Monday, July 30, 2012


New thread.


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magpie said...

oh dear, Wanda....difficult day for the two of you, until the evening,when it sounds like things brightened up...

GREAT new avatar of the two great grandsons.....

Praying that the next opportunity for that shot for your Mom...comes along soon and goes well


magpie said...

Time for bed and sleep...

Prayers for Wellness, and for Comfort for those who have recently lost loved ones....

God Bless Us, Every One

Mema Jo said...

Good Night friends
God Bless you and keep you
Prayers for all
I ♥ US
I ♥ Lynn

Hoda said...

What a wonderful good day it was today...the weather is just amazing and the town is vibrant full of people from far away all curious to see what Nelson has to offer. Plates from Minnesota and Illinois also New York and California...I do not think anyone else is left in Alberta they are all here!!! Everyother plate is from Alberta. Of course it is BC Weekend and it is a civic holiday and Alberta also has a holiday, each province comes up with their own reason for a holiday in August...I have to be smart about not being in downtown this weekend. I will go paddling tomorrow and will spend the weekend hiking and listening to books and visiting with friends.I feel very blessed and I sing Praises.

Sorry that GG did not get her last shot today but am very pleased she enjoyed her birthday.

It is so late because I went to a late yoga class started at seven thirty instead of five thirty...meditation session ahead of yoga and I do not think I will be able to sleep for a while yet...

It is just dusk now but still pleasant lighting enough to use the car...

THe highways must be busy I saw two cruisers go out east and west with sirens on because it was RCMP I knew it was not a city matter, Nelson Police looks after Nelson domestic things and traffic.

SED to every one
I love love love us.

Lolly said...

Getting on to say good night. After the Olympics I put my nose in my book and finished it.

Nite all! SED!!!

Hoda said...



Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Well, first I need to let you all know that Emma did fine at the vet's today. She wasn't feeling quite 100%, so we took her in for a checkup. She had very, VERY full anal glands, and got them expressed. (That's one job I prefer the vet's office doing for me!) She also got her ears cleaned. No infection, just in need of a good cleaning. We got some Otomax to put in her ears 2x a day for a week, and some Epi Otic ear cleanser to use once or twice a week. She won't be due for any vaccinations until January.
She must have been really bothered by the anal glands, because she was frisky and playful when we got home tonight! She's sleeping like a baby right now, too. I'm glad we had her checked out now, because we caught everything BEFORE there was any infection going on. Just as an FYI, here are the charges:
Physical exam/consult: $52.00
Otomax 15G 28.75
Epi Otic Cleanser 4 oz. 12.00
Fecal ova/parasites check 34.00
Anal gland expression 22.00
Ear clean 20.00
Subtotal: 168.75
Tax: .93
Total: $169.68
I know these charges are much lower than my Sis-in-law's vet. She goes to that vet because he specializes in English Bulldogs, and has for years. I do think I will discuss getting pet insurance with Ken, though. Need to check out what's covered, what isn't, and the monthly cost. MTBR...

Ms Bookworm said...

Lolly, so glad you felt SO much better today! Hope you are well on the road to recovery!

JudyE, loved the video, Beauty and the Beak! What an inspiring story!
...Would love to see that dollhouse! Sounds really neat!

Wanda, LOVE your new avatar! So glad that GG took a power nap, and was able to enjoy her Birthday celebration! Hope that GG's last shot will be rescheduled soon, and will go well for her!

Shirley, I'm so glad that Luna is doing well! She's a real sweetheart. It's amazing how she's adapted to being nearly blind! Please give her an extra treat for me!

I'm glad to hear that Bella's tests at the vet came back A+! Good news!

Hoda, so glad you can wear your linen dress! Can you get a picture? Would love to see it! Sounds like you had a spectacular day today! Guess your little town is jumping this weekend. Hope the paddling goes well for you tomorrow.

