Tuesday, November 20, 2012


New thread.  One of the eagles was still on the top limb of the tree when I left yesterday at 5 PM.


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Costume Lady said...

Bev, am I to assume that this surgery is being done through his mouth and not an incision in his chest? I do hope so~
Prayers all day for baby Isaac!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

No Wanda, it is through the same incision I think. It is the length of his right side, I think. Bless his heart. Tom said he will have to get him a tattoo when he is grown to cover the scar.

magpie said...

Hello, Hello ?
May I come in?
I've been away a day
or so, but I did
want to tell you:

There is a Brand Spanking New Fresh Tuesday Thread !!

(hardly seems fair that I get THIS feather does it...? ☺ )

stronghunter said...

Good early afternoon,

Am working on sending paint colors to the contractor. Trying hard not to do anything that might delay the work. Also found a coupon for the paint store and printed that out. We may want to use that to buy some extras.

T-Bird said...

Good Monday morning my eagle peeps.

T-Bird said...

Yay happy, happy, happy to the Redskins.

T-Bird said...

I still excited by the win.

Lynne2 said...

THELMA!!!! You are on the wrong thread!!!!!!!!

T-Bird said...

RGIII sent a Facebook message out that tests show his knee injury is not too serious. I hope that is the case this morning. I'm not sure if it was him or Adam Schefter that thanked everyone for their prays and that they really do work. I thought that was really great.

Lynne2 said...


T-Bird said...

It took a while but I made it over with some guidance from Lynne2 and Eagle-Eye Shar. : ))

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...