Monday, July 30, 2012


New thread.


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glo said...

Thanks for the new thread AND the feather too :-)

glo said...

awww sad sad stuff today. Prayers for Kristin's family and for Gina and Gina's family.

magpie said...

Wow that is some kind of
ESP, Glo...
I was just thinking it might be time for a New Monday Thread !!

Thanks, Steve, and Best Wishes for a Non-Crazy Week for you !!!

Thanks Glo for the alert and call-over

enjoy that feather !

magpie said...

And another round of Happy Birthday Wishes for:
GG and
Just Vicky !!

and continued rounds of prayers for our friends and family in need...

every day....

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hello all (from Kristin),

I just got off the phone with Reyna. She told me Gina had a CT scan and it showed no brain damage; however, she's having irregular and sporatic brain function. Right now they are trying to keep her body cold as to protect her brain...they are continuing to do a bunch of tests. They still don't know the cause of all of this, or why she stopped breathing this morning. There is no sign that she had a stroke.

Bottom line the doctor said, we should prepare for the worst, and hope for the best. At this time Gina's parents, brother, and aunts are down there with her. As of right now, she is only allowed two people in the room and they worry about over stimulating her.

If you would like to send something, their address is 616 Edinborough Drive, Durham NC 27703

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

My boy just left. I hate to see him go but it was so good to spend time with him!

JudyEddy said...

Home for lunch and find a new thread wow what shall we do Steve you are going to spoil us LOL

Thanks for the new thread STEVE

JudyEddy said...

Back to work I go
Home each and everyone of you peeps have a fantastic day what is left of it

and they did approve my mini retirement week Yeah me LOL

18-25 back to work on the 26th 9 days away from that place will be bliss

Hoda said...

Good afternoon and good evening all.

Major cleaning day here and also running errands.

PRAYERS where needed to all friends and family...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GG and many many more kind lady.

I have not read back, and just wanted to check in. I miss you all when I do not.

Hoda said...

LOLLY keep us posted with docotr results please.

JANET very poor administrators in your could all be done without bringing the kids in the end of July for God's sake!!! Adding minutes to the day is one way of doing it so ten minutes on per day would avoid it all...lack of creative thinking I would say...

Happy Birthday to VICKY

I see JO has not checked in, miss you JO.

Sandi said...

Afternoon all! What a beautiful day - warm, but low humidity and a nice breeze! Thanks Steve, for the new thread!

No news from Jo yet I see - maybe they decided to stay at the beach and enjoy today?

Need to water pots - later!

Janet said...

Good afternoon to one and all. Just touching base right quick:

QUESTION: any one know about ice skating sizing? looking to buy Olivia a pair.....but not experienced in this. Any suggestions/comments? Anyone?

She made it thru the first day of 6th grade. and yes, HODA, I agree, completely cruddy admin on the school situation. But it is what it is and I am just glad she is the last one that I have to go thru school. Egad.

Had a good day at work......picked Olivia up, ran some errands. Chelsea and the grandkids are heading over for a bit.....doing BLT's for dinner. :)

Hope everyone has had a good day....likely be on here later, lurking...but any ice skating purchase advice is welcomed...or email me if you want.

_May good words be spoken by all;
May good deeds be done by all;
then may the fortunes of all be transformed.


JudyEddy said...

HODA there are some schools that go to school all year around also only have a 4wk summer break with winter, spring break That just the way things are in the USA certain areas
and some school have double sessions morning and afternoon School overcrowding has to do with that

JudyEddy said...

JO said she would be back sometime MON or maybe Tues

Hoda said...



To you and all of humanity...

Hoda said...

Thanks JUDYE I remember JO saying she will be back Monday and also PAULA

I am finished with cleaning and I ran some errands too.I like it very much when the flat is clean and orderly.Has to be done more frequently because it is such a small place and it is for it to look cluttered...I am a happy camper right now.

The Olympics are going well and so far no dopping and no accusations of dopping...always a good thing...

Hoda said...

easy for it to look cluttered...left out the easy in the last post!!! Sorry

Hoda said...

Looking for news from LOLLY...PRAYERS♥

Lolly said...

Thanks, Hoda! Carol is not sure what the problem is. She did rule out gallbladder. She gave me a sample medicine and said come back in three days if not better. So, as soon as I got home I popped as pill. We shall see.

Need to go now and whip something up for dinner. Jack has a habit of eating. LOL

Lolly said...

Ok, dinner is in the oven.
Cooking some chicken breasts with basil, garlic, cherry tomatoes, and olive oil. Also, have some pesto pasta leftovers, so they will go well together. Now I can sit and watch the olympics.

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

JO is home she has been on facebook so we know she has arrived home safe and sound

.♥ ♥ WELCOME ♥ ♥.

.♥ ♥ HOME JO ♥ ♥.

Hoda said...

Thanks LOLLY for the update. Supper sounds wonderfully delicious at your palce...Jack and you will enjoy it I am sure.

Thanks JUDYE...Welcome home JO

magpie said...

Thanks for the post regarding Gina's condition....sounds guarded, but there IS some good news in there, and I hope they can determine what caused the stopping of breathing

Janet: BLT's ? oh, I have NOT had one of those lately, I need the B and the L, I do have the T's

Good Evening Eagle Pals...

magpie said...
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magpie said...

Good to know Jo is home, sorta...
but I bet the BEACH is hard to leave...
Welcome Home, "Mom"

LOL She is like that to me in a lot of ways...

Lolly...okay, hope that pill works too ! Hope you find out more about the WHY of all this...

magpie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...

Well for goodness sakes, I didn't mean to post that message about JO three times so I deleted two of them

Found some more Cardinal Flowers today, fully in bloom....they are definitely creekside plants, so I found two creeksides where they were to be pictures but can't post them til Tuesday sometime...
They are soooooo beautiful

Hoda said...

I can not connect to google anyone else?

magpie said...

And Joe-Pye weed is running rampant in many places, got more pictures of them too

me me me I I I ...

Well, Hope everyone HERE is doing well, ready to relax a little, except for our night shift darling,
JEWELS....midnight shift coming up for her in a few hours :(

magpie said...

I can connect, Hoda...and it's another cool Sports Image: fencing...these must all be Olympics related

YAY on Google....

magpie said...

Hallelujah JudyE on getting that slice of mini-retirement!

magpie said...

time to check a few things on this ol' laptop
then plop into the tubby again for awhile in awhile
ttfn xoxox

Hoda said...

Google back.

JO the link is to an update to fix a problem with costs me 146.60 to down load excel 10 and I am not able to do so now.

