Morning again, Posted some pics of the family waterskiiers. My brother & family used to belong to the Waterboard Warriors ski club ( He won many honors at State tournaments as Best Boat driver. They continue their love of the sport on the weekends at the lake.
Started out cloudy but the sun is shining brightly now. Very jealous of rain and cooler temps. Heading up above 100 as it has done the last week and will for the week to come. Struggling with keeping plants alive.
Church this morning and then I think I might do a little house cleaning. Next Sunday afternoon I am having a baby shower here. So, if I clean and straighten a little each day I will be ready.
Started out Sunny here, Lolly,and now it is clouding up big-time...not so good for an outside auction... sigh...
CarolAnne, Enjoy that family time and I will enjoy your pictures when I get back !!
Lori : quickest way to tell you here, is that I have some of the things you gave get to Wanda's Clothes Closet.....very nice things as you know...and I sincerely apologize that I could not get to this sooner...although I did take a few things in a few weeks ago from that treasure trove !!
Good Morning friends ♥ Beautiful day on this side of the mountain - lots of sun and a little hot air breeze. C/A I love your water-skiing pictures. All five up at once - a very professional boat driver I'd say.
Lolly Lori Sandi Margy - enjoy your day. Jenny is with me this morning & I really enjoy her visits!
Congrats Margy on another feather.
Happy Birthday Bob - enjoy your day I like going to FB for friends to also wish them a good day.
Thank you Steve for the fresh thread. Have a lovely day.
♪♫♪HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CRUNCH BOB.♪♫♪ Wishing you a wonderful special day. Stop by to visit and say hi to Mrs. Crunch Bob.
Margy, if you see this, please give Carolyn and Christie a hug from me. Hope the auction will be very successful and I'm sure the family will be happy to have items go to those who will appreciate.
Jo, enjoy your Jenny visit
Lolly, take it easy, please. I'm sure a speck of dust will not offend anyone. Don't need you sick again.
HOW ABOUT THAT ANDY MURRAY!!!!!!! I was NOT proud or happy to see Serena win yesterday, even though she's an Americsn. She is the most arrogant tennis player I have ever seen and I rarely even watch her play. But this final made me happy!! =)
IF anyone on campus sees any of the eagle family in the area could you make a comment for us. We miss both of the cams being down - we know the main activity is over.
Morning all!!!! (or afternoon if you are in eastern time zone!)
CarolAnne: I used to water ski a bit. My mind thinks it would still be fun, but I don't think the days directly thereafter would be fun. That is awesome.....I love the pix. I"ve never done more than just ski by myself....I'd love to teach Livvy when she gets a bit bigger.
We were going to go out on the lake today, but it is stormy and rainy here. Not griping, we do still need more rain, but wish it had waited ....
Not a lot going on. Went to my required TN Law class last night, and another class, Tax deductions for LMTs. It was a good class.
Not a lot else going on. Getting ready for yet another week of work and school!
Jack and I used to water ski, too. Jack was really good and he taught me. He bought a ski boat just before I met him. So we water skied a lot while dating, engaged, and early marriage. When Michael came along we took him out a couple of times but decided it was NOT a family boat and we sold it. I was learning how to slalom when we sold it. Do not think I could get up now and certainly am not going to even try!!! I am not a dummy!!!
For all you cat lovers out there this was on Fox news this am that Tampa Bay areas is the #1 area for cats to live according to Cat Fancy magazine They capture all strays and spay and neuter them and clip their ear to show that they have been fixed T&A they call it from what I remember on the news this am Its on page 36 of the magazine here Cat fancy magazine says Tampa is a good place for stray cats
Water ski we would go every weekend to Rough River where my parents had a little land that was fun I taught my x to ski also his first experience was funny He got a enema- he didn't think it was funny- but it was He was squatting and didn't let go of the rope and that is how that happened and then he got hit in the groin not a good experience all around for him I say
I have a video of my water ski that my parents had made I watched it not that long ago
CA loved all the pic and wow big motor to pull 5 skiers huh
All is well here and headed out to groceries and such as our stores are closed tomorrow for Civic Holiday...BC Day.
Glad to see Murray win the Gold for the UK. Tough match. He did well.
Thinking of CHRISTIE and CAROLYN and the estate sale...Love you gals and love your MOMMA.
Another beautiful day here and so I want to spend as much time as possible taking in this awesome weather...from the previous very wet time we had I have friends of mine who had two really large trees fall on their house and major damage occured. They are well insured and no one died yet it is a major event here considering the mud slides we had been having...rather disconcerting to say the least.
Enjoy what ever comes our way when it is good and deal with it when it is tough...the motto for now.
Wow what a downpour here at Magpie's Roost...sure made it easier getting the garden watered THAT WAY than hauling my 8 gallon water jugs out one at a time, twice... ☺
Wowser, get this: I have one New England Aster in is from the original plants that James gave me last year after a school project; I am beyond elated about this !!
Also, a large but wilted flower had dropped off the Megan Moon Vine... oh boy, now I know what to look for ! It has laced itself around the Asters, so this is going to be some kind of delightful!
Estate sale for my late brother in law's last sister Debbie, seemed to be going well...I got some nice things, had to bypass on a few when the bidding reached my "internal" limit...
Best thing was seeing my brother in law's family there....and they were bidding on and winning bids on many things they wanted...
This was fun, I was making some conversation with a fellow bidder, who....looked quite a lot like Paula's handsome fellow Larry.... just about 30 or so pounds smaller and lighter all the way around.... trying to figure out if he was single, and I think he was....did we exchange names and numbers? Naaaaah...
Also was talking with a fellow who resembled David Crosby of Crosby, Stills and Nash, a group of former times.....but this guy was more handsome and a lot more healthy looking
don't think I just went to the auction to hustle...LOL...just the way things turn out when you move around an interesting crowd of people
anything I bought had to be squeezed into my Blazer...and it did, and not it is all squeezed out of there too....
Now I am, believe it or not, trying to iron and starch a dress to wear to the Visitation...right now I look like a wilted drowned critter so I need to iron and starch myself as well...
Janet I liberated what I think was a Brown Recluse Spider this morning.....just swept him off the inside screened porch into the great outdoors
I am looking forward to meeting Carolyn's father...and to meet her Favorite Uncle, who lived with Carolyn's Grandma Bessie...the entire time of his life.... I will tell him in private that Carolyn says he is her favorite uncle... xoxo
Well it's time to return to The Big House and get changed up for the Visitation....
Carolyn will have some Bereavement leave in the next few days...which is a nice benefit with our office, am so very glad she will have some time to ...not have to work midnights for a few days...
Battened down the hatches here & wanted to check in in case weather does get bad. It's been breezy & sunny all day, but TV says for Mont., PG, and AA counties in MD to watch out until 5:15 P. Also, many of the usual VA counties, too--like Prince Wm., Fauquier, etc. Very dark sky a little N & East of us, but no noises yet. Hope everyone is having a great Sunday. BBL, I hope ☺
I am reconfigured now and heading out.... dress is going to get wrinkled from sitting on it in the car but I don't have much options without getting arrested for indecent exposure :)
See you later, Precious Pals.... Got HUGS in my pockets ready to pull out for the Girls....
