Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Fresh thread.


1 – 200 of 325   Newer›   Newest»
Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thanks Steve!

DanaMo said...

Good afternoon. Kids are gone and I am ready to be done with this day!

I guess I need to go look at the old thread to see if we had any visits today?

Any word from Wanda?

I didn't catch the royal pair anytime that I had the cam open.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the call over, Sharon.

I see Steve got my email!

Lori O. said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve!

Thank you for the call over, Sharon! Nice to be on the first 200 for a change! lol

Lori O. said...

Hello Paula and DanaMO!

DMo, I hear you on the long day. It's over for me in about an hour. Going to be early!

Lolly said...

Thanks for the call over, Sharon.

Yes, Dana. Wanda's surgery is over, she is awake and talking with Gene and Karla. Everything went well.

Red said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve.

Thank you Karla for the updates on Wanda. I'm looking forward to my surgery too. I've been procrastinating too long. Should have had it months ago.

Judie said...

Have been posting my question mark as a means of opening the blog door so I can see what's happening.

Thank you Steve for the fresh thread.

Janet said...

Hi all. Found this on my phone and figured out how to bookmark it! By golly I'm getting smarter by the day, lol. Looks like this mornings issue with the blog is still there...can't go back and read posts...grrrrrr

Janet said...

Ugh! Always something....can't locate my favorites...take two steps forward and three back with this silly phone

magpie said...

Happy for this brand, spanking new clean thread, Steve..thanks...

Thanks Paula..for getting the information to Steve about The Stranger

magpie said...

I'd love to know what the construction is near the nest, been one busy day there today...

Kay,'s still your Birthday...! Happy Day !

pretty cute, Kay,
giving up bursitis for
birthdayitis ! I saw that !

DanaMo - you didn't miss a visit, nothing since early morning one

magpie said...

oh shucks sorry...
One of them did spend about 15 mins on the nest about an hour after the morning visit, think it was...I forget which one!

Linda said...

Home from work to find a fresh thread!

Thanks Steve!

Thanks, Margy for the reminder!!!

Happy to hear Wanda's surgery went well and she is up and talking!! Prayers continue.

Now I will see if I can go back and read the old thread past 200 posts....


grannyblt said...

Afternoon all. Glad to hear that Wanda is ok. My nephew (the new Dad) had to have an emergency appendectomy this morning. He is doing just fine.finally got nonlinear via my Kindle. Wahoo. Much more convenient than my old slow laptop and the iphone is getting wonky too. Now off to check out nest .

grannyblt said...

I see this kindle has that auto suggest or whatever it is called. May be interesting typos.

magpie said...

love that word, wonky!
glad your nephew is okay,
scary, emergency things like that...

noisy workday at nest sounds quiet now

magpie said...

Thanks for the birthday info...on the "old thread" Jo...

Sweet Pea has done a great job with the "Wanda Reporting" today...
Thank you !!

Lori O. said...

Getting ready to go to bed and catch up on some sleep - hopefully.

I wanted to wish our Kay and Linda another HAPPY BIRTHDAY today. Actually it's your birthday week, or month even! Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday!

Prayers for Wanda and Jim that they get rapid healing and no pain!

Thank you, God, for Lolly's rain, too!

Big hugs for everyone. Hope work settles down soon. I miss you all!

magpie said...

Good Night Lori.
We'll be glad when your work settles down also...We Miss Y♥u

Linda said...

I'm a blogsy twin!!!

I always wanted to have twins, but never knew I WAS one!!!

LOLLY - you are one in a million and I also appreciate your comment about being blessed by Kay and I being here. So Sweet!! {{{{Hugs}}}}

Shirley - Happy to hear you got a fast and GOOD report on your mamogram!!

Hoping Lynn is making out today and look forward to hearing she is back home in her roost!!

LORI - Thanks again and sweet dreams..... ♥

Lolly said...

Amen to that, Lori!!☺

Having a lay day. Did walk, but now going through old magazines. Keeping one eye on the nest and on NBG.

hedgie said...

So good to hear that Wanda is doing well!

Judie...what is with the ? It is showing!! We are here!!!

Lousy afternoon. Garage door broke....had to do it manually....smashed three fingers badly---not broken, but bruised like H-e-double toothpicks.
Got sick as soon as I got to Rad.
Onc gave me a thrid anti-emetic and told me to stop taking the chemo pills for now. So, I'm home and heading for the sofa until Charlie and Carolyn get here.

