have any special plans.
It is 28° here in Nestville/Shepherdstown, going up to 44°...not as warm as was predicted earlier in the week. Still do-able for our eagle family. As you can see, it is VERY windy...don't like the wind!
I have read back over yesterday and this mornings comments and see where some of you have suggested the names, HEDGIE & RINER...I LOVE that idea. Those names would work for male or female and be quite an honor for our dear friend LYNN. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day for our first hatch; it's going up to 54°. Still no snow in sight, other than flurries. Rain likely Friday night and Saturday:(
One of my friends, and an excellent teacher got into a conference once in which the administrator was a good friend of the parent and was advocating for everything the parent wanted. (Yes it does happen.) Parent wanted a better grade for the kid. I think so that she could be a cheerleader or something.
My friend finally said, "Just tell me what to do, and I will do it." That would never work for me, but it worked for her. They backed off.
Luna has been missing Flash. Very needy, wanting lots of attention. Getting into mischief and chewing things.
I need to go down and check on her.
Hunter did try to put her in bed with him, but she tried to take the whole bed. His mom had suggested keeping her on the floor, but Hunter has a mind of his own. So does Luna.
on phone with tracphone now getting all transfered i got hung up on a bit ago and thought they would call me back but didn't so going through the whole speal agian with someone else
Well Heckarooni, It is almost Mockingbird O'clock here... time to head out and collect some Sunshine ☼ Vitamins and go check out the lastest happenins' at Swinging Bridge...long overdue. Hoping to find some baby West Virginia Wildflowers as well
Kids are reading quietly in the room at school, and I still see no movement on the nest. Oh, whoever thought of Hedgie and Riner was brilliant. Lynn would be sooooo pleased. I think of her often and miss her so much. She was special.
Almost time for snack here, so gotta go; in out in out :) Keep those eagle eyes posted!
Shirley, I just noticed I never answered. YES, we could hear chirping prior to hatching with the chicks. Don't remember so much with the ducks. I will have to report back on that one. Duck eggs are 28 days, so depending on when I get them they should hatch around April 11th if I get them tomorrow. Although I do remember from last year that they seemed to go longer...
It was fun last year hearing all about it, DanaMo....
My neighbor friend Lorraine is going to a different nursing home today...one she was in before and she liked it very much then... hoping for better outcomes when the time is right.... Thanks Again, All !
ttfn... my cold weather clothes await me....also my camera and binoculars
Judy -- I was looking too and just didn't see a pip. Sure would be nice to get a better look, huh. A zoom in to actually be able to see. Don't mean to sound ungrateful, just sayin' :-)
Happy Thursday to all. I'm at work and so busy but peeping in on the nest, too.
I thought I saw something in his talon also I thought that was something to the corner of the nest right side see a little pinkins there but must be just old nest materaial
I saw Belle and Shep together and Shep leave. Lots of sunshine. Glad Lorraine is going to be where she is comfortable.
Lynne2, no I do not have pictures of Grace and Audrey. Too superstitious. Told as a child that taking a cat's picture would cause it's death. Irrational? Yes. Don't take cat pictures? Yes. They look almost exactly like my avatar.
Margy, how interesting. I was thinking about the swinging bridge this morning. Have lots of fun in the sun.
Jo, hope you're warmed up by now. Remember, a hot toddy of chocolate would be good.
Shirley, Luna doesn't surprise me. I believe animals do experience loss and grieve as well.
I forget which of Hoda's 1001 activities she's into today but bet she's having a funfest.
Okay, headed back to finish a couple of small chores.
I can't get my phone to text right I tried 4 times to text angie and it keeps bonuncing back at me not a valid 10 didget # I give up for now to frustrating I will have Angie call my phone with her # since the phone says it doesn't like the one I put in and it the right #
Thick of Fog as mud as the saying goes. Staying in today JUDIE...laundry cleaning cooking, watching the nest type of a day. I have an Asian Fusion Cooking class at 6:30 my time so I think I will stay in till then and I hope the fog lifts up a bit.
Good Afternoon Eagle Buds ! Like HODA, I love reading our blog and I am pleased to note that most everyone is in a happy state of mind right now ! Seems Hedgie and Riner are suitable, wonderful, names for all who've checked in. I am with y'all on that ! I miss LYNN terribly and would love our honoring her in this way !
Love and prayers for our soon to be Eagle parents and each and every one of you ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Well now, Hoda is headed for a fusion cooking class. Hmmmm. Wonder if any of Nelson's agricultural bounty will be infused into something other than Asian brownies.
Okay, looks like the nest is quiet but do wish that wind would blow itself up to New York.
