Tuesday, November 20, 2012


New thread.  One of the eagles was still on the top limb of the tree when I left yesterday at 5 PM.


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Mema Jo said...

Feather feather feather for me, me, me

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Steve for the fresh new thread.
Great report on the 5pm showing of our eagle! Come on Cam!

I want to be able to really give a
humongous Thank You on Thursday!

Will call over the others......

Thanks again!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning Mema Jo!

Mema Jo said...

Good Afternoon My Special Friend -
You always one step ahead of me!

Enjoy your holiday and I know you are
thankful for so much in your life - especially loyal & supporting friends

Love you ♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

From Steve about the cam: Everything is ordered. Waiting for the equipment to arrive, then we'll install it as soon as the tree guys can get here to do it.


Janet said...

Congrats Mema Jo on the shiny new feather!!!


Good morning/afternoon everyone. I had issues with my computer this morning, so I wasn't on at my usual time.

Been a busy couple of days....Had a tough day @ work yesterday; 3 straight hours of deep tissue work.....knees and elbows flying, lol. not really flying, but certainly digging into some muscle.

Yoga was good last night. Tom went with me again and that made me happy. We had a different Yogi last night and she took us thru a faster pace, more poses, less time in each pose. Sure feeling it in my traps today.

Today is the last day of work/school this week for Tom and Olivia. They will have five days off.

Me? I have one more massage today and only one tomorrow,then its time to get cooking. I am feeling guilty (JUDYE) .... I have to run to walmart to pick up some groceries this afternoon.... I'M SORRY WALMART PEOPLE!!!!

Am really starting to like my little robot vacuum thing. It sure sucks the cat hair up pretty well and that's my main issue. Natasha, the furry, fuzzy, really hairy gray cat leaves furry tumble weeds in my house....this seems to really suck them up so I don't have that problem. I am liking this.

Anyway, not much else is going on. Just like everyone else, getting ready to cook, cook and cook some more. I do like Thanksgiving...but it sure is a lot of planning and work...

It all runs together this time of the year...for me it starts with Halloween....and off we go. Before we know it, it will be another new year....

Hope everyone has a good day. Sending light, love and healing to one and all ((((HUGS)))))

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good afternoon everyone! I cannot wait for our cam to be up and running! Hope everyone is having a great day. No word yet on Isaac but I take that to be a good thing. It hopefully will be an uneventful time until the next surgery to close the gap for good!! Praying that is soon! Nice feather Mema Jo!!

glo said...

Well it is afternoon. I was not able to sleep much last night. I am getting sick :-( Very sore throat today and drowning in fluids draining down my throat. Went out of sucrets and lots of fluids. Have soup. I need to get done with this. No time for sick. I surely hope I did not bring anything to Springfield yesterday. I really felt fine so hopefully this is new and just for me to deal with quickly. Mom wasn't clear at all yesterday. She knows she had a visitor who helped her eat and drink some and told her she loves her but not sure she registered who it was at all. :-( Her color is good though and hopefully it was just one of her unclear times. We are hoping to have her on Dec 12 "Making party plans for the 15th for travelers" MTBR on that one. Prayers for all. I am lying low today.

Sandi said...

Checking in from school to see a new thread and news about our eagles and a new cam soon!! How great!

Bev, my thoughts and prayers are with you and Tom on the anniversary of such a tragic event. You are a true inspiration! Many would want to curl up in a ball and die after having such a horrible thing happen. Instead, you are such a loving, caring, giving person! God bless you!

Glo, hope you feel better soon and can enjoy your Thanksgiving!

I agree with Bev that no news is good news as far as little Isaac is concerned.

Jo, when is Michael's check-out day and what are his next steps??

My work day is almost over - better look busy!


Sandi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kay said...

Colds for PAULA and GLO, oh NO ! Get better fast you two !

Such wonderful news about baby Isaac and how well his parents are doing, too !

JO, but of course, Jacqui Lawson e-cards are gorgeous and quite acceptable in this cyber world we now live in ! I was one of the first to give up wholesale snail mailing of Christmas cards. Would still prefer to do it that way, but in retirement on a fixed income--I have no choice. No one here is going to fault you for going the same route, what with your health and your need to see Michael as often as possible !

LORI, loved hearing about the good time with your parents and happy to know the pumpkin quilt is finished--hoping to see it soon on your blog !!!!

DANAMO, where there's a will....Aric will undoubtedly find a way to get to the airport. I'll bet his mouth is watering already just thinking of the holiday meal with the family. Happy birthday to your Mom and prayers for your DAD !

Love and prayers for all my dear Eagle Buds ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Hoda said...


YAY STEVE!!! Thank you on the news of the Camera, through SHAR'S post, and thank you for the new thread.

Soggy soggy soggy and I am learning to dance in the rain!!!
Might even take up drumming for Solstice!!!

Part of working with young people in the Eco Society is their understanding of time and mine are different...we have to work this part through...I went today and yet there was a no show at the office so I went out to morning tea and muffin instead. Dropped off some embroidery thread for the African Women in Zambia. They use it to make their beautiful crafts and the funds have a 100% return of profits to them...I love Grass Root Organizations.

Hoda said...

Thanks STEVE for telling us you saw an eagle yesterday at 5:00 PM. It will be awesome when I can turn the computer first thing in the morning to see them and also am looking forward to the night vision camera.

Hoda said...

JO I feel the same as KAY The Jaqui Lawson cards are very classy. I love to receive them from you and JUDIE...Two of my favourite people...

Hoda said...

Headed off to yoga.

I hope it is beginning to look a lot like Thanksgiving where you are and for those travelling be safe and journey well...

LYNNE are you going to the In Laws?
C/A are you going to the cabin?
JUDIE have you finished all the corrections?

Lolly said...

Hi all! Have had a very busy busy day! Drove to Dallas to Zach's school. Teacher read Stone Soup and we made stone soup. LOL Then we went to his art class. Very interesting! Laurel came too since she is out of school. Afterwards we ate lunch in Dallas.

Came home and spent the afternoon in the kitchen. Made the sweet potato dish that I make, no knead refrigerator yeast rolls, and a pecan pie. Tomorrow more cooking and Laurel's family arrive in the afternoon.

67 here....wish it was cooler!!

Lolly said...

Have saved making 2 of the pies until tomorrow. Have told Laurel that I am going to teach her how to make pie crusts. LOL She can also use a lesson on making the dressing.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Steve, that's nice! Snap a picture, would ya?

paula eagleholic said...

And even better about the cam install!

Thinking of Dana's AnnMarie tomorrow, she's getting her tonsils and adenoids out tomorrow.

paula eagleholic said...

