Monday, July 30, 2012


New thread.


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stronghunter said...

Left a comment for you, Paula. I had a hard time because it wanted me to prove I was not a robot by copying two words, but I could not see but one word. Maybe I am a robot. Anyway, it seems to have posted my comment regardless.

stronghunter said...

There was an eagle release at Mason Neck today. Saw it on the news this evening. Haven't read everything, so I am not sure if someone else has reported it already.

It was at a Mason Neck eagle release that I first met Judie in 2009. She was the first Momster I met.

Eagle Release

stronghunter said...

Watching the Olympics this evening.

Judie said...

Hmmmm, looks as if Paula will be eating lots of tuna. Larry Studmuffin is not hard to look at, either. Both look yummy.

Yes, Shirley. So cool that the juvie was released, flew to a tree, and was then seen flying off with another juvie. Wish I had known about the release. How well I remember our first meeting. Still got the hot pink slacks? lol

#&%#@ Okay, okay! Sheesh, the sandperson is really annoying and has mentioned the lightening and thunder several times. So, I am shutting down and sending him on his way to visit each of you.

The night light is set for 11:30pm. Restful sleep for all and continued prayers for Gina.

magpie said...

I always enjoyed the report of the adventures of Judie and Shirley and the Eagle Release back in 2009....

good news today on Mason Neck, Shirley...thanks

Loretta, sorry to read of all the daggone dental discomforts once again....hope all will be well

Good Night, Precious Pals...
Prayers for wellness, healing
and expert medical people helping as well for those things to happen

God Bless Us, Every One

JudyEddy said...

Here is the short video I took of the full moon tonight playing hide and seek with the clouds SO pretty
Full moon tonight soooo pretty

Mema Jo said...

I've been in front of the TV most of the evening. Great pic of Larry, Paula. A very good catch!

Heading for bed - and some sound sleep.

Praying for Gina and her family. They are a very strong family and are praying for Gina's recovery but at the same time they know it may not happen. I pray the good Lord will be there for them and that he brings Gina through this recovery process.

Miss you Lynn ♥ I love us ♥

Lolly said...

Well, I certainly approve Mr. Studmuffin. I have a great fondness for gray beards!!☺

Have been watching the Olympics again tonight.

CarolAnne sent me the greatest email card. She used some of my pictures of Hawkwood. She is certainly creative!! Thanks, again, C/A.(((hugs)))

Hoda said...

Listening to a wonderful podcast on Meditation and Kundalini Yoga.

I will say Good night.



Lolly said...

Time to call it a night here. Yawning big time!!

(((Hugs))) SED!!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

G'night, Lolly! Hope you get a good night's rest, and feel better tomorrow. Prayers!

Paula, that's a good picture of Larry! He looks like a keeper to me! Nice fish, too.

Well, got all the doctor's work finished and sent back today. Need to concentrate on cleaning up around this roost tomorrow. Tend to neglect it when really busy with work.

I'm so impressed with Gina's family's strong faith! Still praying nonstop, and hoping all will work out for the good.

They did treat our yard for fire ants today. Can't water now until Friday. Hope it cools down more--that would be helpful.

Loretta, hope your mouth heals up quickly! OOooh--I dislike going to the dentist!

Margy, when there are two full moons in one month, isn't the second one called a blue moon? I hope I'm remembering that correctly.

Well, think I'll call it a night.
Have said prayers for everyone,
and for every creature, including our fur babies. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. SED, everyone. God bless, and goodnight. I love all of you!
♥♥Missing Lynn too♥♥
♥♥Carolyn and Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!!!

Costume Lady said...


Lolly, I too am partial to gray beards (Capt. Gene's is gray).
I'm so happy that Paula & Larry are enjoying each others company. They seem to be compatable and that makes a relationship worth having:)

Tomorrow is Mountaineer Food Bank truck day. Not a real big order, but we do have 15 cases of chicken legs to pass out to our guests.
Should have been in bed a long time ago!

Good night dear friends,sleep well...prayers for all♥

Lori O. said...

Good Morning everyone!

GREAT to see PAULA's picture of Studmuffin!

Glad they are trying to get rid of your fireants, ANDY! Hope it cools down for everyone who is having hot weather and not much rain.

We've been lucky around the nest area with thunderstorms yesterday that watered my pots for me! I see you were happy about that, too, SANDI!

Janet said...

Good morning,

JUDYE: I can thread the sewing machine okay, I just hate sewing. I get very edgy and nervous . Don't know. I can do it, its just so not my thing. (Define I can do it: I can hem and repair, making sort of straight lines, that's it). In my 48 years, I have made an apron (in high school) and one bib (for Chelsea 26 years ago). That's it.

HODA: yes school is in session: sort of. Metro (Davidson county/Nashville) started yesterday: 1/2 day. THEY ARE NOT IN SESSION TODAY, but return TOMORROW for a full day. :{ Personally, I think some one intentionally tries to see how crazy they can drive parents!!!! As for Olivia, she has had school Monday thru today, but is off tomorrow.

Driving past the school zones yesterday, you would have thought this folks lost their minds. It is no secret that driving is less than my favorite activity, and I had enough forethought to put on some "extra" patience, but WOW.

The rest of the day was good. I went grocery shopping before I picked Olivia up from school and was "hit up" by yet another panhandler. They are bad here in Nashville. The interstates weave right through town and Tom explained to me years ago, 1. that's how they get here (hitch hiking I suppose) and 2. they can get somewhere from here, no like a smaller town where there is no interstate nearby. 40 rights right near the house.

Now I don't know about you folks, but they tick me off. I know everyone has their bad times, but a lot of the ones around here make a living begging. Let's just say when he "asked me for a favor" he was quite surprised when I was very rude and told him NO, you cannot ask me for a favor. He backpaddled very quickly.

They also sell newspapers. They are called "The Contributor". They stand on the street corners and sell these news papers for a buck. .75 they keep, I understand it and it is supposed to help them to get on their feet. But since this started, I have seen the same people selling the same papers for several years, so I don't get it. I don't buy the papers either. Seems like there could be a better way to help these folks.

Anyway, that's my contribution for the moment. Ice skating tonight. Granddaughter has croup, spent most of the night at the ER as she has asthma as well. Olivia was going to spend the night tonight, but that is out of the question now. HMMMMMM, new plans.

With my gal pals here starting tomorrow, you may not see too much of me over the next few days. I will try to lurk anyway and keep up....

Everyone have a beautiful day. Light, love, hugs, and healing to all! SMILES!!!!! (JUDYE: enjoy your "early" retirement practice! :)

Sandi said...

