Tuesday, November 20, 2012


New thread.  One of the eagles was still on the top limb of the tree when I left yesterday at 5 PM.


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magpie said...

got to run...
ttfn xoxo

"See You Later On" everyone...

Prayers for Wellness....
All the time, every day
xo ♥

T-Bird said...

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.

T-Bird said...

Lynn was sure with the Redskins yesterday. ((hugs))

magpie said...

And same to you, T-Bird...
You, and all the Southern Delegation including all Pets !

DanaMo said...

Apple pie for breakfast!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning - it is great hearing all of your Thanksgiving day's adventures.
Family and good food! Thankful we didn't lose any Momsters who went to the Black Friday WalMart stores. lol
Never in my lifetime have I done that but I do remember my hubby Once did it to get a jacket for our one granddaughter. Surprised the devil out of me.

Today should be productive but not so sure it will be - I'm still in Thanksgiving mode!

I'll check back in later today.
Have a happy day ♥

glo said...

Lori Yes Lori actually I do plan to do the photos with Santa pictures again for the shelter Christmas party on Dec 7. I love that time with the kids we have had come through during the year. our Santa and Mrs Claus are the same every year and do a wonderful job with the children. I have a sitter lined up for Dex as he no longer is able to go to this party but he will have his treats and special time right here at his home.

Mema Jo said...

Dana, I knew you were my kind of person! Pie in the sky!

T-Bird - I sure was thinking yesterday at the game about our Lady Lynn - I know she was cheering and I am so thankful they didn't let her down!


magpie said...

Apple Pie, for breakfast, lunch and dinner would suit me ☺

Good Morning, More Eagle Pals...

xoxoxo ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Yay for the skins!!

Heading out fishing for rockfish today...wish us luck!

Love you all

Will catch up later

NatureNut said...

Happy Day After Turkey Day!!!
Guess lots are busy, but like Lori, I'm not going near any stores either!!!!
I think I will try to energize myself enough to make my Mom's pumpkin chiffon pie recipe! We spent yesterday at stepson, Dennis's home with his maternal grandmother, (92 & going strong),his uncle, and sig. others' 2 grown kids and grandkids. Dennis said he did ALL the cooking!I took a yam & apple dish. We have leftovers, but no dessert. Don't really need it! Too full to have any last night! I took my Park keys as we go past that road there. I thought I might scout for any eagles, but it was too dark on the way home!
I heard Dennis when scraping off plates say something about "saving this for the possum"!!!!!! I'll have to send him my pictures!
Enjoy your day, BBL ☺ ♥

Lolly said...

Good afternoon!!! Boo Hoo!! All is too quiet around here! No family, no dogs! Annie is very happy, though!

I do NOT do the black Friday thing either. However, Laurel wanted to use her last day of vacation to do some shopping. So, we went to Target about 8:30 this morning. No crowds at all! We found what we wanted and were home in no town. While we were shopping Joey loaded up boys and dogs into his truck and they headed home. Then Laurel and I went to see Breaking Dawn. It was sooo good! She has now headed home and even stopped at Academy and bought one more item. She is feeling good about her Christmas shopping. I do too, in that we discussed a lot on what to get and I got some of it this morning.

DanaMo said...

Eating again.
Never left the house. Decided there wasn't anything worth it. Don't know how to make smiley faces and hearts on my new computer. It was tough to figure out on the old one, but I did, now I need to figure out how to do it on this one. Dang!

DanaMo said...

Yum...rockfish. Did you catch any Paula?

Hoda said...

Awesome to read your posts on Thanksgiving experiences meals and shopping or none!!! It is quiet in Nelson. We are shut back in and I am thinking I need a SAD lamp...pharmacies are out...so other Nelsonites had the same thought it is obvious!!!
I wonder if my health insurance will pay for it? I have to phone and ask.

I drove in the snow on the highway today and it was good. I took a pair of pants to my seamstress because the hem needed to come up more...she did then over again and did not charge me. They have a very steep driveway and I had no idea how I was going to come down it again. Her husband was kind enough to turnn the car around for me and tell me it is a fast slippery driveway so to apply the breaks...I was very grateful for that visit.

Carol in Connecticut was cleaning closets and found a silk dress that belonged to Mom. Hope had gone shopping with her for it. Through a whole bunch of email exchanges I now will have this awesome silk dress...stunning in colour. Susan also thought it would look good on me. I feel very happy and grateful. I will wear it for the Christmas Lunch and Concert...

Tomorrow a lecture on how to deal with cold and flu season using food and herbs as medicine. In the afternoon I will go to a three hour yoga workshop...really looking forward to it.

Did I say we are shut in again today? Well we are. If my nose was not attached to my face there are times I would not be able to see it...LOL!!! Heaven knows it is a large enough nose!!! LOL!!!

Lolly said...

Oh, Hoda...spring will come again. Try to enjoy the solitude...reading and blogging.

How fantastic to have Mom's dress. They are so sweet to share it with you. I have little things around the house that belonged to my mother. I love them! Also, have a very special bracelet that daddy gave to her. I wear it to church every Sunday. Do not have clothes as she was smaller. I am taller than she was by several inches.

It is 63 right now. A very windy and cooler front came through last night. Have gathered close to 200 pecans today as it is so windy. Just when you think you are through, down they come!

DanaMo said...

Can't believe I am still working on this SMART certification. But, alas, I am. I think I finally have the last 2 Notebook lessons completed and ready to post. I also have to complete paperwork to go along with the lessons and post that too. Not sure how long it takes to get the cert. but I am ready to take another class. There is so much to learn and so many neat things to do with the SMART board and Notebook program. Took a long nap in between work, and had a nice long nap. I hope to finish in the morning when I am fresh again.

Sandi said...

Evening all!! We are back in Bethany!

Denny's new van was parked in the driveway when we got home. Bill had put the first coat of burgundy paint on the bottom part of the walls in the foyer. By this time next week, the ground floor will be back to normal and Hurricane Sandy will be just a memory!

Bandit did great at the kennel, but he was really happy to see us! Will call on Monday to book a "room" for him for a few days at Christmas time.

Off to fix food for people and pets! Later!

Mema Jo said...

I also have been home bound all day long! Loved it. Some of the children came over this afternoon to visit.

I am having hubby tape for me the Celtic Christmas Special - That way I can listen to it anytime.

BBL to check on all of you

Hoda said...

Welcome home SANDI. Glad things are looking up. Did you and DENNY meet up with PAULA and LARRY?

I went to a pharmacy after I talked to my insurance company and they indeed will pick up the tab for a SAD lamp and this one pharmacy had it so I went to get one. It was on sale too so I felt better about spending the insurance company's money.

LOLLY it will be alright and I will stay active outdoors too. It is just that I am getting zero sun energy when I go out so I needed the SAD lamp. This year is very different than the previous years here. I had heard them talk about how it shuts in here and now I know.
The good thing is people are taking extra time and are being extra friendly because we are all missing the sun so much...today even the mountains were hidden, not just the blue skies...JO says to keep my socks on and this too shall pass. I love it.
As of tomorrow I will start with the SAD lamp in the morning and sit infront of it for 20-30 minutes...I will let you know how it is in a month's time...they say I might need that long to see if I could see a difference.

Lori O. said...

HODA, so glad you got the SAD light box! I have one too, and they do help a lot.

Anywhere above a certain latitude, (and I can't remember the number), it's impossible to get enough sunlight in the winter time because the sun is in a lower orbit. Hope that makes sense.

magpie said...

Good Evening Eagle Pals...you folks pack a punch even though things have been pretty quiet today....