Hoda said...

Thanks MARGY it is back and yes I think it is all connected to the Olympics

magpie said...

I have the clutter problem in the apartment also...
LOL, one min-solution is to break away to The Big House and leave it all behind....

but I need to deal with it at The Little Place soon.....

xoxo 'bye for now
I'm eluding the Night Bandit...
and You Know Who !! Judie's associate The Sandperson

magpie said...

Oh so I have to tell you this:
This morning I was listening to morning birds, and there were wrens, Carolina Wrens I think...

and one was chirping
"Virginia, Virginia, Virginia"
and the other, answering back, sounded like
"Teacher Teacher Teacher."

GUESS Who I thought of :)

Give up? Professor Judie !

Thanks for including a mailing address for cards for Gina...

and, I am feeling your heart as you miss your fine young son....
(( Hugs ))

magpie said...

Sharon: I left out an apostrophe and one word:

I am feeling your heart's SADNESS

JudyEddy said...

the Google graphic is tooooooooo cooooooool

The moon is really hazy tonight here

watching the Olympic naturally

Janet said...

HODA: thank you for the correction. :) I am glad you caught that one! :)

And yes, some schools are "year round" and that's what this feels like....alas and alak, such is life.

Gonna get ready for tomorrow. Everyone, have a great evening! ;)

Hugs to all!

Hoda said...

Both are correct JANET...Tibetans are the ones who use HUNG others also use Hum...Blessings to all...Compassion

stronghunter said...

Spent the day visiting with Jeanne, my good friend of many years. It has been too long since we visited.

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday Vicky.

stronghunter said...

Watching the Olympics.

JudyEddy said...

Did you all see the ice cream that they were serving at the Olympic Baby GAGA ice cream Can you guess what it is

Breast milk ice cream! was on the news

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Judie said...

Good late evening to all.

The sandperson has just ever so gently tossed a significant amount of sleepy dust into my eyes and was mumbling about restocking and leaving to make his visits to all momsters and dadsters.

The night light is on and the sandperson is on the way. Restful sleep for all.

Hoda said...

Love you JUDIE...thanks for he heads up on the sandperson...

magpie said...

Good Night Everybody

Prayers for Wellness..for our families, friends, friends of friends, and pets

Hope Sleep is Sweet and Restorative

God Bless Us, Every One

Costume Lady said...

Thank all of you for your sweet birthday wishes for GG. I will copy all of them and show them to her, tomorrow.
She didn't realize today was her birthday and I didn't tell her any differently...will surprize her on Friday with the family...hopefully the 2 babies will be there to entertain her (and me).
I had planted a red double morning glory in the middle of her flower bed and it had climbed up a pole, nearly to the top and ready to bloom...then, along came a deer or deers and ate it down to the ground. When we went there today, GG was trying to rescue a few tendrils that were left by wrapping them around the pole and placing some hardware cloth around them...then, she sprayed somthing on them, which she told us was deer repellent. She doesn't have deer repellent, so we don't know what she used. Sure hope it wasn't Weed Killer!:)
It was good to see her outside tending to her flowers, but, when she came into the house, she said she was very short of breath. We could see and hear that. Nothing we can do for that, so I sat her down and gave her a cold drink. We then had a really nice visit:)

JUDIE, GG got your card and was excited to read it, but didn't know who you were. I told her to read it again and more slowly, out loud. When she got to the Suddenly Salad part, she brightened up and remembered your visit and having a bite to eat with her:) What a sweet memory for her. As I have told you, she loves for someone to eat with her!

Our garden continues to do well, we are eating Burpless cucumbers (about 18 inches long), zucchini and yellow squash, beefsteak tomatoes and a small tomato called Juliette which is the perfect size for K-Bobs, green and yellow peppers, red cajun peppers (slightly hot) and we stripped all the beans off the plants, but they are coming on again (about 1 inch long), chard (not doing well in this heat) and the mixed lettuce has bolted and is done for the season...miss that for the BLTs:(
Last year, our garden didn't produce much of anything. Squash got borers and died before we got any...not even ONE! Tomatoes were pitiful~

Sleepy now...bed awaits.
Prayers and love for all and remembering GINA in prayer. Her condition sounds grave:(

Mema Jo said...

I am sneaking in without making any noise to awaken those who are having SED. I come on tomorrow as soon as I can. Arrived home today around 5 - had to touch base with all the kids before I could settle down and then got stuck watching 2 favorite TV shows with hubby and son.

Good night and God Bless Us All
Prayers for all especially Gina!

Love you my friend, Lynn ♥♥♥

Hoda said...

Awesome post WANDA. Thank you.

Hope LOLLY is doing well and that she just fell asleep without checking in...I hope I did not miss her post.I will check back again...

Stay well everyone.



Hoda said...

No LOLLY's last post was at 8:16 PM...Good night LOLLY and I hope you have a restful sleep and are better tomorrow.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Evening, Everyone,

Oh, my--some not so good news here today! Prayers for Kristen's family and friends. So sorry that she has passed over.

Prayers for Carolyn's family members, for healing.

Prayers also for Gina, and her family and friends. You're right, Margy, there IS some good news about her, in that she didn't have a stroke, and there's no brain damage. I'm just praying they can get her stabilized and find some new lungs for her!

HAPPY, HAPPIER, HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS TO GG!!! WOW, 92!!! Praying that the shot on Friday will work wonders for her!


Prayers for Lolly, for some healing and some answers to what's bothering her! Oh, how I miss ♥Lynn's wisdom right now!

Well, it's getting late, and I'm tired, so going to call it a day.
Prayers for healing and wellness have been said for everyone, and for every creature. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Wishing for a restful night's sleep for everyone, with SED. God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you!
♥♥Missing Lynn♥♥
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!!!

Lori O. said...

Good morning Eagle Family!

It's Tuesday - 3 days left until Friday!!! LOL

HODA, I hope you are sleeping now, and sleeping well. Goodnight hugs, my friend.

Welcome home, JO!

PAULA, guess you're coming home today. Hope the bathroom in paradise looks great! Did you finish it?

SHIRLEY, glad you and Jeanne got to spend some time together. Is she also a teacher?

WANDA, great to hear that GG was playing with her flowers, or flowers to be! Wonderful that she still enjoys that.

JANET, growing up in California, I don't know a thing about ice skates. Sorry. Happy second day of 6th grade to Olivia!

No posts from KAY, DANAMO or LINDA yesterday. I miss them!