Hope the Weather Storms do not create havoc.....I am hoping they have passed over this area for the day now
Back from groceries and visit with a friend. Life is good. I can not decide if I am going to go to Movies At The Park is a film Called The Way of some chap who lost his son and does the pilgrimage the boy had wanted to do...what he encounters on the way is what the movie is about. Has anyone seen it? I could stay in and watch one of the following movies which I brought from the Library: Billy Elliot, Mrs. Harris, I am Sam, and or Black Swan. Does anyone know anything about any of these choices too? I still like Invictus that I watched last night and my South African friends are surprised that Clint Eastwood decided to make a movie of it so many years later. The win happened in 1995 and the movie was made in 2009...Rugby World Cup for South Africa produced and directed by Clint Eastwood...
HI HONEY I'M HOME AND HOW WAS YOUR DAY LOL WOW I just checked the rain gauge when I came in the door and no wonder the road was flooded in that one shower we got 4"" of rain not bragging or gloating just stating a fact and we have two depressions out there that will bring more I don't want anymore rain dern it
I bought my long sleeve eagle shirt at work today can't wear now but will have it in the winter I don't have my camera to take a picture of it Angie borrowed it on Sat from me
Thanks for posting that MAGPIE she had a nice size family and what a very beautiful lady she was Give all my condolence's please and thank you and a hug (((((((HUGS)))))))
HODA just something I ordered and I am hoping that Patti mails the ABC she had it free delivery on her post on FB but being sort of a relative she may just take down there and I don't want Angie to find out so I just want it mailed I did write her a note with the check I sent out SAT for it
Hoping that the storms to the west don't break apart as they cross the Chesapeake Bay - we sure could use some rain and some relief from the heat!
Margy, sounds like you were really "Workin' the room" at the estate sale!! You go girl! I had to laugh when I read your comment about your dress getting wrinkled on the way to the funeral home and considering alternatives to keep that from happening. Wonder if any police officers have ever stopped a woman driving in her underwear so as not to get her dress wrinkled?? =)
Janet, Lolly, and CarolAnne - I could never water ski - it would be tough to hold the toe rope with one hand while I was holding my nose with the other!
CarolAnne, LOVED the idea of turning the headboard and footboard from an old crib into a bench - made me wish we still had our boys' crib so I could tackle that project!!
Hoda, the only one of the movies you mentioned that I have seen is Billy Elliot, which I liked very much b/c our younger son preferred singing and dancing over playing sports when he was growing up.
Think I'll see if I can find a good movie on TV - have a good evening all!
lol....magpie: good on you. i don't know if i could have turned loose a brown recluse.....they get into shoes/corners, etc.......i know too many folks around here who have been bitten......those worry me worse than the black widow....but hopefully it went on its spidery merry way....
been a quiet day here. i had a two hour nap.....nancy made beans and rice, spanish style for dinner. it was yummy!
What a lovely gathering at the Visitation...the room was alive with Joy and Comfort...
I met Carolyn and Christie's Father, and all the uncles....some cousins, and Grandma Bessie's sister Daisy....I love these names..... Daisy called Bessie every single day when it was possible, fixed her hair, pincurled it all up when they could visit together... Grandma was dressed in the very dress in the obituary picture
Carolyn was hoping that after the Visitation they would be going for dinner, said she was HUNGRY...
The hugs jumped out of the pockets, one pocketful for Carolyn, one pocketful for Christie.....they express their appreciation, they know about Momster Hugs !!!
Sandi...good question, police officers encounter some pretty wild situations and explanations...
JudyE, there is an hose hook-up on the side of the apartment bldg, but part of the machinery is not there probably so vandals or scamps wouldn't just leave it it is more or less locked for the landlords or other maintenance persons to use....
Bruce Springsteen concert is playing in the background as I type....he's very good, and not hard on the eyes either !! Has some nice accompaniements (sp)too....
stopped at the store to get some B[acon] and L[ettuce] to go with the T[omatoes] so there could be a late night BLT in my future....
Oh, believe me, I was so proud to tell Carolyn's folks that we work together at 911.....24 years for me, 2 for Carolyn, but I told them she runs circles around me! I just trot some old facts and stories from the past sometimes and that keeps me in good graces with my co-workers :)
Hope Everyone is having a good evening,sure sounds like Paula with Steamed Crabs is !!
Carolyn and Christie seem to be doing okay...they were positively glowing, beautiful, and seemed to be comforted by family and friends, and happy to see old friends again... Christie's Shannon was there also
Margy, you had a very full day and, given the circumstances, were able to share hugs and memories with family and friends. We thank you for sharing hugs with Christie and Carolyn.
Ah, BLT is close to my heart. Had the equivalent tonight but toasted in the oven. Not as good as steamed crabs but still yummy!
The sandperson has just unceremoniously thrown a handful of sleepy dust into my eyes and is apparently already headed out the door to visit all of you.
The night light is on for anyone who may need to arise in the dark. Restful sleep for all.
Thanks to all for the birthday wishes. I know I'am not on here much. I have a full time job looking after Doris now. Her mind is realy getting bad. I have to do everything. She can't remember how to do things and get's all mixed up. THANK YOU ALL AGAIN B
Watching the Olympics. Just watched the guy run that has the prosthetic legs. After the race another runner wanted to trade names. I got tears in my eyes!
I am so excited about your Milkweed and Caterpillar report! Hope there is another "Wanda-Gene" in the future... and hoping that this was a good GG-Gene-Wanda day
The comments about water skiing got me to watching a old video from when I was young I posted some pix on fb of Janet when she was a baby and the skiing Love the video so glad dad put the old 8mm on vcr tape and then I put on DVD when I had a dvd recorder I need to but another one I loved it funny no sound with the transfer but you can hear my parents every know and then dad clear his throat etc
WELL now only my store mgr a couple of weeks ago NOW my Asst Mgr has friend requested me on FB and NO NO NO I am not accepting him either They are not my friends they are my bosses just ignore it is what I am doing
OH forgot to say I saw only one eagle this am at the cell phone tower I drove by it on the way to work They seem to be there in the am of late ok I just pulled a Margy LOL
Been watching Olympics & sandman might be here soon! Lolly, I saw the disabled guy race, too. It was great! Well the storm gave us about ten minutes of puny rain. Duh. Hope no one got worse. Wanda will have to show us pics of the milkweed leaves and houseguests!!!I haven't hardly seen any monarchs this year. Maybe they migrated North where it isn't so hot---like Canada! ☺ Thoughts & Prayers for Riner Family. So glad you were there, Margy. Hope Paula had a crabby day!!! Hope Everyone has Pleasant Feather Dreams and Prayers for Good Health to all ;>)
Olympics are over for us tonight. Time to hit the sack!
Tomorrow afternoon we are going to Denton. Jack is going to finish up the boys bookcases. Since he separated the wall unit, he had to make two new end panels. Also, taking Dallas Cowboy wallpaper border for Jacobs room. I will help Laurel get it up.