I'm about to call it a day. Have said prayers for everyone, especially those needing healing, and those who've lost a loved one.
Prayers, too, for all our furbabies! (Lynne2, keep us posted about those tiny kitties, please.
Prayers for them continuing from this roost!) The porch light is on. Both security systems are enabled. Wishing everyone SED.
God bless, and goodnight. Love each and every one of you!
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥♥♥ us!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Just wanted to check in. It is 3:17 a.m. and I just got home from Charlotte. Great concert although I think Gregg Allman may be getting a little too old to be doing this. :)

Will give details tomorrow. Good night and I LOVE US!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning everyone!

I haven't had time to read up late (for me) and need to start doing my weekend work for the station website.

I hope everyone is well and has a great day. I'll catch up later and check back. Big HUGS!!!

Sandi said...

Morning Lori!! Good steamy Saturday morning my eagle friends! Gonna be another hot one here!

Hoda, Nelson sounds like a lovely place and you sound so happy living there - good on you!

Andy, your vet's rates are pretty much in line with mine - but $93 tax???!!! Don't have sales tax in DE - very grateful for that!! Glad to hear that Emma is back to being her perky self now that her anal glands are empty (I leave that job to the vet as well. Bella has been known to express hers on the vet techs when they're trimming her nails!! YUK!!)

Wanda, sorry to hear that GG didn't get her injection - when can you reschedule? But happy to hear that she enjoyed her birthday celebration!

Sharon, glad the concert was good - hope it lifted your spirits!

YAY - Lynne1 saw another eagle!

Tennis from 8-10, then Dennis would like to take the boat out. His brother, sister-in-law and 2 of their 3 daughters with their husbands and children are in OC for a week, all staying at their condo (10 of them). They would like us to come there to visit (which is what we always do when they come to the beach). Denny would like them to come here for a change. We'll see how that plays out.

Have a great day all!

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Sorry GG didn't get her injection but glad to read she rallied for the party time. Dex seems to be feeling pretty well. We did sleep. He sleeps a lot if he isn't sick. Off to coffee and dog treats, Then doing an online webinar this weekend. I like those. This one is on Tots to teens. I am thinking around Halloween if I can figure out the pieces I would like to do a Paws ans Pals fundraiser for my local shelter and feature kids with their pets. Got the idea, Have to get the pieces together somehow. Hmmm

Costume Lady said...


LORI, in answer to your question of a while back...Clothing is always welcomed at the Clothes Closet and in answer to Kate's question about what is needed...toiletries, can't seem to ever have enough of those. I don't want you two to spend your money...just anything laying around the house that you don't like or use. Someone of our guests will like it and find use for it:)

Thanks for thinking of us♥♥

Sandi, I can re-schedule GG in two weeks, if not sooner.

It is 72° right now, just perfect for working outside, which is where I am headed:)

Costume Lady said...

GOOD LUCK on your fundraiser, GLO!
Glad Dex has rallied around...kinda like GG;)

Costume Lady said...

Oh, and Margie, so happy that you and James were able to spend some time together!

Judie said...

Good morning.

I see that GG still needs that third injection but the good news is she enjoyed her birthday celebration. Hugs to Miss GG.

Also glad Emma and Dex and Luna are well. Didn't know dogs would eat watermelon.

AND: Happy British Columbia Weekend and holiday, Hoda. Hope the weather stays lovely.

If interested, there is some not so happy news on the bear updates.

Need to make myself less scary. These meetings are about effective teaching strategies. The police only meet once per week for eight weeks so more effective teaching is always welcome.

Wishing everyone a lovely day. Try to stay cool.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...

I see some of us are up and running...
hope the night's sleep was restful...

Sounds like the doggies amongst us are coming along pretty good...
Bella, Dex, and Emma

magpie said...

Wanda -
I have some things for CC, will try to get them to your BEFORE supper time Tuesday this time !

Hi Lori, Sandi, Judie, Wanda....
and maybe more that I cannot "see"

Sharon might still be up
late night, glad the concert was rockin'

magpie said...

how about seminars for more effective student strategies...seminars that the wannabes need to attend,
yes ?
You could teach those seminars,

magpie said...