Good sunny Thursday morning my eagle friends!

Company left yesterday - need to get the room dusted and vacuumed today and the adjacent bathroom cleaned so it will be ready for our next guests on Monday.

Vet bill for Bella was $400 - GRRR!!! I'm wondering if my vet's charges are out of line with what other folks are paying??? When I went into the exam room, the vet tech said annual exam ($60), one vaccination ($29) and a heartworm test ($49). And I needed Heartgard so I got a 12-pack ($67). One of Bella's ear canals was clogged when the vet checked her ears, so he charged $24 to clean it out and another $35 to check what was in her ear under a microscope to find that it was only wax! Plus there was a $150 charge for something called a senior wellness profile (they apparently drew a little extra blood when they did her heartworm test) to check her kidney and liver function that I didn't even know they were going to do! Is an almost 8 year old dachshund considered a senior dog? Shouldn't they ask before they do tests that they're going to charge $150 for? I sure didn't plan on $400 - Bandit's exam is next week!! Lynne2, where are you?

Continued prayers for Gina and her family.

Lolly, hope you're on the mend so you and Glo can start training for the 2016 Olympics. Gymnastics or synchronized diving both sound great - I'll watch! =)

Have a great day all!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Judie, I put the hot pink pants in with some Freecycle stuff this summer, so maybe someone is enjoying them now.

Wow, that is some vet bill, Sandi. I need to take George for some dental work. Wonder how much that will cost?

Panhandlers--I remember a very aggressive one I encountered in Baltimore. It was early one morning, and I was alone and on my way to get copies made of some handouts for a teacher's convention. A bit unnerving.

A while back, one of the kids who grew up on our street was panhandling for a living. (Former kid--a little younger than Kathryn.) Very sad. She was supporting her drug habit. I am sure her parents are very upset. I think she is doing better now. At least, I hope so.

I worry about her children. She had twins a bit after Hunter was born--a single mom. I hope her parents have stepped in to help those children. I feel sure they would try.

Time to get Hunter ready for another day at camp.

I hear our cardinals chirping at the back door. Many generations of cardinals have come to visit us there. Would love to find their nests.

glo said...

Good morning everyone. I will be calling the vet again today. Dex has been off his medicine for one day. I see the symptoms that sent us there returning. I am very concerned. I fear a dreaded day is around the corner. I hope I am wrong. Anyway. I am tired. I am confused and well I guess we will get ready to head for coffee and dog treats. Catch you all later.

paula eagleholic said...

Sandi, the Vet should have OK'd the senior profile with you before hand. I think they start asking about those at 7 or 8 years here. I think the charge to look under the microscope was out of line, myself. The other charges are consistent with what I pay here.

paula eagleholic said...

Glo, I think it was an infection ? with Dex. Maybe he just needs some more meds for a little longer. Certainly hope that is the case.

paula eagleholic said...

I had a panhandler approach me in our local grocery store parking lot! Said she was a disabled vet and needed to buy a soda. She said she was living in her car...which looked pretty new to me. Anyhow, I told her I didn't have any cash. I don't give ANY $$ to panhandlers!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for all your comments on Studmuffin. I won't tell them to him all at once, it might go to his head ☺

Anyhow, he is headed to the beach for almost 2 weeks...I'll miss him when he's gone. Will go take care of kitty and his maters while he's gone.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals.....

Glo (( Hugs )) for today and every day to follow...hoping that Dex can be in comfort and that the medicines kick in and work

Paula, I have two large tomatoes ready to pick, and wow, that rain last night was perfect

magpie said...

Well there's that old expression,
Absence makes the heart grow fonder... ☺♥
sounds like the Heart♥ is plenty fond right now !
Happy for you. Paula....

magpie said...

my green peppers and sunflower and all my Megan Flowers are doing great also

magpie said...

Must go make dough...things are busy here already

Best Wishes for a Good Day, Everyone xox ♥

was nice to hear Lori and Loo this morning on the way to work...
☺ ♪ ♫

Lori O. said...

GLO, hope you're wrong and DEX is gonna be just fine and NOT get sick again.

SANDI, You're right - they shouldn't be just doing $150 dollar tests without permission! I'd give them permission, but would want to know it FIRST! I won't even begin to tell you how much we spend on Vet Bills, but if you can afford it, I think it's worth it. Extra cookies for Bella and Bandit...and Buddy, Nick, Flash, Emma and all the rest!

Sandi said...

Paula, thanks for the feedback on the vet - sorry you will be missing Mr. Studmuffin! 2 weeks apart?? Yikes!

Glo, sure hope your premonition is wrong and the vet can figure out what's up with Dex!

Speaking of Glo, she very generously offered to edit some of our favorite photos from the trip so we can have prints made and get them framed. I put the ones we are going to get printed on my blog - they are MAGNIFICENT!!!

Need to get busy around the house. Later all!

Lori O. said...

SANDI - Your pics are MAGNIFICENT!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Glo, love and hugs to you and Dex. I do know exactly how you feel. :(

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And Lori, you left out 4 really important names - Buphals, Scooby, Hairy and Lilyun! :) Get with the program girlfriend. (((HUGS))) :)

JudyEddy said...

G☺☺D M☼rning Eagle Buds Gotta go do some errands

JudyEddy said...

Wow what a unbelivable store a eagle vs and pick up truck
and the eagle lives
Eagle and a pickup truck crash eagle survives Amazing

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning my friends ♥ I haven't any special plans for my day - The squirrels and birds are late coming by today.
Lolly I certainly hope you get some answers on your intestinal problems. You need to be free of anything keeping you from your beautiful Hawkwood!

Lolly, Carol Anne sent to me a preview of your beautiful and peaceful Smilebox! Lori and Margy and Glo have also received a Smilebox from Carol Anne - She is so creative and such a sharing concerned person with her talents. Love your works, CA

♥ The Still cam - Wow I can actually see our nest without any lines! Wow!

I need to get these meds in me - I'll be back shortly.

glo said...

OK we are back from the Vet. She did give him a months worth of the same med she sent him home on last time. No shots today but said the good news is the meds she sent home are working to help him be relatively comfortable and not weakening from constant diarrhea. She felt there was no need to change his diet. She had a cat take this med for 5 years. The plan is to keep him stable and comfortable enjoying his meals and not losing them one way or the other for as long as it takes. I am to check in in a month or earlier if needed. She is willing to refill if the diarrhea returns again within hours of stopping the meds. I told her emotionally and financially I will not put Dex through all kinds of tests and treatments. I want him to enjoy his days here in my home and my arms, or I will let him go. On these meds so far we are hoping he can enjoy many more days. So he took his pill. I am eating breakfast and hoping the tummy settles right back down again.

glo said...