Oh, here's a pic of the crabs we got today...first time I had put the crab pots 20 crabs in 24 hours...water was pretty rough today, but we got them in OK.
Reading back . . . BLT is one of my favorite meals. Hunter also likes them, but he wants the bacon on the side. I like to cram as much bacon as possible into the sandwich.
Watching the activities at NASA. I was thinking how different the group of people at the monitors look from the way they looked way back when we first started watching them. I see men with long hair, beards, and women. Used to be men with short hair and no women.
Read back on the old thread...saw mention of the White Marlin Tournament...if he's lucky this week, Larry will get to fish in the tournament. Has a friend a couple of houses down who helps out on a boat, and he tries to invite Larry. Think he's been the last 2 years. Same boat he caught the Tuna on. Boat name is "No Worries", but you won't see him listed as a fisherman on the boat.
Yes, MARGIE, it was a good visit with GG, today. When I can get her to eat something which is good for her and she says that "it was good", that is a good day:) She ate nearly a whole can of sardine/mustard sauce and a cup of beef noodle soup. I'm now telling her that certain foods will help her oxygen levels and maybe she can get her injection sooner than later...didn't lie:)
And I too was excited to find 3 caterpillars on my NCTC Milkweed plants...I shouted out loud, YESSS! I've already given them a second helping of fresh leaves...hungry little critters. One is about half grown and the other two are tiny. Anxious to see if there are anymore out there!
Off I go to dream land...see you all tomorrow. Love and prayers♥
ps I always feel elated when PAULA gives us reports from her PARADISE, such as catching and grilling fish and crabbing and getting 20 of those precious gems! I'll bet you all feel that way too. We love for our 'friends' to have a good time and share it with us:)
And now I guess it's time for me to say good night also....
Exciting time for Paula's John and Ajay..and the wee ones... oboy, Paula gets to spend Monday WITH the wee ones....
BLT was outta sight! I see more in my future....went ahead and cooked up the pound of all I need to do is warm it up...
Prayers for Wellness, and thinking of all those we haven't "seen" for a few...Lynne2, Linda, Kay....and many others.... Out of sight, maybe, but NEVER out of mind
Not much to report from this roost. It was too hot and muggy to do much of anything! Supposed to be 91 here tomorrow. Wish the humidity would give us a break! We did watch some of the Olympics, and also some programs we had recorded earlier in the week. Emma did a convincing job of looking like a 40-pound bump on a log! So did we!
Margy, glad you were able to pass along Momster hugs to Carolyn & Christie at their Grandma's visitation. Prayers continue for them.
Meant to mention that I fell asleep soon after dinner last evening, and didn't make it here. Sorry about that! Guess the sandperson ambushed me!
Well, need to call it a day. Have said prayers for everyone, and for every creature, including our furbabies. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Sleep well, everyone, with SED. Love all of you! ♥♥Lynn♥♥ ♥♥Carolyn & Christie and family♥♥ I ♥♥♥ us!!!
Good muggy Monday morning Lori, Shirley (if you're still awake), and my other eagle friends!
No rain last night, even though it was predicted! Calling for showers today - looks very gray out there. Wonder if tennis will be a wash-out this morning?
Margy, thanks for the report on the viewing for Carolyn and Christy's Grandma.
Paula, welcome home. Exciting day for John and Ajay - enjoy celebrating their new home with them!!
Wanda, glad to hear news about a good day for GG - there really are foods that can improve how your body uses oxygen, like foods high in antioxidants and fatty acids.
Expecting my BFF Deb (been friends since we were 9 years old) and her husband Keith to arrive today to spend a few days - looking forward to spending some in-person time together instead of just emailing back and forth.
another Monday fast upon us. but i am off tomorrow, so all is well.
had a good weekend. livvy sure had a good weekend. when chris and nancy are here, chris likes to take olivia out and spoil her rotten. she takes her along with her sons and they play play play.....arcades, bowling, you name it. livvy will be very sad to see auntie chris leave!
its cloudy, maybe rainy here today. v ery green though, especially for august!
judye: those pix bring back memories. i don't remember the events of course, but i have the video and such. :)
not a lot else is new. just another day in the neighborhood. have a great day all. hugs, light, love, and smiles!
Had a great visit with my friend. Weather cooperated beautifully. Had a cookout & a boat ride.
Was able to show them a JUVIE soaring above us as we rode around the lakes.
Ended visit with the rescue of a 2 ft pine snake that was entangled in bird netting (actually deer netting to keep them from eating the hostas).
A hummer was the one that alerted us to the snake, which was entangled right under their feeder. It was chittering & flying in circles & going up and down just under the hanging feeder. It was definitely not acting normal. Bubby went closer to see what it was dive bombing and discovered the tangled snake. Needed a scissor to free it. Hopefully it doesn't return to lunch on hummers.
Happy Birthday to Robyn!! Hug that daughter of yours, and get those up close and Birthday Hugs right back, and may this be your Very Best Birthday, Ever xo
Have fun Sandi....sounds like you will ! Great to connect with friends in person....
CarolAnne...glad everything was lined up perfectly for your Sunday, including that Juvie Soaring over... Bravo on the snake rescue... interesting, our local paper ran an article Sunday by Scott Shalaway, a WV naturalist....regarding the dangers of those kinds of netting, like the ones folks put out over their plants to prevent deer from eating too much free garden food.... guess it's a hard thing to prevent....
and it's certainly very disappointing to lose crops to animals foraging..
many people don't put gardens out anymore for that reason
I saw a new-to-me butterfly this morning, think this was its BIRTHDAY, as it was fresh and delicate; I think, it was a Diana Fritillary...will have to get a pic up for our butterfly experts here to double check that
G☺☺D M☼rning eagle buds I hope each and everyone of you have a great Mon which is my Wed Two more days and I can go in to mini retirement as Magpie says
I discovered on my paint program that I can add a pix to another pix still have lots of practicing to do I did this last nite Almost time to go to work for me
Good morning everyone. Back form coffee and dog treats. A photographer friend of mine is coming over and we are going to "play" with some lighting techniques. She is going to also try to get a picture of Dex and I. I so need to get something nice of both of us and that is hard to do alone. I did also want to share a video with all of you. Many of you know the story behind the Channel Island eagles . ALl of you will enjoy the video. Restoring the Bald Eagles to Channel Island
Good morning! Water pots today, do a little more house cleaning. If I do a little each day, it will not be a big job. Then we are going to Laurel's this afternoon.
Almost afternoon, but my morning has been pleasant. Mainly watching birds and squirrels and then eating cantaloupe and banana and toast. I love fresh fruit.
I stopped to read our home page - I usually click on the date I want and don't really look or read it. I did today. I think we are being credited with the fact that we have a large, international community that has developed as a result of this extraordinary pair of eagles. And then under Deb Palmer's pic is that statement that this is the original pair of eagles - you know - Liberty and Belle. I do respect Shep for all the good work he has done for us this year, but I will always miss Shep.