Being the Hippie Town that we are ;) I hope we fuse LOVE PEACE LIGHT and HARMONY into our Asian Cooking...Will keep you posted as to the menu when I come back...
off to get Jordyn Its 61° out now if its tooo chilly we will go to Chickfla will leave up to Jordyn what she want to do Just may take my laptop tooo wo while she is playing I can watch the nest
STRONGHUNTER: the bag that came with the ball and shoes was not a rolling bag. i have one of those now....and love it. find them on the Internet fairly inexpensively....
home a little early today: tired. making dinner for tom. it will wait in the crock pot til he gets home. get olivia in a bit, she wants taco bell, then ice skating from 5 to 5:30, then 6 to 7 ....
was a busy day. glad its done. one more day til the weekend. i have a private class i am teaching saturday, then reiki share. but i do get to sleep til at least 7 ! as long as the dogs say that i can...no whining, stamping of feet to be let of out the kennel....scout sure keeps us busy!
JUDYE: hope you got that phone issue worked out.
guess i will scat for now. just wanted to check in. light and love to all.
Clear view of the eggs. No pip from what I am seeing. Belle is off and took the furry creature that Shep had brought in earlier the day. In comes Shep and does an egg roll and is situating himself. So Glad PAULA pointed out about the uneven tail. I can hardly see Shep's spot at times...
A whole pie is too much for me, but I have one of those frozen Marie Callender's Very Berry that serves two.....hummm I think I am headed for the freezer and oven right now.
Yes SHIRLEY. The conversation earlier the day is that Shep had something in his talon and no one could figure out what it was. Looked like a mole to me when Belle took off with it.There is a spot of red in the nest from where it was for most of the day.
I ate a whole artichoke and am still hungry so maybe go make a Kale Salad next... I have to make sure I do not stuff myself for this evening's Asian Fusion.
I posted the minutes from our meeting last night. The page is called Koots Yoga "Festival" It is a FB page.
I can not get over how much smaller Shep is in comparison to Belle. The whole side of the cup where she fills it completely is empty!!! The eggs are well covered there is so much space though...
Is someone else noticing that the camera came clear and then went hazzy? Is someone adjusting it? It was clearer for a little while and now back to blurry!
Put out a chicken to roast for dinner. Kathryn messaged me that she thinks she will be eating out with friends, but I am going to cook that chicken anyway. Postponed it from a couple of days ago already.
Did not see one LOLLY as I watched carefully and non is evident. Paula thought Friday or Saturday for the first one and Sunday or Monday for the second one.
Checking in to let you know that I think Hedgie and Riner are terrific eaglet names! Yes, let's wait to make sure they survive, though.
Had to call Orange County Vector Control this morning, because we had a few fire ants coming into the bathroom through a hole above the baseboard, right next to the bathtub! Someone from there is going to call and make an appt. to come out and look. They will then check the neighborhood, and if they find more, will put out stuff to kill them everywhere. They did it once before, and it's not harmful to birds or pets. The ants take it home, and it kills the whole colony. Sounds good to me! Geez, never a dull moment around here!
My shoulder and arm are sore today, so think I'll say so long until tomorrow. Have been saying prayers for everyone, and have put a timer on the porch light and security systems. God bless all of you! I love you all very much! Hope we have a hatch soon!!!!
Thank you ANDY for checking in. Yes never a dull moment at your place it seems like! Pleased that you are giving your arm and shoulder a break and thank you again for checking in.
Going to go fix myself some potatoes with the chicken. Just me and the critters. Been wanting chicken for awhile. Just won't think about what I just saw, whatever that was. Yuck.
Dear Friends, I have to tell a story of things going on around here. The outcome is probably coincidental, but I'm thinking/hoping it's a little bit spiritual.We see a few stray kitties now and then who sometimes stop by to see if there are any leftovers from Frank's tidbits for the birds. He gave up on seed as the dreaded grackles and starlings cleaned it out in a day.About a month ago, we saw a small black cat coming by and soon we could tell she was pregnant. If he saw her, Frank would put out a handful of cat crunchies and I added a water dish on the end of the deck. She was so big, I was afraid there was a problem.She hadn't been seen since Sat. or Sun. & I feared the worst and was feeling depressed. We still have our St. Francis statue indoors and I decided to polish my St.Francis and St. Anthony medals and wear them a couple days ago. I was so surprised and pleased yesterday PM when the new Pope took Francis as his name!! That Saint represents the poor and animals. This morning little Blackie came by for breakfast!!!!!!!!!