Lolly said...

Lay day???? Meant lazy day!!!☺

Linda said...

SHARON - Thank you! That was some serious singing.........and beautiful at that. Twice in a row!!!

Thanks again to all for such heartfelt wishes!!

Still catching up on the other thread....but I am getting close!

Lolly said...

Oh, Lynn!! So sorry for the crushed fingers. Ouch!!!!! Guess you were leaving and therefore did not put ice on them.

So, they think it is the pills not he rad that is making you ill? Hang in there!!! (((Hugs)))

Lolly said...

Judie is lurking. She posted the "?" in order to see the newer posts.

magpie said...

Lynn...glad you are home, but so sorry about the finger boo-boos...
So garage door is wonky ???
Hope Charlie can help with that also...
Get some good rest...
(( Hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

day care kids making happy sounds,

heard a titmouse a few minutes ago

Linda said...

Oh Lynn, I am so sorry you're having another lousy day with the crushed fingers and getting sick.

Will be saying some extra special healing prayers for you. I feel so badly that you have been through so much with this. Hang in there and know you are loved!! ♥♥♥


Linda said...

Not good to get a migraine on your Birthday, but I think I feel one coming on. Going to head to the couch, myself and see if I can ward this one off......


wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Steve for the new threead.

Thanks for the call over.

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry you had a lousy day. Glad they gave you something at rad. for the nausea.

I would be on the couch too if I were you.

We love you ((((((HUGS))))))))♥

Lolly said...

Having a really weird computer problem. I have up the blog and two eagle cams,. Shut down bear cam. However, I still have bear cam sound.??????? I have checked and yes only have three programs running...still little bear sounds. Think I am going to reboot.

Judie said...

Quick visit.

Lynne1, glad your nephew is doing well after surgery.

Lynn, sorry about the sickness and the smashed fingers. Sofa and lots of Liesl time are required tonics.

Thanks, Lolly...look ma, no ? until the next split.

Linda, sorry about the headache. Hope is goes elsewhere quickly.

Lolly said...

Really really weird, but Jack says that has happened to him before on the computer. I shut down our nest, NBG, and the blog and the bear cam sound went away. Weird!!!

Yes, Judie, no more ? until we are over 200. Glad we are all smart enough to figure out how to maneuver around computer problems.

Lolly said...

It is that time of day.

Here eagles, eagles, eagles!

Mema Jo said...

Headed out to the Pizza Hut

I was just going to be a ? but
decided to say that I'll

wvgal_dana said...

Lynne1 is missed where it is your Sister In Laws Birthday - Happy Birthday to her.

I pray your nephew is doing well after his surgery.

Hope Carolyn is coming with Charlie so she can look at your fingers Lynn.

Lolly said...

They had the cam on the NBG female eagle. OMG, she looks so much like our "stranger" eagle from yesterday. She has the same black feathers in the tail.

Janet said...

okay, at the laptop. NOW i can type.
sorry i haven't been around, monday was almost a wasted day: i didn't get to bed til 2 a.m. due to the storms and so the entire early crew was bleary eyed. :( thankfully it was a quiet day. i clocked out early and had a massage myself.

tuesday, work, then i went out to the massage school to do a trade out with a student. that's always great. the students do such a good job and then we return the favor showing them different techniques adn such. great learning experience! and we apprecaite the massage work as well.

today, work work work. our weather is still warm! and i went outside and my daffodils and tulips are already popping up.

my cats are acting like lunatics today....i think they have lost their minds. they are into everything!!!!!

sorry to hear about the crushed fingers!!!!! OWWWWWW!!!!!! sending healing light and love...

well gonna clip coupons and such....and some piddly stuff, laundry, etc. fun fun stuff, not.

will touch base later!

wvgal_dana said...

Have a good time Mema Jo tell Alexis Happy Birthday.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

That is here eagle, eagle. We just want 2, not 3.

stronghunter said...

Hi, just checking in for a moment. Have been napping, shopping and figuring out how to do a timeline for Hunter's math so I can explain it to him.

Lolly said...


Lolly said...

I think it is Shep. He did a very graceful landing.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Shep is in the nest.

wvgal_dana said...

Yes it is Shep.

Lolly said...

Whoops, sorry, Sharon. I stand corrected and rightly so! Definitely do NOT want three eagles at the nest. I promise to be more careful next time.

wvgal_dana said...

Shep is at 12 o'clock spot just looking all around

Lolly said...

Is it Belle he is watching?