I stopped at my garden on the way to work also, and it is
stunning.....not bragging, but it really looks so nice in the early morning....
all the Nicotianas are open, the lisianthus glistening,
sunflower dazzling, and the tomatoes ready to ripen

JudyEddy said...

G☺☺D M☼rning Eagle Buds
Wanda when is the next appt for her to get her final injection so sorry she could'nt get it this time and so happy she had a good bday celebration

LORI if you have any of the hotel shampoos soaps and things like that is what I have been donating to my local mission I'm sure you have some of that around I even doate the coffee because I travel with my own coffee

Angie took a picture of her house with her cell phone not a real good picture but I put it on the blog ANDY
Doll house
<a href="

magpie said...

time to make dough $$$

Good Morning in Advance ...
to Momsters and Dadsters today

Sandi: Enjoy your Beach and People always sounds sooooo enticing ☺

ttfn xoxox

JudyEddy said...

Here is today image of the from Nasa pretty
Image of the day

magpie said...

cool little dollhouse Judy

JudyEddy said...

Hey did you see we have three ACTIVE storms heading this was the first is passing south of fl and the other will be a rain maker and may turn in to something after it goes over the state and head to TX maybe Lolly can get some rain from it

JudyEddy said...

I like her other doll house its on my porch now it was a little tikes one sturdy plastic but only had two big rooms she can use it here but I need to see if I can find some furniture for it it has the cutest front to it also

JudyEddy said...

this is the one she had and is now at my house
Lil tike barbie doll house
two big rooms

magpie said...

Happy Birthday to Barb Willard....
I know she likes Eagles and Peregrine Falcons!
and when posting a few years back, was "Grey Mare."

Hope it's a Great Birthday, Barbara .... "Come See us ! ""

xo ♥☺

Costume Lady said...

MARGIE, you are a on eath do you remember peoples names and such?
Yes, ♫♪HAPPY BIRTHDAY BARB♫♪ and do stop in and say HOWDY.


magpie said...

Well, Wanda...thanks...but I surely owe most of my memory to the Birthday Lists that Jo sends !!

and then I can get lucky remembering monikers ☺

Hey: did you see, Wanda.....Sandi has cardinal flower growing in her Rain Garden....and also has something called Turtleheads ?
Think it's time for a Road Trip ☺


magpie said...

Wanda....I can lead you to some Cardinal Flowers...
how do you feel about crossing the shallow creekbed at Swinging Bridge ?

Also I am finding more and more Swamp Milkweed (pink) and Joe-Pye Weed...

Lolly said...

Good morning! Have finished my coffee and now out to water. Prayer for OK, those affected by the fires and the firemen.

We are fast approaching drought conditions again. Have I said yet how I HATE August. It is such a depressing month!

Glo, happy that Dex had a good night. Thinking of you two! (Have you been practicing for the Olympics in 4 years?)☺

glo said...

Ha Ha Lolly I almost posted last night if you wanted to consider some swimming events since Michael Phelps won't be a contender. No jumping off of high places and well we could wear swim caps so the "do's" don't get wet. There are so many things we could probably try out We surely do NOT want to tie in gymnastics though if we go that route. Just Sayin. :-) I hope you continue to feel better.

Costume Lady said...

Where would I look to find SANDI'S Cardinal Flower?

magpie said...

in Sandi's Garden.... ☺
wanna go to Delaware ?? ☺

I don't think Sandi has posted on her blog yet....
she was talking of them Friday, Wanda...

I can post MY little pics later on but I think there are better pictures to be had...

magpie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...


here are some pictures of mine from last year:

Cardinal Flower

magpie said...

oh rats
let me try that again

cardinal flowers

magpie said...

oh that's kind of fun, there are lots of things on that link....

stronghunter said...

Beauty and the Beak

Susan just shared this on my timeline. Thought I should bring it over here.

Mema Jo said...

Good National Cheesecake Day!
Getting a late start on the blog - If any of you on FB want to 'friend' Barb - she is over there.