Linda - I am so happy to see you here and to know that it is a busy time for you. You are so right that you can be gone for quite a while but this is HOME I ♥ US
You know what,Jo...I just took note of the Original Pair notation this morning, have I been missing that all this time? I DID know it WAS but never seemed to have noticed those words.... Good to see you Linda !
I am getting ready for the funeral services for Carolyn and Christie's grandma I have to hustle along... will share our Momster and Dadster Love with the girls.... ttfn xoxox
I always cherish that that picture of Liberty and Belle, taken by our dear Deb is there, with her name under the picture, guess that is what I focus on....
Paula, congratulations to John and Ajay on the settlement and move in. Very sure they are excited beyond words. Congratulations to you on the fish and crab success.
Shirley, I'm with you. As much bacon inside the sandwich as possible.
Wanda, glad GG had a good day yesterday. Please be sure to take care of yourself as well.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ROBYN! Wishing you a very special day and a very happy year to come.
Welcome home Linda.
Just wanted to stop by. Back to reading. Only three more weeks.
Got to get going today. Need to take wallpaper books back. Have not really decided for sure, but maybe I can decide today.
Had to stop at the grocery store on the way to day camp and pick up a Lunchable for Hunter. Now, you would think he would like that.
Nope. He insisted that he did not need lunch. The bag of chips and four Oreo cookies were enough for lunch. And, I was going to be late getting him to camp, but he did not want to go to camp either.
All I can say is that he was in a negative frame of mind this morning. He did take the Lunchable and hurried off to find his friends when we got there.
Sometimes you have to assume that he wants the opposite of what he is saying he wants.
He says that he will not eat the Lunchable. We will see about that. You just never know. He may not eat it. I told him that I would just feel bad about sending him off for the day with only a bag of chips and four cookies.
We are on a peanut butter restriction again. No nut products of any kind. He had a honey nut bar--I did not even think about that, and he was told not to eat it. Someone is severely allergic. I have to say that would be a big worry for a parent.
Stayed out too long. Now trying to cool off. Already up to 94, no wonder I was sweating so. Watered and then did some dead heading. Way behind doing that.
Good to see you on here, Linda! You are missed when you are not, but we are an understanding forgiving group.
Well Helllooooooo Steve,
Thank you, and I hope your week was OK, and that today is Super...
Happy Birthday to Crunch Bob....
Hope today is the Best Birthday
Ever !! Come "See Us" today if you can.... and Love to Mrs Crunch also... xoxo
Thanks MARGY for the call over!
Thank you, STEVE, for the new thread!
Great Sunday Morning, everyone!
Thanks Steve for the new thread and thanks Margy for the call over!
Hot, hot, and more hot on the tennis court this morning - played 2 sets but not a third!
Going to watch Federer and Murray - I LOVE Federer but would love to see Murray win since the Olympics are in London.
Morning again,
Posted some pics of the family waterskiiers. My brother & family used to belong to the Waterboard Warriors ski club ( He won many honors at State tournaments as Best Boat driver. They continue their love of the sport on the weekends at the lake.
Good morning all...morning, Lori and Margy!!!
Started out cloudy but the sun is shining brightly now. Very jealous of rain and cooler temps. Heading up above 100 as it has done the last week and will for the week to come. Struggling with keeping plants alive.
Church this morning and then I think I might do a little house cleaning. Next Sunday afternoon I am having a baby shower here. So, if I clean and straighten a little each day I will be ready.
Whoops, good morning
Sandi and Lori you snuck in!! I am getting good at typing caps using only my right shift key. lol
Good grief...I meant Sandi and C/A!!
Hi More Eagle Pals....
Started out Sunny here, Lolly,and now it is clouding up big-time...not so good for an outside auction...
CarolAnne, Enjoy that family time and I will enjoy your pictures when I get back !!
Lori : quickest way to tell you here, is that I have some of the things you gave get to Wanda's Clothes Closet.....very nice things as you know...and I sincerely apologize that I could not get to this sooner...although I did take a few things in a few weeks ago from that treasure trove !!
Sandi: I have a couple of Tennis Fans in my family also !!
Must go now, I am already late, but I must not let "Hurry" and "Indecision" be my pests...that is not original, it is from some daily readings I do...
(( All Day Long Hugs xoxo ))
I will see you all later! I have got to go get beautiful for church. ☺
Have a great Sunday!
Good Morning friends ♥
Beautiful day on this side of the mountain - lots of sun and a little hot air breeze. C/A I love your water-skiing pictures. All five up at once - a very professional boat driver I'd say.
Lolly Lori Sandi Margy - enjoy your day. Jenny is with me this morning & I really enjoy her visits!
Congrats Margy on another feather.
Happy Birthday Bob - enjoy your day I like going to FB for friends to also wish them a good day.
Okay, coffee and newspaper completed.
Thank you Steve for the fresh thread. Have a lovely day.
♪♫♪HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CRUNCH BOB.♪♫♪ Wishing you a wonderful special day. Stop by to visit and say hi to Mrs. Crunch Bob.
Margy, if you see this, please give Carolyn and Christie a hug from me. Hope the auction will be very successful and I'm sure the family will be happy to have items go to those who will appreciate.
Jo, enjoy your Jenny visit
Lolly, take it easy, please. I'm sure a speck of dust will not offend anyone. Don't need you sick again.
MARGY, no problem! I hope you liked some of them enough to keep them! ♥
I feel a nap coming on. I better scrape Dalai off the pillows!
New Panda Cub San Diego Zoo
She took a break - he is going to be cute to watch as he grows.
Good morning!
Happy birthday, Crunch Bob. Hope today is a great one for you and Ms. Crunch Bob.
Thanks for the new thread, Steve, and for the call-over Margy.
So very hot here.
I'm watching Murray and Federer.
HOW ABOUT THAT ANDY MURRAY!!!!!!! I was NOT proud or happy to see Serena win yesterday, even though she's an Americsn. She is the most arrogant tennis player I have ever seen and I rarely even watch her play. But this final made me happy!! =)
Steve, Thanks for the Sunday thread.
IF anyone on campus sees any of the eagle family in the area could you make a comment for us. We miss both of the cams being down - we know the main activity is over.
Lunch time here BBL
Morning all!!!! (or afternoon if you are in eastern time zone!)
CarolAnne: I used to water ski a bit. My mind thinks it would still be fun, but I don't think the days directly thereafter would be fun. That is awesome.....I love the pix. I"ve never done more than just ski by myself....I'd love to teach Livvy when she gets a bit bigger.
We were going to go out on the lake today, but it is stormy and rainy here. Not griping, we do still need more rain, but wish it had waited ....
Not a lot going on. Went to my required TN Law class last night, and another class, Tax deductions for LMTs. It was a good class.
Not a lot else going on. Getting ready for yet another week of work and school!
Have a great day
i posted a couple of pix on my blog. pop over if you want to see! :) Hugs!
Jack and I used to water ski, too. Jack was really good and he taught me. He bought a ski boat just before I met him. So we water skied a lot while dating, engaged, and early marriage. When Michael came along we took him out a couple of times but decided it was NOT a family boat and we sold it. I was learning how to slalom when we sold it. Do not think I could get up now and certainly am not going to even try!!! I am not a dummy!!!