Hoping LYNNE1 is having a grand time in Alaska. Seen any eagles yet?

MARGY, I am in de-clutter mode around here, too. Can only tolerate so much STUFF! :)

Prayers for Kristen's family as they say farewell to Lori...and prayers for GINA for a complete recovery.

LOLLY, hope the Rx did the trick and you're feeling much better today.

Good morning to ANDY and EMMA, SANDI, JUDYE, THELMA and BUDDY, and all!

Sandi said...

Good drizzly Tuesday morning my eagle friends! Not looking like a beach day today (no problem for me but could be for my BFF's son and his girlfriend who are here for a few days vacation). Looks like they may be hitting the outlets for some shopping today.

Dentist for me this morning (just a routine cleaning) and then my nail appointment this afternoon.

Lolly, hope you are feeling better today.

Jo, welcome home!

Paula, hope you got the bathroom finished!

Prayers continue for healing and for new lungs for Gina.

Have a good one all!

Janet said...

Good morning to one and all. Tuesday dawns partly cloudy and very warm here in Nashvegas....

Lori (and others) i don't know squat really about ice skates either. That's why I thought I'd ask.....I am reading and learning a bit. I wish there were somewhere locally where I could have her to try them on.

I am, however, having a great time looking at ice skating practice dresses. EBAY can be quite addictive. I told her when she moves up the next level, she can have (earn) a practice dress. I have a bid in right now and a pretty mint green one. ;)

Another day ahead. Hope everyone is enjoying the last day of July. I have my chair massage job @ 1 p.m. Other than that, I can do catch up stuff around here.....plenty to do always.

Am enjoying watching the Olympics in the evening. The gymnasts are just amazing.....I've watched it before, but looking at it from a muscular standpoint (yes, I am that geeky), wow.

Well, must get moving if I am going to get anything done. Won't get done sitting here on the sofa, laptop in lap....have a superb day. hugs, light, and love to all. :)


glo said...

Good morning everyone. Are there no new posts this morning or am I just missing a new thread. I will go look but anyway Dex and I are off to coffee and dog treats. Hope you all are doing well this morning.

glo said...

OK all I needed to do was refresh the page DUH I need coffee. HAGD everyone

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everybody.

Lori, Kristin is the one who passed away and Lori Warner is her sister.

Okay, so my friend Sandy, who was diagnosed with lung cancer and started chemo a couple of weeks ago. . . Sandy has bipolar disorder that has gone untreated for years. It used to be her mania would really kick in and she would hit the road with her thumb out, destination unknown. Well for several years she has really been doing okay from that standpoint. Now something has happened with her mental status again. She passed out at church on Sunday and was taken to the hospital. They did an MRI to make sure the cancer hadn't spread to her brain. I called her last night and she was so angry at everybody. She said they were wanting to have her committed. She said she wasn't the one with a mental problem, they were. I told her that she did have a mental problem but she was just in denial. That did not make her happy and she got off the phone pretty quickly. This morning her daughter tells me that Sandy's husband had her committed last night. Now she wants a divorce. This makes me so sad. I told her last night that it wasn't good to be making enemies with the ones who were going to have to care for her. Such a sad situation. Please pray for my friend.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning one and all
Got a big favor can you add to your mighty momster prayers list a friend of mine mom CAROL ROYER
this is her message I got this am

Hi guys, I just found out tonight that my Mom has some form of Cancer on her tongue. They did scans on her throat Friday to see if it has spread but as of tonight they haven't let her know. We could really use a prayer about right now. She also is saying if it spread she don't want treatment if it is gonna make her disfigured. I would of put this out on FB for more support but too many people and I don't know if she is ready to let them know. But I chose the ones I felt would pray for her. Thank you

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals....

Hope there are some bright spots to the day.....
reading of some tough and difficult situations and illneses....
and sending positive thoughts and prayers


magpie said...

2-day part time retirement over, am at the office making dough $$

xo ttfn

Lolly said...

Good morning! Sorry about last night. I was in bed when I realized (I can type a z if I push down with two fingers) that I had not shut down the computer or wished you all a good night.

Same o same o! So far the meds have not done any good. I have a headache this morn so not up to par.

glo said...

Prayers for Sandy and Carol. Life throws us some real tough stuff sometimes. Dex and i are headed to the bank so that we can then head to the gas station. HAGD all.

Costume Lady said...

Sounds like GLO is going to rob a bank so that she can buy the prices these days, makes you want to rob a bank!

Judie said...

Good morning.

Prayers for all in need.

Today is a bright sunshiny Suddenly Salad day, Wanda. Never expect GG will remember me but I do like to let her know I remember her.

Ice skates are typically the same size as street shoes worn with socks. Higher tops are best to help with ankle support, especially with beginners. Check with the skating instructor for advice and reputable sales stores.

Wishing everyone a lovely day.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning my friends. Home and back in the same old same old routine. However it's lunch to day!

The address list is not yet updated - about 20 responded with new info or info to be changed. Once it is compiled I will send it out - I will also try to put it into a word doc for those who do not have Excel 2010 - Do NOT purchase the program just for one formatted list.
I will get it to you. I have a list of those who cannot open the spreadsheet.

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning, Jo. Did you sleep well in your ROOST bed last night? I always do when I've been away:)

Hey, JUDIE...even our stray CATS love SUDDENLY SALAD, but won't eat the tomatoes:)

Mema Jo said...

Hi Wanda and Judie - Hope all it well in both your Roosts. Yes I slept very well last evening. I'm ready for a get-together!
Wanda I did miss sending GG good wishes yesterday on her birthday!
How is your clothes closet doing ?
Judie I know you have told me before but do it again for my old brain battery is running down - your first day back to the school house?

Mema Jo said...

I read my Caring bridge for Gina -
She is staying Stable. I have that little gal on my mind in prayers continuously.

Mema Jo said...


NCSuzan said...

Good Morning Everyone!

For those of you who do not have Excel....There is a free to use will open, edit , etc. Windows documents. Looks like Windows, acts like Windows but it is FREE and WORKS!
I use it. I am not a whiz on the computer. Just thought I would pass it on for those that may be interested.

grannyblt said...

Good. Bright sunny morning from Alaska. So far most of my visit has centered around grandchildrens activities but that is why I am here. Still no eagle sightings but as soon as "T" returns from track practice we will head down to Portage and then Whittier. It is a beautiful drive down and I know I'll see Dahl sheep and maybe a moose and lots of mountains with glaciers. Hey. Maybe I'll even post a picture on FB. Don't hold your breath. Thinking of you all.

stronghunter said...