Sandy I am anxious to head to your Blog and see which ones you have chosen to print.

Mema Jo said...

Just viewed Sandi's pictures and they are beautiful - you need a complete wall covered with these in your home!


stronghunter said...

Trying to concentrate. Luna is barking to come in. Again. She does not think she should be outdoors for more than just a few minutes at any time unless she is being walked. We have a nice big yard with shade and sunshine. She is quite spoiled.

CarolAnne said...

Morning all,
MemaJo, thank you for the kind words regarding the Smileboxes. Also thank you to Lolly, Glo, Margy, and Lori for letting me know of your Smiles (and a few tears) upon receiving them.

Here's a Smilebox of some pics from Sandi's trip including the beautiful ones edited by Glo.(Hope this link works-takes a bit to load)

stronghunter said...

Wonderful pictures! Thanks for the link, CA.

Mema Jo said...

Wow! Carol Anne, it's another successful presentation! ♥

Mema Jo said...

Off to start my day before it gets away from me! BBL

movin said...




fAIRLY warm, fairly humid here in So Cal today. Maybe it'll translate into some rain for the plains, but we aren't getting any today.

Any news about our pair of eagles lately?? What little I can see on the still cam does not show eagles at all.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

Jewels said...

Hello all my friends and family... I just wanted to let you all know that My Grandma Riner, my Dad's mom passed away this morning at 9:13 in her sleep. She was 97 yrs young, and is now in the arms of her beloved Lord, husband, and parents, brothers and sisters. Another Joyous reunion in Heaven. I am heartbroken once again,I am so glad that I could have been there careing for her and loving her. When I left on TUesday... I kissed her on the lips even tho I had been feeling under the weather the last few days. I remembered my co-worker saying, Carolyn... kiss her, she is does mnot matter if yiu are sick... I am so glad that I listened to her!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Love, hugs and prayers Jewels.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Jim, no news about the eagles lately, nothing, nada, nil.

Jewels said...

Thanks Shar!!!! Love you

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Every time I get a notification from CaringBridge about Gina, my heart falls. :(

The Lord called our precious Gina home at 10:08am.

Gina's blood pressure began to drop just before midnight and there was no brain activity. The CT scan revealed massive swelling of the brain with fixed dilated pupils. We made the decision that is was time to hand over our angel to the Lord. A priest came and anointed her, ventilator tubes were removed and a morphine drip was started to ensure no pain. We were at her side holding her hands the entire time. She passed quickly and peacefully.

We are in the process of making funeral arrangements and will post in the next few days.

Thank you for your love and support. Gina has left a tremendous legacy.

T-Bird said...

Good afternoon my eagle peeps.

movin said...

Thanks for the news ... or no news ... on our eagles, Sharon. I'm sure the fledglings have departed already, which means we have witnessed one more very successful season in this nest.

Thanks for your report on your mother-in-law's passing, Jewels. It is very moving.

I really liked the 'smile box' link to the African plains. Some really great shots in that series.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

CarolAnne said...

Shar, thanks for sharing.
My heart goes out to that family. Even with all their strength in accepting this life event, it has to hurt so very much. Prayers, love & hugs headed their way.

CarolAnne said...

Jewels, you know they say the Lord never gives you more than you can handle. Don't you wish sometimes he'd let up just a bit.

Hugs to you and yours as you once again celebrate a life well lived & loved.

Jewels said...

Oh my...I had not got to my email yet.... Bless Gina's heart. My thoughts and prayers to the family and friends!!! God keeps recieving such precious angels!!!!

Movin... it was my Grandma.. not mother n law. Thank you for your kind words.

Lolly said...

Good afternoon! I got outside early this morn. Already 96 and heading up, up, up! No relief in sight!

I think I am better. Went 24 hours before I had another "spell". So, I am not calling Carol today. There is improvement. Going to give it a little more time.

Prayers for Gina's family as well as Carolyn and Christie.

C/A enjoyed the pictures of Sandi's trip. Fun to look at pictures with music!!

CarolAnne said...

Glad Sandi's pictures are being enjoyed. I wanted to put the "Lion King" music with it, but couldn't get it to stick. Must be the copyright or something.

JudyEddy said...

CAROLANNE -WOW never have heard of the smile boxes that was just toooo cool and Glo what a good job you did with her pic They are fantastic either way all so beautiful You are such a creative person CA

and I got my package out in the mail today sent lst class will take 6-10days they said

So sorry for your loss JEWEL

SHARON so sorry about Gina will keep her family in my thoughts

To many deaths of late life just isn't fair at time especially when its a younger person We know that are days on earth are numbered and expect it as we get older but not the young that haven't lived yet Sometime I say take me and let the young live but as we all know there is no bargaining I'm sure this is laying heavy on TORI and her family too

magpie said...

I have just read the double dose of sad news.....

My prayers and thoughts are with the families of Carolyn, and

(( Hugs ))

JudyEddy said...

Jordyn wanted me to pick her up at school before lunch today and take a nap at my house so I did Got there a little before 12 and ate now she is down for a nap I told her she can't take a long one didn't get in the bed till 120 so she promised me she would be grouchy when I woke her up after about a hour Will probably wake her at 3 other wise she won't sleep good tonight

Kay said...

Prayers for Jewels and family as well as Gina's family. May she and Grandma Riner rest in peace !

Slow going here. Yesterday the therapist told me I can expect a full year before hoping to be pain free and fully healed. Woe is me ! "One day at a time". Sorry I'm not keeping in close touch yet--just don't have the strength and stamina needed to cope with all I'd like to do.

Again, prayers for those in bereavement as well as those of you who are also suffering with pain and illness ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Hoda said...

Condolances for GINA'S Family and Friends.

Love and Light and PRAYERS for CAROLYN'S and CHRISTIE'S GRANDMA and family...

SANDI Vet bill sounds way too high to me!!! Yes I think they should have asked before they ran $150 test.