Lolly, we are getting your wind now and that cold front...not what I had hoped for in the weather department for the auction Saturday, but...it's all good, maybe sign of some sort and I am pondering that.

Hoda, wonderful about your Mom's dress! And Yay about that SAD lamp...go for it, alrighty !


magpie said...

Sandi, Welcome Back, all sounds good and about to be GREAT at your roost soon...
Good Riddance SandY The Stormacane !

Lynne2 said...

Evening all!

Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving....and it seems by the posts that everyone did!

Please pardon my absence of late from the blog. I'm keeping up as best I can, and praying for everyone!

magpie said...

Jo and DanaMo
Good On You....a stay at home day....
good luck with the SMART things, DanaMo....I know you can do it !


magpie said...

Oh! Loving that avatar, Lynne...
Good to See You !

magpie said...

Absence is Pardoned, of Course !

I'm about to become absent right now for a bit....

ttfn xoxoxoxo

magpie said...

Hi also to Lori, and yes, what you said makes sense, the sun in a lower orbit ☺
Enjoy your yet another day off to come !

Hoda said...

I put a picture of Mom Batchelder's dress that was gifted to me today by Carol Susan and Hope. I think it is very cheerful and I love silk...Thank You MOM

glo said...

I just want to say Thank You to those who ordered a print of X Marks the Spot to help with the fundraising for Emily. All of the checks are here. I will deposit tomorrow morning and bring $200 to the Animal Hospital with your help. I will update her status here and on facebook after talking with the vet tomorrow as well. Thanks again everyone and keep the prayers coming. I believe the plan was to transport her to a hospital here in the cities which of course will be much closer for her family and friends to visit etc and hopefully her little girl too.

magpie said...

Thank YOU, Glo, for bringing this to share with us....
I hope Emily CAN be close to her family and friends...
I'll be keeping the prayers going....

magpie said...

"Good on You," Glo
as our pal Hoda would say !

Hoda...dress sounds so very Beauteous, as our pal Shirley would say!

I like to plagiarize a lot, can you tell !

Lori O. said...

Good luck and hopefully lots of big sales tomorrow at your auction, MARGY!!!

magpie said...

Thanks, Lori... I am just a little spoke in a BIG WHEEL....I know this is a profound undertaking from all angles for my nieces and nephews...
and I am really praying hard for all of them, and for tomorrow's happenings...

magpie said...

Best I move away from the subject now ...
I thank everyone for all your support and encouragement for all of us

magpie said...

I'm loving the thought of Ed taping the Celtic Christmas Special show for Jo !!

That's a good show for any time of the year !

Wondering if Loretta got that pumpkin chiffon pie made...yummo!
I could have me some of that !
Cracker Barrel had a good pumpkin mousse kind of dessert for awhile...not on the menu anymore!

magpie said...

So I be quiet now and rummage around for a few vehicle titles and car and tool manuals that I have been bringing here for safekeeping and then to Bed!

Lovins' to All....hope that Sweet is Sweet and especially Restorative!

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxoxox ♥

magpie said...

Sweet is Sweet ? For Sure!
Make that
Hope that Sleep is Sweet !!

paula eagleholic said...

Evening all

Had agreat day fishing...caught a 28" rockfish...Steve, who is Larry's friend and whose boat we were on got a 34"...and Larry had one that got off...had a blast

Hope everyone is doing well

Put a pic on FB of me and my fish

Lori O. said...

PAULA, that's a big one! How many will it feed, or did you already eat it?

Time for bed here. Got the tree up today!!!

Love you ALL! SED and AYOP!

Mema Jo said...

Good evening - we have had some rain

Sounds like good fishing weather...
Hope you can get with Sandi & Denny now that they are back home.

I sure hope your SAD lamp keeps you happy!

I wish for the auction to go well for the family, Margy.

I am going to close down for the day - I have been feeling well and comfortable.

Good Night friends! Sleep soundly with AOYP........ Love us ♥

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds. We got caught up in a Public TV British mystery called Midsummer Murders!!! Lots of twists. It was on right after the show about MD Lighthouses which we missed! They'll probably repeat, I hope.
Rockfish for Paula!!!!Sounds like great fishing~~the cold is coming next.
Margy, good luck on the auction tomorrow!
Hoda, keep that sunshine going!
Glo, what a big $$$for Emily. Lots of prayers for her.
Lolly, did the Frogs win last night? I didn't see the end. Hope they did--that will relieve some of the anguish from the Cowboy game!
Lori, you've got the Xmas spirit early w/the tree up! Is that from work!!☺
Getting late so Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>) and Prayers for Good Health for ALL and our specials--Isaac, Michael, Jo, Emily and all on the list ♥

stronghunter said...

Wanted to say good night and wish everyone SED.

See you tomorrow.

Costume Lady said...

Gene and I are headed to bed so we can get up early and head to Margy's family auction. Gonna be cold...need some warmies and hoodies, and boots, too!

Wind is blowing pretty fierce right now, hope it stops by morning!

Good night friends, sweet dreams, love and prayers for all♥

JudyEddy said...

Popping in to say goodnight Had a great day with Angie and Jordyn at the zoo Loved it stopped at the cable co on the way back from the zoo after dinner watched a movie with Angie and Jordyn then came home to pug in the new cable box I picked up from the cable co and it took a while to connect so was gonna call the cable co she said it would be just like a boot to connect but it went through a series of things so I found the phone as NO LINE and then of course I checked the computer as no service the last email was in my box was 5pm so it had been off since about that time and finally got it all back then watched tv posted just a couple of pic on facebook of the day Loved but hated seeing the eagles there they looked to be feathered down they were out in the open with just a small mote of sort but really close got some video and pic too

Lolly said...

Loretta...you are so sweet! Yes, the Frogs won. Great game! And, yes it did help. lol

Jack and I had a fire tonight and watched a Masterpiece Theatre program we had recorded. Watched the news and then read. I am about to do a face plant, been staying up late and getting up early.

New picture on fb of Isaac is precious. Prayers continue.

Had Thanksgiving dinner again tonight. Oh, so good!!!

Night all! SED!!!!

magpie said...

Good Saturday Morning Eagle Pals...

Best Wishes for a Super Saturday!

Wow, Paula....what a fishing expedition ! Bravo !!

Prayers for Wellness and all good things amongst us...

Headed out soon to brave the elements and be outside all day at the Auction....
Hoping to see Wanda and Gene ....
We'll all be so bundled up we might not recognize each other!

xoxox (( Hugs )) ♥

Sandi said...

Good Saturday morning Margy and all my eagle friends! Chilly here this morning!

Margy, hope the auction goes well today!

Hoda, the SAD light sounds very interesting - bet most folks could benefit from one of those during the dark winter months! Paula and I are not getting together for dinner tonight. Notre Dame plays USC at 8pm so Denny refuses to leave the house at 7pm to go to dinner and Paula and Larry couldn't make it earlier. Another time.

Prayers continue for Micael, Jo, Dana's dad, Thelma's brother-in-law, Glo's Mom, Emily, and little Isaac!

Make it a great day!

DanaMo said...

Good morning. Very chilly out there this morning. I think I even saw a few flurries when I went out with the dogs.

Sitting here enjoying my coffee thinking about all the school work that I still need to do this weekend. Teachers have it so easy...8-3, 5 days a week and summers off! Guess I bought into that joke! I have report cards to write, lesson plans to do, finished my SMART paperwork and submitted it, still need to work on my "religion" class! urgh! I need a nap just thinking about it.