Lori--yes, Jeanne taught some years ago. She was a special ed teacher. Her daughter has been teaching English in Korea, but is now returning to the US and will be looking for a position here.

Have been watching some Olympic events today. Need to get out and look for wallpaper. House needs attention.

stronghunter said...

Grannybit, I envy you--Alaska must be a beautiful place to visit.

stronghunter said...

Need to find food. Only had some toast and some coffee. Maybe that is why I am hungry.

Janet said...

Quick note before heading to the massage:

JUDIE: thanks for the ice skate input. :)

Eagle Eye: sending lots of healing and comfort to you and your friend & family...tough times....

Seems lots of tough news today: JUDYE: sending your way as well.

Got lots done this morning: kid is in school; ran errands. Took Beano to PetSmart with me....he likes to ride, but the buggy made him nervous. He was trying to crawl up onto me, I ended up snuggling him. Had to get bunny food and more kitty cat toys....Boris does love his toy mouse! (and pipe cleaners.... )

Its hot. Tom went with a friend to the junk yard; they like to do car things. Its peaceful at the moment.

Heading out in a min to go do these massages. Hope everyone has a good/better afternoon.

glo said...

Granny B Sounds very exciting times for you. Well you do know we do want to see pictures :-)

JudyEddy said...

NCSUSAAN It wants info when you click on that link like email your
*Email Address
*First Name
*Last Name
*Address 1
Address 2
*State/Province -- Please select one --
Job Title
company size

JUST THOUGHT odd they ask for all that I didn't fill it out just wanted to know did you have to do all that to get it free

JudyEddy said...

so sorry NCSUZAN I oopesed you name on the above

Hoda said...

Good afternoon everyone.
A scorcher here and it is wonderful to know that we have a week of no rain.

Sorry LOLLY you are not well today.

PRAYERS for all in need SHAR...Blessings a tough situation indeed.

Sorting out papers and filing and balancing cheque books and paying bills today...the box I store everything in is full so I have to do it today...

I hope you all are having an awesome day.

magpie said...

heading home pretty soon...
storms are skirting around us here in Martinsburg....not sure if we'll dodge them through
the evening or not

time to say bye-bye for now...
workday almost over

magpie said...

well I see MERCER COUNTY shows up now on the counties for weather alerts ... now or later....

NCSuzan said...

JudyE, yes, I think I remember doing all of that. It has been several years and I have CRS! I have never had any problem and maybe only one or two e-mails.

Mema Jo said...

This is the latest on Gina's Caring Bridge: Written 1 hour ago
Reyna and family met with the doctors today. They are going to extend the cooling..there is evidence of seizure activity, so they started anti-seizure medication. Warming will start tomorrow.

Prayers for Gina and her family and also for her doctors and staff caring for her.

Hoda said...


Good day here and I accomplished a lot in terms of book work and organizing and I stayed hydrated through it all.

Now it is time to head to yoga so I will see you all later on the evening.

Stay safe from the storms and I hope LOLLY is better.

WHITE ROCK Eagles are being very well photographed by a chap who goes out there frequently and will write a book about them. Stunning images he posts on FB.

JudyEddy said...


Getting ready to eat grilled shrimp on the indoor grill and fried potatoes (frozen ones that are seasoned} pretty tasty just heat in skillet quick dinner Love it

Lori O. said...

Welcome home, JudyE!

Hope everyone had a great day.

Nothing exciting here...long meeting day at work, and that's sure NOT exciting!

Heading off to be a bump on a log and fall asleep to the Olympics!

SED everyone.

I ♥ US!

JudyEddy said...

OH LORI be careful bumping them logs don't fall off LOL

Don't know if you all ever tried the frozen seasoned potatoes wedges that are just heat and serve but man are they good

JudyEddy said...

When I got to work today and scanned my name badge to see what they wanted me to do As if I didn't know my job There was a message on there from my zone manager Shari and with a thing we could print SAYING THANKS
thanks for all you do you are very special!!!!! like a certificate and I printed it and posted it on facebook

JudyEddy said...

wow just watched the other nights Olympic to where the 39 year old did the rings Dyoamite he was

Judie said...

Hello to all.

Going to be an early evening for me. Sandperson is already lurking outside the door.

Prayers for Gina and her family and medical team.

Jo, I have my first meet and greet with 100 wannabe adults on Aug. 28. Tuesday/Thursday schedule. Early a.m. class. Home by early afternoon - sweet!

Hoda, hope you got that box emptied out.

Wishing everyone a night of restful sleep.

JudyEddy said...

You'll love this this am Shari came to me and said ERIC the store manager was upset that Dept 96 had late exceptions WRONG he was well there were no price changes or mark down exception oranything else that was last nite. Well this afternoon before I left my AsstMgr Lee came to me and with his finger like come here I got off the floor and we were walking to the liquor store and he also said I had two week old exceptions I said NO SIR you are wrong I DON'T HAVE LATE EXCEPTIONS THE STORE MANAGER DOES those are the mark down exceptions I put in on the 8th and the 18th of this months and there was nothing I could do until he reviewed them that I did put the WinnDixie paper on his door and I can't help it he choose not to do them So Lee sure enough went to Eric the Store Manager and guess what I WAS right and he accepted them Ironic thing is that the mark down was due to end today the31st well I took pictures of the screen showing the original date that I submitted them the 8 and 18 and the picture after showing 31-31 just to CYA get my drift and guess what not one oh Judy we are sorry we accused you of being late I sure wish I could get the same hell out of that place and thanks for letting me vent can't say anything at work don't want it to get back to anyone there you know what I mean Ok I feel better now Odd how writing it down make it better I wonder if it would be the same if I didn't publish it will try that one day

THIS IS WHAT I PUT ON FACEBOOK and I have 115 peep at work on it and they all feel the same way I didn't say anything bad JMHO

OK not to toot my own horn but its sure nice to know that ONE PERSON at work appreciate what I do When I scanned my name badge to see what my functions were for the day this was on there and the option to print it Feels good to know that ONE person appreciates me there Sometime I think they dislike me for being there so long and that is the truth !!!!! the over 20yrs badge feels like a bullseye at time and maybe I should say this but that's how I feel I don't call in sick I do my job and that is that so I can't do something because of my neck disability but I try JMHO that all

JudyEddy said...

wow that look like a book LOL

Mema Jo said...

I'm glad that you were able to get it all down, Judy. I always believed in Praising employees - you get a lot more better results in their work habits!

Mema Jo said...