PAULA...sad about the veteran panhandler...we have many homeless in Nelson. When I first moved here I always used to say I had no spare money. Then I felt really guilty and decided to buy breakfast to a chap who always asked me for money and I always refused. I took him to a health food place thinking he would get some protein and maybe even something to tie him over for lunch. He ordered a double shot of espresso and two croissant!!! A Chocolate Almond Croissant and a Cheese Croissant. I suppose in the cheese he did get some protein but that was not what I had thought!!!
Now there is one who is always outside the health food store and he asks for money and I find him pushy...he uses the money to buy cigarettes!!!We have enough social agencies here and there is a food cupboard and a daily soup kitchen they are guranteed a free hot meal a day and free food and whatever clothing. I feel uncomfortable about refusing them but I support the food cupboard and the soup kitchen and that is the part I play. I do not like to hand out cash either.

I went for a wonderful early morning hike with a friend. The trail was stunning and the hike was invigorating. I have lots of energy now for the day.

Have a terrific day everyone.

LOLLY I hope you are feeling better.

Janet said...

Quick p.m. check in:

Healing, light, love and comfort for all in need/pain/or grief. So sad to hear of so many today.

Heading out to get Olivia. Later

JudyEddy said...


LOL am I bad or what

glo said...

Just up from a much needed nap and read the sad news.

Prayers for Gina's family as well as Carolyn and Christie.

T-Bird said...

Thoughts and prayers with Carolyn and Gina and their family.

Hoda said...


Sandi said...

Checking in!

Kay, delighted to see you hopping on the blog today! Patience is hard for many of us, me especially!

Glo, so glad that Dex's trip to the vet was a positive one. I admire your statement that you are not willing - emotionally or financially - to put him through a lot of tests and treatments, but hope the meds work for him for a long time to come!

CarolAnne, thanks for the Smilebox - you are the BEST!

Carolyn, prayers for you and Christie and your family - what a tough year this has been for you!

Sharon, thanks for sharing the sad news about Gina on the blog - prayers for strength for her family.

Judy, I hope you don't explode before your secret goes public!

Shirley, how's the search for wallpaper going?

Grocery store time for me! Later!

Lori O. said...

A very sad day for Carolyn and Christie, and Gina's friends and family. Prayers for healing hearts.

HODA, I think that's a great way to handle the panhandlers - supporting the agencies that support them. Good on YOU!

SHARON, I love you and ALL your dogs (and cats).

Lori O. said...

So wonderful to see our KAY got in a post today, but sorry that it'll take a full year to be pain-free. YOU WILL MAKE IT, KAY! We all love and miss you very much.

(((BIG HUGS))) ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lori O. said...

Off to look at CarolAnne's latest SmileBox. Another work of love and lovely thoughts, CarolAnne! Thanks for sharing.

Mema Jo said...

I had just opened my emails and I, just like Sharon, would hesitate before opening Gina's Caring bridge. I am so sadden to have lost this dear child but there will be no more pain for her and the family has accepted God's Will.

Mema Jo said...

Carolyn and Christie - may your grandmother be blessed knowing that you both were with her and shared her love.
May she rest in the sleep of peace with
God above! Peace and love to you both! ♥

Mema Jo said...

Carolyn and Christie I was reading farther upward and see that it was your dad's mother - I was mistaken and thought it was your mom's mother. Non the lease I am so sorry for your loss.♥

Robyn said...

I am sorry I did not post earlier but we were out and my phone was almost out of juice when I received the news

I am sure everyone now knows Gina passed away this morning, Tori is handling it well but very sad as she really wanted to get to know Gina.

When I spoke to Reyna a few weeks ago she felt Gina was giving up and I feel she may have also. Things kept going up and down for Gina over the past few weeks and perhaps she was just tired to go thru all this again.

We are all feeling quite down but we need to celebrate Gina's life as she left a mark on the world and those who met her. Gina was a very outgoing, friendly happy go lucky child.

Gina will be a wonderful, beautiful happy Angel

paula eagleholic said...

Glo, glad it's just a med that Dex needs and can be happy on...that's what matters!

Still keeping my eyes on the still cam...mostly fuzzy, but will holler if I can see anything!

So very sorry for Carolyn on the loss of Grandma Riner,

Any many love and hugs to Gina's family.

paula eagleholic said...

Kay, sure hope you beat that prediction the therapist gave you!

paula eagleholic said...

I think there is an adult eagle in our nest!

paula eagleholic said...

I got one pic...was fuzzy, but pretty sure it was an eagle..and if it's not...well the fuzzy lines did a good imitation!

NatureNut said...

Anybody home?
I'll have to put on the still cam.

So terribly sorry to hear about Gina and Grandma Riner. Many thoughts and prayers to both families.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

So, my friend Lori who had the big surgery at the Cleveland Clinic? Well, I talked to her a week and a half ago. She was in a wound care center in Charleston, West Virginia and doing better. Her brother just posted for everyone to pray. She has taken a sudden turn for the worse and is on a ventilator. I don't even know what to say.

NatureNut said...

Have some new pictures in blog. Just got the first one!!!!
Then is a set of somev cool and amusing animals. Someday I'll get my video cropped, I hope, to put on here. It's a riot.

paula eagleholic said...

So sorry Shar.

paula eagleholic said...

Great news, Lowreeda!

NatureNut said...

Oh Gosh, Sharon. How sad. Not a good day. Prayers for Lori, family & friends.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I just spoke to her brother. She has VRE sepsis. They are doing a tracheostomy tomorrow because if she survives, she will need to be ventilated long-term. He said it really doesn't look good. He took her 13-year-old daughter back home today. Her name is Payton. All of it is just unreal.

JudyEddy said...

Just got home a bit ago from Angies had dinner at Beef O'brady's Love the food there
HODA do you want to know my secret well
I can tell all of you but can't say anything on facebook
I posted pictures of the Alphabet 9"letters that Patti has for sale Patti is Angies SIL and she does this for a home business

Suprise secret for Angie

JudyEddy said...

I posted them on my news feed to help Patti promote them not knowing Angie wanted them to until I found out so I got it all wrapped up with Patti to buy them I am so happy I got them she had several inquiries but no money yet so I get them That is my secret Good one HUH

JudyEddy said...

I am good at keeping secrets HODA but you squirmed it out of me RIGHT JO

JudyEddy said...

Jordyn want me to pick her up tomorrow after nap that means I only get her for a hour and a half that is not long enough but will have to do She start VPK the 18th so this is getting her ready for it

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE, I can't access the link you posted.

paula eagleholic said...

Watching some gymnastics tonight...doing laundry...

paula eagleholic said...

Uh oh, think the still cam is froZEN AND looping,,.

JudyEddy said...

Will redo link I missed up and put you to the edit page give me a min

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

Ok lets try this now
The secret and surprise I got for Jordyn room for Angie from her SIL

Judie said...