Got a pic of one of the eaglets in the tower and one of the parents today Still can't see the other two maybe the angle of the tower I guess so high up
Thanks PAULA for mentioning the fuzziness of the cam to STEVE I hope that they find something wrong and it can be fixed I know the original pic that Steve posted when the cam was installed was a nice clear picture Thanks again
This is another picture I got yesterday at the park The one adult flew in and I knew the one that was on the pole would fly away and I was right so pleased with my pic Little fuzzy because I cropped it
Wow! Just before bedtime and am excited! REmember I was disgusted about that "massage therapist" out at opry mills who sexually assaulted a woman? well find out...he ISN'T licensed after all, which is ILLEGAL in the state of TN. My good friend and collegue was on the channel 2 news and apparently channel 4 news educating the public about how they can protect themselves, what to look for as well as what massage therapits have to do to become massage therapists! I so admire this woman.....she is such a light and a rock to us all! I don't think she knows how wonderful she is and how much so many of us admire her....It is posted on my FB page if anyone wants to look at it.
Heading to bed....hoping to sleep better tonight...these meds have messed with me... bleech!
Have a super night's sleep...perhaps a pip tomorrow!
and up yet again..oh I bet a little saw tooth is cutting through an egg :) I have to get up at 5 am--but I will surely be tuning computer to check! G'Night all ♥
I am very happy to report that Mother Red Shouldered Hawk was in the nest at Swinging Bridge...I know I have seen babies on May 14 - two years in a row, but I have to check some facts on when eggs might be laid to lead up to that
Not a wildflower one did I see - YET - but other green things are coming up out there, lots of nice mosses and little grassy things with little bulbs at the base of them
Also see that an AWESOME house is up for a sale, sure it is pricey, and some of the neighborhood it is in out there is kind of trashy
Ah, Lowreeda. What a lovely story of human faith and animal survival. Hope little Blackie will stay around.
A restless Belle may be the sign of eagle babes on the way. Hope so.
Watching GDub play UMass. So hoping they win. Game is close.
Sandperson is about to depart as I plan to try to stay awake for the end of the game. The night light is on. Restful sleep for all and may tomorrow bring a strong and healthy bobble head.
See your post Paula, about your turning the water on in the daylight.... Hope you see and experience many wonderful things on your return to Paula's Paradise..... anyone besides Nick tagging along?
I was off today...I could really get used to this in a BIG HURRY. But the usual bandits are ganging up and now, Judie has sent Sandperson on its way....Bummerini!
Prayers for Wellness All Around...hoping that Linda in particular is turning the corner on her ailments....
Good Night, Precious Pals....
God Bless This Nest, and God Bless Us, Every One xoxo ♥
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 949 Newer› Newest»We almost had one of our dogs involved in a play--Sassafras was considered for A Midsummer Night's Dream, but the drama teacher ended up deciding not to use a real dog. I could not have guaranteed how Sassafras would have reacted to being onstage!
All kinds of strange things going on with my phone now. All because I had to change my e-mail password. I still haven't memorized the new one.
Belle (or Shep, not sure who is in the nest) is all tucked in and sleeping. Sure wish I was...
A group of Susan's drama buddies got in trouble when the new Lowe's opened up in town several years ago. They wanted to advertise a new play, so they went to the store and hid in various places--like trashcans on display. Then they leaped out and scared the daylights out of some customers.
They got thrown out of the store and the drama teacher was most displeased. I know Susan wasn't involved. She was at a county council meeting for a government class assignment.
Even though the store and the teacher were displeased, I think it was kind of funny.
Yes, Janet. I incubated duck eggs last year. What a blast it was. We had always previously done chicks, but one of the teachers really wanted ducks so I did them. It's the same as the chicks, but they take 28 days instead of 21. A friend who has land takes the ducks that hatch. He keeps me posted on their progress. He did lose one, but it was one that was very week. I think he lost it over the winter.
We had Cinderella and Prince Charming visit school yesterday at lunch. It was awesome. The children loved it. They even asked for autographs. Little kids are just so into that kind of stuff.
Dana, could you hear anything from inside the eggs before they hatched? Wonder what it would be like to put a stethoscope on an unhatched egg?
Both at the nest.
Shep has taken over incubation duties.
Eagle chirps. Kind of like Shep said "bye" as Belle took off.
I think that the trashcan-leaping night was the same night that I got a phone call from a parent who wanted to know if her daughter had been at my house.
Seems she came home drunk and told her mom that she'd been at a party at Susan's house. Nope. Susan was at that meeting. She even had the papers to prove it. And I was home, where there was no party.
Thank goodness.
How neat, Dana. Your students will remember that visit. Kindergarten is a fun time.
How do you get the eggs, Dana?
I think it's fascinating that they ship baby chicks through the mail--or did at one time.
When we lived in Ohio, you could hear little chicks peeping in the post office in the springtime.
How nice that you have a friend who takes the ducks, Dana. And that he keeps you posted on their progress.