Lolly said...


wvgal_dana said...

Lolly could not see any other eagle. So I don't know who or what Shep wss watching.

wvgal_dana said...

I am wondering when Belle lays eggs. If Shep is going to be "a stay at home guy". Leeting Belle do the fishing and hunting to bring food to the nest. I sure hope not. I'm hoping he will supply her with food and the chicks too.

wvgal_dana said...

Don't know if it has already been reported that there are 2 chicks. Yes another hatched today. ASequoyah Oklahoma.

Hoda said...

I just got back and the roads continue to be a mess as it snowed heavily over night.
Thankfully my car handled well ont he road and I made it there and back.A good Karma day...

My ice grippers broke!!! I discovered it when I got to yoga so when I left I went to the store to get another pair and they had my size and I felt very grateful. A crisis averted.

LYNN when I was in yoga I remembered your question...did I see the Northern Lights...So funny I was doing the Warrior pose which requres a lot of energy and focus and I always feel very determined in it and there from nowhere LYNN"S was as if you were right there just asking it...LOL
Well no I went out last night to check on the northern lights twice and the snow was so heavy and our skies were shut I did not see them.
I hope you are feeling better today. I will go get a cup of tea and catch up with the blog...BBL

stronghunter said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Belle and Shep.

Lolly said...

Two eagles!!

stronghunter said...


Hoda said...


Lolly said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

HP with Belle slammed into the nest! I think he has the hang of it now.

Hoda said...


Hoda said...


Hoda said...


Hoda said...


Lolly said...

Wonder what they are watching. Shep poofed!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Color just left.

Hoda said...


Hoda said...


Lolly said...

Belle poofed!

Hoda said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Belle just took off over the launch pad.

magpie said...

Love hearing that expression, Sharon
the Launch Pad.... ☺

Lolly said...

Looking at the NBG cam. It looks like an arificial tree with a painted back drop. LOL

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Geese flying over.

JudyEddy said...

odd says oly 14 comments but when I get on there is 79 the blog has lost it mind LOL Home from work now to go reading I thought wow only 14 to read and the 24 in my eamial wrong big time but only 100 to read not bad

JudyEddy said...

It was shep that was in the nest after the main visit I did put a picture in the album didn't take any this morning ☼rise visit I did do a video of it ok to the news and then reading maybe both if I can concentrate on both LOL Later gator

Judie said...

An example of my perverse sense of humor: a comment on the NBG forum asked if the nest is still near the airport...well, no because they either moved the airport or the NBG. Duh.

wvgal_dana said...

I sure wished our night light worked right. So that when it is night time the light would be on. It is going to be hard to tell if she lays an egg at night. Or if there is a hatching at night. Darn!!!

Sandi said...

Evening all! Look at me, I'm typing! On my wireless keyboard! The one that refused to work last night! The one that refused to work this morning! But when it saw me come home with an old fashioned wired keyboard and plunk it down on the desk as if to start using it, it knew I meant business!! Pressed the connect button on the receiver and on the bottom of the keyboard one more time before I chucked it in the trash and VOILA!! I'm up and runnin! Of course I missed this evening's visit, but it's worth it to be able to chat with my peeps again! OK, off to feed the dogs - later!

wvgal_dana said...

Oh forgot to tell you all. I just love my daughter working in a lab at the Hospital in Colorado. She found out why my hair turned white so early. I have too much Hydrogen Peroxide in my body.

So today I looked it up on google. Yep she is right. So funny I called Mother and said, "Mother guess why my hair turned white early?" She said, "Because you have too much Hydrogen Peroxide in your body." I said have you talked to Raschida? She said, "No". I said, "Then how did you know that?" She said, "I was watching Millionaire and it was a question on there yesterday." I did have to start laughing out loud. Can't wait to tell Raschida about it tonight about Granny Cook Cook knowing the answer. lol

wvgal_dana said...

Ha Ha Sandi you really scared that keyboard into working LOL LOL

JudyEddy said...

Maine cam is up and running was on facebook but was dark when I just looked in case you don't have the link

Maine eagle cam Ustream

magpie said...

my DVD controller starting working just fine today...
Yesterday it was a struggle while I was watching The Helo

Still enjoyed it tremendously though....laughed, sighed, and cried

Glad you got things squared away Sandi...

Funny about the Hydrogen peroxide story, Dana WV...
you white hair is Pretty !!

magpie said...