Sending sympathy and prayers for all who have suffered a loss today. May peace and acceptance come quickly.

The night light is on and the sandperson is on the way. Restful and restorative sleep for all.

JudyEddy said...

I do have the picture on facebook on my profile also there are a few letters that don't show because they are under the blogs writing didn't want to make the picture to small I think they are so cute She had made these as samples for her site she was doing I think she may be stopping it not for sure They are moving in with her mother for a time being Angie is excited they will be neighbors again Her husband does some traveling and they are having a hard time finding a place to live from month to month he is looking to move and a promotion so they will live there for a while

JudyEddy said...

JO am I good at keeping secrets LOL

Lynne2 said...

Popping in to say...

Prayers for Gina's family, and for the Riner Family on their sad losses today. And prayers for Shar's friend Lori and family as well.

Glo, Dex will be fine on the meds long term. QUALITY of life is most important at this stage!

Sandi....OMG!!! An exam at our place is $36, the vaccination is the DHLPP or DHPP annual and ours is $20. Ear cleaning and cytology would run about $30-50. Our Heartworm test is $33. Heartgard for a year for under 22lbs is $32. We would NEVER do a blood panel without discussing it with the owner, EVER. But a basic CBC/Chem would have run you about $90. Our prices are very reasonable, and the care is the best!

Lolly, glad you seem to be on the mend!

Kay...geesh. I don't know what to say. I didn't imagine it would be a full year for things to heal and pain to be gone. But hopefully it will be much improved far sooner than that.

JudyE....I see HODA asked you about your secret and you seem to have come up with an answer....hmmmm. What's up with THAT? ;) LOL!!!

OK, who wants a kitten? We are all pitching in to raise 3 newborns who have no mother. I'll try to get some pictures tomorrow. We don't think they even got the first few days of essential colostrum from momma's milk, they were found in a barn, in 3 different locations therein, umbilical cords still attached. They have a fair chance of survival, but one is pretty weak. We shall see....

Gotta you guys!

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

AWW I think but not for sure but I think the H is a hedgehog to hard to tell from the picture Just don't know when I will give to her she had made a comment that she had no room on Jordyns wall know but when they move she wanted a play room I will have to go and check the walls out otherwise be a good present for Christmas if I can keep the secret that long we know how I am on secrets LOL

JudyEddy said...

OH NO that was my secret LYNNE2 LOL ask JO

Hoda said...

Thanks for sharing the secret JUDYE. Nice letters...

Sorry SHaR for yet another friend not well...PRAYERS.

Had a very good yoga practice and would still like to see a post from LOLLY...Hope all is well.

It is a long weekend here this weekend is it in the USA? We have a Civic Holiday. It is hard for me to believe it is already the long weekend in August!!! Amazing rather.

Tomorrow will be five years since my Egyptian Mama died...seems unreal that five years have passed.
I will go for a good walk in the woods to celebrate her memory.

JudyEddy said...

di you see the letters they are soo stinkin cute I am having her send them to me this way Angie won't find out I could pick them up at Angie MIL but she may find out

JudyEddy said...

HODA did you see any of the boat racing of the olympics

JudyEddy said...

I want a kitten Aww can't wait for pictures sure wish I lived closer I would take one Whats another cat I have two now

JudyEddy said...

NOPE I was wrong the H is for HIPPO I used the maginifer on my puter to see it

Mema Jo said...

Judy - You are going to get the wet noodle/cane treatment if you spill the beans - My mouth is mum!

Kay - healing of nerve endings - it was a good 2 years before my piercing pain in my arm ceased to be - they were not constant pains - just felt like needles.
I had the surgery on my right side for the lung biopsy and nerves were cut where the incision was made. I assume though that your pain is in you back area. That would be much more uncomfortable then my arm.

Mema Jo said...

I am going to bid you all farewell

Prayers for so many friends and families who have lost loved ones. May the souls of all that have said their good bys, rest in peace.

I ♥ Us
I ♥ Lynn

magpie said...

Good Night, Precious Pals....

feeling sadness at the loss of dear ones amongst us....and saying prayers for comfort and peace...

also adding prayers for healing and recovery for many in need of that....

Hope Sleep is Sweet,
and tomorrow, being RED FRIDAY, that we remember with gratitude our Military addition to doing that the other six days of the week.....

I had some long-awaited Grandson time tonight....just what the doctor ordered for MY spirits....

Love you all....

God Bless Us, Every One

Hoda said...

I only caught the Gold Medal team win for the UK JUDYE...they were terrific.

JudyEddy said...

YES MemaJo I promise not to tell my secret Angie won't find out

Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

JudyEddy said...

I just like to stir the pot LOL

Costume Lady said...

This has been a long, crazy day...ALL I can do is end it, right now. Must get up very early in the morning, so I will say good night now. Love and prayers for all♥

ps..saddened to hear of the passing of Carolyn & Christie's Grandmother and Robyn & Tori's friend, Gina~

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Wasn't lurking this afternoon, so having to backtrack to see what's happening.

JudyE, love the story of the eagle vs. the pickup truck! Amazing, for sure!

Glo, I, too, am hoping that Dex will be OK on the meds for a very long time! Prayers, and ((HUGS))!

Shirley, Luna makes me smile. She must be really attached to you and the family. How is her vision? Is she doing pretty well lately?

Carolyn, I am so sorry to hear that your Grandma Riner has passed over! I'm glad you were able to spend time with her. ((HUGS))and prayers for you, for Christie, and your whole family. Love you!

Oh, my--I see that Gina went home this morning, too. Shar, thank you for your post about that. Prayers for Gina's family, friends, and caregivers.

Oh, Shar! Truly sorry to hear that your friend Lori is not doing well.
Bigtime prayers!

Lynne2, prayers for the orphaned kitties! Your vet has excellent prices. Emma is slightly overdue for a vet check (every 6 mo.), and I've been debating whether or not to get pet insurance on her first.
Trouble is, there's a 2-week waiting period before the insurance kicks in, and she's just a bit under the weather. Just not quite 100%, and napping more than usual. Still has a good appetite, and no diarrhea or vomiting, no apparent fever. The hot weather is getting to her. She parks in front of the fan a lot. Need to get her checked out, so think I'll just call for an appointment tomorrow. Better safe than sorry.
Hopefully it's something minor. Glo, I know just how you feel, too!
Boy, I wish dogs could speak English! MTBR....

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, think I'll call it a day. Have said prayers for everyone, and for all creatures and furbabies. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Sleep well, everyone, with SED. God bless, and goodnight.
Love all of you!
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!!