$99 for a ball, bag, and shoes. That's a good deal, Janet. Did you get one of those rolling bags?
Getting light at the nest. Shep is looking around.
Getting light at the nest. Shep is looking around.
Imagine what a view they have from up there in the Sycamore, especially with their eagle eyes.
Keep thinking about those eggs and the sounds that come from them. Maybe you could put a microphone next to an incubating egg.
Good morning my loyal friends.
Good morning, Thelma.
Geese honking at the nest.
We have maybe 2 inches of snow last night and it is spitting snow right now. It is a really light snow-in the teens last night.
Brrr. It was chilly here yesterday afternoon. But we are snowless.
Hunter is off to school. Might go back to sleep for a bit.
Shep shifting around and getting the eggs back in place.
GM all. I see we still have eggs. I listened to the video that Lydia posted Amazing how the chicks peep so much before hatching. Certainly mammals don't make sounds ?
Shirley, how fun if your dog was in a play. I guess the unpredictibility of a live animal must have been the deciding factor.
My oldest grandaughter was one of the baby Jesus' in a large chruch production. Evidently she smiled every preformance. Your story reminded me of that.
Snow again on the ground this morning, though not much. Can't use it as an excuse to avoid errands. Will be checking in to see if any pips or hatchings as the day progresses.
Good morning all. So will this be the day. Well of course it will. :-) It will be the day for lots of things. Wonder if Belle and Shep have any special plans.
Good morning everyone. Anxiously awaiting a hatch!
It is 28° here in Nestville/Shepherdstown, going up to 44°...not as warm as was predicted earlier in the week. Still do-able for our eagle family. As you can see, it is VERY windy...don't like the wind!
I have read back over yesterday and this mornings comments and see where some of you have suggested the names, HEDGIE & RINER...I LOVE that idea. Those names would work for male or female and be quite an honor for our dear friend LYNN.
Maybe tomorrow will be a better day for our first hatch; it's going up to 54°. Still no snow in sight, other than flurries. Rain likely Friday night and Saturday:(
I didn't even read the blog posts from yesterday and was thinking Hedgie or Hog or HH. :)
I miss her! :(
Good "COLD" Morning - Wow - I can't get warmed up!
Naming the newborn eaglets will be an honor once they are here! No suggestions could outdo our Hedgie - Riner ♥♥
Sandi - I cannot imagine a conference lasting that long - I have a feeling I could guess who talked the most!
Everyone stay warm! I am going to put on my Socks!
tears here. oh dear. But yep my heart agrees with all of yours. Come on healthy little ones!!!
Just a quick good morning. Need to go load up to head to Denton.
I will be checking on my iphone. I will be home late tomorrow.
Until then....monitor the cam for me. :) I love us! And, I am in with Hedgie and Riner, but not until they are big!!!
I love us!
One of my friends, and an excellent teacher got into a conference once in which the administrator was a good friend of the parent and was advocating for everything the parent wanted. (Yes it does happen.) Parent wanted a better grade for the kid. I think so that she could be a cheerleader or something.
My friend finally said, "Just tell me what to do, and I will do it." That would never work for me, but it worked for her. They backed off.
Luna has been missing Flash. Very needy, wanting lots of attention. Getting into mischief and chewing things.
I need to go down and check on her.
Hunter did try to put her in bed with him, but she tried to take the whole bed. His mom had suggested keeping her on the floor, but Hunter has a mind of his own. So does Luna.
Hello and good afternoon eagle buds
on phone with tracphone now
getting all transfered i got hung up on a bit ago and thought they would call me back but didn't so going through the whole speal agian with someone else
Well Heckarooni, It is almost
Mockingbird O'clock here...
time to head out and collect some Sunshine ☼ Vitamins and go check out the lastest happenins' at
Swinging Bridge...long overdue.
Hoping to find some baby West Virginia Wildflowers as well
Hello Eagle Pals !
Kids are reading quietly in the room at school, and I still see no movement on the nest. Oh, whoever thought of Hedgie and Riner was brilliant. Lynn would be sooooo pleased. I think of her often and miss her so much. She was special.
Almost time for snack here, so gotta go; in out in out :) Keep those eagle eyes posted!
if I don't blow away.
Thanks to Lynne2 for the additional Comet viewing information, will hope to find
a clear horizon tonight to look for it
I'm IN on the eaglet names....
Hi Candy...
always a TREAT to see you ☺♥
I understand now about your phone JudyE...didn't realize you had lost one
hope it all works out
Best Traveling Wishes to Lolly,
and Best Wishes of the Day to
Every One !