UpdaTE ON Michael

Tuesday November 20
Written 1 hour ago

Not much new to update. We have been looking into some options for dad when he leaves Kernan. He had been extended till next week. When my grandparents will meet again with the case manager to discus further discharge plans. His boot came off yesteday and his peg was supposed to come out today. His trach is all healed up and he is looking great. With Thanksgiving this week I am very thankful for all the progress dad had made in just 7 weeks.

Also I wanted to ask if anyone has any pictures from visits with dad I am putting together a photo album with his journey.

paula eagleholic said...

Sounds like Linda has a full weekend coming up, as I'm sure most of us do as well.

Glo, so sorry you got a nasty cold too. Mine is just a sore throat, headache and tired. Didn't do anything last night so I am way behind, but oh well. Slept well last night, will not overdo tonight, and hope to feel better tomorrow. Heading to the beach for the 4 day weekend.

Mema Jo said...

I just found out that today iw Turtle Tuesday! I love turtles!

It is also Terrific Tuesday TV - I will return later - 2 good shows I will watch! BBL

glo said...

Well it is evening and my cold knows it. I think my computer knows it too. It is very sluggish argh. I think if I remember correctly MeMa Jo gets her pin like markers for her procedure done tomorrow. I just wanted to say I am praying for an easy procedure. Also sending wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving for all. It's been a pretty rough year on the Blog BUT I honestly believe we all have plenty to be thankful for. So do indeed count your blessings.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for Steve's message! Sooner the better! I sure miss our Royal Couple.

Sandi - No discharge date as of right now - We are still looking for the best place for him to continue healing.
I swear he gets better each time we visit. We were there this afternoon.

Tomorrow at 700am I will leave the house to report to outpatient area at Frederick Memorial. Procedure is 920am for about 2 hrs. Then recover and go home is what I plan to do! I know I'll have all your thoughts and prayers. I still hadn't mentioned this on FB - just to all of you and some other special friends. Love you all. I'll try to have Ed notify you ♥

Mema Jo said...

I just found out that today is "Turtle Tuesday" ! I love turtles!

It is also Terrific Tuesday TV - I will return later - 2 good shows I will watch! BBL

Lolly said...

Great that you will have 4 days at Paradise, Paula!

Just told Jack he could dig into the pecan pie tonight. Why wait for Thursday. Will have pumpkin and apple by then. LOL

I have him in debt to me. ☺

Sandi said...

Jo, Great update on your boy!! I'm glad he's staying put for a little longer. I'm saying this now since I know you'll hop on the blog to say goodnight but may not have time to get on in the morning before you leave for your bronchoscopy. I hope you'll be able to feel the love, prayers, and positive energy we'll all be sending your way tomorrow - out damn spot!!

Paula and Glo, feel better!

Dana, prayers for Annemarie as she gets her tonsils and adenoids out tomorrow. Hope Aric made it home OK!

Goodnight all! See ya in the AM!

JudyEddy said...

Good evening eagle buds just got home from Angies we went to Mugs and Jugs to eat then to her house now I need a shower before nite nite time BBIALW I hope Hope everyones day went great

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

There is exciting news!! They did an x-ray on Isaac today and they think the gap is closed. It won't be for sure until they do the esophagram tomorrow, but they are anticipating doing the surgery to close it on FRIDAY!!! That is a week, one week!! The staff up there said they have never, ever seen anything like this. God is doing miraculous things in Boston!!! Also, I got the first of the cards today! Thank you all so much! I will forward them the first of the week to be sure I get all of them. They will still have to be up there at least a month after the surgery to close the gap for physical therapy, speech therapy to help him learn to eat and swallow. This is amazing. I am trying not to get my hopes up until the test tomorrow but it is really hard. Nicole hasn't put anything on FB yet, so this is our little secret until she does. I LOVE US!!

paula eagleholic said...

Bev, that would be just wonderful news!

glo said...

My internet has been down a couple of hours. Pretty much crawling now. argh. I think MeMa Jo's procedure to prepare for cyber knife is tomorrow. Prayers for all and Happy Thanksgiving wishes in case I can't get online for a while.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Update from Nicole: What a day it has been! Last Wednesday, Isaac had an esophagram done that indicated the gap was approximately 5.5 cm. It now appears on x-ray, after only a few days of growth induction and traction, that the ends of the pouches are over-lapping!!! It should have taken weeks to get to this point-GOD IS SOOO GOOD! He has an esophagram scheduled for 1:15 tomorrow afternoon to see if the inner linings of the pouches are over-lapping. Please pray for us to get good news tomorrow from the esophagram...our little miracle man is setting records here in Boston! We are so fortunate to have the support network we do...feeling your prayers & seeing their manifestations here in Boston!!! :-)

NatureNut said...

SISSY!!!! That is just wonderful!
Surely something to be thankful for along with the progress of Miracle Michael!

Posted a picture here in the nook that we just got. Pretty special! ☺

JudyEddy said...

BEV What great news will keep him always close to heart and sending healing love and thoughts to him and his parents and the entire family

JudyEddy said...

great news about the eagle sighting and got good news from Walker Ford its in the works for nest year here is her email

The Gal from the game and wildlife did get someone to contact me. I will have to make a few phone calls but it wont be happening this year. We will be ready for this next year.

Thank you for all of your help.


JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

paula eagleholic said...

And yes, prayers for our Jo as she undergoes her first procedure tomorrow.

NatureNut said...

Dear Jo, You know we all will be praying for you tomorrow and I'll be up early to go to Park, so I'll start then!!! Maybe I'll see a special eagle just like Steve!
I think a Million Dollar Lady Should get GOLD markers if she has to get any at all!!!
God Bless

stronghunter said...

Stopping in to say good night.

Prayers for Jo.

Rest well my friends.

Mema Jo said...

I just ate a large hunk of a coffee cheese cake - fasting as of midnight.
Tomorrow early afternoon I should be able to get word to you that all is well. Thanks for your support
We are marking this Damn Spot tomorrow.

I Love Us ♥
Prayers for all.
Isaac update is awesome! Prayer Power is good all the time ♥
Good Night

JudyEddy said...

just on facebook the Fl nest should have a egg in a day or so this from facebook

New* Southwest Florida Bald Eagle Camera! Should see 1st egg within a day or two.
Eagle cam Southwest Florida Eagle Cam

Lolly said...

OMG!!!!! Beverly, so very excited to hear the news. God is so good!!!

Watching the news now, but just watched Private Practice. It was so good!!! This time it was about adoption.

magpie said...

I'm IN on the Yays and the Prayers...

magpie said...

9:20 a.m. for Jo, eh?
Okay, I can remember this!

magpie said...

Happy to read of Lolly, Laurel, and Jack's joyful trip to Dallas for some quality time with Zach

Glo: I hope you feel better, Pronto!

Remember: Germs hate rest...
seems that Paula knows that rule and it could be working

magpie said...

Magnificent news about Isaac....
just totally amazing !

magpie said...