Home for a rainy lunch and my road is a river again and to find a fresh thread THANKS FOR THE NEW THREAD STEVE WANTS SOME RAIN????
For all you cat lovers out there this was on Fox news this am that Tampa Bay areas is the #1 area for cats to live according to Cat Fancy magazine They capture all strays and spay and neuter them and clip their ear to show that they have been fixed T&A they call it from what I remember on the news this am Its on page 36 of the magazine here Cat fancy magazine says Tampa is a good place for stray cats
Water ski we would go every weekend to Rough River where my parents had a little land that was fun I taught my x to ski also his first experience was funny He got a enema- he didn't think it was funny- but it was He was squatting and didn't let go of the rope and that is how that happened and then he got hit in the groin not a good experience all around for him I say
I have a video of my water ski that my parents had made I watched it not that long ago
CA loved all the pic and wow big motor to pull 5 skiers huh
.♥ Happy Birthday! ♥
Good afternoon everyone.
All is well here and headed out to groceries and such as our stores are closed tomorrow for Civic Holiday...BC Day.
Glad to see Murray win the Gold for the UK. Tough match. He did well.
Thinking of CHRISTIE and CAROLYN and the estate sale...Love you gals and love your MOMMA.
Another beautiful day here and so I want to spend as much time as possible taking in this awesome weather...from the previous very wet time we had I have friends of mine who had two really large trees fall on their house and major damage occured. They are well insured and no one died yet it is a major event here considering the mud slides we had been having...rather disconcerting to say the least.
Enjoy what ever comes our way when it is good and deal with it when it is tough...the motto for now.
Judie and all:
I will definitely absolutely 100% deliver Momster Hugs to Carolyn and Christie....
Thunderstorm is in my valley!
Wow what a downpour here at Magpie's Roost...sure made it easier getting the garden watered THAT WAY than hauling my 8 gallon water jugs out one at a time, twice... ☺
Wowser, get this: I have one New England Aster in is from the original plants that James gave me last year after a school project; I am beyond elated about this !!
Also, a large but wilted flower had dropped off the Megan Moon Vine... oh boy, now I know what to look for ! It has laced itself around the Asters, so this is going to be some kind of delightful!
Estate sale for my late brother in law's last sister Debbie, seemed to be going well...I got some nice things, had to bypass on a few when the bidding reached my "internal" limit...
Best thing was seeing my brother in law's family there....and they were bidding on and winning bids on many things they wanted...
This was fun, I was making some conversation with a fellow bidder, who....looked quite a lot like Paula's handsome fellow Larry....
just about 30 or so pounds smaller and lighter all the way around....
trying to figure out if he was single, and I think he was....did we exchange names and numbers? Naaaaah...
Also was talking with a fellow who resembled David Crosby of Crosby, Stills and Nash, a group of former times.....but this guy was more handsome and a lot more healthy looking
don't think I just went to the auction to hustle...LOL...just the way things turn out when you move around an interesting crowd of people
I admire and applaud all the water skier folks here....don't think I could do that without getting seriously bum-fuzzled all up
Lots of people that knew and worked with Lynn♥ were at this sale...was good to be in their company....
anything I bought had to be squeezed into my Blazer...and it did, and not it is all squeezed out of there too....
Now I am, believe it or not, trying to iron and starch a dress to wear to the Visitation...right now I look like a wilted drowned critter so I need to iron and starch myself as well...
Janet I liberated what I think was a Brown Recluse Spider this morning.....just swept him off the inside screened porch into the great outdoors
I am looking forward to meeting Carolyn's father...and to meet her Favorite Uncle, who lived with Carolyn's Grandma Bessie...the entire time of his life....
I will tell him in private that Carolyn says he is her favorite uncle... xoxo
Good afternoon eagle budlets.
Good Afternoon Eagle BUDLET Sharon and also to T-Bird !!!
I was trying to post this but computer got all frozen up:
Bessie Riner
Stunning picture of a beautiful Lady....
I can see some Carolyn and Christie in that Smile ☺♥
Well it's time to return to The Big House and get changed up for the Visitation....
Carolyn will have some Bereavement leave in the next few days...which is a nice benefit with our office, am so very glad she will have some time to ...not have to work midnights for a few days...
(( Hugs ))
ttfn xoxox
Always happy to hear of any and all time you get with your children, grandchildren, and GREAT Grands..... xoxo
See 'Ya 'All later....
That's my imitation Texas Talk ☺
Oh my, The Google Image today is lovely....Some nice GREENS on there ☺♥
okay, 'bye
Oh, Boy, new thread!
Battened down the hatches here & wanted to check in in case weather does get bad. It's been breezy & sunny all day, but TV says for Mont., PG, and AA counties in MD to watch out until 5:15 P. Also, many of the usual VA counties, too--like Prince Wm., Fauquier, etc. Very dark sky a little N & East of us, but no noises yet.
Hope everyone is having a great Sunday.
BBL, I hope ☺
Thank you MARGY and hugs to you too for delivering hugs...
Oh yes, indeedy, Hoda....You are Welcome
I am reconfigured now and heading out....
dress is going to get wrinkled from sitting on it in the car but I don't have much options without getting arrested for indecent exposure :)
See you later, Precious Pals....
Got HUGS in my pockets ready to pull out for the Girls....
Hope the Weather Storms do not create havoc.....I am hoping they have passed over this area for the day now
Back from groceries and visit with a friend. Life is good. I can not decide if I am going to go to Movies At The Park is a film Called The Way of some chap who lost his son and does the pilgrimage the boy had wanted to do...what he encounters on the way is what the movie is about. Has anyone seen it?
I could stay in and watch one of the following movies which I brought from the Library:
Billy Elliot, Mrs. Harris, I am Sam, and or Black Swan. Does anyone know anything about any of these choices too? I still like Invictus that I watched last night and my South African friends are surprised that Clint Eastwood decided to make a movie of it so many years later. The win happened in 1995 and the movie was made in 2009...Rugby World Cup for South Africa produced and directed by Clint Eastwood...
WOW I just checked the rain gauge when I came in the door and no wonder the road was flooded in that one shower we got 4"" of rain not bragging or gloating just stating a fact and we have two depressions out there that will bring more I don't want anymore rain dern it
Margie have you ever thought about getting a hose attached in side the house to do the watering ?? do you have a water barrel??
That was so nice that you ran in to friends at the estate sale Magpie
I bought my long sleeve eagle shirt at work today can't wear now but will have it in the winter I don't have my camera to take a picture of it Angie borrowed it on Sat from me
Thanks for posting that MAGPIE she had a nice size family and what a very beautiful lady she was
Give all my condolence's please and thank you and a hug (((((((HUGS)))))))
Hi JUDYE congratulations on your new shirt...what are you waiting for through the post?
Your system does so well...