I took this day off to recharge
my batteries a little
Shirley, I just noticed I never answered. YES, we could hear chirping prior to hatching with the chicks. Don't remember so much with the ducks. I will have to report back on that one. Duck eggs are 28 days, so depending on when I get them they should hatch around April 11th if I get them tomorrow. Although I do remember from last year that they seemed to go longer...
And they are shipped to me in a crate with Styrofoam.
It was fun last year hearing all about it, DanaMo....
My neighbor friend Lorraine is going to a different nursing home today...one she was in before and she liked it very much then...
hoping for better outcomes when the time is right....
Thanks Again, All !
ttfn... my cold weather clothes await me....also my camera and binoculars
(( Hugs ♥ ))
I see eggs but no sign
eagle back
playing with the new phone I can't figure out where my oops button is or delete when texting guess need togo read again
Judy -- I was looking too and just didn't see a pip. Sure would be nice to get a better look, huh. A zoom in to actually be able to see. Don't mean to sound ungrateful, just sayin' :-)
Happy Thursday to all. I'm at work and so busy but peeping in on the nest, too.
That is really interesting, Dana. The kids must have loved hearing the chirps.
I had just never thought of being able to hear chicks before they hatched.
food delivery
Both in nest alarm calling. Wos!
lots of chirping lots is there something bothereing them
That's Wow!
Alert and looking all around. Something got too near the nest, I would say.
what is in his talons
He has something in his talon
Don't know, Judy. They are still looking around for something. It would be so interesting to be there to see the other part of this story.
looks brown and fuzzy by Belle isn't going to it Looks to be soemthing there I think maybe or maybe not blends in with nest
the nest is really rocking in the winds today
Shep kept looking down as if he had something of interest, but I haven't seen anything, Judy.
BELLE is picking at cup
I thought I saw something in his talon also I thought that was something to the corner of the nest right side see a little pinkins there but must be just old nest materaial
Good afternoon all.
I saw Belle and Shep together and Shep leave. Lots of sunshine. Glad Lorraine is going to be where she is comfortable.
Lynne2, no I do not have pictures of Grace and Audrey. Too superstitious. Told as a child that taking a cat's picture would cause it's death. Irrational? Yes. Don't take cat pictures? Yes. They look almost exactly like my avatar.
Margy, how interesting. I was thinking about the swinging bridge this morning. Have lots of fun in the sun.
Jo, hope you're warmed up by now. Remember, a hot toddy of chocolate would be good.
Shirley, Luna doesn't surprise me. I believe animals do experience loss and grieve as well.
I forget which of Hoda's 1001 activities she's into today but bet she's having a funfest.
Okay, headed back to finish a couple of small chores.
I can't get my phone to text right I tried 4 times to text angie and it keeps bonuncing back at me not a valid 10 didget # I give up for now to frustrating I will have Angie call my phone with her # since the phone says it doesn't like the one I put in and it the right #
BWE eaglets are all alone sitting in their egg cup!
Good morning for it is still morning here!
Thick of Fog as mud as the saying goes.
Staying in today JUDIE...laundry cleaning cooking, watching the nest type of a day. I have an Asian Fusion Cooking class at 6:30 my time so I think I will stay in till then and I hope the fog lifts up a bit.
I love reading the blog.
All is well and life is good.
Bad do day at the nest for sure with all this wind!
Good Afternoon Eagle Buds ! Like HODA, I love reading our blog and I am pleased to note that most everyone is in a happy state of mind right now ! Seems Hedgie and Riner are suitable, wonderful, names for all who've checked in. I am with y'all on that ! I miss LYNN terribly and would love our honoring her in this way !
Love and prayers for our soon to be Eagle parents and each and every one of you ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Egg roll but no view of the eggs...
Another egg roll.
Did the eggs get rolled as they incubated, Dana?
Okay, just did some research. It says you turn the eggs a couple of times each day. Our eagles surely do more turning than that.
Hello, KAY, HODA, JO and JUDYE, and JUDIE, and everyone else who is still hanging around.
Just wanted to check in as loving the names Hedgie and Riner, too. It's absolutely PERFECT! Lynn would love it, for sure!
HODA, have a great time at your cooking class tonight.
I'm getting anxious -- hope we get a pip today, or whenever the perfect time is. :)
Well now, Hoda is headed for a fusion cooking class. Hmmmm. Wonder if any of Nelson's agricultural bounty will be infused into something other than Asian brownies.
Okay, looks like the nest is quiet but do wish that wind would blow itself up to New York.
Love you JUDIE!
Being the Hippie Town that we are ;) I hope we fuse LOVE PEACE LIGHT and HARMONY into our Asian Cooking...Will keep you posted as to the menu when I come back...
off to get Jordyn Its 61° out now if its tooo chilly we will go to Chickfla will leave up to Jordyn what she want to do Just may take my laptop tooo wo while she is playing I can watch the nest
good afternoon all.