Prayers for DanaMo's Annemarie tomorrow and for safe travels for Aric

And for all special needs amongst us

Night Bandit struck awhile ago, darn it!

Good Night, Precious Pals

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxoxo ♥

Lolly said...

Heading to bed now. It has been a long day, will be a long day tomorrow, but boy am I enjoying it. I love the cooking!! Guess I am happiest when cooking for the family or anyone for that matter!

Baked a pecan pie, but guess what....it already has 2 pieces missing.

Prayers for healing, prayers for praise and thanks giving!!

I love us! SED!!!

Costume Lady said...

I wanted to get some BEAUTY sleep tonight...Capt. Father Warden Gene is coming home tomorrow, but it's too late for beauty sleep. Can't sleep in in the morning...need to start the turkey, dressing and all the side dishes. I do EVERYTHING the day before Thanksgiving, take it to GG's and heat it up. Works out very well that way:)

Good news on Caring Bridge about Isaac's Miraculous growth of his esophagus. So anxious to hear more about him tomorrow.

Of course. Jo will be in our prayrs tomorrow. Hope we don't have to wait all evening
for word from Jo and Isaac.

Blessings and love for all♥

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning everyone! Thinking of Mema Jo this morning and sending up prayers. Love y'all! Happy Thanksgiving Eve!

Kay said...

Good M☺rning Eagle Buds ! Up early to light candles and say prayers for our stalwart JO, her Miracle Michael, DANAMO's precious AnneMarie, SISSIE's adorable Isaac and our sweet "girls" suffering with colds ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Looking forward to the next four+ days with granddog Malcolm after I take his family to the airport for their trip to Wisconsin.

Wishing you all a blessed Thanksgiving Day, filled with a bountiful feast and fun with friends and family !

{{{{{{Big Group Hug}}}}}} for all the prayers and concern for me over the last year ! I couldn't have made it without you !!!!!

Now, back for a few more zzzz's....

Sandi said...

Good day before Thanksgiving morning Bev, Kay and all my eagle friends!

Haven't read back but, speaking of "thanks giving," I just read Nicole's latest update on little Isaac!! What incredible good news!!!!

Special prayers for our Jo today that the first step in getting rid of that "damn spot" goes smoothly.

And special prayers for Annemarie, who gets her tonsils and adenoids out today.

Prayers also for Michael for continued progress, for Dana's dad that the chemo worked, for Thelma's brother-in-law as he prepares for surgery, for Glo's "Mom" that she makes it til her birthday celebration - and then some, for Emily that she heals quickly and can get home to her little girl, and for baby Isaac, that his body does what it has to do in record time so he can move on to the next step in his surgery.

Make it a great day all!

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...

Prayers for all possible Blessings today for all, for good medical outcomes, safe travels, safety and
serenity in the midst of so much activity

I know Jo is up and moving around
making ready to arrive at 0700 to start this important day...

(( All Day Hugs and Prayers ))
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Enjoy your five-day make believe retirement, Sandi ☺ !

Mema Jo said...

This morning I am an early bird - It is still dark out there and I know birds don't fly in the night! It will be an eventful day and one for which I will be truly grateful ♥

Wanda I am laughing this morning about your face plant last night! Glad Gene will be heading home!

TTUL friends I Love Us ♥

magpie said...

God Bless You, Jo....thanks so much for being here this morning
with us ! xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Wanda could NOTHING and still be
Bootiful !

gotta to find the Fairy to help
me get an ounce or two
of respectability for work

ttfn xo ♥

Hoda said...

Healing Prayers and thoughts for MEMA JO and her Surgical Team. We Lift you up in Praises and with Gratitude MEMA JO...

started, join in....

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds

JudyEddy said...

boy did I mess up last nite I need to get in contact with rr I was trying to check muy rr email on line just to see if I could do it since I hadn't done it in a long time but now I don't get any email in my email box on my puter I have to go to the rr acct on line to get it Boy did I get myself in a big mess but no time to figure it out now I think it all has to do with the new modeum box I got I couldn't log on last nite to rr because it didn't recognize my pass word and it asked for the mac number on my email box and since then I haven't been getting my email with out signing on to rr dern it ok let me go to rr to check my email

JudyEddy said...

it wan't my pop 3 password odd

Hoda said...

Thinking and Praying for DANA and her family too...
ANNEMARIE must be in surgery by now...

JudyEddy said...

just got off the phone with road runner and got it fixed now I have all my eamil to do but now I must finish getting ready for work

JudyEddy said...

I am joining also in OUT DAM SPOT

Janet said...

good morning!

such good news on baby Isaac!!!!

thinking of Mema Jo today..............

and thinking of each person, sending light, love and healing, comfort and love...

busy day ahead for me, as for each of you i am sure. i have an 8 a.m. my other two canceled, which is okay too. time to get home, get ready, get set, adn start cooking.

our weather will be warm as is most thankgivings, so will crank up the a/c. but by friday, temps are to drop down again.

have a great day to all!!!!!!

Hoda said...

I just read back and all I have to say is :

I ♥ ♥ ♥ US!!!

Good news on ISAAC,and on MICHAEL.

Safe travels to anyone travelling this holiday...

Hoda said...

Good Morning THELMA...Make it a good one as you say. I love that expression...how is Buddy?

Costume Lady said...

I would guess that Mema Jo and Annemarie are both having their procedures right now, maybe even finishing up. Tonsillectomy doesn't take very long, these days. Maybe Dana can get some Turkey baby food for her little girl...it's quite tasty (GG loves the baby food meats) Hope Jo's procedure doesn't take long...OUT DAMN SOPTTY!

Looking forward to a report from NICOLE on baby Isaac, hope it continues to be as good as last night's report!

Hoping Gene didn't get a deer...absolutely no room in the freezer. I honestly think he would rather shoot them with his camera than his gun. He has softened so much about life over the years, including our 'critters':)
Did I ever tell you that he wanted to be a veterinarian? His aunt, in New Orleans wanted to send him to TULANE UNIVERSITY, but we had just started dating and he didn't want to leave me♥

Have a great day whatever you are getting into♥

Hoda said...

Sweet story WANDA about you The Captain and his aunt wanting to send him to Tulane University!

DANA has a picture of ANNEMARIE taken 15 minutes ago and she was just going in!


Hoda said...

Hard to imagine...tomorrow is 50 years since President Kennedy was assassinated!!! It is so fresh and still shocking in my mind!!!

Lori O. said...

All caught up on the blog here and what wonderful news and great stories to have here at Thanksgiving.

I forgot to say that I'm off today through the weekend!!! YAY!!! I didn't get up until 7 - that's waaay late for me, but wonderful!

Great news about Baby Isaac - unbelievable, really. God is GREAT all the time! So happy for the baby and family.