Lolly said...

Getting on to say good night. Have been watching the Olympics and reading.

Have three things to do tomorrow...mow, dr. appt., and hair appt. Think I will have to cancel one of the appointments. Dern!!!

Better today in someways but another problem popped up to ruin my day. I am getting so tired of this!!!

(((Hugs)) Sharon, I know you are really hurting.

Night all! SED!!!

glo said...

Lynne 2. I am so glad to read your input on these meds. Yes she kind of aid the same thing re quality of life now. I almost called you but didn't want to be a pest and well Dex and I have to trust her to help us through this the best way for both.

Hoda said...

Sending prayers LOLLY...

Hoda said...



stronghunter said...

Stopping in to say good night. SED. Rest well, my friends. See you tomorrow.

Lori O. said...

Good morning eagle friends, it's a NEW DAY! Finally a Friday!

Thankful for the new day and hope of today after all the sad news of yesterday. Hope Carolyn, Christie, Shar and Robyn are all doing well. Prayers for your friends and families.

PAULA, are you going to the beach or are you staying home to care for Studmuffin's place? :) Or should we start calling him Larry, now?

grannyblt said...

Good evening eagle friends. It is only after 10 pm here and still not dark outside. I am still in Alaska visiting my daughter and family. On Tuesday we went to Whittier. The weather was absolutely perfect. Saw many glaciers along the way. No wildlife sightings however. I will eventually get some pictures on Facebook. Yesterday and today were rainy and cold, but we did visit PotterMarsh where I finally saw two eagles. Still no moose or sheep or bears. Tomorrow her art studio is involved in a monthly show so ill be downtown all evening for that. they don't have any t

grannyblt said...

Ignore the last line of previous post. I couldn't edit properly

So sorry to hear about all the sadness many of you are experiencing.
SED to you all

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everybody. Up and at em early this morning. Getting off at 2 and heading to Charlotte for a Lynyrd Skynyrd and Allman Brothers Band concert with Jeffrey Brannon, Jon's brother.

Sandi said...

Good Friday morning my eagle friends - it's gonna be a hot, sunny one here at the beach today!

Sharon, so sorry to hear about your friend Lori's sudden turn for the worse. Prayers for her family and friends. Hope the concert tonight can temporarily lift your spirits.

And prayers for Carolyn and Christie as they deal with their Grandma's passing and for Robyn and Tori and Gina's family - so much sadness.

Lynne1, glad you saw a couple of eagles! Enjoy your time with your family!

Lynne2, wish I lived closer to Manchester - comparing the prices, I would still save money driving to your place, even after paying for a tank of gas! =) I DO love the vet and the staff, just not the prices!

Have a great day all!

Janet said...

Quick good morning. Its Friday once again..... Hope everyone has a great day! ;) Hugs!

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Woke up with a headache. I think I slept too sound BUT I did sleep and so did Dex :-). I hope today brings some good things into everyone's life. It gets tough out there sometimes. A friend from Camera club one of the crazy ones who photographs eagles with me at 20 below or more sent chill sent this video. I think you will all enjoy it. Beauty and the Beak"

Judie said...

Good morning.

Hoping today will be positive for everyone.

Also want to see that Lolly's doctor was able to help her feel better.

Have errands this morning and it's get the "do" done day.


magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals

make that Good RED Friday Morning...

great report, Lynne1/grannyblt...
yep, lots and lots of daylight hours in Alaska !

magpie said...

Hoping that for whatever reasons things were rough or tough for Wanda Thursday, that TODAY's things make up for all that...

(( Hugs WANDA ))

magpie said...

sounds like some good rockin' tunes coming your way...

Glo: Hope every day is better than the one before for Dex

magpie said...

overslept by about 90 mins this morning had to hustle, BUT
I did get a little time with Lori and Loo....

♪ ♫

Lolly whatever IT is, hope IT starts behaving, and that you CAN make all three appointments today...

and now I have to go make dough $$$

Best Wishes for a Good DAY, Everyone...
xoxo ♥

Lolly said...

Good morning! So far, so good!!!! Yea!Mornings have not been good. Keep the prayers going, please! Yesterday my tummy hurt, too. First time for that. I cried. I do NOT like being the sick one!!!!!!! Going to get out and mow this morning. Riding the mower is not a hard job and helps Jack. I will probably skip the edging and blowing.

Have a good day!!! I am determined to have a good one!!

glo said...

Good morning Lolly. I am glad you are feeling pretty good for morning. I hope it continues throughout the day. Don't overdo out there.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning eagle buds Hope each and everyone of you have a great day

LYNNE1 thanks for saying your pic were on FB I just went over and saw a few don't know why Facebook is such a PIA most of my people post don't show on my newfeed at all Can't for the life of me figure it out and guess I will never

JudyEddy said...

OH Glo thanks for posting beauty and the beak sooooo sad so happy theat someone is helping her

JudyEddy said...

Yeah LYNNE1 got to see to eagle super duper cool

JudyEddy said...

Looks like the still cam is shot only a black screen with a little red x in it since I got up I have opened another and still the same Drat it

JudyEddy said...

I posted Beauty and the Beak on facebook such a neat story that was in 2008 I think it said I wonder how she is today

glo said...

Judy Glad you enjoyed the video and shared on FB too. I too would love to know how she is today.

Mema Jo said...

I almost didn't make it in time to say Good Morning! I pray everyone has a blessed day - We can't do anything but pray when loved ones leave us and we know they are at peace. BUT when there is something ailing us - we must take action so not to worry all our friends.

Lolly, please please get to your doctor. We don't like your pain ♥

Mema Jo said...

Really do like the psychedelic lines more then I do the Black Screen

I keep trying to see the baby panda cub but his mom is holding sooooo close to her. One of the videos when she went for a drink of water showed him having a temper tantrum - flopping around all over the place. He/she is going to be a spit fire!

Is anyone else watching any good cams.
I know about the puppies!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning T-Bird my friend ♥

Mema Jo said...

Just got an email from Helen - White Marlin has opened in OC

Lolly said...

Guess what? I am in from working in the yard. Feeling better than I have in a couple of weeks. Going to get my do done in about an hour. Do not yell at me but I cancelled my Dr. appointment. I really am feeling better.

T-Bird said...

Sounds great Lolly. Thanks for sharing Jo.