HODA just something I ordered and I am hoping that Patti mails the ABC she had it free delivery on her post on FB but being sort of a relative she may just take down there and I don't want Angie to find out so I just want it mailed I did write her a note with the check I sent out SAT for it
My cats are going bonkers times like that I grab the camera I think I will run to Angie to get it Need to see if she's home first I guess
Hoping that the storms to the west don't break apart as they cross the Chesapeake Bay - we sure could use some rain and some relief from the heat!
Margy, sounds like you were really "Workin' the room" at the estate sale!! You go girl! I had to laugh when I read your comment about your dress getting wrinkled on the way to the funeral home and considering alternatives to keep that from happening. Wonder if any police officers have ever stopped a woman driving in her underwear so as not to get her dress wrinkled?? =)
Janet, Lolly, and CarolAnne - I could never water ski - it would be tough to hold the toe rope with one hand while I was holding my nose with the other!
CarolAnne, LOVED the idea of turning the headboard and footboard from an old crib into a bench - made me wish we still had our boys' crib so I could tackle that project!!
Hoda, the only one of the movies you mentioned that I have seen is Billy Elliot, which I liked very much b/c our younger son preferred singing and dancing over playing sports when he was growing up.
Think I'll see if I can find a good movie on TV - have a good evening all!
lol....magpie: good on you. i don't know if i could have turned loose a brown recluse.....they get into shoes/corners, etc.......i know too many folks around here who have been bitten......those worry me worse than the black widow....but hopefully it went on its spidery merry way....
been a quiet day here. i had a two hour nap.....nancy made beans and rice, spanish style for dinner. it was yummy!
hugs to all
Make that the tow rope, not the toe rope ... then again, I guess someone could hold the rope with his/her toe!! =)
BTW, Paula is having steamed crabs that she caught at Paradise today! YUM!
SANDI Water skiing is pretty easy I think anyway JMHO
Paula are those blue crabs??? Not much of a crab connoisseur
Thanks SANDI...I might watch Billy Elliot this long weekend...I will make time for it...
Hi Eagle Pals....
What a lovely gathering at the Visitation...the room was alive with Joy and Comfort...
I met Carolyn and Christie's Father, and all the uncles....some cousins,
and Grandma Bessie's sister Daisy....I love these names.....
Daisy called Bessie every single day when it was possible, fixed her hair, pincurled it all up when they could visit together...
Grandma was dressed in the very dress in the obituary picture
Uncle Albert was the last uncle I met, and I sure did whisper to him that he is Carolyn's favorite uncle!
I saw many people I know, mostly Hedgesville folks....many of whom had known Grandma all their life...
I did not get there in time to see Charlie and Jess, darn it....but I did have some nice time with Jenn
Carolyn was hoping that after the Visitation they would be going for dinner, said she was HUNGRY...
The hugs jumped out of the pockets, one pocketful for Carolyn, one pocketful for Christie.....they express their appreciation, they know about Momster Hugs !!!
Sandi...good question, police officers encounter some pretty wild situations and explanations...
JudyE, there is an hose hook-up on the side of the apartment bldg, but part of the machinery is not there probably so vandals or scamps wouldn't just leave it it is more or less locked for the landlords or other maintenance persons to use....
Nice idea, though....
Bruce Springsteen concert is playing in the background as I type....he's very good, and not hard on the eyes either !! Has some nice accompaniements (sp)too....
I need to send a few family emails...
will be back in a little while...
stopped at the store to get some B[acon] and L[ettuce] to go with the T[omatoes] so there could be a late night BLT in my future....
Oh, believe me, I was so proud to tell Carolyn's folks that we work together at 911.....24 years for me, 2 for Carolyn, but I told them she runs circles around me! I just trot some old facts and stories from the past sometimes and that keeps me in good graces with my co-workers :)
Hope Everyone is having a good evening,sure sounds like Paula with Steamed Crabs is !!
Carolyn and Christie seem to be doing okay...they were positively glowing, beautiful, and seemed to be comforted by family and friends, and happy to see old friends again...
Christie's Shannon was there also
Did I already say that Bruce Springsteen is not too hard on the eyes ?
Margy, you had a very full day and, given the circumstances, were able to share hugs and memories with family and friends. We thank you for sharing hugs with Christie and Carolyn.
Oh, Margy, you can not fool us!! You are undoubtedly a STAR at what you do to make money.☺
Sandi, I had to laugh at the mental picture of you holding your nose and holding the "toe" rope with your other hand....or your toes? lol
Ah, BLT is close to my heart. Had the equivalent tonight but toasted in the oven. Not as good as steamed crabs but still yummy!
The sandperson has just unceremoniously thrown a handful of sleepy dust into my eyes and is apparently already headed out the door to visit all of you.
The night light is on for anyone who may need to arise in the dark. Restful sleep for all.
Thanks to all for the birthday wishes. I know I'am not on here much. I have a full time job looking after Doris now. Her mind is realy getting bad. I have to do everything. She can't remember how to do things and get's all mixed up. THANK YOU ALL AGAIN
Watching the Olympics. Just watched the guy run that has the prosthetic legs. After the race another runner wanted to trade names. I got tears in my eyes!
Well, hi there Crunch Bob! Hope you have had a great day!
Hi Lolly It was good day. We stayed home and things went well.
Hi Crunch Bob!!
It is sooooo good to see you pop on...
you and Doris mean a lot to us, and what a blessing Doris has such a GREAT guy looking out for her
xoxox (( Mr. and Mrs. Hugs ))
for Wanda when she can make a blog stop..
I am so excited about your Milkweed and Caterpillar report! Hope there is another "Wanda-Gene" in the future...
and hoping that this was a good GG-Gene-Wanda day
The comments about water skiing got me to watching a old video from when I was young I posted some pix on fb of Janet when she was a baby and the skiing Love the video so glad dad put the old 8mm on vcr tape and then I put on DVD when I had a dvd recorder I need to but another one I loved it
funny no sound with the transfer but you can hear my parents every know and then dad clear his throat etc
WELL now only my store mgr a couple of weeks ago NOW my Asst Mgr has friend requested me on FB and NO NO NO I am not accepting him either They are not my friends they are my bosses just ignore it is what I am doing
tommorrow is a 10 day is why I am up so on that note I am saying the sand man will be here shortly I hope
Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
OH forgot to say I saw only one eagle this am at the cell phone tower I drove by it on the way to work They seem to be there in the am of late ok I just pulled a Margy LOL
Mars Landing
Just found this link. Trying to keep up with the Olympics and everything else.
Been watching Olympics & sandman might be here soon!
Lolly, I saw the disabled guy race, too. It was great!
Well the storm gave us about ten minutes of puny rain. Duh. Hope no one got worse.
Wanda will have to show us pics of the milkweed leaves and houseguests!!!I haven't hardly seen any monarchs this year. Maybe they migrated North where it isn't so hot---like Canada! ☺
Thoughts & Prayers for Riner Family. So glad you were there, Margy.
Hope Paula had a crabby day!!!
Hope Everyone has Pleasant Feather Dreams and Prayers for Good Health to all ;>)
Well, Margy I think you had the busiest day of all. Really love how you are such a compassionate person to others♥
Good night friends -
Gob Bless and Keep you from all harm
I ♥ US
Missing Lynn ♥ Christie ♥ Carolyn ♥
Olympics are over for us tonight. Time to hit the sack!