STRONGHUNTER: the bag that came with the ball and shoes was not a rolling bag. i have one of those now....and love it. find them on the Internet fairly inexpensively....
home a little early today: tired. making dinner for tom. it will wait in the crock pot til he gets home. get olivia in a bit, she wants taco bell, then ice skating from 5 to 5:30, then 6 to 7 ....
was a busy day. glad its done. one more day til the weekend. i have a private class i am teaching saturday, then reiki share. but i do get to sleep til at least 7 ! as long as the dogs say that i can...no whining, stamping of feet to be let of out the kennel....scout sure keeps us busy!
JUDYE: hope you got that phone issue worked out.
guess i will scat for now. just wanted to check in. light and love to all.
later gaters
Want to wish everyone a happy Pi Day. Rus just reminded me. He is going out to celebrate it tonight.
That wind sounds awful. I guess the mic picks up a whole lot of sound. No hatching yet, I see.
A friend on a reading blog says that at her work, everyone brings a PIE on PI day. How fun..
*** Hey all.
I sent Steve an email about the blurry cam. He said he would check it out.
oooh, I want some pie :)
Later gators!
Thank you PAULA!!!
I want some PI too!
Rus says that pi day is a big deal and that stores are selling out of pies--at least in Northern VA where he lives.
Big day here too SHIRLEY and on FB and the Internet worlds!
Pretty rock a bye baby up in that tree this afternoon.
Clear view of the eggs. No pip from what I am seeing. Belle is off and took the furry creature that Shep had brought in earlier the day. In comes Shep and does an egg roll and is situating himself.
So Glad PAULA pointed out about the uneven tail. I can hardly see Shep's spot at times...
Nest exchange great view of eggs but far too pix-elated to say anything definite. Possible for sure.
A whole pie is too much for me, but I have one of those frozen Marie Callender's Very Berry that serves two.....hummm I think I am headed for the freezer and oven right now.
That wind is making me cold.
Belle out, Shep in. At least I think that is what happened. It looked like she took a big gob of flugg with her. Odd.
Oh, is that what Belle took?
Pi day was celebrated by math classes in high school.
Yes SHIRLEY. The conversation earlier the day is that Shep had something in his talon and no one could figure out what it was. Looked like a mole to me when Belle took off with it.There is a spot of red in the nest from where it was for most of the day.
I ate a whole artichoke and am still hungry so maybe go make a Kale Salad next... I have to make sure I do not stuff myself for this evening's Asian Fusion.
I posted the minutes from our meeting last night. The page is called Koots Yoga "Festival" It is a FB page.
I can not get over how much smaller Shep is in comparison to Belle. The whole side of the cup where she fills it completely is empty!!! The eggs are well covered there is so much space though...
Is someone else noticing that the camera came clear and then went hazzy? Is someone adjusting it? It was clearer for a little while and now back to blurry!
I sure hope someone is adjusting. I missed the clear. Would love to see it back to clear especially when they give us that egg peak. :-)
Put out a chicken to roast for dinner. Kathryn messaged me that she thinks she will be eating out with friends, but I am going to cook that chicken anyway. Postponed it from a couple of days ago already.
Yeah, Hoda, I was watching when Shep brought that thing in. They were yelling at something then.
Just checking posts. See no mention of spotting a pip.
Just can't see a pip Lolly. I I do see Shep sitting high on the egg cup though. Very encouraging.
Did not see one LOLLY as I watched carefully and non is evident. Paula thought Friday or Saturday for the first one and Sunday or Monday for the second one.
Hi, Gang,
Checking in to let you know that I think Hedgie and Riner are terrific eaglet names! Yes, let's wait to make sure they survive, though.
Had to call Orange County Vector Control this morning, because we had a few fire ants coming into the bathroom through a hole above the baseboard, right next to the bathtub! Someone from there is going to call and make an appt. to come out and look. They will then check the neighborhood, and if they find more, will put out stuff to kill them everywhere. They did it once before, and it's not harmful to birds or pets. The ants take it home, and it kills the whole colony. Sounds good to me!
Geez, never a dull moment around here!
My shoulder and arm are sore today, so think I'll say so long until tomorrow. Have been saying prayers for everyone, and have put a timer on the porch light and security systems. God bless all of you! I love you all very much! Hope we have a hatch soon!!!!
Hi Hoda... 37 days would be on schedule with last year.
Thank you ANDY for checking in.
Yes never a dull moment at your place it seems like! Pleased that you are giving your arm and shoulder a break and thank you again for checking in.
Agree sUSAn...We'll just have to keep watching.