Happy Birthday Barb -
Have a great day

We have a lunch invite over to gs near Shephardstown - BBL

T-Bird said...

Good afternoon my eagle peeps.

Lolly said...

Watered the pots and then we headed to church to water. Glad to find things there ok. We were gone for a week and then sick all week, did not even think of the flowers in the prayer garden at church. They could not have gone much longer.

GLO, I really think gymnastics is the way to go. I want to wear eye makeup....glitter on the eyelids!!!☺

Lolly said...

hmmmm....wonder if I could possibly do a somersault? lol

stronghunter said...

Hunter at Football Practice

Trying this link to Kathryn's video. Maybe it will work.

stronghunter said...

Well, I guess it doesn't work. Sorry about that.

Hoda said...

Good morning/ good afternoon everyone.

All went really well with paddling and it is fun to have shared the boat...there were twenty of us out and the lake was calm and beautiful.

Ducks and geese and seagulls and ravens today.

I volunteered to work the rowing club reggata next weekend. They wanted some help from the Dragon Boaters and six of us said we would help...We will paddle first though.

I went for coffee, actually tea for me, after the paddle and there were lots of stories of courage and what seems like heroism to me in the stories that were said of cancer survivors and for those who crossed.All of my team mates are cancer survivors and we lost a few very strong women to the disease...the spirits are up and rallying on with determination to find a cure. Glad to be part of that team

Uptown is congested and yet it is fun...I had said I would not go there this long weekend but did go for tea today and parking spots were hard to find.

Great energy and great joy...Free movies at the park on Sunday and bicycle races today and lots of people are out on the water now, but not when we were out there...

Enjoy the day everyone...we are here, we are blessed, and we move with grace...praises praises praises...

CarolAnne said...

Good afternoon all,
Hope everyone is making a good day!

Storms moving in. Can use the rain, but not the high winds & hail.

Finally got a chance to see a hummer up close, unfortunately it was dead. :o( Found it laying on a leaf of a pumpkin vine while we were digging potatoes. No obvious injury.

Take care everyone. Enjoy your day.

Hoda said...

C/A is the Endbridge oil splii in Wisconsin near where you are? I hope you are not affected by it.

Hoda said...

spill not splii!!!

CarolAnne said...

Hoda, the oil spill is not close enough to affect us.

A gas line break, however, is much closer, but still does not reach us. West Shore Pipe Line Co. is battling gasoline that leaked out of a July 17 pipeline break in the Town of Jackson.

"The total number of residential wells contaminated with gasoline now stands at 17, a West Shore official said Thursday."

Sad for the people affected and for the environment.

Hoda said...

Awful about the spill C/A not good for the environment for sure. They are trying to have their pipes here and BC so far is saying no thanks but thanks!!! BC is not for sale.

Michael Phelps got his 18 gold and 22 medal...USA USA USA USA USA!

Lolly said...

Yes, Hoda, but a Canadian got the gold in trampoline!

Hoda said...

That is true LOLLY we are very proud of her and we are also proud of the triathalete woman, Paula FIndlay, who came in very last as she had a hip injury ...she was 12 minutes behind the winner but she finished and we are all very pleased even though she kept saying "sorry sorry..."

Hoda said...

Listening to a very good book by tracy Chevalier called Burning Bright...she is the one who wrote Girl With A Pearl Earing.
It is an MP3 Player from the library and it was pleasant to walk for an hour by the lake and listen at the same time...beautiful day indeed.

Lolly said...

Too HOT here to enjoy being outside. It is presently 99. Hoda, you are blessed to live in such a beautiful, pleasant place.

Mema Jo said...

I'm signing back on after having a wonderful afternoon visit with gs and then we did go to Mass & ate dinner out.

I haven't read back on this 400 count yet. I really was expecting a new thread today. Here's praying that all is well with all of you.


NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eaglebuds! Been playing w/pictures, giving peanuts to squirrel crew, watching Olympics BEFORE 10 PM!! Fubby went to car show this afternoon and I would have gone if it were 15° cooler. Oh well.Now we're back to car races.
Hoda, sure does sound pleasant at your place!
We did have a good day at Chelsea, both work and nature! Put some pics in the Nook.

JudyEddy said...

LORETTA the triplets are getting so big and yep you can connect the spots on the one so close you can count them The black vulture looks like a shadow almost Cool pix as always How do Paw Paw taste by the way ?? I'd never heard of them till I came to the blog !!

JudyEddy said...

Watching the oply from the other nite as always I like it better that way fast forward through what I don't want to see like commercial

JudyEddy said...

Its 85° here right now and humid as Haiti's feels like 96=5 according to Fox13

JudyEddy said...

Hey MARGY my weather channel app tells me the moon phase on daily basis cool beans Waning Gibbous love it tells me humidity, temp, dew point pressure, winds, and sunrise and sunset and visibility I am glad I downloaded it

JudyEddy said...

too cool just figured out I can also add location in my favorites I put Nashville,Tn and Radcliff, Ky and Burnsville, Nc tooo

JudyEddy said...

LYNNE2 hasn't been on the blog to tell you all but lot of us know So I thought I would let you know Charlotte the stinkbug eating spider is no longer with her she thinks she is in spidey heaven but has left lots of little ones in her house to take over

JudyEddy said...

I am in the mood for rye bread and our store doesn't sell the fresh made in the store so I will have to go to Publix I love the marble rye that they have BBIALW

Judie said...

Hello to everyone.

How nice to see that Hoda had a wonderful day as did Loweeda and Jo had fun plus dinner out. Everyone seems to have had a good day except Judy had to go out to get rye bread and Shirley had trouble with a Hunter's football practice link. So sorry to read of Charlotte's demise but glad she left a stink bug eating brigade behind. Like Loweeda, I put seeds out for the squirrels and birds and velvet antlered Bambi and his Bambette made a second visit in one week today to enjoy the azalea crop. Now Margy is trying to entice Wanda to go tippy toeing at the swingin' bridge.

I am saddened about the effects of water contamination and the devastation of the wild fires. Do so wish Mother Nature would smile on the environment this summer.

Good strategy sessions today. New faculty from CIA, FBI, etc. were interesting but newbie teachers.

Headed for the pillows. Sandperson will be leaving to visit all of you. The night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

JudyEddy said...

JUDIE you always can make me laugh I love reading what you can come up with

Ok any bread experts the bread says sell by 5th that is tomorrow surely its will be good for a day after or so I don't want to eat the whole loaf Its a small loaf I guess I will look for mold I should have ask them at Publix and wow was the two peices I had sooooo good and so soft

well tomorrow is a 8pm day so I need to start getting my butt in gear

magpie said...

Hi again Eagle Pals...
this moon is one of the most spectacular in quite some time I'd say....waning gibbous, yes, but a slow wane.....four nights of grandeur and fire when it first comes up...which it just did a little while ago

magpie said...

glad Jo had such a good time, that's what Saturdays can be good for...
and every day when it's possible

My sister Roanoke Mary is at Emerald Isle (NC) and some little relatives were watching the little turtles come up on the sand...

magpie said...

I'm not much on words, but happy to see that there were some enjoyable moments of the day....
hope the same is true for those we have not heard from today and on other days

magpie said...

Missed you Judie...but I did just watch three back to back episodes of NCIS
that was a nice break from normal routines

going to do some much-sought after reading now, as in
The Bluebird Effect

Hope Wellness Swells....
amongst us all, our families, friends and pets

Gooooood Night, hope Sleep is Sweet

God Bless Us, Every One

magpie said...

oops ps JudyE, nice weather and moon phase program you have there...
it sure can be fun

NatureNut said...