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY LOLLY LOLLY shame on you cancelling you appt You know that it comes and goes and with the weeknd coming up you should have kept it I am not yelling at you I am being stern!!! MemaJo can do the yelling LOL

NOW feeling better cancelling appt
8:51 8-3 tummy
12:31 8-3 tummy issue
1:31 8-2 somewhat better
11:11 8-1 11days still problem
11:01 8-1 meds not working
11:00 7-31 abdomianl pain
10:26 7-30 thought I was getting better but no such luck
5:18 7-29 intestinal problem
956 7-27 still have aproblem I might live
11:54 7-26 its is intestinal problems that have me really hurting

OK as you can see its a on and off thing you should go to the dr The back problem and it may go together maybe JMHO and those are your own words above

T-Bird said...

Lolly, I sure didn't realize you cancelled your appointment when I said sounds good. Sounds like you are rationalizing to me. You have got to keep your appointments friend.

Mema Jo said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lolly's in trouble. SMH!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Get 'er JudyE!

magpie said...

more trouble from cancelling the appointment, or from
telling us you canceled it, Lolly

Jo DID say.....

JudyEddy said...

SHAR what does SMH stand for

magpie said...

at 11:43 this morning

magpie said...

something really important....

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

SMH - shaking my head. :)

JudyEddy said...

just got back from Sam's Club cancelled my membership and came out with $40 what a surprise haven't used in in two years so why keep it I have payroll deduction on it so will have to see if that has been cancelled just don't know why I got 40 back Bought a cute doll house at Sal Army for Jordyn its in the back of the truck was suppose to have Jordyn at 415 today pick her up at 245 so now with the doll house will just take her home at 5 Get to spend more time with her this way tooo I keep telling her I can't get enough of her she giggles and now says that to Angies so cute

JudyEddy said...

thanks Shar now I know

JudyEddy said...

you wouldn't beleive the different things I was thinking of for it Shar some were silly

JudyEddy said...

Angie got a ticket this am sort of a rolling stop at the red light to turn red Jordyn keep saying it ok mommy it ok mommy

This is from her facebook page
You know why couldnt this happen to me Monday and not on a Friday, didn't completely come to a stop turning right on a Red light and got a $264 ticket WTH, you know I can speed going 19 miles over the speed limit and the ticket is less at $256 and speeding in a SCHOOL zone of 10miles over is $156. WowI think the $264 is little bit to extreme.!!!!! What a way to start my weekend. Ok now enough of that whats done is done can't change it right GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Jorydn asked mommy are you sad and Angies said yes then she ask are you mad and angie said yes that Jordyn says thats ok mommy funny kid

JudyEddy said...


Sandi said...

Checking in ...

Many here will say I'm wrong but I would do the same as Lolly and cancel a doctor appt. if I was feeling better.

Judy, that was some fine for not coming to a complete stop - wow!

Hot today, but not bad at the beach since there was a breeze! Headed to the shower!


magpie said...

I am thinking,
that it is nice that
we can say things about
ourselves here
good or bad,
and still have the friendships amongst us to know we are loved....
even though some "ragging" or nagging is bound to occur...

might be part of that mother henning kind of a thing....

I hope tht makes sense....

magpie said...

but sometimes I am too shy
(and/or ashamed) to be
that honest about myself...

I konw this:

I L♥ve US


Janet said...

good afternoon to one and all. waiting on the gal pals to arrive! i have two beautiful bottles of my favorite wine for us to enjoy!!!!! :)

just a thought: LOLLY, this is pointed mostly at you, but at others as well. PAIN is the body's way of telling you that something is wrong. if you can at least get a diagnosis, then you can find out what options you have for treatment.

its been a mostly cloudy warm day. i was busy at work, fully booked. Yeah. i like being busy.

not a lot else going on. doesn't look like a boat weekend, the chances of rain are too high. :(

oh well, we shall see. will touch base as i can......hope everyone has a fabulous weekend.

hugs, healing, light and love...(i will be lurking.....)..... :)

Hoda said...

Oh Lots going on.

I have FAITH and TRUST that we are all doing the best we can and respect the decisions made based on this inner knowing.

Glad you are better LOLLY.

MARGY did something happen? Two comments make me wonder...not sure if you were giving us clues or am I reading wrong...stay well.

Checking in.

Beautiful day here today. Went for an awesome walk and then now on my way to run errands I decided maybe I should try a dress I bought in 2003 and it is linen and I had not been able to wear it now for a few years. Well guess what I am wearing it and it fits like it did then!!! I am pleased with a big smile...

Continue to look for the wonder and the Grace in all of our lives.


Lolly said...

I love you all!!!♥ Jack and I did a little shopping and I continue to feel much better. Carol told me to come back if I was not better in 3 days, yesterday was 3 days and I was only a little better, so I made the appointment. This morning I was much better. As for my back. I have always had a bad back. It comes and goes. It has to do with the tight ligaments in my long legs. I stand erect and it puts a strain on my back. In the past I have had multiple tests, etc. I know I have abused it working in the yard. It will eventually get better. I need to get back to walking and stretching.

Lolly said...

And, besides all that, it was either the dr or the do. LOL We all know we fill much better when you get your do done!!☺

Sandi said...

Margy, I agree! I always know that comments from others on the blog come from being caring and concerned, not judgmental.

Lolly, I also agree that there's a lot to be said for feeling better when you get your hair (or nails) done! =) Called my girl for a hair cut but she's on vacation this week - not a big deal since most of the time in the summer I have my hair pulled back in some kind of hair clip to get it off my neck for tennis and/or the beach.

Vet called - all of Bella's tests came back perfect! Hmmm, guess that's worth the $150 I wasn't planning to spend!

magpie said...

Well, Swell Times 3:

Lolly is feeling better,
Bella's tests came back A+++
Hoda fits into a beautiful Linen Dress...."after all these years."

get a pic, show us that Smile ☺ Hoda...


magpie said...

Hoping tonight is a Rowswing Wowsing kind of a Birthday Celebration night for GG and all the Friday Night Family Fun Gang !
Even though....GG's birthday was a few days ago ☺ ♥
(( GG Hugs ))

magpie said...

Oh I am a little mysterious once in awhile, Hoda....maybe another time I will be more talkative

All is Well.....
I have Faith and my Higher Power working with me... ☺ and Family and Friends also, good combination!

xoxo Time to go pick my Red Ripe Softball sized Tomato! AFTER, I get some pictures....

magpie said...



magpie said...

PS Lolly:
I agree about the "do's."
I got my blonde things done on May 17th and have been enjoying it ever since...chose highlights over perm, haven't regretted it one bit !
xoxox ♥ ☺

Tomato Time !!

Mema Jo said...