Going to try to get some birthday ecards set up tonight. BBILW

paula eagleholic said...

Back from the beach...1/2 bath is done except for towel holders and such...forgot to take the after pics!

Woke up to very loud thunder showers at the beach this morning...yes stayed overnight and came back to work this morning...was a little late, but all's good.

Belated Happy Birthday to GG!!

Good to hear from GBLT!

Hope you feel better, Lolly!

paula eagleholic said...

Glo, glad Dex is doing better.

Haven't watched any Olympics yet...can't wait.

Sandi, glad Bandit is doing better too!

Janet, the birds are getting all my figs at the beach...trees are producing a tremendous amount, but the birds are getting them as soon as they ripen!

Oh, saw the owl fly across the yard last night...the osprey's are doing well, have had flocks of canadian geese on the beach, the pelicans are still hanging around...and the fishing was good, too.

Lynne2 said...

knock knock

who's there


Lynne? Lynne who?

Hi everyone! I've been lurking and keeping up, sort of.

magpie said...

Well Hallelujah, that's an avatar and a moniker for sore eyes !!
xo Lynne!

Hoda said...

BRAVO JUDYE you handled it well and I agree with JO I think praise goes further than their blame game and I am glad you got a thank you today...

JUDIE Yes I emptied the box and all is in good order and no problems except for one bank statement where the cheque amount I wrote was not the same as the amount they recorded on their statement so they owe me money and I will go in the bank tomorrow to correct this mistake.

Very good yoga class with a beginner teacher and I feel well with my practice.

Welcome home PAULA I am glad you checked in I was about to send the RCMP after you!!! LOL

Gracious me even LYNNE checked in tonight!!! Good show...miss you when you too are absent LYNNE and I check FB for your posts but you have been silent there too.

magpie said...

and good timing...
I have to be at work at 0400 and I shoulda been in bed awhile ago...

there is one very slow-moving thunderstorm rolling through here

Good to see Paula also...
and Everyone I see here !

Lynne2 said...

oh I am never far....and you all are never far from my heart!

Skynyrd got neutered and microchipped today and is doing VERY well...has gained 1 3/4 pounds in just 3 weeks!

Lynne2 said...

oh Margy, I saw that storm on the radar. You must be getting a LOT of rain!

magpie said...

must shorten things up ...
Tempus Fugit too darn fast !

prayers and postive thoughts in gear for Gina, her family and friends, and all the medical team...

Kudos, is good when others recognize excellence....and say something about it!

Time for the pillows...
Good Night, Precious Pals..

God Bless Us, Every One

Lolly said...

Lynne2, hmmmm, do we know a Lynne2?

Lynne2 said...

well now....CLEARLY you must know her...

Hey Lolly, how are you feeling?

Lolly said...

Watching the Olympics.

Lolly said...

Well, I am hanging in there. My back is hurting, not severe but limits activities. My other problem is still there. Twice a day I have a spell. Not pleasant. Last two night it has been at bedtime. Will see what happens tonight.

Lolly said...

Abdominal! Yuck!

Lynne2 said...

SO, the sample meds are not working too well I take it....UGH

paula eagleholic said...

Hey there, Lynne2, how the heck are ya? Glad Skynyrd is doing well..sorry I think I messed up his name, LOL

Lynne2 said...

no you didn't....Skynyrd IS the name, as in Lynyrd Skynyrd, Steve favorite band!

Lolly said...

I have only taken two of the pills, one a day. Dr. said come back if in 3 days if not better.

paula eagleholic said...

OK, Lynne, meant the spelling!

Thunder here...

heading to bed,

SED Love and hugs to all ♥

Mema Jo said...

I'm back to say good night!
Glad to see all you late comers !
We came home Monday Paula - no traffic. I'm sure today's travel was the same.

Lynne need a new up-to-date picture of

Everyone take care!
Prayers for all to have a good night's rest.
I ♥ US and I miss Lynn ♥

Lolly said...

Hoping Skynyrd is looking a little more filled out! Also, how are the wounds on his neck?

Lolly said...

Thinking of getting ready for bed.

Night all! SED!!

Hoda said...



Costume Lady said...

JO, the Clothes Closet was a big hit with our guests. Most of the shirts and sweaters that you donated are GONE!
Thank You, Thank You!

Bedtime for me...Good night everyone. Love and prayers for all♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Golly, lots of prayers needed for so many situations today!

Shar, prayers for Sandy and her family. Her situation makes me feel sad, too!

JudyE, prayers for your friend's mom, too. What a difficult situation!...Congrats on the kudos at work! Good for you!

Lolly prayers that you'll feel better, PRONTO!!!

Still praying nonstop for Gina, her family, and her doctors. Grateful that she's hanging in there!

GrannyBLT, so happy you're having so much fun in Alaska! I promise to wait patiently for pictures.

Glo, glad you and Dex are back into your usual routine. Love that little guy!

Sandi, I'm so happy for Bandit, too! What a wonderful turnaround!

OMIGOSH!!! Lynne2!!! Welcome back!!
Missed you a LOT!...YAY for Skynyrd! What a fortunate kitty to have found soft-hearted YOU!!

I've been busy working today again, and have only 1 more report to finish. Think I'll wait until morning--my brain is fried!

Got a notice on the front door from Vector Control today--they've found fire ants in our neighborhood, and will be treating yards for them tomorrow. They say the treatment is completely safe for kids, pets, the environment, etc., so will have them do the BACK yard, too. It's supposed to be free, so why not! Hope it kills all kinds of ants. We have 2 other kinds that are driving us nuts. Haven't seen the fire ants yet, but hope I never do.

Gosh, it's been 3 or 4 days since I've seen a baby heron! Maybe they've all fledged and flown off to go fishing! Will have to listen tonight and see whether I hear any of them squawking in the trees.

Ms Bookworm said...

Think I'm going to call it a day.
Been trying to stay caught up on sleep. Hard to do with the Olympics going on, but not good to get sleep deprived. Hopefully they will replay the good stuff.

Have said prayers for everyone, especially those with health issues. Prayers for all creatures, too. Wishing for SED for everyone.
God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you!
♥♥Lynn is in my thoughts today♥♥
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
(Say, how is Charlie?)
I ♥ us!!!

magpie said...

Good Thursday Morning Eagle Pals...

aaah, daylight.....

Hope everyone will have a good day.
I was on the road too early to be-bop to my favorite radio station...
or to hear my favorite radio personality


magpie said...

kinda surprised I am the first one here

magpie said...