JudyE, I think those dates on food are the last day they can be sold. They shouldn't be spoiled right away. You may not like to do it, but we always put our bread in the fridge.It keeps longer & you can always let it get room temp. or pop in toaster. Boy, I love rye toast.
Re: Paw paws, hadn't really known much about them (they're in the Tree book)until we talked to our friends originally from Paw Paw, WV, Then I learned some were growing in the Park near a large creek. Never really saw the fruit until recently at Chelsea.Looked them up last year and they got their name from tasting a little like papaya. They should be eaten when real ripe.I tasted a very ripe one last year and it was OK---very strong, sweet flavor, but not unpleasant.Can make Paw Paw bread, but I'll probably never get enough.

NatureNut said...

Love the eagles on the tower, JudyE. How wonderful to be able to see some!! I thought the FL ones might go a little North when chicks had fledged.

Well, someone has gone to bed SSHHH, so I can change the channel!!!!Olympics here I come!
If I konk out. want to wish everyone Pleasant Feather Dreams and Prayers for Good Health to all ♥ ;>)

Costume Lady said...

I hope LYNNE checks in this evening. Remember the flower seeds which I handed out at Open House as a Souvenir? Well the Milk Weed has been growing in our garden (6), and I checked the leaves today, I captured 2 little catterpillars

Costume Lady said...

good night, everyone
have a blessed Sunday:(

Hoda said...

Glad all who checked in are doing well and miss those who have not I hope all is well with them too.

Thanks JUDIE and LOLLY...I even managed a nap after my walk today...

Will watch a movie I got out of the library called Invictus...Nelson Mandela...I like his story very much and I will see how they do with a rugby player as part of the story...

Mema Jo said...

I watched some nonsense TV this evening. I think I am very tired from my day of running around.

Loretta, I love all you pictures in your Nook!

Good night and God Bless all of you
Prayers for all in need
I ♥ Us
Thinking of Lynn ♥

Hoda said...

Invictus is a true story...Rugby and unity of black and white in South Africa.

Costume Lady said...

I do beg your pardon!!! I did a face plant when saying good night and ended with a sad face...didn't mean to do that!
Prayers and love for all♥

LORETTA, enjoyed your wonderful nature pictures...the triplet fawns are adorable:)

Lolly said...

Good day, but did not do much. Just great to be feeling okay.

Have been watching the Olympics. Jack says he is getting tired of it, but he is right here watching with me.

Going to say good night as I will be heading that way soon.


Judie said...

Woke up. Catching up.

♪♫Pickin' up Paw Paws, Puttin' em in a basket. Pickin' up Paw Paws, Puttin' em in a basket♪♫ Wow, learned that ditty as a child but always thought Paw Paws were make believe stuff.

Judy, Loweeda is correct. Sale date is for the store and not the same as expiration date usually designated as "best used by"

Shhh! Enjoy the 'lympics Loweeda (:

Wanda, so jealous. Milkweed puny here and no butterfly egg. Butterflies have been scarce but dragon flies are abundant.

Hoda, I often discuss Nelson Mandela as an example of how one individual can, without the use of violence, change the course of a culture and a nation's history even from a prison cell. I hope you enjoyed Invictus.

Okay, going back to the pillows to seek restorative sleep.

Hoda said...

Awesome Movie this Invectus...Rugby turned the country around...

Hoda said...


Hoda said...

For you JUDIE yes indeed Madiba is an inspiration.

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

William Ernest Henley

Hoda said...



Sandi said...

Good sweltering Sunday morning my eagle friends!

Hoda, I remember seeing the previews for Invictus but never watched it - sounds like we should!

Very productive day here yesterday!! Cleaned out/organized the shed where we keep all the beach stuff as well as lawn tools and our bikes, and also cleaned up the area behind the shed where Denny had accumulated a bunch of stuff left over from jobs he has done - stuff he will never end up using that someone else COULD use. Put stuff on Freecycle, which promptly got picked up. Wow, what an improvement - the area behind the shed is adjacent to our outdoor shower so I would see that stuff laying there every day, and everything was covered with last winter's dead leaves that had never been raked and bagged (that got done as well). BIG improvement!! Also washed the exteriors of some of the windows on the 2nd floor - ever used that Windex stuff that you attach to the hose?? Works great and so much easier and faster than climbing an extension ladder!