Sandi, I appreciate your 'beach days' report. GGS, Vincent has a canopy to hide in if he goes to the beach. I had gotten a Sand Cart for the home but mainly for those visits with children.
I had it shipped next door and it came while we were down the last time. No taxes on my purchase since it was going to DE!

Mema Jo said...

Nothing planned for the evening - Hubby and I had a very early dinner and I know of nothing here to snack on later this evening. Well, I guess that Honey graham crackers are good enough!


magpie said...

Wow, just checked the ISS flyovers for this area...
morning on Aug 4 and 5
Morning and evening on Aug 6
morning and Two evenings on Aug 7
and evening on Aug 8

some are pretty bright ones too;
this could change, but it sure sounds exciting right now !

stronghunter said...


Andy, you asked about Luna. I think she is doing okay. I do have to help her sometimes. When I put watermelon outdoors for the dogs, I have to help her find it.

magpie said...

I would welcome some Honey Grahams, Jo !
especially with a little PB...

magpie said...

good for Luna and for YOU Shirley, know she appreciates the helping to find !

magpie said...

someone, forgive me I am not sure...
asked about the second Full Moon for this month, on Aug 31.
I DO believe the second full moon in a month is called the Blue Moon....the first one this month was the Green Corn Morn, the Grain Moon, and the Stugeon Moon, and it sure has been beauteous last night and the night before

magpie said...

oh rats..
STURGEON moon, not Stugeon

Sandi said...

Hey Shirley, Sharon posted on FB this morning that it's National Watermelon Day! You should make sure the dogs get some today!!

magpie said...

looks like the two BWO chicks have a fish in the nest;
I guess it they are the chicks

magpie said...

3 birds at BWO now

magpie said...

did your Flycatchers all go?

Sandi said...

In from filling bird feeders and birdbaths. The cardinal flowers in the rain garden are really starting to open up! Also, bought some perrenials called turtleheads (I think) a few years ago and they have never bloomed, even though I get leaves every year. This year the insects have had a great time eating the leaves but it looks like there are some buds on the plants - maybe I'll get to see some flowers from them this summer! Margy, are you familiar with turtleheads?

When we got back from Africa, the flycatcher box was empty - all 5 babies gone! But I sure can hear them outside and, when I do, I tell myself they're MY flycatchers!! =)

Ooh, look at the time - gotta feed dogs and people! BBL!

magpie said...

Oh yes, of course they are your flycatchers ! They have a nice distinctive sound, though I don't hear too many very often

Yahoo on the Cardinal flowers blooming....I found a stream bank at Swinging Bridge with lots opening up...need to go back and check on them soon !

turtleheads...well I should be familiar, with a name like that ! ♥ but I am not....guaranteed Lynne2 or Loretta or Megan or Wanda or some of our other Flower Lovelies on here will be !

Putting water on my garden here now ☺ makes me habby

magpie said...

Approaching that 400 post SPLIT pretty soon...

I'm pretty sure I heard an Eastern Screech Owl last night at my brother in law's -
several acres of wild stuff has been cut down and plowed down to make room for the Hedgesville High School's good for the athletes, but I do believe many acres of habitat have been disturbed, perhaps this owl's roost as well

magpie said...

speaking on which, time for me to head out that way now...

Hope everyone is doing something enjoyable, not working too hard,
and kicking the ailments out the door quickly

ttfn xo

Lolly said...

Grilled Mahi Mahi for dinner. Now watching the Olympics.

Margy, would love to see your blonde highlights!

Jack and I refer to the rs hawks that fly around here as our hawks. After all, we raised 10 of them over 3 years. Well, the nest was in our yard.

Judie said...

Hi everyone.

Sure hope Wanda and the Capt's Family Fun Friday was specially nice tonight. Will look forward to reading about it.

Glad that Bella is doing well. Sorry about the expense.

Lolly, so happy you are feeling so much better. Hoping for continued improvement.

Congratulations Hoda. Wish I could fit into something I purchased just last week. lol

Early night for me. Day of faculty meetings tomorrow so an early rise and an attempt to shine.

The sandperson will be leaving soon to visit each of you. Restful sleep for all and see you sometime late tomorrow.

Judie said...

Oh, the night light is on should anyone need to arise in the darkness.

JudyEddy said...

Good evening eagle buds Was at Angies this evening ate dinner there a mean spaghetti was really good Delivered the barbie doll house I got today at Sal Army 25% off Fri so that was nice

JudyEddy said...

We looks so silly getting it out of my truck remember I have wheel well in side its a short bed with flare side so when the two guys put in it my truck it got really stuck in between the wheel wells Wow it was a challenge couldn't pull it out because of the roof of the house was to wide to go out where the hydraulic lifts are to the top Then I remembered that the guys were really tall and once I did that we just picked it up high and it came out that way sort of above the truck because of the arms that hold up the top of the back of the truck I should have never gotten that top[ on the back of my truck its a nice trunk not a truck now

JudyEddy said...

Carl and Angie said after they put it in the guys probably where thinking she will never get it out and that almost happened Carl said he wanted me to take it home and he was going to come over and take it apart It took a special screwdriver or tool no screw driver worked or allen wrench didn't work either But we did get it out at last Angie put a pic on FB and I shared it to my news feed

JudyEddy said...

I saw both the adult eagle in the cell phone tower this evening after I left Angies house I drove to Angie work she wanted to borrow my camera for tomorrow they are going to Lawry Zoo and all she has is the big camera so bulky so I told her I would just drive to her office not even 3miles from here and left it there for her in the am

JudyEddy said...

Tomorrow is a 10 o'clock day for me I have three of them this week Sun is a 8 day and then one 9 day What a PIA that is I can't believe in the time wow Got my shower out of the way already so gonna go watch some of the Olympic I dvrd

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

magpie said...

Sounds like that Barbie Doll House is big enough for you to live in it also, JudyE...
must have been a few chuckles during that lift and move operation

nice on the eagles, and woof! on that changeable almost daily schedule

Oh so happy to read again that the night light is on, will make greeting the Sandperson much more agreeable.....
Thanks, Judie...

oh faculty meetings on Saturday, sounds rather, um, interesting, I hope !

Costume Lady said...

Good Evening...
GG didn't get her last injection today...oxygen levels were too low and heart rate was too fast:(
She had a cup of coffee with cream...afraid she would aspirate it.

We had the whole family to celebrate GG's birthday this evening. She rallyed around after a long nap and had a fun time:)

Good night, see you all tomorrow. Prayers and love for all♥

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...