Prayers today for AnneMarie and JO - OUT DAMN SPOT!!!! Also, GLO's MIL, Michael, THELMA's BIL and Kay for no pain!

LINDA, hoping you have a joyous time with your family. Sounds like a lot of work, but you'll make a lot of memories this weekend. ♥

HODA, I absolutely think you should learn how to do the drumming! It's so you! ♥

Get Well Wishes for GLO & PAULA!

Thanks to SHARON for updating us on the cam. I can't wait! So happy will be the day when we can see Belle and Shep again!

Thanks STEVE for the sighting update! Would love to see a picture if you can.

NatureNut said...

Good Morning to all Eagle Buds.
Hopes, prayers, and good wishes for Jo and Annemarie today.☺ ♥ ☺ ♥

Lori O. said...

Changing my avatar for Thanksgiving and the one LYNNE/Hedgie liked so much. Said she loved the song.

Lori O. said...

Sorry, that should be LYNN!

Hoda said...

Love you LORI!!!
Great Avatar

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Time for todays list of prayers. Gosh so many at the top how can that be. I am not wireless at the moment BUT I am online. HAGD everyone.

magpie said...

It's 9:20 on my work clock

Prayers for Jo

Lori O. said...

Praying for JO!

Lori O. said...

Love you, too, HODA! What a bright star you are on this wonderful planet! ♥

Hoda said...

JUDYE Are you working this weekend or are you home? It is your normal weekend Thursday and Friday. I read a lot about Walmart strikes and feel uncomfortable about you being caught in it. Stay safe.

Hoda said...

ANNEMARIE is on her way home with DANA as per DANA's FB post.

Waiting on JO . Hope to hear from ED...

NatureNut said...

Wow! Annemarie's procedure was quick!
Altho it tasted kind of yucky, I learned as a kid who had tonsils out that Aspergum was good! ☺

Waiting to hear about our Golden girl and praying for all!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Miracles, miracles...Isaac and Michael...now one for our Jo! Prayers this morning!

Now, I have to get with it!! Lots of cooking to do today!


Lori O. said...

LOLLY, Happy cooking! At least you're great at what you're doing!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Ed Lennox just called. The surgeon said Jo made it through the procedure fine. He should be able to leave taking her home by about 1 p.m. God is good all the time.

Hoda said...

Thank You SHAR. YAY JO!!!

Hoda said...

I feel well with my day and off I go to see what it has to offer. Glad to know that JO did well with her procedure and that she will go home...


NatureNut said...

Great news!!! Thx, Shar! Hope next report will be Isaac's test in PM!!!

Lori O. said...

GREAT news about JO! Thanks for posting it SHARON!

Think I will wait a few minutes for the UPS guy to arrive then go downstairs and clean up the Christmas room...maybe bring up a tree, but definitely clean up the room. It hasn't been touched since the workers were here last December doing the waterproofing down there.

Wish I could cook and be like LOLLY and LINDA today! Who else is cooking today?

magpie said...

Thank you very much, Sharon,
and to ED for reaching you there with the good news

magpie said...

need to add that !
do your work little gold markers,
X marks the spot !!!

magpie said...

I missed you while I was
be-bopping to work this morning.
I am sooooooo Thrilled to read you are off through the week-end !

Lori O. said...

Thanks MARGY! Me too. Hope you are having a splendid day.

UPS guy just came, minus one package he admitted he couldn't find...so I guess it's time to go downstairs and get to work! It's always getting started that is the hard part for me. :)

Hoda said...

OK JO and ED should be out of the hospital by now on their way home. I hope she puts her feet up and relaxes for the rest of the day.
Love you JO. Thank you ED for phoning SHAR.

Hoda said...

Off to yoga

Mema Jo said...

I am as good as gold - pun intended
Home and have eaten lunch - had my 1st cup of coffee and a brownie after mac/cheese & 1/2 sandwich. Feet up time but I feel Great! Thank you for watching over me my friends. I felt your presence and it was awesome!

NatureNut said...

We're with you all the time! ☺

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Jo is back on the blog already! She really is a tough ole bird!!!!!! Love you Jo.


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

From Isaac's CaringBridge!!!!

MIRACLE ALERT!!! There is no explanation but the hand of a mighty, mighty God...Isaac had an esophagram in May showing a gap of 3.1cm, another in September showing 4.5cm, another one last week showing 5.5cm-all of which are considered pretty extensive gaps. His esophagram today showed that the inner lining of the pouches are indeed over-lapping and he is ready for surgery!!! We were told to expect about 1 mm (yes, millimeter, not centimeter) of growth per day from each pouch during the growth induction phase so this is PHENOMENAL..everyone is so shocked & excited. Thank you for all those who have kept us in prayer...please continue these prayers as they are definitely not going unheard. The Lord is doing an awesome work here. Blessed beyond measure here in Boston :-)

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

MIRACLE ALERT!!! There is no explanation but the hand of a mighty, mighty God...Isaac had an esophagram in May showing a gap of 3.1cm, another in September showing 4.5cm, another one last week showing 5.5cm-all of which are considered pretty extensive gaps. His esophagram today showed that the inner lining of the pouches are indeed over-lapping and he is ready for surgery!!! We were told to expect about 1 mm (yes, millimeter, not centimeter) of growth per day from each pouch during the growth induction phase so this is PHENOMENAL..everyone is so shocked & excited. Thank you for all those who have kept us in prayer...please continue these prayers as they are definitely not going unheard. The Lord is doing an awesome work here. Blessed beyond measure here in Boston :-)

JudyEddy said...

HODA I am off the two days my noramal days off they can't schedule me evenif they wanted to its a NA day I haven't worked a black fri or Thanksgiving since Jordyn was born that is when I changed my avaiability Yeah me and thanks for worry about me and if they strike they will loose their jobs STUPID people when you get a job in retail you kinow that you have to work on holidays

Lori O. said...

WOW - such awesome news about
JO and Baby ISAAC!
I love how you can feel the excitement from his family!

JUDYE, so happy you're off
and don't have to deal with
Black Friday and all that mess!

I've been washing windows.
Got a huge trash bag
out of downstairs and
feeling good about that!
Still, much more to do.
No nap here today! :)

Sandi said...

Good afternoon all!

Glad to read on FB that Annemarie's surgery went well and she's home.

Also glad to read here on the blog that Jo's procedure went well and she's home and feeling "golden!"

And all I can say about little Isaac's latest CaringBridge post is WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a MIRACLE!!!!!

Headed to the grocery store - for my normal shopping. No cooking for me tomorrow and that's just the way I like it!! Give me a mop and a bucket and some cleaning supplies and I'm happy, but keep me away from the kitchen!

Later all! I ♥ US!!

DanaMo said...