Judy -
I was JUST thinking about Maine nests today...Thank you...

magpie said...

oh that would be THE HELP not The Helo...LOL

So tough, the tornado damages in the South...

I'm trying be real stingy with posting ... but not stingy with reading posts

Still Wishing Everyone a Good Evening and
(( Hugs ♥ )) to all...

xo ♥

wvgal_dana said...

Margy so HAPPY you got to see "The Help" was a laugh and cry movies wasn't it...but so GOOD!!!!

Red said...

This is soooooooo funny. Didn't know which dog to watch....

Two Dogs in a Restaurant

JudyEddy said...

RED that is tooooooo cute LOVE IT ♀♥

wvgal_dana said...

Red that is a good one..I had seen it before so funny!!! (:

Hoda said...

it is not only funny it is very well done and technically a fun production...I wonder who thinks these things up?? Thanks RED.

JudyEddy said...

Lake Washington cam looks like it is grownin greenery in it I like the view on it If you go on youtube and type in dogs eating at a diner there are lots more video like that sooooo cute

magpie said...

TWO eagles in the nest at Lake Washington Now !

magpie said...

Lake Washington Eagle Cam

magpie said...

Thanks for the reminder on that one Judy, I checked it the other night and the live feed has been down for a few days, but it's all back up now

magpie said...

give that live feed a few seconds to come up, it will

wonder if it is the same pair from prior years...

magpie said...

one left, one remains doing nestorations .. for now

magpie said...

hop from branch to branch....and perched

JudyEddy said...

pretty eagles and a beautiful view too boot

JudyEddy said...

I have been checking all the different links that I have in my favorite bar

JudyEddy said...

are these tagged I see no wing tags can't see the feeties

JudyEddy said...

OK I am getting off this puter my necks says to step away for awhile I will be in LM

magpie said...

not tagged, JudyE

rest well

JudyEddy said...

there was a eagle just now in the washington nest but he poofed the eyes glowed was to cool

JudyEddy said...

I left the cam up and was shocked to see in the nest looks like they sort of have an nite lite Ok back to AI then I will give the new show a try after I love Keith O

NCSuzan said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GREETINGS to Kay and Linda. YHou are such great people and I hope this day is extra special.

Wanda! Am so happy that your surgery is over and that you are doing well.

Lolly said...

Dinner is over, second night of chili and cornbread. Now watching AI and about to start on another tray of slides. I am determined!


Lynn, I do hope this afternoon has not been too bad.

Anxious to get another report on Wanda!

Hoda said...

How are your fingers LYNN? Have you eaten? Did the wood get closer to the place where you can access it easier?

Like MARGY would say CLAP CLAP CLAP!!! BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO!!!They cleared the parking lot was a real mess really...I am glad they did it before it got completely dark...the road crews have been working very hard.

hedgie said...

Lolly, I had that ptoblem with cam noise last year after I had shut one down---but don't remember which oneit was.

Charlie did the "reset" on the garage door---no help. Bill will come check it tomorrow. He and Frank installed it, so.....and of course it's out of warranty!

Lynne1--hope your nephew recovers quickly!

Sounds to me like maybe powercord, wireless keyboard, and remote control issues were all affected by the geos!!!!

LOL, Dana...they always told my MIL that her hair turned white because they spilled chloroform on it when she had a baby.

Hoda said...

Face book is least here anyone else from the blog who is also on FB are you having problems also?

hedgie said...

Feeling a wee bit better....but not going to try to eat. Heading for the tub.

BTW--my BFF in California also has a birthday today!!

hedgie said...

Don't forget that the new series Touch (Kiefer Sutherland) starts tonight. I am taping everything...can't concentrate whem drowsing off!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good evening folks.

Here is my evening Nila report:
When I got to her sister's, she was walking with a walker from the chair to her bed, about 8 steps or so. She looked good but she does not feel good. She said she doesn't know if she has pain or not. I think the company she has in a day is wearing her out. Thanks for the prayers!

magpie said...

oh there is an all-night light at Lake Washington JudyE

Hi There Lynn! Good to see you, gal...
are the "kids" gone?

magpie said...

Happy Birthday to your BFF, Lynn..

and Sharon...Thanks for keeping us up to date, am so glad you posted Nila's picture for us, tell her we are loving her bunches !

xoxo (( Hugs ♥ ))

Glad you made it home safely, Hoda....

magpie said...