Dinner is finished - going to relax for a bit and catch some news!
I hope you had a good Dinner JO.
Relaxing and putting feet up is a good idea.
Wow, you can see Shep's spot really good up close.
Camera shakes Shep vocalizes and all is well.
Tree shook and Shep calling out.
Posted a picture on the Momster Site of the exposed eggs from earlier today.
Again Camera shakes.
Yes PAULA but it has not been so most of today... Shep's Spot
Belle just floated in
Belle has arrived.
In comes Belle
Eating on something
Looks like she brought dinner
So do ya'll think it looks clearer or not
Clear view of eggs no pip
Today is day 36 for the first egg
Shep takes to wing. Belle eating eggs uncovered.
I can't wait for the pip! My folks don't have a great internet data plan, so I've been saving my looks at the nest until we have a pip and eaglets!
Eggs exposed now. I do not see any sign of a pip. Belle is eating.
Yes PAULA...36 you thought 37 or 38 for the first egg.
WOW I can hear her tearing off of what ever she is eating.!!! MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH
yup, that's usually for the first egg, since they delay incubation...second egg more likely on day 36
Yes LORI good plan to save on when there is a pip and an eaglette.
Two beautiful eggs, free of any cracks.
Beautiful shade of golden bronze on Belle's Feathers...
Must have been big what ever it is Miss Belle is tearing into...I think fish? Bit more than she could chew!!! LOL!!!
Don't think that is a fish Belle is eating.
Maybe it is a fish, Hoda. I don't know.
It could be fish...I didn't see any defurring
She is chowing down on some big chunks for sure. I think that was something with fur.
EW, think it was that mole or whatever...wasn't fish!
Big huge rest of it down the hatch
Down she goes to cover up the eggs...no roll just a wiggle in.
Whatever it was she gulped it down and got on the eggs.
Going to go fix myself some potatoes with the chicken. Just me and the critters. Been wanting chicken for awhile. Just won't think about what I just saw, whatever that was. Yuck.
I do think it looks clearer...I see some blurry at times, but it is probably because of the wind.
on and off, I think it looks pretty good Paula...
I also think the wind has an effect
Welcome Home !
So..one more day or was today IT, Paula....
I know you head to your Paradise Friday if remember correctly
Blackwater family has something
red and grisly in the right corner of their nest also
earlier it sort of looked like
a snake or maybe an eel
Have to run to the store and then hope to be outta there to look for Pan-Staars...
wel, the comet I mean not sure I
spelled it correctly
ttfn ♥ Happy Almost TGIF evening
to all
Heading to Paradise tomorrow, Margy. First time down, when I have to turn on the water out in the yard, I like to do it in the daylight hours.
Egg roll time
didn't notice any pips. Belle facing 6
Safe trip tomorrow PAULA.
HI MARGY I am glad you are home from work.
Balanced cheque book reconciled expenditures, did laundry and cleaned up the kitchen.
It is all good.
Turtle Bay is on Pip watch too...their 1st 2 eggs were laid the same day as ours.
Shep in...with food?
Cam is blurry now with the night light on.
Belle up to eat, Shep took off.
Belle back on the eggs...digging first.
Facing noon
Good on SHEP! Good sign...keep it coming old boy!
PAULA, have a great time at the beach! Keep up posted on your bird totals.
I'm getting so excited for this!!!
HODA, you going to your fussion class tonight?
Happy almost RED Friday, MARGY!
Dear Friends, I have to tell a story of things going on around here. The outcome is probably coincidental, but I'm thinking/hoping it's a little bit spiritual.We see a few stray kitties now and then who sometimes stop by to see if there are any leftovers from Frank's tidbits for the birds. He gave up on seed as the dreaded grackles and starlings cleaned it out in a day.About a month ago, we saw a small black cat coming by and soon we could tell she was pregnant. If he saw her, Frank would put out a handful of cat crunchies and I added a water dish on the end of the deck.
She was so big, I was afraid there was a problem.She hadn't been seen since Sat. or Sun. & I feared the worst and was feeling depressed. We still have our St. Francis statue indoors and I decided to polish my St.Francis and St. Anthony medals and wear them a couple days ago.
I was so surprised and pleased yesterday PM when the new Pope took Francis as his name!! That Saint represents the poor and animals.
This morning little Blackie came by for breakfast!!!!!!!!!
Home from Angies
had a nice dinner I won't be gettig Jordyn at school tomorrow but may go to their house Angie is getting her tested tomorrow
Got a pic of one of the eaglets in the tower and one of the parents today Still can't see the other two maybe the angle of the tower I guess so high up
Beautiful LORETTA. No coincidences.