Wow where has the day gone! Sorry I haven't checked in sooner.
I am so tickled to hear that baby Isaac is doing so well. Never doubt the power of prayer.
Aric made it home. The adventure was due to detours around Dayton and then the GPS trying to take them where the road was closed. Ended up back at campus and started over again!
Dad's blood count was low yesterday. Transfusion this morning and a new drug to help with that issue. He got a shot of Neulasta.Wish it was next week already just so we can get the CT and information on how things went. Doc is still very pleased with dad's progress.
Annemarie was very scared this morning. Crying and just really worried...don't you hate those lists of "possible side effects". She did well. Slept when we got home. Keeping on top of the pain medication. One of her friends that lives in the neighborhood made her chocolate mousse and brought it over and they are watching a movie.

DanaMo said...

Mema Jo you sound great. Glad everything went well.

So happy that the camera is in and can't wait for those tree guys to get to it!! I want to see our eagles!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Isaac's surgery is scheduled for Tuesday.

Lolly said...

Our God is an awesome God. We have so much to be thankful for...Michael, Isaac, and Jo. Wahoooo!

Apple pie is complete and pumpkin is in the oven. Jack and Jacob are playing in the workshop. Joey, Laurel and Joseph have gone for a long walk and Bosco, Luke and I are just hanging!☺ Annie is shut in the back of the house with her food and Box.

Turkey and dressing are ready for the oven in the morning. Jack is grilling ribs and baking potatoes for tonight. All is well!

DanaMo said...

Candied sweet potatoes are ready in the frig.
Making stuffing now to put in the turkey in the morning.
Going to get green bean casserole made tonight too.
Monte is making bread.
We are in good shape for tomorrow.

Lolly said...

Now I have Jacob browsing through toy catalogs. LOL

WVJerry said...

Want to say Happy Thanksgiving to everyone here. Been pretty busy ...working 6 days a lot lately. Haven't had much time to anything. Try to spend the spare time with wife and/or son. Hope all is well and if not hope you can find some solace and support here. I'll be helping with the cooking tomorrow. Would like to get out and fish some. Never done much this time of year. Take care all. Looking forward to seeing the whole eaglet process whenever it will start. Sorry to have been so scarce.

Lori O. said...

It's very nice to see you JERRY!

Sorry, you've been having to
work so much.

Glad you could pop in.
Wishing you and your family
a Happy, Happy Thanksgiving!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Lowreeda, I remember aspergum. Do they even still make it?

Hostess definitely going forth with bankruptcy proceedings...

Lots of good news on here today :)

Happy Thanksgiving, indeed!!

Hoda said...

PAULA how is your cold? Are you feeling better?

magpie said...

Well there is some really SWELL news here to come home to...
Bring it ON !!!

Happy Thanksgiving, Indeed !!!

Good Evening, Eagle Pals...

magpie said...

Golden Girl, that is a really cool moniker for Jo!
Not positive who the authoress is:
Please step forward and identify yourself one more time

Lolly, is the WHOLE Pumpkin in the oven ?

I know what you mean, and your place sounds like it really rocking!

I love the Annemarie & pal, chocolate mousse and movie deal, now THAT's the way to recover !!

magpie said...

By is it nice to WVJerry here!
We miss you Jerry; have you been watching the Hostess items fly off the shelf ??

I hope you DO get some time to go fishing !!!

magpie said...

And still praying for the many things on the Horizon...
the surgeries, test results, all illness and healing concerns.....

God Bless Us, Every One !!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

WOW!! What fantastic news about Baby Isaac and Jo!!! Our God is just AWESOME!!!!

Saying prayers for Paula and Glo, that they will be healed, PRONTO!!

Have been SOOO busy, and there's still much to do for Thanksgiving, but wanted to drop in and wish everyone a VERY HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Will try to get here tomorrow morning. Good to see Jerry here!
Have a fantastic day tomorrow!

Have turned on the porch light, and enabled both security systems.
Prayers ongoing for everyone, every creature, and all our furbabies. Sleep tight, with SED!
God bless, and goodnight. I love all of you!
♥♥Thinking of Lynn♥♥
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥\
I ♥ us!!!!

magpie said...

I understand sooooo well the black bag/s of trash details. Done enormous amounts of that here lately, and much more to do !

Some of my late brother-in-law's children are "home" and picking up the torch on the remaining projects for the auction on Saturday.

You can get a little view, though maybe too busy to check:

You must see the '55 Thunderbird, it's a Cutie !!
There is a BIG HOUSE and farm land for auction, but that is not THE Big House that I have been at.

magpie said...

Well, there you are Andy!
and a Happy Thanksgiving to you, Ken, Emma, and all your family...
take time to smell the turkey !
xo ♥

DanaMo said...

That is a nice looking car!

JudyEddy said...

Hello and Good Evening my eaglebudlets Home from work So so happy I don't have to deal with the Black Friday stuff at work I haven't worked one since Jordyns been born Was thinking about switching my NA days to Fri and Sat like I did before but then I would have to work on Thanksgiving day will have to mull that over in my brain before I commit to it
Those use to be my days off until I started watching Jordyn

Such wonderful news on the blog today Golden Girl Jo and Isaac

I am in charge of mashed potatoes for 30 people tomorrow I bought 2 10lbs Do you all this that will be enough One of the bread vendors said they did 20lb for 50 people last year and had a little left over an opinions will be appreciated

DANAMO hope Annemarie is ok she looked so sad in the picture Use a blender and blend her some turkey and sweet potatoes she can eat just mash the heck out of them Blender makes excellent liquid meals toooo

Gettin ready to do some laundry since I won't be home most of the day tomorrow We are going to the pier Jordyn teacher sings down there so figure would give us something to do also then to Angies MIL for meal then back to Angies
She mentioned something about going to the Lowry Park Friday while everyone shops LOL

JudyEddy said...

SIS saw a commerical for Massage Envy the other day on tv

JudyEddy said...

You have to check out the pretty image of the day with Nasa

The Sun erupted with two prominence eruptions, one after the other over a four-hour period on Nov. 16, 2012. The action was captured in the 304 Angstrom wavelength of extreme ultraviolet light. It seems possible that the disruption to the Sun’s magnetic field might have triggered the second event since they were in relatively close proximity to each other. The expanding particle clouds heading into space do not appear to be Earth-directed

magpie said...

don't know about quantities for potatoes, JudyE,
so it will just have to be
First Come, First Serve,
and You Snooze, you Lose!
Good luck with all that, and make sure you have pounds of butter !

Enjoy your family time ♥
and your pretend retirement for two days ☺

magpie said...

Hoping to see that Paula and
Glo both kicked the sore throat and other cold like symptoms

in time to enjoy the Holidays

(( Wellness Hugs ))

Hoda said...

How many potatoes per bag JUDYE? 2 10 pound bags is what you bought.
Count on 1 and 1/2 potatoes per person as a serving. Some will want less and some will want more...Do you have 45 potatoes?

magpie said...