Tomorrow afternoon we are going to Denton. Jack is going to finish up the boys bookcases. Since he separated the wall unit, he had to make two new end panels. Also, taking Dallas Cowboy wallpaper border for Jacobs room. I will help Laurel get it up.
Night all! SED!!!!!
Water skiing...tried it several times...couldn't ever stay up!
Hoda, I really like the Black Swan movie.
Lolly, hope you are feeling better.
John and Ajay settle on the house tomorrow...I am taking off to watch the kids while they go to settlement.
Rainy ride home, but not bad. Caught fish yesterday, and crabs today!
Happy Birthday Crunch Bob!
Margy, thanks for giving out all those hugs to Carolyn and Christie.
Oh, here's a pic of the crabs we got today...first time I had put the crab pots 20 crabs in 24 hours...water was pretty rough today, but we got them in OK.
Oh, my brother Steve saw an eagle at the beach today!
They have been rather scarce, due to all the ospreys.
Also saw some nice herons and pelicans right off shore.
Worked on some trim and such in the half bath today...almost done!
Reading back . . . BLT is one of my favorite meals. Hunter also likes them, but he wants the bacon on the side. I like to cram as much bacon as possible into the sandwich.
Watching the activities at NASA. I was thinking how different the group of people at the monitors look from the way they looked way back when we first started watching them. I see men with long hair, beards, and women. Used to be men with short hair and no women.
And now we have lost the still cam?
Read back on the old thread...saw mention of the White Marlin Tournament...if he's lucky this week, Larry will get to fish in the tournament. Has a friend a couple of houses down who helps out on a boat, and he tries to invite Larry. Think he's been the last 2 years. Same boat he caught the Tuna on. Boat name is "No Worries", but you won't see him listed as a fisherman on the boat.
Heading to bed...catch ya'll tomorrow night...going to help John and Ajay clean up the house tomorrow...they are moving in on Tuesday.
SED, Love and hugs to all ♥
Thanks PAULA. I watched it and it was well done.
Yes, MARGIE, it was a good visit with GG, today. When I can get her to eat something which is good for her and she says that "it was good", that is a good day:) She ate nearly a whole can of sardine/mustard sauce and a cup of beef noodle soup. I'm now telling her that certain foods will help her oxygen levels and maybe she can get her injection sooner than later...didn't lie:)
And I too was excited to find 3 caterpillars on my NCTC Milkweed plants...I shouted out loud, YESSS!
I've already given them a second helping of fresh leaves...hungry little critters. One is about half grown and the other two are tiny. Anxious to see if there are anymore out there!
Off I go to dream land...see you all tomorrow. Love and prayers♥
I always feel elated when PAULA gives us reports from her PARADISE, such as catching and grilling fish and crabbing and getting 20 of those precious gems!
I'll bet you all feel that way too. We love for our 'friends' to have a good time and share it with us:)
Ditto that, Wanda !
And Yay on a Good GG day....
And now I guess it's time for me to say good night also....
Exciting time for Paula's John and Ajay..and the wee ones...
oboy, Paula gets to spend Monday WITH the wee ones....
BLT was outta sight! I see more in my future....went ahead and cooked up the pound of all I need to do is warm it up...
Prayers for Wellness, and thinking of all those we haven't "seen" for a few...Lynne2, Linda, Kay....and many others....
Out of sight, maybe, but NEVER out of mind
God Bless Us, Every One
Hi, Everyone,
Hope your day was really special!
Not much to report from this roost.
It was too hot and muggy to do much of anything! Supposed to be 91 here tomorrow. Wish the humidity would give us a break! We did watch some of the Olympics, and also some programs we had recorded earlier in the week. Emma did a convincing job of looking like a 40-pound bump on a log! So did we!
Margy, glad you were able to pass along Momster hugs to Carolyn & Christie at their Grandma's visitation. Prayers continue for them.
Meant to mention that I fell asleep soon after dinner last evening, and didn't make it here.
Sorry about that! Guess the sandperson ambushed me!
Well, need to call it a day. Have said prayers for everyone, and for every creature, including our furbabies. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Sleep well, everyone, with SED. Love all of you!
♥♥Carolyn & Christie and family♥♥
I ♥♥♥ us!!!
Good morning!
Got all wound up watching the Olympics and the Mars landing. Have not slept much, so I may be sound asleep by the time you read this.
Good Morning Everyone!!!
Back to work today! It's a mundane Monday.
WANDA, glad you had a good day with GG!
Hope Crunch BOB had a great birthday. Sorry to hear about Doris.
SHIRLEY, You were up late last night, or still up early this morning! :)
I love you all and with you a great day, light and smiles!
Hope to hear from KAY & LINDA today. ♥♥♥
shoulda been WISH you a great day...
Good muggy Monday morning Lori, Shirley (if you're still awake), and my other eagle friends!
No rain last night, even though it was predicted! Calling for showers today - looks very gray out there. Wonder if tennis will be a wash-out this morning?
Margy, thanks for the report on the viewing for Carolyn and Christy's Grandma.
Paula, welcome home. Exciting day for John and Ajay - enjoy celebrating their new home with them!!
Wanda, glad to hear news about a good day for GG - there really are foods that can improve how your body uses oxygen, like foods high in antioxidants and fatty acids.
Expecting my BFF Deb (been friends since we were 9 years old) and her husband Keith to arrive today to spend a few days - looking forward to spending some in-person time together instead of just emailing back and forth.
Have a great day - stay cool!
morning to one and all
another Monday fast upon us. but i am off tomorrow, so all is well.
had a good weekend. livvy sure had a good weekend. when chris and nancy are here, chris likes to take olivia out and spoil her rotten. she takes her along with her sons and they play play play.....arcades, bowling, you name it. livvy will be very sad to see auntie chris leave!
its cloudy, maybe rainy here today. v ery green though, especially for august!
judye: those pix bring back memories. i don't remember the events of course, but i have the video and such. :)
not a lot else is new. just another day in the neighborhood. have a great day all. hugs, light, love, and smiles!
May all your birthday wishes come
true on your special day!
.♥ Happy Birthday!
Morning everyone,
Another Monday, another week ready to fly-by.
Had a great visit with my friend. Weather cooperated beautifully. Had a cookout & a boat ride.
Was able to show them a JUVIE soaring above us as we rode around the lakes.
Ended visit with the rescue of a 2 ft pine snake that was entangled in bird netting (actually deer netting to keep them from eating the hostas).
A hummer was the one that alerted us to the snake, which was entangled right under their feeder. It was chittering & flying in circles & going up and down just under the hanging feeder. It was definitely not acting normal. Bubby went closer to see what it was dive bombing and discovered the tangled snake. Needed a scissor to free it. Hopefully it doesn't return to lunch on hummers.
Have a great day!
Good Morning Eagle Pals...and...