Blackwater Osprey empty this morning, guess the Kids are out searching for some breakfast

Sandi said...

Good gray Wednesday morning my eagle friends. Looks like a rainy day coming. Yesterday cleared up in the afternoon and was nice - warm, a little humid, but a nice breeze. But there's a big grren blob headed this way right now - if it doesn't break up, it looks like I won't be playing tennis this AM.

Taking Bella to the vet for her annual today - can't wait to see the bill! I like my vet but not what he charges! Then Bandit goes next week (I schedule them so that one dog is on one Visa bill and the other is on the next month's bill!)

Paula, welcome home - congrats on finishing the bathroom project - def. keep Studmuffin around if he can do home improvement stuff!

Lynne 2, welcome back to the blog! Glad to hear that the kitty is fattening up!

Lolly, so sorry this intestinal thing hasn't cleared up - how frustrating for you!

Lynne1, enjoy your time in Alaska - pictures or it didn't happen, as my younger son says!

Continued prayers for Kristen's family, for Gina and her family, and for Jewels and her family, esp. Grandma.

Wow, turning the calendar to another month! I sure wish the school months went by as fast as the non-school months do!

Kyle and Kait are leaving today - they've been here since Saturday - we've had a nice visit with them. Kyle's Mom, who has been my BFF since we were 9 years old, arrives with her hubby for a few days on Sunday or Monday - haven't seen Deb & Keith since last August. Kyle told us that his sister Julie eloped in May - hmmm, Deb overlooked telling me that (I guess she wanted to tell me in person when she got here). We sure will have a lot to talk about!

Have a great day all!

Lori O. said...

Good morning MARGY and everyone!

I've been working and lurking - making dough, Margy!

Janet said...

Good morning all,

JUDYE: i know when the day comes that you can retire, you will celebrate. that place is a joke. doesn't sound like the left hand knows what the right hand is doing! :P

PAULAE: the fig tree that I ordered is a dwarf, so it isn't supposed to get over 5 feet tall, although I did read some reports of it making it to 6 foot. I am five foot 8 and the tree (in its second year now) is still shorter than I am. This is good because I can put netting around it to save my figs. I know the birds and squirrels would just devour them. I love the darn things.

Well the official start of schools today; Tom's phone rang @ 5:15 right after my alarm went to pick up and routes to run. lol. Here we go....

Went to repair the boat cover last night....we need a new one but not putting the money out right now. So got out mom's sewing machine and we put it under the machine....and I just couldn't do it. I got all frustrated and anxious and got my girlfriend Cheryl over and she ran the lines for me. She made it look easy. I stink at sewing. So thankful she did that for me. YIKES> But the stitching along the middle inside had come undone and just needed to be restitched. I'm afraid it was more than my brain could do last night.

Anyway, so off and running. Another yipeee skipee day! 3 massags, pick Olivia up @ 2:30 and then hit the grocery store. woooo hoooo

Sending light, love, healing, hugs and smiles to one and all! :D

JudyEddy said...

G☺☺D M☼rning Janet, Lori, Sandi, Margy and any new comers coming aboard to the Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe this morning The coffee and muffins smell good this am but my pants are getting tight so I will pass on the sweets LOL
Hope everyones day will be a super one

JudyEddy said...

Janet was the issue with threading the machine I love the new one I got WOW things have changed with the new machine ssoooooooo easy to thread I was so amazed from the old unit I got when I first got married that machine was 40 something old but still worked but had a tension issue so I bought a cheap one and love it does all kinds of stitches even if it cheap

JudyEddy said...

In the mountains there was a tornado I guess not to many appear in the mtns 11,900 Mt Evans in Colorado the picture was awesome they showed on the news
Tornado in the mtns I google it after I saw it on the news and found this

JudyEddy said...

Pretty pretty pretty check out the image of the day from NASA
X-rays From A Young Supernova Remnant

JudyEddy said...

A local kid won the coppertone contest Drat I wish I knew there was one going on I would have entered Jordyn They won by peep voting oh well tooo late

JudyEddy said...

OK I offically broke the blog rule of posting toooo many in a row LOL but its time for me to finsih getting ready for work See you cats later have a good day gonna go make DOUGH like Margy says I won't knead mine to much today

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Laundry is started. I must find my vacuum cleaner today and Dex and I are off to coffee and dog treats. Prayers for all in need. Oh and Lolly and I are training for the olympics. We will need a large support staff. We plan to make the next Big Splash in Synchronized Swimming.

magpie said...

Oh My
Good Morning More Eagle Pals...

and here I was thinking it was THURSDAY...and even said it....

magpie said...

Well, Either Day:
Same Wish:
Hope it's a good one !

yep as T-bird says:
time to go make dough $$


CarolAnne said...

Good day all,
So many urgent prayer needs - I humbly offer mine along with the many others.

Glad to see vacationers had or are having a good time.

Our hottest summer in years continues to roll along. A bit of rain, but not enough to save the farmers.

Wishing everyone a great day!

CarolAnne said...

Taking part in the Wisconsin Summer Deer Tally. Get to watch my computer screen (security camera) during August for deer in the yard. Ahhh . . . the things we do for nature. lol

And what are your plans for August??

Judie said...

Good morning to everyone.

Overcast today after a few sprinkles last night.

Headed out to do my hunter gatherer tasks.

Hope Lolly will feel better today.

Have a good morning.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning! I am heading out to the lab for routine blood work. I am fasting
so I am almost ready to go out the door.
Overcast here also and must have rained last evening.

Everyone enjoy your morning - What's the count now, Carol Anne - or are they (the deer)hiding from you!

magpie said...

OH good slow moving morning again...

Sandi! I love that avatar...

magpie said...

hmmn... Judie
you might have me stumped.

hunter gatherer tasks...
I think, find food and do a quick pick up of the abode

CarolAnne said...

MemaJo - deer count zero so far.
Usually see them in the evening, but I get to see other creatures before then. 3 crows that come daily, 2 squirrels and a chippy, a few bugs crawling across the camera lens, and an occasionally flutter-by and hummers.

*The deer population is extremely low compared to a few years ago.
Once we had 160 pictures in one night - now we're lucky to get 10 -20. That was before the increase in the wolf population in our area (so we believe).

Lolly said...

Good morning! Nothing good to report. Meds are not working...looks like I will be going back to the doctor. Just took Advil, hoping that helps my back this morning.

Hopefully we will get the trailer washed and back to it's home this morn. Jack does most of the washing with hose and brush with a long handle. I work with a rag and do details. When we have the trailer in the drive I can not back the car out of the garage. Jack has to do it...I'm a scaredy cat!!!