Spent the late afternoon and evening in Ocean City (OMG, the traffic!!!! It's White Marlin Open week!!) visiting with the Roberts family.

Tennis this morning at 8, then probably the beach this afternoon.

Margy and Wanda, will get a few pics of my cardinal flower in about a week when they should be more opened up.

Have a great day all - stay cool!!

Lori O. said...

Good morning everyone!

Good for you, SANDI, getting all that stuff done. I was just thinking I wish I had something to tell everyone but there's nothing happening here, except work, and WWF! :) Need to get my behind in gear today and gather up some more donations.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds No news for me either besides gotta go to work at 8 YEAH LYNNE1 saw a moose she has a beautiful pix on FB and is he pretty and WANDA I love your pix of ZAYRE I put a comment on it that I worked there tooo

JudyEddy said...

Wow did you all see on the news the picture that they captured the sixth ring the MOON sooo cool
The sixth ring so cool

JudyEddy said...

MUMMY Rye bread in the mornin before work And yes I love toasted rye bread tooo LORETTA
and I am so happy that our eagles do tend to stay in Fl all year around
SANDI posted this on my facebook page the other day and then put on all the eagle pages I am on The audubon magazine had it in it
Audubon the state most nesting bald eagle is Fl

JudyEddy said...

I hope each and everyone of you have a great super day today Stay cool in the heat Winter is just around the corner and we will be complaining about the cold LOL

JudyEddy said...

Almost time of work so I will see you all later today

CarolAnne said...

Hello Eagle people,
Rain totally missed us, but did bring cooler temps and a light breeze.
Preparing for a visit from a high school friend (& her hubby) that I haven't seen in 15 years or so. Going to be a great day.

Wishing the same for everyone!

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Wow CA sounds like a very exciting day indeed for you. We did get some much needed rain yesterday afternoon. We need lots lots more . My windows are open and the air is off atleast for one day. I can't remember the last time i could open up the house. Dex seems pretty good. He is waiting for me to say those magic words "Let's go visit". It has been a very special way to start almost every day for 12 plus years. Have a blessed Sunday everyone.

Judie said...

Good early morning.

Hoda, thank your for the Henley poem. It is one I had forgotten and think is to inspirational.

Margy, have a nice "retirement" day. Hope you can check out the swinging bridge -- maybe take Wanda with you.

Jo, stay cool. Another extreme day today.

Glo, have a wonderful day with Dex and so happy he's feeling better.

Judy, hope work will not be too stressful.

Lori, do what you can and don't stress over the leftovers.

Sandi, have a good tennis morning.

CarolAnne, enjoy your friend's vday.isit.

I'm headed for coffee and newspaper. Wishing everyone a great day.

magpie said...

Good Sunday Morning, Eagle Pals...
ams I #500 or has that already happened ??


magpie said...

Good Sunday Morning, Eagle Pals...
ams I #500 or has that already happened ??


magpie said...

oh for goodness sakes ! not only 500 but 501! and with a typo at that...

Always a treat opening up the blog and reading happy comments from dear friends...

Today, Visitation for Carolyn and Christie's grandma Bessie...5-7,
and funeral and burial Monday at 1 pm, here in Martinsburg....going to try to make both of these......

magpie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...

sorry about that double stuff, if it was Oreo cookies that would be OK :)

Lori....You are a Whirling Dervish whether you know it or no !!!
and Wow, that is a active report from Sandi!

auction here locally for the estate of my late brother in law's late Baby Sister, so I shall go and visit with the family, difficult event.....
don't know how to bid so I will just oogle at the nice things and hope the family gets some satisfaction knowing where their sister's precious things are going....

Best Wishes for A Good, better, BEST Day to all my friends here..


Happy Birthday to Crunch Bob...!! We love you, Bob, hope you can drop by to "SEE US "

magpie said...

Here's a Sunday Morning Treat:


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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...