Glad Bandit did well at the vet. Sounds like you were showered with love upon your return.
Paula's fish looked wonderful!
Prayers for all those in need.
Good luck Margy on the auction! It's cold out there!
Ready for our eagles. Can't wait to see them again!!I miss the HP alerts LOL!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle budlets and buds chilly again this morning in Fl To each and everyone out there I hope you have a great day in whatever your plans are

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Eagle Friends!

DANAMO is right - very cold and windy here today! Whew! Hope you get all your teacher work done, Dana.

MARGY, good luck with the auction today. Wish I could be there. Looks like a lot of great things from all the pictures. I hope it goes as everyone is hoping. I'm sure it's a sad day, too. Big Hugs.

JUDYE, so glad you got your cable back, and that you had a fun day at the zoo! I used to live close to the zoo in LA, but hated seeing all the animals caged up so I only went once!

HODA, wondering how the light box will work for you this morning - if you'll notice any difference today?

KAY, hope you're enjoying your weekend and feeling NO PAIN!

SANDI, are you playing tennis today? It's a Saturday and you didn't mention it.

Prayers continue for JO, Baby Isaac, Michael, DANAMO's Dad, SANDI's Mom, THELMA's BIL, GLO's MIL.

T-Bird said...

Good morning my fine eagle peeps.

Sandi said...

Lori, tennis tomorrow but not today! House cleaning the upstairs and doing laundry is on my today's agenda. Also helping Denny to get ALL of his hundreds of tools out of my foyer and into his new van.

Dana, NO school work for me this weekend! There are things I could do but nothing that has to be done - YAY! Only folks who aren't teachers and/or aren't married to teachers would buy into that no evenings, no weekends, and summers off teacher propaganda!

JudyEddy said...

LORI this zoo really don't have cages they roam free in open spaces Not like the zoo when I was little that is for sure

Janet said...

A quick good Saturday morning to one and to all....

I don't have many yuck days at work, but yesterday was one. I was very glad when it was 2 p.m.

I came home and got in a better mood by going outside, trimming the mums and Tom and I put up some of the new holiday lights. Might do some more today. This is the earliest that we have ever put lights up.

Had a lazy night, reheated left overs, sat on the sofa, watched some recorded shows and went to bed before 10. I slept late, til 8:30 this morning. I don't remember the last time I slept that long without being sick.

Olivia and her brother, Michael are getting ready to go ice skating this morning. Tom and I have a few things to do, then the grandkids are spending the night. Give the kids a last night out before this baby comes into the world. After that, life gets crazy for them.

Have a great day to all. GLad everyone had a great thanksgiving.....and sounds like Friday was good for all. Am thinking of those working this weekend in the retail realm. So glad I am not there in that place....people can be so rude and mean.....I try to avoid stores this weekend if at all possible!

HUgs to all!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Hang in there teachers....! Retirement brings endless vacation!!! You actually get to the point you do not like weekends. LOL People then crowd the grocery store!!

Trying to decide what to do today. It is time to deck the halls and I have one bathroom done. lol However, I guess I should clean house first! Having 4 extra folks in the house, including two boys plus two dogs, leaves were brought into the house! Jack mulched leaves Wed AM but you would never know it. The leaves are really falling!

Jo, enjoy your visit with Michael. Prayers continue for you, Michael, and little Isaac.

Have a great day!

glo said...

Well I have been to the bank and then the Animal hospital and then drove by the Marina. Saw 2 adults in the sky and a juvie perched in a tree. I am sure these are the locals. no real sign of any migrating in birds just yet BUT with the leaves gone you can see them I forgot to stop at the grocery so after a hot drink "IT's really cold today" I will head back out to the grocery as well Dex needs some dog food LOL.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning - Someone really turned off the heat outside - Winter coat and scarf/gloves time. We are headed down to see Michael for the afternoon.
He had called last evening and knows we are coming.

Everyone have a good day - it isn't Sunday yet.. one more day before you can really rest!

Love you all TTUL

glo said...

Wanted to share over here what I also shared on fb as I dropped off the donation check. "I dropped our donation off for Emily this morning. I wanted to share with you what the sign out front says. Please do remember to pray for her and her little girl. She has been moved to a Rehab Facility here in the Quad Cities. Her daughter is able to visit her. She remains stable but I am told she still has a long road to recovery. Thanks to all of you for your print orders. The receptionist seemed pleasantry surprised when she saw the amount on the check. That made me feel really good and proud of my friends. The sign out front says Prayers for Emily

Mema Jo said...

Our visit with Michael was extra good. Very talkative about his
daily doings and his tons and tons of cards! Can't thank everyone enough - I need to get him a larger box to hold them all. He is so very hopeful and thankful for everything that has been and everything that will be. He says Hi to all! ♥

Off to Mass soon

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Glo from the bottom of my heart for doing this much thoughtful gift and yes, Prayers for Emily for sure.

JudyEddy said...

Good evening eagle buds and budlets home from work and need to get a shower
This is the NASA image of the day pretty pretty

The Hubble Space Telescope has spotted the spiral galaxy ESO 499-G37, seen here against a backdrop of distant galaxies, scattered with nearby stars. The galaxy is viewed from an angle, allowing Hubble to reveal its spiral nature clearly. The faint, loose spiral arms can be distinguished as bluish features swirling around the galaxy’s nucleus. This blue tinge emanates from the hot, young stars located in the spiral arms. The arms of a spiral galaxy have large amounts of gas and dust, and are often areas where new stars are constantly forming. The galaxy’s most characteristic feature is a bright elongated nucleus. The bulging central core usually contains the highest density of stars in the galaxy, where typically a large group of comparatively cool old stars are packed in this compact, spheroidal region. One feature common to many spiral galaxies is the presence of a bar running across the center of the galaxy. These bars are thought to act as a mechanism that channels gas from the spiral arms to the center, enhancing the star formation

JudyEddy said...

Good to hear Michael is getting along with a speedy recovery shouldn't surprise us he comes from good stock

Lovin the pictures of Isaac on FB today happy to hear he is doing good tooo

GLO good news about the young lady I wish I could have helped but I just gave what extra I had to baby Isaac (my $ Jar) :Love the jar

magpie said...

Howdy Eagle Pals...
thawing out here, Whoo Boy the winds and the colder temperatures made for some serious bundling up!
I was so glad to see The Captain and First Mate....Wanda got two things she wanted....we were all so bundled up it was hard for us to recognize each other :)
Thanks for coming, Wanda and Gene !

magpie said...

So the auction is over, not sure how the family "made out" but I think a lot of folks got some good deals...the crowd was pretty good, a little shy in the Girl Department....but some die-hard auction fans were there pretty much to the end!
T-Bird will soon have a new owner, once his check clears and we find the daggone title !
Thanks again for all the Good Wishes and Positive thoughts, Pals

magpie said...

I see some good reports here on
everyone's doins'
That's always nice to come home to!

magpie said...

oh I should say THE T-Bird, don't want to
mix up THAT T-Bird with OUR
T-Bird... ☺

magpie said...

Sweet reports, Glo and Jo...
and from posts here it sounds like
baby Isaac is doing well also ♥♥♥

magpie said...

I bid on, and got...a large amount
of dolls...most will go to
Goodwill once I check them out
and wipe their pretty faces and
straighten out their outfits
...they should find good homes
for Christmas !

JudyEddy said...

I saw this on the news and thought wow what fantastic news even if it can be used on dogs its great news at University of Cambridge they have sucessfully gotten several dogs that were paralized in the hind legs back to walking again by using the stem cells from the dogs nose Amazaing to see
paralysed dog walks again after revolutionary treatment

Mema Jo said...