I'm supposed to watch "The Revenge" tonight, guess it's at 10 pm...
my sister in law recommended it to me...wonder why ??? LOL

Fred, my brother, continues to improve every day, will be going to Rehab Center for about a week, in a day or so...Thank you ALL so much, and when he is "more well", I'll be able to tell him more about the Prayer Warriors here xox ♥

Hoda said...

PAULA, SHERRI from WOW wanted to know if the OC site was working on their transmission problems so they would not continue through the season. I said I did not know but that I would ask you as you know a lot about a we have a way to contact them besides posting on their site?

magpie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...

oh, sorry, I see you directed your question to paula....Hoda...I'm going to delete my last comment

DanaMo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Judie said...

The night light is on for all who may need to arise in the darkness. The sandperson has departed this roost and is making rounds to sprinkle dreamland dust into the eyes of the momsters and dadsters. Restful sleep for all.

DanaMo said...

New Criminal Minds! Yipee! See everyone in the morning!

mariadangeloart said...

Hi everyone! Missed you guys. It's almost that time of year again! I'm getting excited. Nice to see the eagles in the nest. I like the new name. Shep is good. :)

DanaMo said...

Someone in the OC asked if Ben is the new name. I thought about posting that it is not, but decided to stay out of there!

Okay for real, I'm outta here! See you at 5! ☺ ♥ ☼

DanaMo said...

Yes, Maria, Shep is what the male is called here on the blog. There was a vote several months ago and that is the name that won. Shep as in Shepherdstown.

mariadangeloart said...

Love it! Su much better than Truder. :)

Hoda said...

LYNN Google just sent a letter informing its email users of the changes as of March 1st. The conversation this morning is so very current...Thanks to you and to JUDIE for bringing forth your opinions...

hedgie said...

Rain has started here.

hedgie said...

Margy---Revenge is excellent...but you have missed SO much!!!!!

Hoda said...

MARGY I would have liked to see your answer to the question that I directed to PAULA...

hedgie said...

Oh, yes, kids were gone by 7:30. Wood is moved. Just in the nick of time!

Hi, Maria! Good to see you back.

Margy, great news about Fred.

Sharon, maybe Nila's family should limit visitors to a few a day for short periods.

Hoda, glad they got your lot cleared. Be careful out there. Sorry you didn't get to see the light show last night.

Heading for the sofa with Liesl. Hope I stay awake for Revenge...of course, it will be recording.

Check back later.

Kay said...

One more look to see what's up with my dear Eagle Buds.

LYNN, I hate to hear about your bad day and will be praying that things are a lot better tomorrow.

LINDA, I hope you nipped that migrain in the bud and that you had a joyous birthday just like your Blogsey Twin ! I did not meet another soul with a Jan. 25 birthday until I was about 35 years of age. Now I've heard of, or met, about 6.

Happy to read that all is going well for WANDA and that MARGY's bro Fred is improving.

Glad to hear the NBG cam is now--there goes another chunk of each day....LOL

Heading for bed, but with a happy heart thanks to you dear friends, some dear old friends and a generous and loving family. My face aches from smiling all day !

Prayers for Lynn, Wanda, Jim, Tori, Nila, Fred and all in need.

magpie said...

I was just going to say that Paula could help you answer your question and then I realized you directed your question to her...
she has communicated with them at different times when there were cam problems

thanks Lynn, I didn't realize it was like, a continuing program


Hoda said...

Thanks MARGY.

Snow over night and rain tomorrow!!!AND it will be 41 degrees!!!

magpie said...

You're welcome Hoda...

Good Night, Smiling Kay.....

Thinking about Linda and I agree, sure hope that migraine just disappeared...

Also thinking bout Wanda...guess she might be just about tucked in for the night, hope it's a quiet spot on the 4th floor

guess I should watch for rain, coming Eastbound from Lynn's toward my roost most likely

PA Nana said...

Going to say goodnight to everyone and a last happy birthday to Kay & Linda.

This is also my grandson, Jared's birthday. Tried to reach him but he's either in the library at Randolph-Macon or celebrating. Hope he not inbibing too much.

Pleasant dreams everyone & God bless.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh my, I almost forgot to wish these blog twins a Happy Birthday!

.•*"˜˜"*°•. ˜"*°•♥•°*"˜ .•°*"˜˜"*°•.
**♥**♫ ♫ Happy Birthday ♫ ♫**♥**
.•°*"˜.•°*"˜ ♫ KAY ♫ ˜"*°•.˜"*°•.