CarolAnne said...

Oh Lolly, prayers & fingers crossed, that you find relief soon.

Lolly said...

GLO, I have been thinking. Maybe we should not do Synchronized Diving in the Olympics. Anyone can just dive into the pool. Also you have to mess with wet hair. Let's go for gymnastics. You get to wear lots of eye makeup and put glitter in your hair. Think of the fun on the balance beam!! Let's do it!!!!☺

Lolly said...

Thanks, C/A! I am getting very tired of this. Today is the 11th day of intestinal problems. Thing is my stomach is fine and I am eating. Maybe I'll just stop eating. Jack says I should munch on cement. Yikes!

Lolly said...

Jack just proposed we get started with the I am off.

C/ sorry you are having alwful heat and no rain. We are having horrendous heat as well. 106 yesterday and back up there today. Gardening is loosing it's appeal and flowers are wilting.

Today is our anniversary of living in this house. We moved in 39 years ago today.

Later Gators!

CarolAnne said...

Lolly, sure hope it is nothing serious, i.e. Crohn's, etc.

Dr. needs to find reason soon, you are losing vital nutrients.

Take care.

Lori O. said...

Good morning everyone!

Home from work and ready for a nap.

LOLLY, are you calling the doc for an appointment today?

JO, prayers for perfect blood!

Glad all of our furbabies seem to be on the mend, now!

Hoping for a post from KAY, LINDA and LYNNE2 today.

Great to hear LYNNE1 has a great day trip planned and may see some eagles!

Nothing exciting here, so I'll go grab a few ZZZZZ's.

magpie said...

How'ra ya doin' there T-Bird ??

xo all healed up now ???

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon from Fredericksburg.

Lolly, I do hope you feel better very soon.

Just been watching the Olympics today. I brought home some wallpaper books yesterday, so I need to spend some time deciding what I want to put in the hall.

Mema Jo said...

I have returned from the lab. Afterwards
after having fasted I was starving and so I headed for Bob Evans - Coffee, scrambled eggs, English muffin and 1 pancake! That should sustain me for quite awhile!
Watched some of the Olympics and NOW my
feet are going up for an hour.......


magpie said...

Hope you will bet an A+++ on the bloodwork report Jo, and what a nice way to end your fast! be getting yourself some comfort soon, ya'hear ???

magpie said...

view at Blackwater Osprey nest is nice and clear...been seeing one then none juvenile, but an adult seems to be staying around a lot

T-Bird said...

Doing good Magpie. Still not totally healed but almost.

T-Bird said...

Sounds like a "breakfast" of champions Jo.

Sandi said...

Wow, the rain held off this morning and I got to play tennis but BOY, the sky has opened up now! My shrubs and pots are all smiling!

Lolly, sorry your intestinal tract isn't doing any better! Are you doing the BRAT diet thing? And eating yogurt with live yogurt cultures?

Off to take Bella to the vet for her check-up! She's so happy to get in the car, until she sees where she is headed!!! =)

magpie said...

Two full Moons this month.
One tonight,
One on August 31

ttfn work time over pretty soon

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

From Gina's CaringBridge:

Warming Has Begun

Written 1 hour ago

Hello Everyone,

I have a computer today so I am giving Kristin a break.

We met with the team of doctors who gave us a very frank briefing of Gina's condition and the plan. The warming began at 2pm at a very slow rate of .1 degrees per hour. This will take all day into late tomorrow. They are keeping her sedated for now but tomorrow they will slowly lift sedation. It is a very fine balancing act because there are many factors they are concerned about. They are trying to prevent another cardiac arrest and because she has been preserved by hypothermia, they don't exactly know her overall condition. They do know:

1. The lungs are in very bad shape

2. The EEG is showing increased abnormal brain activity

The doctors are doing everything possible but remind us to stay neutral in expectation. At this point it is a waiting game for all of us.

How are we doing? Many messages asking that question and I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you....

We are not alone. My sister-in-law Jen has been with us and David arrived yesterday. We have been surrounded with numerous staff who over the past year have become Gina's friends. In fact her nurse said that he was shocked at the number of staff that have visited. He feels like he is taking care of a celebrity! Gina has an outstanding nurse, Ken and the pulmonary doctor, Dr. Norfolk who is the most compassionate doctor I have ever witnessed.

I know everyone is worried about us. Are the prayers working? Yes because we are centered and peaceful. I love the diversity of our CaringBridge family and you know we have a strong faith. Please be assured that our faith has only been strengthed by Gina's first transplant! We have all witnessed miracles before but we are peaceful in whatever is to come. It is about the quality of life, not the quantity of life. The bottom line is that none of us know if we will be alive tomorrow, do we? What I do know is that Gina, at the age of 21 has touched thousands of people and continues to so. Most important is that by knowing Gina, she has imprinted that gift on all of us. Wow! What a gift!

So, we will take this day by day. Tomorrow may bring some brain activity but we don't know.

I thank you for all the messages of support and love. It really carries us.


CarolAnne said...

We can only ask that all of us have the same acceptance & understanding of the 'big' picture.
I'm wowed by Reyna & families strength!

Lori O. said...

WOW, what strength Reyna has for Gina! An amazing woman! Thanks for posting the Gina update, SHAR.

THELMA, glad you're healing. Big healing hugs!

Judie said...

Good late afternoon.

Yes, Margy, I hunted up and down the grossery store aisles gathering food items and then pretended to be Mema Jo and put my feet up this afternoon.

Jo, hope Dracula was gentle today and Bob Evans was especially yummy.

Lolly, sure hope you can get to the doctor quickly. So sorry you are not feeling well. Hugs.

Shirley, so jealous. How I would love to look through wallpaper books. I can dream.

Continued prayers for Gina, her family, her friends.

Hi to Thelma, Shar, Lori, CarolAnne, and Sandi.

To the kitchen I go.

Lori O. said...

Hello JUDIE!

T-Bird said...

Did you get your ZZZs Lori?

JudyEddy said...

Home for the day and as Margy says I am in reteriment for two days Yeah practice practice Right Magpie

Healing thoughts and prayers for Gina, her family, her friends I got tears reading SHARON such a strong family and thats what it takes

Lolly said...

I do appreciate all the concern and well wishes. I am really feeling fine except when my problem hits me...2 or 3 times a day, early morning and late at night. During the day I feel okay and just hope for the best. I will call Carol tomorrow IF I have problem again tonight.

Taking Advil for my back helps.