WOW - I have never liked it that a golf course backed its greens right up to the end of our property BUT I am witnessing the most beautiful Fire Works display from inside my glass door. Wonderful reds and greens! Tis the Christmas Season.

magpie said...

Nice, Jo..something you liked, right in your back yard !

'Night folks,
"I am Slam Wore Out," and there I go again, borrowing another's great phrase: I believe that is our Sissy's

Prayers for Wellness All Around...

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxoxo ♥

Hoda said...

Well the SaD light works very well. I had one half an hour session this morning LORI and it was better than any coffee of tea.
I want to see how it works for a month or so before I make up my mind for sure...

Had a good day with workshops. I feel good about the goings on in my body and the connections in regards to health and wellness.

Very pleased about GLO'S posts well done all who contributed. Great group this is.

LOLLY I want to see your new Christmas tree. I bet it will look stunning and be bright. PICTURES PICTURES PICTURES, Please.

JO happy about your day.

Thanks SANDI sorry you and PAULA did not get together but as you say next time. She caught a big enough fish she could have had all of us there for supper I am sure!!!

Enjoying how everyone is doing the transition from Thanksgiving to Christmas.

Hoda said...

BRAVO PAULA on the catch!

Hoda said...



Mema Jo said...

Saying Good Night and AOYP to all my friends. It has been a very good day.
Michael's caring bridge has a few new interesting comments.

Tomorrow is Sunday - I hope Megan did well with her wreaths to day and that tomorrow she will even do better.

Good night
Peace and Love to all ♥

Lori O. said...

Good Sunday Morning eagle friends!

MARGY, hope the auction went as well as you wanted! Very nice of Wanda and Gene to show up!

LORETTA, yes, I think the Christmas music at work has a lot to do with getting into the holiday spirit early...but I love it!

HODA, glad you could see a difference with the light box! Amazing, aren't they? When you say "better than tea" I know you're serious!!! LOL

PAULA, are you coming home today and having to fight the traffic? Best wishes for safe travels.

JO, keeping you in prayer and so happy you had another great visit with Michael and that he's doing so well.

JUDYE, glad to hear you have a nice cageless zoo! I can see why you like it there.

KAY, How are you feeling? Pain getting better? Keeping you in my prayers. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

LOLLY, pictures please of your new tree! Mine looks exactly like last year - funny how that happens. A new tree is always fun. :)

Speaking of pictures, I need to get my pumpkin quilt pics on my blog...still have to load them onto the computer.

SANDI, good luck with your tennis game today!

Still smiling, and I bet LYNN is too, over the Redskins win.
That RG3 is something else!

THELMA, bet you're still smiling, too!

Prayers for all in need for health restored.

Lori O. said...

Okay, FINALLY, the pictures of
the pumpkin quilt are on my blog! :)

Sandi said...

Good morning Lori and all my eagle friends!!

Lori, the quilt is bee-you-tee-full!! Is it a gift for someone or a keeper for you?

Glad to hear that Michael is doing well and that Isaac is stable.

Finished a very good book yesterday - The Language of Flowers. Don't find the time to read much during the school year; a friend had given me the book during the summer after she finished reading it. Aside from the story line, the book explains the Victorian meanings behind giving many different flowers. Thought of Margy and Megan as I read.

Make it a great day all. Tennis for me and then the rest of the upstairs cleaning that I didn't get to yesterday (b/c I was too busy reading).

DanaMo said...

The quilt is beautiful Lori! WOW! Maybe you can give me lessons.

Good morning everyone. Went to Mass last night so I slept in til almost 7!! I can't believe it. Dogs were quiet so I slept. Amazing. Unfortunately I do have progress reports to work on and that religion paper, and lesson plans! And I notice I have no desire to do any of those things this morning.

Lori O. said...

SANDI, The quilt is a keeper for me since my Mom and I made it together.

No lessons necessary for you, DANAMO! We've all seen your beautiful quilts!

Janet said...

good Sunday morning to all! last week of November upon us....and everyone seems to be in busy bee mode.....

it is cold here this morning, well, chilly. probably about 30. nice and frosty.

the grandkids spent the night so we are watchting the care bears at the moment. i will make pancakes and bacon in a bit, then we will bake cookies, then they can go outside to play. :)

yesterday was a nice lazy day! michael and olivia went ice skating, tom and i wen tand did a little shopping for a friend of ours. there was something that he could use and we went out and found it at a good price and got it. ;) i like doing things like that, finding something someone needs, but they do not expect and get that for them. we aren't rich, not by any stretch, but we do okay and we have the opportunity to help him. so we did.

and, after getting the bins down from the barn with all the holiday stuff, we sat on our butts and watched FRINGE on the sci fi channel. we have somewhat of a n addiction to that show. we watched from about 3 to 11 last night. surprised i didn't dream about it.

some cool news. i have tom agreeing to go to yoga with me. maybe can keep his shoulder stretched out before he has surgery this coming spring. he finally got a tens unit for it....PT took him as far as they could, but until they repair the tendons, he is where he is with it. michael has agreed to watch olivia so we can go. i will give him a few bucks for his time. olivia is no trouble, per se. but at 11 and at night, i am just not comfortable leaving her alone quite yet.

i put out suet for the birds yesterday and an apple for the mockingbird. i keep sunflower seeds out year round as i love to watch the birds. i bet when they notice the extra they will be happy.

all righty, everyone have a great day. it will be happily busy here! :)

Costume Lady said...

LORI that quilt is wonderful and the fact that you and your Mother made it together, is priceless!

Went to Margy's family auction, yesterday and bought a wonderful little cabinet that I plan to use as an 'Island' in the middle of my kitchen. I, also bought an old piano bench. It was a fun and 'full of stuff' auction, but so cold and windy that we didn't stay more than a couple of hours. We had a fun time...Margy met us as we drove in and was very excited...and rightfully so, she helped put the whole thing together!

Have a Blessed Sunday♥

Mema Jo said...

Good morning - sorta bleak out there you know Barren. I keep looking for that first snowflake! lol Just like a kid.
No plans for today - too cold for me to go to Market to get a Megan Wreath. Next weekend will be the time to do it.

Mema Jo said...

Lori you and your mom's Pumpkin Quilt is awesome - a keeper for sure!

DanaMo said...

Just posted to facebook and thought I would share with all of you as well. I was obviously delusional to believe that the holiday would not have an adverse effect on the scale. Yikes!
OMGosh I have never!!

DanaMo said...

I was thinking the same thing Mema Jo. Last year I didn't get one, and it's way to cold this morning. Maybe next weekend. Would love to make plans to meet you for lunch!

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...

Oh Jo...there were snowflakes aplenty (but not a whole lot at one time...) Saturday hereabouts but they were flying fast and never got a chance to land...
I, too, dearly want to get a Megan Wreath, in addition to just plain ol' wanting to get a Megan Momster Hug !

(( All Day Sunday Hugs, Pals ♥ ))

magpie said...

Well Christmas is in exactly one month,
four weeks from this Tuesday....
wheee doggy it's coming along
fast too, like the snowflakes yesterday

magpie said...

I don't have facebook, but I can tell you that all the clothes in my closet have been mysteriously shrinking these last few weeks, just can't figure it out !! ☺

magpie said...

even my bib overalls, the universal outfit with expansion joints !

Lolly said...

Good morning! Slipped up and did not say good night and now I gotta hurry and get ready for church.

Will see you all later!