.•*"˜˜"*°•. ˜"*°•♥•°*"˜ .•°*"˜˜"*°•.
**♥**♫ ♫ Happy Birthday ♫ ♫**♥**
.•°*"˜.•°*"˜ ♫ LINDA ♫ ˜"*°•.˜"*°•.

paula eagleholic said...


Margy, is your "new to you" computer up and running yet...I've been meaning to ask you.

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, is Sherri refering to the refreshing the page issue...or the actual feed from the cam? The feed issue from the cam is resolved as far as I know.

Red said...

Goodnight ladies. Sweet dreams.

paula eagleholic said...

Already a couple of sprinkles here.

Going to hit the hay early, have felt like doo-doo all day!

Sleep well, my friends.

(((Hugs for all)))♥

hedgie said...

Revenge is a repeat.......guess the season is over.
As is the case with many of the shows after this week, apparently.

stronghunter said...

Tired--had a busy day.

I am going to head upstairs now. I will see you tomorrow.

God bless you all. Sleep well.

NatureNut said...

Oh Boy! A new thread w/less than 200! LOL
Sorry to be getting on so late. Hope all those w/med procedures today are feeling OK.
I have to read back, but wanted to mention that I finally got a few pics edited to put in the Nook.
A couple from Park yesterday & Our BIG Pileated.Good accidents will sometimes happen--had been outside & heard the distinctive woodpecker "chip, chip, etc"! Thought it was one of our loud red-bellies. Peeked around corner of house & saw Black wings headed this way. Flew into house, grabbed camera & went to windows! One cat did not want to share a windowsill! She was watching too!

Lolly said...

Another tray of slides digitalized! LOL A tray a night is my limit. Have 11 more to go and then there are some trays that are jus pictures of trips. Groan!

Margy it is good to hear that Fred is doing so well.

Paula, so sorry you feel like doo doo. Not good!

Lolly said...

Another tray of slides digitalized! LOL A tray a night is my limit. Have 11 more to go and then there are some trays that are jus pictures of trips. Groan!

Margy it is good to hear that Fred is doing so well.

Paula, so sorry you feel like doo doo. Not good!

NatureNut said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Linda said...

Coming back with a grateful heart to my dear friends for making my day so special today!!

Didn't do too well with this migraine and not sure what the night will be like, but I have medication and am taking it.......

Lynn - Hope you're feeling better by the morning!

Lolly - Good on You for those slides!

Prayers for Wanda, Lynn, Tori, Robyn, Red, Nila, Fred, Lynne1's nephew and so many more!

May you have peaceful and restful and all!

Prayers for all in this roost and beyond......

Love each one of you.... ♥

Night ♥

JudyEddy said...

Popping in before heading to bed

Looks like the eagle is on the branch at the Washington cam I see a white tail on the edge of the branch near the big truck It will move every know and then

TOUCH is going to be a gooooooood one to watch I was on the edge of my seat I love it I have always loved Keith he is such a good actor

and the bay area has another person that made it though to Hollywood He is from Springhill north of here Curtis Gray

Shannon McGrain(spelling) is the 15 yearold from last week

magpie said...

oh boy, am I seeing double ??

ou boy, am I seeing double ??

magpie said...

Good Night Kay, sure hope that migraine disappears under the cover of darkness and stays gone !

must go see Pileated, back soon

Lolly, sounds like a good plan, sure you have many many wonderful pictures !!

Lolly said...

LOL Yes, Margy I think you are seeing double.

LOL Yes, Margy I think you are seeing double.

hedgie said...

Kay, glad your day was spectacular!! A final HBD to you and Linda, and Jared and my friend Jan!! lInda, hope the migraine didn't blossom.

Good night to all already gone....

NatureNut said...

I'm seeing double too!!! I never clicked again! Was back reading!So, deleted the second--I'm longwinded enough!(Have trouble editing ☺)
Getting time to shut down.
Blessings to all our "patients" and prayers for Lynn, Nila, Tori, Fred,Jim, and any others in need.

Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Hoda said...

My it is only 8:10 PM here and I can not stay up any longer. I have to go to I coming down with something? I hope not...

PAULA sorry you are not feeling well either.

Goodnight all.

Sweet Dreams.

God Bless.

PRAYERS to all.

hedgie said...

And to those yet to call it a day.....I am going now.....fingers are sore, and discoloring. Tummy seems calm, but very sore....I didn't may be up hungry later!!

Love to all. Thanks for encourgement, support and love.