Yes LORI I am headed out soon to Asian Fusion Class. It starts at 6:30 my time which is 9:30 your time.
When is your Math exam LORI?
Signing off till about 9:30 my time 12:30 AM your time. Goodnight to all of you who will be in bed by then SWEET DREAMS.
Belle was tucked in for the longest time, but she is awake now.
Enjoy, Hoda.
Up for some digging, back to the cam
Still 2 eggs...can hear her beak touching the eggs...love that.
Wiggled back in, facing 5.
Thanks PAULA for mentioning the fuzziness of the cam to STEVE I hope that they find something wrong and it can be fixed I know the original pic that Steve posted when the cam was installed was a nice clear picture
Thanks again
This is another picture I got yesterday at the park The one adult flew in and I knew the one that was on the pole would fly away and I was right so pleased with my pic Little fuzzy because I cropped it
Digging in cup
Egg roll.
did a quick roll and now she is going down wiggle wiggle I love it
Hello everyone! Oh Ms Belle is restless tonight--I betcha we have a pip! Guess we shall see better in the am . Greetings and hugs to all ♥ Eggsciting!
Wow! Just before bedtime and am excited! REmember I was disgusted about that "massage therapist" out at opry mills who sexually assaulted a woman? well find out...he ISN'T licensed after all, which is ILLEGAL in the state of TN. My good friend and collegue was on the channel 2 news and apparently channel 4 news educating the public about how they can protect themselves, what to look for as well as what massage therapits have to do to become massage therapists! I so admire this woman.....she is such a light and a rock to us all! I don't think she knows how wonderful she is and how much so many of us admire her....It is posted on my FB page if anyone wants to look at it.
Heading to bed....hoping to sleep better tonight...these meds have messed with me... bleech!
Have a super night's sleep...perhaps a pip tomorrow!
Up again...either she can't get comfy or she is hearing something.
she is a wiggly tonight, isn't she....hmmmmmm can hardly wait til morning!!!!!!
and up yet again..oh I bet a little saw tooth is cutting through an egg :) I have to get up at 5 am--but I will surely be tuning computer to check! G'Night all ♥
Well we are only 22 posts from a
like to give advance warning so
no one gets lost...
might have looked too late, and also too many city lights, I did NOT see the Comet but there is a skyful of beauteous other things out tonight
I am very happy to report
that Mother Red Shouldered Hawk
was in the nest at Swinging Bridge...I know I have seen babies on May 14 -
two years in a row, but I have to check some facts
on when eggs might be laid to lead up to that
Not a wildflower one did I see - YET - but other green things
are coming up out there,
lots of nice mosses
and little grassy things with
little bulbs at the base of them
Also see that an AWESOME house is up for a sale, sure it is pricey, and some of the neighborhood it is in out there is kind of trashy
And Obviously lots of high water has made its mark
The water was a little murky so
no Reflections pictures today, but I did get some and will get them
downloaded in a day or so I hope
Ah, Lowreeda. What a lovely story of human faith and animal survival. Hope little Blackie will stay around.
A restless Belle may be the sign of eagle babes on the way. Hope so.
Watching GDub play UMass. So hoping they win. Game is close.
Sandperson is about to depart as I plan to try to stay awake for the end of the game. The night light is on. Restful sleep for all and may tomorrow bring a strong and healthy bobble head.
Loving Loretta's tale of Blackie...
Welcome Home Blackie....
you know a nice place when you see it and feed at it ☺ ♥
bummer about the renegade man masseuse, Janet....
no problems like that where I go to, but am sure it does happen.
Bleeaach !!!
See your post Paula, about your
turning the water on in the daylight....
Hope you see and experience
many wonderful things on your
return to Paula's Paradise.....
anyone besides Nick tagging along?
I was off today...I could really get used to this in a BIG HURRY.
But the usual bandits are ganging up and now, Judie has sent Sandperson on its way....Bummerini!
Prayers for Wellness All Around...hoping that Linda in particular is turning the corner on her ailments....
Good Night, Precious Pals....
God Bless This Nest,
and God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥
Oh, and of course, as Lori mentioned
RED FRIDAY around the bend...throw on your Red Duds in the morning...
God Bless Our Military, all the time
and now about a dozen posts
til SPLIT time
BELLE IS still awake She yawned a bit ago no noise but beak open
Belle is awake, I might should take the laptop and an Oatmeal Creme Pie to the bedstead with me
Belle up, she appears to be listening.
She is standing over the eggs....
and chirping a wee bit
time for an egg roll and some digging.
More like...TIME FOR THE BOBBLE HEAD to appear!
I heard a really faint chirp...wonder if it came from the eggs.
you know she is listening and watching . She showed us very closely her intense interest in the eggs.
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