Have a great day! No time to read the blog....hope all is well!

magpie said...

going to work in a movie date with James the Wise Kidster today, he wants to see
"Wrecking Ralph" so
putting my chores between now and then and headed out pretty soon

Lovins' coming everyone's way,
hope you can all feel them !

xoxox ♥ ☺ xoxo ♥ ☺

DanaMo said...

Yes, the damn shrinking clothes!
Maybe all of us could get together next weekend and get wreaths! Jo, Margy, and anyone else. Would love to see you guys.

DanaMo said...

BTW Wreck it Ralph was loved by Andrew and Annemarie. Andrew saw it twice. He loves movies especially animation. That is what he originally wanted to study.

Hoda said...

Good morning/ Good afternoon.

Beutiful quilt LORI.

On FB I posted twice to C/A and I got a message from her this morning. She is thinking of us and misses us. She is looking forward to a good eagle season.


I am looking forward to seeing the Christmas Trees. DANA/ LOLLY/ BEV have mentioned them.

DANA if you and MARGY and JO meet to get wreaths from MEGAN you must take a picture with the wreaths so we can see you all. EGAN posted some beautiful ones already. JO is this a MEGAN wreath on your FB page?

Hoda said...

EGAN would be MEGAN!!!
LOL sorry

Mema Jo said...

No Hoda - that is a picture of an Advent wreath to begin the season of the four weeks before Christmas. Just a picture from On Line. I will put my pic of the last year's wreath on FB for you a little later.

Mema Jo said...

There you go Hoda
I use my wreath inside on front wall since I have an artificial tree and I miss the smell of the pine. It is a very large wreath -

NatureNut said...

Happy Sunday to all the Eagle Buds. Wow, I think the sun is coming out this afternoon!
Another Football Day today. Wasn't going to watch Da Bears, as all the pros thought Vikings would win. YAY, they're wrong!!Chicago was my Dad's hometown, so we have to root for them too, as well as Steelers--my Mom's family home.
Fubby is still working on Durango brakes.Installed new master cylinder, they pump up fine, but when it's running~~~real low. DUH Online, other folks have had same problems and it's caused by the ABS, anti-locking brake system.You can disable it by removing the fuse! So, I'll be driving his HHR. Might figure out all the buttons!
Tomorrow we may be going South (Pole), Santa's other workshop to pick up a toy. If so, there will be film before 11 PM!!

Mema Jo said...

Dana will try to meet up with you - Megan should be there Sat & Sun next weekend Do contact Megan if you want a wreath and she will hold it for you.

TTUL about it once I know my schedule

DanaMo said...

I don't have Megan's contact information and I don't think I'm friends with her on FB.
Let me know your schedule as I think I am free either day.

glo said...

Awww she is 4 days old. Her 2 year old big Brother had his pictures done last week. Today it was her turn. Mom did sign a release so sometime early this week I will share a photo of our new Baby Girl at the shelter. Prayers for this young family trying to get their feet on the ground once again. Mom is of course very tired but she was very loving and good with her baby. They will be OK. Hope all are having a good day. I had a busy morning and then took an afternoon nap. This cold is much much better but has left me pretty tired out.

Lolly said...

Gee...sure wish I could meet up with some of you, see Megan, and get a wreath. Sigh....

Came home from church and mopped the floors really quickly and then headed out to help Jack with mowing, mulching leaves, blowing and raking. Once again lawn is clean but it will not last long. Still lots of leaves to fall.

LORI...the quilt is priceless as well as beautiful! You can wrap up in it and feels your mom's love!

Joey and Laurel sold last weekend the boys redwood tower and swing set. Jack built it, it was huge with two slides, one a spriral tube, two towers and a climbing wall. Jack put railroad ties around it to hold in mulch that was under it. Yesterday Joey and the boys loaded the rr ties into his truck and they are on their way down here. Jack will just put them out back and we will have them for landscaping. We have some in a terrace out back and they are so old they are rotting.

That is too much info, but the story is we are expecting Joey and the boys any minute. Yea! Laurel has two hours at home ALONE ☺ to clean house. A rare occurrence!

Lolly said...

The auction sounded very interesting, Margy. So glad Wanda got some things she wanted.

Will take pictures of the tree once decorated. It is up, it is lit, but not decorated. It will look just like our old tree, but we know there are no broken branches, no needles falling off, it is prelit, no fussing with lights. It is 7 1/2 feet tall, with 1100 clear lights.

Sandi said...

Good afternoon/evening my eagle friends!!

Wonderful CaringBridage entries for both Michael and little Isaac! Really made me smile!!

Housecleaning DONE!

Laundry DONE (well, not folded and put away, but washed and dried)!

Can't get myself excited about the idea of decorating for Christmas - just want to get everything back in place from the flood.

Dana, hope Annemarie is feeling OK and is ready to go back to school. I guess Aric has headed back to Ohio?

Margy, I'm sure you enjoyed your time with James today - how was the movie?

Shirley, you haven't shared any funny Hunter stories with us lately!

I sure am not happy about having to go back to school tomorrow! 20 school days til Christmas break!

Later all!

Mema Jo said...

I did just post on Momsters' email the Dec b-day schedule. Let me know if you didn't receive the list.

Lolly said...

Thank you, Jo! You're on the ball!

Lolly said...

Joey and the boys are here. They are using the lawn mower and trailer to haul rr ties to the back, one at a time. I think there are 8. Jack drives it with the load and then the boys are taking turns driving back to the front. Jacob's first time to drive the mower. He was grinning from ear to ear!

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

Lolly I am sure you took pictures to remember the day of the kids on the mower My kids always loved going to my mom and dads because they let them ride theirs when they were there

JudyEddy said...

SANDI I am with you no ambition to put up lights at all YET

JudyEddy said...

Good evening eaglebudlets and eaglebuds Been looking at Isaac pictures on fb amazing pictures SHARON and BEV just beautiful ♥ ☺ ♥

I keep forgetting to ask I know he has your BEV last name Riffe. Isaac but exactly how is he related a brothers child, cousin or nephew. Just curious I love the picture of daddy reading to him I was in tears looking at them sooo sweet ♥
smiles and tears at the same time so bitter sweet
sooo happy he is doning so good ♥

DanaMo said...

Aric is leaving any moment now to go to the airport.
Annemarie is going along for the ride and is doing well. She even ate ham for dinner. Not a lot, but some. She also went to the basketball tournament at school last night, so I would say the recovery is going well. I think they say 10 days out is when it can get tricky. I guess as it heals and scabs over there could be some bleeding that we have to watch for.
Didn't get much cleaning done. A little here and there to get some Christmas stuff up. My tree like Lolly's is up, but not decorated. Pre-lit, but with color (that's what the kids like).

DanaMo said...

Oh and Monte replaced all the house lights. It looks great, but he says it's the last year. I think he says that every year.
I also got to put up a wooden Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus that my dad made a few years ago. Will post to picture blog.

Hoda said...

It was so beautiful today and there was blue sky and sun and I feel totally blessed. Thanks JO. I like Megan Wreaths. Like Lolly I wished I was close so I could have one.
I posted pictures on FB of the blue sky and the sun today during my afternoon walk.

Hoda said...

LORI I love you Pumpkin Quilt. It is awesome.

Glad MONTE is off the roof DANA and that the house is well lit. I am glad he stays safe.

JudyEddy said...

I uploaded some short less than a minute each on the blog of the zoo

Two tiger and you can hear a roar 26sec in to the video even over the water falls

Wallaby they say was praying but I see bugs flying around seems to be catching I didn't see the bugs until I viewed the video at home LOL

Waxing Gubbiys Moon this evening from work

The monkey that peed and pooed on cam for us LOL

A 8 day old baby pegmy hippo so stinkin cute got such a good video of him or her

several short but sweet video of the zoo and the MOON

Lynne2 said...

evening all, just checking in to say hello.