Prayers for all in need.....we all know the special ones right now. Hope that Wanda is sleeping like a baby with the anesthetic still in her system.

magpie said...

Great pictures, Loretta.
Lolly's post posted twice also...
well, good things come in doubles sometimes... ☺

Happy Birthday to your grandson Jared, Diann ! Definitely a Big Birthday Month....let's see, what was everyone doing back in April of those years ??? ☺
Celebrating Spring Fever ???

Prayers that all ailments, aches, pains and maladies will be improved by morning

Good Night, Precious Pals...
Hope Sleep is Sweet

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

looks like we might be playing the "Post and Go" game again after #200 here

maybe not....

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn I pray God helps you with this nausea. Hopefully you will wake and be able to eat someting. I feel so badly for you.♥

Hopefully Wanda is getting some sleep. Tomorrow maybe they will start some easy PT.

Prayers for Wanda, Lynn, Tori, Nila, Jim, and all other that need medical prayer and God help those that need other types of prayer.

Night all.

Lolly said...

Well, will not find out about the 200 problem until morn as I am not posting and waiting around for that number.

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

Mema Jo said...

February Birth dates

1st Gloria Keeslar
6th Sandra Osbourn
13th Mattie Jane Kessler

Advise me by email if your not on the
list for Feb Don't want to miss anyone

Also Feb anniversaries !

Mema Jo said...

I am a night owl tonight! It's been such a busy day from lunch time until
pizza-dinner/party time - and then some TV. I am beat.
Had a beautiful get together for Alexis on her 7th birthday.

I am glad to read of the eagles early
evening visit.

Saying Good night & God Bless
Caring thoughts and prayers for all our special loved ones.
Hugs for all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lori O. said...

Good Morning! Hoping that PAULA, LINDA, LYNN and HODA are all feeling better today!

Good on you, Hoda, if you fought it off!

Well, how did the birthday celebrations go last night, KAY and Linda?

I got lots of sleep and I'm feeling refreshed - ready to take on another day at the office! Sure hope it calms down soon.

LOLLY, hooray for your hard work on your slide project! Awesome!

Lori O. said...

I'm so happy we did NOT have another eagle #3 visit yesterday!!

The good news is there's no snow coming today...the bad news is we have rain at the nest!


Rain, mainly after 1pm. High near 48. New rainfall between a tenth and quarter of an inch possible.

Tonight: Lots of rain. Low around 40. New rainfall amounts between a quarter and 1/2" possible.

SUNRISE - 7:24 am

SUNSET - 5:24 pm

Have a great day all! I'll be lurking as much as I can. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lori O. said...

The new avatar is Hidey from '09 looking into the cam. Love that eaglet!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Guess I'm too wound up--can't get to sleep! Emma was sleeping in my lap, and didn't want to disturb her. When she woke up I put her to bed in her crate.

Lynne1, your nephew is definitely on my prayer list. Bet he won't miss his appendix at all!

SO HABBY that Wanda has a brand new knee, and is doing well! Praise God!

Lynn, so very sorry your fingers got smashed! PRAYERS!!! Sorry, too, about the oogy-pie tummy! Glad that you got more anti-emetic from Onc. Golly, hope this doesn't mess up the chemo schedule too much! Prayers, and (((HUGE HUGS)))!
Love you! Hope Bill can fix the garage door. Hang in there!
Linda, healing prayers for the headache. Hope it's better tomorrow.
Hoda, glad you're staying safe on the messy roads. Thank God!
VERY happy you were able to replace the broken ice grippers, too!
Oh--Happy Birthday to Lynn's BFF in Calif.!
Sharon, prayers continue for Nila!
Margy, that's great that Fred is getting so much better! Wow, Rehab Center soon! Prayers continue for him, too.
Hi, Maria! So good to see you again! Hopefully we'll have some eggs soon!
Diann, please wish Jared a Belated Happy Birthday for me!
Paula, prayers that you'll feel better tomorrow!
Prayers continue for Jim--his eye surgery was today, wasn't it?
Oh, Jo! Belated Happy Birthday to Alexis!

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, I got all the reports finished for the Dr., and mailed the originals back today. E-mailed all of them to him, too. Hopefully I'll have a few days to catch up on housework, spend some more time with Emma, and of course, watch our eagles and chat!

My eyes are rebelling now, so think I'll call it a day. Have said prayers for everyone. (Haven't seen anything about Tori when I've read back a bit. Prayers continue!)