Hoda ☺
Your suggestion for JudyE is much more practical than mine was...
Good On You !

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

my delete oops do over

JudyEddy said...


│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │


╔═══╗ ♪
║███║ ♫
█ ║ (●) ♫

Sitting hear saying ♫ ♫ ♪♫ ♫ one potato, two potato three potatos four five potato six potato seven potato more ♫ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♫

the two bags are in the truck and don't want to go get them but still got the song in my head LOL

Called June again about 6 and as usual no answer left message

Been on the phone with Angie I love all the stories she tell me about Jordyn
Angie surprised her teacher today tooo one of the guys that work with Angie got everyone a turkey well I guess he didn't think that most people probably already had one so Angie was taking it home she stopped to pick up Jordyn and her teacher was talking to Angie and Angie asked if she was cooking tomorrow and she said yes Angie said of course you probably already got a turkey huh and she said NO so Angie said then why don't you take this 17lb one I have no use for it and no room in freezer Her teacher was so thankful and said that gives me just one more reason why I love you so
She is the teacher that we are going to go watch sing at the pier and she was there once and Angie didn't know she sang and the teacher called Jordyn up to the stage and introduced her to all the people there was so cute Jordyn was superstar that week and she told everyone that Angie really likes her teachers all of them

JudyEddy said...

I like your tooo MARGY BIG TIME LOL

JudyEddy said...

I googled a 5lb bag should serve 10-12 so I will have enough to feed 40-48 I got it covered it seems

Mema Jo said...

I have had a relaxing evening - and I'm feeling great. Like Annemarie, my throat is a bit touchy - I need ice cream too!

God has blessed me today with friends, family, skilled doctor and hospital staff and most of all love from all and support.

I'll always hold all of you in my heart

I love us ♥ Good night!

magpie said...

now you just have to calculate the butter quantities, JudyE...
I could probably eat nothing but mashed potatoes and turkey dressing/stuffing and be perfectly happy.

lovely little turkey-teacher-Angie-Jordyn tale...neat how things work out sometimes

magpie said...

and cranberry sauce

magpie said...

big old doe deer butt in view at Snowman Cam

magpie said...

So, I am taking an Apron and Zip-Lock bags to my Thanksgiving Dinner place...by the time I get there folks will have eaten once or maybe even twice.
I can help with clean up
and packing leftovers ☺
Kind of a simple deal.

magpie said...

It's gotten late suddenly...
Hope all find enough time for some Super Sleep tonight...

Prayers for Wellness, and
of Grateful Thanks for many gifts of all kinds received

Good Night, Precious Pals

Thinking of all my Pals here
with L♥ve

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxox ♥

Hoda said...



Lolly said...

Hi all! Getting on to say good night. Have had a fun filled afternoon and evening. Joey and the boys have all gone to bed, Laurel is headed that way and I am soon to follow.


Love you all! SED!!!!

stronghunter said...

Saying a quick good night to everyone. See you tomorrow.


Costume Lady said...


Capt.Father, Warden Gene came home around noon. It was so good to see him...REALLY missed him this time, more than usual~
He helped me with dinner preps. most of the afternoon and that was a BIG help. Can't seem to do it all myself anymore.

GG is not looking forward to tomorrow, but she couldn't tell me why.

Jillian and Aaron are coming over, so that will be most of the family, except for Karla, the Beach Bum!

Have a wonderful day with family and friends and remember...turkey has triptiphan and may make you sleepy, so PLEASE don't eat turkey and drive!

Good night dear friends, love and blessings for all♥

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals

Happy Thanksgiving Day

My thanks to you ALL for your dear friendship and fellowship ♥

Missing dearly all who are no longer with us...
Having Lynn♥ and
our dear Deb♥, on my mind,
and many other family
and friends amongst us

May we carry their Joyful Spirit with us throughout this day and all our lives, and be happy with others as they were with us

Best Wishes for a
Wonderful Day,
Safe Travels.
And Wellness

xoxo ♥

magpie said...

and a Big Welcome to Father
Captain Warden Gene...
Have Fun, and I hope GG's spirits will be bright and cheerful
after all....

((Thanksgiving Day Hugs,
Everyone ))

Lori O. said...

Good Morning all - eagle family and HAPPY THANKGIVING!!!!

Not expecting much to
happen around here today,
especially cooking!

MARGY, that's a lot of stuff for the auction. Love the property!
My kind of place! Sounds more like you're going to be serving Thanksgiving dinner somewhere! Are
we on to you??? :) ♥

Prayers continue on this special day for all our wonderful friends and family in need.

May we all have a blessed day and make some wonderful memories!

I ♥ us!!!

magpie said...

Hi Morning GLori...

Glad you got to view the auction pictures....
I will be with my late brother-in-law's family, his siblings, and a few of my nieces and nephews and their children at The Big House...
I won't be in charge, just enjoying the labors of their hard work today ☺

magpie said...

I just had a quick look at November 2011 picures of the Sycamore Palace..there was a LOT of activity that month there...
only a couple of pictures from T-Giving Day - Nov 26 -
AND, we were seeing those "smudge spots" on Belle's neck feathers.
And Shep had his name by then!

magpie said...

For anyone having to work this day...
hope it is a friendly day with
extra percs somewhere along the line for you

God Bless Our Military...
they are on duty all the time ♥

magpie said...

speaking of work,
getting ready for that now...

ttfn xox ♥ ☺
"See You from Work "

Lori O. said...

MARGY - hope your work day goes quickly and you're able to have enough time with your family today! Happy Thanksgiving!

DanaMo said...

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Love you all!

Sandi said...

Good Thanksgiving morning Margy, Lori, Dana, and all my eagle friends.

Last November 22nd, I posted this:

sandi said...

Hi all, I have never posted on this blog but always use it as my source of info. for what's happening at the Shepherdstown nest. I keep reading posts indicating that folks have sound; I don't. Can anyone suggest a fix? I had sound during last nesting season. Thx. Sandi

Tuesday, November 22, 2011 5:18:00 PM

So, today is my 1 year anniversary on the blog! Yay me! What I expected from the post was computer advice. What I totally didn't expect was to "meet" a wonderful group of people who cheer for me when things are good and support me and pray for me when things go wrong; who allow me to vent when I'm angry without ever judging me; who encourage me when I'm feeling discouraged. Lynn said it best, "I came for the eagles, but I stayed for the friendships I have made!" So on this special day for giving thanks, I want to say how thankful I am for all of you!!

Great update on Michael from CaringBridge yesterday!! And such miraculous news about little Isaac being ready for his surgery in days rather than weeks!!

Dana, I hope Annemarie bounces back quickly and can enjoy the holiday today! Pumpkin pie may slide down easily??