We had snow flurries here today for the first time, and for the first time since we moved here, I saw a Cardinal!

RIP Larry Hagman. JR was one of my favorite characters and I was enjoying the new Dallas series.

Mema Jo said...

Ditto Lynne - I also saw my first cardinal couple today. I hadn't seen them for some time. There were quite a variety of songbirds out here today.

Hope you are well - I'm holding my own!

Mema Jo said...

Watched the Ravens win in OT

Going to watch The Good Wife and then get ready for Monday - wait - I am retired.


paula eagleholic said...

Evening, and Happy Thanksgiving weekend!

Home from Larry's, going to grab a bite to eat and catch up...might get interrupted by the Good Wife if it's on tonight :)

paula eagleholic said...

aha, plenty of time to catch up!

Due to NFL overrun, primetime will start 58 minutes late. 60 Minutes will start at 7:58pm, The Amazing Race at 8:58pm, The Good Wife at 9:58 and The Mentalist at 10:58pm.

Lolly said...

Great to see Lynne ( that is her name, right?) on here. Memory of her is fading!

Jack is shelling pecans and I have so much to do that I am just sitting here. lol Think I will go shower and get comfy.

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the info on theGW PAULA need to go set to record next show tooo then I guess

paula eagleholic said...

Sorry to hear about Larry Hagman...loved Dallas, too.

Margy, what an awesome thing to buy the dolls at the auction and then donate them to Goodwill. You have such a big ♥ The auction sounded like fun.

Would have liked to join in on the wreath party..I am closing up Paradise next weekend. Staying through Monday, when hopefully the plumber will come and clear out the pipes, and we will shut off the water until spring.

Had a blast at Larry's place. Hope to meet up with Sandi and Denny next time, when we aren't fishing! Caught 4 rockfish today, I didn't get a rock, but I did get 2 dogfish sharks! I am the Shark Queen, LOL.

We went out to eat for Thanksgiving. We were supposed to go to his friends house, but the lady of the house had knee surgery that didn't go well, so she was in the hospital over Tgiving, and went to rehab yesterday. Her tibia broke (split) when they were putting in the new knee. She will need some rehab and therapy, but she'll be fine. The meal out was really good, but I am missing the leftovers!

Lori the quilt is gorgeous!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, great that the Ravens won! Larry was calling the game to me while I was driving home...heard up to the OT

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, happy to hear you had sunshine today! It warms the heart too, doesn't it?

Hoda said...

Simple things in life make my day PAULA...sun and blue skies are magic...I enjoyed your posts and I am glad you had a terrific time with Larry. I hope the lady gets better soon with her broken tibia.

Remember to take pictures of Paradise next weekend so we can look at them till you go again in the spring...I love it that you rescued the turtles.

Janet said...

good evening all.

sounds like everyone has been busy and had a pleasant day....

i had the grandkids most of the day. we baked cookies, i had them to put frosting on them and decorate them. each took home a tupperware thing of cookies. :) they played outside most of the day as it was sunny and almost 50. we have rain moving in the next few days so that will help to lower their energy levels a bit anyway.

we finished decorating, well, TOM finished decorating the outside today. also went thru the first bin of holiday stuff and cleaned out old/unwanted/broken stuff. as i said this is the earliest we have ever put anything out. i guess the new lights had us excited this year?

we grilled out tonight and then of course it was a bowling. we won the last game....by 3 pins! it was a squeaker, but we won!!!

not a lot else. just wanted to touch base. hope everyone has peaceful and pleasant rest. good night.

paula eagleholic said...

Just hopping back on to say my good-nights!

Missed most of Good Wife, was talking to Michael! I'll catch it later online.

SED, Love and Hugs to all ♥

Mema Jo said...

Welcome home, Paula! Your weekend sounded magnificent. Good Wife was not that good tonight. Shows running late and I am giving up on the TV and getting ready to call it a day.

Prayers for all our needs
Good Night and AOYP

Last week of November - time flys

I love us ♥

Lolly said...

Ouch! Broken tibia during knee surgery. That does not sound good!

Getting on to say good night. Going to get a new vacuum cleaner tomorrow. Ours gave up the ghost today. It was time. Jack says it is my Christmas present...if so, what shall I get him? I know...new clothes for me. I need to look nice for him. LOL

Night all! SED!!!

Hoda said...

LOL LOLLY good response to the vacuum cleaner being your Christmas Present!!!



Costume Lady said...

Oh, don't even want to think about Christmas presents. The past 3 or 4 years, I have been giving money instead of gifts. This year, with the shop being closed, there is no extra money to give. A small meaningful gift will have to do, but, WHAT?
I had bought 1 gift and that is a darling snowman sleeper for Brantley. Don't know what to do with it...I hate to give it away:(

Had a visit from Jillian and Aaron and Willow, the baby bunny...sweet little thing:) They are excited to be putting up their first Christmas tree, together:)

Off to bed with me.
Love, prayers and wishes for a good night's sleep♥

magpie said...

Good Night,
Back on the laptop,
which means:
Back at The Big House....

Wreck it Ralph was a great movie....very clever, entertaining, and a little love story
in there also.

I recommend it!
Glad GDanaMo's Andrew and Annemarie enjoyed it

I've done a sit up straigth face plant if that makes sense...
so it's clearly time for

Pryaers for Wellnness

God Bless Us, Every One

Jewels said...

Good early Morning.
I don't get on here as much as I would like to. I am sorry about that. I am a daily Facebooker. Just seems easier since I use my phone for that.

I would love to meet up and get a wreath too, but looks like SATURDAY IS MY BEST DAY AS I am busy on Sunday.

Margy, I am so sorry that I forgot all about the auction, sure wish I had signed on here to have seen that.
Glad all seemed to have gone well.

Hoping to have a 4 day weekend this weekend. I put in to have Sunday and Monday off.
Going friday to get some shopping done with my sister. lOoking forward to that! If I had planned better, I could have snuck off to the beach! Oh well, Iwill continue to want to go!

Loving the good news I read on Michael and baby Isaac. I love that Caring Bridge website!
Alot of emotions had by me in the last week or so.
Yesterday it hit me Mom has been gone 7 months. I felt her presence with me tho.

I guess I better get back to the dough making as Margy calls it .... got to earn my keep here!
Night and love to all

Someone please let me know about going to see Megan for Wreaths..


Sandi said...

Good Monday morning my eagle friends!

Back to the grind today - UGGHH!!!

Paula, glad you had a great fishing weekend!

Lolly, I got my Oreck vacuum from Denny as a Christmas gift - it was my idea! I actually get excited about all things related to cleaning! How strange is that!

Big medical week coming up for many. Dana's dad's last treatment tomorrow (?), Isaac's surgery tomorrow. When does Michael check out of Kernan?

Jo, don't you have something done this week with your spot?

My sister and Mom fly to Cleveland tomorrow for Mom's CT scan on Wednesday.

Prayers continue for all the needs on the blog. Make it a great day!

DanaMo said...

Yup back to the grind and I do not feel like I was ready!
I love vacuum cleaners. Monte and I joke that I collect vacuums and he collects flashlights. Either is a great gift fo us!

Oh good. Glad your Mom is off to OH this week!

Dad's CT is tomorrow.

DanaMo said...

Jo, do you have something this week? Please let us know. Keeping all those in need in my prayers.

Got Aric's text this morning that he made it back to UD! Three weeks and he is home again. Already booked the flight. I am thinking he might take his car back in January. Of course, it needs to have the little fender bender repaired that Adam put in it. Should be interesting to see how much that costs. Going today for an estimate.