The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Sleep tight, everyone. God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you! :o]

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Early Birds, DanaMo, JudyE, Sandi, Margy, Kay & Shirley!

I posted your weather forecast earlier...looks like rain.

DanaMo said...

Good morning. Slept a little this morning. Need to get my first cup of coffee in.

DanaMo said...

Yes, Lori yesterday was a long day in so many ways. I feel a little bit better about things today, but still a little out of sorts. Had a minor "disagreement" with someone and basically stood up for what I believe. The right thing in my mind, but may have damaged a relationship.

DanaMo said...

Can I invite someone to the blog who watches on the OC? She is someone that I know locally and used to be a teacher at my kids HS. I just met her at McDonalds the other night and I know she is still watching the nest.

Sandi said...

Morning Lori & DMo! Glad to be back for my morning check-in!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Lori and DanaMo (:

Yes please invite her DanaMo. Try through her email address. Do you have one on her?

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Sandi (:

DanaMo said...

I sent her an email. She is also a Linda.

DanaMo said...

Headache is back, but I suspect it is from stress!

Sandi said...

LYNN, Hope your fingers - and all the rest of you - feel better today!!
PAULA, LINDA, HODA - same with you, hope you feel better.
DMO, It's important to stand up for what you believe, even if it ruffles feathers!
SHARON, prayers for Nila. Happy to hear that she's with family with hospice coming in. Again, you are a blessing to her and her family!
WANDA, today you are one day closer to dancing!! Hope there's not too much pain involved in getting there!
Continued prayers for Tori and Fred.
Good morning WVDANA!
Off to get dressed and out the door. Finally finished state testing so I can get back into classrooms where the action is! Later!

Lori O. said...

Big Hug DanaMo...Sorry you had a bad day. Glad you stood up for what you believe. Conflict is not fun.

wvgal_dana said...

Great DanaMO I hope she answers it and comes aboard. We will welcome her.(:

DanaMO sorry you have a headache will a ((((hug help)))).

Sandi so happy the testing is all through and back to the class!!!

Lori O. said...

What time are we expecting our first update on Wanda this morning, anyone know?

wvgal_dana said...

Guessing around visiting hours. Don't know think Karla is back to work yet.

Lori where is our weather girl? lol

wvgal_dana said...

Well no eagle stayed in the nest overnight b/c there is none there now.

wvgal_dana said...

WOW weather lady was early 1:53AM that weatherwoman is on the ball I tell you (:

JudyEddy said...

from my ⌂ to your ⌂

JudyEddy said...

STORMS in TX LOLLY I hope you are ok Just was on the news

JudyEddy said...

wow tornado warning for the panhandle in fl and La

JudyEddy said...

LYNN PAULA and LINDA Ihope you all feel better today and anyone else I do believe HODA said she was feeling sort of ill also

wvgal_dana said...

JudyE be ready to go to the basement. Can you go there without going outside?

Good Morning hope the tornado go away !!!

JudyEddy said...

WANDA I hope you are mending in the hospital and able to jump and run soon and Jim I hope you eye sight is better I hope everyone on the blog is 100% soon

DanaMo said...

Thanks you guys! That makes me feel a little better.

wvgal_dana said...

I am so worried about Lynn's fingers this morning. She said they were really bruised. Hope they did not stiffen up while she slept. Hope she was able to sleep.
Our poor Sweet Lynn and dogie Liesl(((hugs)))♥♥

JudyEddy said...

I got up a little earlier today since the eagles were in the nest when I got up yesterday BOY am I dumb or what I could be sleeping in LOL

JudyEddy said...

We will welcome anyone on the blog with open arms just like you all did me DANAMO

DanaMo said...

Today I get to go to the skin doctor. I got a letter from her in the fall because I was a bad girl and canceled my appointment. I have a dark complexion and don't worry much about sun exposure. Unfortunately, my lips are apparently not immune from sun damage. My upper lip is apparently "pre-cancerous" and I have to go this morning to have it checked to make sure it hasn't gotten any worse. Blah...then tomorrow I get to go see how my blood work turned out...again...blah. Man the 40's have not treated me all that well!

JudyEddy said...

DANAMO so sorry you have a headache

DanaMo said...

Oh I hope Lynn is okay. And I look forward to hearing from Wanda with her bionic knee! ☺

JudyEddy said...

Todays is suppose to be in 80 I turned of the Air Cond

JudyEddy said...

Looks like the 200 issue is still with us I see I wonder what it is


«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 325   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...