Taking Bandit to the kennel at 9am - I feel so guilty (he has NEVER been in a kennel). Then, we head to Baltimore with Bella for today and tomorrow to see both sides of the family.

Make it a great day all! I love you!!

DanaMo said...

Safe travels Sandi!

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

T-Bird said...

You said it so well Sandi. ((hugs))

Lori O. said...

Happy BLOG Anniversary, SANDI!

Have a nice time with your family in Baltimore. We'll say prayers that Bandit will enjoy the kennel!

JudyEddy said...

HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all the eagle budlets and buds in the world Hope everyone has a joyous day

Judie said...

Good morning.

Wishing everyone a truly wonderful day to give thanks for our many blessings and to enjoy family and friends.

Costume Lady said...


Everything is cooked, carved, mixed, thickened, baked, steamed and whipped...all ready to take into GG's and 'Heat and Eat'.
Wouldn't it be great if all of us on this blog could sit down together on Thanksgiving?

Thinking of all of my friends on here, including Belle & Shep, and wishing you many blessing and the love of family and friends today...

magpie said...

Oh ! Good Morning More Eagle Pals ! xo ♥ ☺

Google, Great Image today ☺

might be animated....but not for me here at work computer

glo said...

Borrowed from Wanda but i liked it..
"Wouldn't it be great if all of us on this blog could sit down together on Thanksgiving?

Thinking of all of my friends on here, including Belle & Shep, and wishing you many blessing and the love of family and friends today...

Janet said...

Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving to one and to all.....

So very much to be thankful for this day......as I read the blog, I hold each of you in my heart.....

JUDYE: Massage Envy is a fairly big company. It is all the way out west and has been moving east for several years now. I see ads all the time in magazines, etc. They have the $$$ to do this. It takes close to a quarter of a million to open a franchise. And they check demographics, of the area (to be able to support the business), etc....they seem to be pretty good about making this work.

The good thing about Massage Envy, is that they provide massage by LICENSED and INSURED therapists at convenient and affordable prices. Most of the public are uneducated about massage...about therapists and about the effects of massage on the body. At our location alone we have about 25 therapists. Other locations have 35 therapists. It is a busy place.

I hope you have enough potatoes. I count it the way HODA does, 1 to 2 potatoes per person, depending on how big the potatoes are. And lots of REAL butter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YUMMMMMM.

I had some surprises yesterday: (and early this morning!)

Olivia got up yesterday; I knew she was catching a cold so I started her on my anti cold concoction ....but lo and behold, there she stood with a nasty case of PINK EYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Since Tom already had a dr appt for himself (for diabetes management) at 9 something, I canceled my 8 a.m. massage, called the dr and got her in about noon. I don't play with pink eye, it is nasty contagious stuff!!!

I got an early start....usually my oldest Chelsea comes over to help, but I bade her to stay away til today. I wanted Olivia on the drops for 24 hours before anyone else came near her. Being 8 months preg with two kids, she didn't need pink eye running rampant thru her house. Even so, I told Olivia no wrestling, hugging etc. Keep to herself as much as possible today.

I got a lot done before 10;30. When I got back from taking Olivia to the dr (and thankful for drive thru pharmacies!) I continued cooking. I finished up about 8:30 last night.

I got up at 4 this morning to put the turkey in the oven.

Feeling very satisfied with myself....earlier this week I had bought a new turkey pan, with handles and a tray to lift the bird in and out....I was very pleased til 4 this morning WHEN THE BLASTED THING DIDN'T FIT IN MY OVEN!!! I kid you not!

I had a bewildered moment or two and finally just transferred it to a different pan.

So my laugh of the day.

Now the parades are preparing to start. It is my tradition to watch them. Olivia just got up and I medicated her.....will give her some more Reiki and we will enjoy our day.

Dinner is about 3 .

Light and love to all on this beautiful day.....

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Happy Thanksgiving my wonderful Eagle Friends. You folks are way up on my gratitude list. I pray each of you have a wonderful day and find lots to be grateful for. We here at the Riffe/Crisco house are blessed beyond measure. It is a rough week for us but the miracles that we see all around us surely lift us out of the sadness. Love you all so much. Eat too much, sleep too much, and have a grateful day!!!

Lolly said...

HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Turkey is in the oven, yeast rolls are rising. Everything is under control. Watching the parade and wishing they would show us more of the parade instead of all the yakking!

Have a great day! (((Hugs))

Jewels said...

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!! Hope everyone has a great day!!! Love you guys!!

NatureNut said...

"We came for the Eagles but stayed for the Friendships made here!!!!

Blessings to All ☺♥

Mema Jo said...

Good Thanksgiving afternoon to all my friends. Our meal at my son's is around 4:00 -
♥ Wanda, my head will be bowed before the meal and I know each and everyone of your faces will be right there within my heart! I am so thankful for all of you!

Everyone enjoy the beautiful day that God has given to us - The sun is shinning brightly! Be thankful for all that He has given you
I love us ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Just popping in to wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving Day!

<3 you all

Lolly said...

Dinner is over here, kitchen is clean, sipping wine and ready for some football! Cowboys first and then TCU!!!!! FEAR THE FROG!!!!

Hoda said...

I spent most of my day with my American Family on the phone visiting and laughing as they were busy in the kitchen.


Went to a new committee meeting. Grans to Grans have started on a new project. There are 7 of us organizing it and this time the Show date is May 25, 2013.
KAZURI JEWELLERY. Kazuri is a Swahili word meaning Small and Beautiful. So we are going to have a luncheon, catered by the fancy hotel in town.We will display our jewellery, bought from Africa made by African Women. We will have a fashion show and we will highlight the Stephen Lewis Foundation and fighting HIV/AIDS pandamic in Africa.
This group is fun group...good organization skills and good creative ideas.

I hope everyone is having a terrific day. I am so very pleased to read the posts of those who posted and look forward to knowing all the rest are also well.

I ♥ US/A

NCSuzan said...

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

stronghunter said...

Yay, Redskins!!

stronghunter said...

Lots of yelling here.

Hoda said...

OK OK OK what happened I need to know what happened??? FB war is going on with cowboys being eaten up as chicken feed or being made into Turkeys...someone let me know what is happening...

Hoda said...

Off to Yoga.


Mema Jo said...

Looks as though this evening would be a good night for the Hallmark movie at 8.

Today has been awesome.

I love us ♥

NatureNut said...

What a Thanksgiving with the

stronghunter said...

Was pretty close at the end. Very exciting game.

Mema Jo said...

Hallmark movie was very good - I really enjoyed it.

I am closing down earlier then usual.
It has been a glorious day.
Family, friends, food, festive spirits, love and peacefulness.

Good Night and Prayers for all

I love us

Lynn - Skins won for you ♥

JudyEddy said...