Janet said...

good morning all,

COSTUME LADY: you just hold on to that sleeper as long as your heart desires. there is no need to let go of it right away......sometimes those physical things help us to heal a little bit more.

thinking of our special ones right now: Issac....Michael.....and DanaMo's dad......and everyone else as they need light and love....

another monday. didn't sleep well. brain was "ON" all night. :/ not sure what that was all about.

another week my friends. make it a great one! hugs

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eaglebudlet Bur another 48° chilly start to the day here but with warming temps later 75°

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets. Make a great day everyone.


Lolly said...

Good morning!

WANDA, hold on to the little snowman sleeper. You just might need it again...who knows! And, if you do need it again...how special it would be knowing and remembering who it was for.

Gotta get a move on but slow moving this morning. Looks like I am going to have to put pressure on Jack to get decorations down from the attic. He is dragging his heels. Houses on our street have the lights up. December is going to be a busy month. Laurel's birthday is next week, then we are leaving for three days in the trailer. We are meeting up with my sister and my brother...all of us in our rv's in the Hill Country.

Oh, that just made me think we should go by the eagle's nest! Whoooop!!!!

Laurel and Joey get their "new" house next week. They are going to be moving slowly, painting, installing ceiling fans, and Jack moving bookcases. Going to be very busy, especially on weekends. Also, have a wedding this weekend.

Lolly said...

WANDA, warn them about the bunny. Joey got Laurel a bunny. He ate all the rubber keypads off their remote!!! LOL

Lolly said...

I need to go put my street face on so we can head out!

Have a great day! Prayers for Michael and baby Isaac!!! And, of course, for our Jo!!!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Very slow this morning. I slept in and am still waking up. Need more coffee.

No inside work done on the house yet. I called the head guy at the office and complained. Got a call from my person within five minutes. He says that they will send six people on Friday and do the whole job in one day. I hope so.

Maybe I will go practice my bowling today.

glo said...

Good afternoon. Plates are full not meaning Thanksgiving. HAGD everyone.

Mema Jo said...

♥ Dates: Wed Chest Xray checking markers are still in position
Thurs - Appointment with Surgeon to look at Xray and set up 3 radiation treatment dates for the next week I HOPE

No discharge date yet for Michael
Still able to be at Kernan's
Looking for Assisted Living home

He had an outside trip to Home Depot today and then a cup of coffee with one of the staff. Still has his 3 therapy sessions daily. Jenny called last night and he answered and said -
Hold on for one minute! A full sentence as he was saying good night to some visitors. ♥ God is good ♥

Mema Jo said...

Sandi your mom is in my prayers! I know your heart is with them

Baby Isaac you will do just great! What a fantastic family you have ♥

Dana - hope your dad's report is CLEAN ♥

DanaMo said...

New French doors on the house today! Yipee, with the built in between the glass panel blinds!

stronghunter said...


Practiced bowling.

Wondering how six people can do all of the necessary work here in one day. Can you really do drywall and paint in the same day? I do not really think so, but . . .

Mema Jo said...

All that work may be tape recorded for the Record Book! lol It is going to be a big production day and I hope it all goes right into place for you Shirley!

Mema Jo said...

Update on Caring Bridge:

Dad has been given one more week at Kernan. So as of right now his discharge is Dec 2. That will give us some more time to look into assisted living facilities for dad so that he can get back and forth to Kernan for his continued therapy.

** Only discharged IF living quarters have been found. Kernan is still working with us for arrangements. He is still receiving his 3 therapy sessions daily. I think Michael has become an asset to them lol! ♥
God is Good All the Time

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hoda said...

Prayers JO for Wednesday and for the appointments to follow. A prayer circle formed around you for Wednesday and each treatment date to follow. LOVE YOU.

WANDA...Your love and your Love of God and your charitable heart is the Christmas gift you give each and every day. You and the Captain are Christmas Blessing 365 days a year.
My heart says Give the Snowman suit away to someone who can see its blessing...this way you are offering your love for him to the service of God.

Please forgive me WANDA if I am speaking out of line. No disrespect intended it is spoken out of love for you. The incredible loss your family has suffered will yield its gifts every time you manifest your love and trust in GOD, HE is present.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

It's been such a busy weekend that
I've been MIA again! So glad to see that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends! Ken and I did too!

So grateful for each and every one of you here! I consider all of you to be family, not just friends.

Really good news about Michael, Jo, and Baby Isaac! Prayers are ongoing for them!

Have been doing laundry and cleaning house today. Hope to get some Christmas decorations up tomorrow.

I was very sorry to hear that Larry Hagman passed away! Prayers for his family and friends.

Hoping that all those with healing prayer needs feel better, pronto!!

Better get back to the laundry. The dryer is calling my name! Ken will be heading home from work before long. It sure was nice having a long weekend with him!

Hope to stay awake long enough after dinner to get back here! I'll have a better chance if we have something other than turkey leftovers. Hope everyone's day is going well! Later, alligators!
♥♥Been thinking of you, Lynn!♥♥
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!!!
Out, damned spot!!!

JudyEddy said...

Good Evening Eaglebudlets and eaglebuds home from work picked up a few things on the way out the door forgot list and home and forgot half the things on the list but tomorrow is another day I suppose Ok now to go and get caught up on todays post not so many 13 I think that is it

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY my x is in construction and yep 6 people can get it done in just a day

JudyEddy said...

all caught up didn't take long JO will keep you as well as Isaac and Michael close to heart till all this is over OUT DAMNED SPOT NOW

Hey we will be splitting on this blog again roaring to 400

JudyEddy said...

I got a cool picture of a air plane flying over as I was leaving the store Lovin my new camera I wasn't going to carry it to work just the old one but then I noticed water spots on the old camera of some kinds of spots and can't have that in pictures so back to bringing my new one
Drove by the cell phone tower and both eagle were on top sure wish I knew if there were eggs up there

JudyEddy said...

Ft Meyers eagle cam has its first egg today

JudyEddy said...

and momma is on the egg now here is the link in case you don't have it
Fl first egg in Ft Meyers

JudyEddy said...

Here is the video that someone posted on their page its only a little over 2 mn long

and the egg is layed in Fort Meyers Florida Now the wait begins lol

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds! Had a couple picsd to put on, but it says the Picasa Album is FULL!!!!! I wonder if I delete a years worth of the oldest, it will acknowledge more room! I refuse to pay money.It is showing something called Google Space of which 0% has been used--should be free??!!Who knows??

We went South into Spotsylvania Co., VA today. Only took 1 hour on I 95.BUT, don't go North on 95! Crawled~~~closing lanes for paving and an accident. I finally inched into a rest stop and was able to sip my cold coffee and put cold water on my eyes!!!
We stopped at Cracker Barrel before coming home. YUM!
Have a pleasant evening ☺ ♥

JudyEddy said...

YEP LORETTA I had the same issue of being full so I had to delete some picture to and its a PIA I think anyway There are lots of pictures that are duplicated I noticed Odd I thought and I notice it was mostly the avatars that were duplicate so I took them out

NatureNut said...

Judy, I didn't think the avatars counted. All mine have shown up about five times in the Picassa Album! I'll have to try it when I get time~~HA HA!

JudyEddy said...

watching Bones and the eagle nest at the same time well sort of But nice to see a eagle at night can't wait for our camera Ok commercial over

NatureNut said...

