Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Fresh thread.


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stronghunter said...

Words with Friends is very similar to Scrabble.

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon I have updated my prayer list for your friend Nila.

Hoda said...

Good morning /good afternoon all.

Happy BIrthday to MONTE and also to KEN.

Lots of snow here. I sure am goad I did not drive in it last night

Thank you for the eagle reports this morning. Several trips again I see.


Hoda said...

I am very pleased to hear the LIESL slept well and did not get disoriented with her new bed...I worried she would have an accident or get up and chew something!!!

Is PAULA going to PARADISE tomorrow?

Hoda said...

OK headed off to yoga...Enjoy the day everyone...

JudyEddy said...

Jordyn is down for a nap and JIM WER HAS HP HP again I posted the link to video a little bit ago at 740 in case you want to see short video WE ARE voyeurs

JudyEddy said...

SHARON so sorry about NILLA tell her I wish her all the best and she is in my prayers she is so sweet I am on FB with her also

JudyEddy said...

LYNN so glad LIESL is getting use to her new home It is a hard adjustment on dogs when something is changed My son called yesterday they had to put their dog down so sad he was so attached to Tommy big time Another dog goes over the Rainbow Bridge to play with all the other animals

JudyEddy said...

I sure wish LORI would call me I guess Leanne isn't working today I just don't like waiting The other lawyer emailed the other lawyers the info I gave him and also my number so I am waiting for two phone calls I dislike waiting so much I think I will go lay down with Jordyn after all or go do laundry OH guess what my necks SSHHHH is not hurting at all now I love days like this wake up no pain just want to keep it that way BBL

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

JudyE - Nila and Nilla are 2 different people. Nilla is Janet Kolb and Nila is Nila.

JudyEddy said...

SHARON thanks for clearing that up I still will pray for you NIla

JudyEddy said...

There is a cam on NX now didn't know if you knew or not

NX at old home

Lolly said...

Home from seeing the doctor. All is great! Good to go for another few months. LOL Actually my blood pressure was excellent! Wahooo!

Had to turn the sound down. Jewels cam is humming so LOUD! Hope they get the problem fixed as the picture is jumpy, too.

Have changed back into jeans so now to accomplish a few things around here. Jack has gone to lunch, his neck is a wee bit better, but do not know if he wants to tackle the yard today or not. It is 66 and bright sun shine! Time to open the windows to warm up the house.☺

JudyEddy said...

I just realized I have 72 hours vacation I have to use before May 18 plus 8 hours personal time so I can take two week off before them Yeah I wish I could put it in for next week but have to put in three weeks in advance so I guess when I go to work Sat I will just pick two weeks in the next couple of months I really don't think I will be up in April at all

JudyEddy said...

Good news LOLLY about the dr appt and so glad his neck is some better I know how he feels have fun in the yard

Sandi said...

Catching up on the blog at school - shame on me, but this test proctoring is SO boring.
SHIRLEY, though you're not old enough to be my mother, I may just have to start calling you Mom. Before my Mom started having trouble with her back and legs, she was on a team in a bowling league for many years (and she was very good at it). She still loves to play bridge (and IS very good at it) and no one in the family can beat her at Scrabble! Looking at your profile, you both love the same authors; you two would be great friends!
Judy, I am not a patient person so I know exactly how this whole work thing is making you feel! Hope you get some answers soon.
Red, did I read correctly that you go out for sausage biscuits and gravy 3-4 mornings per week? I would think your arteries would be completely blocked and you would weigh about 300 pounds! =D
OK, better get back to work. TTFN!

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds !

Prayers continue for LYNN, Nila, Tori, Fred, Stephen...all in need for whatever issues, ailing pets, job uncertainties....

"Where there is great love, there are always miracles."~Willa Cather

Happy Birthday to DANAMO's Monte and belated but sincere wishes for ANDY's Kubby.

SHIRLEY, good news for Susan. Hope this is a great job for her !

LOL, "layer" for lawyer, but may he RIP. How about attorney as a alternate title ?

Prayer time now for many. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lolly said...

Shirley, had to laugh...Jack's sister is Jane! Did not know they owned a store. Better check into this!

Mema Jo said...

Amen to all of our prayers

stronghunter said...

Looks like a nice store, Lolly.

Kay said...

My, oh, my. Sounds like a distress call from the attic at Sycamore Palace. Lots of back up beeping from some kind of equipment on the grounds, too.

hedgie said...

Okay, I am home......having all kinds of trouble with my email. Will give it one more shot and then may have to reboot!

I finally got VERY driver (the guy I had worked at the plant with) took me thru' the drive-thru at BK and I got a bacon cheesburger and the new fries---really hit the spot!!!

Kay said...

LYNN, so glad you had such a nice driver today ! Haven't had a BK burger for years, sounds good.

stronghunter said...

Welcome home, Lynn.

stronghunter said...

Not sure what is happening a the nest. Lots of noise, but doesn't look like the wind is blowing that hard.

I do hear some kind of beeping. Maybe I am hearing a machine running.

stronghunter said...

Would be nice to be able to see what is happening near the nest tree.

Has to be a machine of some kind.

JudyEddy said...

I thought I just saw the cam shake and I heard a squeal of some sort did anyone hear it

stronghunter said...

Heard calls from the Sycamore Palace attic, too.

JudyEddy said...

The wind seems to be howling somewhat also on the cam on and off
SHIRLEY you heard it too good thought I was loosing it LOL

Kay said...

JUDYE, thanks for pointing the way to NX's current roost. She seems to love it there, but I hope she graduates for good with the next release !

Thanks to all for the good Nestcapades reporting earlier !

According to the report on Jewel today, she went outside the den to take care of urgent business. Perhaps that will pave the way for the delivery she seems to work on sporadically.

JudyEddy said...

chirping for sure

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I hear an eagle!

JudyEddy said...

yep we have someone upstairs

Kay said...

There is definitely some big time eagle talk going on right now. Come on down to the nest you two and do your communicating from there !

JudyEddy said...

chirp chirp

stronghunter said...

Now voices.

Kay said...

Yep, not kids, but adult voices. I guess Belle and Shep are distressed by whatever those crazy humans are doing !

JudyEddy said...

they are teasing us you know

JudyEddy said...




hedgie said...

For all you scrabble Mom is also the queen! Can't be beat!!

LOL, Red is a skinny dude!! All a matter of genes!

Disposed of the old bedding before I let Liesl out of the downstairs crate. Now to fold up the playpen and pack it away.

Sharon, morphine is so vital for the intractable pain, but does have it's downside. Does she have COPD? Careful titration needed for sure, but if she is terminal, then it is of less concern if it depresses respiration. Keeping her comfortable is primary. Have they called in Hospice?

hedgie said...

Kay---always loved Willa Cather!!! Read ALL her books!

hedgie said...

Shirley, give Susan my congrats! Onward and upward!!! Should be a fun environment!!

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Lynn.

Going over to the





Mema Jo said...


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1/7/25 PM matin🦅🦅fish 🐟

12:02:54 PM Scout. To the original nest with food and his talons.  It's a little fish. 12:03:17 He exits the nest with his fish.And to...