Good evening eagle budlets and buds Hope each one of you had a great Thanksgiving I had a good one went to Angies about 930 we hung out peeled potatoes and then went to the St Pete Pier and watch Jordyn teacher sing had a great time Angie and Jordyn went to feed some pelicans and I took a video Its funny you gotta watch it won't tell you what happened but its right after she goes to throw the second fish down on the ground to the pelicans

Angie trying to get Jordyn to feed the pelicans

Lolly said...

Concerning football it has been a bad day in some ways and GREAT in others. TCU beat U of Texas!!! A great defeat!

Boys are finally in bed, Laurel is already comfy, think it is my turn.

Laurel and I are heading to see Breaking Dawn in the morning. She has already seen it but wants to see it again! And, I wanted her to go with me!

Hope everyone has had a great day!

See you tomorrow! Nite! SED!!!!

magpie said...

Good Night, Precious Pals...

Lots of bright, cheerful, uplifting and loving words on here today

Happy Thanksgiving Night...

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxoxox ♥

Hoda said...

How so very mature, grown up and down right AWESOME...NO WaR ON THE BLOG!!! You all actually watched the football game and here we all are still talking to one another. I ♥ US

Glad you all had such a good day and May the year continues to bring you many opportunities to feel gratitude and to celebrate... It is my favourite holiday of the year.

Hoda said...

In Yoga the teacher is American and so we had a Thanksgiving Practice. Very powerful...

Costume Lady said...


HODA, the Redskins won the game against the Cowboys. This is perhaps the most watched game by the Redskin and Cowboy fans. These two teams always play each other on Thanksgiving day...score was 38 to 31:)

Our dinner at GG's was such fun. We ate Buffet style because it is easier that way when we have a crowd.
It was so good to have Jillian and Aaron there for a change! Marriage seems to agree with the newlyweds. In the one month that they have been married, they adopted a dog, but had to send her back because she barked all day and the Landlady lives in the apartment, also and Karla had to go and take care of matters (Jillian works in Fairfax...1 hour away). So, they took the dog back to the shelter and got another dog...this one barked all day, also...Karla took this one back to the shelter.
Jillian, being a BIG animal lover, had to have a pet, so the two of them bought a dwarf rabbit!! Lord have mercy on that situation:)

GG was not as cheerful as she has been, ate a fairly good meal and went to bed early.

Good night dear friends, love and prayers for you all♥

DanaMo said...

Good morning. Anyone going out to fight the crowds?
Monte and I might go out just to go look at how crazy people are being. We don't even need anything What could we need?
Had a wonderful meal with my parents. So grateful for our family time with them. Dinner was great, mom made awesome desserts that will last well into next week! Great having Aric home, and Annemarie even got to eat a little. She was definitely feeling sorry for herself!

Janet said...

good morning to one and to all.

up so i can get ready for work shortly.

i did NOT shop last night or this morning. i SLEPT. i went black Friday shopping once...never again. yikes.

yesterday was great. a lot of work. we ate outside on the deck. it was 70 and beautiful. such a nice day. thanksgiving ususally is here, but like right now, its raining and colder temps are to arrive in a few hours. funny how every year the fronts follow the same basic pattern at about the same day....

my grandson (age 5) took some deviled eggs yesterday. mind you, this is a child who is an extremely picky eater.....he THOUGHT they were cupcakes. he was in for a big surprise when he bit into one!!! that was my chuckle of the day.

not a lot else. we are heading towards a split here in a bit. i will be at work....

so i will see you all later today! hugs, light, and love to you all!

Sandi said...

Good Friday morning Dana, Janet and all my eagle friends. Had a wonderful family filled Thanksgiving Day. No black Friday shopping for me - you couldn't pay me enough to be out there today!

Wanda, I hope the rabbit is a male. We got Kevin a rabbit for a pet after it turned out that he was allergic to the cat we had gotten as a pet. Named the bunny Bambi. Should have named her Cruella DaVille - she was the meanest furry creature I have ever met!!! I later heard that male rabbits are much nicer.

Need to pick Bella up from my sister's and head home to pick up Bandit from the kennel. Make it a great day all.

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

JudyEddy said...

Good Day after Thanksgiving Eagle budlets and buds

JudyEddy said...

I am having cable box issues

JudyEddy said...

Getting ready to head out to go to Angies to go to Lary Park Zoo Carl is working today so its just Angie, Jordyn and I

Cable co thinks I need a new box it keeps going off I have to keep unplugging It did it yesterday in the am but worked last nite and today just won't stay on

JudyEddy said...

Burr its cold here LOL My icon in my weather says is 46° suppose to get to 71° so will be a long sleeve day for me

glo said...

Good morning everyone. I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. Today is our annual Craft Show at the Convention center. My neighbor and i go together every year. I am feeling some better but will have my Kleenex and cough drops in hand and off we will go. Dex will stay with her hubby and beg for more treats. It works well for all of us :-)

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals....

Happy RED Black Friday...
God Bless Our Military

we are going to SPLIT very soon...
especially if I ramble on a bit
but I need to read backwards first

xoxox (( All Day Hugs )) ♥

Lori O. said...

Good Morning - finally a Friday! everyone!

Count me amongst you who didn't go shopping last night, or won't go today either! Did it once for the station and the rush of the crowd at a huge mall at midnight scared me to death.

Glad to hear everyone had a happy Thanksgiving.

PAULA, gets the extra bonus of being at the beach! Hope you spot some eagles for us!

WANDA, I hope GG had a better time at dinner than she thought she was going to have. Sounds like everyone else had a happy time. Well deserved!

GLO, do you have any special picture taking projects on your agenda coming up? I love hearing what you're up to. You pick such good causes!

HODA, your African fashion show and all sounds like a fabulous and fun idea! Cheers to you!

JUDYE, URGH. Hate dealing with the cable company! Good luck!

DANAMO, Sounds like you had a special Thanksgiving. Enjoy your people watching should you and Monte dare to go out there! :)

SANDI, hope you get all your errands done and Bandit tells you he had a great time at the kennel!

SHARON & BEV, glad you made it through this tough time for your family. Big Hugs!

I think I will do some Christmas decorating and bring up the tree. Love this time of year!

I also LOVE US!!!!

Any bets on how many days til we get the cam? I'm hoping for tomorrow! Today would be nice! ♥

magpie said...

It continues to be nice and heartwarming to read of good Thanksgiving Day Happenins'

HELLOOOOOO T-Bird and Buddy
peep peep peep from my part of WV to yours ! xoxo

magpie said...

And we jump over to the other side now ☺

Have to make dough and a lot of it today....am off for the next four...Auction is Saturday, lots of little loose ends to tie up...


magpie said...

Funny about those deviled eggs, Janet! That's a hoot, almost as funny as your turkey roaster pan NOT fitting in your oven at 4 a.m.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...