Gadzooks! Removed all the duplicate
avatars from Picasa which bought me a tiny bit of space. Could add my 2 pics to blogspot, but it doesn't want to show my Eagle avatar!!!!!
I don't have time for this---gotta eat & email some folks.
If I konk out (probably), Please have a wonderful evening.
Prayers for our SUPER Caring Bridge duo, Mema Jo, Sandi's Mom, Dana's Dad, Kay's pain, and all others in need.
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Mema Jo said...

This evening is going along so slowly.
Bones was not that good - I think I need to watch Hallmark Christmas movies more often.

I think that the B-day/anniversary list
is final - Give me a holler if I need to add some more - don't want to forget anyone.

I think I will close down for the evening

Anxious for Isaac's procedure tomorrow am. Prayers and more prayers.

To everyone - may you have AOYP ♥

I am expecting snowflakes tomorrow ♥

Lynne2 said...

Hallmark Christmas movies are an ESSENTIAL!

Evening all!

Lynne2 said...

Just popping in to say hello and offer up prayers for all of the medical "stuff" going on this upcoming week....Jo, Sandi's mom, Dana's dad, baby Isaac...and for Michael and his LAST WEEK at Kernan!

stronghunter said...


Spotsylvania County! My stomping grounds. Were you at the Cracker Barrel near I-95 in the Massaponax area?

I-95 is usually a big mess. Sorry you had to experience it.

Stopped in to say a quick good night. Bowling tomorrow, then time to get some more things done around here. I have picked most of the paint colors I want, but have some more to do.

Hunter has not chosen any colors yet. Kathryn will get that honor if necessary.

Good night my friends.

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, don't know if they can get it done in one day or not...drywall mud usually takes a day to dry. Guess we shall see. Good luck!

JudyEddy said...

So nice the Fl cam with sound the mom was just vocalizing on it she is turning the egg now I got a couple of pic I put on the fan page Poop shoot too close up on the camera sure have missed that LOL

JudyEddy said...

but the only draw back is when the dern commercial comes on its loud I say how rude LOL

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Costume Lady said...

Before I sign off for the night, I want to thank you, HODA, for your kind words and advice. Having God in my life has helped me through this last rough road and many others before this one. Indeed, "This To Shall Pass"

JANET & LOLLY, keeping that little sleeper until I feel like letting go, will probably be the road I will take. And, as Lolly says, who knows, there may be another little one some day. Rachael is very young, as is Robbie and plenty of time to think about another babe.

Anxious for word tomorrow on baby Isaac. I will be at the Soup Kitchen until 7pm, so I will check out the comments on here to find out how the surgery went.Plenty prayers going up for him!

Good night dear friends, sleep well with my love and prayers beside you♥

Hoda said...

I do not know SHIRLEY...I hope they do a good job not only get it done...that would be my concern. If they hurry it will not be done properly.


Very good yoga class and I am feeling well with how it went.

It was cloudy when I drove, but two hours earlier it was dark and clear and the moon was almost full with a yellow hue...maybe some sun again tomorrow...

Lolly said...

Hi all!!! Did some shopping today. Wedding present and birthday presents needed to be purchased. Then tonight we decorated the tree! Tomorrow, hopefully, we will do the outside of the house. Once I get the decorating done, I can concentrate on gifts.

We went out to get a vacuum cleaner but ended up coming home and ordering it on line. Got the best price on line and with free shipping. This carpet will be a mess until we get it. Yikes!

Hoda said...

I am sure the carpet will be fine Lolly.



Lolly said...

I, too, am heading to bed!

Will go to bed saying prayers for our Jo, her Michael, and baby Isaac.


DanaMo said...

Good morning!
Am I the first one up?
Waiting for the coffee. Everyone thought it was going to be snow but it's only rain.

Sandi said...

Good dreary Tuesday morning Dana and all my eagle friends. Rain on the way here.

Prayers for all of the needs on the blog, but especially for little Isaac, that his surgery goes quickly and smoothly today. What a miracle his journey has been already!

And special prayers for Mr. Hagelberg today, that his CT scan shows that the cancer treatments worked.

Make it a great day!

DanaMo said...

Thanks Sandi!

DanaMo said...

Hey Jo, what happened at Holy Family. My friend Laureen posted to FB that she is praying for her Holy Family, family.

JudyEddy said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDLETS and EAGLE BUDS Keeping all in need close at heart today

Lori O. said...

Good morning eagle buds!!!

Quite a busy morning here, so I'm checking in pretty late for me.

Just want to wish everyone a blessed day with lots of smiles and joy!

Prayers for Baby Isaac and Dana's Dad, Kay, Jo, Michael, Sandi's Mom and Thelma's BIL, and Glo's MIL.

I ♥ US!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Got some white stuff here on the ground...light dusting so far

Janet said...

morning all! it is a rainy, chilly morning here...41 degrees. definitely no snow......but we need the rain and the rainy weather will help to keep me inside and on task. lol.

my client for today canceled, so i have a whole day!!!! i have several things i need to do, so this is okay. :)

the pocket book could have used the $$$, but sometimes, you have to catch up on things as well. so that is how i am taking this.

yoga was wonderful last night . our regular yogi was back and i loved it. tom went with me again....and i could hear him relaxing into the poses. that made me smile. there were 8 in class, so Monday nights are a small class....love it.

i slept so well last night; made up for the prior night!

hope everyone has a grand day...thinking of everyone as i listen to the chickadees fuss and chatter outside. they sure are cute little things. bold too! if i stand in the flower bed too long they will buzz me. lol.

have a great day to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! light, love and hugs!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning eagle buds!! They just took Isaac down for surgery a few minutes ago. This is gonna be another 8 hour procedure. Don't forget to pray!! Hope everyone is doing okay today. It is 41 degrees and drizzling rain here this morning.

T-Bird said...

I can't wait to see our nest. Hopefully it will not be too much longer. I know one thing, we are a day closer than we were yesterday.
: ))

Lori O. said...

The day we get the cam back, is gonna be one big time happy day on this blog!

Lori O. said...

Coming up on a SPLIT here very soon!

Lolly said...

Good morning!

Yes, see a split coming very soon!

Prayers for Isaac. 8 hours, wow! This is so hard on the parents.

43 here this morning. Front came through with lots of wind and now the ground is covered once again with leaves. Yuck!

Lolly said...

Jack called yesterday and told them he is interested in the Turkey job. So it is getting closer to reality. Not sure when it will be, probably leave in March or April.

This job will pay for a new trailer! That is good.

This should do it...I have buckled up for the split....here goes....!

Lolly said...

Wow....that was fun! And no one here to share the thrill with me!

Lolly said...

Guess I am going to work on decorating the interior of the house today. Also will do a little cyber shopping.

Have a great day. Will be checking the computer for updates on Isaac.

glo said...

Good morning. Dex was sick last night but seems pretty good this morning. We are going to the grocery store and think then a trip to the Marina in case anybody is home ;-). It's only 29 here but was 15 just a while ago so warming up. prayers for baby Isaac. Will follow closely indeed. HAGD everyone.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning - Happy to see 400 count but wishing for a fresh new thread.
I keep spotting our cam but see nothing is happening on this wet morning. The rest of the week is to be good weather - just maybe the tree company will be available.

Heading down to see Michael today

Hoping Dex has a good day, Glo.
I need to back page one to see this morning's activities

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

UPDATE FROM NICOLE: Things are going well...Isaac is nice & stable and the traction sutures & strings have been removed. They are working to attach the pouches now. Progressing nicely- keep the prayers coming!!

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6/6/23 bella field cam

  Time stamps on these or about an hour off. So, if it says it's 5 something, it's 6 something field can got messed up in the last s...