Happy Birthday to Robyn!! Hug that daughter of yours, and get those up close and Birthday Hugs right back, and may this be your Very Best Birthday, Ever xo
Have fun Sandi....sounds like you will !
Great to connect with friends in person....
CarolAnne...glad everything was lined up perfectly for your Sunday, including that Juvie Soaring over...
Bravo on the snake rescue...
interesting, our local paper ran an article Sunday by Scott Shalaway, a WV naturalist....regarding the dangers of those kinds of netting, like the ones folks put out over their plants to prevent deer from eating too much free garden food....
guess it's a hard thing to prevent....
and it's certainly very disappointing to lose crops to animals foraging..
many people don't put gardens out anymore for that reason
I saw a new-to-me butterfly this morning, think this was its BIRTHDAY, as it was fresh and delicate; I think, it was a Diana Fritillary...will have to get a pic up for our butterfly experts here to double check that
inferesting,the way Hunter does his BLTs....
the whole place here has the wonderful aroma of that pound of bacon that I fried up last night :)
inferesting, new word, make that interesting !
back to the morning chores...
Best Wishes for a Good Day xoxo
G☺☺D M☼rning eagle buds
I hope each and everyone of you have a great Mon which is my Wed Two more days and I can go in to mini retirement as Magpie says
I discovered on my paint program that I can add a pix to another pix still have lots of practicing to do I did this last nite
Almost time to go to work for me
♫♪ ♫♪[̲̅̅H̲̅][̲̅̅A̲̅][̲̅̅P̲̅][̲̅̅P̲̅][̲̅̅Y̲̅] [̲̅̅B̲̅][̲̅̅I̲̅][̲̅̅R̲̅][̲̅̅T̲̅][̲̅̅H̲̅[̲̅̅D̲̅][̲̅̅A̲̅][̲̅̅Y̲̅]♫♪ ♫ROBYN
I copied pasted this Paula had on facebook odd when you paste on a regular email letter it looks sooooooo different that on the blog
Good morning everyone. Back form coffee and dog treats. A photographer friend of mine is coming over and we are going to "play" with some lighting techniques. She is going to also try to get a picture of Dex and I. I so need to get something nice of both of us and that is hard to do alone. I did also want to share a video with all of you. Many of you know the story behind the Channel Island eagles . ALl of you will enjoy the video. Restoring the Bald Eagles to Channel Island
Good morning! Water pots today, do a little more house cleaning. If I do a little each day, it will not be a big job. Then we are going to Laurel's this afternoon.
Happy Birthday, Robyn! Wishing you a great day!
Out to water before it gets unbearably hot.
OOOPS Happy Birthday Robyn Make it a good day everyone.
Well.....Hello there my Friends!!
I will most likely never catch up on what I have missed, but have had you on my mind daily and MISS YOU!!
I did scan this day's blog and saw a couple touching posts from Margy and Lori!
Thanks for missing me and not forgetting me, my Dear Eagle Friends!!
Happy Birthday, Robyn!!!
Wishing you a super special day today and a year filled with new adventures and much happiness!!
Life has just been too busy of late and time has been too darn short!! That kind of sums up my past few weeks in a nutshell.......
Wishing you all happiness and wellness today......
It's always nice to come back here, knowing I am always welcomed, always loved and where I feel like I'm home!!
Almost afternoon, but my morning has been pleasant. Mainly watching birds and squirrels and then eating cantaloupe
and banana and toast. I love fresh fruit.
I stopped to read our home page - I usually click on the date I want and don't really look or read it. I did today. I think we are being credited with the fact that we have a large, international community that has developed as a result of this extraordinary pair of eagles. And then under Deb Palmer's pic is that statement that this is the original pair of eagles - you know - Liberty and Belle. I do respect Shep for all the good work he has done for us this year, but I will always miss Shep.
Linda - I am so happy to see you here and to know that it is a busy time for you. You are so right that you can be gone for quite a while but this is HOME
I ♥ US
Now, maybe we can all wish Kay to come see us. ♥
Happy happy Birthday Robyn! This year is going to be the bestest ever for you - that is my wish! LOVE YOU ♥
You know what,Jo...I just took note of the Original Pair notation this morning, have I been missing that all this time? I DID know it WAS but never seemed to have noticed those words....
Good to see you Linda !
I am getting ready for the funeral services for Carolyn and Christie's grandma I have to hustle along...
will share our Momster and Dadster Love with the girls....
ttfn xoxox
I always cherish that that picture of Liberty and Belle, taken by our dear Deb is there, with her name under the picture, guess that is what I focus on....
let me say this louder:
Good to See You, Linda....
ttfn, funeral is at 1 pm...
Love you, Pals....
Just a reminder -
Only takes a little more then a minute of your time and everything you click for is worthwhile........♥
Good afternoon to everyone.
Paula, congratulations to John and Ajay on the settlement and move in. Very sure they are excited beyond words. Congratulations to you on the fish and crab success.
Shirley, I'm with you. As much bacon inside the sandwich as possible.
Wanda, glad GG had a good day yesterday. Please be sure to take care of yourself as well.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ROBYN! Wishing you a very special day and a very happy year to come.
Welcome home Linda.
Just wanted to stop by. Back to reading. Only three more weeks.
Got to get going today. Need to take wallpaper books back. Have not really decided for sure, but maybe I can decide today.
Had to stop at the grocery store on the way to day camp and pick up a Lunchable for Hunter. Now, you would think he would like that.
Nope. He insisted that he did not need lunch. The bag of chips and four Oreo cookies were enough for lunch. And, I was going to be late getting him to camp, but he did not want to go to camp either.
All I can say is that he was in a negative frame of mind this morning. He did take the Lunchable and hurried off to find his friends when we got there.
Sometimes you have to assume that he wants the opposite of what he is saying he wants.
He says that he will not eat the Lunchable. We will see about that. You just never know. He may not eat it. I told him that I would just feel bad about sending him off for the day with only a bag of chips and four cookies.
We are on a peanut butter restriction again. No nut products of any kind. He had a honey nut bar--I did not even think about that, and he was told not to eat it. Someone is severely allergic. I have to say that would be a big worry for a parent.
Paula's Paradise looks to be a wonderful place to be this summer--such good food and Studmuffin too.
Synchronized swimming this morning. First saw that in college.
I cherish the picture of Lib and Belle, too, Jo and Margy.
Good afternoon eagle peeps.
I do have netting over my garden. I don't think there would be any need to have a garden without the net, unless I just wanted to feed the critters.
Good afternoon, Thelma. Just about to take off to the wallpaper store. Have been stalling a bit.
Stayed out too long. Now trying to cool off. Already up to 94, no wonder I was sweating so. Watered and then did some dead heading. Way behind doing that.
Good to see you on here, Linda! You are missed when you are not, but we are an understanding forgiving group.
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
Heading to Denton.
On fb learned that a friend in VA met a big black bear on the golf course. Cool! He played his best game and finished in record time. lol
Later Gators!
Ordered my wallpaper. I have not done wallpapering in years, but I think I can handle it, can always tell Will and Kathryn what to do if necessary.
The bear or the friend, Lolly?
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