Just put an apple pie in the oven for Jack. Promised him one for his birthday and the time was never right. He cleaned up my kitchen mess as well as peeled the apples. Bless him!

103 right now. Candles on the patio are am I.

magpie said...

Pretty impressive thunder and rain storm here at Magpie's Roost, the garden is getting drenched !

Good Late Afternoon Eagle Pals...

Sharon: very touching and realistic post from Reyna....and I so agree, with CarolAnne's post, may we all find such peace, with understanding and acceptance, with our circumstances and challenges

magpie said...

right NOW the still cam has a clear picture of the Royal Nest

magpie said...

sure hoping this mysterious illness takes a hike right NOW for you; this kinds of lingering "malaise" can really wear a person down....and we don't want that happening with YOU!

magpie said...

Are you thinking of getting a second opinion ?

magpie said...

Hoping that these rains reach Megan's Farm and that it is a good soaking rain with nothing but GOOD features to it

magpie said...

Mema Jo is a very fine kind of person for you to pretend to be, in addition to being your own fine self which takes no pretending

JudyEddy said...

My still cam looks like Poop LOL

magpie said...

well mine does too most of the time JudyE but sometimes it is as clear as a bell....
not sure what THAT expression really means...what's a CLEAR BELL!
Maybe Lynne2 can help out with that one... xox LOL Lynne2! Just teasin'

magpie said...

all this rain saved me a heap of trouble and time, watering the garden for me all at once instead of one watering can at a time

JudyEddy said...

I have lost the letter K in my vacumn I can't find it I saw it get sucked up and I have the see thru canister and its not there I bet its stuck somewhere in the hose
Now my still cam looks a little better

Hoda said...

Good afternoon all.

So Glad JO's appointment went well.
Not so pleased to hear that LOLLY continues to have problems...I hope some relief comes soon.

PRAYERS for CINA, Family and Friends.

Glad to hear Thelma is improving.

Still surprises me to read JANET'S notes about school starting.

I had a full day registeration/insurance is done. No problem there simply a matter of reviewing things and paying them the amount for the year.
Bank appointment went well for them to fix their mistake. They acknowledge mistake and they see the discrepency between the amount I wrote for the cheque and the amount deducted from my account, but they still have to investigate and trace it all back before they credit my account. It is the first time in 32 years that they have made such a mistake, so I guess I have to be patient...I think it went well.
Beautiful day here and I was very pleased to be outside and with a hat...lots of water to stay hydrated and a sense of wellness as everyone is so very cheerful and during the Wednesday Market there was a big crowd and people simply wanted to chat too. I like the markets very much.

magpie said...

Snowman cam has a nice view, and the Snowman has a Detroit Tigers Baseball Jersey on...☺

CarolAnne, I sure hope you folks are getting some kind of rain these days

magpie said...

Sounds good, as usual, Hoda...
nice outlook...hope the bank thing gets fixed up soon...those kinds of things can be a real hassle...!

time to flip the calendar pages over and see what kind of wildlife is on each of the several here...
then heading on out....

Best Wishes for a Great Evening, Everyone...
Prayers for Wellness...IN all our Eagle Corners and amongst all our families and friends, and pets

xoxo ttfn xoxo ♥

glo said...

Lolly Now we are going to need you in top notch Texas beauty with a nice healthy glow to go with the sparkles and dry do. So maybe consider that second opinion.

JudyEddy said...

My weather channel in my quick launch gave me a update and now I have a radio in my tool bar along with other stuff I like the radio I can also listen to my local police channel on it tooo cool I like the new look to the weather channel also bigger on the screen more info

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY I hope you find out what is wrong with out It also may be allergys possible

JudyEddy said...

Good dinner tonight again I had Alaska Flounder on the indoor grill wow the cats were worse with this than the shrimp and yep they got a little bit had Leisure early baby peas and those good seasoned potato wedges I am hooked on them now

JudyEddy said...

With this new tool bar I also have Word of the day HMMM todays is
incondite \in-KON-dit\, adjective:
1. Ill-constructed; unpolished: incondite prose.
2. Crude; rough; unmannerly.

It uses it in a sentence etc but did't copy and paste it

JudyEddy said...

I am heading to the Olympic that I dvrd bbl

paula eagleholic said...

My still cam looks like poop, too!

Going over to Stud's for shrimp and salad.

Finally getting a couple of tomatoes turning!

Later gators!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, I posted a pic on Paula's Prints ☺

Hoda said...

You all!!! ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION MR STUDMUFFINS IS ON PAULA'S PRINTS I see why she likes him, nice catch I would say in more ways than one!!! LOL !!!

Hoda said...

PAULA is going there for shrimp and salad that must mean he cooks too...I think this one might turn out to be another like LOLLY'S JACK or WANDA'S CAPTAIN GENE...I am very happy to see a picture of him...

magpie said...

SPLIT is coming up soon, pals....

magpie said...

oooops I lost a post....

it was : Very nice, Paula, thanks for letting us have a peek at Mr. Wonderful...

magpie said...

Shrimp and Salad, a good looking couple, and a Full Moon !
Now that's a winning combination:)

Hoda said...

OH YES It is a FULL MOON MARGY and as you pointed out the first of two this month...makes for a romantic evening I would say and a possible repeat later on towards the endo of the month!!! Way to go you two!!!

NatureNut said...

Good Evening! Happy news about an evening get-together!!!!♥ ♥
Not much going on except I had that wonderful dental appt. this Monday instead of last. The needle on one side in the space between the jaws was called a nerve block.Felt like it was going to my ear! I told them half way thru it was a brain block! He told me to turn left & I turned right!I also wrote the check out to the wrong person!! Been eating egg drop soup, yum!But your not real peppy with that.Gotta find something mushy~~~maybe tuna.
I haver a couple cute pics I've been working on & I might just get them on here before I am able to edit a funny video. The end drags on & on w/no action, so I've got to figure out hoqw to crop the ending frames. There's something in the 'puter called Windows Live Movie Maker, but only a workspace and NO 'structions! I went online to find it and printed oput a couple pages. Might work, but don't want to wait forever.
BBL, but want to express my thoughts and prayers to those with bad health problems. God Bless

JudyEddy said...

Margy you know doing full moons on the blog is against the rules LOL Kidding I wish the cam was up to see it tooooo

JudyEddy said...

I really like the way Larry looks a fine looking gentleman Paula

JudyEddy said...

I got some nice pix of the moon before it went and played hide and seek with me I will go back out in a bit big big cloud but pretty pretty moon

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...